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The freedom championed by America is in fact the freedom of already wealthy Americans, and, to a smaller extent, other global

elites, to acquire for themselves vast, yea endless, amounts of wealth using all of the natural wealth of the Earth including minerals, land, sunlight, water, plants, animals, genetic endowment, ideas and human labor--let other people be damned. This freedom is championed using the most powerful and vicious network of bloody violence in known history. This state of affairs is spiritually bankrupt. We, Americans, should be ashamed of our country. Instead, many or most Americans are extremely proud of their country. We are the champions, and the exemplars, of

freedom, democracy, justice, and good. United States citizens! Please consider deeply what effect we, as a nation, are having on the world. I suggest that you include in your consideration a few things---(1) the roughly 7 million people killed since 1945 by the U.S.; (2) the democratic governments overthrown by the U.S. in Nicaragua, Iran, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Haiti, etc.; (3) the cruel and vicious dictatorships supported by the U.S. in El Salvador, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Argentina, Guatemala, Honduras, Haiti, Paraguay, Chile, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines, Pakistan, Brunei, Fiji, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Rhodesia, South Africa, Liberia, Zaire, Iran, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, etc.; (4) the military interventions by the U.S., since

1945, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Angola, Columbia, Guatemala, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Sudan, Rwanda, Mexico, Haiti, Angola, Libya, Panama, Honduras, Chad, Lebanon, Italy, Iran, Zaire, Pakistan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Uruguay, Cuba, Peru, Dominican Republic, Panama, El Salvador, Congo, Nepal, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Korea, Greece, etc.; (5) The vast empire of U.S. military bases around the world. Is the purpose and effect of these bases to defend government by and for the people? Or any good thing? Or is it to impose cruel dictatorship upon the people of the world? (6) The vast wealth of a small percentage of Americans, while billions of good people struggle to survive. They claim they deserve all of this wealth, and much more. And they claim that if you believe that the poor people of this earth deserve a decent living, that makes you a damnable Communist or at least a deluded

and dangerous socialist. Could not the United States have a reasonably positive presence on the Earth? Because we are not.

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