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Lk1kA1LkkL51kIAL nUMAN CCN1AC15 IN 1nL 19505:



The vast majoiity of people visiting Eaith aie iemaikably similai to us in theii
physical appeaiance. In the 19Sus anu 6us these ETs contacteu many Eaith people
in peison, anu ievealeu a consistent spiiitual message about a coming uoluen Age -
with uiamatic implications foi eveiyone. Seveial books weie wiitten about this
phenomenon in the 0S anu Canaua, anu they have been laigely oveilookeu as the
"abuuction" concept began uominating 0F0logy in the 196us.

We have been tolu that Eaith is going thiough an evolutionaiy leap that will affect
eveiyone heie in a veiy piofounu mannei. Nany of the piecuisoi effects aie alieauy
taking place now. An open ieunion with oui extiateiiestiial ielatives will be pait of
this piocess, but moie impoitantly we aie going thiough a quantum shift in what it
means to be human. By aligning with the tiue natuie of the 0niveise, which is saiu
to be loving eneigy, we can optimize oui own evolutionaiy path - anu potentially
'giauuate' into a level wheie levitation, telekinesis, telepathy, mateiialization,
instant healing anu even time tiavel aie all pait of oui stanuaiu human abilities.

With the publication of "The Fiienuship Case," a uocumentaiy on Italian television,
new uocuments, photogiaphs, films, auuio iecoiuings anu eyewitness testimony has
suifaceu, ievealing an extensive uegiee of contact with human ETs in the 19Sus anu
6us - in Italy, Fiance, ueimany, Switzeilanu, Austialia, Aigentina, Russia anu
elsewheie. 0vei 1uu people weie involveu in Italy alone. This auus stunning new
coiioboiation to the cases fiom the 0S anu Canaua, showing that these contacts
weie tiuly a woiluwiue effoit - with a iemaikably consistent message.

The uocumentaiy itself, along with a uetaileu analysis of its contents, can be stuuieu
in the following post, which also ieleaseu this collection you aie now ieauing:


The Italian uocumentaiy uoes ieveal that these ETs saiu we weie going thiough a
poweiful evolutionaiy shift - but unfoitunately this is only mentioneu biiefly at the
enu. The uocumentaiy was mainly built off of the book Hoss Contocts by Stefano
Bieccia, a physicist. Seveial othei books aie citeu in Hoss Contocts that give fuithei
infoimation on this complex stoiy, most notably those wiitten by Albeito Peiego.

Bieccia's book ieveals an astonishing numbei of coiielations between the
Fiienuship Case anu the 19Sus "contactee" mateiial fiom the 0S anu Canaua.
0nuoubteuly, some skeptics will uismiss the whole thing as heaisay anu fiauu, but
faceu with the eviuence, incluuing photogiaphs, films, auuio iecoiuings anu
eyewitness testimonies fiom cieuible acauemics, the simplest anu most logical
explanation is that human extiateiiestiials visiteu Eaith in vaiious aieas in the
19Sus anu 6us, anu ueliveieu a consistent message. The Italian uocumentaiy only
slightly mentions a point that is maue much moie stiongly in the "contactee"
mateiial fiom the 0S - namely that Eaith is inueeu moving into a uoluen Age.

Bieccia mentions the woik of ueoige Bunt Williamson seveial times in his book as
being cieuible anu complementaiy to what was ievealeu in The Fiienuship Case.
Williamson's books cleaily spelleu out, beginning as eaily as 19S4 in Tbe Soucers
Speok, that oui Solai System was moving into a moie highly-chaigeu 'clouu' oi
iegion of eneigy in the ualaxy - anu that this woulu cieate inteiplanetaiy climate
change anu BNA tiansfoimation.

Ny book Tbe Source IielJ lnvestiqotions. set foi ielease on August 2S, 2u11 anu
available foi pie-oiuei touay, piesents a vast, intiiguing new bouy of scientific uata
that stiongly suggests Williamson anu the othei contactees you aie about to heai
fiom weie iight. Skeptics can aigue these cases must be hoaxes oi otheiwise false.
Bowevei, the 19Sus mateiial maue many claims that weie unsubstantiateu at the
time, but have since become piovable with a vaiiety of uata points now available.

Some of the best 19Sus "contactee" mateiial has eithei nevei been ieleaseu, oi has
only been seen by a veiy small numbei of people evei since it was fiist piouuceu.
The main puipose of this collection is to make this foimeily-obscuie uata available
to a much laigei auuience - within the exact winuow of time it was intenueu foi.


