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Diary Entry

May 2nd

I think that things get better and worse, but what was impossible yesterday is simple today; and yet the only things worth doing are those you find difficult. If this is in unclear, perhaps an analogy is in order (a reading from the Book of Pictures) And so the 'god of fools' was begot not of virgin birth, or a miracle of knowledge or experience; but a world where neither philosophers nor kings reigned and the creative gave their all for nothing. Personally I think that the day science proves the big bang theory to be true is the day the universe will end. The big bang theory is sciences creation myth. The true limit of science is that science only proves the cause and effect of limiting an understanding of the universe to cause and effect. There are common everyday examples of things that exist outside the realm of cause and effect. Good is one. Ie: "If goodness has a cause, it is no longer goodness; if it has consequences - a reward - it is not goodness either. Goodness is outside the chain of cause and effect" (Tolstoy). Love is another. The existence of colour is probably the most damning example of how meaningless you render the world if you cut it into cause and effect. The religious would say this is why faith is important, because you need to BELIEVE in things you cant prove; but as Friedrich Nietzsche pointed out A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. It goes without saying that you dont need to believe in love to fall in love, neither do you need to be believe in good to do it, sometimes it just happens, even if science can neither prove nor disprove its existence. So neither science or religion nor a combination of the two, brings us much closer to a meaningful explanation of the universe. Really the where did the universe come from? question is no biggy. The better question is, OK well we are here now, what keeps the universe going? How do we paint the sky in colours weve never seen before and discover mere perfection, but a constellation sized correlation between life and imagination?

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