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July 2011
Merging previous Universes and turning around the world: It is time to wake up!
This month was the most difficult month yet being very close to break down in order to generate enough energy to wake up and merge all previous Universes with the present into one New Universe and to turnaround our physical world so it will be on the same plane as the spiritual world, which will also make it easier for people to understand and receive faith in me. God as the Source of life is the father and the spirit of my mother formerly known as Virgin Mary - is the mother of my new self and ALL life and she is also the master mind of our New Universe . I am waiting on politicians/media to publish my arrival, which will make us start market ourselves even more. I have asked the Government of Australia to publish my arrival, and the Danish Government is helping in the process. I am still kept under surveillance by secret governments, which I am asking to be liberated from! The tragedy of Norway happened because people of the rich world did NOT react to my appeal in February 2010 to help the people of the world suffering the most the Somali refugees of the largest refugee camp in the world, Dadaab in Kenya. The killings of Norway ARE a tragedy but NOTHING compared to the tragedy of the now expanded crisis of the whole Horn of Africa starving, thirsting, suffering and dying because of the Hell the rich world allowed these millions of people to go through. The people of the rich world called upon Hell coming to the Horn of Africa and to Norway, and the same ignorant and selfish people are now blaming God for how could you allow the killings of Norway to take place not understanding that the negligence of the rich world is to blame. YOU COURSED THE DIASTER OF AFRICA AND YOUR OWN KILLINGS and the truth is that the suffering I went through this month together with these sacrifices is taking on the sufferings of man herewith saving millions of people from dying. Please UNDERSTAND! I made a new OUTCRY TO THE WORLD saying that HELP IS URGENTLY NEEDED AT DADAAB AND THE HORN OF AFRICA - NOW!, but almost NOTHING is still your answer. IT IS TIME TO CHANGE it is time to wake up! And more!

Written and published by Stig Dragholm, 31st July 2011

Available online at, and

One God, One People

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July 2011

Table of Contents
The number of each of the paragraphs below represents the day of publishing on my website in July 2011.

2. When the world will receive and confess their faith in me, I will become my true self ................................ 3
2.1 2.2 1st July: Receiving the worst suffering ever these days - who will help me through your support/understanding? ............. 4 2nd July: When the world will receive and confess their faith in me, I will become my true self........................................ 7

5. My mother has decided to be STONE-DEAF because of her SELF-DENIAL about who we truly are ..............11
5.1 5.2 5.3 3rd July: It is STILL impossible for my self-denial mother to LISTEN to and understand me, which again broke us apart 13 4th July: My mother has decided to be STONE-DEAF because of her SELF-DENIAL about who we truly are ....................... 19 5th July: Putin will have to face the world and repent his decisions of killing journalists! ................................................... 24

8.1 8.2 8.3 6th July: OUTCRY TO THE WORLD: HELP IS URGENTLY NEEDED AT DADAAB AND THE HORN OF AFRICA - NOW! .............. 30 7th July: The darkness almost brought me down to generate energy to merge us together with a previous Universe ... 36 8th July: You need to be very direct and as strong as Cassius Clay to change the work and behaviour of people! ............. 39

12. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and NASA are examples of organizations surveilling me ........44
12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 9th July: Other previous Universes have started being merged too using the same door as the first Universe................... 45 10th July: The spirit of my mother thanked me after becoming intentionally wounded .................................................. 47 11th July: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and NASA are examples of organizations surveilling me.............. 49 12th July: I am in charge of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service still bugging but also supporting me...................... 52

16. The Source is waking up and integrating all previous Universes into ONE and also turning the world
16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4


13th July: The darkness of some LTO friends, the Commune and Falck is killing me without a chance to escape!.............. 56 14th July: The Source is waking up and integrating all previous Universes into ONE and also turning the world ............ 58 15th July: The spirit of my mother, the master mind of our New Universe, confirms the merge of previous Universes ..... 62 16th July: The Horseman in Cairo in February WAS the horseman of death, I will now arrive on my white horse .............. 65

19. I am waking up for deed, almost receiving my last supper, suffering much, but still leading the world...... 68
19.1 17th July: I am waking up for deed, almost receiving my last supper, suffering much, but still leading the world........... 69 19.2 18th July: The old world is fearing to stand forward, which I encourage you to do - and also to inform your media! ..... 77 19.3 19th July: EXTREME darkness almost bringing me down was lifted my mother has read and understood my email ....... 81

22. People of other civilizations were refused to take over the management of Earth to save our old Universe...85
22.1 20th July: People of other civilizations were refused to take over the management of Earth to save our old Universe ..... 87 22.2 21st July: The automatic voice makes it impossible to understand, but it is turning around together with the world . 91 22.3 22nd July: The ending of the old world order and the beginning of my New World Order .................................................. 94

25. The Trinity: We have reached the end of creation bringing eternal life as a wonderful gift to my children .... 99
25.1 23rd July: The victory of normal life, transforming into my TRUE self and I ask Australia to publish my arrival............. 101 25.2 24th July: The tragedy of Norway: God is NOT killing people, but saving millions of people from the same tragedy! ...... 104 25.3 25th July: The Trinity: We have reached the end of creation bringing eternal life as a wonderful gift to my children ...... 108

28. The Danish Government is helping the process of publishing my arrival to the world ................................ 111
28.1 26th July: Elijah is desperately appealing to help children from dying, and I am desperately asking the world to help!... 112 28.2 27th July: Part of the New Universe has blown up because my old friend Paul has decided not to believe in me ............ 117 28.3 28th July: The Danish Government is helping the process of publishing my arrival to the world....................................... 121

31. The Source is the father and my mother is the mother of my new self and the entire New Universe ........... 124
31.1 29th July: The Source is the father and my mother is the mother of my new self and the entire New Universe............... 125 31.2 30th July: I am waiting on politicians/media to publish my arrival, which will make us start market ourselves more....... 127 31.3 31st July: Keeping both the old and the New Universe open for people before respectively after receiving faith in me.. 129
The front page: The drawing of the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci is used as a symbol of the ideal man as part of the universe: To find the beauty and the ideal balance of life in correlation between the material and spiritual world with the continuing aim to purify man in order for man to return to the divine source.

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July 2011

2. When the world will receive and confess their faith in me, I will become my true self
1. SUBJECT 1st July: Receiving the worst suffering ever these days - who will help me through your support/understanding? SUMMARY Dreaming of Jack and his mother thinking of me but not doing what is RIGHT, the world community accepted nice dictators also because of good personal relations (!) and trade, which was more important than HUMAN rights how could you (?), I am receiving the worst pressure ever these days - people who will read and support me will reduce my sufferings, who will help?, I am still the good old Stig manoeuvring the New Universe all the way on place before I will become my new self, my good spiritual special friends are helping me to prepare the New Universe, which is very difficult to do because of the resistance/ignorance of people of the physical world still believing I am crazy without reading and understanding me. At Falck, Robert did not think I would come today, but it did not prevent him from asking me to do his work (!) when checking the cash balance of the month and keying in vouchers. The reason was that this was impossible for him to do because of just how awful he feels after his wife has chosen another man, but the true situation is that Robert is NOT being STRONG and COMMUNICATING with his wife as I recommended him to do, which is not only bringing misery to himself but also even more darkness to me. Robert you were feeling awful, where I was on my edge of survival also today also because of you (!) and if anyone should help anyone, you should help me! I have now almost cleaned the office as I had in my mind, which is also how the New Universe is now looking in the eyes of my spiritual friends. It is now up to the office here and my spiritual friends to be disciplined to keep the office and the New Universe tidy. I have not heard from my concerned mother for two weeks now. She has the power to reduce our sufferings much, if she simply decides to tell me that she believes in who I am. WHAT WILL YOU DO, MOTHER (?) - CONTINUE TO PLAY A GAME PRETENDING NOT TO KNOW OR TO TRULY HELP BOTH OF US? Dreaming of not being able to afford buying underwear and running trousers and difficulties coming to make the world believe in me because they will underestimate me and the New World Order because of their strong voice believing that I have to be an imitator of myself. I feel my new spiritual self as everything, who gradually will become my physical self when the world will receive and confess their faith in me. The remaining darkness will not be used for the creation or cleaning up of the New Universe, which has now ended but for the process of making people believe in me and the New World Order. The resistance and sceptical attitude of people during this process will mean continuous suffering to me, which I will take on as another sacrifice to take on the sins of man. David wrote to me about the rich elite of Kenya including the MPs enriching themselves on the expense of the beggars of the country, which obviously makes him feel bad about the leaders! The drought of Kenya and the African Horn means that the price of flour has doubled since January and is on the rise. People are starving. It is tough. Millions of people are affected by this work of the Devil, which could have been eased with an even deeper faith and support of my dear LTO friends in me. I bring you (some) food, which is also food for thought in order for all of you to continuously read and follow me. I was shown a vision of myself as a 10 year old boy, which was about the dj vues I receive when the experiences I have now match the information I was given as a boy and also about the clairvoyant reading I received from Janet Parker in 2006, which also said that as I child I met God as my master, I accepted to become me as the Saviour this is how it is - which would lead me
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2nd July: When the world will receive and confess their faith in me, I will become my true self

to the top of the mountain (symbolic for suffering) in order to be schooled/disciplined through the sufferings I would be given in life by the master directly and the reading also said that it has been written, it was known, which is about my rebirth, which man has been waiting for 2,000 years for.

2.1 1 July: Receiving the worst suffering ever these days - who will help me through your support/understanding?
Dreaming of receiving the worst suffering ever these days - who will help me through your support/understanding? Yesterday was absolutely TERRIBLE to come through, and I was having a night almost at the same level making me feel almost as terrible to do but a little bit better, though and here are several dreams again: I am staying with Jack and his parents, Jack is not at the house and the parents invites me to come in to them in the living room to watch TV, which I decline. When I am going to sleep at Jacks room in the basement, I notice that there is no curtain at the top window and it makes me concerned if someone may look in. I walk out to the room next to Jacks room, which is untidy and includes much clothes, again when I look up I see a window to the yard and I become somewhat nervous about a female neighbour walking up there, and suddenly I am very surprised to see a Gipsy woman with her two children with me in the basement, the children scratch my hand and they steal clothes. o I woke very suddenly from the dream with goose flesh all over as a nightmare, which is another way to deflect much darkness. Here I am on the mind of Jacks parents his mother it must be since his father is dead but you know of course I can also be always on my mind one of his best, you know - of Jacks late father too, and Evy also has a TV darkness and I am just wondering if the dream also means that I am on the mind of Jack, but he is deliberately not there even though you could have wanted to be there if it was not for your responsibility at work, Jack (?) WRONG it is (!) and the clothes of Jack and his mother will have to be the luggage they need to bring when it is clean a symbol of themselves and here things are not looking very good at the moment when they dont do what is needed to pass on to the next level and if you use your simple logic, it should not be difficult to decide what is right to do. Read, understand and also communicate with me, support me and stop doing what is WRONG. I am at a large house in the mountains, the Egyptian dictator has just said goodbye and he is followed by two henchmen, who are killers and whom two of my people wants to throw stones against and it is almost impossible to make my two people stop. I am about overtaking the job as the leader of the state from my predecessor, he was a cold man who did not understand the warmth of the Egyptian leader and this led to a stop of trade of vegetables between the countries. I follow the leader to the exit and we pass a swimming pool area, where we have to walk the
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edge of the pool receiving wet feet to pass people sitting at tables and I am much closer to the leader, he is a very warm and nice man and I understand him much better than my predecessor and I hear a lady at a table of four saying that now the trade of carrots will start again. o This dream is saying how difficult it must have been for the world community to deal with very nice dictators (!), who dont have blood on their hands directly but have uncontrollable people to do the dirty work of killing etc. for them (!) and it says that when leaders have good personal relations, it helps the trade and when they dont, it has consequences for the trade (!) even at the highest level, this is how things WRONGLY work today and did the world community forget human rights because of dictators being very nice and because in the name of trade and money everything else is acceptable (?) and can you see how WRONG this is too, my dear world community? YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE ACCECPTED THE LIKES OF IDI AMIN, ROBERT MUGABE, POL POT and countless other dictators/killers/ robbers of the worst drawer (!) how could you??? o I was told that this dream is also about the change of attitude of the Commune in me, the dictators of this place decided to kill me last year, but now they like me . The Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, has prepared a statement of the facts about the discharge of his office and he says very directly to the press that I took too long to prepare this, which has made me come under the greatest pressure ever and I see how Anders tells Jos Manuel Barroso the President of the European Commission that you have promised to read the book in order to keep him to his promise before he will be leaving on a plane. o It is liberating to see people speaking so directly that people will understand and also people who keep their promises, and this is what Anders did as PM of Denmark and still does and this is what brings credibility and faith of people (!) and the book Anders encourages Barosso to read is my book so we know it is not easy for people to read my book (?), and to Barosso and your colleagues in Europe and all over the world really: I WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK when reading, and please remember to READ CAREFULLY in order to understand and it should really not be that difficult, or .. . o I wonder if the actions of Anders is a symbol of my actions (when the darkness controlled my life), which will make me come under my greatest pressure ever (?) and I understood the dream when waking up that this is what I already am because of strong reactions of my mother, friends and world community at the moment in relation to me, which is VERY close to bringing me down
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One God, One People

these days. I am livin on the edge these days because of powerful reactions of nervous people there is NOTHING to be afraid of and the more afraid you are, the more you will bring me down! o These days I am receiving a dj vue, which is about people of the world community whom I know is talking about and reading my book, but I dont know whom, what they talk about and how much they read and this is not easy because they dont communicate with me and will some of you out there understand that I need information here too instead of freezing me out thinking that he will be fine as he is (?) and I write this because this is also a dj vue I receive about you not communicating with me because eeeehhh you believe you dont need to and dont feel like communicating with the Son of God and this is where you are WRONG my friends I am merely as human being just as fragile as you are. o PEOPLE, WHO WILL STAND FORWARD TO SUPPORT ME for example by sending me an email WILL HELP REDUCING MY SUFFERING and the same is when people will be reading and understanding my books and this I can say for sure because I just received a dj vue about this. WILL ANYONE HELP ME TO FEEL BETTER ALSO TO REDUCE THE RISK OF DAMAGE TO THE WORLD IF I SHOULD NOT BE STRONG ENOUGH GOING THROUGH THIS PHASE ALONE TOO (?) OR IS THAT TOO MUCH TO DEMAND OF YOU??? o May I hear repeat to the nations, which have come forward to support me that this IS indeed a help, which has been included in my suffering-accounts. THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO ALL COUNTRIES FOR YOUR BRAVE MOVE - and the more you can decide to do can you (?) - the more you help the world and also me . I am driving Kim S old Volvo stationcar at Frederiksgace in Copenhagen close to our old office, I see an Audi A4, which has stopped, it is owned by a couple, it is on Swedish number plates and they are emptying the car. I ask them of the engine size and they tell me to my surprise that it has as much as between 250-300 horsepowers and I tell them that I consider buying a used car and I am about to talk to them about buying their car when Kim S. arrives and hurries with me to park and come to work, and at the office I see that Preben is working outside of the office at a client today, Else is watching television and there is nice white bread. o The Volvo is Swedish, the German Audi is on Swedish plates, which may be to tell that I am still good old Stig manoeuvring the New Universe all the way on place before I will become my new self the one who is here but not there with you as I am told here and the small scene with Kim S. is to say that I dont like people to hurry with me as I have experienced by Kim as the worst manager in this respect closely followed by the impatient managers Sren H. and Kresten (!) and that is when I act responsibly and at the office you see the symbols of darkness, the television and also the white
One God, One People

bread, which is to say that the threat of my old nightmare is still there and also somewhat in dreams, which I dont include here but not much this night. I see that Morten J. (from GE Insurance) is fighting with a man consisting both of Jan and the man from Customer Service who wrongly got fired (from Fair), I go in between them to stop them, I tell them that they are sensible guys both of them and to Morten J. I say that I did not tell you how much I like your good sides and when it comes to you bad sides, I believe you are an idiot, which you probably also think of me, but bottom line is that I cared much for you. o What is this fight about (?) also the good vs. bad (?) and Morten, when I think of you I also often think of Anders Fogh because you are really the same kind of type and again I am sad that you decided to fight me in stead of joining me at GE Insurance but a special friend and important you are. I am together with a group of people on a tour of some days to a city in the province of Jutland, I see a steel wire winch, which is hoisting a whole caravan of cars etc. up a very steep road with food for the hotel on top. I see that the wire is also carrying a Citroen 2CV, which gets out of control and break into the wall of a sluice next to the road, which damages the car totally. I stand on the edge of the sluice seeing this, and through the water I can see many flatfish at the bottom, and I also see a small fish flying landing next to me, which makes me say with a smile that this will have to be a flying fish, and I understand that the wire winch will try again bringing up the caravan and I get the feeling that this time it will work. Later I am at the square of the city, where I enter an old fashioned Danish restaurant of questionable quality in a typical dusty 1960s look, and I see that the large tables at the back end of the room are fully taken by my friends and there is no place available where I would like to sit, so I am going closer to the front of the room where I find smaller tables of only 2-3 of my friends, where I will find a place to sit. o Jutland and Sweden is the same: Our New Universe of joy and happiness, where I have brought my special friends spiritually you know and all of these people are preparing the New Universe for all of us including distribution of normal life and here it says that you need to be tuff thinking of Bob every time to enter this steep hill, i.e. the weak 2CV car, and these difficulties are still about resistance of physical people believing I am crazy without reading and understanding me (!), the fish is the symbol of me, flying is really working better late than never to find out precisely and the not very good restaurant is to say that the quality of normal life is reducing because of the weakening world economy (?) and I can only encourage the world to get united around me and to start introducing the New World Order to come out of the misery of the system of the old world, which is bringing you down, but not as much as it would have if I was not still working (!) and just so you know of course .
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I have now cleaned up the New Universe and it is up to my spiritual friends to keep it tidy This morning I started working at 07.55 and on my way to Falck I was told that if I had been killed by the darkness, Obama would have taken over as me helping the world to survive and come through, and because I decided NOT to give up, Obama could keep a lower profile about who he truly is as part of the plan to make the world believing in me. At Falck, Robert was the officer on guard, and I could tell that he was not in a good mood and in order to be sure, I asked him is your mood up or down today and he told me that it was down, which made me ask him is it game over (in relation to his wife) and yes was his answer and we know there was thus no connection to the message of Charlotte on Facebook the other day or else it was the darkness working. Robert said that he did not believe I would come today did Lars not tell you that my working days Tuesday-Thursday changed to Tuesday-Friday recently (?) and while he was thinking of my presence, he discovered that now I was here, I could of course help him (!) with what seemed as an impossible task for him to carry out today because of how awful you felt, Robert, and that was for me to help you doing the monthly cash balance check including to key in the vouchers at the balance sheet and I told you that a few minutes ago you did not believe I would come, and now you have work for me to do (?) and we know WRONG again, Robert (!) taking the easy way instead of the RIGHT way out, so this is what we did, when Robert did the preparations of the vouchers and the counting of the cash boxes and then he left the impossible work for me, which was to key in the vouchers and to check the account numbers and VAT codes with the account plan and we know when you tried to do this work yourself, you became so annoyed with the work, which the Gentofte Station had sent you they are part of the Lyngby accounts making you lose your temper and I could only tell you that the cocktail of a big temper and a poor mood is truly very bad and again I told you that you decide yourself Robert if you want to be in a good or poor mood (!), which you again agreed with me was true (!, so after you had done your work, I continued working on the difficult part, which was truly impossible for me to do not because it was difficult but because of my extreme tiredness and 90% of the same heavy head as yesterday almost disconnected I was, which is a feeling as DISGUSTING as you can imagine and while doing this, I also received the WORST speech in connection with my old nightmare disgusting too (!) and direct encouragements from the darkness to give up etc., which I again said I WILL NEVER DO I will continue doing what is RIGHT no matter how strong this darkness may become and just how strong can it really become at this stage (?) - and we know I did this work on my edge and the errors, which Gentofte had done, which made Robert so furious could be solved the easy or the right way and before Robert left, I asked him if he wanted to do it the easy or right way, which made him give the right answer, which was the right way, which meant to do a little bit of their work over again and can you guess if I or
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Robert did this work (?) and you are right, I did it (!) and when I was doing this work, I was thus on my edge of breaking down and this is where I received the feeling of Obama to my left also receiving some light, which helped me somewhat, which was to say that this is myself through Obama helping myself (!) and while I was doing this work for Robert, what did he do (?) and we know he decided to go to an office, close the door and starting to speak privately on the phone with a good friend of his for what may have been 1-2 hours (?) and I did not want to listen to your conversation, Robert, but I could not help hearing you say strongly I dont feel like seeing her because of the disgust you feel when your wife is together with another man, and do I have to tell you, that I have had the same feeling now for the 7th year in succession with Karen (?) see my dream of the other night, which is to say that the feeling is still intact - and that your life situation is heaven compared to mine and if anyone should help anyone, it should be you helping me, but that would of course take for you to know and understand who I am and how I suffer, which you dont because I am always in a good mood, willing to help and do my best work, thus also today when there was a small cash difference to start with, where I checked the maybe 50 vouchers I keyed in only to find that I had keyed them in without errors and it did not take you long to find the difference yourself because of an error of your own and one of Gentofte when you were counting the cash. And I was told that because Robert is doing what is WRONG not to control his temper and poor mood, and not to communicate with his wife as I recommended him to do - he is not only bringing more misery to himself, but also directly to me: Robert you could have decided to do what yow know is RIGHT to do herewith also helping me, but you made my journey even worse, but on the other hand, this is also helping us to remove more darkness quicker - but let us say there is much of it at the moment. While I was doing this work, I noticed that Jesper had once again bought a new pair of shoes on the expense account of the company, which he almost does every month (?) and we know a pair of shoes is my full monthly budget (!) and of course as the important manager he is the one using most of the budget on food and representation. While I was working with Robert speaking privately on the phone, I was also happy to hear the unemployed firemen not much to do when there is no fire (?) TALK TALK AND TALK just outside my window and today they had received the fantastic idea to lighting up the grill to do sausages and this delicious smell with all of their private talk and laughter and yes they are officially at work and of course protected by their Union and their WRONG collective agreements (!) and when it was 12.45 and Robert was back, one of these employees was nice to speak through the open window offering Robert to come out to get a sausage because we have four left (!) and we know I was not offered anything (!) because it takes time today in the minds of people to offer strangers the same as they offer our own people and my dear friends because I have very good relations with all people here there will come one day when you will discover just how WRONG you were while I was here.
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I also did a few more details on the cleaning up of the office and now it is almost looking as I have in my mind and because I do my best, the others are happy with what I do (!) thus also Robert today and this is to tell you that I HAVE NOW SHOWN YOU WHAT TO DO TO KEEP YOUR OFFICES TIDY AND IT IS NOW UP TO YOU TO SHOW YOUR DISCIPLINE TO KEEP IT TIDY and this is not only about this office and the physical world, but also the New Universe, which is becoming tidy for all of my spiritual friends to get an overview of where to collect what we need and so it is here . Will my mother continue playing a game or will she support me with her faith helping our sufferings to decrease? I have not seen or heard from my mother since visiting my sister 13 days ago, and this time she knows that it is her turn to call not that it matters to me, but I have decided to see when she will call me again will she do that soon or is it too difficult to see me knowing about both of us (?) and we know it is truly not very easy to be positive and supportive to your Son without speaking about what the heart is full of (?) are you really the one, and YES MOTHER THIS IS WHAT I AM (!!!) - and is that because you are afraid of what John and SANNA will say (?) and let me tell you that when you decide to stand forward simply saying that you have faith in who I am, you will almost remove all of my suffering and with that MUCH of your own suffering too and we know PLEASE BE STRONG AND DECIDE WHAT IS RIGHT TO DO, WHICH WILL HELP BOTH OF US MUCH and I know about your sufferings my mother, and if you understood the degree of what I go through, you would decide to help me straight away. What will you decide to do (?), and that is if you read this of course, which I can not be certain of because it is difficult to read about me/us (?) but this is how it HAS to be, mother, which you will come to know not that long from now. --Ending the day with these short stories: I had feelings of Sikhs in India knowing about me. I continued working until 16.40 today I also did a little bit of shopping and we know the day was VERY difficult but a little bit less extreme than the last couple of days, and at 19.00-20.00 it was IMPOSSIBLE to stay awake, I have never been this tired before as in this week, but still I decided to stay awake until going to bed early at 22.30. I was told about recipes including small fish cannot remember what they are called as part of the ingredients to be used to strengthen the taste and I was told that even we get surprised of what people create and I was receiving the feeling that CREATION is inhabited from one link to the next and is the reason why I am now everything of this world that I am the creator of this world (?) based upon what the Source has given for me/us to create this world and we know, which is nothing you know .

