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Personality Disorders
y Borderline

state of personality characterized by defects in its development or by pathologic trends in its structure.

Three Clusters
Cluster A: odd/eccentric y Cluster B: dramatic/erratic y Cluster C: anxious/fearful

Cluster A: Odd or Eccentric

yparanoid yschizoid yschizotypal

Paranoid Personality Disorder

y y

Suspicious & distrustful Loneliness suspicious & pathologic jealousy

y y y

Passive friendliness Consistency Proxemics

Schizoid Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: Socially distant, detached, low IQ Introvert, loner, aloof, humorless Avoids close relationships with family, friends, peers Flat affect Functional when works alone Shy but with fair contact with reality Autistic thinking & dreaming

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: y Odd, eccentric, low IQ y Magical thinking y Ideas of reference or delusion of reference y Cold & aloof y Peculiarity in speech but no looseness of association y Withdrawn, unattached y Diminished affective & intellectual skills, vague, over elaborate speech y Frequent part of vagabonds

Cluster B: Dramatic or Erratic

yantisocial yborderline yhistrionic ynarcissistic

Antisocial Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: y Impulsive, aggressive, manipulative, coprolalia y Low self-esteem y Lack of remorse y Hates rule / regulations, authority figures y Kills, cheats, steals, rapes, destroys y Underdeveloped superego lack of guilt y Life-long disturbances that conflict with laws and customs y Unable to postpone gratification, immature, irresponsible y Randomly acting out aggressive egocentric impulses on society reckless, unlawful y Appears charming, intellectual, smooth talker INTERVENTIONS: y Setting of limits matter of fact y Consistency

Borderline Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: y Impulsive, self-destructive, unstable y Self-mutilation & suicidal y Unpredictable behavior y Disturbance in self-concept y Identity disturbance with chronic feelings of emptiness y Marked mood swings y Intense, brief, unstable interpersonal relationships with impulsiveness, manipulation, physical fights and temper tantrums

Histrionic Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: y Emotional, dramatic, theatrical y Wants to be the center of attention y Manipulative, sexually seductive or provocative y Exaggeration of emotion impressionistic y Labile emotion y Extroverted, manipulative y Emotionally unstable

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: y Vanity in appearance y Exaggerated or grandiose sense of selfimportance y Boastful, egotistical, superiority complex y Preoccupied with fantasies y Excessive admirations y Overblown sense of importance, grandiosity

Cluster C: Anxious or Fearful

yavoidant ydependent yObsessive-compulsive

Avoidant Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: y Shy, timid, inferiority complex y Avoid open forum y Over sensitive to rejection / criticism y Social withdrawal y Depression, anxiety, anger are common y Withdrawn, loner, lacks self-confidence y Unwilling to get involved with others and in situations where negative evaluation, rejection and failure are a possibility

Dependent Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: y Submissiveness, clinging y Lacks self-confidence, low self-esteem, helpless, good follower y Pre-occupied with fear of being alone y Fails to make decisions and accept responsibility

ObsessiveObsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: y Ritualistic y Rigid, over-conscientious, perfectionist, inflexible, cold affect y Driven by obsessive concerns y Sets high standards for self and others y Pre-occupation with details, rules & organization INTERVENTIONS: y Give appropriate time to do rituals y Do not abruptly stop rituals y Setting of limits y Tricyclics anti-depressants as ordered

PassivePassive-Aggressive Personality Disorder

CHARACTERISTICS: y Helpless and indecisive y Frequent outburst and temper tantrums with frustrations y Passive obstructionism while clinging y Insecure y Loves to procrastinate

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