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February 21, 2007, 7:00 a.m. St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church San Francisco, California

Ash Wednesday

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rev. 7/12/07

Cast List
Vested Ministers
Deacon 1 (lead) ................................................................................... Sara Miles Deacon 2......................................................................................Heather Peyton Presider ........................................................................................ Daniel Simons Cantor ...................................................................................... Caroline Hinshaw

Advanced Set Up
! re-hang crosses, furniture with Lenten hangings THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE WEDNESDAY MORNING.

Deacon Set Up
! ! ! ! ! ! Chair for Presider with small bowl-bell on the seat. Wooden benches, chairs, kneelers & cushions set in 1 circle around Table. Altar lamps filled and lit. Table covered with mud cloth Cross stand underneath edge of Table on font side. Stand for the Deacons candle set in circle around altar, on vestry doors side

! 4 small bowls of ashes ! 1 plate with 4 damp dark-colored washcloths

Kitchen: (quantities work for up to 50 people)

! ! ! ! ! ! 2 patens, one with 2 or 3 small loaves of bread 4 chalices Carafe with about 1/3 bottle of wine in it 2 palls Missal, marked with ribbons at The Great Thanksgiving of Cain, Our Father Copy of the AW prayer that replaces the Baruch, moved to back of the Missal

! Signs: Please enter in silence and take a place around the Altar on the glass doors
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! Icon on mud cloth-draped stand centered on concrete between welcome & info tables. ! 4 medium-sized bowls of very hot, slightly soapy water ! 1 sea sponge in each bowl ! 4 dark-colored hand towels ! MFL2 books stuffed w/service insert on welcome table

! ! ! ! Drum set by Vestry door 4 complete scripts Deacons Candle & matches Presiders cross

Seated Area:
! Small brass bucket, partly full of water, with aspergillum in it (by Presiders chair)

Presiders Chair:
! Covered with mud cloth ! Glass of water & cough-drops

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Book on lectern Lectern, menorah stand & incense stand all covered with mud cloth. Standing thurible prepared with a lit charcoal. Incense boat filled. Candles in menorah (refilled as needed) Brass candle-lighters (refilled as needed) on menorah stand Small box of matches on marble under menorah Oil lamp with wicks trimmed and filled with sesame oil

! A welcomer to offer service books and ask people to sit around the altar ! Deacons recruit people to impose ashes on latecomers ! Chalice server.

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Opening Rites
Procession Order: Presider (with cross & hand-bell in pocket for opening silence) Deacon 2 with candle Deacon 1, with Gospel Book Cantor Vested party enters a few minutes before the service and take positions in circle with people. Presider puts cross in stand by Altar Table and takes place in circle at flat side

Deacon 2 puts candle on stand and finds nearby place in circle

Deacon 1

Stand and sing #20 in your books, Come, Heavenly Comforter, #20. Well sing it three times, the first in unison and then twice in harmony.
Cantor leads Come Heavenly Comforter During singing: Deacon 1 takes 2 bowls of ashes and 2 damp towels from Altar Table and stands in the circle opposite Presider

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#20 Come Heavenly Comforter


O God our Creator, you made us out of the dust of the earth. Grant that these ashes may be to us a sign of our mortality and penitence. May we remember that it is only by your grace that we are given everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Deacon 2

Kneel before the Lord, our maker and redeemer.

Presider observes TWO minute silence; rings hand-bells All stand

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Deacon 1

We will stand and mark each other with ash. After youve received the bowl of ashes, turn to the person beside you, and mark their forehead with the ashes.
Deacon 2 brings other bowl and wash cloth to Presider Presider, Deacon 1 impose ashes on the people beside them. Cantor chants Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return after receiving ashes, continuing until all have received

Deacons and Presider receive ashes as is most convenient (going to the end of the line, having the nearest person impose, etc.) Deacons collect ash bowls & towels; place one on welcome table for latecomers and return the rest to the kitchen

When all have received imposition,

Deacon 2

We will process into the seating area, singing number 45 in your books, Truly I Say to You, number 45.
Cantor leads Truly I Say to You, #45

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#45 Truly I say to you

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move to seated area after first verse of #45 Presider Deacon 2 Deacon 1 Cantor w/cross w/candle brings up rear


goes to stand at Presiders chair

Deacon 2 carries candle to lectern; lights menorah/oil lamp; adds incense to standing thurible Deacon 1 gets Reader; carries book to lectern Cantor goes and stands in place

Deacon 1

Please take your seats and hear a reading from John Chrysostom.

From John Chrysostoms On Matthew

Do you wish to honour the body of the Saviour? Do not despise it when it is naked. Do not honour it in church with silk vestments, while outside you are leaving it numb with cold and naked. He who said, This is my body, and made it so by his word, is the same that said, You saw me hungry and you gave me no food. As you did it not to the least of these, you did it not to me. Honour him then by sharing your property with the poor, for what God needs is not golden chalices, but golden souls.
Cantor Presider rings bell30 second silence ends silence.