2.2 2 July: When the world will receive and confess their faith in me, I will become my true self
Dreaming that the world will underestimate me and believe that I am an imitator of myself I was VERY surprised that I was not woken up with dreams during the night and I only had these dreams shortly before waking up at 07.25 today giving me a long night of sleep, which however is still not normal sleep: I am shopping at a cheap supermarket, and at the entrance I remove what people have recommended me to buy with what I believe is RIGHT to buy myself. I see a box of clothes, which I believe may be something for me but I discover it is for women only, and I see a young lady taking five pairs of trousers, which she wants to buy and I smile at her and say that there is a maximum of three only. o Yesterday I was at the supermarket of Ftex where I saw a sign on a box of clothes saying underwear on sale, which I was hoping would be for men which it was not and only saying that I cannot afford to buy underwear, , which I really need and also a new pair of running shorts because the ones I have has a hole and I cannot wear the t-shirts I have left at Falck, because they have stains and we know this is how it is to be poor. The three pairs of trousers in the dream is of course about the Trinity. Later I am at the watch and jeweller shop at the main street of Hrsholm just before the shopping centre, and I see that the shop is selling wine glasses for 10 DKK, which they claim are original glasses of 1,590 DKK, and I am very sure that they can only be very cheap copies at that price, and I am very surprised when the assistant finds one of the glasses for a customer and I see with my own eyes that they are indeed original and of a MUCH better quality, and the assistant says that they will only sell these glasses for celebrities and people who writes and travel, and I say this is what I do, which only makes her smile superiorly and she says that there are not many people for Noa and I tell her that this is to undervalue me. o In the future there will be no copyrights or production secrets according to the New World Order, which is NOT to say that you can imitate the work of others and sell it like it is the original work of others and we know as important it is to give a precise and detailed price, it is to specify truthfully what an article includes, and if the article is a cheap imitation, you will write truthfully that it is a cheap imitation, you see? o Furthermore it is about making the world drink my wine, which is not easy to do because the world underestimating and not believing in me because of their STRONG voice believing that I have to be an IMITATOR (!) of myself and also because not many in the beginning will believe in my new system the New World Order and normal life etc. which Noa (the old IT-system I tried to develop at Aon) is a symbol of and this is
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where I would be happy to receive the help of governments and the press of the world, which has or will come to understand me and my mission, which firstly was to save us all and secondly to heal the world to make it a better place, for you and for me, and the entire human race. When the world will receive and confess their faith in me, I will become my true self This morning I was less tired than the previous days/week and I received almost no negative voices, which gave me time to come over the last days, which again were a row of days taking everything out of me, which is what I feel the after effects of today and I decided to take a very long bath before I finally decided to stand up and to also do some work today from 10.25. Yesterday evening I thought about trying to explain to you the feeling I get not every time but often when I close my eyes, which is a feeling of simply BEING in the spiritual world, where I am everything and we know this is the feeling and let us put some more words on it, a feeling of being able to see everything with ease and without limitations and a feeling which I have at the top of my head and around my head from approx. the lines of my glasses and up and we know a completely different world it is but still the same as this one two in one and this is what I am too, I am physically still the old Stig and the feeling I get spiritually is from my new spiritual self, which is also to say that this is me waiting patiently to come through to myself physically as the new Stig just as in BBCs Top Gear recently (!) and this is what will happen gradually when the world will receive and confess their faith in me. I was also told yesterday evening that the darkness, which is left is not to be used for the creation or cleaning up of the New Universe, which has now ended but for the process of making people believe in me and the New World Order. I continue saying this is also me, when I am given feelings of different spirits, and this is also wrong (dette er ogs forkert), if I receive words and actions, which are WRONG and yesterday the Danish word forkert (wrong) was strongly changed to fr-kert with the beginning of the word meaning sheep or lamb as I was also thinking and I thought what does a lamb mean to me and I could only think that it is about Easter and a symbol of the sacrifice I do to take on the sins of mankind and this morning when I was at bath, I was shown a vision of a giant dark man standing in the hall and I was asked if I wanted to sacrifice this to eliminate this darkness and the only answer I could give was to say no, bring it on to me (!) I know by now that the difficult choice is the right choice (!) - which made me see this darkness drink an orange soda as a symbol of becoming cleaned by the Source too and I was told that this is the darkness of man, who will resist me and the New World Order because of sceptical attitudes, bad habits and preconceived beliefs, and in order to help mankind, I will take on your sins as
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more suffering, which you know is what this lamb and giant dark man is about so come on bring on the night once again to make this a HAPPY outcome for all . I was also told that this was darkness of the Holy Spirit coming through to be cleaned. The traditional RAIN and MUD of the Roskilde Festival is the symbol of the suffering of my life This morning the rain has simple STOOD DOWN in Denmark including at the Roskilde Festival an old symbol of my new home and at the DR radio news this morning at 09.00 a reporter at the festival was speaking about all of this rain making the festival ground into mud once again, which made an inspired host afterwards saying slush, slush, slush and we know three times, so the Trinity was also here as we are there and everywhere and for how many years have this festival been drowning in rain (?) and this is really to symbolise the sufferings of my entire life. The drought of the Horn of Africa is tough but the Kenyan leaders are still some of the most paid in the world! Dear David, Thank you for yet another email showing me your warmth and also faith in a better world to come, and my dear friend I agree with you in the WRONG doings of selfish people and here MPs STEALING from their POOR country (1 million KSH as David writes in his email below is approx. 11,300 USD or 58,200 DKK), which of course is very WRONG to do and all I can tell you is that THE WORLD IS CHANGING as I have written about so often and you wrote to me the other day, David, that it was an eye opener when I received visitors from governments to my website herewith confessing their faith in me and my dear LTO friends, you all confirm your faith in me, but the question is HOW DEEP IS YOUR FAITH (?) because do you truly believe in me that the whole world is changing, that my New World Order and normal life will come to everyone, that I will become the King on Earth and you will become my true servants helping me to fulfil these goals (?), or are you a little bit sceptical too because you cannot see any change yet (?) and you may not have prioritised to read all details of my scripts making it difficult to understand the details (?) and my dear friends, it is in the details that you will find your own deep faith and the challenge for you was to prioritize between food and thought and the less you have read my scripts, the more challenging it has potentially been to your faith and even though I am happy to receive this heartfelt email of yours David, I would have been very happy for you to follow up on the communication from your last email saying that you were still reading and reflecting on the scripts about communicating with governments because what did this reflection of yours bring you? Did you do your absolutely best work reading and trying to understand these important messages in order for you to help the whole team to understand (?), which would not only deepen your understanding and faith but also help decreasing my suffering or did you decide to NOT do your best work also coming easy over the communication with the team - if they had not
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understood themselves - because you decided to use money on extra meals instead on extra thought and my dear friends, I am bringing you (some) food and you may say that the idea is food for thought also to make you continuously follow me, read me, understand me and communicate with me and I know about your sufferings you may know about mine too (?) and still it is almost impossible for three of you at the moment to communicate with me it should NOT be necessary for you David to encourage the others to communicate; I am sad that they have decide not to or only to communicate rarely and that is despite of your sufferings, my gentlemen and HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU BY NOW AND STILL YOU HAVE NOT LEARNED (!) - and if this is the case, how much do you then REALLY read, understand and communicate about my scripts in order for all to understand (?) and DAVID I DONT KNOW BECAUSE I AM NOT TOLD HERE AND BECAUSE YOU DONT COMMUNICATE THIS TO ME and all I am saying is for you to please find the best balance to get both FOOD and THOUGHT and the reason whey I write food for thought is because this is very beautiful music by one of my old favourite bands, UB40, which is to tell you about my warm feelings for all of you and also to confirm the coming of a new world including normal life for everyone with these lyrics of the song: Hear the bells are ringing, Christmas on it`s way. Hear the angels singing, what is that they say? Eat and drink rejoicing, joy is here to stay. Jesus son of Mary is born again today. I am sad to hear about the severe drought in the Horn of Africa, which the news here says is threatening the lives of over 10 million people and I can only say that the Devil is the strongest when darkness is allowed to come through the light of my servants, and David you may remember what I have told you earlier about your big importance to your region as some of my most important servants, and you may believe you have done what is right and enough to help me (?), but this drought is telling you that you could have done more. Despite of this I wish you all the best of luck and I feel Virgin Mary here as her true self or the spirit of my mother at the top of my head, and she is saying that my thoughts go to the children and when I will become my true self with an increasing faith of the world in me, I will be able to tell you more, and this is where we are, it is still the lack of faith of the world in me, which is preventing me to be my TRUE self making more words come through, which is what you David and the team could have DECIDED to help me with, which is to teach my words to others and to make others start to believe in me. This is why. Take care and all of my best to the quiet team and to all of your families and friends. Here is his email: Dear Stig, First of all receive my heartfelt greetings. I am fine today despite the fact that the day was long. How are you today? I do hope that you are okay.
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All is well with me and thanks for your support I am assured of meals for the next oncoming days. Praise is to God. I attended a meeting where I met Elijah and Meshack. I was unable to meet John but I spoke with him by phone. All are well and I did encourage them to write to you. On another note, I have been discouraged as a result of our MPs making a lot of fuss about paying their taxes. As you main know, most of African countries are greatly economically fragmented. We have a few rich elite that either through corruption or unfair economic environment have been managed to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest. So like one Kenya leader who was assassinated in 1975 said, Kenya is a country of 10 millionaires and 10 million beggars. The numbers have ever since tripled. So when our MPs refuse to pay taxes or when they do it on camera to show off, it makes me sad. They do not feel anything even when all of us pass through hard times. As you may know Kenyan MPs are some of the most paid in the world. Each receives about Ksh. 1000 000 per month. When I see the trends above, I feel bad about the kind of people who lead us. May be God allowing I think of going into politics one day. Perhaps I can bring change to the leadership of our country! My brothers and sisters are fine and I am updated about their situation. The Horn of Africa - which includes my village - is facing a lot of food scarcity. Indeed it is being estimated that the nearest the region came close to such scarcity was in 19511952. The price of flour has doubled since January and is on the rise. People are starving. It is tough. Let me pause for now, has a good evening. Thanks David I accepted to become the Saviour when God visited me as a boy, which was the start of my difficult school of life The other day when I received deja vues of different experiences, I also received a vision where I was shown the following picture of myself as a 10 year old boy and I was told that this was when God was leaving me as a boy and I knew that this was connected to the contacts we had when I was a boy, where I received this hidden knowledge inside of me, which is what I remember now when I receive dj vues when experiencing what I was told as a boy, which I remember vaguely as speech and feelings coming to me when I was (half-) sleeping. I instantly understood that this vision was also about the special clairvoyant reading, which the International Medium Janet Parker gave me in 2006, where she received and transmitted a symbolic language when she spiritually went into my soul and this is because as I am told here there was more to be told
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and here both in the meaning to emphasise other important messages on my page containing clairvoyant readings on me and also that if Janet had been willing to accept more information coming, we would have given it to her, to you and the world but she had reached her limit of what she believed could be true because who in the world is the man sitting in front of me, and surely he cannot be . (?) or can he, Janet (?) and yes this is the message to you too in order to develop you and here I bring the part of her reading, which is where I as a child meet my maker the man upstairs who is the master in the text, where you can tell that the main messages are that I accept that this is how it is I accept being me, the Saviour (!) and that it has been written, it was known that I would be reborn, which was now because there came a knock on the door: I had been sent for and I accepted my faith of life when I was a boy (!), which also meant that I would reach the top of the mountain (symbolic for suffering) and schooled/disciplined through the sufferings I would be given in my life by the master directly (!) and by the way, mother, this reading also says that I was not meant to be if it was up to to you and father at the time, which the reading of Billy Cook also said. Here is the part of the reading by Janet Parker where I as a boy meet my master, and you can read and listen to the entire reading here. The yellow is the colour of the Orient, and I am going to take my mind this way a little because it is as if I can see a pathway and I can see a couple, they almost seem quite old, they are not old, but it is because life has been not so easy, but they have this child by the hand, this little boy, dark hair, big eyes, and each of them brings him by the hand and they come to the base of the mountain. It has been a long journey and the little boy must be three, perhaps four years old, and as we look up the big mountain here, there comes a stranger coming forward, and he has a stick in his hand, he has a simple sack over his shoulder, and he comes forward, he looks at the child and they all nod and at that point the couple release the child and the master holds out his hand and the little boy puts his tiny hand in the hand of the master and he looks to the people, the lady has gentle tears falling and the father can not look directly in the eyes of the child, he turns his head away, and yet the touch of this masters hand, he looks up and it is as if this child accepts in some way, this is how it is, and the couple turn and they walk away and the master squeezes the hand of the child and the child has to believe, he puts his faith in this master, never seen him before, and yet within the look there is something there, some recognition, the master doesnt speak, and they travelled for many days, not speaking, the master takes sustenance, food, water

from his sack and the child eats, and the child, three, four and yet the knowledge of ages, it is as if the child is old, and the child knows when he came into this family, that he was not meant to be, it is as if the child was too rich in knowledge, for these were simplistic people, kind , but simplistic people, and they did not understand the inquiring mind of the child, but there came one day a knock on the door and the child had been sent for, because it has been written, it was known, and as they reach the top of the mountain, the child is taken in and schooled, disciplined, not easy, the only love was a love that was found through touching something that was out there, something that seemed intangible, and the child hears the sound of the gong and the gong brings a different energy, the ohm brings a different energy and it is as if the child is transported on the sound of the ohm and the child is a child no more.

God was with me as a boy until 10 giving me hidden knowledge, and I accepted my faith as the Saviour --Ending the day with these short stories: I was less tired today but received a blurred vision as I have tried before, which is not making writing easy. At 15.40 I published the last three days of scripts. I am TIRED of this work to say the least, but will continue because it is right to do, and by the way does anyone have a good table I can use when writing (?) because my left hand is resting on the table in such a way that it hurts just underneath the hand.

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5. My mother has decided to be STONE-DEAF because of her SELF-DENIAL about who we truly are
1. SUBJECT 3rd July: It is STILL impossible for my mother to LISTEN to and understand me, which once again broke us apart SUMMARY Yesterday evening my mother called me and she decided WRONGLY to take the party of the Commune against me (!) and to criticize me for writing about our meetings she does not want to be public (!) which developed into a heated debate where it was impossible for my mother to understand my website and my purpose because something has to be WRONG with you (!) and NO MATTER WHAT I SAID it was impossible to cut through her negative side to make her understand, but I told her that I love her but she does NOT have the ability to understand my website, which gave her uncontrollable feelings when taking this the wrong way (!), and that the problem is the ATTITUDE of John and especially Sanna, who could understand my website if they decided to show the RIGHT attitude but even though I am NOT crazy when we meet (!), you believe I am right in most/all cases (?), you believe that I have TRUE spiritual contacts, you believe in the UFOs I write about, governments have started acknowledging me and you receive more and more proof through my scripts, the family still believe I am crazy (!) and how CRAZY can you really be (???) and that is the TRUE question here! This misunderstanding and pain was darkness of the Holy Spirit given to me and my mother through her wrong thoughts and decisions, which eventually will make me reach the heart of everyone because just underneath this darkness, which is now converted to light, there is a world of light waiting to open up inside all people, which will happen when I will open up the eyes of my TRUE inner self and I wonder if this will be in 2012, which is my best guess you know. This immense darkness was symbolised by HISTORY, when God opened up the sluice giving the worst cloudburst in Copenhagen for 30 years with 150 millimetres of rain in two hours, which is normally what we get in two months. Dreaming of the Devil of my family killing me once again (!), Michael Jackson was another part of me, who misused children, which you may be able to forgive him (me!) for because of strong darkness and part of a necessary disgusting plan to save the world (!), is the Commune thinking of sending me to a new job application course making them self look like complete fools (?), people treating me wrongly is making me sad, the Source will leave the darkness too, hundreds of my special friends are still going through their train journey, which will end in 2012 when time will end and be replaced by a new eternal now. What I did not receive from my own mother (!) understanding and support I received from my suffering special friend Meshack in Kenya, who will walk all the journey with you till the end because he is the only one (?) reading my scripts word for word as I have recommended ALL people to do, which no one seems to be able to hear, understand and make them self to do! Meshack shows that when you do what is EASY for all people to do if only you bothered (!), the scripts become a part of your everyday life, they bring you faith and understanding, which is impossible to receive if you do not read carefully! THANK YOU SO MUCH MESHACK FOR SHOWING THE WORLD THE RIGHT ATTITUDE AND AN IMMENSE WILL POWER and this is while he is suffering much, now with double food prizes in Kenya in only three months, which would have made an UPRISING in Denmark, but people here dont seem to care about a few more million people screaming, crying and many dying as long as they can continue partying themselves!!! I received the STRONGEST darkness this evening, which almost made me accept people close to me my mother as an example hurt, but using my outermost will power, I finally decided to use my old rules to fight this darkness of the Holy Spirit too herewith saving my mother once again as my answer to her unknowing and unwilling desire to kill me! The more darkness, which will be removed
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in this phase, the easier it will become for the world to understand me! The new break between my mother and I was given to me as information in a dream already the 14th June. Dreaming of how Russia used to divide its population against the wishes of people, companies/lines of business working together with product development to share costs/benefits, the Trinity will save me if I should lose it while being on the edge again, I am still improving the it-system of the New Universe and I will be able to work for and receive an income for Falck if I give the manager a suggestion of how I can improve their business. On the evening show on Danish National TV, an inspired Anna Thygesen symbolising my mother symbolically spoke about how she escaped her suffering (and me) through seeking the darkness (!), the host understood and decided to put her fingers into her ears saying this does not happen, which symbolised my stone-deaf mother deciding not to understand because of self-denial and fear. Four ladies of a satire show spoke about their show as naughty or clean, which was about the two roads I face from here: The road of the darkness going through my old nightmare which would NOT be unpleasant to me, but potentially killing my mother or the road of the light, and because I have chosen the latter, the ladies were INSPIRED to speak about fish (the symbol of me) and shoes (a hidden symbol of God, which first is revealed now) because this road is directly heading for the light of God . The rings of the water is spreading was mentioned, which was the strategy I told LTO about in 2009 to have friends of my friends getting to know about my website until the world will get to know it which is STILL the strategy now also helped by governments of the world, who have learned about me also because the world WAS going under but miraculously started to recover, which was the work of God in disguise through me. Two young twins of the show did what was IMPOSSIBLE to do to attract visitors to their website by playing the piano for four hands lying upside down, which is exactly the same as I do: Do what is impossible to draw the attention of the world to me: PLEASE STAND FORWARD SHOWING YOUR FAITH AND SUPPORT IN ME in order to help me, you and the entire world . Dreaming of Putin killing journalists, which he will have to face and repent, my family of darkness led by my sister, who is not keeping her promise to read my website, I am moving into and controlling the darkness with great problems but I do it (!) and I still receive suffering of my old nightmare, which however should soon decrease again. After a few days away from Falck I saw how the mess has started creeping back to the office here there and everywhere because of bad habits of people not thinking and not leaving things after use the way they looked when they came! This is what you have to CHANGE in order to improve be disciplined and clean up after you! Falck has been kept busy because normally they are not (!) pumping away water after the cloudburst the other day and also to put out a big fire on Lyngby Youth School, which was ignited by a precise lightning in order to deflect VERY STRONG darkness these days. DONT BELIEVE PEOPLE WILL KNOW JUST BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOURSELF YOU HAVE TO COMMUNICATE (!!!). Today was also about people not doing BASIC things such as filling up when taking the last paper, not having a SYSTEM of where to find things at the archive, no processes for even simple tasks accepting without a care to give POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE as a consequence. I will start working full time for Falck for four weeks from Monday next week, which seems more impossible to do today than anything else before because of my EXTREME tiredness and HEAVY head at the same time as I have to search for jobs, find a new apartment and also write my scripts, but this is what is needed to convert the immense power of darkness I am now met with into light.


4th July: My mother has decided to be STONE-DEAF because of her SELFDENIAL about who we truly are


5th July: Putin will have to face the world and repent his decisions of killing journalists!

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5.1 3 July: It is STILL impossible for my self-denial mother to LISTEN to and understand me, which again broke us apart
It is STILL impossible for my self-denial mother to LISTEN to and understand me, which again broke us apart Before writing the chapter on dreams I will give you this update of events of yesterday evening after publishing the script: I was told that we will drive right through the darkness if I dont give up, which also includes to receive acknowledgement from China and maybe Obama could tell the Chinese leaders that a Chinese movie is one of my true favourites as I have written about before (House of flying daggers). I was first happy that my mother decided to call me this evening but when she started by saying that she and John will go on a cheap holiday to Mallorca tomorrow morning, I became sad because they still think of themselves a cheap holiday of maybe 10,000-20,000 DKK in total when you include all costs (?) instead of starting to share with somebody they know who is in need (!), which could be both in Denmark and Kenya, and when she started asking me about how things are, I became sad when I realised that I have no social nor love life, and I could only answer the question by telling about the Commune and Falck; that I have good relations with both and that the Commune has decided to take an illegal decision to force me working for full time at Falck for four weeks, which also made me unhappy just to talk about because this is as WRONG and humiliating as it gets it goes against all of my principles and when my mother started asking if I am sending job applications and also to take the party of the Commune, it made me as sad as you can imagine because it showed that my mother has read the recent script where I wrote about my meeting with the Commune but that she did not understand what it truly was about and I could only say that I have started sending two applications per week but that my purpose is still to show you the WRONG system and WRONG decisions of people, but you know my mother accepts authorities and of course they only want what is good for my son and this was really the start of this conversation I became unhappy. And it became worse when my mother decided to say that she does not like that you write about everything we speak about, which I really do not (!) which has to be about our dinner at Sannas home 14 days ago and I have decided to write my sisters name again in stead of sister and that is because I DONT WRITE TO ANNOY YOU BUT TO HELP YOU AND THE ENTIRE WORLD (!) and when I asked her if she feels that I have exhibited her and the family, to my big surprise she said yes (!) this is NOT the truth, try reading my chapter on our dinner 14 days ago once again - and we know THE VOICE OF MY MOTHER CAN BE EXTREMELY STRONG AND UNJUST she only wants to understand what she wants to understand and in a situation like this, it is with GUARENTEE a NEGATIVE POINT OF VIEW TOTALLY MISUNDERSTANDING THE OBJECTIVE TRUTH and this is the gift my mother has received because this is the balance of a WRONG world (!) but what she still does is to bring in ALL
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OF HER ENERGY trying to convince me about what is right and wrong and it is of course incredible that I am so DEAF and impossible to get to understand, isnt it mother (?) and the difference is that I am right and you are wrong and that ALL OF YOUR ENERGY AND CONCERN is yet again killing me but only if I allowed it to of course (!) and when I told her that this information is important to bring, she started asking WHY this is about our old favourite, Annie (!) and this is really also a message to you, father (!) and that was without an intention or ability to understand and NO MATTER WHAT I SAID, it would be misunderstood and taken up negatively, which was really the same I have experienced with the Commune mostly in 2010 but also much in 2011 and we know people who have such a strong voice and uncontrollable feelings that it is IMPOSSIBLE to cut through and then I tried by saying that the governments of Canada, USA, Russia, UK and France have now acknowledged me and that they had the ability to understand (!) and in the mind of my mother thank you my self (!) this was made up to it is because of your stories of UFOs , which really told me that my mother apparently believes in the stories of UFOs but apparently she STILL does not believe in me, which I thought had to be IMPOSSIBLE by now (!) but despite of all the proof coming forward, my mother is still led by a desire to live a quiet life because she really does not want to be public this is what is driving her and I am not allowed to tell the truth about my sister, because it is hurting her (!) and we know your sister is also concerned about you as she said and we know this was where I had to start saying with my absolutely loudest voice which I DO NOT like (!) that Sanna has not read my scripts one single time since I started my new website in December 2010 (she may have visited my site a few times for short periods as I have written about), which I had to say maybe 4-5 times before my mother maybe understood that this was the truth, which she opposed to first (!) and when I told her that if Sanna shows the same ATTITUDE to read my website as she does when she PRIORITIZES herself and her management exam, she will be able to understand and we know my mother said she is free to decide this herself and of course you are right and this is when I told you the truth STRAIGHT OUT - after I first told you that I included the video dear little mother by Savage Rose in the script I published yesterday because YOU ARE THE PERSON I CARE MOSTLY FOR IN THE WORLD (!) and then I said that YOU DONT HAVE THE ABILITY TO READ AND UNDERSTAND MY WEBSITE, which is what Sanna can if she decides to UNDERSTAND her brother instead of being so busy with herself, her new work and family and we know this triggered instantly a totally uncontrollable reaction of denial of my mother, which was that so this is what you think and we know the feeling was the same as with Elijah in 2009 because there is nothing worse than to acknowledge what you have always known yourself, which is that you are not among the brightest people in some respects (?) and that is NOT to offend you but to say that this is how God has made you an imitation of the world (!) and this totally blocked the view of my mother and I told her almost shouted to cut through DONT TAKE THIS NEGATIVELY, TAKE IT OBJECTIVELY and UNDERSTAND MY MESSAGE, WHICH IS THAT I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE, but this was impossible for my mother to do, she kept on thinking and reacting NEGATIVELY that she could not underJuly 2011

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stand but maybe my messages got through to you after all when your temped cooled off (?) and while we were having this very heated debate I thought about objectively is this right to do and also about the alternative, which would be to slow down and NOT attack my mother as directly as I did but I decided that this was right to do and the reason, mother, as you will soon find out was that you were given an ENOURMOUS amount of darkness by the Holy Spirit for me to fight and when I fight the darkness, I have yet to accept the completely UNJUST and UNREASONABLE behaviour, lies and accusations I meet and therefore I decided to do with you as I did with the Commune, which is NOT to accept your WRONG beliefs but to tell you straight out where the pain is and that pain is with you and not with me, so I decided to keep the discussion/fight as this level this was the ONLY way to cut through, because otherwise my mother would be totally deaf and this is the gift I am born with, to CUT THROUGH when needed in very rare cases (!) - and I also tried to tell my mother that I am in severe pain these days and that she does me unjust and that of all people, she should be the one UNDERSTANDING and SUPPORTING me, but no, she simply could not because she was thinking of herself (!) and I also told her that this is truly NOT about her but about John and Sanna not reading and understanding me, and we know which made my mother say that she and John does not understand me even when reading and mother the answer with John is as simple as this: HE IS LAZY AND IGNORANT WHEN IT COMES TO TRULY READING AND UNDERSTANDING MY SCRIPTS AND THAT IS BECAUSE OF A WRONG ATTITUDE remember that he told us that he does not want to read my dreams, where many of the important messages and CONNECTIONS are (!) - because of course I have to be crazy, John (?) or isnt the truth that just about everything I write and TELL YOU when we meet shows you that I am RIGHT and NOT CRAZY (?) and we know these are SIMPLISTIC people, who COULD understand if they showed the right ATTITUDE and if they read in order to understand me instead of to misunderstand me and we know to read me OBJECTIVELY/POSITIVELY instead of NEGATIVELY and this is really the difference, which you can also see when you read the email from Meshack below, who simply shows the RIGHT attitude and when you do this, it is NOT difficult to understand my scripts! And now I understood why people on television and radio the last days also yesterday have been inspired to say the same, which is FULDKOMMEN VANDVITTIGT which you know is completely crazy and we know IS STIG NOW COMPLETELY CRAZY CLAIMING THAT THE GOVERNMENTS OF USA, RUSSIA ETC. HAVE NOW ACKNOWLEDGED HIM (?) and this is how it is when you have with SICK people to do (!) and the funny part here is that many of you oppose me, but the messages goes inside of you and you are transformed from the inside also with the help of my messages, you see (?) So now my mother and John departed to Mallorca this morning and I know how sensible my mother is, so this fight will now ruin her holiday too and already a few minutes after our talk, I received the feeling that she could not take it and we know became as sad as you can imagine and it was also connected with the fact that I told my mother that I CANNOT SEE YOU BEOne God, One People

FORE YOU WILL START TO UNDERSTAND (!) and how difficult can It be (?) still after five years, you cannot understand (!) and ALL OF THIS IS STILL BECAUSE OF THE DEVIL OF THE FAMILY INCLUDING JOHN, SANNA AND ALSO HANS, TOBIAS AND NIKLAS ALL OF YOU COULD UNDERSTAND IF YOU WERE NOT LAZY AND NOT DRIVEN BY A STRONG NEGATIVE VOICE (!) - and of course my mother wants to see me as she said and will this make you encourage Sanna to read my website using a few hours to do this (?) and I told her maybe 20 times HOW MANY HUNDREDS OF TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO TRULY READ AND UNDERSTAND ME and we talk about COMPLETELY DEAF PEOPLE (!) and we know SANNA CAN UNDERSTAND IF YOU WANT TO and we know you can get TOP GRADES using all your time on your management education because there is NOTHING better than to receive acknowledgement from our mother, me, your family and work about just how skilled you are (?) but the truth Sanna is that you are still SELFISH and HAVE NOT PASSED when it comes to understanding me (!) and THIS IS ONLY THE TRUTH, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH NOT LOVING YOU because you know that I do this all of you (!) and this is the difference this year compared to last year, when people thought that you hated them (!) and we know CAN YOU SEE JUST HOW ROTTEN THE STATE OF NOT ONLY DENMARK BUT THE WORLD IS, this is and soon was the Devil inside of all of you mostly in the rich countries and you could not defend yourself or understand that you were infected, because the Devil made you refuse this as an option together with a WRONG attitude of laziness, ignorance, lack of disciplne (except from what you personally like) etc. but you know this is as I have written about how many times before and on the surface nothing has changed, but just underneath the surface of all people as I wrote about recently with my new self just underneath my physical shell there is A NEW WORLD RECORD really with this music representing ALL OF MY LOVE TO THE WORLD, because this is what will come to all of us when your new and true selves will open the eyes to the world together with my first appearance, this is what is waiting on you and you and you and all of you, we just need to finish the work of removing the last darkness of the old world first. This is where my sacrifice was hidden, my own mother who I thought by now HAD to understand me, again decided to take the party of the Devil and what does misunderstandings do (?) and you know make people break apart and very sad, and what do you believe I am now (?) and you are right: VERY SAD because of your WRONG behaviour, mother, and if you only decided to be STRONG to control your negative feelings as I have told you many times before, but no you did not, so the misery you are now in is because of your self and especially because of your loved husband and daughter. They are the ones truly to blame, but of course they will believe in you and think that now Stig has done it to us again (!) and do you see just how unreasonable the Devil is, when you cannot and will not understand (?) and you see this is exactly the same as with the Commune! And while this is happening, Sanna and Hans had a very nice trip to Paris recently and now they are with their two sons in Vietnam, which may cost you approx. 20,000 DKK each (?) and when you include restaurants, shopping etc. for 17 days for four
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people, you may spend more than 100,000 DKK on this trip, which is you know approx. 1,700,000 Kenyan Shillings and I wonder for how long this could feed the four families of LTO in Kenya and what would truly make you the most happy, a selfish trip to Vietnam or helping four families to survive for many months (?) and here you can see how ignorant and selfish people look like and this is ONLY because of what the ROTTEN STATE OF DENMARK and its people have done to (party-) Tobias, otherwise he would have helped poor people instead (!):

me now a long time ago to understand and support me to help me come through the worst suffering these days, she has now laid the foundation to bring me even more suffering and herself too - and we know my mother you did what was WRONG to do but what is NEEDED in order to remove this giant dark man of the hall and I guess that you were that even stronger person and not Jesper from Falck which the dream the other day said I would meet as James Bond and thats life you know BUT NOT IN THE FUTURE! I was also thinking about Robert at Falck doing the same MISTAKE as my mother and instead of helping me as the part needing your help, I am now helping both of you to come through your misery by sending you light/strength, which I dont have and that is ONLY because you have DECIDED to be weak and do what is WRONG instead of listening to and following my recommendations (!) and we know UNJUST but necessary is what it is because I have decided that I DONT WANT TO MAKE ANY OF YOU (TRULY) HURT, which you also will come to understand. --And I do now understand that this was what the cloudburst already yesterday morning was about poor people at the Roskilde Festival (!) and we know yesterday evening God decided to open up the sluice of Heaven to show my disagreement with my mother to the world when 150 millimetres of rain fell over Copenhagen within two hours, which is the normal amount of two months and you know this is historic and the worst in 30 years as the papers say apparently even worse than the last time in August 2010 when we opened up the gates of not only RAIN but also SUN just behind it - and my dear friends, this is how Denmark still reacts when a disaster hits the country and you know this is nothing compared to Japan, Pakistan and Haiti to name some of the worst true disasters of recent history: Every day create your history and my dear friends out there don't let no one get you down!.

