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Basic Energy Work II: Manipulation

This is a guide intended to outline some of the basic concepts of energy work for those
with an interest in Magick and Psionics, as well as to understand psy-feeding techniques.

We are all capable of perceiving energy in many forms, although some people are able to
more readily understand and thus interact with the more subtle forms of it through what is
termed as an ‘awakening’ process (which essentially means coming to an understanding
of the energetic balances of the universe.

The entire universe is but a single super-massive sphere within which resonate these
energy forms at various frequencies.

We, human bodies, resonate between a certain range (matter) which is able to reflect
light, which obviously allows the eye to see and also, the hand to touch, as with any other
matter which we are able to perceive- this is the physical manifestation of the universal

Other than these visual and physical ranges, there are other energy forms, from infrared,
up through visual to ultraviolet and beyond for other radiations, not forgetting gravity,
heat, cold, etc.

Outside of the standard perceptions of our five basic senses, exists energy signatures
which we emit on our unique frequency- much like a fingerprint and no two patterns can
ever match exactly. This is our aura(s).

Once acceptance and comprehension of these fields are realised, one can begin to act
upon them in many ways, resulting in not only psy-vamp energy exchanges, but also
empathy, telepathy, astral travel and a huge variety of other Psionics and Magicks.

Skepticism is healthy in these matters, but, if one chooses to accept that such energies
exist, doubt should not be allowed to cloud the mind during enactment of these skills, as
it acts a very effective dampener and will lead to frustration and further reinforce the
blockage of flow.

A word on Auras

There have been many threads on this subject and there are a huge number of books and
online resources which will explain this topic in depth, but for the purposes of
understanding the very basic interactions, I will outline some information here again.

Each person generates a bio-electrical field, fueled by the food we eat, the air we breath,
etc and given ‘form’ by our subconscious mind based on the energy output capabilities of
our bodies.
Intertwined and possibly even birthed from this field are a minimum of four distinct and
separate levels or layers (this is matter of discussion across various teachings and could
be seven, thirteen, or a thousand).

The first exists very close to the physical shell, expanding just inches in any direction
around the body and is the lowest frequency of energy that we emit. It is the reflection of
the physical self in the non-physical universe and is more of a conduit through which the
others are linked and interacted with. This form is also the basis for ‘chi’ or ‘pranic’
channels, to which reiki healing is directed, as an example. This can also be captured in
image through ‘Kirlian’ photography and is said to be the body aura.

The next layer out extends perhaps several inches further than the first and is likened to
the emotional aspect of the self, those unconscious feelings that rise up within us-
commonly referred to as the aura of the heart and are how people usually pick up good or
bad ‘vibes’ from another.

The third layer can be ascribed to as the aura of the mind, in which conscious thought
takes form and directs us and can extend several feet from oneself and is often to what
‘presence’ is ascribed.

The fourth layer is generally referred to as the soul or spirit and could actually be many
layers operating within the same narrow range- this is the eternal self, the (virtually)
indestructible form in which we exist consciously between physical lives and expands
anywhere from a few feet to miles in the most powerful forms.

As mentioned, there are various ways to interact with these fields and direct energy along
and through them.


For basic manipulations, there are two main focal points for taking in and out of the self-
the hands and the mouth. The hands are most used for _expression, the mouth for
insinuation, although either is just as capable as the other of both in or out- it seems to be
purely a psychological trait and could go some way to explaining why mages use their
hands a lot and vampires, the mouth, well…obvious really…

Psionics themselves are an almost exclusively internal matter and one could send their
consciousness to the other side of the planet without moving a single muscle in some
methods, as well as there being other points on the body in which to take and receive, but
these are not basic, so I will limit this section to hands and mouth flows.

The Mouth
In order to express energy, one has to have reserves to do so with, especially in the case
of psy-vamps.
There are three primary methods of energy intake for psy-feeding (although there are
more, they are slightly more complex and deserve more in depth attention) these are
loosely described as ambient absorption, direct contact and distance.
Direct contact is as it says; skin to skin touch, taking directly from and individual, but
without breaking the skin. This is most easily expressed as a kiss. To take the energy from
another in this way is relatively simple. It requires a conscious act though and should
always be with the full knowledge and permission of the doner. To start, simply relax,
breath easily yet deeply without straining and often with closed eyes, alight a kiss upon
the other in an energy centre. The most obvious and common is the neck (throat charka),
but also, the chest, belly and sexual organs will allow equally as much energy to be
In the beginning, as the first breath comes in, there should be a feeling of tingling or
slight pressure around the mouth area, which rapidly expands throughput the body and
can cause the sensation of goose bumps. The doner will usually feel similar, but with
more of a pulsing and centralised in the specific area, radiating outwards. The feeder will
most often feel and all over sensation and may well feel the pulse also. The feeder than
needs to assimilate this new energy into their own pattern. This is done subconsciously to
a great degree, but, with practice, more can be gained from what is called ‘cycling’, but
this is for advanced works.
Ambient is more of a breathing in of ‘free floating’ energy generated and effectively
discarded by large groups or crowds in euphoric states and is the easiest for one’s
conscience to accept if to personal doner is available and one is in need.
If one is low on energy, the flow will naturally seep into you and very little concentration
is required for this, although, as with direct feeding, conscious thought can purify and
increase the potency of such feeds.
Distance feeding is more difficult and does require an open and often personal
relationship with the other doner/feeder, but can be performed across hundreds, if not
thousands of miles. This is in some ways related to dream walking, but in a waking state.
It is advisable at a beginner level to have a focal image, a photo for example and a
communication method, such as a phone call, or chat client, but, it is entirely possible to
use astral travel or translocation or even true dream walking for this. This method is
similar in process to the direct contact, but requires that the feeder and doner ‘envisage’
their astral selves coming together. The first contact is usually an extending of an energy
tendril from one to the other to initially join and then focusing on visualising the face or
body of each other. Spoken or written descriptions can help build this, but some prefer to
close the eyes throughout after the initial contact is made. Similar feelings will be felt as
with the direct method, but often, there will be a heightened sense of emotion, as the feed
can go deeper due to the deeply personal nature of the contact.
Please note that I am not attempting to differentiate ‘surface’, ‘ambient’ and ‘deep’ in
terms of actual feeding level and the amount of energy exchanged, but common methods
of taking these feeds.