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Deacon 2 Cantor

Turn to page #1 in your insert. Well sing the psalms antiphonally, one side of the room singing to the other. Each side will sing one verse, beginning with this side, and taking a full, natural breath at the asterisk. The psalm tone sounds like this: (Intones, then

Psalm 25:11,15-18

11 15 16 17 18

Lord, for the sake of your name,* forgive my guilt; for it is great. My eyes are always on the Lord,* for God rescues my feet from the snare. Turn to me and have mercy,* for I am lonely and poor. Relieve the anguish of my heart* and set me free from my distress. See my affliction and my toil* and take all my sins away.

Psalm 139:1-6

O Lord, you search me and you know me,* You know my resting and my rising, you discern my purpose from afar. You mark when I walk or lie down,* all my ways lie open to you. Before ever a word is on my tongue* you know it, O Lord, through and through.

2 3

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Behind and before, you besiege me,* your hand ever laid upon me.
Deacons thank previous Reader and bring next Reader to Lectern

5 6

Too wonderful for me, this knowledge,* too high, beyond my reach. O where can I go from your spirit,* or where can I flee from your face?

Deacon 1

Hear a reading from Isaac of Nineveh.

From Isaac of Ninevehs Ascetical Treatises

Do not say God is just. David may call God just and fair, but Gods own Son, Jesus, has revealed to us that above all, God is good and kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. It is not someone we might doubt who has told us this, but Gods own Son himself. Where is Gods justice? Here, in the fact that we were sinners, and Christ died for us. O wonderful grace of our Creator! O unfathomable goodness with which He blesses us sinners in order to create us anew! Anyone who has offended God, God raises up again. Where is the hell that could afflict us? Where is the damnation that could make us afraid enough to overwhelm the joy of Gods love? In place of what sinners justly deserve, God gives them resurrection.
Cantor Presider rings bell30 second silence ends silence.

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Psalm 130:1-7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Out of the depths* I cry to you, O Lord. Lord hear my voice!* O let your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleading. If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt,* Lord, who would survive? But with you is found forgiveness,* for this we revere you. My soul is waiting for the Lord,* I count on his word. My soul is longing for the Lord* more than watchman for daybreak. Because with the Lord there is mercy* and fullness of redemption.


Please stand and sing Psalm 73 the Hallel, the Psalm of praise. Well sing this psalm just as we did the others, but this time, the side that is not singing will bow and touch the knee, like this: (demonstrates).

Psalm 73:21-26

And so when my heart grew embittered* and when I was cut to the quick,

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I was stupid and did not understand,* no more than a beast before you. Yet I was always in your presence;* you were holding me by my right hand. You will guide me by your counsel* and so you will lead me to glory.
Deacons thank previous Reader and bring next Reader to Lectern

What else have I in heaven but you?* apart from you I want nothing on earth. My body and my heart faint for joy;* God is my possession forever. Deacon

!The holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to

Glory to you, Lord Christ.


A Reading from the Gospel according to Matthew

Be careful not to parade your good deeds before people to attract their notice. When you give alms, your left hand must not know what your right is doing; your almsgiving must be secret, and your God who sees all that is done in secret will reward you. When you fast do not put on a gloomy look, but put oil on your head and wash your face, so that no one will know you are fasting, and your God who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.
Deacon 2 w/candle returns to seat in procession Deacon 1 brings Gospel Book to Presider and goes to seat


!The Gospel of the Lord

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Praise to you, Lord Christ.

Cantor Presider Preacher rings bellTWO minutes silence ends silence with hand-bells. offers Sermon

5 minute Sermon! Cantor Presider rings bellONE minute silence ends silence with hand-bells.

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The Lords Prayer Deacon 2 Well sing the Lords Prayer at #110 in your books. Please stand and sing #110.

The Lords Prayer, #110

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Litany of Penitence Presider God of mercy and compassion, we confess to you the darkness of our hearts and the failings of our community. We have sinned. We turn away from the Gospel and mistreat each other. Forgive and heal us.
Lord, have mercy.

Deacon 1


Deacon 2

We have sinned. We deny our faith and lie to one another. Forgive and heal us.
Lord, have mercy.


Deacon 1

We have sinned. We reject your love and ignore those who seek our help. Forgive and heal us.
Lord, have mercy.


Deacon 2

We have sinned. We cling to idols and sacrifice others to protect ourselves. Forgive and heal us.
Lord, have mercy.


Deacon 1

We have sinned. We are disobedient to your call to serve and we gossip incessantly. Forgive and heal us.

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Lord, have mercy.

Deacon 2

We have sinned. We misuse what you entrust to us and devote ourselves to things instead of people. Forgive and heal us.
Lord, have mercy.


Deacon 1

We have sinned. We separate ourselves from our neighbors and rely on our own strength alone. Forgive and heal us.
Lord, have mercy.


Deacon 2

We have sinned. We are afraid to be changed and envy others gifts. Forgive and heal us.
Lord, have mercy.