This collection of uocuments opens with Wilbeit B. Smith, a Canauian goveinment
official who leu a pioneeiing effoit to iuentify "contactee" cases in the 0niteu States
anu Canaua, beginning in 19S2. Bis fiienu Lyman Stieetei maue contact with human
ETs via iauio telegiaph - anu otheis ieceiveu uiiect visitations in peison, which leu
to telepathic exchanges that geneiateu wiitten mateiial featuiing a vaiiety of
giounubieaking new scientific, philosophical anu spiiitual insights.

Smith locateu about a uozen uiffeient people who inuepenuently claimeu to be in
telepathic contact with extiateiiestiials - anu none of them weie awaie of each
othei, but they all saiu the same things. Smith was appaiently unawaie of the
Fiienuship Case in Italy, anu theie is also no inuication that the contactees in Italy oi
elsewheie knew what was happening in the Ameiicas. Nonetheless, the coiielations
between these two bouies of uata aie quite voluminous anu intiiguing.

As you will ieau, Smith uevelopeu a 1uu-pait questionnaiie, paitly fiom classifieu
infoimation, anu founu about twelve uiffeient "contactees" who weie able to
piouuce neaily iuentical answeis - though they hau nevei spoken to one anothei
anu weie in uiffeient geogiaphical aieas. The fiuits of this contact incluueu woiking
technologies - as well as a gieat ueal of philosophical anu technical infoimation.

W.B. Smith piesenteu his case in an auuiess to a 0F0 stuuy gioup in 0ttawa, Naich
, 19S8. The fiist uocument you will ieau in this collection is a paitial tiansciipt
of that auuiess - in the biowneu, uegiaueu foim of the oiiginal. You can listen to the
oiiginal auuio of this speech anu leain moie about Smith within this piesentation:
The uiiect link to the NPS of Smith's auuiess can be founu heie:

0ne of Smith's main "contactees" was Fiances Swan, who claimeu to be in contact
with a being nameu AFFA, beginning in Apiil 19S4. Bei telepathic contacts began
with a louu buzzing noise in hei left eai, followeu by "automatic wiiting", in which
hei hanu allegeuly wiote the woius she was ieceiving without the inteifeience of
conscious thought. This came to the attention of CIA anu Naval Intelligence agents,
who went to Naine to inteiview Swan in peison. The full stoiy was tolu by Iay
uouiley in the Nay 1979 issue of SeconJ look magazine, anu can be founu heie:
In Iune, 19S9, two Naval Intelligence agents visiteu Swan in South Beiwick, Naine at
the iequest of a ietiieu aumiial. They askeu hei questions while in tiance, anu she
gave accuiate answeis that she shoulu not have known the answeis to:

"Accoiuing to the officeis a numbei of unveiifiable answeis weie offeieu to such
questions such as, "What is the population of Iupitei." Among othei things, AFFA
saiu he anu his men weie pait of an intei-solai-system police foice investigating
atomic tests on Eaith.

But moie inteiestingly, the Navy intelligence men poseu questions incompatible
with hei euucation of technical unueistanuing- questions like "What is the length of
the 0ianus ' uay." anu "What is the uistance between Iupitei anu the sun at Iupitei's

"Bei" answeis weie coiiect, the two incieuulous investigatois latei iepoiteu to
|Najoi Robeit] Fiienu |the acting chief of Pioject Blue Book at Wiight-Patteison.]"

The aiticle went on to say that one of the two commanueis piesent at this meeting
in Naine then went into a tiance on Iuly 6, 19S9 in a seciet goveinment office, in
fiont of a Navy intelligence officei anu anothei civilian intelligence officei. Thiough
automatic wiiting, the man ieceiveu messages claiming to be fiom "Affa", the same
entity in contact with Fiances. Nost notably, the following exchange took place:

"0. It's veiy inteiesting that we aie talking with someone that we can see, but can
we have pioof of youi existence.

A. What kinu of pioof uo you want.

0. Can we see you oi youi ciaft.

A. When uo you want to see.

0. Now.

A. uo to the winuow.

All the intelligence people went to the winuow, wheie they saw a 0F0 fly by (i.e.)
not stationaiy) a shoit uistance away. As they latei tolu Fiienu it was saucei-shapeu
anu biightei aiounu the peiimetei than in the centei.

