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Month / Year:_____________ Lab Room # ______________ Neg Control Results FL# Pos Control Results GC/MS


REAGENT CoSCN Marquis Mecke Nitroprusside CoSCN Marquis Mecke Nitroprusside CoSCN Marquis Mecke Nitroprusside CoSCN Marquis Mecke Nitroprusside CoSCN Marquis Mecke Nitroprusside CoSCN Marquis Mecke Nitroprusside CoSCN Marquis Mecke Nitroprusside


Shared Reagents: ANALYST REAGENT DuquenoisLevine FeCl3 Van Urk DATE Neg Control Results FL# Pos Control Results GC/MS

Note: Routine color reagents will be tested at the beginning of each month using the Color Reagent Test Kit to insure validity. Non routine color reagents such as Van Urk and FeCl3 will be tested before use. Important: If a reagent is negative or does not give a proper color test, a second known will be evaluated with the same solution. If this second test also gives a negative response, all reagent bottles for that reagent will be collected, discarded and fresh solution prepared. Reviewed Date: Initials:

Controlled Substances Lab Version 2.1

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