!As Jesus forgave

the woman taken in adultery, and Peter, who betrayed him, so too does God bless and forgive you. We are much loved, and our sins are forgiven. Be at peace.
Presider Cantor sprinkles people with water from the bucket leads The Lords Prayerdoxology

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Presider takes cross from stand

Deacon 1

Well go up to the Table in step, singing Eternal Lord of Love on p.___ of your insert, Eternal Lord of Love, p___. The step is very simple and it goes like this: Right, left, right, back; Right, left, right, back. Please stand and put your right hand on the shoulder of the person ahead of you, and Caroline will tell us when to step off.


At the word walking, at the beginning of the second line, please step off on your right foot, and begin the right, left, right, back pattern.
Cantor Deacons intones and leads Eternal Lord of Love immediately go to kitchen, get Gifts and bring them to Table. At conclusion of Tripudium, Presider puts cross in stand at Table

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Eternal Lord of Love (Hymnal #149)

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The Peace Presider Christ is among us now, bringing the gift of his peace; share it with those around you. The Peace of the Lord be always with you.
And also with you.


The Great Thanksgiving

Cantor The service continues at #116 in your books, #116.

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Prayer of Cain Our Father

Presider It is truly fitting and right to praise you at all times and in all places, O God, Savior of the world. For you made all humankind in your own image, to rule your creation in peace, and commanded us to live together in love forever. And though Cain our father rose in anger and killed his brother, yet you had mercy on him. You gave him a covenant, and marked him with a protecting sign; you placed the gravest sinners beyond human judgment. With the same steadfast love you led your people Israel out of slavery; and when they deserted you and worshipped false gods still you did not forsake them. You gave them your law to guide them, and led them through the desert to a new land of promise. Again, when the people of Nineveh were sunk in wickedness, and the earth could no longer bear their wrongs even then you did not destroy them. You sent Jonah your prophet to warn them of judgment; and the whole people repented, and changed their ways, and were spared. So in every place where we made war, you have led us towards peace; where we fell into sin, you forgave us; where we wandered, you called us back with promises of love.

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And in due time you sent your Son himself, to seek out the lost and bring them the good news of your boundless mercy. He did not keep himself to the company of the righteous; he chose sinners for his friends; and laying before them your gift of forgiveness, he died for them, showing the fullness of love. Then you raised him from the dead, and poured out his spirit on humankind, sharing his victory even with those who rejected him. Now we sinners, too, rejoice to give thanks for the death and risen life of your Son; and in the power of his spirit we have turned from our errors to follow his example, and share his saving life in the breaking of bread. For on the night he was handed over to suffering and death, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread; and when he had given to thanks to you, he broke it and gave it to his disciples and said Take, eat: This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me. After supper he took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them and said Drink of this, all of you: This is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.
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Therefore, Father, of all the things that are yours we offer you these, which are yours especially. We offer them gladly, as he told us, giving thanks for his death and resurrection. And seeing that the power of sin is broken, and Christ is all in all, we praise you and we bless you.


Now send your sanctifying spirit, to show us that this bread and this cup are the body and blood of your Son, and every sin is pardoned, and every debt is redeemed, and you have made us your holy people. And bring us at last his kingdom of peace. Already we gather to welcome him; and lifting our voices with angels and archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we join in the Triumphal song:

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Servant of God
Cantor Presider leads congregation in singing Servant of God breaks bread

Deacon 2 Deacon 1

pours wine into chalices assists Presider with breaking of bread

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Deacon 1

Jesus welcomes everyone to his table and everyone by name, so if WE need help with your name as we come around, please help us out.
offers bread and wine to the Presider saying

___________(Presiders name), the Body of Christ. (Amen) The Blood of Christ. (Amen)
Presider communicates Cantor, Deacons Deacons, Presider, Chalices Bearer communicate congregation


As we share communion with each other, well sing number 139 in your books, Oh wheat whose crushing was for bread, number 139.
Presider and Deacon 1 start at crosses and move right; Deacon 2 and Chalice Bearer start at crosses and move left. Deacons arrange chalices and paten neatly after communion, then cover with palls

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In place of the Baruch:


In union with God, the heart absorbs the Lord, and the Lord the heart, and the two become one. Open your heart in joy to receive the coming of your God, and embrace Gods friendship, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


NOTE: no offering or Polychronia

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Washing Ashes Deacon 2 Hear these words from the Gospel of Matthew: When you fast do not put on a gloomy look, but put oil on your head and wash your face, so that no one will know you are fasting, and your God who sees all that is done in secret will reward you. Before leaving you are welcome to wash the ashes from your face. Use the basins of water on the welcome table.

Deacon 1

Carol Deacon 2 Well sing and dance Bless the Lord O my soul, found on your insert. Well practice the step a few times, and then Caroline will lead us in singing the chant. ___________ will show us the step.
Teacher Cantor Presider teaches & demonstrates step. After 2-3 repetitions, intones and leads music until signals close.

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