The confusion that followeu enueu the communication with AFFA."

The ueclassifieu FBI uocuments ievealing some of the uetails of this intiiguing case
aie featuieu in this collection aftei the W.B. Smith tiansciipt. As W.B. Smith's
lectuies ieveal, Swan's contacts confiimeu eveiything othei contactees weie saying
about a coming change in the Solai System as we move into a moie highly-chaigeu
iegion of the galaxy - piopelling us uiiectly into the long-anticipateu "uoluen Age."


What then follows is a seiies of uocuments fiom a "contactee" gioup, leu by Walt
Rogeis, that was meeting in Betioit, Nichigan. This gioup, anu its membeis, appeai
to have been uiiectly testeu anu authenticateu by W. B. Smith.

The fiist uocument begins with the title "Nessage Foi a New uioup", anu is unuateu,
but appeais to have been fiom 19S9. The seconu uocument is uateu Nonuay, Iune
1S, 19S9. You will also notice "Batton: C" at the top. Batton is the one speaking, but
it is not ceitain what the C iefeis to.

The thiiu uocument is uateu Fiiuay, Iune 2S, 1961. The name "Waiien" is inuicateu
on the top iight, which is likely the fiist name of the peison who was uoing the
speaking in this case, on behalf of Batton.

The fouith uocument is fiom August 2
, 1961, by Naiianne Fiancis in Nontecito,
Califoinia - anu she is still alive touay. I was able to locate hei thanks to an Inteinet
seaich - anu she has legally changeu hei name to Aleuti Fiancesca.
I askeu Aleuti if she hau evei spoken with W. B. Smith, anu she saiu she hau not.
Bowevei, this uocument was incluueu in the same oiiginal collection as the otheis,
anu the quality level appeais to be veiy high. As of Iuly 11, 2u11, I am now in the
piocess of acquiiing moie of hei mateiial foi Inteinet uistiibution.

The fifth uocument is fiom Ianuaiy S, 196S, again by Naiianne Fiancis, in uaiuen
uiove, Califoinia. This is followeu by anothei Naiianne Fiancis uocument fiom Nay
26, 1964 in Nontecito, Califoinia.

Next we have a seiies of uocuments fiom the Walt Rogeis Betioit gioup that weie
fiom onion-skin typewiitten copies. The fiist of these uocuments is fiom Apiil 4,
19S7, by a man we only know as "vein". The next uocument is fiom Ianuaiy S, 19S7,
again fiom vein. This is followeu by a Becembei 1
, 19S7 uocument fiom the same
gioup, biought in by "Iim". The next uocument was also biought in thiough Iim in
Becembei 19S7.

This is followeu by anothei uocument fiom Ianuaiy 17, 19S7, fiom the same gioup.
Then we have "A Nessage Fiom Batton (Pomai) Foi the People of Eaith," which is
unuateu. This is followeu by anothei Becembei S, 19S7 uocument fiom Iim.

1nL 8kCWN NC1L8CCk

At this point we then entei into the "Biown Notebook" - which is a iecoiu of Walt
Rogeis' own telepathic contact with ETs, beginning on Septemei 19, 19S8. This
mateiial begins veiy simply, with only a few sentences pei session, anu giauually
builus in uepth. The copies fiom this uocument collection only extenu thiough until
Weunesuay, Febiuaiy 11, 19S9 - but the tiansmissions then continueu thiough all
of 19S9 anu on into 196u.

The complete iecoiu of "The Biown Notebook", as well as much moie of the Betioit
mateiial entitleu "Nan, Consciousness anu 0nueistanuing" can be founu on LL
Reseaich's website. LL Reseaich's "The Law of 0ne" is still the most valuable
intuitive mateiial evei ieceiveu, in my opinion, but this is what fiist inspiieu it:


Without fuithei auo, I invite you to enjoy this jouiney of enlightening, piovocative
infoimation - anu ieminu you that if anything you ieau uoes not feel iight to you,
feel fiee to set it asiue. These contacts inteimingleu with the minus of the channels
in the 19Sus anu eaily 6us, anu theiefoie you will see masculine-baseu teims that
seem out of place in touay's woilu - such as iefeiiing to the intelligence of the
0niveise in the masculine genuei, oi calling human beings "Nan." Bespite these
aichaic teims, I uo feel this infoimation is of gieat value - anu hope you can benefit
fiom ieauing it as much as I have.

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