After this conversation I felt the darkness as red and not black and despite of the heat of the discussion, I did not receive the worst darkness imaginable afterwards and I was told that this is because the Holy Spirit builds on my inner self as foundation and as I understand I it, I am now clean myself and the Holy Spirit told me that it is through me you will reach the heart of everyone (I was shown the light) and to reach the opening of the Pyramid at the end and afterwards I thought about the story now emerging that the football club of Lyngbywho only just avoided relegation as a symbol of saving lives of the Universe if I remember correctly apparently have had two illegal contracts on players, which may mean that they will be judged (on Wednesday) for relegation instead of Randers, and we know this is the game of the Devil you see (?) and this heated debate with my mother, which was so UNJUST that it hurts, could have made me lose my temper and decide that she will have to suffer because of this (!) this is how the Devil is (!) and this is what the Devil would like to but only half heartedly tries to do now, it was MUCH stronger in the autumn of 2010 - but I can separate this and say that I wish the best for ALL people I am the one deciding this you know and NOT the Devil - and that includes my own very selfish and stubborn family who have NO IDEA of just how much they have made me suffer and I was also given the understanding that as the good old Stig still my physical self - I am still made up by the spirits of my father and mother with my TRUE inner self inside of me and the spiritual world waiting to open up his eyes and you know it would truly be a bad idea if the Devil should have been strong enough to take me over and decide to get rid of my unjust mother, which would be to get rid of part of myself, you see? So instead of having my mother as the most important of all together with my ignorant father, who decided to abandon

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God opened up the sluice of Heaven to produce one of the worst cloudbursts in History in Copenhagen symbolising the new break up of my mother and I because of darkness --This chapter was impossible to write because of my feelings of sadness having lost my mother yet again I told her that I dont want to see her again before they will start to understand and will this make you start to encourage Sanna to read my website again (?), as I do believe you told me months ago that Sanna had promised that she would, but it is not easy to keep your promises Sanna to your crazy brother (?), or am I really crazy and yes this is the name of the game for you (!) - and injustice together with tiredness and some attempts of the darkness to control me but NO THE DARKNESS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COME THROUGH TAKING ME OVER NO MATTER WHAT BECAUSE I HAVE DECIDED THAT THE LIGHT IS IN CHARGE! --The worst for a long period of time after writing a chapter like this has been to read it again, edit it and do a summary which also wakes up the darkness when I start feeling like this making it even more difficult and disgusting even though the darkness is only half-heartedly today - but you know I will do this before lunch and we know I started writing at 09.30 and it took me FAR LONGER than what it should have and that is to show you how difficult it was to write this and finally by 12.50 I had also done this work and we know THIS WAS NOT PLEASANT TO COME THROUGH, but it had to be done! Dreaming of the Devil of my family killing me once again (!) Finally here are the dreams, which came during not the best night making me TIRED again today: Something about a killing in New York during the night and I now see the US police car driving with full turn-out in Stockholm and something about hand wash and handcuffs of Tobias, which Sanna has made him to do. o This is a killing by the Devil and the criminal is my mother and family and the victim is me, which they simply cannot see or understand today (!), which is what the US police car as the Devil says when it is driving in Stockholm as my home and my dear sister has brainwashed my nephew and then you dont have to read and understand my scripts yourself, Tobias (?), and instead you use your time and money on your car and partying with eyour (girl-) friends (?) instead of understanding me and helping my LTO friends from starvation? I am in a park, which includes an exhibition, and I ask people to go down to the lake, which includes children hidden inside of my sofa, and it surprises me to see not only 1-2 inside of the sofa coming out, but many, and they run down to a fire, I am smoking pipe and I hear Niklas asking if he may listen to the speech I am preparing.
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o When I woke up I felt Michael Jackson as another part of me and the dream confirms that Michael misused children sexually because of immense darkness given to him, and you may be able to forgive him and me too, because we are STILL one when you will understand that this was the only way to deflect darkness in order to even dream of reaching the other side at the light and it is about a secret of Niklas being a victim too. I am at a job course with both female and male attendants and an episode which is embarrassing. The Commune is calling me, they need my approval to spend 0.26 instead of 0.25 DKK (!) and I sense that they still have many questions for me to answer, which will make this a long call, I arrive at the holiday cottage, I still speak on the phone and I will call my old friend Martin from there and I also feel the Danish singer Medina together with a brown soul. o Is the Commune thinking of sending me to a new job application course to learn me how to write a CV and applications since I receive this dream (?) and if this is the case I can only say that this is showing the stupidity off the Commune completely to the world! And the dream is about BUREAUCRACY too. o Is Medina a part of one of the members of the Council (?) and this is what the dream says if I understood it correctly and we know she is the beginning SENSATION of the international music scene too and I wonder if she is part of the one of the Council who is only for me (?) and this is ALSO truly amazing music and it must be WONDERFUL to dance to a song like this with its fantastic rhythm and sound and singing too . I am working for Fair, I am exhausted and I am leaving out a door, which takes a long time. I am at a Union where only 6 people attend a seminar of car insurance. I am making a joke, which one out of four does not believe is funny. My old friend Lisbeth borrows a maxi single CD by OMD, which I think of as a new source. o Fair is still the darkness, which I am working for in order to convert even more of it to light, which is you know an exhausting task also because not that many people believe in me today and I wonder whom of the four of the Trinity (!) is not in a good mood, and just maybe this is myself, which is what people treating you wrongly can do and we know in this country, I only meet people who treat me wrongly, which is really a very tiring experience (!) and what is the new Source about and we know I AM HERE THERE AND EVERYWHERE and here is my hat and yes my boys I will leave the darkness too . I am walking through a S-train of Copenhagen and notice MANY cell phones hanging at one wall, which all are charging and even though I should be standing off half ways, I decide to stay on the train until the end station and first to stand off when the train will return. I see a board including the schedule of hundreds of trains. o The train is still the journey to the other side a tough one it is (!) the cell phones charging are about my

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special friends being charged for future success and spiritual communication and the schedule is about the train journeys of hundreds of my special friends, which are on-going and we know my own train journey is longer than expected, which is a part of the game but let us see if 2012 isnt the right answer and I know you told me the other day that I was a leader of the Mayans who decided to stop their calendar in 2012 and I wonder from where they received the knowledge that this would be the end of time (?) and you do remember that we will start a new world of an eternal now without time and we know Stig HOW CAN YOU THEN DO AN ACTION PLAN WITH DEADLINES (???), which is one of the good old ones here but you will probably design a new system, which we will all be able to understand in order to be on time or whatever it will be called at that time . o I woke up to the brilliant song of yours, Thomas, which is called break the silence I truly like this song at the moment and you WERE the right winner of X-factor in 2010 (!) - and part of the lyrics are train is leaving, rain is falling down upon me now, which is what it is you know and a LOT of it and I also received the words when I stand on the platform, I stand on the platform of sick people. I am working for a company and walk to the accounts department, where I meet Sren from Dahlberg and I ask him is this amount the right amount of capacity expenses of this year so far, which he cannot answer and he shows me to a colleague knowing everything of the accounts and he tells me that this is it and afterwards I meet two ladies who talk about receiving a discount on 100 kilos of meet. o Is this about my capacity in order to take on darkness (?) and we are giving you exactly what you can overcome (?) and this is it really or what I do believe it is. It was impossible for my mother to understand and support me, which was EASY to do for a suffering Meshack from Kenya! What can I say after reading the FANTASTIC email of Meshack below and we know the one man showing me the SUPPORT and UNDERSTANDING, which I asked for the other day was NOT my own mother, who is the closest person to me in the world, but my best friend in Kenya because this is the feeling you give me Meshack simply because you as the only one in the world except from governments (?) do what I have recommended all people to do and that is TO READ and UNDERSTAND ME and this is EXACTLY as I write on the front page of my website: YOUR GREATEST CHALLENGE WILL BE TO OVERCOME YOUR RESISTANCE TO START READING MY SCRIPTS WORD BY WORD BUT ONCE YOU TRULY START, THEY WILL BECOME A BASIC PART OF YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE! And a basic part of Meshacks life is what my scripts truly have become and when you read my scripts as you will read a book

it is a book (!) they are designed so ALL PEOPLE will be able to understand - and we know my mother should be able to do this too but this requires that you do as Meshack and read the scripts WORD BY WORD instead of browsing or skimming and how many can I include in this category and does this also include Fuggi and even you David, Elijah and John in Kenya (?) Meshack maybe you will be the one teaching David, Elijah and John about the visits of governments to my website because I dont know if David has understood yet (?) - and we know this is ONE MAN ONLY doing what I have recommended people to do all along (!) and the INABILITY for people to understand me is due to one reason only as I have told you about again and again and again: YOUR WRONG ATTITUDE not doing what I have recommended you all to do and we know because of your LAZINESS, IGNORANCE AND A STRONG VOICE believing that I have to be crazy HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU BEFORE YOU WILL START TO UNDERSTAND (!) - and my dear friend Meshack, you have yet again proven to be the most loyal and faithful of all of my special friends and this goes beyond a DEEP and WARM friendship because what you have done goes against everything which is logic because you are suffering much, cannot afford to read my scripts at the cybercaf but still this is what you prioritize to do and that is because of the RIGHT ATTITUDE, FAITH and IMMENSE WILL POWER and we know which I have never seen so much of in another man than myself (!) THANK YOU SO MUCH MESHACK FOR DOING WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO, which selfish and rich people simply cannot and that is even though we have all the time in the world and what a wonderful world it is because NO ONE and NO DARKNESS can defeat James Bond! Thank you also for your very nice and informative email and it makes me SICK to see the rich world continuing to party like nothing has happened when you are now in Kenya struggling more than ever before because of the drought and doubled food prices and if that had happened in Denmark, it would have been totally unacceptable for the whole country, but when it happens in a place like Kenya/Africa, the rich countries like Denmark/Europe/USA dont mind because what is the difference of a few million people here and there suffering, screaming and dying as long as you get your daily ration of Champagne? Please say that everyone says hi here to your family, children and friends and this is both from the Trinity, the spirit of my mother who mentioned the children again and you know everyone else too - and here is the King self playing: David Bowie with everyone says hi, which you will see when you will get a normal life too, Meshack: Here is Meshacks email: Hi there, hope that you have been okay and the same thing is with us here with my family. Have been reading all of your scripts and i always get worried when two days pass without getting your scripts. I have been seeing how the world has been visiting your site and sometime i tend to think its the big brother

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watching over you but my prayer has been that no one will harm you due to the good work you have been doing. Have told you i will walk all the journey with you till the end and am sure we gona make it and more so as currently the people at your work place have realised that you are the most efficient man and this shows competence in you although people have been misusing you by giving you the work which is below your competence but as have learned the mighty will one day go down the ladder and the down to earth will go up the ladder and lead the former and its always good to show patience as you have done. May the Almighty continue to bless you so that you can keep on helping the less fortunate in the world because for instance here in Kenya life has become so unberarable that the cost of living has gone by 100% within the last three months and the inflation is an headache to all kenyans depite the rich continuing with their lavish style. Just be assured that i have chosen to fight the battle with you and you should not worry very much when i do not write to you but if my situation changes i will make sure i communicate with you once per week as a sign of appriciation because communication has to be two way traffic. Hi to your work mate and tell them to learn the basic rules because have seen how they are slow to learn which we did within a few weeks but as the leader just change them from within Kind regards Meshack --Finally by 15.40 I finished writing the script of today so far, which was slower than what it would have been under normal conditions and I decided to skip the service of Den Gyldne Cirkel because I did not believe I would be strong enough to handle this also today and instead I decided to use some time cleaning the apartment. Going through the STRONGEST darkness once again saving my mother as my answer to her unknowingly killing me! During the evening I was surprised that I received extreme suffering from the darkness again trying to take me over together with the almost impossible to resist suggestion to make people close to me my mother as example hurt and I was almost about to accept this in order to avoid this extreme hurting, but I decided that I will NEVER give up on my rules, which is that everyone is to feel good, which is what I have said thousands of times to the darkness not once falling into his trap, thus not this evening too even though this was the hardest pressure of all that I have received (!) and I was told afterwards that this saved my mother from receiving a jumping and wrong beating heart my mother is killing me and I am saving her once again using my outermost will power, you see (?) - which I have had myself since 1997 in some periods more
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than others and not that much at the moment but I still receive this regularly which almost means that I fall down physically, but when I have U2 to help me, it is NO problem, my friends (!), and here from what in my mind still may be the best of all U2 albums, October (!), however I will follow which is also AMAZING (!) - it closely up with The Joshua Tree and Actung Baby . After this experience, this extreme darkness reduced and I was told that my decisions to follow my old rules to the point (!) and the work load I have decided for I could have done a little more work to my Signs IV page these days but that would be too much - decides how the coming period will become, how the darkness will be divided between me and the Universe and how and when all of our new selves will emerge to the surface. All evening I received strong darkness having to correct everything which was WRONG and I was given a negative view on everything, which I also had to fight and it came in waves, which would normally make me fall down or huddle but I have decided earlier that I dont want to be afraid so therefore I deliberately let the attacks come removing the natural feeling to huddle and we know COME ON, DO YOUR BEST, THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO (!) this is apparently still the name of the game and we know not as easy as what must have been the darkness telling me weeks ago when the darkness was red or light red or maybe this was just the darkness for one of us. Already between 17.00 and 18.00 I was EXTREMELY tired making it impossible to stay awake, I could not keep my eyes open, and even though I thought it would simply be impossible to stay awake, this is what I did until 22.30, where I went to bed, but before this, I received one of the worst ever attacks of my old nightmare disgusting and more than that in fact and apparently I am learning the rules to the darkness of the Holy Spirit, which have NO memory of the rules of the darkness of myself, which I fought, and therefore I could only repeat the same rule, which is that I WILL UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ACCEPT ANY SEXUAL TORMENTS OF THIS NATURE AT ALL (!!!) it is to be COMPLETELY removed (!) and if you need other tools to deflect the darkness, you will have to use what I have told you for a long time, which is you know to make me tired, give me negative speech, making me physically feel as a zombie if needed but not give me physical pain or remove my true working capacity I am the only ONE who can work receiving this suffering and we know do what is needed to the Universe if needed but DONT kill or give permanent injuries to my special friends and this is basically what I have told you for a very long time, so this is how it is for U2, my dear darkness of the Holy Spirit! The new break between my mother and I was given to me as information in a dream already the 14th June. Yesterday evening after speaking to my mother I instantly thought about writing an email to Sanna and Hans and also to John and my mother to appeal to them to read my pages on the Jerusalem UFO, the decoding of it and the clairvoyant readings on me as a START this is at the TOP of the PYRAMID my friends and this evening I received the first dj vue of being inJuly 2011

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side of pyramid myself - to read my entire website carefully (the website excluding the scripts to START with) using not that many hours on this in order to make them UNDERSTAND, which you know should be EASY for you to do my sister if you only want to and this goes to Hans too, and I could decide to almost become desperate for them to do this now, but first I decided that I have to finish my Signs IV page first it is NOT finished yet, however it is ok but not perfect as is now and also that I am really not in a rush thinking of Ian scoring here - so I will simply continue my work for Falck/the Commune, my scripts and whenever time and energy allows me, I will continue the work on my website too and we know while this goes on, we will continue converting darkness into light, which is really the main goal here and this is the reason why I will not rush and this goes to you Ian too . I was also thinking that the more darkness we remove in this the final phase as I am told, hence the pyramid mentioned above as the goal, the easier it will become for my family and the world to understand me and my scripts just like Meshack . This evening I was again thinking of the story of the football club of Lyngby, who may be forced to relegation the decision will come on Wednesday and if they should be forced to relegation I can only say that this will be a symbol of what COULD be, but will NOT be (!) because I have decided that I am also STRONGER than this darkness and we know it is my confidence driving me because HOW STRONG CAN THIS DARKNESS REALLY BE (?) and it simply cannot be stronger than the strongest I have gone through before and we know because of this I should be able to take this too! I also thought about the dream I had the 14th June, which I wrote like this at the time: A lady is giving me healing, when she heals me I receive the message that she does not have long before she will pass away and that she has two children. And she says that I have two children too, which someone teaches her that I have not. o Passing away in dreams is stop seeing me, so I wonder who will stop seeing me now or if this is just another threat. And now I understand this dream better because my mother is giving me healing when she thinks positively about me and when we meet but she is killing me when she does not, when she opposes me also wrongly trying to save my sister from my writings (!) and when we dont see each other when neither my mother nor my father want to see me, I am practically dead because then my souls bringing me my present life before I will truly wake up have denied me (!) - and I know that passing away in dreams is NOT about dying but about losing the connection with people so this is what I was told would be coming on the road of God and I know this is how it has to be because I could not do better than what I did (!) and by the way, this was planned before seeing or making the
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agreement to see my sister the 18th June, which was really what triggered my mother when she read with her negative glasses my chapter from that day and isnt it clear that I also LOVE my sister and only write what is POSITIVE in order to help the world (?), which you know is not easy for my mother to understand WHEN YOU HAVE DECIDED THAT YOU DONT WANT TO UNDERSTAND, which is really what your preconceived beliefs supported much by the family (!) - and your negative feelings are bringing you. ALL I AM SAYING MOTHER IS TO READ CAREFULLY IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND OBJECTIVELY THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO DO TODAY (!) AND BECAUSE OF THIS, I SUGGEST THAT SANNA USES NOT THAT MANY HOURS TO READ AND UNDERSTAND MY WEBSITE, which she can do in one day if she TRULY prioritizes to read and understand me, you see (?) and until now she has NOT had the time or will and right attitude (!) - for this but all the time in the world for everything else. Here is the song START by the Jam, which was THE ONE New Wave song, which was above all other songs of this movement back then nothing above it and nothing on its side, THIS WAS THE BEST* (!) and here it can be used to say that with out New Universe, the world will receive an entirely new START based on the Golden Rule, which here can be written as WHAT YOU GIVE IS WHAT YOU GET and to Paul Weller I can say that all HATE will be transformed into LOVE . The New Universe brings a new START to the world with the Golden Rule: WHAT YOU GIVE IS WHAT YOU GET * Since I have come to love a few other songs by the Jam, Siouxsie and Simple Minds as much but AT the time, this was it. --At the end of the evening I was shown myself at the shoreline of a beautiful beach sitting on the white horse, which starts to fly and I was told that this is how it almost feels like here, which you know is about my future self coming where I will be sitting on top of the world. --Congratulations to Djokovic defeating Nadal in the Wimbledon final and I received NO inspired speech during the broadcast, so no messages from this final.

5.2 4 July: My mother has decided to be STONEDEAF because of her SELF-DENIAL about who we truly are
Dreaming that the Trinity will save me if I should lose it while being on the edge again Another night where I slept with disturbances but only light so TIRED again and a HEAVY head again and we know really not the best feeling you can imagine some dreams:


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Something about everyone leaving the country straight away. I am on holiday with my old friend Lars and something about a drunk and smoking Englishman not remembering me. I visit the Russian Prime Minister at a caf and we secretly agree that 10 million Russians will stay in Russian and the rest will be transferred to Europe. o My old friend is so much into the darkness that he obviously still does not want to see me now approx. 6-8 years after our friendship stopped because of his selfishness, which he will probably not agree with me in. And I was told when waking up that this is how they did in the cold period, which may be about how politicians drew the map and planned which people to stay where often against their wishes.

which I still am would the darkness really overtake me making me send one of these envelopes including death and destruction to the world and special friends or would the Trinity stop me, and this dream says that this is what the Trinity will do and it can only be because of the security systems, we have established, which I have not used yet except from a few times in the summer of 2010 as I recall, where I believe that I did make it to the Source but was not strong enough back then to make it all the way through, which is what we built together until now in fact. o I am improving the IT-system of not only DanskeBankPension but also the IT-system of the New Universe, I am working as a volunteer which tells me that this is about the work I do at the moment for Falck and only by giving the manager a suggestion to improve his business, I will be able to make an income myself and if so, this income will be made through the suffering I will still have to go through, hence the water of the bathtub with the money and do I really have the strength to carry on (?) and when writing this, I am feeling DOWN, but I will have to make my goal of today too, which is to do this script, the two last chapters to the script of yesterday (done at 11.00 after starting at 08.15), two applications and to do the big monthly shopping this afternoon and we know TIRED is what I am so tired that I should not be able to work - and receiving new strong and in periods also uncomfortable feelings to my right angle. Sending two applications and an encouragement to remove bureaucracy of Copenhagen Commune (before close down) Before lunch I also had time to write two new job applications I do them always as quickly as many others do (!) because this is what I have energy and motivation to do at the moment (!) and the two lucky companies were a head hunter looking for a Business Development Manager for an anonymous company again the darkness because you dont need this secrecy (!) and then I could not resist the temptation to send another quick application to the BUREAUCRATIC Commune of Copenhagen looking for a manager of the secretariat of the Mayor of Copenhagen and I could have written much of how this Commune could be improved in my application, but I decided to write this only besides the standard text, which you know is WRONG to do (?) to the managing director of the economy administration of the Commune, who by the way receives a total of more than 2 million DKK per year for this trouble: Jeg har lst jeres stillingsbeskrivelse, og bekrfter bde at kunne bestride den ledige stilling samt at udvikle, effektivisere, kvalitetsforbedre og afbureaukratisere hele kommunen med samtlige medarbejdere (!), som du nok vil give mig ret i, at der er behov for (?), og som du vil kunne forst ved en OBJEKTIV gennemlsning af denne ansgning og srligt mit vedlagte CV? Here are the exciting applications, if you should like to read them:

I call my old colleague Jan M. (from DanskeBank-Pension) to arrange a lunch agreement and something about spiritual development group work. I am working for another company and have agreed with Jan M. and Lars to visit them in DanskeBank-Pension in order to brainstorm together with them on a project, but they disappoint me because they cannot concentrate while we work, they do many other things too and they dont get anything done. I meet Michael P.N., who is the true boss there, he smiles and is very strong in his presence and I tell him with a smile that I am his manager. o This is truly about companies and line of businesses working together when developing new often expensive products and templates in order to share both costs and benefits instead of today where companies protect their interests, which is blocking development of the world and this dream is inspired from a story I read yesterday about Apple trying to stop Samsung because they believe they have stolen some of their product ideas.

I am in the basement of Danske Bank, where I also see a sign to the old Privatbanken, I am together with two others and I see a small pile of red envelopes and I ask if I can send my last of these envelopes, which I am told that I cannot. At DanskeBank-Pension I see a cheque, which I believe includes my signature, which surprises me because I am not employed there, but when I look at it I see that it includes Charlottes (from Fair) signature. Bjarne has stopped working, but his tray is still unmoved, I am working there voluntarily and I am thinking about the pension calculation system, which could be improved much if it include different scenarios of the needs of families in different life situations, which I will suggest Kresten and I have prepared a presentation, which I show him through the light projector, and the next I see is that I am at the bath tub at DanskeBank-Pension and to my surprise it includes much money and much of it is old Danish 5 DKK coins from the 1960s and 10 DKK notes, and I think that I will have some of this. I ask Helle Aa. of the origin of this money and she tells me that she does not know. o The red envelopes belong to the darkness and the question is if I should lose it while being on the edge

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July 2011 Walking and shopping is the same as using all of my energy! After lunch I went to take out some money from Jyske Bank and from there the other direction to the supermarket of REMA 1000 and back home approx. 5.50 kilometres and mentally and physically a walk like this today is a very great exertion to me and today it was 20 degrees and I had two bags of approx. 10 kilos in total to carry home, which made me exhausted and this is how I looked like half an hour after coming home, sweating all over, and from the picture with a view from my balcony - you can also see the many kilos I have gained in weight and this is not because I eat more than what a man of my size is to eat but simply because of another attack of the darkness and here it is the opposite to what I experienced in Kenya when I kept losing weight and we know two things of the same kind.

det her, alts jeg gr op og lukker dren, det (vandet) kan jo aldrig n derop, mig og hunden vi gr op og vi vil faktisk se noget TV, og det her har jeg ikke overskud til (There was something repulsive about it, so you had to do something. I considered simply to walk up and close the door and pretend that you know, that I am not a part of this, I will go up and close the door, it (the water) can never reach up there, me and the dog we go up and we really want to see something on TV, and I dont have the energy for this .) And what she said was that she wanted to escape from the water the symbol of SUFFERING to go upstairs together with her dog (!) to watch some TV (!!) both some of the most well known and here inspired symbols of the darkness - because she did not have the energy to go through more water (suffering), which you know is exactly what my mother does, when she cannot bear to listen to me anymore because I am bringing her immense suffering because of my writings and claims about who we are and we know this is how my mother is escaping REALITY using the door of the darkness of course - and this is where the equally as inspired host Sisse Fisker fully understood Anna, which made her say det her sker ikke (this does not happen) followed by an action where she put her fingers into her ears and said out loud la la la la, which is what you do when you want to drown the speech of others and this was the symbol of my mother, who wants to drown my UNPLEASANT voice (!) because of her self-denial and that is because IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BELIEVE IN ME BECAUSE THE MERE THOUGHT ABOUT WHO I AM AND WHO SHE IS, IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAR (!) and this is how the decision of my mother to be STONE-DEAF is making both of our lives a COMPLETE HELL to come through once again and my dear friends THIS ONE IS ONE OF THE VERY TOUGH!

Exhausted and sweating after a walk and fattened up by the darkness! And by the way, I dont have enough energy to run at the moment. My mother has decided to be STONE-DEAF because of her SELF-DENIAL about who we truly are but we are directly HEADING FOR THE LIGHT This evening Aftenshowet (the evening show) on DR1 TV received MANY GIFTS from above, which started with the guest Anna Thygesen receiving the following INSPIRED speech, which you can see here, based upon her feelings after having received a flood of her home making her life a Hell, which was impossible for her to cope with: Der var et eller andet enormt ulkkert ved det, s man bare blev ndt til at gre noget. Jeg overvejede simpelthen at g op og lukke dren og lade som om alts, at det er jeg ikke med i
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Anna Thygesen symbolically explaining how she wanted to escape suffering using the door of darkness and the host Sisse Fisker refused to listen because this does not happen (!) both symbols of my mother doing exactly this: Escapes through the door of the darkness not wanting to listen to me because of her SELF-DENIAL of whom we are! This interview was followed by an interview of four ladies promoting a coming satire show called more naughty in the second (show), which one of the ladies, Trine, was inspired to say also could have been called more clean in the second, which REALLY is about two possible roads I face from here, either the road of the darkness going through my old nightmare remember the dream about James Bond recently (?) making
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others hurt, or the road of the light cleaning this darkness (!), which of course is the right road and the road of my choice and because of this, it was followed by A VERY INSPIRED Trine who said jeg har kbt denne her lkre laks et sted, hvor man ogs kan kbe sko, som jeg har p her (I have bought this delicious salmon a place where you also can buy shoes) and maybe you can tell me just how normal it is for people preparing fish on television that they think and tell about where the fish is bought and that it is also possible to buy shoes there (???) where do you do that (?) - and here the message is that through this road of light, I (symbolised by the fish, which is my symbol) am directly heading for the light as I was also shown in a vision earlier today and the light is symbolised by the SHOE, which has been a secret symbol of GOD all along the shoe has been given to me many times in dreams - and we know this is why this symbol intentionally has been difficult for me to understand all along and we know better late than never to find out, which is not only about me but also what OBAMA is thinking about you, mother (!) as I am told here and here you can see this interview and later they could not resist from speaking about shoes and fish once again as you can see here buy salmon and shoe at the same place (!) but you know, ladies, I will skip the naughty part of your show and take the clean road, which was what James Bond not even could resist!

Four ladies of a satire show talking about the road of the darkness or light just ahead of me, and when choosing the road of the light, the fish symbol of me is directly heading for the light, which is the shoe as the symbol of God The four ladies continued later in the show where Anne Louise Hassing was chosen to play the Devil using the spirit of my mother as the threat towards me (!), which she may be able to talk about one day (?) peeing and sausage are key words of the show (!), which later was replaced by a self-cleaning bag, which you know is what the Universe is doing now more than ever before: Cleaning it self from darkness. The show also included a young pair of twins, who would like to receive more traffic to their website just like me and we know A VERY INSPIRED SHOW it was (!) and an advisor was also inspired when he said that it is about lade ringene I vandet spredes, starter med vennerne og s br det kunne rulle af sig selv (let the rings of the water spread, start with your friends and then it should roll by itself from there), which you can see here and this is what I again with THE VOICE leading me - told LTO many times was the strategy back in 2009 (!) and this is what it was and IS, my dear LTO friends, but I had ABSOLUTELY NO
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IDEA that it would be COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE (!) to make people starting to talk seriously about is Stig Jesus (?) as they do now not only one place but AT DIFFERENT PLACES and THIS IS WHILE WE ARE SPEAKING NOW MY FRIEND as I am told and we know and we know and we know my mother/John, at Willis and other places too but NO PEOPLE ARE STANDING FORWARD TO SUPPORT ME except from governments, who have decided to start the show (!) and that is due to fear and denial of people and my dear friends WHEN WILL YOU EVER LEARN that I am only human too needing your friendship, support and human contact? I am not some alien made of steel without feelings they have the same need as we, Obama, will you please remember this too (?) as one of them gently asks me here and this was when the climax of this TV-show came just like you Mortensen who could not SINK (which was about going under and we know becoming eliminated!) in the FANTASTIC and also VERY INSPIRED sketch by Kjeld & Dirch about the raft as you can see here (the best sketch ever in world history by some of the most talented comedians and that is at least what I know of today) when the young twins did what is IMPOSSIBLE to do in order to get people to react they played the piano for four hands lying down facing the piano from underneath (!) as you can see from the video and the picture below and which song did they play (?) and only this: ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE - thank you pythons which is really what we do because if we had not, the beast of the darkness would have eaten us many times a long time ago and we know eaten is what rich people of darkness do in a suffering world, which is you know going under as the world know it is (or was, my friends, which is you know also why they have started looking my way and HI HI HI to all of you and yes yes yes GOD THE MAN is here too and so far in disguise you know!) - and I am doing EXACTLY as these twins these days, which is what is impossible to do in order to draw your attention to me and this also when I am writing this chapter the 5th July at 21.10, which is what the time is now (!) so this is what I will ask of my family, friends, ex-colleagues, the official system of Denmark and the entire world once again: WILL YOU PLEASE STAND FORWARD HELPING ME AND ALL OF US THROUGH YOUR FAITH, UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORT (?), please because Im only human, you know (?), which is an old favourite of mine by this human band so dont you want me, my friends of the world (?) and just thinking that this was a MAJOR BREAK THROUGH of a new wave of the world (!) and both from this human band and this side of me as GOD is telling through me as his human face .

