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Remote Procedure Call

RPCs are not procedure calls at all, they are truly process invocations. The invoked program runs across the wire in a different resource domain
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A client process calls a function on a remote server and suspends itself until it gets back the results. Parameters are passed like in any ordinary procedure. The RPC, like an ordinary procedure is synchronous. The process (or threads) that issue the call waits until it gets the results. Under the covers, the RPC run-time software collects values for the parameters, forms a message, and sends it to the remote server. The server receives the request, unpacks the parameters, calls the procedure, and sends the reply back to the client.

The Common issues are: How are the Server functions located and started?
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Server starts the process, when a remote invocation is received with necessary parameters and returns the response to the client. What happens when multiple clients invoke the same function? Now an environment is needed to start and stop servers, prioritize requests, perform security checks, and provide some form of load-balancing. Each incoming requests invokes a thread in the server side. A server loop is created to manage the pool of threads waiting for work rather than create a thread for each incoming request. TP Monitors are really need on the server side, which provides more functions than a NOS.

How are parameters defined and passed between the client and the server?
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The better NOSs provide an Interface Definition Language (IDL) for describing the functions and parameters that a server exports to its clients. An IDL compiler takes these descriptions and produces source code stubs (and header files) for both the client and server. These stubs can then be linked with the client and server code. The client stubs packages the parameters in an RPC packet, converts the data, calls the RPC run-time library and waits for the servers reply. On the server side, the server stubs unpacks the parameters, calls the remote procedure, packages the results, and sends the reply to the client.

How are failures handled?

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Both the sides of the RPC can fail separately, it is important for the software to be able to handle all the possible failure combinations. If the server does not respond, the client side will normally block, timeout, and retry the call. The server side must guarantee only once semantics to make sure that a duplicate request is not re-executed. If the client unexpectedly dies after issuing a request, the server must be able to undo the effects of that transition.

How is security handled by the RPC?

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Modern NOSs, like DCE make it easy to automatically incorporate their security features into the RPC. All you need to specify is the level of security required; then the RPC and security feature will cooperate to make it happen.

How does the client find its server?

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The association of a client with a server is called binding. The binding information may be hardcoded in the client. The client can find its server by consulting a configuration file or an environment parameter. A client can also find its server at run time through the network directory services. The server must, of course, advertise their services in the directory. The process of using the directory to find a server at runtime is called dynamic binding RPC can be used to find a server. The RPC client stub will locate a server from a list of servers that support the interface. This is called automatic binding.

How is data representation across systems handled?

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The problem here is that different CPUs represent data structures differently (Ex: bigendian Vs little endian) To maintain machine independence, the RPC must provide some level of data format translation across systems. Example: Sun RPC requires that clients convert their data to a neutral canonical format using the External Data Representation (XDR) APIs. In contrast, DCEs Network Data Representation (NDR) service is multicanonical, meaning that it supports multiple data format representations. The client chooses one of these formats, tags the data with chosen format, and then leaves it up to the server to transform the data into a format it understands. In other words, the server makes it right. It lets the client to do translation, which makes the life easy for the server. With Sun, all clients look the same to the server: The Client makes it right.

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