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Ecological succession
Ecosystem is not static
It changes its structure & function with time
These changes are in order and can be predicted
One type of community is totaIIy repIaced by
another type of community over a period of time
Thus causing severaI changes.
This process is caIIed ecoIogicaI succession.
Jhansirani.R AP/ECE
EcoIogicaI succession is defined as the
progressive repIacement of one
community by another through naturaI
processes over time tiII the deveIopment
of stabIe community caIIed cIimax is
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$tages of Ecological succession
Pioneer community:
The community (group of organism)
establishing first in the area is called pioneer
Seres (or) seraI stage:
The whole sequence of community which are
The various developmental stages of a
community is called seres.
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Types of ecological succession
Primary Succession: The process of
creating life in an area where no life
previously existed.
Secondary Succession: The process of re-
stabilization that follows a disturbance in an
area where life has formed an ecosystem.
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Primary $uccession
$oil starts to form as lichens and the
forces of weather and erosion help
break down rocks into smaller pieces
When lichens die, they decompose,
adding small amounts of organic
matter to the rock to make soil
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Jhansirani.R AP/ECE
ichens on Rock
Primary $uccession
$imple plants like mosses and ferns
can grow in the new soil
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Primary $uccession
The simple plants die, adding more
organic material
The soil layer thickens, and grasses,
wildflowers, and other plants begin to take
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Primary $uccession
These plants die, and they add more
nutrients to the soil
$hrubs and tress can survive now
Jhansirani.R AP/ECE
Primary $uccession
nsects, small birds, and mammals
have begun to move in
What was once bare rock now supports
a variety of life
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/5/03 M-CC / PCB 2340C 13
Primary $uccession
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$econdary $uccession
Begins in a place that already has soil
and was once the home of living
Occurs faster and has different
pioneer species than primary
Example: after forest fires
Jhansirani.R AP/ECE
Climax Community
A stable group of plants and animals
that is the end result of the
succession process
oes not always mean big trees
Grasses in prairies
Cacti in deserts
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These are Climax
EcoIogicaI succession in different areas
epending on the substratum and climate, a seral
community can be one of the following:
Hydrosere Community in water
Mesasere community in area of adequate moisture
ithosere Community on rock
Psammosere Community on sand
Xerosere Community in dry area
HaIosere Community in saline body (e.g. a marsh)
Jhansirani.R AP/ECE
Process of succession
Nudation: t is the development of a bare area without
any life form.
Bare are may be caused due to
(i) Topographic factor
Volcanic eruption
(ii) CIimatic factor
(iii) Biotic factors
isease outbreak
Agriculture/industrial activities
Jhansirani.R AP/ECE
Process of succession
t is the establishment of one or more
species on a bare area through dispersal or
migration followed by establishment
DispersaI of seeds, spore etc..,
ispersal is brought by
EstabIishment : seeds germinate and establish
their pioneer community Jhansirani.R AP/ECE
Process of succession
Competition and coaction:
As the number of individuals grows there is
competition, both inter specific (b/w different
species) and intra specific (with in same
species) for space, water, and nutrition.
They influence each other in a number of ways,
known as coaction.
Jhansirani.R AP/ECE
Process of succession
The living organisms grow, use water and
nutrients from the substratum, and in turn,
they have a strong influence on the
environment which is modified to a large
extent and this is known as reaction.
The modifications are unsuitable for the
existing species and favor some new
species, which replace the existing species.
This leads to seraI communities.
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Process of succession
succession leads to stable community
called climax which is in equilibrium with
the environment.
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The pioneer community consist of
phytoplankton's like floating algae, diatoms etc.,
They are replaced by rooted submerged plants
followed by rooted floating plants.
Growth of these plants adds organic matter to
substratum by death and decay.
Thus a layer of soil builds up and shallowing of
water takes place.
Then reed swamp stage follows in which the
plants are partly in water and partly on land
This is followed by sedge meadow stage of grass
Then by wood land consisting of shrubs and trees
Finally by a forest acting as climax. Jhansirani.R AP/ECE
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Jhansirani.R AP/ECE

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