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Two young twins doing the IMPOSSIBLE to play always look on the bright side of life in order to draw attention to their website, which is exactly what I do to bring us safely to our New Universe --And let me finish this chapter by saying that I AM EXTREMELY SAD about the development between my mother and I and also for writing and publishing the last three days of scripts including my DIRECT stories about what TRUTHFULLY happened, but this is the ONLY way to come through this IMMENSE darkness, which I was told will bring us less suffering in the months to come, and this was hidden not in the middle but at the end of the road, and we know we cannot be pretenders all of us, and Chrissie this is another of your fantastic songs . The meaning of the scripts of Stig Dragholm Later in the evening I decided to use a couple of hours to include this new text to the right column of my website, which will be visible to all visitors to all of my pages and this is because many visitors never visit my front page. Through this new text ALL VISITORS will get an overview of what my site is all about and I also decided to include it because I could see that someone had decided to search for meaning of the scripts of Stig Dragholm and this is really what it is about my friends and if people care to read this short text (?) and you may want to ask them yourself one day soon and rather for the people in question to tell the world why you did not want to read and why you did not believe in me was it because it sounded too crazy to be true ??? This is the text I included: A NEW ETERNAL UNIVERSE WILL COMMENCE IN 2012 The purpose of the Universe This site includes information about the culmination of the end times and the purpose of all life and the Universe: To convert all darkness to light - "to be or not to be" - and to complete the transformation of God from the darkness of nothing into everything of all life and matter. The victory of the light All energies of the Universe were gathered at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem after the Easter of 2011 prepared by the Jerusalem UFO in January 2011 - at the final battle between the light and the darkness. The light was victorious, which means that the Universe will NOT end after the end of time in 2012. The New Universe IS created Life will continue forever and ever through our new Universe, which was created in May and June 2011 following the victory May 7 - as you can read from my scripts - on basis of all energies and new light created from darkness present at the final battle, which also could have been used for a new Big Bang if the darkness had been the strongest, which would have eliminated the Universe and all life once again!
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Everyone will become truly HAPPY The New Universe will commence before the end of 2012, which will become the end of all evil, bring unlimited HAPPINESS and a normal life without poverty for everyone, a justNew World Order and World Government without countries and kingdoms - led by Barack Obama, who is another part of me and equally as much the Son of God! A new spiritual fourth dimension Our New Kingdom - a Golden Age of an eternal now will also include a new spiritual fourth dimension, which will be the sum of everything of the three other dimensions, which will be open for access to everyone. Consciousness will ascend, people will receive the feeling of God of being and a spiritual opening. I will bring the gift as "my new self" When I and Obama - will open up the eyes of my new inner self INCLUDING the materialisation of God, I will bring you the gift of this New Universe and New Life :-) :-) :-). --Ending the day with these short stories: I was told that the extremity of Gaddafi of Libya - believing that he is right and the world is wrong using his OUTERMOST to defend himself and what he believes in - basically is the same EXTREME degree of darkness I meet through people using everything they have to oppose me being totally convinced that they are right and I am wrong (!!!) and this is not the easiest you know when this is the strength of darkness I am still given directly because of their wrong actions and once again it is my mother leading but it is of course only of the good as long as I can take it because thats what it takes one of the BEST you know - to remove it. For some time I have thought of where I learned the skill to accept receiving wrong stories of my scripts and especially to decide on what to bring not knowing if a story is true or false and this comes from the laziness and ignorance of Kim S. (!) when I worked for you especially from 1991 to 1995 where you had me made hundreds of overviews of pension and insurance, which you very often gave me in the last minute before a meeting of yours because you forgot again and again and again because of lack of discipline - where you should have given it to me weeks before (!) or even better have done it yourself (!) and this gave me very often impossible situations where I had to forecast an expected amount of what would be paid out in the future, which I had to stipulate on basis of LACK OF INFORMATION and this was as totally against my TRUE principles back then as it is now but this is where I learned to compromise even though it is VERY wrong! Thank you to the UK government confirming that you are still with me and for understanding - through another impossible visit to the invisible address of my counter once again today (see the script of the 27th June).
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I did a few improvements to the right column of my website and ended my working day at 16.15 also thinking that it is a long time since Paul has read my scripts, approx. 1 month I believe, so Paul are you just busy or have you decided with yourself that I have to be crazy after all or are you still not quite sure and not easy to know when people dont tell me.

5.3 5 July: Putin will have to face the world and repent his decisions of killing journalists!
Dreaming that Putin will have to face the world and repent his decisions of killing journalists! Another night where I slept alright on the surface but am tired again with some dreams: I see a new Prime Minister and an employee of the press. The PM says hat he will be open about and answer everything but instead I see him trying to kill the employee of the press, which he chases all the way to the exit. Outside I see a GIANT building with a commercial of a circus on top of it, and I see my old school friend Allan M.H. throwing paper up the building to hit the commercial, which means that he will enter the circus. o Ministers being secretive, who dont like to have an OPEN PRESS and we know my dear PRIME MINISTERS and PRESIDENTS of the world here thinking of PUTIN please put away your BAD HABITS (!), I do mean business this time ALSO FOR YOU PUTIN (!) meaning that I ask you to accept a totally FREE press killing journalists is not only a bad habit, this is DIRTY WORK (!) and Putin, you are going to take responsibility of your DISGUSTING actions too by facing and repenting them, not by running away from your responsibility like a little spoiled boy, is that what you are (?) this is what the near future will bring and NOBODY can escape from it, so PLEASE WORK WITH ME, NOT AGAINST ME! I am sailing in a small boat in a small lake inside the forest and sail through a connection into another small lake and to my surprise I see a boat sailing the other way with incredible speed and I think if it will come through the connection safely or if it will crash. At the new small lake I end up where Tobias has a lying underlay on the lake (!) where I stop, he is at a party and when he returns, he does not care that I am there. I see that Sanna and Hans has bought a new giant video camera, which Sanna is filming with, they have been away but have now returned and Sanna is afraid that her camera has been stolen and when she sees that it is not, she checks the recordings on it and sees them riding a horse wagon through the Deer Haven towards the amusement part of Bakken. o This is suffering inside my home at the New Universe water inside the forest where I once again meet people led by darkness one of them being Tobias who cannot get enough of partying because the darkness is playing a game with him, and Sanna is still the big instructor
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of this darkness filming with the camera and is this dream saying that my mother has been gossiping about our conversation the other day and how unreasonable I am (?) and we know these are your feelings mother the same feelings I receive and the only difference is that I am right and you are wrong, but this will of course take a much better effort of and we know SANNA to start reading and understanding as you have promised, Sanna, as long time ago (?), but still you are on the way to JOY and HAPINESS of my amusement park. I am about to move into a row house at Borupgaard in Snekkersten where I lived with my mother from 19781986 because the rent is cheap, I have a laptop at the path outside, which has a special search function to find music stored at my library, which I show Hans but when he does a search, he does not notice my library but find music from outside of my library. I find three different albums of Bach for myself, and bring one with me. I am on my way into my new row house and when I enter, my old dogs Cat and Don want to run out and run away, but I order them firmly to stay and with great problems, they decide to stay, and when I enter the house, I see that the small garden in front of the house has almost been converted into light. o I am here moving into and that is not the city of blinding lights yet but the city of darkness - the light will come to U2 (!) the laptop is containing my new system of the world, which you can read from these scripts and my website, and it is made with LOVE, which is what the music of the dream symbolises, but Hans is not able to find it when he does not read! I bring the Trinity to the house of this darkness, where my old dogs are almost uncontrollable but instead of letting them go to spread the darkness to the Universe, I have with problems managed for them to stay with me at my home, where I am converting the darkness of them into light, which is what the light of the garden is showing because this is what we are doing now. o And just maybe BORUPGAARD could be a place I could stay in reality from the 1st November, I just checked it briefly and the waiting list is only short there, so we will see and I wonder why my mother did not have time 2-4 weeks ago to check a housing association in Helsingr for available apartments and not because I asked her but because she thought it was a good idea, which she promised to do herself (!) and yes my mother is this the way you truly want to help me: By not keeping your promises because you are busy and lazy watching television (?) and by arguing with me instead of understanding and supporting me! I visit Camillas parents new holiday cottage; her father and brother receive me, I wear big boots with mud underneath, which I have big difficulties taking off before entering the house, which I have to pass in order to come to my special small department, where I place my luggage. I meet a woman who tells me that I asked her to write down her
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dreams and I see a nightmare of hers and I say what darkness you possess, which however is not what interests her because she would rather talk about ordering wine from a catalogue. o The holiday cottage is one of those old and good symbols of my home, which these days is impossible to enter without darkness on my shoes when writing this I am as TIRED with as HEAVY head as ever before and I wonder if the woman should be my mother of all, who may receive STRONG dreams at the moment (?) and I have been told for weeks that your mother knows who you are and I have understood that she has started receiving messages during the night, which however may be difficult to remember when you dont write them down, and is this what you have decided to do now if you bother that is? I am at a small ferry where I will order lunch at the cafeteria and sit together with two ladies, and when I order I also receive the last milk from a carton. o The milk is my old nightmare, which is starting to be over for this time (?) and that is the worst of it and we know if people had any idea of the STRENGHT of the darkness these days, they would faint. Falck was unusually kept busy because of floodings after the cloudburst and a BIG fire on Lyngby Youth School This morning I started working at 08.05 and when I arrived at Falck at 09.00 I almost did not believe what I saw with my eyes, which was that even though I have arranged the cupboard in such a way that it can include received packages and returned articles until they will be removed during the day in order to make people happy by clearing the floor, which Falck used to use every day for temporary storage, which truly does NOT look nice, and they receive packages etc. every single day the first thing I saw was five fire extinguishers and another return article STANDING ON THE FLOOR with the cupboard being EMPTY (!!!) and this is despite the fact that I have told three of four leaders about the new design of the office, which they have all agreed was a good idea to do (!), and therefore I decided to move these articles from the floor to the cupboard to clean up again (!) - and also to introduce the new office design to Lars, who was back on work today, and when I told him about the temporary storage facility included at the cupboard, he told me to my very big surprise that we are firemen, we like disorder (!!!) and my dear friends THIS WAS TRULY HIS ANSWER (!!!), and when I showed him the new alphabetic order of approx. 15-20 plastic trays including paper forms, which is also stored in the cupboard, he told me it is terrible (!) and yes THIS WAS TRULY HIS ANSWER (!!!) and then I decided to ask him is there anything at all that you like (?) to which he replied how almost also to my surprise that it looks good (the office that is) and then I smiled, touched his shoulder and told him you and changes, Lars (!) and also that when you have gotten used to the new system, you will believe it is much better than the old (!) and we know Lars is a VERY TRADITIONAL man to say the least, who HATES people to change what

he is used to and he said almost reproaching me that I am responsible for administration here and still Lars, you allowed and also ACCEPTED that I have done as I have (!) and that is because you can see the improvements despite of your NATURAL resistance to change (?) and we know he is responsible for administration and that is a man, which attitude is that he is employed because he wants to work as a fire man not on the office (!) - and how do you think you are doing yourself, Lars (?), which is a saying with a smile, which we have in Denmark and let me give you the answer: TERRIBLE because of your WRONG attitude and laziness! And the funny part is that when he first gets started, he likes to clean up too, which he also showed today when he was inspired to decide to throw out some old posters and to do 23 changes of trays, ,which he believed needed new DYMO labels guess who had to do it, because otherwise you would not have had the energy to do it yourself, Lars (?) and guess who was feeling the absolutely WORST today with EXTREME tiredness and as extreme a HEAVY head, which made concentration and work impossible to do (!) and we know, while you were inspired, Lars, you also thought that it would be very nice to replace the content of an old ring binder, which includes print outs of old accounts guidelines, which are not in use anymore (!) and really because you would like to have the NEW guidelines PRINTED out and when I told you that the guidelines are kept electronically at Falcks central IT-system meaning that it is NOT necessary to print out, he told me that it is difficult to switch between 3-4 programs on the computer and much easier to have the guidelines printed out in front of you (!!!) and my dear friend TALK ABOUT OLD HABITS here and how many of you working the right way with computers have learned to do what I do, which is to have several programs open at the same time and to switch between programs in a split of a second when needed (?) but Lars, you are still so OLD FASHIONED that DEVELOPMENT has not (truly) started to spread inside of your head (!) also the darkness here threatening to give my mother a brain tumour if I should give up but NEVER! and when I told you that I will look at a paperless office together with Christoffer, he told me that this is an illusion of young people like Christoffer (!) (who may be around 35-40?) and yes THIS IS REALLY WHAT HE SAID (!!!) and Lars (who may be around 55?) let me correct you, it is not an illusion of Christoffer and I, but an illusion or sickness (!) - of yourself, who cannot get used to development and modern times! And furthermore I was surprised to see that Robert had not printed out an email of his, which he PROMISED me very CLEARLY to do Friday last week which I have ALSO written a note for him to do in order to HELP him and Thomas has used one of the ring binders, which he after use simply has pushed back into place not being in line with the other ring binders and this is despite of what I have told several people at the office to do and despite of a DYMO label CLEARLY asking people to put back ring binders nicely in place, and this may seem like a small thing, but I kindly ask you to remember this: PUT THINGS BACK IN THE ORDER YOU FOUND IT, which should be simple logic for everyone to do, which they however do not today because it is too much bother to do and unfortunately the genJuly 2011

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eral belief today may be that I am pedantic but the truth is that everybody knows that I am right and that it does not take you (much) longer to do what is RIGHT to do and we know to do this as a general teaching in life wherever you come (!) and we know office articles and paper placed the wrong places and people will start messing up very quickly when they are NOT disciplined and DISCIPLINE and A TRUE SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY is what they lack here as in most places all over the world you see? And we know THIS IS BELOW KINDERGARTEN LEVEL what people do here, it is absolutely terrifying!!! This morning Lars also told me that they had been very busy at Falck, who has been sent out in Copenhagen and also Lyngby because of floods of basements, viaducts etc. following the cloudburst the other day in Copenhagen Falck still had approx. 900 places today on the list to visit to pump away water; they had 1,500 the other day and he also told me that Falck in Lyngby had been sent out to put out a very LARGE fire on Lyngby Youth School two days ago, where the fire eventually burned down several hundreds square metres and we know no people were hurt and when we spoke of this, I was told spiritually that it was a lightning igniting this fire this is how precise we can aim - and this is really to tell you that Falck has become VERY BUSY these days because of the flooding and this fire and the reason as I am told here is because normally they are NOT that busy (!) as I have told you and also to tell that there is a LOT of darkness, which we have now started removing and we know I almost heard which we feared but not anymore because I wonder for how long it can keep as strong as it is now and can it really do this the whole next month and maybe even longer (?) and we will have to see and we know I AM THROWING UP CONTINUING WRITING THESE SCRIPTS, but this is still our best weapon to fight this darkness so this is what we still are doing and let me say it again that I am on my edge doing this work and my edge is my extreme edge balancing if I am able to do this or not but so far it works out.

lazy cleaning staff here and when I asked her havent they cleaned satisfactory she said no, that would be a shame to say (!) and my dear people all over the world: HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU BEEN UNSATISFIED BY CLEANERS NOT DOING THEIR WORK SATISFACTORY (?) and how many times have you changed cleaning companies hoping for better days (?) and try to imagine the waste of time used for this operation alone all over the world and that is compared to a situation where people simply had done their work satisfactory as they should have (!) and we know THIS IS THE POOR STANDARD OF MORALS OF PEOPLE TODAY totally destroyed it is because LONG LIVE LAZYNESS has sadly become the standard! When I saw how Lars ordered her to do this work, I could not help thinking about how she is doing work, which paid and lazy people should have done the same way as I do work which the office managers should have done a long time ago and we know we dont receive payment and do their job and they have started to get used to having coolies from the Commune working for them to do their DULL work making them even more lazy and dictators on a cheap background totally free of charge we are (!) - and we know talk about a ROTTEN system here (!) and did you notice just how many rats drowned at the flood of Copenhagen the other day as they showed in the media and we know hundreds of thousands (?) and how easy would it be to truly get rid of rats from the sewers (?) and pretty easy if you ask me but no one truly has an interest to do this because it is BIG business to continue trying to remove them and we know POOR MORALS is what you will find inside every single company of the world with lazy people, many of them lying without scruples, doing poor work and driven by a desire to receive MONEY MONEY MONEY no matter on which background, which does NOT make me funny, Abba but the song is truly brilliant and one of the master pieces of the 1970s . During the morning, Lars went for one hour and Camilla came to me to say that she had forgotten something at home, which she would go to get at her break, which I did not think more of before I left myself at 13.00, where I met her again and this time she told me that you should have given Lars the message (!), which completely took me by surprise and the reason being that it apparently had taken her approx. one hour to get home and back again (!) and the she told me that she would go home during her break (!) and not that it would take her much longer than the break (!!!) and when I told her that she did not tell me and that I did not expect her to take that long, she told me that of course it did because I had to go all the way to x-road and back (!) and we know HOW SHOULD I KNOW (?) and do you believe that I am psychic (???) - and this lesson is also easy: DONT BELIEVE PEOPLE WILL KNOW JUST BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOURSELF YOU HAVE TO COMMUNICATE (!!!), which you may agree with me in, Camilla? And we know KINDERGARTEN level is what this also is and I am sorry my friends, but this is truly what it is, the level of today is far too low but I still love all of these people .

The fire on Lyngby Youth School July 3 to keep the lazy firemen at Falck busy and to deflect very strong darkness these days! I also had the pleasure of the new coolie sent out by the Commune in work practise to Falck, Camilla, and first in the basement today where she was cleaning up washing the floors and she told me word by word: You truly have boneOne God, One People

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me to look at the same room in the basement and I had the same thought again of NO SYSTEM (!) and if I found it (?) and NO of course not (!) and when I looked in three other rooms at the basement, I did not find it either and we know people simply find an empty place somewhere at a shelf where they decide to store things quick and easy without a care and also without a system, which often makes it impossible to find things again (!) and we know, we know, we know Stig THIS IS NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA! YOU HAVE TO DO SO MUCH BETTER and I SHOULD NOT NEED TO TELL YOU! Falck in Lyngby was also kept busy pumping away water after the cloudburst July 2 Today I also rented out a breast pump, which was difficult to do because a person had removed the LAST paper form, which I needed, from the tray without getting new ones from the archive (!!), and this was when Lars was out driving and where in the world would they keep extra paper forms (?) a problem you will not have when working electronically (!) and I was much annoyed because I would NEVER myself do such a LAZY and IRRESPONSIBLE action taking the last paper forgetting to get new and now a customer was waiting on me making me give her POOR SERVICE (!) and when I called Lars, he told me that there would probably be more forms at the archive room no. 2 to the right in the basement (!) and also that he was now arriving at Falck so he would go there himself, which I also decided to do and this is how we met in the basement, where I saw that he found three blocks lying on a shelf underneath something else making them stealth to me where did the US aeroplane manufacturers get the stealth technology from (?) and yes you know from UFOs and people of other civilizations (!!!) and yes yes yes THE VOICE again again (!) and I could only tell Lars that I would NEVER have found them myself (!) and I thought WHAT A MESS they also have at the archive here as they do most places (!) and what you truly need is a SYSTEM where you will know WHERE you keep things, HOW to do things and WHAT and WHEN to do these things and HOW DIFFICULT CAN IT BE (?) and DIFFICULT it is when people are LAZY and dont really bother to make such a system and when the head office have decided to do NOTHING to produce a template what do they care (?), it is not their problem (!) and thinking of you PER DUJARDIN from the head-office in Danske Bank in the 1980s because you had the responsible to service the branches, which you and the head office failed to do on even SIMPLE REQUIREMENTS but VERY NICE is what you were (!) And when I afterwards followed up on Lars to order more forms because we had now taken the last from the basement too, his attitude was that these blocks will last for a long time, so it is really not needed (!) and that may be my friends, but the problem will not become smaller the day when there will be no left and people in vain will search the basement without finding any, and we know this made him understand and decide to write it down in order to order more at the next monthly order. It was the same when I had to go through paper reports from 2010 on fire guards the task from Jesper - which were not in the ring binder at the office, which only included 2011 and when I asked Lars of where to find the reports of 2010, he told
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And how often do we experience here that customers ask for more of this or that type of plaster (?) subscribers can come to the station and free of charge fill up their first aid boxes with new plaster etc. and because subscribers take the last plaster without saying anything (wrong!) and because there is no (for example weekly) control procedure at place at Falck to control that old plasters are full, it is the name of the game here that customers tell when this or that plaster etc. is out, which makes people and today me to go down to the basement to bring up more and every single time it is VERY POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE (!) but this is what has been accepted as the standard here and we know we know we know TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE is what it is my friends!!! A few other short stories from today: Jesper has as the only one shared morning bread with me for the second time today when he offered me what was left over. Christoffer was here shortly today saying that tomorrow he will be on guard where we will listen to an only two year old concert with Bruce Springsteen and Christoffer told me that he still has as much energy as the other concert (the one I lend him, which now is 11 years old), which was also about the energy I still produce without having it to help us all and we know surprising is the right word here. I asked Lars of something and could not help smiling when his answer was fish (!) and we know which is an amusement originally from Tivoli I believe and in this sentence it means I dont have a clue, but the word is almost NOT in use today so it was also with quite some surprise that I said it as I feel the new spirit of Lars self (!) telling me through the darkness between him and me (!) and of course he told me because his spirit knows about who I am, but Lars does not yet but a very good worker is what I am (?) but NOT a leader yet, Lars (?), because you have not seen that skill of me and that is yet (?) and simply wondering we are here about LAZY people with preconceived beliefs based on ignorance and nothing else! The contract from Jane had arrived and she had written 37 hours per week from the 24th June to the 22nd July on it (!!!) and where did you receive that idea from, Jane (?) and do you believe that this was what you agreed with me and also what you have agreed with Falck (???) and my dear friends laziness and preconceived beliefs once again because we did NOT agree on anything at our meeting at the
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Commune and you did not communicate with Falck to agree on this which I did and isnt it normal practise for all three parties to agree before you will initiate something (?) and apparently not in your mind (!) and because of your bluntness and poor work I have now worked two extra weeks for free for Falck - both against the law and common sense and Lars and I agreed today that I will start on full time from Monday next week and four weeks ahead and to tell you the truth, I feel so bad that it feels simply impossible to both start working full time here, fight my extreme tiredness, the very strong darkness I am given, which has threatened me with giving my mother an embolus or a brain tumour if I do not do my work on my scripts, which is NOT the easiest in the world to do (!) but YOU DONT STAND A CHANCE is what I kept on saying and also I WILL NEVER ACCEPT THAT, NEVER (!) and we know being on my EXTREME EDGE is what I am (!) - to do two weekly applications on top of this, to continue writing my scripts, which may become once a week from Monday and also to find a new place to live from the 1st November and we know it is made this impossible to do because this is the darkness we are facing now, which requires a little extra, which is then what we give them. I decided to write this email to Jane today to let her know of her new error with the purpose being that the Commune will NOT start to believe again that I have not followed their orders in relation to which PERIOD OF TIME I should work full time for Falck and we know which they just may believe we have agreed upon because this is what is inside of their heads HOWEVER without communicating it to me and to Falck (!) and I thought that this could be the explanation why Camilla communicated poorly with me today also to give me this message, and yes you never know how the darkness works, but POOR work and PRECONCEIVED AND WRONG BELIEFS is one of them, and this is what it takes to keep this down being on my edge you know coming this far today: Hej Jane, I dag var frste dag siden din mail, hvor bde Lars og jeg var tilstede. Vi gennemgik dit "aftale-udkast" og var begge enige om at ndre det "umulige" tidsrum, som du havde sat til 24.6 - 22.7 uden at aftale dette endsige kommunikere det til os, og den aftale du fr retur i underskrevet stand, indeholder derfor tidsrummet fra den 11.7 - 5.8, som er det Lars og jeg aftalte i dag. Hermed har jeg givet et par ekstra ugers ulovligt arbejde til Falck uden ln! Take care :-).

Vh Stig --FINALLY (!) I ended the working day after dinner at 23.25 (!) publishing the last three days of scripts, which should be the longest I have done so far (?) I had some more to do especially to write what I thought would be an easy chapter on the TV-show yesterday, but it took longer than expected, you see (?) - and when I have decided to do this going through my worst suffering being at my extreme edge you may understand that these are special times requiring an extra effort from me and not because I need it myself but because I would become very unhappy to see the consequences on other people and to tell you the truth, I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what would truly happen if I should decide today and the next days too I will do NOTHING and I will report myself sick to Falck and either I would feel fine letting the Universe and maybe special friends take my suffering or else I will first receive pleasure followed by extreme suffering myself and we know I DONT KNOW AS USUAL and I ONLY HAVE ONE THING TO DO AND THAT IS TO DO MY BEST but I sure hope that I will not need to continue like this, because this is what kills people and let us say a fraction of it is normally what is required for many people! --And I did not even mention that Wordpress the host of my website around the time when the Canadian and US Government visited me at the end of June also decided to become very interested in me and we know to confirm that others are reading my website un-officially because they can see (!) - and we know THEY ARE ALSO A PART OF THE SHADY GAME OF THE OLD WORLD acting on the orders of the unofficial government I am given these words by the voice - and we know it was ALSO a part of SHOWING US SELF TO THE WORLD I believe I received maybe 10-15 visits the same day clearly and intentionally identifying itself as WORDPRESS, which are visits I NEVER normally receive, which I however cannot show you now because my free subscription to my counter does not keep this information available for more than a few days only - and I decided to bring this story too as an added bonus (!) and we know Stig, I am on the other side of the other side of the other side of exhaustion lift this up approx. 117 times and you will know about my life in recent years breaking first one, then the next and next border again etc. of what is human possible to bear and just saying that if it was truly needed, I should be able to work all night long from here, but Lionel this is NOT what I would do if I was you a that is if you know such a small thing and really because I have to get some sleep before going to work again tomorrow.

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1. SUBJECT 6th July: OUTCRY TO THE WORLD: HELP IS URGENTLY NEEDED AT DADAAB AND THE HORN OF AFRICA - NOW! SUMMARY Dreaming of God sending a warning to the world: Improve your behaviour - follow my basic rules, New World Order and normal life - otherwise there will be no new world!, I attend a job interview at a company of darkness, which will hurt me sexually if I should become hired, I am closing down darkness when it is converted to light, as the wine of everything I am in a very poor condition because of the immense darkness I meet now, I dont have any energy and the darkness decides not to hire me (take me over in this phase), I am using the BEST PRINTER EVER because I went directly to the throat of the darkness of my mother and also Putin, who I ask to treat all people equal to himself (!), will my EXTREME+ suffering these days now reduce (?), receiving more remaining darkness now coming from my sister, who may not like my latest script and what I have done to our mother (?), on my way to receive more energy again and it is impossible for me to reach the middle of the Universe after it has been created, but I have no plans to let that stop us even though this is one of the TOUGH ones! At Falck inspirational speech made me understand that the words of my sister about me to the family is not entirely what is on her mind becoming nervous about me, Sanna? I agreed with Christoffer to work with him on the invoice process task where we agreed to go for a central and NOT a local solution, which he can bring to all Falck stations because of his right ATTITUDE of work, which differs from his impatient colleagues not thinking and working their best. I told Julia about the truth of the Commune violating the law when ordering me to work full time for Falck, which may help the Jobcentre through Julia to understand the truth and see it my way, I was again feeling more dead than alive making work impossible to do and a constant fight between giving up or continuing I chose to continue. I had to move a massage chair of 80 kilos down from the first floor together with a man, which was so heavy not the man - that I was fearing for my back to become hurt, and when I asked ambulance employees to help bringing another even heavier chair back up, I was told that they had lunch and the man could come back later (!), but when their manager ordered them, suddenly they could start helping and doing what is right, which is what you would do in private at home. Please always do what is right using your common sense instead of being lazy and cutting corners. The message of today is that I had NO energy, which a power cut symbolised, but still I energised Christoffer to have faith in how to improve the business and people and I gave Bruce Springsteen as the picture of working people in the future: SHOW THE COMMITMENT, ENERGY, JOY AND HAPPINESS AS BRUCE and then you will make the world smile . The situation of the worlds largest refugee camp Dadaab in Kenya has become increasingly worse. People are still tortured by the world community not caring, they scream and die and therefore I ask the world ONCE AGAIN to start helping these people as the first in the world AND THE ENTIRE HORN OF AFRICA instead of thinking about your own welfare and luxury. PLEASE DO IT NOW! Dreaming of the darkness trying to win the overtake of me with the aim to kill my mother, previous Universes will be joined together with ours the next 14 days, my father is mentally not long from my mother and I his wife has always pulled him away from us, my old nightmare will finally leave when my family finally will understand me, challenges to save information when merging all universes, the bank of normal life coming to the world is BIGGER than ever - and MERCI FRANCE for continuing to support me now overtaking the role as the most frequent country visiting my website and that is from FRENCH PEO-


7th July: The darkness almost brought me down to generate EXTREME energy to merge us together with previous Universe

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PLE TO AN ENGLISH PAGE (!!!) unusual is what it is

At Falck I was almost feeling like fainting when I worked on the fire guard invoices of 2010 and 2011 with four different specifications and many numbers not matching, which put me to my extreme limit of almost giving up because of disappointment of poor work of others, having to correct their errors, which I would never do myself and because of my EXTREMELY DIFFICULT SITUATION AGAIN TODAY, which almost made the darkness overtake me again potentially harming the Universe and my mother (!) but NO, I WILL NEVER GIVE UP (!) and this is then how it is once again, but we are truly balancing on my EXTREME EDGE here. This is NOT the funniest I have tried in my life EXTREME!!! I went through one of my top 5 of the WORST experiences ever this afternoon making me sure that I would lose this one to the darkness, but I did not, I was kept on my ultimate level of suffering to bring enough energy to start the process of merging together a previous Universe with our New Universe, which made the GIANT DARK MAN decrease much in size. All people will receive memory of their former lives including lives of former Universes! Dreaming of the darkness killing me if I had spoken to it as it speaks to me, I am developing my hotel to receive more special friends, Indians know about me, my suffering will decrease (simply because I have reached my ultimate limit), struggling to merge another part of me from a previous Universe through the darkness, I am connecting our present and a previous Universe having to pass through my old nightmare, receiving the best technology and warm feelings of the old Universe and merging with the other Universe and my old self is making us suffer much but it will energise us as the result. At Falck, Jimmy showed me an example of a soft manager, which is NOT the attitude you need to show to CHANGE the culture and work moral of people. You need to act very directly and as strongly as Cassius Clay did and very disciplined to change people. Lars called Julia a witch when speaking to me about her they have had enough of what they believe is a demanding lady, which tells more about their poor communication, negative approach and lack of will to work and live together with others, which they have to improve dont be negative and misunderstand each other but positive/objective with a will to communicate and to understand. I work on the invoice process and phase 1 the idea phase on my memo to bring Falck (Lyngby) up to restaurant Noma level. I walked through the dressing room with Lars, and even Lars can see that they need to clean up the mess (!) and be disciplined with the keys several of them hanging in the locks. The outrageous scandal of the UK tabloid newspaper News of the world tapping the phones of thousands of people, is the beginning of the CLEANING UP of darkness of the media in order to be replaced by our New World Order. Thank you to the UK government with my encouragement to the world to CONTINUE the process of cleaning up everywhere, but dont close down the world. LEARN and IMPROVE YOUR BEHAVIOUR.


