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Poject: Pinocchio on the net

2010/201_ Prof. Riccardo Rivarola c/o Istituto Comprensivo Minerva Benedettini Collesalvetti Livorno Italia
sent to

Skype: e-tutor - Second Life: Richy Ryba

Place___________ ___/____/201_ I joined to Manifesto/giuramento degli insegnanti (optional) Yes___ No ___ Name Family name personal email school email : type of school: Primary Intermediate (11-14) high school(15-18) University Number of student involved Teacher__Retired teacher __ parent __ other __ Personal address School address: nik Skype (optional): nik in Second Life (optional): school picture (for geomap) All can use may materials in a Creative Commons license Ill do at least one work every year Ill cooperate with other schools, teachers and students of every country, inside the project

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