The Hands
We humans use our hands at the primary tool for ‘doing’. Thus, it is a sensible lead on to
‘do’ energy works with them too (although one should not limit expressions to hands, but
it is much easier for the brain to ‘envisage’ it from here).

It is possible to charge the hands with energy. There are several methods to do this, but I
will describe only those with which I have direct experience. To start with, a basic charge
can be accomplished by holding the hand out flat and gently opening and closing the fist,
but with each subsequent closing action, move the fingers less and less towards the palm,
eventually flexing just the tops of the fingers. The hand should then feel tight and may
have the feeling of a cool breeze flowing across it. It is sometimes possible to envisage
and invisible flame in the palm. This is the charge and it can now be used for its intended

Another manipulation is energy balls. Place the hands together in the classic prayer,
fingers together, hands flat against one another and feel the warmth in your palms, then,
actively push with your mind the flow of energy down your arms from one to the other,
without tensing the muscles in any way. After a few minutes, the palms may feel warm,
then, slowly move them apart, but still facing one another and as you do, gently begin to
bend the tops of the fingers toward the one facing, thus forming a roughly spherical area
between the hands. As you reach a point of several inches, rotate the sphere so that one
hand is now at the bottom of the sphere and the other at the top, ensuring that the gap is
kept constant and the hands are allowed to rotate also, ending with them pointing in
opposing directions from one another, as a kind of ‘69’ position. This is a basic ball. You
may then apply it in several ways, but also, it can be compressed to form a more potent
one by slowly pressing the palms together at this point with a further cupping of the
hands by bending the fingers further inwards. It may be that the muscles tense greatly, but
try to relax and feel the energy in the gap and not in the physicality of the hands.

Further motions with the hands are used to draw sigils in the air and upon surfaces such
as sand. One of the most common that most do unconsciously is whilst dancing. For
example, the flicks of the wrist and the extending of the fingers in flowing motions are
exactly the same mechanical process as Magickal ‘drawing’.

Practice by starting an open palm and then slowly curling your forefinger down towards
the palm, but think of it dragging through something soft and pliable, like treacle. Allow
the other fingers to start bending once the feel the need to and try to capture the same
feeling in each one in turn as it starts its flow through the air. Then speed up the process
so that you are wiggling your fingers in the air as though strumming invisible strings on a

Then, reverse the process and feel the energy leave your fingertips as they reach full
extension. At all times during practice, direct your motions away from another living
creature, as you will disturb their field if you do not and this can have unforeseen
consequences, as clawing can pull their energy towards you and is just plain rude and the
‘darts’ can send tendrils out to another and some may perceive this as an attack.
In fact, it is advisable to practice all energy work in solitude to be sure that another
awakened does not mistake your actions as a threat and retaliate.

Finally, once finished, you should dissipate any built up energy by simply throwing it into
the air, turning the palms outwards as you stretch outwards.
Although it is possible to dissipate charged energy via the hands in the method described
above, it is only effective with small loads.

Grounding is a much more effective technique for large amounts of excess energy.

Fore example, if you feel sick or dizzy after your workings, or hyperactive.

Once the energy has been grounded, it is be advisable to rebalance yourself by following
the hand discharge method, throwing the energy up, palms outward and into the air, this
serves to 'unground' you once you have 'unloaded' (a process called centering) and then
returning the hands palm inwards to the chest once you feel your self lightened slightly.
Once you have taken, understood how to handle and have grounded yourself, it is
advisable to centre and 'fill'.

This is a technique used to spread the gathered and controlled energy throughout your

After feeding and also at later stages, cycling in order to refine, your energy, it is most
usually held in a gathered ball within you at your natural center just above your hips and
in front of the lower back, though, this could be anywhere from there to your solar plexus
and in between.

Take this ball and allow it to softly melt, as would a snowball in the sun, allowing it to
spread out and saturate the various organs, bones and limbs.

Try to feel it 'filling' you, right to the brim of your skin, infusing each and every cell of
your body. But, be careful not to allow it to escape from you, possibly thinking of a thin
film of energy just below the flesh which holds it inside of you.

During this, imagine yourself vibrating at a certain frequency and envisage the melting
energy slowly moving towards this same vibration pattern, eventually becoming
indistinguishable from your existing internal energy structure.

It is common when taking in energy from another person to feel some welling of
emotional reaction to this. It is a common feeling which occurs, particularly in empathic
persons and can be a little overwhelming. One of the keys to controlling this reaction is to
meditate and clear the mind, allowing thoughts to reach a calm place.

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