8th July: You need to be very direct and as strong as Cassius Clay to change the work and behaviour of people!

Dreaming of God sending a warning to the world: Improve your behaviour otherwise there will be no new world! Another apparently almost alright night on the surface but in reality far too little deep sleep making me TIRED already from the morning having another new terrible day to look forward to and we know how will I even be able to make it through this week (?) and we know the answer is still TO IGNORE THE PAIN


and keep going using will power to do my best work, this is how and I know and too many dreams too but let us see what they say: Something about everything only lasts a short time, I visit a discothque and instantly I am out again, I eat a small Ice Cube chocolate piece and I say if this is how you want it, there will be no new world and I show my face as God visible and moving inside of all physical matter for everyone to see and I say that I do wish myself a new world. I am walking one evening with my old dog Don on a small piece of grass between my house and the motorway, the dog is lose and I am concerned that it may run up to
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the road and be run down and I therefore decide to hold it by its collar. When I return to the house, I see that the door is open as if it is saying open for the Devil, which makes me somewhat nervous that the Devil is inside of the house, but no it is clean, and I have to remember to feet both dogs both Cas and Don. o I woke up with the song dont stop me now by Queen and the lyrics So don't stop me now don't stop me 'Cause I'm having a good time having a good time and I understood that the beginning of the dream is about patience to do your best instead of being impatient, selfish and continue partying without following my basic rules, New World Order and normal life and as you can tell from the dream, this is the voice of God speaking warning the world that if you do not improve, there will be no new world (!) so you better get started, my friends and this goes to both governments of the world today to continue working efficiently my friends and also to all individuals of course . And the dog will have to be that I am handling the dogs of the darkness directly telling all that I am in charge meaning that the darkness will follow me instead of the opposite and the dream says that NO DARKNESS had entered my home, which you know is to overtake me accepting to carry out WRONG actions on special friends and who know maybe the world too. I am at a job interview with Martin from Costa del Sol and two of his business partners at their company, which is the third leg of Martins work. Martin has read my CV and he asks me what do you know about business and Hong Kong and I tell him nothing, and he continues asking what do you know about Hinduism and I reply nothing and then he talks about what I am an expert in. I receive a very poor impression of the two business partners, who have become VERY wealthy, they are only around 30, they are unfocussed and not paying attention to me but looking at everything else, one of them is drinking one litre of beer each day at work this is the size of his glass and I dont like to work for this company but think that I may be forced doing it to make an income myself. An office lady enters the room and she tells me that she has seen me before at this office working overtime three years ago, and I tell her what I believe is the truth, which is that I have never been here before, but later when I look around, I recognise the big room and table, which we used at a party three years ago when I visited Martin at the company, we used the table to play table tennis on, and I remember a lot of people including beautiful ladies. At the end of the job interview, I am told that they will contact me and from here I decide to fly home and on the way I see a lot of stairs going down a level of the city and I hover right over the banister to the left of the stairs, and I notice that it narrows at the end, which will hit me in my private parts unless I am able to escape, which I do by lifting myself up and I wonder if the train will leave from down there. o I woke up to the by now familiar song Dont you worry bout a thing but it was followed by a question mark so

this really depends on my own actions and decisions to keep on doing impossible work. o The dream gives you other examples of the many things I dont know much about, which also includes history, literature and art to give you other examples it NEVER caught my attention because of my destiny of life having to prepare for my task writing all of this and the job interview is telling you about my doubts these days whether or not I should try to get a paid job with Falck if this is truly possible at all (!) and here you see the darkness through these two partners, and I am still FLYING which by the way is a PERFECT Danish pop song - with the risk of getting my private parts hurt, which may be my risk if the darkness seriously should start my old nightmare if I should become hired. I see a company of darkness being closed down by an instructor and a couple of helpers, who have almost removed everything, but when one of them is about to remove my two wine magazines, I ask them to let them be, and I see that one bottle of wine from Reims, Champagne, from the vintage of 1989 has been found at sea, however the wine of the neck of the bottle has disappeared giving it a LOW standing, and the rest has almost oxidised, and I teach the people of the quality of the wine depending on how deep the cork of the bottle is inserted and I tell them that if the cork has only been inserted approx. half the way, it will make 1/3 of the wine sick. o Closing down a company of the darkness is not the worst thing which can happen, which is what we are doing at the moment converting MUCH darkness to light Obama and I as the leaders hence the two wine magazines and the wine from Champagne is me (everything) going through ROUGH SEA, i.e. suffering, , which is making me in such a poor condition as my suffering at the moment tells you, and the cork may be my protection against the darkness, which could be the same as WILL POWER because this is the energy I am driving on and the more will power, the less sick the wine of everything will become, so we better continue doing our best, Obama . In the morning I forget my bag of fitness clothes, I am now in the same company as yesterday where I had the job interview with Martin and the two partners, and without wanting to listen to their conversation I cannot help hearing that they also had another candidate for the job and they discuss us and in the beginning they believe I am the better candidate to hire, but then Martin gets the idea that the other candidate is better qualified than I in accounts, which he believes is more important than business development, where I am the strongest. At the company I see employees printing out on the best colour printer I have ever seen, which amazes me so much that I want to buy such a printer. Afterwards I fly from the office to Vanlse Station, and I dont catch the train, which leaves in front of me, and I am so exhausted that I cannot continue flying.

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o Fitness is another one of those old symbols I have never really understood I still remember when Karen could not help speaking English to me in 2004 I believe where she was inspired to encourage me to start on fitness and we know MUSCLES is what it meant to her and to me it is ENERGY and it is basically the same: Lack of energy and we know making today yet another day where I learned something new (also you Bent, 3183?) because Karen stole the sun from my heart emptying me for energy and helping to energise her (!), and EMPTY of energy is STILL what I feel many years after and now more than ever before, and the dream says that the darkness will NOT hire me and basically because I am stronger than this darkness too (!) and also that people in real life very often changes opinions during a conversation ending up with another conclusion than they spoke of in the beginning or middle of the conversation (!) and simply because of coincidences, poor work (!) or because they dont know what they truly want and how different criteria weight on a scale I really take both the left and the right side of the weight and we know mixing light and darkness into LIGHT EVERYWHERE - and in the dream people may take the wrong decision if business competences (development/sales) are more important than administration and they really dont know because they dont have a detailed description nor a TRUE overview of what the job is truly about and we know as it happens everywhere all of the time, but NOT in the future where you will get an excellent system making employers and candidates match perfectly together. o The best printer ever is because I decided to attack the Devil directly in the throat my mother (sadly) and also saying the only right thing to Putin, which no other people has the gust to tell him (?) to stop killing journalists and OTHER TOO, PUTIN (?), and we know Putin do you think you are more than others (?) - you are not (!) everyone is equal including me so I am asking you from man to man at the same level to treat and respect people as your peers; dont you ever forget this and also dont you forget about me (!) because isnt it a good idea to LIFT up the level of the SIMPLE MINDS of many people today? o I am using my last energy or not existing energy to fly back (i.e. to work) to the train of suffering or train of gold, the same you know, and when this is at VANlse station, which is the name of a city here, which always has made me say that it must be a very dry city indeed when it never rains there (!) - a free translation of the city is water loose - and because I am at a place without water (i.e. suffering) in this dream and dont catch the train from there, it may be to say that my worst suffering is coming to an end (?) - which may because I cannot fly no more, which is to work and let me say at least not at the level I have done the previous days - and we know the previous days from my phone conversation until now has been on the EXTREME+ LEVEL and I would not mind reducing this a level or two
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because I cannot keep on like this for more than a short period of time Something about a fitness dog belonging to my sister, I am at Nrrebro in Copenhagen together with the dog on my way to collect my fitness clothes at the fitness centre, I pass a lamp post together with the dog, which is almost impossible to pass and when I enter the dressing room of the fitness centre, it is small with a crowd of people and I ask them to look out for the dog because even though it does not normally bite, this is a very small room with very many people, which I am not absolutely sure how the dog will react to. o The spirit of my sister used to be the Source of darkness (!) as you may remember from a script a few months ago and we succeeded to stop the Source of darkness producing new darkness but on our way there A LOT OF DARKNESS was transmitted to the Universe, which is you know what we are still searching for and converting to light making the New Universe and now PEOPLE better all the time and here was some more darkness coming through my sister and we know did you hear from our mother (?) or did you see my message on Facebook about my script published yesterday, which gives you strong feelings (?) and herewith new darkness through the Holy Spirit to me to be cleaned, which is another expression we have here and beware of the dog but only if I am not able to control it, which I have no plans to stop! I have applied several positions with Danske Bank without getting a job, but I have decided to keep on applying until they will understand my competences. o When I woke up I was told that this is because it is impossible for me to reach the middle of the Universe after it has been created and we know heard about that one before, so we will take that as a new challenge once again doing what is impossible to do, however this is TRULY one of the TOUGH ones I tell you. I had no energy and was almost giving up, but still I energised Christoffer to have faith in how to improve business and people This morning I started working at home at 08.00 and later at Falck, I met Christoffer on guard, where we had a short talk about Bruce Springsteen and some of his songs, and I told him that the video of Born in the USA includes the sound of the studio recording but the singing on the pictures is from a live concert not making the sound and lip movements synchronized and when he told me that the song is about the Vietnam war, I understood that this was inspirational speech of my sister, who you know is still in Vietnam on holiday with the message being that the words of my sister to the family - is not entirely coherent with the mind of my sister and we know in relation to me of course, so one day you may get time to START reading and understanding me, my sister, maybe together with a toast and JAM (?) and that is for you to start following that what you give is what you get.

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I had a good talk with Christoffer today also about work because he takes care of half of the invoice process the task Jesper has asked me to look at which includes invoicing customers on everything else than fire guards (masks, flasks etc.), and I understood again that Christoffer is more calm, thinking and working better than the other three leaders at least as they work today which is because of his attitude to do his best and besides from receiving answers to my questions, I also became inspired to suggest us to work together on this task after I have used maybe 1-2 weeks to find out the details of 2010 in order to share ideas of a future invoice process solution and I told him about the two options of either do a quick local solution as most people do, which normally gives errors, lack of information etc. 100 different systems, which are not perfect (!) - or to do the right thing by developing a central solution for all stations together with the Head Office, which will take longer to create but remove errors, improve quality, efficiency and information and Christoffer was the man to agree that the latter is the best solution and here helped by the fact that he is one of five employees of Falck from different locations in Denmark who work in a group also having this as a responsibility and the chairman of the group was yesterday INSPIRED to ask Jesper to receive invoices of Lyngby, which he would probably like to be inspired from in order to create ONE SYSTEM for all stations, and we know I spoke about Christoffer and I meeting, preparing a written memo in forehand to the group before the end of July in order to get the group working at a higher level from the start instead of starting without information - always good to be PREPARED and to inspired him, I showed him what is the beginning of a memo I am preparing to Jesper about quality and efficiency and you know the project lift Falck Lyngby from restaurant Post-Pub to restaurant Noma level and yes yes yes he thought this was a good idea too and this is where I told him that he can become a valuable man not only for Falck in Lyngby but for all Falck simply because of his RIGHT ATTITUDE instead of the impatient attitude of his colleagues, who are unfocussed and dont think and work carefully. I was also inspired to help Julia today when she would hang up a sign of Falck JobService and that was really to show her and to chose one of three locations, which she did and when she started sticking the sign to the glass wall between the hall and our office, she started sticking it to the wrong side, which would make the sign reversed when looking from the hall, which is where it is to be seen from (!), and I told her with a smile that it is not forbidden to think and this was followed up later when she was inspired to tell me that Lyngby-Taarbk Commune does not violate the law meaning that this is what Gentofte does, which is the second Commune she is working for - and as an example she told me about a case she is handling where the Commune has done a job plan as they are obliged to do, and then I decided to tell her about my case and why the Commune is violating the law in my situation with the turning point being that they moved me back from match group 1 to 2 in March 2011 without informing me because of what I told her was due to difficulties with the IT-system, which is what I thought it was, but I should have remembered that it was Tines manager taking this decision, which you know may be because of the IT-system (?) and when Julia understood, she told me
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that the Commune was obliged to inform me about this and yes this is when she understood that I am truly working against the law on the order of the Commune here and we know this is to tell the Jobcentre that it is NOT forbidden to think (!) and that is really try to see it my way instead of blocking your view because of poor work and preconceived opinions and the message is that YES STIG WE CAN WORK IT OUT and here it was the spirit of my mother coming as her clean self to say that WHEN YOU HAVE DECIDED NEVER TO GIVE UP, IT MEANS NEVER TO GIVE UP (!) and this is then what we will use in order to get organized (instead of DESTRUCTIVE forces, which we thought about) and we know maybe this is also good information for you Julia to give to the Jobcentre and isnt it ironic that if the Commune should declare me unfit for work (!!!), I may end up as a client of Julias (!) and we know Julia do you think that I am unfit for work when you see me work, when you ask for my recommendations on this or that and when you hear me teach Jesper and Christoffer as examples on how to organise and improve their work (?) and we know this is the difference between the Jobcentre, who does not work and spend their everyday with me they are victims of their own poor work and negative, ignorant voices and Julia here working as a contractor of the Jobcentre and really because she can use her eyes and ears to see that I am of course not unfit for work and I told her the truth about my total work numbers per week, my work on my website and that the Commune believes I am crazy because of this and that this in itself reduces my working capacity (!), which I told her that it of course does not (!) and also that I am considering to ask Jesper for a project employment of 3, 6 or 12 months because I need an income, which she said that she hoped Jesper had the budget for (!) and I also later told Christoffer the same, and he did not seem to mind this and so it is and by the way, Johnny was inspired yesterday to ask me to order 500 small milk cartons for coffee and they arrived today, where Julia was looking stunning and we know the darkness tried to set us up did you feel the good vibrations, Julia (!) and let me dedicate this song from your former country Yugoslavia to you, which I remember with much joy from 1983 when it participated in the Eurovision Song Contest for Yugoslavia and I dont believe I have heard it since, but I found it and when hearing it again, it brings up good memories of a very nice song and eeehhh nothing else really this is how my life is when looking back on the past because there is NO joy to look back on because of how I felt and my empty life and it reminds me of Shakin Stevens, and what is it called (?) and of course Dzuli or Julie in English, which is you know almost there but not quite also here saying that if I had a normal life, I would be happy to be together with a nice lady like you: Today was yet another day making it completely impossible to work because you know of EXTREME tiredness and such a heavy head that it is truly impossible to think, work and focus, which made the whole day a fight between giving up or continuing to work and guess which side won (?) and the light of course but if I did my best today (?) and the answer is a clear NO (!) but I did my best under the circumstances making some things take 4-5 times longer than normal because my head was killing me!
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And when Christoffer was out on an alarm taking all firemen present with him, I received a nice visit from a man from Struer who Falck had asked to come and collect a massage chair, which the station has had for trial but has now decided to return and to get back the old chair, and yes yes yes he told me that the chair was on the first floor above the canteen and that he could use a helping hand to get it down, and we know how heavy can a chair be really (?) and I found out the answer myself because the station was simply CLEANED (almost in that respect that is) from employees, so I followed the man to the first floor, where he told me the concept of such chairs you will relax and become energised, which made me think I COULD USE THAT before we started moving and lifting down the chair to ground level and my dear friends such a chair weighs approx. 80 kilos and I did really not have much energy and that is no energy really to do this kind of work, which I also felt was bringing my back in danger to become hurt, and when he said that the old chair which we had to get up was about 100 kilos and I saw that three ambulance employees together with Jimmy as the manager had arrived, I thought that they would probably like to help since it is a chair they will use and not me and when I asked Jimmy, he said that they would help and he pointed at the employees but he spoke on the phone and none of the employees did anything to start helping we were at the canteen so I asked one of them directly if he would help, which made him tell me that we have just arrived home from a tour, and now is our lunch. Ask the man to drive away and come back later and YES this is really what he said making me astound (!!!) and I was not motivated to do their work again also because of my back, but I was close to start doing it, but instead I heard Jimmy finishing his phone conversation and I asked him for help again, and when Jimmy the manager- asked the employees to help, they now started listening to orders (!) and do what they were ordered (!) and my dear, dear friends of the world, can you see how WRONG this also is, because if you were staying at home having lunch when a supplier would come to bring you a chair like this, would you ask him to drive away and come back half an hour later and only do the work if someone else ordered you (?) and of course you would not (!) so all I am asking you to do is to use your COMMON SENSE and not to be LAZY to change the culture and your personal behaviour and this also goes when working for your employer of course: DO WHAT IS RIGHT INSTEAD OF CUTTING CORNES ALL OF YOUR LIFE! This morning before I arrived, Christoffer told me that they had a power cut, which we experienced again later in the day, and it was as if the power almost came back on again and again and again about darkness coming and DALLAS has also been given to me many times as a symbol of this, but is this the first time I write this? - but every time it was cut again and finally Christoffer told me that he had understood that the power cut was due to a ground water pump annoying, which he did not understand because he thought the pump was removed and did not know where to find it (!) and this was another story I did not feel like bringing, but when I was told that it was a symbol to say that the water, i.e. my suffering, is removing my energy, I decided to bring it and we know I was thinking of all of the
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power cuts in Kenya in 2009 many of them also made by the Devil! Ending the work day by saying that Christoffer and I listened to his concert DVD of Bruce Springsteen in Hyde Park, London, and first Born to Run and then he wanted to play me his favourite of the show, which is WATING FOR A SUNNY DAY which is what we are all waiting for and looking forward too with the New Universe - which I agree totally with you, Christoffer, because this song is truly a master piece too from the BRILLIANT album Rising and I was thinking that this is what I am rising and even though I decided to listen only and not to watch the DVD I did not want it to steal work time from me I noticed what Christoffer said, which is that Bruce is still going strong also after having turned 60 and look at him, see his IMMENSE COMMITMENT, VISIBLE ENERGY, JOY AND HAPPINESS when playing and I said to Christoffer that this is the attitude I would like to see from all employees at Falck and all stores you come to because today you may receive service from 9 out of 10 people in stores by people who dont have much commitment because they are salary slaves but when you meet someone having the commitment of Bruce being TRULY COMMITTED, interested in helping you and giving the best service, it means the world in difference and we know Christoffer understood what I was talking about and I told him that I would like to have Bruce being the picture of this: LOOK AT BRUCE, THIS IS THE COMMITMENT AND JOY OF ALL, WHICH I WOULD LIKE TO SEE WHEN YOU WORK! And it was also about the story of me today: I HAVE NO ENERGY BUT CHRISTOFFER MAY REMEMBER THE DAY AS A DAY WHEN I ENERGISED HIM NOT ONLY WITH GOOD IDEAS BUT ALSO FAITH IN HOW TO IMPROVE THE BUSINESS AND PEOPLE and we know we spoke of more business ideas than what I bring here and I did MY BEST COMMUNICATION, which can have this effect on people you know . So here is BRUCE LOOK AT HIS COMMITMENT AND JOY: And finally, today the website of our local paper in Lyngby published the reason why Lyngby Youth School burned the other day and we know it was a lightning as I told you in my script yesterday and I do believe that my spiritual helpers must be psychics .

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ON YOUR OWN LUXURY PLEASE GET STARTED NOW HELPING THESE POOR PEOPLE AS THE FIRST and again I am feeling the clean spirit of my mother or Virgin Mary if you will with me because of her sadness of how these people feel and how they have been allowed to scream and die by a world not TRULY caring! THIS OUTCRY GOES TO THE ENTIRE HORN OF AFRICA, PLEASE HELP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! The relentless violence, compounded by drought, has forced more than 135,000 Somalis to flee so far this year. In June alone, 54,000 people fled across the two borders, three times the number of people who fled in May. "UNHCR is particularly disturbed by unprecedented levels of malnutrition among the new arrivals especially among refugee children," UNHCR's chief spokesperson, Melissa Fleming, said in Geneva on Tuesday. "More than 50 per cent of Somali children arriving in Ethiopia are seriously malnourished, while among those arriving to Kenya that rate is somewhat lower, but equally worrying between 30 to 40 per cent," she added. Fleming said UNHCR estimated that a quarter of Somalia's 7.5 million population was now either internally displaced or living outside the country as refugees. She added that the drought and prevailing violence in southern and central parts of the country,

Today it was announced that lightning was the reason of the fire of the Lyngby Youth School as I told you yesterday OUTCRY TO THE WORLD: HELP IS URGENTLY NEEDED AT DADAAB AND THE HORN OF AFRICA - NOW! Today I was encouraged to search for Dadaab by the voice given to me simply because of the DESPERATE SITUATION OF THE PLACE and really THE HORN OF AFRICA in order to ONCE AGAIN CRY OUT AN APPEAL TO THE WORLD TO HELP HERE AND NOW SO PEOPLE REALLY CAN FEEL IT THIS TIME (!) and not la la la as the world usually do. SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT THIS TIME and PLEASE MAKE ME HAPPY AND NOT SAD FOR YOU ONCE AGAIN EXHIBITING THE INADEQUACY OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY THINKING MORE OF YOURSELF, YOUR WELFARE AND LUXURY, while people are starting to die as flies! PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT AND PLEASE DO IT HERE AND NOW! This is a short update on the MORE THAN APPALLING SITUATION IN DADAAB - the largest refugee camp in the world now including 380,000 (!!!) Somalis in Kenya living worse than how rich people would treat their cattle (!) and we know A LIVING HELL ON EARTH has continued deteriorating, which seemed impossible when LTO and I wrote our newsletter of the ALREADY DEPERATE situation in 2009 as you can read here: yer_embedded And here is a little information I found, which only covers the top of the iceberg of the people STILL suffering the most in the world (!!!) - and my dear world community: I DO MEAN BUSINESS WHEN I ASK YOU TO SAVE PEOPLE INSTEAD OF THINKING
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"turning one of the world's worst humanitarian crises into a human tragedy of unimaginable proportions."
were Source: --War, severe draught and the unaffordable cost of food urge more and more people to flee across Somalia border to Kenya. According to "Save the Children", every day, about 1,300 people - at least 800 of them children - are arriving at the Dadaab refugee camp. Aid workers at the camp say the children are exhausted, malnourished and severely dehydrated. Stranded in the desert of Kenya's northeastern province, surrounded by mile of sand and scrubby bushes, 30,000 people are living in makeshift shelters. The families - having crossed the border from neighbouring Somalia, 80 km away - are headed for the refugee camps of Dadaab. But the three camps in the Dadaab area are already full, and there is nowhere for them to stay. Currently Dadaab refugee camp is home to over 350,000 people (Stig: NOW 380,000, which is COMPLETELY UNACCEEPTABLE read our newsletter about this!!!). On arrival, the refugees - most of whom are women and children - have no money, no food, no water and no shelter. It takes 12 days,to receive a first ration of food1, and 34 days to receive blankets from the UN's refugee agency, the UNHCR, which runs the camps. Until then they have to fend for themselves in a hostile environment.

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Source: --I decided to upload the newsletter I did with LTO on Dadaab in 2009, which we updated and published the 31st January 2010, to my page at Scribd in order for the world to READ and UNDERSTAND how it is to be living a HELL ON EARTH and my dear rich and fat leaders and people of the world, how do you believe it feels like to be abandoned by you seeing your children die making you scream in desperation while you are TALKING TALKING TALKING and what can we do about it while you continue to eat your FAT STEAKS AND VINTAGE WINES AND CHAMPAGNES and that is MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AT RESTAURATNS ALL OVER THE WORLD EVERY SINGLE EVENING while these poor people are DYING IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES. READ THIS NEWSLETTER TO UNDERSTAND ONCE AND FOR ALL AND THEN START SHARING WHAT YOU HAVE INSTEAD OF GIVING NEXT TO NOTHING TO HELP THESE PEOPLE RECEIVING A DECENT LIFE AND MY FRIENDS I DO MEAN TO START DOING IT NOW!!! This is my introduction on Scribd: July 2011: The situation of the worlds largest refugee camp Dadaab in Kenya, the people of Somalia and the region of the Horn of Africa is "turning one of the world's worst humanitarian crises into a human tragedy of unimaginable proportions." This newsletter of Living Testimony International desribed in January 2010 the already then LIVING HELL ON EARTH of Somali refugees living at camps in Dadaab, Kenya, and just how repulsive their situation is. It is an outcry to world leaders to start rescue operations here and now in Dadaab and for the media to live up to its obligations to TRULY report from the disaster in order to help. YOU CAN HELP IF YOU TRULY WANT TO CAN YOU? And here you can read it on-line: --Ending the day with these short stories: I was encouraged to ask governments to withdraw many years old orders to observatories not to bring pictures of UFOs and we know to GIVE FREEDOM TO ALL PEOPLE and to ENCOURAGE them to speak out FREELY about what they have on records and that is ALSO to the press, so common what are you waiting for? I continued working until 18.20 today, it was not very easy trying to get the sentences right feeling as I do, but I did it also challenging the darkness during the afternoon on my old nightmare saying: GIVE ME THE BEST YOU GOT, YOU DONT HAVE A CHANCE TO CARRY THIS OUT (!) but a few feelings and also a diarrhoea was what they could give

me and we know they are a part of my self and that is through the Trinity you know. After stopping to work today, I was surprised to find that I had less suffering during the evening. I wrote the chapter above I had no energy and was almost giving up at approx. 16.00 including the words START and JAM (the Jam really) and approx. two hours later, the Michael Jackson Facebook page posted the following text including JAM as another inspiration to show you that Michael Jackson is another part of me.

8.2 7 July: The darkness almost brought me down to generate energy to merge us together with a previous Universe
Dreaming that previous Universes will be merged with our Universe within the next 14 days Another night of the same calibre with too many dreams again, which I have decided to write down without limitations but I could not decipher the notes of one of them, which of this reason is omitted: I am at a company where I see a line of lawyer secretaries working, and the last lawyer who comes out to the last secretary wants to kill her. o I woke up with the special song Anna Stesia by Prince and the words liberate my mind, which is really what would be nice since the Devil now since the spring of 2006 constantly has torn me up from the inside by trying to occupy and destroy my mind with the ultimate goal to kill me as the lawyer of the dream and the lawyer through me fighting to win the overtake once again trying to kill my mother but NO this is not how to play the game! I understand there is another Universe, and I am together with people who are used to travel between these two universes, which I am not and now I am told that we will travel to this Universe for the next 14 days, which makes me somewhat nervous also because I understand that I will not suffer inside of this Universe, which however makes me fear how it will be like to return afterwards and resume the suffering of this Universe. At the other Universe I see the same people as in this Universe but life has developed somewhat different even though the building blocks have been the same as in our Universe, I am together with two others meeting Morten, who has prepared dinner for us, Morten has given me a book and I am surprised that he has added a personal line deep inside the book saying this is why I gave you the bible years ago. He serves three breads and the one I taste is so delicious as I have ever tasted, and I believe it is homemade but he says it is from the baker. I
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see the same people in this Universe in love and having children with each other, who cannot be in love and get children together in our Universe and I am told that this is only an act. I see a man with three laptop computers having different technical specifications, and I understand that the specification 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 are special specifications of this Universe, which is in another language than in our Universe and I understand that it is about the resolution of the screens of the laptops. This man is called up on the telephone from this Universe and I see the picture and conversation of this man bending at the middle and the voice on the phone says notice the transition of your voice from left towards right when it jumps. o When I woke up I received the feeling that this is the old Universe (several in fact), which will now been joined together with ours do you remember my stories a few months ago about maybe seven previous Universes before us, which terminated because the darkness was stronger than the light - where all information was saved with the Source and all of this energy was part of the big transition going from this old Universe to create our common future Universe in continuation of events from the Easter 2011 and forwards, and this is the energy, which now is being joined together. I am at Hovvej in Espergrde together with my mother and what I believe may be John, we have just left a dinner party, and we are walking a short way to meet my father on this road to give us a lift home in his Volvo. When I see him I tell him that I am glad that you are not further away, and I see that his wife Kirsten is walking a little bit further away in front of him and that she is complaining about the guests at the dinner party they have been to. o I understand that my father is mentally not far away from me and also my mother, but it has always been his wife Kirsten (since the end of the 1970s), who has pulled him away from us and the pain of her life has been to complain about everyone and everything. o From the same song as before Anna Stesia by Prince I received the lyrics We could live 4 a little while, If U could just learn 2 smile, which was a message to me from the spirit of my father who told me that he would do anything to see me happy and I also received the lyrics I just want you back for good and yes yes yes we can take that too and also smile but without happiness as in all of my life . I see all of my family members arriving by bus to a meeting place, a nice looking lady is leading us and in the last moment my sisters husband Hans arrives on a bus to take over the lead just before this nice looking lady leaves. o The bus is making love, which may be what is a mess for my entire family not normal and the nice looking lady is the curse of my life trying to seduce me as part of my old nightmare the Devil in disguise you know and the dream may say that the day when my family will meet me and truly understand me, this is the day when this nightmare will leave.
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I am working together with Sren H. and another one at a no name bank in Esbjerg, and Sren tells me that the ITsystem of Income Protection insurance cannot be improved and that it is not possible to save information, and he sounds convincing to me. The others are wearing normal clothes and as the only one I am wearing my bathrobe, which makes me embarrassed, and Sren shows me to my surprise that it is by now worn. o This may be about some of the challenges we are facing in connection with the organisation of our New Universe, which is that information cannot be saved challenges merging all universes (?) - which I do hope we will find a solution to as we normally do (?) and the bathrobe is still about the old nightmare giving me very strong threats these days. o Again I woke up to Anna Stesia again and now the lyrics Now, my Lord, I understand, which may be what more and more people are doing .

