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Posterior view of the brain stem 1.Pineal gland 2.Thalamus ( Pulvinar ) 3.Superior colliculus 4.Inferior colliculus 5.

Lemniscal trigone 6.Frenulum veli 7.Superior medullary velum 8.Median sulcus 9.Gracile tubercle 10.Cuneate tubercle 11.Posterior intermediate sulcus 12.Posteromedian sulcus 13.Vagal trigone 14.Hypoglossal trigone 15.Striae medullares

16.Facial colliculus 17.Locus coeruleus 18.Parabrachial recess 19.Crus cerebri 20.Inferior collicular brachium 21.Medial geniculate body 22.Lateral geniculate body 23.Suoerior collicular brachium 24.Habenula 25.Habenular commissure

igure 2: Afferent and efferent connections of the habenula. The medial habenula (MHb), lateral habenulas (LHb), and pineal body (PB) are collectively called the epithalamus. The medial habenula receives inputs mainly from the limbic system and sends outputs to the interpeduncular nucleus (IP). The lateral habenula receives

inputs mainly from the basal ganglia and sends outputs to the brain structures containing dopaminergic neurons and serotonergic neurons. Green and blue lines indicate the axonal connections associated with the medial and lateral habenulae, respectively; black lines are associated with both. The thickness of the line implies the strength of the connection. Many other connections are not shown, including reverse connections (e.g., from DR/VTA to LHb). SNc: substantia nigra pars compacta, VTA: ventral tegmental area, DR: dorsal raphe, MR: medial raphe, S: septum, DBB: nucleus of diagonal band of Broca, LPO: lateral preoptic area, LH: lateral hypothalamus, GPi: globus pallidus internal segment, CPu: caudate and putamen, sm: stria medullaris, fr: fasciculus retroflexus.

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