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Vision First of all, why do we need visions? For me, we need visions to fulfil our dreams.

We have to keep striving forward to fulfil our dream. As for me, my vision now is to become a teacher that is expert in fiqh which is why I am now in my second year studying Islamic Revealed Knowledge in CFS IIUM, Nilai. I chose to be a teacher for the sake of myself, my family, my society and my country. Firstly, I chose this field for myself. I want to study deeper about fiqh which consists of all the aspect of life, for example ibadah, muamalat and others. Then, I want to improve my Arabic so that I will have more confident in using it to communicate in my daily life. Other than that, I chose this field for my family, especially my parents. Actually, my parents hope that I will become a teacher. So, as a daughter, I will try my best to fulfil their wish. I want my parents to be proud of me and they will be smiling when I finish this course. I also want to prove to my brother who is an Arabic lecturer in one of the famous university in Malaysia that I can be successful like what I dreamed for a long time. Besides that, I want to share my knowledge especially about fiqh to the society especially my students so that they can understand and practice it in their daily lives. I also want to help the society so that they will not become too obsessed with the world without knowing which one is right or wrong. Lastly, as an expert teacher in fiqh, I want to contribute to my country by teaching the students so that they will become a useful and productive person when they grow

up to fulfil Wawasan 2020 like what our fourth Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, wants. Mission I am a student and I am currently studying at International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), Nilai. I am studying in limo wahyu course and will move to the IIUM Main Campus in Gombak. Like what I said above, I want to become a teacher and to make that come true, I must have the right strategies. Ustaz Haji Zaharuddin bin Haji Abd Rahman is a penceramah bebas, pengacara, lecturer and an expert in Islamic banking. He is my role model and I respect him very much. This is because all his career year, he studies all the knowledge in Islamic banking. He knows all about the Islamic banking system in and out of the country. According to him, working at the bank taught him about patience because there are things that he had to learn at that particular time. He also had been asked to give briefing about the Islamic banking system to the Islamic banking experts from all over the world. Although he had gone through many obstacles, with his determination, he was able to learn many terminologies and knowledge regarding the Islamic banking from inside and outside of the country. Through the explanation, we can see that he prefers fiqh muamalat. His spirit and determination is what encourage me to take this course and be a teacher who is expert in fiqh and usul fiqh. I have to be brave to give explanation and to debate about fiqh. I also have to be brave if I ever be in the same situations as Ustaz Haji Zaharudin.

Besides that, I also have to increase my knowledge in all things especially fiqh. In order to do that, I have to take major fiqh and usul fiqh where these two are different from each other. Saya perlu mengetahui hukum datang dari mazhab mana,atau dalil mana kerana ia sebahagian daripada bidang ilmu feqah manakala dalam bidang usul fiqh saya perlulah mngetahui macam mana cara untuk menginstinbatkan hukum ,perlu mengetahui siapa tergolong dalam menginstinbatkan hukum dan sebagainya.Di mana saya ingin menegaskan saya perlu mengetahui tentang segala ilmu menginstinbat hukum. Then, my pointer have to be 3.3 and above for me to make my dream come true. Selain itu, saya perlu menghafal dan memahami sebelok2nya ayat quran dan hadis untuk menunjukkan sesuatu bukti mengenai hukum apabila ditanya oleh pelajar mahupun mana-mana orang yang bertanya. Although I already have the basic skills of Arabic, it is still not enough and I have to improve that to be a great teacher because Arabic is important in learning fiqh and usul fiqh. Not only that, I also have to improve in Arabic to make it easy when someone ask me about fiqh and usul fiqh. Moreover, I have to be alert about things that happen around the world especially things that are related to fiqh and usul fiqh like crimes, social issues and others. This is because nowadays, there are many problems that cannot be solved. For instance, there are increasing numbers of divorced cases in Malaysia and it brings out concern from many people but there are no solutions to this problem. I can help to reduce this problem by becoming a teacher that expert in fiqh. By being a teacher, I can also help to prevent many types of social illness and other types of problems especially problems that are related to fiqh.

Obstacles I encounter many obstacles in order to fulfil my vision to become a teacher that is expert in fiqh and usul fiqh. The problems are my personality, my feeling when I have to argue with people and financial problem. First of all is my personality. I dont like to read books especially academic books but in order to be successful in fiqh and usul fiqh, I have to do a lot of reading and research. I can never do that if I dont like to read books. Other than that, I also become shy when I want to ask something. Sometimes I want to ask my lecturer many things but my shyness prevents me from doing so. I am also afraid to make mistakes. People like to make fun of other people when they make mistake. I dont want people to make fun of me so I try very hard to prevent from doing any mistake at all. As a consequence, it makes me become timid and hard to open to other people aside from my close friends. Not only that, I am always giving up easily and I like to leave things in the hand of God. For example, before this, I had failed one of my subject and because of this, I gave up and stop giving my best to get a better result. I am also afraid that I waste my time doing other things than using it to read books and make research. For instance, surfing the internet and online will make me forget about the time when I am supposed to finish my work. Furthermore, I am also very lazy to search and find information. In this field, I am supposed to find information and doing research which I seldom do because of my laziness. I am also afraid that I cant remember al-Quran and as-Sunnah although it is required from me.

Last but not least is financial problem. I come from an average family but I need to use quite a large sum of money. I need to buy books as references but the price of the book is expensive. I have to think twice before buying any books although I really need the books to understand more about the subject that I learn. I have to think twice before buying any books because I dont have much money. Even though the books are important, I dont have enough money since I also use the money to copy my notes and assignment. Aside from the academic purposes, I also use the money from PTPTN for my daily expenses. I also get some money from my parents but I save the money to use it to further my study. I dont want my parents to feel burdened so I decided to keep the money.

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