I have started working at this no name bank in Esbjerg together with two others, it is my first day. It is a huge bank with MANY cash desks, and I am attending a morning meeting with all cashiers and the team leader and I wonder if she will present me to the others, which would be simple logic to do but she does not (!), her communication is poor and I feel myself as Obama and am sad because I am going to work much below my true competences. Later I am on the first floor of the bank making love to one lady, and later I have a good eye to another. At lunch I walk a floor up with a colleague and I see colleagues entering a caf which looks like a French caf, which he confirms that it is, but I cannot afford the prices and I think that I will bring rye bread instead. I have now been two days in Esbjerg, and I have not started unpacking my luggage and have not yet had the time to visit the two others. o The bank is bigger than ever a lot of normal life coming - and otherwise the dream is telling old stories of people not truly thinking when communicating and not using my true competences, which everyone who have worked together with me in the past will come to learn, and the dream also shows you some of the spiritual visions, feelings and speech I receive daily of the Devil in disguise in relation to my old nightmare, which you know is STRONG at the moment but NOT stronger than what I allow it to be. The luggage is the world as far as I remember and the two other are my friends and really myself too at the Trinity and I will probably see all of you soon again. o And maybe the French caf is to say that France has overtaken the lead as the most frequent country visiting my website from USA and we know FRENCH PEOPLE READING ENGLISH (?) and SO MANY OF THEM (QUE???) and yes yes yes as you can see from the picture below of recent visits and of these 66 visits, 64 has visited the same 29th May script (they are quite UNUSUAL these people ), one the Jesus in Kenya page and one the Jerusalem UFO page and we know even one

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one from REIMS champagne, which is NOT the worst place on Earth you will have to go to the Horn of Africa (!!!) and tell me Sarkozy, would you prefer your people to continue drinking Champagne and having oysters and fois gras at the same time as people are starting to die as flies in Africa OR WILL YOU TRULY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT AND I DO MEAN BUSINESS THIS TIME SO BOTH YOU AND AFRICA CAN FEEL IT (!) and the same goes to all other countries of the rich world: DO SOMETHING SERIOUS ABOUT IT NOW instead of being indifferent and believing what can we do (?) when you know the answer is VERY MUCH IF ONLY YOU WANT TO (!) and my dear friends IT STARTS FROM THE TOP, so common SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!!!

France continues to read the SAME script again and again and now they have very UNUSUALLY overtaken the lead from USA as the most frequent country visiting my website. Thank you France and Sarkozy for supporting me I was on my EXTREME edge of darkness killing me and controlling invoices not matching because of errors of lazy people! This morning I started working at 07.45. Later at Falck I met Thomas on guard today and when I asked him how he was doing he told me not good (!) and when I told him that I would be glad to help him (meaning in this connection) he misunderstood me, because now he was thinking of work which may be what you were in the first place (?) - and there was truly things I could help with (!) and my dear friends, I am trying to get the leaders to learn not to misuse me, which is easier said than done (!) and when I understood his misunderstanding, I decided to tell him that I have plenty of work to do my self the invoice process is killing me (!) and also writing down ideas to the restaurant-memo to Jesper, when they come, which they do MANY times (!) but also that if he had IMPORTANT tasks which he could not get others to do, he was welcome, which probably saved me from doing some of the work, which the employees are employed to do (!) and I kept on working on the fire guard invoices still being at the same EXTREME EDGE not being able to think or work because of the darkness presOne God, One People

suring me to my knees making my top floor much more difficult to access and to use than normal and I have received two specifications from the head office together with some but not all invoices and I have one specification of Lyngby and an extra set for masks, flasks etc. and it is a NIGTHMARE to find the invoice foundation Thomas had simply THROWN out the paper forms of 2010, which I looked for at the archive the other day (!) and all of these four specifications and the extra set do not match very good together and the internal specification includes some numbers including VAT and some excluding VAT, some numbers are missing, other numbers unite several smaller numbers and some specify one name of an invoice, which is another name of the same customer at other specifications etc. and we know simply showing that lazy and careless people do A NIGHTMARE OF A SYSTEM, WHICH IS NOT A SYSTEM and of course a lot of errors and poor information and my dear friends let me put it to you mildly: It is NOT very motivating to try to find out and to correct the errors of lazy and far too busy people not working and thinking with quality when you would NEVER do such sloppy work yourself and when I feel as I do, I tell you that this is the worst NIGTHMARE you can imagine and more than this when I had to continue fighting darkness coming to me, which tried to make me say to hell with it when I was almost giving up because of the strong feelings I received of disappointment of cleaning up after these careless people, the frustration of the numbers of not only two but several specifications not matching, the misuse of my true competences and when I was feeling that I was almost fainting this is how I felt like and felt the darkness putting on pressure to convince me to send this to Hell (!), I instantly received the answer through a play of Thomas son of 10 years old, who was with us not a good idea my friends inside working hours but private visits without disturbing work is of course fine and that was when he suddenly could not resist the desire to press the alarm button of one of the model fire engines of plastic standing at the office, which made the alarm sound and we know from here a LOT of direct NEGATIVE speech of the darkness through people to tell me about the potential consequences to the Universe and my mother if I was not able to control it and we know very REAL is what it was, but I decided that I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP SO PLAY AWAY if this is what you want, but I have told you: I WILL NEVER GIVE UP and I have NOT allowed you to use this darkness you give me for anything else than to give it to me and so it is (!) also knowing that darkness is given to the world to be deflected and we know the Horn of Africa is the DISASTER now given to the world to react to and we know Haiti, Pakistan and Japan first and did the world do a SATISFACTORY result to help (?) and NO it did not (!), and now Africa where millions are starving and thousands will die if the world does not react here and now and what is the view (?) and exactly the same which is NOT A SATISFACTORY HELP from the world and that is because your hands are tired up by all of your bureaucracy, stiff systems and BAD HABITS of not doing what is TRULY needed to help (!!!) and we know SAD is what it is but I hope for the best and ask ALL OF THE WORLD TO REACT NOW TO HELP! I was inspired to suggest Thomas son Kasper to spell his name from the end, which became repsak and I told him that he
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could remember this by the two words REB and SK (rope and sack) and then it was easy to tell him that if he imagines Santa Claus coming down the chimney with his big brown SACK, he will open the ROPE of it and give out presents and we know another symbol of the world and I going through the FIRE of Hell at the moment before I can give you all the gift of a New Universe and New Life of light only with tremendous joy totally without darkness . At 13.00 when I was about to leave or a few minutes above and when I was almost falling over because of tiredness and exhaustion, two employees had arrived to sign their key receipts which I had prepared and Thomas asked me to do this work and I told him that I was leaving because the day was over but Thomas did truly not like to do this work when I was around to do it, so he asked me again and we know which I then did and there were some details of these keys, which I hardly understood because I simply could not take anymore my mind was exploding and the difference of this example compared to yesterday with the massage chair is that Thomas could easily have done the work, which was impossible for me to do, and yesterday it was easy for three ambulance people to lift the chair, which was impossible for me to do but you know LONG LIVE LAZINESS (!) is still the parole of people here, and we know Thomas also tried to misuse me to do a table in Microsoft Excel for him, which he found out that he could do himself when I asked him why he did not do it himself (!) and we know can you see how tempting it is for managers and everyone really to misuse people if they can avoid doing work themselves (?) and SAD is what it is. The darkness almost brought me down to generate EXTREME energy to merge us together with previous Universe I was told that all people of the world will receive memory of their former lives including lives of former Universes! And this afternoon I was going through some of the worst darkness of all I have gone through making this experience among my top 5 of the worst experiences ever because of how awful it was but also telling about just how much energy was required to bring a result which is also why it was designed for my mother and I to stop seeing each other again - and it was the extreme darkness questioning me if I wanted to use the I am everything approach or the you are welcome approach when merging with my old self from a previous Universe (only one Universe now I was told) I did not know what would work out the best and in the beginning if I could say I am everything when my other self would probably have the same attitude and during this maybe two hours of thinking and trying to make up my mind, the darkness was so strong that I thought I was about to lose it, that now I could not be stronger than the darkness, that it would take me over I was about to cry in desperation and I was shown rope around both of my feet to say that this could throw me over but eventually I decided to be my STRONGEST deciding and saying that I am everything to go up against the darkness I did not want to return to a weaker stage - who continuously tried to oppose me and TRUST ME this darkness is IMMENSELY strong and MUCH stronger than I (!)
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and you know I have an immensely strong side, but I also have an immensely soft side and I am open to understand and really to say that I dont want to be STRONG without being sure that I am right and this was you know what we played on - but still somehow I managed to drown the voice of the darkness after I made my mind up and I thought that we will be merged together and that together we will become ONE as the sum of all of us, and I am everything as the Source I am the ANCHOR and this is about gathering all of the Source inside of me as everything and this is how I was shown both the elephant and the orange colour as signs of the Source and this is how this process started to transfer this Universe from one part of the Source to the Universe inside of me (!) and this is how I was also shown the GIANT DARK MAN of my hall decreasing much in size. --I continued working until 16.35 today also updating and expanding my chapter on Dadaab and the Horn of Africa from yesterday and also being told that when I was living as Hitler, I knew that I had to be evil in order to save the world, so now you also know this.

8.3 8 July: You need to be very direct and as strong as Cassius Clay to change the work and behaviour of people!
Dreaming of connecting our present and a previous Universe having to pass through my old nightmare Yet another night at the same level and we know Stig when feeling as I do, when the darkness is fighting me and when I am working to my extreme limit with even more work to do, I will break down if this continues, this is my feeling this morning, I have had it, feel like sitting down and cry as the last exit which I of course cannot - and I cannot tell you just how awful this is, but we know lets carry on: Fuggi has bought a little bit of food for me for lunch, and is looking inside my refrigerator to see what else I got. Later we sleep in the same bed where I am physically fighting the darkness attacking me without a chance to win which is because I have spoken against it in its own language and then it is impossible for me to win. o I have known this from the start dont speak to the darkness as it speaks to me because of this reason and really because it is wrong, and of course to refuse many thousands times the encouragement of the darkness to do just this. And why is Fuggi in this dream as he is and we know I DONT KNOW WHY! I am running a small hotel, we have improved our business facility concept and created a fine brochure, which I am handing over to a potential business client, whom I know has held a presentation for a bank, and I ask him to let me know if he finds this interesting, and the first impression is good when he looks interested in the brochure.


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o The hotel is where I keep my special friends until they will start working for me, and because of the work I do with my scripts, improving my website and uploading more documents yesterday also the Dadaab newsletter of LTO I make the hotel interesting for more people to visit. And we know Stig, a good salesman would never ask indirectly as this, but directly and you know secure CLEAR communication, understanding and always good manners so both parties will receive a good experience. I am at Yoga and an Indian tells me that he has received spiritual symbols through his stomach one of them is a message about the weather, and I tell him that I know that this message is for me and that it is about the rain which will stop. I tell people that it is the best to do yoga and meditation at the same place each time because it builds up the energy at that exact place. o Yoga in this dream is because this is what I have been told days ago will help me to go through this immense darkness I received from my suffering mother but impossible it is to do yoga now so the human contact I receive daily will have to be enough. The Indian gave me the understanding that some Indians out there know about me how do you do (?), which also is a very good SWEDISH song to confirm that JOY and HAPINESS is coming to you too - and I do hope that the rain will stop, i.e. suffering, because I have reached my ultimate limit and wasnt this what I was told the other day that when I could work no more, the darkness would decrease? It is Friday at 17.40 and 20 minutes before the work day will be over, I am at a reception at Alka Insurance where I meet Klaus B. (my old colleague from GE Insurance), whom I stroke on his back and I see the manager of Alka leave together with Klaus and others, which makes me sad because I had an agreement to meet him I was hoping to get him back as a customer. I look at the people working here and think that they are also doing poor work without doing their best, I take a small piece of chocolate cake with me and drive down with the elevator, and when I am leaving out the door, the guard asks to see my employment card, and I tell him that I am not employed but a visitor to the reception, which makes him ask me for ID instead, and because I cannot find my drivers license, I give him my pass board, and in return I receive a huge amount of paper including parking tickets and a Statoil gasoline card, and I tell him that this can be done better and simpler, but he tells me that they are obliged to do this. o Is this dream literally meaning that people at Alka Insurance a company I have had no direct contacts in are speaking about me and is it simply Klaus B., my old colleague, who has contacts to this company you used to work for Alka as I remember (?) who is speaking of me (?) and is Henrik from Fair, who used to work as a manager for Alka, doing the same? o Alka returns in a dream below, which also may be about another part of me from a previous Universe and the

struggle we go through to release him from the Source through the darkness to merge with me and you know to unite EVERYTHING of the Source inside of me. o The chocolate cake is both saying thinking of my self and love and when I dont have a partner, you may understand that there is nothing wrong with me (!) still complying with my rules I am and I do believe the guard is a representative of the darkness, whom I have to pass, I dont have a drivers license, so I am not me really and maybe the Statoil card is to tell me that I need to refill with energy. Furthermore it is also to tell the story that the bureaucrats of the European Union and all member states have developed very detailed rules within insurance including guidelines telling in detail which information consumers are to receive, which forced Life & Pension companies to send out 10-20 pages (?) overviews of a pension scheme to consumers, which almost no consumers can understand (!) and we know the Devil working when the exact goal of what these bureaucrats want is not reached, and have you thought about delivering what may be the same information if this is good to give (?) in level 1, 2 and 3 details (?) and just wondering I am? I have brought three videos with me including a video of a porn star speaking of her career, which is the one I have put on, but no one of what feels like two others are watching it including the very beautiful lady sitting at the sofa in the other end of the living room of my sister, which is where I now feel we are, and I am therefore thinking about changing the video because it seems wrong to play this, and I see LPs being set up at the cupboard and the computer being connected to the television. o This is what my concerned sister still is doing to me, bringing my old nightmare very close, but it seems that the threat is decreasing. The dream includes videos instead of DVDs and LPs instead of CDs, which is old technology and we know we are not using the latest technology, which may be about myself still working as old Stig but the LPs are also about love, which is given to me by others, which you know is the basic foundation of our relations. And it may also be old technology in the sense of an old Universe, which the computer of our Universe is now connecting to through a television because this old Universe is what is bringing new darkness to me. I am driving a bus on my way home and I think about visiting one of many good record stores in Copenhagen as we pass them, which I do not but at what seems to be the end of the road with very long distances between stops, I finally stop to visit a store called Stereo sound, where I leave my jacket at the entrance, and I see the most puristic and futuristic stereo system I have ever seen, it is 1.5 million DKK (thats entertainment, really (!) and SUPERB it is, but no temptations by Skodas here ), it includes solutions I have never seen before including a new development of the fantastic B&O turntable with a tangential tone arm, and after this I go down the stairs to a small record
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department managed by an employee called Nielsen, whom I remember from years ago, he is a music enthusiast who has worked there forever and when I pass the end of the store it is difficult to turn around to the other side of the music cupboard, because it is VERY narrow; they have mostly LPs here but also some CDs, and I see that they have what looks like all of the maxi singles of the Cure on CD, which I however decide not to buy. o The bus is still about making love and here it must be the suffering of it, and there is not much music warm feelings on my road of suffering but at the end I receive the best stereo with solutions I have never seen, heard about or dreamed of before I felt that this is the technology and warm feelings of the old Universe we are merging with - and I leave my jacket, which as far as I remember is the same as the tie, i.e. confidence I really cannot remember and the best music of the Cure may symbolise that I need cure through warm feelings of people to come through this immense darkness, but still I seem to come through this phase too without and this phase is among my top 3 or 5 worst experiences ever almost at the same level as the Easter 2009 experience, the episode of the Bar Kengeli in Kenya in 2009 (as I believe it was called?) and the situations where I have believed the world would go under and where I did marathon meditations and we know just below these experiences is what this is IMPOSSIBLE to come through! I am meeting a manager from Alka Insurance at a petrol station together with a manager of an Insurance broker and Ulla Plesner from Danica. I am going to advise the Alka manager in relation to his pension schemes, and I understand quickly that the insurance broker who is there to assist me is nothing more than hot air, but Ulla who is there for the same reason - knows all the details about pensions despite of being a manager (!) and I am happy to receive her advice. The manager of Alka arrived on bicycle and leave in his VW Golf where the others of us leave in our separate cars. o Petrol is about being energised, what is Alka about myself too (?) and at least I know that I liked Ulla and also Ramlau as managers of Danica much because of their professional knowledge of what they were working on, which is sadly rare that you see (!). The bicycle is suffering, which is why this Alka man may be myself too, and Golf is always a good sign, which is after being energised and if I remember correctly pensions are the same as scoring to enter our new world, and therefore this man may be my alter ego arriving with the darkness from a previous Universe to be merged together with me to become one with the sum of all of us, which may energise us since we are meeting at a petrol station . You need to be very direct and as strong as Cassius Clay to change the work and behaviour of people!

I started working at 07.45 this morning and when I arrived at Falck at 09.00, Jimmy asked me to come to his office because he would like to receive my advise on what he was working on who is the manager/mentor here (?) and he showed me that he was doing an Excel spreadsheet showing the balance of a medicine closet at the beginning of the month, changes during the month including differences due to people forgetting to write down what they have taken from the closet (!) and the balance at the end of the month and I could only tell him that you receive the best ideas when you work in detail with a task but what he showed me was logically the right way to do the task, and it looked fine to me what he had done, but it also made me tell him that he should not accept employees forgetting to write down what they take if this is what is the criteria (!!!) - and that it demands STRONG LEADERSHIP to change the culture of people instead of trying to motivate spoiled people with bad habits (!) but we know this is easier to say than done because Jimmy as many managers is afraid to speak out strongly and directly to employees telling them what they NEED to do (to change) and instead he found it the best to write this in his weekly newsletter (!) and my dear friend you can only hope that people will read and change by themselves, which they will not (!) and what you need EVERYWHERE ALL OVER THE WORLD for a period of time until you have CHANGED people efficiently are managers who dare to be as STRONG, DIRECT and INFLUENCING to people as Muhammed Ali was or should we say Cassius Clay (!) and that is EVERY SINGLE TIME people are lazy, careless and you know do not do their best as you can read from my scripts because this is what it takes to change people and the world SHOW YOUR STRONGEST TO CHANGE PEOPLE TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT: TO FOLLOW MY BASIC WORKING RULES. Today Lars was on duty and he has now learned that the standard of ring binders is to have a printed out label on the back on them but still he is lazy (!), so he asked me to print out a label for him and when I asked him if he would like me to show him how to do so he will know himself the next time, to my surprise he said no (!) and YES this was really what he said (!!!) and later he asked me has the witch not arrived yet (?) and who is the witch (?) and yes my friends, this is his nick name of Julia (!!!) because you can tell that he does not like her approach (too demanding) and this made me ask him do you think she calls you for a an ogre (?) and no he does not (!) and we know yesterday Thomas told me that he finds her unbearable because of her demands/requirements (!!!) and this is ALSO how Jesper is, because he whispered something to one of the managers a couple of weeks ago about run her hard and charge her for everything (!) and really because he has had enough of her too (!) - and my friends this is how people are today when they have decided that they dont like people and of course they are nice on the surface but behind the backs of people they put down and tear them apart (!) and do you now understand just how important COMMUNICATION and a POSITIVE approach with a will to understand and live together is (?) and this goes to you Julia because this is what I warned you against some weeks ago and to the immature men of this office - managers who should be good role models (!!!) I can only tell you this: NONE OF YOU ARE TRUE MANAGERS BECAUSE OF YOUR POOR WORK AND BEHAVIOUR, your behaviour is a DISGRACE and
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need to improve MUCH (!) you have to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself and HOW DIFFICULT CAN THIS BE to understand? I met Johnny and showed him where he can find the clothes, which was ordered and arrived for me, and today he told me that eeeehhh I can keep this myself because this was really what it was bought for (!) and we know the Commune has paid for it (!) why did he not say this the first time weeks ago (?) but I have decided that I will not receive it even though I can use it because I am still only using ONE PAIR OF TROUSERS because I cannot fit my old trousers and cannot afford buying new, and we know it makes me feel very uncomfortable to wear the same trousers every day. Today I worked more on the invoices now coming so deep into the numbers of different specifications that I called the head office to receive some help and ideas, which I will continue working on and also to tell you that I need the help of some of the managers here with more information etc. I will know next week if Robert has been better to save information than Thomas who threw out order forms of 2010 - and we know it will end up with the numbers of 2010 matching and an idea/memo together with Christoffer on the future system of Falck for them to continue working on. I received more ideas on what to include in my memo on the restaurant Noma project, which I am writing down I am in phase 1, the idea phase, of this work, which you know is starting to take its form because I am starting to organise the memo into logical chapters based on all of the ideas it includes - and this memo may become 10-20 pages long (!) and I also sent Jesper an update on my work simply through an updated action plan, and he may agree with me that it is easier and more safe to run a company with an action plan (?) and that he does not have to worry about what will happen with the tasks we have talked about because he is kept updated all of the time through my updated plans and we know otherwise people will soon start to think what is happening with the task we spoke about, has he forgotten about it, should I do it myself or have others to do it when you receive no information - which you know may be what you have felt too Jesper (?) not entirely knowing about me but you are beginning to understand that there is another and maybe much better way to work than what you have seen before (?) and we know how difficult can it be, because this is really only simple logic and nothing else! Yesterday I understood from an employee that several keys are left at the locks of doors of the dressing room and that employees are switching keys without the office knowing about and being in control over who has which keys, and we know (!!!) and today I decided to ask Lars to go with me to the dressing room to find out what these keys are for I am really thinking about a society without the need of keys (!) and first of all, the dressing room is a complete mess (!) and we saw what may be approx. 8 keys sitting in the locks some of them for existing employees not bringing the keys with them but others for employees who have resigned and left the keys at the closets and how many have never returned their keys but stolen them
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(???) and we saw what a mess the room is and we saw exactly the same here as in Brede Park, which was several closets full of old clothes of employees who resigned and left cleaning up (!) and we know which is how these closets may have looked like for months or even years with nobody caring to do anything about it (?) and I could only tell Lars that cleaning up the dressing room will be included in my memo to the management as a task to be done you need to be as STRONG as Cassius Clay (!!!) - which they should include on their action plan and we know I do believe Lars agreed with me, he did not oppose me (!) and we know I will not be dragged down on their working level as they did with Robert, I am going to bring all of you the entire world - up to my level, which is NOT difficult to do because it is ONLY a matter of attitude and nothing else! My head was not feeling good today and I was also tired and received some challenges of the darkness but it was NOTHING compared to recent days, which made the day a blessing to go through maybe 25% of the other days, and I also understood that the Source is playing this game with me to my ULTIMATE LIMIT because this is the EXTREME POWER we need and we know you could have told me so months ago and I would have built you a generator and yes Stig this is what we indeed did and it is working FANTASTICALLY but you know you are the driving energy yourself because if you did not feed the generator yourself, we would have to INCREASE the effects of what people of the Horn of Africa is feeling now to the whole world times three (!) and this is you know how it is to be me. The scandal of the UK newspaper News of the world is the beginning of cleaning up darkness of the media Some days ago I was told that journalists have received access to the surveillance system of the secret world in order to monitor people something for something was the bait for some when the secret government forced limitations to the freedom of speech of the press in certain connections (UFOs, crop circles and the world which was - going under to name a few) and a few days ago the story of the UK tabloid newspaper News of the world emerged as news to the world really (!) to show the outrageous behaviour of people fixed on money and a culture of disgusting nature crossing all limits of good behaviour in order to sell newspapers to poison the world with darkness (!) and we know the newspaper tapped the phones of interesting people in order to dig up dirt and sensations to sell to the people and what this TRULY is about is the UK Government now starting to DIG UP the old school of the world to help me and all of us and we know TO CLEAN UP THE MEDIA OF THE WORLD and my dear friends THIS IS ONLY THE TOP OF THE ICEBERG, which has now started melting. This is the end of the old system in order to be replaced by a New World Order including a responsible press based on decent behaviour and values. Thank you my friends over there and let this be an encouragement to the entire world to continue CLEANING UP EVERYWHERE and that it to REMOVE ALL SKELETONS FROM ALL CLOSETS and we know PLEASE FOLLOW THIS EXAMPLE but instead of closing down the world, which easily could be the outcome thinking of how much, which needs to be cleaned, I ask you to IMPROVE your behaviour and not to throw
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yourself over people and business as vultures you will be surprised of the revelations to come INCLUDING STORIES ABOUT ME which potentially were to be published by the media too but no no no .! And here is News of the world together with some Jam --Ending the day with these short stories: .

My scalp was scratching today as a sign of my LTO friends and we know Dadaab, Somalia/Kenya and the Horn of Africa bleeding because of hunger/thirst and MORE THAN THIS: PLEASE HELP and please do it now. The decision about the football club of Lyngby will they be forced to relegation is delayed. I will bring the result when I hear it. I kept on working until 17.55 today when the script was published. I did NOT believe this would be possible to do in the morning when I was this close to a physical break down.

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12. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and NASA are examples of organizations surveilling me
1. SUBJECT 9th July: Other previous Universes have started being merged too using the same door as the first Universe SUMMARY Dreaming of Karen and Denis thinking of me also going through difficulties, cleaning a company of darkness and merging other previous Universes with ours was almost impossible to do because of the darkness of family and friends still opposing and working directly against me. The darkness decreased much today and the other previous Universes have now started being merged too, which is easier to do than the first because they will follow through the door, which was opened with the first Universe. I had reached my ultimate limit of work, I could not continue, so I had to take a break and try to take a nap even though I was told that the spirit of my mother would come to carry out my old nightmare, which is what she did stronger than ever before crossing every limit (!), and the only way I could avoid this from happening to save her once again was to decide to use the power of the Source manually for the first time ever to decide that I am everything, I am all of you, I dont want this to be carried out and that is NO MATTER WHAT (!), and this is when this old nightmare lifted. This was among the worst I have ever experienced and I WILL NEVER SEE THIS HAPPENING AGAIN not even when my closest family will not understand and will oppose me with everything they have!!! Dreaming of driving the most fantastic and strong car as the Source, the spirit of my mother thanking me after becoming intentionally wounded, my mother and John fighting over me and sudden, strong and negative feelings of my mother as the reason whey the nightmare of yesterday afternoon happened. John F. Kennedy was a member of the Council, who was murdered by the secret government of USA because he wanted to publish the UFO-secret to the public. He was sent to Earth to prepare for the coming of me through Obama because we did not expect this organization to also murder Obama having the same goal. The world economy would have collapsed leaving the world in a sad state of extreme poverty fighting over a decreasing amount of food if it was not for the faith and will power of Obama and I, which made the spiritual world keep up the spirit of the hysteric cows trading on the stock exchanges of the world. If I should do my best finding a new apartment, I should use time and money, which I dont have, because of the large number of small housing associations and the lack of ONE system only to help me. This evening I reflected over what I am going through now realising that this phase is potentially lethal not only to my mother but also to my self. I the darkness should overtake me, I could be killed myself as the physical Stig of today, but still living as my new inner self and Obama would overtake my role until I would return myself too (?), which I dont know but could hope for. This made me NERVOUS and feeling BAD not least because the darkness continued giving me sexual approaches and tried its best to take me over. I went through one of my worst nights ever being kept awake because of the sultry weather and no sleep for you, my Son while I could think of my life being at danger and having to start writing a memo at Falck in the FULL work day following at its most critical phase, which could potentially make me lose it including the lives of my mother and I. NOT NICE but we did it . Dreaming of working for the company of darkness (Falck) exhibiting its poor work, which may be more than the manager of this darkness can bear, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and NASA are examples of organizations surveilling me and agreeing with normal life to be given to the world, Obama is willing to take over from me if I should not survive this phase and I am going
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10th July: The spirit of my mother thanked me after becoming intentionally wounded


11th July: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and NASA are examples of organizations surveilling me

through sufferings given to me by a poor actor my own inner self in order to receive previous Universes, which on the other side of suffering will lead to the reception of the gift of all of us. I have NEVER been so tired and feeling more Zombie having to go through an IMPOSSIBLE full working day to do the most critical phase of a long memo, which seem IMPOSSIBLE to do, and the first hour at Falck was the THE LONGEST TIME not bad eiher, Billy (!) I have ever gone through (!) making me believe that a full day was simply impossible to do, but I did it including the structuring of ideas of my memo and also being forced to drive twice to Falck in Greve. Dreaming of being in charge of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service BUGGING me, employees of the world will tell me to do things gently not thrilled about changing as much as I ask you but you will come to the conclusion to FOLLOW ME, the plane of the darkness crashing into the harbour of my safe haven giving me the worst suffering removing all of my energy and trying to give me my old nightmare, which I however succeed to escape from, I am also suffering because of Karen deciding to be with other men despite of wanting to receive my flowers, the economy of Greece will be saved, more thoughts and warm feelings of me are given to the world but still the darkness is brought out directly to the world in order to remove the last part of it. At Falck I continued the work on my increasing memo on how to improve quality and efficiency at Falck, which is DIFFICULT to do fighting extreme darkness/tiredness, Robert is witnessing some of my sufferings through poor sleep, his wife choosing another man and a wrong heart beat making him conclude that he has no life (!) and the wrong doings of the Commune and Falck stealing my energy and a normal salary is sending me directly to the Mens Home when I will be without an apartment in a few months!


