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Code Hinting for Flex operations not appearing in QTP 10 ?

25 09 2009

QTP 10 as of now does not display code hinting for flex operations and this can be a real problems for users that work extensively with decriptive programming. We are currently working with QTP to get this sorted out but till then here is a workaround which you can use. 1.Copy the TeaFlex.xml from Flex folder present inside the Flex plugin for QTP folder and the TeaFlex_AIR.xml from the AIR foder also present inside the same Plugin folder. 2.Place these xml files under the C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\dat\Extensibility\TEA folder within the QTP10 installation. 3.Then type regedit in the command prompt and open the registry. 4.Then you need to add string value C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\dat\Extensibility\TEA to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\MicTest\StepInformationManager\TypeInfoFiles node in the registry. 5.Once you do this restart QTP and you will notice that the code hinting appears ..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Flex automation testing with QTP
QTP can be used to test the Flex application. You need to perform following steps to setup recording a flex application with qtp. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Install QTP 9.2 Install Internet Explorer Install flash player debug version for IE Install Flex Builder 3 Install QTP plugin of flex from FLEX_BUILDER3/Installers/QTP_Plugin_Installer 6. Compile your flex application with automation libraries. It can be done in two ways; either use -include-libraries parameter in Flex Builder3 or use mxmlc ant task. This step is must otherwise QTP will not recognize the flex application

7. To record a test in QTP, you must compile the applications SWF file and generate the HTML wrapper files. The main wrapper file defines the application as an object on the page and embeds it so that Flash Player is invoked when the page is requested. You cannot request the applications SWF file directly. You can write the HTML wrapper yourself, or generate it with the compiler. 8. Start QTP 9. QTP wil show the all plugins on startup, select the flex plugin and continue 10. Start recording for your flex application. Posted by Vishnu Agrawal at 7:23 PM

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