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Orphans Tied To Beds and Given 1-Year-Old Expired Milk in Catholic Orphanage in Chile

Video: JULY 21, 2011 - The Vatican's crimes continue to be exposed. The hideous evil acts committed unto children by priests and nuns have been no exception in Chile. Here is a Chilean news report exposing the testimony of a ex-worker of the Catholic Orphanage who gathered evidence on how the children would be tied to their beds for 12 hour periods with the purpose of deforming their limbs. The children who could speak against abuse would be hidden so that they could not tell. These innocent orphans were forced-fed milk that had been expired for over one year and the catholic orders are now saying "sorry". Father Pedro Ferrini said "If we have been wrong, we can apologize." An apology is not acceptable - the Pope has long been professing apologies for crimes committed over the past 2000 years and nothing has changed. A "sorry" will not restore the lives affected by this terror. Justice must be served.

ABOUT PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FOUNDATION: was established with the purpose of investigating the atrocious crimes committed against children around the world by men and women who use the name of God to gain their trust and commit evil acts against them. The Foundation counts with hundreds of collaborators in 30 nations with the compromise of unmasking these criminals who most often are never brought to jail. For more information, visit: or MEDIA INQUIRIES: Espaol: Sonia Fox Tel. +1 (786) 228-8011 Ingls: Axel Cooley Tel. +1 (305) 433-6966 Portugus: Priscila Rezende ### Vatican crimes are not isolated. Be certain to check out a summary chart highlighting organized crime against children committed by priests and nuns around the world: English MVE&hl=en_US Spanish HcXc&hl=en_US

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