12th July: I am in charge of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service still bugging but also supporting me

12.1 9 July: Other previous Universes have started being merged too using the same door as the first Universe
Dreaming that merging previous Universes was almost impossible to do because of darkness of family/friends opposing me My sleep has really not improved and here are the dreams: I am at my old apartment in Hrsholm alone with a beautiful woman at the sofa, but when she opens her mouth, I understand that I am not attracted to her. Karen and Denis are visiting me, he is studying psychology, which is almost impossible for him to come through. I tell them that they can now relax when you are here, and I offer them coffee and milk. o Something about physical attraction compared to human attraction and I do believe in both with an overweight on the human part. Karen and Denis are with me in the dream because I am on their mind, which is making life difficult for Denis here and I offer them coffee symbolising my warm feelings and the milk may be because they have problems in bed too. For a while again I have been told about Karen thinking of me, is he really Jesus (?), he felt me feel him (?) you see? By the way I woke up to the song waiting on a sunny day by Bruce so this is what Karen and I are still doing. o I have also been told about my sister thinking what if I have done my brother wrong and he truly has been fighting the Judgment and my mother who will give me the BIGGEST APOLOGY in the world for her misunderOne God, One People Page 45


standings and mistakes, and also that she is dreaming about me and who I am but that it is almost impossible to break through the armour to make her understand. I have started working for an investment company in Copenhagen, there is also a company in Hrsholm only with Danish speaking people but in Copenhagen I am the only Danish speaking. Something about cleaning the work offices and machines, I am in the big room of consultants it feels like the old DFM which however only includes three desks, which stand next to the inner wall instead of next to the windows, where three high caf tables have been placed instead. Preben asks me something about Jesus and a mountain and I tell him that I only know this much today I show him one centimetre with two of my fingers and that everything is now being built up inside of me. He tells me that he cannot both be a salesman and speak about me to politicians and this is why he has dropped me. I receive 3,000 DKK in cash and first it makes me happy, but then again I think that I will also send this money to Africa to help them survive. A colleague tells me that he believes we are running on an illegal IT-system because it is one big system containing all information where he believes it should be separated into different sectors, and when we asks Pernille S., she tells us that originally we were allowed to have one big system but last year we were told to divide the system into these different sectors. I am trying to find motivation to start my sales work with telemarketing as the first approach and something about having to prepare myself carefully first and that Kim S. is waiting.

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o This investment company is a company of the darkness, which I am cleaning, I am with people speaking another language than I we dont understand each other. And the dream says why Preben has dropped me but I dont understand the dream so Preben may tell it himself one day is it because it has been impossible to support me when speaking to colleagues of the Insurance sector NOT believing in me? The money which I send to Africa makes me think that these days are the biggest days for people of Western Europe going on holiday blocking the airports, motorways of Germany etc. and people spend BILLIONS of DKK/USD/EUROs on their own entertainment this summer at the same time as millions of people at the Horn of Africa go through the worst drought and suffering imaginable and we know if the western people think about this (?) and the answer is NO for most people, because the news here may include this story a few times and a few seconds only on the TV news and this is where people may feel with the suffering Africans but what can we do about it (?) and a few minutes afterwards, their tragedy has disappeared from the mind of people (!) - and one option my millions of friends could be for you to cancel your 1-23 weeks of holiday and send the money to people in Africa directly instead or alternatively to an NGO if you cannot find people to receive the money! to help saving them for weeks or months on what you instead blow off on your self! o The IT system may be different systems of different Universes, which we now are merging and that is despite of the darkness of the people of this dream and many others, who make up the extreme darkness I had to pass once again before this dream of ours could become the truth, and I heard the Council yesterday tell me about the wonders of what they now are receiving, and I felt version no. 3 and 4 of different spirits of the Council arriving and my dear friends this is truly how it is and one day you will understand what this is about (?) and how many people believe in this when this story is written and shall we say hardly anyone and we know officially my script published yesterday the 8th July has not been read by one single person yet, but eventually the whole world will come to read and understand it. Other previous Universes have started being merged too using the same door as the first Universe Yesterday evening after publishing my script, the darkness was not strong - but still there and I thought that God wanted me to go to my extreme limit to give everything I had but also that this was a game too, where I was protected, which I did not feel sure about when going through it as you may understand. I was also told that Universe no. 2, 3, 4 etc. have now started to be merged too which is strengthening me and the entire Universe (!) - and this will not be as difficult as the first because they will follow through the door, which has now been opened. I was told that I could also have decided to stop or reduce this

access when going through extreme suffering, which would have delayed the start of the New Universe for all, but I decided that the access should be widely open. And I was told that all places of previous Universes have been saved, which you can travel to as if they were existing today. For days and also yesterday evening I have seen my left hand being hold out and I have received a vision of my self standing as a boy under this hand of mine to symbolise that this is my Universe, that we are still young and have come through our worst crisis. --I started writing at 10.15 today after having been at a long bath where I again was given the word FRkert (wrong with a sheep in front of it really as a symbol of my sacrifice), which I have every day since receiving it the first time, but now it has started changing back to the right word forkert (wrong) and we know TUFF is not the word, Bob (!), but we had to go through it so this is what we did . My old nightmare closer than ever to be carried out potentially killing my mother, who was saved by the Source Early this afternoon I did some shopping and also washed my clothes and I started feeling as tired as I have felt like for several days at the same time as I had reached my ultimate limit of work I simply could not work anymore and I decided that I had to take the rest of the day off even though I also could have searched for two more jobs and started looking more carefully after a place to live in Helsingr, which I received STRONG urges to do they come automatically all of the time - but no, I had to have a break, and I was asked if this meant that I would stop all darkness from coming to me, which my answer to was no I only needed a break because we have more work to do thinking of the process of merging with the previous Universes and I was shown large blue bricks symbolising me continuing to be laid in an airport as the answer. When I sat at the sofa in the afternoon I simply had NO energy to go back to the basement to dry my clothes and even later to collect it and it was as impossible to stay awake as it has been typically between 19 to 20 for some days, and 17 to 18 other days, but now it was between 14 and 15 and I could not see me awake the rest of the day feeling like this, so I decided to take a nap and that was even though I was told that the spirit of my mother would come to me in relation to my old nightmare I was at my ultimate limit physically unable to take anymore, so I decided that I did not believe in this to be carried out and I was allowed to receive maybe 10-15 minutes of relaxation without sleep before my amplifier started coincidently switching off and on again (!!!), which is very annoying listening to especially when you want to sleep (!) so after some time, I had to switch off the amplifier entirely and when I laid back on the sofa, this is when I felt the spirit of my mother as her clean self coming in over me I also felt the spirit of my father with me together with the words no one is to die and Karen too, but first of all the spirit of my mother and this was as extreme
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an experience as some years ago as I believe you can find in book 1 where I had to work the whole night and run 15 minutes in the morning without having slept at all to avoid this nightmare from be carried out, and the difference this time was that I had NO MORE ENERGY to bring and still this nightmare had decided to be carried out, and when nothing seemed to change, I took the decision again that NO MATTER WHAT (!), I dont want this nightmare to be carried out and this is when I said I am everything, I am all of you, I am the darkness too, I dont want this to happen, this is my strength, thoughts and influence I give to everyone, I have taken the decision that I dont want this to be carried out and if needed I ask you to use the Universe as deflection and this is when this nightmare decided to lift and the reason why the feeling of Karen was with me too was because Karen is still the only one I think of intimately so she had been appointed to be the cover of the spirit of my mother (!) but nothing happened - and it is impossible for me to tell you just how disgusting this feeling was I also thought that this EXTREMITY is still inside of a game in control after my experiences during the week but I also thought that if this indeed would be carried out, I would not be able to control my self negatively, which would NOT be good for the world which was the reason why the spirit of my father was present, to try avoiding this from happening if possible and I can only say that this was even more disgusting than the feeling I had during the week, which was among Top 5 of the all time worst and this was almost as terrible as in the summer of 2010 where the spirit of my mother appeared visibly in front of me crying because it was this close that she would be eliminated which may be the worst I have ever experienced together with the marathon meditations thinking that the world would go under and still the Easter 2009 . - and killing her is really what was almost happening again today, but it was avoided and not because the Source automatically interfered but because I as Stig decided to use the power of the Source manually for the first time ever this is what I had to discover this way (!) so this is what saved us from what may be the worst darkness ever given to me and we know my mother/John has returned from their holiday, which Sanna/Hans will in a few days too and their feelings may be more extreme than ever before in relation to me and I was also told that this is also part of what is necessary in order to turn around the world, which I have also received a dj vue about with the message that this is impossible to do. Shortly thereafter the spirit of my mother told me that this will also be written into history and I was shown her walk inside of the area of Egyptian pyramids in ancient times, so this is where we are still headed. Later I was again shown my left hand reaching out with the Universe and myself below it, and now growing and I was told that the Universe has not yet developed into its final goal, which is for all living beings to become God.

worse than this and this is what I had to go through in order for the FRkert to change into forkert giving me less suffering. Mother: If you read this, then let me tell you that because of your misunderstandings and deafness still listening more to Sanna than me you are (?) you have continuously killed me (without knowing and wanting if of course, but nevertheless .) and I have continuously saved your life using my extreme energy and will power, which is the only reason why you are still alive. This was another of those exercises, I just saved you again, mother .

12.2 10 July: The spirit of my mother thanked me after becoming intentionally wounded
Dreaming of the spirit of my mother thanking me after becoming intentionally wounded My sleep tonight was not better, so tired is what I expect to be again today and we know I will take a nap if this is what I decide to do (!) but still I also receive a stronger feeling of being fresh with much energy just below the surface - with these dreams: I am driving a small Mercedes and meet my old friend Angela (from Fair) who drives a Mercedes 650 (!) which is only two years old. She has imported it directly from Kln in Germany and tells me that this is the best bargain ever because the car is really not expensive. I try the car, which is nothing less than FANTASTIC to drive. o When I woke up the spirit of my mother was with me saying thank you and this is because of my decision to use the power of the Source to save her again (my physical mother, because my spiritual is save) and this power is stronger than the strongest (!), which the model number of the car shows, because normally a Mercedes 600 is the largest engine you can reach, but already now the power of the Source is as strong as you can only imagine. I am in a church, where I decide to blow up everything including everything of our past, and something about a man in a car who on time drives through entire Hell. I have wounded the spirit of my mother I felt ACTING here who is bleeding on the street, I collect her and her gun is pointing at myself and I think that there is nothing to do because I have hurt her intentionally. o A dream I dont like and I will only say this: I have decided for us to live, I have decided for my mother to live and I have decided to live myself with everything being light, and I dont want my mother to be hurt, so if she needs attention, this is what I will ask the spiritual world to prioritise. From the morning, I had had a glass of a very good Amarone wine, I have been fighting with Camilla, we are watching television and see my mother and John fighting with John saying that we cannot afford to give gifts to children, which is what my mother wants to give me to help
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And by the way: There was a new earth quake a few hours later in the North Eastern Japan and earlier I had simply been told wait to see what will happen, but I am glad that it was not

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me, and suddenly Camilla jumps up, cannot control her temper, she is unjust, negative and misunderstands me and it is as if I have wounded Camilla intentionally. o The wine is everything of me, Camilla is also a symbol of my mother and again saying that EXTREME FEELINGS of my mother is what caused the extreme suffering yesterday, which intentionally wounded my mother and if this is part of the game of the spiritual world to find extreme energy, this is what it is but please remember my rules: NONE OF MY SPECIAL FRIENDS ARE TO DIE OR RECEIVE PERMANENT INJURIES, which may just be what we are doing (?) also feeling the spirit of Fuggi here with me, who really also was present yesterday afternoon to help out if needed. Something about beautiful young ladies in a concert hall, which are not for me, they are discovered and showed out and later playboy chefs cook the best meals, but they went bankrupt. o This may be what the power of the Source has helped me to stop. President Kennedy was murdered because he wanted to publish the UFO-secret to prepare for Obama with the same goal I felt the spirit of my mother in relation to John F. Kennedy and received the understanding that he was one of the Council and I was told that he was murdered because of his interest in letting the public know about UFOs this is my missing story of my Signs III page my gentlemen (for many weeks, the page has included an empty chapter called Examples of assassinations by the secret government and Kennedy was one of them) and I was told that the reason for bringing Kennedy to Earth was for him to prepare the coming of me through Obama because we anticipated that this secret organisation could not bear having the murder of two presidents on its conscience and are we right, my gentlemen (?) and does the word escape ring a bell to some of you (?) and also that it is impossible to escape the eye of God (?) and so it is my friends but we know TAKE CARE also goes to you because without you and your wrong doings the world would not have survived! The world economy would have collapsed if it was not for the faith and will power of Obama and I I was told that the price of stocks would have rattled down because of the state of the world economy with the prospect of no end to the free falling of the world economy, which would have let to bankruptcies of not only financial institutions and businesses but to whole industries followed by the breakdown of the whole world (!) leading to poverty, fightings over rats etc. as food, sicknesses and people dying in the millions (!) - and my ladies and gentlemen, there was ONE FACTOR, which you did not include in your calculations, which are out there to be found too (!), which was the faith and will power of Obama and I deciding that we did not want this scenario to happen because of our FEELINGS OF LOVE to the world as the music also here says and we know by artists of the company, which we

may call Jeff and co. - and the way the economy was kept up was for us to keep up the spirit of the hysteric cows trading on the stock exchanges of the world and we know feelings is a good word to describe these people or should we call them money beggars or is THE DEVIL a too big word to use for all of you who were tricked by all of us (?) and we know do you remember the collapses of Lehman Brothers Holdings, Washington Mutual and almost AIG and many others a few years ago (?), which was about to tear down the world economy (?) and we know this is how the world also was saved, which you also can ask Obama about . Difficulties finding a new apartment I should use time and money I dont have if I should do my best I used some time on the website of Boligkontoret Danmark to search for an apartment they are the ones having our old row houses in Snekkersten called Borupgaard - and even though they represent many small housing associations, I thought that they had probably figured out a way to let my name be included on ONE waiting list to cover all of these many associations and this is how I spent quite some time choosing 18 different associations with even more apartments and we know and we know and we know yet again I was disappointed because when I was finalising this test, the website informed me that I had to pay a note charge of 195 DKK of EACH association (!) and to repeat this every single year, which I cannot afford (!!!) and my dear friends, this was for North Zealand alone and if you would like to cover yourself for the whole country it would take you AGES to find and do this through hundreds of small or very small associations and you would have to pay a charge for each of these very small associations and we know what does this charge cover (?) and is that practically nothing and only to confirm your true interest (?) and if this is the case, why do you LIMIT my chances to find a new place to live very much because of this POOR SYSTEM of yours (?) and I told you so but ending with a .

BUREAUCRAZY of many small housing associations each requiring an unnecessary charge, which I cannot afford --Some short stories at the middle of the day for a change:

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I wrote two more applications to Skjold Burne WINE and STIHL as you can read from my library here. I decided to work on the script, some cleaning, the applications and the housing website from 09.10 until 15.15 today feeling somewhat better with a somewhat lighter feeling to my head and somewhat less negative speech but still not normal because all of this is still hurting me - which almost made me happy (nrmest lykkelig) one of your best, Steffen - because the voices herewith did not violate the traffic rules inside of my head (overtrder frdselsloven inde i mit hoved) as much as they normally do and my dear friends it takes IMAGINATION for you to understand the EXTREME TORTURE, which the negative voices are and have been when trying to overtake me every single second since the spring of 2006 and we know which is completely impossible to switch off and we know there is/was only one way to remove it as Obama agrees with me in (!) which is/was with the removal of all darkness of the world! o This is also to say that my father has NO idea of this he was given physical suffering through cancer etc. without understanding that this was nothing compares 2U (me) and also to say that THE MENTAL SUFFERING OF THE PEOPLE OF DADAAB ARE TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY (!) READ AND UNDERSTAND OUR DADAAB MEMO AND HERE ESPECICALLY POINT 16 AT PAGE 16!!!

As I feel right now at 18.30 when this is written, I feel fine before having to work full time for Falck, but you never know when my energy will be tapped from my family and others so hoping for the best not knowing what kind of challenges I will now enter. This extreme phase is potentially lethal to both my mother and myself, which makes me nervous Later in the evening I started receiving thoughts about what I am going through at the moment and I was told that Obama was waiting for an accident, which did not became as bad as it could have (the new smaller earth quake of Japan). I also still received strong sexual approaches, which was BEYOND disgusting making me feel more than bad and I started thinking of some of the dreams I have received recently including the darkness killing me if I spoke to it as it speaks to me and the game with FRkert and FORkert which is about a sacrifice of mine to take on the sins of mankind at the moment the first, which is about the sacrifice, is still the strongest - and then I understood that this phase I am going through is not only potentially lethal to my mother but also to my self (!) and the more I thought of this, the stronger the darkness came to me through the pipeline (still remaining darkness, nothing new) I was shown to my hall, which gave me new strong sexual approaches, negative speech trying to overtake me (by continuing to PROVOKE me the worst) in order for me to become just as negative and again I had to decide that I dont want any sexual suffering NO MATTER WHAT and if and when necessary I will ask the Source to save me once again taking the decision on behalf of everyone/everything because I am everything, which I however ONLY will do in extreme cases like this. The feeling was NERVOUS and MORE THAN BAD and I was told that this phase will last for eight days.

I decided that I was fresh enough to run today, which I then did maybe with 2-3 kilometres running and the last part walking around Lyngby Lake and first I felt the two different sides of me the right and left out of synch really also to say LOTS OF SMILES here under the surface of the suffering and I was told that because I am made up originally of two spirits my mother and father it was almost impossible for the darkness to find me (!) and the energy of this run is given to my mother including the spirit of my mother for her to recover after her difficult days . I was also told that if I should give up now, there would be enough energy of the Universe to bring us all the way home but of course it will be better for me to continue and so it is. The last couple of days, my Firefox browser has started giving me this message about FIRE and a BUG (!) which it has NEVER done before and I have not installed any new programs, add-ons or new versions of Firefox giving a normal explanation to this message so my dear friends of darkness, i.e. fire, BUGGING me (as I have been told spiritually also lately is STILL occurring), I have already TOLD YOU SO, which is that I really prefer you to stop doing this and to COME OUT and tell the world who you are including what you have done - and you can start by sending me a friendly introductory email!

12.3 11 July: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and NASA are examples of organizations surveilling me
One of my worst nights ever waking up as a Zombie I became very nervous again after yesterday evening because I realised that this phase is just as bad or even worse as what followed after the Easter 2011 but now only with the physical lives of me and my mother as the sacrifice, hence not the world - to take one of the other experiences on my top 5, which is now becoming a top 10 really, and I was told that if I should give the sacrifice of my own life (to find myself as my own spiritual self still waiting to come alive), Obama would take over from me giving all of his energy, but you know I still like who I am as Stig today so I will continue fighting with everything I have (!) and this is how last night ended however only to be followed by one of my worst nights ever making it completely impossible to start a new FULL working day at Falck, because the weather was so heavy and sultry that it was simply impossible to fall asleep and even though I only slept with a small part of my duvet on me, it stuck to my body you know making it impossible to sleep and while I was KEPT AWAKE lying there, I
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could continue thinking about risking my own life together with having to work full time at Falck from the morning and to start writing an impossible memo of more than 20 pages at its most critical phase, which to me has always been when I have to get started structuring my many pages of lose ideas and notes and I tell you, this was NOT the funniest experience of my life and we know would I be able to go through it or would the darkness succeed to overtake me because I could not bear tiredness together with impossible work without letting the negative come through (?) and I decided to think that I have been in similar situations before and I will probably be kept on my extreme edge and when I have gone through these phases before, I will probably do the same with this one and also thinking that no matter what happens, my old rules still apply meaning that my special friends and I are still the best protected of all they apply unless the darkness should dig me down so much that I could not maintain them - and I have the power to decide who will take on the burdens of this negativity and I decided that it will be the Universe beyond what I will be able to take on myself and we know this gave me some comfort because I believed that I should be able to do this no matter what happens from here. Finally I received what may be a few hours where my eyes were closed and I was not awake, but this is not the same as saying that I was asleep too because in the morning, I was the worst Zombie having to do my best for a full day. Dreaming of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and NASA as examples of organizations surveilling me When I had my eyes clothes and momentarily was without a woken conscience, I received these dreams: I have accepted a job for the Investment company, I see my plastic folder including my CV and a picture of Shu-bi-dua in front of this, and I said that we will now get professional conditions and lift the mood, and I was told that the manager will appear on Kontant (a critical programme exhibiting the poor work of companies) on TV this evening and that he has received a summons. o I felt that this company of darkness is Falck, which may thinking of hiring me (?) and despite of the STRONG symbols of darkness of this company I am going to exhibit them with my memo to the world, which Jesper may not become happy with, hence the symbol of darkness through the TV (!) - it is still with a SMILE because of what I do, hence the picture of Shu-bi-dua. In my old apartment in Hrsholm I receive a short visit by a beautiful lady, who has moved in on the floor above and she says that we will be seeing each other in the morning, a man has borrowed a screw for my disc washer, which he is now installing again. There is painted white stripes randomly on the floor. I see people ringing a door with access from my apartment and they ask where do you receive food from East Africa from and I tell them try the restaurant located next to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Denmark and they can also always try NASA, where I see food being handed out from a window.

o The lady is still the old nightmare, the disc washer screw may be about my machine cleaning darkness to light having been in disorder with the arrival of EXTREME amounts of darkness but now it is working again (?), and the dream is speaking about food FROM East Africa, which should be TO East Africa and when I woke up I felt that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and NASA are examples of organizations surveilling me agreeing with and waiting for normal life of the world to come, hence the symbol of the restaurant bringing food and we know the dream could also be otherwise, but this is what I believe it is saying, so this is how it has to be today and we know I would much rather be absolutely sure but this is how life is at the moment. Something about being willing to move rocks all over again, where the favourite colour of Obama is white where the favourite colour of two of us is light red. o This is about the accept of Obama to take over from me if I should not be able to come through this phase alive and I wrote down in my notes that the time is now 02.43, impossible to come through tomorrow without sleep and with sticking sweat all over. From here I changed my duvet with first one and later two blankets, which did not stick to me, which gave me at least some sleep. I am on a train in London, I am going to visit a singer and I ask someone to say that I love his music. We have three CDs with us and visit an actor, who decides to give all of his presents away including books of the author Graham Greene and other. Something about not being allowed to make a phone call and that I will now receive a demonstration of a video and the actor tells me that we now have a competitor and that it is the most important to buy cheap and something about baker, buying and presents. o This is the train of suffering inside of our home, music is still warm feelings and here from a poor actor, which may be the feeling of my inner self putting this extreme suffering on me because the true message is coming through the symbol of Graham Greene, which is that he writes about ambivalent moral and political issues of the modern world, which is really what I am doing too so an encouragement it is and the video was yet again old technology (not a DVD/blue ray) referring to old Universes being transferred, which is where this competitor of darkness is coming from and we know but now the disc washer is working again, so just saying that I can help all of us to become LIGHT and HAPPY meaning that after the suffering of the baker my old nightmare I will receive the gift of all of us . I have NEVER been so tired and feeling more Zombie going through an IMPOSSIBLE full working day, but I did it This morning when I stood up at 07.00 as I normally do when going to Falck, I was you know feeling like an extra ZOMBIE and instead of starting to write the script today, I thought that I might as well meet at Falck at 08.00 I have agreed for flexible
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meeting times if I should have a chance to come through a full day, which you know seemed as impossible as it gets, and when I arrived at Falck it was with the feeling that I cannot handle this extra extreme tiredness, which it was, and still being able to go through the most difficult phase of producing a LONG memo, which for other people easily could have produced a negative word or thought but this is what I STILL have to avoid and really to fight what is still given to me trying to give me just these negative thoughts and feelings very actively, directly and strongly and let me put it like this: The first hour of work was the longest hour of all work I have ever done (!) making me think that seven more hours like this is TRULY impossible to do, but even though the next hour also was terrible to go through, I started feeling that the tiredness was feeling somewhat less and you know the old story about coming into some kind of rhythm (?), which is what I did and we know I was so tired that I hardly said a word but focussed on my work and I could hardly take any noise at all because of how I felt but Thomas was as usual speaking and joking, which I also heard people doing outside through the window but after these two hours I started thinking that just maybe I would be able to come through this day too, so this is what I did. I told Thomas from the morning what I was working on, that it required my concentration and that I would be happy if I could work on this without being disturbed by other tasks to which he said that he did not believe he had any daily work for me do they depend on free work power to do their daily work here (?) - except from a potential drive this afternoon to which I again said that if he could not get any other, I would do it but I would be happy for him to do his best trying to find someone and we know the day went on, and I succeeded structuring ALL of my information of this +20 pages memo almost to my surprise and in the afternoon Thomas had decided to send me and Carsten who is also in work practise from the Commune and he is doing a fine job as a normal employee at Falck working outside the office but also not receiving any salary (!) and for Falck he is free work power too, which also looks good on your budget, Jesper (?) not one time but TWICE to Falck in Greve and we needed to be two people in one car, because Carsten was going to drive home a fire engine and tank wagon and we did not know why Lyngby needed this, which Thomas did not think about telling us, which he of course should have. This is how I ended my first full working day at Falck also helping to convince Julia that I could work full time without any problems (!) and I worked for 7 hours with 15 minutes of lunch break on top and we know no other breaks than this because you dont need it (!) and Thomas was inspired to say about a man polishing cars in the yard that he polishes the cars himself, which means that we dont need to help, which was one example only of inspired speech today meaning that I take on so much of the darkness myself that others dont need to help! All day I received much darkness and discomfort, and with it also much orange, which is to say that this is the last part of the Source being transferred to me as the new Source.

Ending the day with these short stories: Finally today the decision of the Danish Football Association came in the case against the football club of Lyngby and we know with the expected result that Lyngby was allowed to stay in the best division. They were NOT forced to relegation as a symbol saying that NO ONE of my special friends or myself is to be killed going through what I easily can call impossible to come through I have NEVER been stretched so much before above what I thought was my ULTIMATE LIMIT. Yesterday I received a positive answer from the professional head hunter Carsten H.G. from Target Headhunting, who had browsed through my application and CV; he sent me an email asking me to call him today Tak for tilsendte ring gerne efter kl. 930 i morgen ! as he wrote to which I decided send an email asking him if he still wanted to speak to me after seeing my website M jeg foresl, at du kaster et blik p min hjemmeside frst, som indeholder mit forfatterskab - og herefter meddeler mig, om du fortsat nsker at tale med mig? as I wrote but somehow I did not receive an answer on this, so bad luck (?) and we know just maybe he did not believe in who I am not feeling it worthwhile to write to me again? I also called the housing association of Borupgaard in Snekkersten in my lunch break at Falck (a private matter it was, where Thomas was using some of his Falck working time to do his own private work!) and I was told that the waiting time is up to one year for one of the small 1-room apartments there, but just maybe I will be lucky to receive an apartment before the 1st November, so I decided to write myself up at the waiting list at this association at 18.40 today also realising that this may take money away from LTO the next time (it costs 195 DKK) and that I prefer direct contact from people to people, but you never know and just maybe this is HELP coming to me from a dream some weeks ago by now? Against all odds I decided to write this script when I returned home from Falck at 16.00 ending this impossible work day at 18.40 and I might add one of the absolutely worst ever because it was Zombie times three! This evening again my strong feeling was that darkness was about to BREAK ME DOWN because it was working constantly against me also giving me the STRONGEST feeling of nervousness/dissolving together with high frequencies other people of other civilizations of previous Universes and we know far out in the country is the feeling, Shubber, but you do know that its really the truth and this feeling under my skin is as disgusting as it gets, and the darkness came so strongly to me again directly asking me to lift my rules not to protect my special friends and even though this was stronger than ever again (!) with the feeling that this could be the only thing helping me to be relieved from this desperate situation, which the darkness brought me I was breaking down (!) - I decided that I WILL NOT CHANGE MY RULES UNDER ANY CIRCUMJuly 2011

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STANCES and after some time I was told that you have just met the darkest being of all and I was shown the creature of the movies Alien walking back from my living room to the hall (!) symbolising this the worst darkness ever, and this symbol is really an old secret I have hidden for a long time because I did not want to write about it because I dont like to think of the darkness killing people as this creature does.

12.4 12 July: I am in charge of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service still bugging but also supporting me
Dreaming of being in charge of the Danish Defence Intelligence Service BUGGING me Yesterday was certainly one of the absolutely worst of all days because of my sleep and built up exhaustion extra extreme it was and this night was only poor sleep making my day only extreme as you can see from the following, but first the dreams and still too many of them but let us see: I have been hired as what is either the new Vice Admiral or Admiral in the dream I am not quite certain which at Kastellet (the Citadel), which is an old military facility in Copenhagen, and the man hiring me is the same man who previously has hired Kim S. (my good old friend, is that what you are, Kim?) and Torben S. (from Aon) in new high positions. It is the second time I have applied for this job with the first time being two years ago. I asked him how he recognized the connection between Kim S. and I (because of our many years working together) and he said that he noticed it through the same silver buckle on both of our shoes. He shows me around the fantastically beautiful premises an old building with a high ceiling full of classical paintings etc. and he tells me that he had no doubts that I could modernise and improve customer service everywhere. I am presented to all employees in a big meeting, where I feel the academic environment of people intelligence (!) but also reluctance to change and I tell them that I experience many traditions and chancellery at this place, and I receive the advise of the employees to do things gently, which is going against my desire. The meeting goes fine, and my manager has hired two female employees who gives me GIANT FRUIT BURGERS and also two leaflets of manager conferences, which they recommend me to attend and I think that I may be able to receive some professional knowledge from these but I also sense the danger of becoming trapped by a system of inefficient managers using their time on everything and nothing without really doing anything but still thinking that they are important. The first conference is on Thursday, where I need to wear a suit, which makes me feel uncomfortable because I am still too big to fit my suits. I see three politicians one of them is the actor Peter Mygind and I am surprised that they believe they know me and that I am one of them just because I have been hired for this job. Before I leave, I receive a very fine bottle of PORT by the employees, which I understand is of both very fine quality and also that it is not more than 128 DKK but still I believe this
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is WRONG to receive at work. The manager continues to show me around and we arrive at a big sports and fitness area and while we are inside of this modern facility, we look outside the window where we see a plane crashing into the harbour next to us, which generates a blast with so much water that it floods our building and we discover that our only way out is through a toilet at the basement, where I see a window from which I pull off the hinges to create an exit, which makes the other employee very satisfied. o I have been hired at one of the top positions of the Danish Navy at the premises of Kastellet, which also houses the Danish Defence Intelligence Service hello, how are you? which both is telling me that I am now in charge meaning that you have decided to SURRENDER to me , which is also the reason why I here give you some of the best music around by the best performer/singer of all to show you my gratitude for your UNDERSTANDING . The resistance of the employees to change may not only be about Falck where I am at the moment working to improve their discipline and work moral, but really how the world may react to me and to this I only have one comment: DO WHAT IS RIGHT TO DO and you will soon discover that THERE IS ONLY ONE ANSWER and that is to FOLLOW ME. o The dream introduces a new symbol through FRUIT, which may be the same as fruit syrup, which I dont believe I have written about before (?), but this is a saying of the Devil also about ladies and my old nightmare, so this may be what it is about but also ANANASer (pineapples) if you remember this (?) and just saying that this is how all of us are on our way to Egypt to liberate the inside of me to become my new self when I will TRULY open up my eyes, and we know this is why Monrad & Rislund were talking about jeg kan ikke bn den (I cannot opn it) in what is some of the most humorous people you can find out there and we know l er Gud og Fad er vor, which requires INSPIRATION and a SMILE to do . o The three politicians is course the Trinity including Obama and just saying that ALL OF US are with you and with a good sense of humour because of the game we are going through now, which may be that my life after all is not in danger (?) I received PORT (!) and am at the harbour, which is my safe haven, which is part of the game and what was on my mind yesterday and just saying that I really dont know (!) - but I do know that when I am given this nervousness of surviving or not it is generating the most energy helping the Universe the most, so this may be what it is about. o And finally the crashing of the plane is darkness crashing into me with so much water, i.e. suffering, that it should have drowned me here taking away ALL OF MY ENERGY, which the sport centre is symbolising - but I am escaping because of my decision as the human being Stig to use the power of the Source, which was the only way out of my old nightmare, which you know is what
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the toilet is symbolising too and so do you my friends at Kastellet (?) or havent I been good to you for you to find, read and understand this symbol somewhere else in my how many pages (?) 3,000 or maybe 3,500 (?) and we know I dont keep track, but you do (?) and who do you share it with (?) and the world you say and eeeehhhmmm very interesting but what I would like to ask you is for you as PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS to send money to my LTO friends to help them survive do you think you have the energy to do this (?) and we know many questions you have about me also in this respect and yes the answer is that I WILL NEVER GIVE UP and that is NO MATTER WHAT (!) because this is how Obama and I are born . o I woke up with the song Natsvrmer by Lars HUG and the lyrics Da du kom til mig Lille natsvrmer, startede din vej vk Lille natsvrmer, kun et kort sekund Lille natsvrmer, hvor krligheden brnder gr det altid ondt and this is from my favourite album of yours Lars as a solo artist and I LOVE YOUR PERFECTIONSM and brilliant music. I am at Rungstedvej and something about blue flowers, which I will not promise for Karen because she makes me suffer incredibly when she is together with other men in weekends I see her reading Weekendavisen (the weekend newspaper) and that is even though she would like to receive flowers from me, which makes me wonder if we will ever find together. o This is about the suffering of a man waiting on the love of his life - when you decide to focus on the good side of you and it really takes two in order doing the same in order to find each other and that is instead of continuing to be tempted and led by the darkness. Something about special Greek music and later I see Richard Tandy playing the piano at a concert with Electric Light Orchestra and something about only every sixth note is made of a blue script, which only will be printed on special paper costing 1 DKK each, which we then decide to buy in order to read what will be printed. And later about a new and much better signal coming from the TV and temporary closing down for the blue signal. o The Greek music may be about saving the world from a Greek bankruptcy because this is still what I want, the blue script through Electric Light Orchestra may be about my thoughts and warm feelings generated to the world but you know still only 1/6 of all that is given and the TV of the darkness is changing but temporarily the blue signal of me has been closed down to bring out and reduce more - darkness to the world. When waking up I was given SEVERE feelings of throw up to continue writing a LONG memo at Falck, which I dont have the energy or motivation to do feeling as bad as I feel and also because WRITING is worse than ever to do and also because I have really written everything of this memo before in my scripts. When downloading a picture of the premises of the Danish Intelligence Service, I received the picture of FIRE BUG again I AM STILL BUGGED PLEASE STOP COMMUNICATE! The Commune and Falck are stealing my energy and a normal salary herewith sending me directly to the Mens Home! I met at Falck at 08.00 again this morning continuing my work on the memo; I tell you it is NOT NICE to do but I have decided to do it despite of my suffering and I dont know how long it will become but 30-40 pages is not unrealistic at the moment, so it may take some time to do. Robert was on duty today he has given up on his wife, they have now completely separated and he shakes his head saying
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My friends at the Danish Defence Intelligence Service is preparing to send me a message too (?), as the Voice tells me And when I was finding the picture above of Katellet on the Internet, I received the FIRE BUG message again, which you know is about DARKNESS BUGGING me, so will you please stop doing this and start COMMUNICATING with me directly so I will officially know that you are with me, have faith in me and will support me, which you know would help my EXTRA EXTREME SUFFERING much but this may be too difficult for you to do even though you could help me and the world?

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that I dont know why and we know COMMUNICATION Robert (?) and he told me that he did not sleep before 04.40 this morning and when he woke up, his heart was giving a wrong beat, and we know you are receiving a little of the suffering I am given making you say that I dont have a life, which you know Robert is what I could say but still you are so much better off than me! I told Robert the same as Thomas that I would like to concentrate on my work doing this memo, which he also knows what is about and knows that he will receive a copy of, and DESPITE OF THIS at 12.00 I had to go to Greve to pick up Carsten there returning one of the engines of yesterday - - Prip: I am not a "fedtegreve" anymore (because my name is "Dragholm" and not "Dragsholm" as you told me in the 1980s) but a "greve" after having been to Greve now three times, as I also told Robert and Christoffer also here shortly today giving big smiles all over to follow him to Ringsted for him to collect another engine and finally for me to go to Amager to collect the boat of Falck after repair because a colleague had punctured it accidently using a motor saw showing you how close the ship of the Devil was to sink (termination you know) so this is what I did and we know I told Robert that it is surprising that Falck has to rely on a coolie like me to do a part of their normal work, but their central is truly very busy as he told me (!) and what would you do if Carsten and I would not be there (?), would you have found other solutions instead or would you have given up doing your normal work (?) and just wondering I am. And we know I had to answer the phone, listen to private talk of people in the office etc. and MANY THINGS trying to make this work of mine impossible to do, and Julia had to visit a customer of hers thank you for listening, Julia at the Mens Home in Copenhagen, which is a hostel for homeless people and we know she noticed just how dirty people of this place are, and I was told that this is where the Commune (ordering me against my wishes) and Falck (misusing me without giving me a salary) are sending me and yes yes yes how do you believe

I should be able to get somewhere to live having to work for both of you taking away energy and not giving me a salary to find a place to live? When working, I still had the darkness to fight and very much tiredness making it a PAIN but lower than yesterday - and in periods it is still the most TUFF ever (!) for example when I was with Carsten in the car, where the darkness gave me a throw up feeling and did everything possible to get me from speaking to him and NOT easy to fight this without being trapped by it. BRF Kredit could not use a coolie like me As expected I received a rejection from BRF Kredit when applying the job with them a couple of weeks ago and as they said they have chosen other applicants to continue with and you did not understand that I told you the truth that I would be the best of all candidates (?) and we know another example of people NOT reading and understanding but doing POOR work! --Finally at 19.30 today I published the last four days of scripts, which I TRULY had NOT expected to be able to do before the weekend and we know my head is feeling extremely heavy but I am feeling light, the yellow of the Universe, Gold and Orange inside of it and yes WE ARE SETTLING DOWN . --And finally, finally: Thank you Gordon Brown for telling your story of the Sunday Times using illegal surveillance trying to incriminate you. MAY THE WORLD LISTEN AND LEARN HOPING THAT THINGS WILL CHANGE FOR BETTER to stop this MADNESS.

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16. The Source is waking up and integrating all previous Universes into ONE and also turning the world
1. SUBJECT 13th July: The darkness of some LTO friends, the Commune and Falck is killing me without a chance to escape! SUMMARY Dreaming of the darkness of some LTO friends, the Commune and Falck is killing me without a chance for me to escape (!) which I of course will not accept, Elijah again losing faith in me because of the voice of his wife you cannot have faith in me if you dont read and understand me (!), the process of receiving previous Universes continues and they arrive with LOVE, Angie and Rikke H. on their road towards me on the other side, start writing off debts of the world on your way to the New World Order, my mothers WRONG doings telling her close friends the WRONG story about me is what is directly bringing my old nightmare very close to me one of my favourites you know - and the Cure, mother, is for you NOT to gossip wrongly about me but to succeed motivating Sanna to read and understand me how often do I have to tell you before you will understand? Falck are gradually starting to receive new and better habits for example learning to put back the ring binders on place after use! The extreme negative voices and tiredness decreased somewhat and I started receiving more positive and happy voices again because I am becoming BLUE all over myself! - which includes the previous Universes coming back to life, back to reality through me. I am writing my memo in BIG pain just writing it - to Falck on how to improve as direct as I write my scripts, which may mean that I will first deliver it at my last day there to avoid any negative actions from people potentially misunderstanding me before they will appreciate what I have done. Dreaming that the Source is waking up all previous Universes to life and that I am not going to become eliminated myself while doing it celebration in the FINEST Champagne and the best wine of history because we are gathering everything ever made, our world is turning into our future place bringing our spiritual and physical beings on the same instead of opposite positions, Karen is believing and this time the girls if going to stay, the Source confirming to be the being creating the darkness from out of which our Universe was created meaning that I will have to be the pearl of the oyster of this Universe, the hosts of Top Gear symbolising the Trinity shows that my mother will pour the juice of the Source through me to the world and that I am now suffering all over because of my old nightmare being stronger than ever but still I continue doing impossible work, I am warned about extreme extreme suffering coming, people around me having plenty of money but still they feel it is hard times, I am sitting on the elephant because I am the Source. I continued working on the NIGHTMARE of an invoice process of Falck checking many sources of information impossible to match together as a symbol of how difficult it is to match together all information of all Universes into ONE Universe as we do now, but I am coming through this work too as all Universes are. This is the same as when Luke Skywalker in Starwars put an end to the darkness of the Empire! I was HAPPY to see Robert STRONG, a true leader and energising him brining back his good values as he has now also started energising me . Dreaming of the U.S. holding back from communicating with me because they dont want to be the first country PLEASE PUT AWAY YOUR OLD SCHOOL AND CONTACT ME AS ANY HUMAN BEING NORMALLY WILL DO ALSO TO HELP REDUCING MY SUFFERING please (?), the spirit of my mother was the master mind of New Universe and confirms that previous Universes have now been merged as part of us for an eternal future to come, my sister and her husband cannot remove the darkness of Tobias before they will read and understand me she may now be the one of the family responsible to talk sense to me (!!!) and more threats of my old nightmare but also the spirit of my mother thanking


14th July: The Source is waking up and integrating all previous Universes into ONE and also turning the world


15th July: The spirit of my mother, the master mind of our New Universe, confirms the merge of previous Universes

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me for not using the language of the Devil when going through the darkest darkness of all, which would not have been good. A building was hit by the lightning recently setting out its ABA alarm making them order fire guards from Falck instead, which is almost making Robert mad of stress because of the difficulties finding people for all of these guards, which made him shout out CHRIST and yesterday JESUS CHRIST just as I experienced with Dahlberg in 2008 and a lady at the 2nd floor of Magasin du Nord five years ago because this is where Shu-bi-dua says Jesus was born . This is another symbol of the extreme difficulties merging previous Universes without losing some of it to the darkness. The fire manager of Falck Lyngby spoke confidentially to Christoffer about the poor management and effort of Falck when trying to put out the fire of the Lyngby Youth School the 3rd July. They did not THINK, COMMUNICATE AND DECIDE PROPERLY, which was the reason why the fire unnecessary spread to and burned out class rooms at ground level, which is to symbolise that POOR behaviour and work moral of people made it a true HELL to merge previous Universes with ours. The spirit of my mother has started cleaning the surface of me, which is making the darkness around me with extreme force trying to carry out the old nightmare to get rid of her, which was difficult to escape from today, but we did it once again. Will my mother truly become the leader of the entire world??? Dreaming of Obama receiving ideas and speech directly from the Source inside of me, I am receiving darkness from China, which Obama is working on to get over on our side, the horseman of the Apocalypse in Cairo in Egypt WAS the horseman of death we were facing termination (!) which now will be replaced by my arrival on the white horse symbolising victory of the world. the dream says directly referring to Jane and also to Falck because I went with Carsten from Falck to Jttevej (GIANTroad) in Ringsted yesterday but despite of all of this resistance of people NOT THINKING AND DOING WHAT YOU SHOULD DO, I have NO plans to getting killed, but I sure would like to hearing from John again and for Falck and the Commune to do what is right instead of commanding with and misusing me. I am together with a black man, who does not have faith in me because of the voice of his wife not believing in me, I go with the man to the church, where he receives a bible and I see that miraculous smoke is coming out of both the bible he holds and the bible, which the priest holds and I tell him look at the bible coming out directly from the bible it is a sign for you. o When I woke up it was with the clear feeling that this is about Elijah again having difficulties to keep his faith in me because you dont read as much as you should, Elijah (?) and because you dont share my scripts with your wife as I recommended you to do while I was living with you in Kenya in 2009 and how many times have I told you that you NEED to read, to have faith in me ask Meshack (!) and if you do not, it is too wild to believe that I am indeed the one that he claims he is. This is the sickness of the rich world, which you have also been infected by. Please remember this lights at your hedge, which we saw together in 2009, this should really be all you need to understand that I am the miracle, which will help you out of your misery this is what I am doing, trust me but please BE PATIENT. Will you please continuously help Elijah and the team to unJuly 2011


16th July: The Horseman in Cairo in February WAS the horseman of death, I will now arrive on my white horse

16.1 13 July: The darkness of some LTO friends, the Commune and Falck is killing me without a chance to escape!
Dreaming of the darkness of some LTO friends, the Commune and Falck is killing me without a chance to escape! My sleep this night was as the previous still making me very tired today and still too many dreams: I am in Africa, where I am going to unload garbage at a garbage location belonging to a gangster. I have borrowed the entrance card of my friend John, which however does not give me access to unload garbage, which is the reason why a black man of the gang approaches me and he decides to bother me with a knife because he is in the mood and time to do this and I tell him that you have done this before, I have to keep on moving and Janes gang will be here between 5 and 6, but when I leave in my car, I discover that it does not drive quickly and the gang has not inserted a GIANT BLACK MAN, who is invincible and he catches my car every time I escape him and now he wants to kill me, and I dont stand a chance against him. o I am unloading garbage of the darkness, which is both with you my friend John in Kenya did you know that you are killing me because you suffer so much and dont have the time to continuously support me to help me against the darkness (reading/communicating with me) and I have not heard from you for almost three months now I believe but still you have time to receive my money and the darkness is also with the Commune as
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derstand, Meshack in order for all to keep your faith, and to do what is SIMPLE LOGIC to do, which is to keep reading and communicating with me. I enter a church a Sunday evening and I am told that prayer is the only thing I am allowed to do at this time, it is a big church and I see a few people sitting on chairs including a mother and a beautiful daughter, who I like to look at, but I decide to move up to the stage together with an egg, and I see Fuggi arriving, he has brought several cassette tapes, which he has recorded with music of OMD and several others, however only in MP3 quality. o Prayer and faith is important for me to come through this phase, the nice young lady is again my old nightmare, the egg is creation and Fuggi is here arriving as his old self from a previous Universe, which the old technology of the cassette tapes symbolises, which together with poor MP3 quality also may be to tell that these Universes were not as developed as the one we are living in now but also that our previous selves are arriving with love, i.e. the music, coming out of the darkness, which is where they were hidden after being terminated many years ago. o I woke up to Lili Marlene by Marlene Dietrich, which may be to give another link to my past as a famous German. My old friend Angie meets an interested Fuggi on her way towards me, she will visit a Hi-Fi store on her way. At Helsingr Station, a small store is selling fillet of fish together with ordinary accompaniment, but Rikke H. asks if she can get rice instead, which a fish chef has recommended. o Angie and Rikke H. could have been temptations for me, but the truth is that I have not really been interested in any of them as a girlfriend and here the dream is therefore NOT about my old nightmare but about two of my special friends approaching me the fish in Helsingr is me at my new home of the New Universe - on their road towards the other side. My old colleague Anja from Aon is putting through a call from the Commune, who asks me many questions including the value of a home and I understand that they believe I am not crazy based upon their control questions but also that this decision was on the edge and I see a school teacher on his way back to class and I ask him if I can ask a question, which is alright and then I ask him if it is possible to take out insurance covering more than the outstanding balance, and it is apparently impossible to answer this but finally I am given the answer Portugal and that it is indeed possible even though the answer is given as sticky small balls on a game board, which are not nice but can be eaten and I feel that it was the insurance company and not me which misunderstood the answer to the question it is possible to cover more than the outstanding balance. o So is this finally what the Commune has decided about me, that I am not crazy (?) and here the teacher may be

my inner self giving the message to the world that you can take out insurance covering the outstanding balance of what you owe including future debts and we know I got the feeling that the world is going through an impossible task (as I am too at the moment, this is the connection) to recover the economy look at Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy to take examples of CRAZY people running CRAZY economies (!) and until you will decide to introduce my New World Order including to cancel all debts of the world, you can only do your best, but the answer is to be brave starting to change to a new world and that includes to WRITE OFF debts and do it in a responsible and controlled way as part of the road to build the New World Order. In my school class my mother is handing out porn videos to keep up the turnover of small communities, and I see a few men and also Michella receiving videos but my answer is that I dont want to see this anymore. Later I am told about a pub, which is not the pub of the Espergrde shopping centre but a pub, which my mother visited together with two of her friends, who have now made a fine review of the visit to the newspaper of Politikken. o This is the old nightmare as clear as I allow it to get in a dream I write down, and you may remember that Michella (from Fair) was my old temptation from real life and also that she is another part of my mother (?) and this is given to me because my mother cannot control her feelings and desire to tell her close friends about me (!) and the it does not matter if you speak the objective truth as I have told you or your WRONG and NEGATIVE story about me, which is what your head is full of (?) which the friends then gossip about to their family and friends and I have given you the solution now many times which is for you to succeed getting Sanna to start reading and understanding me and we know it is INCREDIBLE so impossible it is for you to understand me and just how much it takes also of your suffering to come through this phase. I am writing my memo in BIG pain - to Falck on how to improve as direct as I write my scripts Again today I met at 08.00 at Falck, where I met three smiling and joking gentlemen in Thomas, Robert and Jesper, and I was HAPPY to see that someone had put the ring binders nicely back on place after I NOW many times have told them to put back the binders on place after use yesterday they looked a mess once again - which should be simple logic for all to do and I told Robert, who did it after understanding what I told yesterday, that I am happy to tell you this instead of having to punk you, which in due turn made Robert tell me that he was happy for me to notice a small detail as this. So do what is right and you will make people happy and when you do what is wrong, you will make them sad this is what I have told you all along and it is AS SIMPLE AS THIS, which should be EASY for the world to understand, dont you believe my friend Obama (?) and we know with a little bit of magic,
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we are sure that the world will turn around and we know the VERY HEAVY AND SLOWLY COMPREHENDING WORLD of today. Today I worked on the memo all day long, it was VERY difficult to work the first 1-2 hours but discipline helped me again and it was EXTREMELY difficult to keep writing the whole day because this is both mentally and physically impossible work to do because of how I feel and now also just to have the strength to keep writing with my hands physically hurting me more and more. I still received some negative voices and they can still be extreme making me nervous even though I do my best to overrule this incredible strong feeling, but I have also started receiving more smiles and positive talk including welcome home, you are the sum of everything, which is including our previous Universes and I understood that I am working harder than expected/agreed some time ago, which is making me come through this phase somewhat quicker. I have received MANY songs the last couple of days most of them about my old nightmare, which I have decided not to include but today I received summer breeze by Isley Brothers, which makes me feel fine and I thought that this is a true SOUL song and at lunch I met Sren a new man from the Commune who has worked as a blue man (a handyman) for more than 30 years and he was completely dressed in blue today, which I then could not help smiling about because I AM ALL BLUE, which is you know my colour as Stig and the feeling of ALL OF ME RETURNING TO MYSELF ALIVE and I was given the symbol through Johnny when he said that the new Falck ITsystem to order clothes should be working now but as a precaution he would like to keep the old order forms until he will return from holiday in some weeks where after he will throw them out, which you know was about our New Universe now together with all of the previous Universes, which should be working now, but as a matter of precaution we will still keep my old self for now so I wonder when I will truly open up the eyes of my new self unless this is what I am gradually doing already, which may be the answer you know and we know in line with people of the world receiving faith in me. I have decided to write the memo to Falck as direct as I have written my scripts NOT to offend anyone but to help them understand the best way possible how to improve, but I start to realize that I may decide first to deliver this work when I will stop because their potential misunderstandings of it to start with may be so strong that they dont want to have me around and that is until they will truly OPEN up and UNDERSTAND that this is the ONLY way not only to change Falck, but to change the world and so it is - I receive much happiness here from ALL OF MY SPIRITUAL FRIENDS including those dressed in BLACK now, which you know is my mother first of all. And I knew, understood and felt today that I am only a tool writing the STRONGEST feelings of my inner self to help the world the best this is how I write this memo and this is how I decided to write my scripts, but you know I could equally as well have decided to be a mothers darling because I am as weak as I am strong (!) - which would truly have made me my mothers darOne God, One People

ling bringing the end of the world to everyone, so glad I am that I decided to go directly to the throat of the darkness and that is at least most of the time, because a few times I decided to hold a little bit back not to provoke the darkness to do what it should not do (remove my writings from the Internet!) and we know a formula given to me by a magician MY TRUE INNER SELF also working all of the time through me, which is given here to me with both a question and punctuation mark because this is what I believe is the case and also saying that a smile is the shortest distance between two people, thank you Victor and we know YOU WERE BRILLIANT TOO as I am telling him as he now is blinking back to me in a vision . And it also brings me in another difficult situation because I have told them and written on my action plan that I will deliver this memo in good time before the end of July but this was before I became aware as the HUMAN Stig of what I was about to do to be as DIRECT as this - but you know this may be the only way out because if I deliver it before I leave the 5th August, they may want to ask me to leave before the end (!), which would not be well received by the Commune, who would also misunderstand me (!) and we know I dont want my cash help to be taken from me and my LTO friends and we know THIS IS WRONG TO DO but I do believe this is what I will do because the WORLD BEHAVES WRONGLY and we know the best to do under the circumstances but I am NOT glad about it! --I ended writing today at 18.00 after having written the full day and I am still working well over my limit because of how I feel - which is a level I cannot continue working at, which we will see how it will work out in the days and weeks to come. During the evening one of the things I was told was that we are impressed that you have decided to carry on and NOT to stop us, but to grant us FULL and UNLIMITED access I could have stopped this process also to save myself some time ago (!) - and I had really decided not to bring this quote, but some historians in a few thousand or millions of years or whatever you will call a new time in the future may think this is nice to receive too (?) and I am only sorry that I am TRULY not able to describe to you how my inner world and feelings around me is most of the time the SPIRITS are REALLY creative WITHOUT limitations which is IMPOSSIBLE to describe - but my best is what I tried to give you and that is at least under the circumstances.

16.2 14 July: The Source is waking up and integrating all previous Universes into ONE and also turning the world
Dreaming of the Source waking up previous Universes and celebrating in the best wine ever made in history My sleep was the same and my days as impossible as before and this is really a step up in general in suffering, which is not only on my extreme edge, but pass it, and when I dont have more to give again, I will probably come in the situation as one of the dreams say below:
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I am sitting on a lawn outside Svingelport in Helsingr together with my old colleague Steen P. (from GEFI). I invite him inside at the finest restaurant imaginable and we are now in France. We are sitting together with the CEO of the finest Champagne producer drinking a fine wine, and I tell him about a commercial in an American magazine claiming that they produce even finer Champagne than the house of the Champagne house of the CEO, which clearly is not true and the CEO says that he is aware of this. I look over at another table where I see four people drinking the most unique wine in history nothing above it which are lined up one after the other, and they start with a white wine from 1890, which is followed by a red wine of 1772 and they continue with vintages of the 15th century all the way back to the 12th century, but it is difficult to tell the exact vintage because in French the vintage which is shown on the bottle is the vintage of the cask when you turn the cask 90 degrees. I also notice that this table, which is as unique as it gets, is drawing attention from other tables too. I pay the bill after dinner and receive a cut off bird head, which is the finest possible delicacy, which I somehow return to the female waiter, which she hands over to the male head waiter and she says that this is the Source self, and I see him hanging my bird head in a closet together with other bird heads, which is changed into gold during the evening. After my payment I walk out of the restaurant and sit down on the lawn next to Steen and I notice that I have both my purse and bag. o This the finest restaurant in the world is located at the same place as the dream where my old friend Lars G. appeared in some weeks ago (?), where old houses vanished a little bit to the left of where the discotheque is located and as I understand the symbols, they are about not being dismissed because Steen was the only employee I dismissed when working for GEFI in 2001/02 and here I am back with him, the FINEST Champagne is about celebration, the US competitor may be about resistance to me from somewhere, the four others drinking the best wines of history is the Trinity with the Son divided into both Obama and I, the finest wine ever is to say that we are now gathering EVERYTHING WHICH HAS EVER BEEN MADE difficult to opn it, it is/was and bird head may be termination of freedom, which is to say that I am not going that way myself (!) but we are now transforming all life of all Universes into Gold (creation) and we know first we survived the 7th May, then we created one new Universe and now we are finalising the wake up and integration of all previous Universes and my ladies and gentlemen, this is NOT easy work to do and do you believe in me when I tell you that being over the edge does not cover how I feel when working, but then again I am becoming used to be at this even more extreme level, so maybe I can continue doing all of my work satisfactory, which you know is the best way to keep away the bad guy from trying to hurt me again.

o The difficult to read vintages and the turn of the wine casks tells me that the whole world is turning back into place and that is our FUTURE and MUCH anticipated place where our spiritual and physical world will no longer be opposite worlds happiness/energy etc. one place bringing sadness/lack of energy to the other and vice versa but where we will all be plusses as the preparation to unite our worlds into ONE UNIVERSE in the future and we know because this is what I decided to do instead of following the evil agenda of the darkness, which is what almost all family, friends, excolleagues, the system tried to force me to do and we know I WILL TEACH YOU instead of you FORCING me! o I woke up to a SPECIAL song, which is Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond which I am sure Karens daughter Caroline will agree in since I played and dedicated it to her in 2004 and the lyrics Oh, sweet Caroline Good times never seem so good, which just may be what her spirit is telling me because of the progress so far and still when I wrote down this dream at 00.30 I also wrote that it is difficult now because of the extreme PRESSURE of the darkness CONSTANTLY on me and I was told three days left and also one Universe left. I woke up to another beautiful song I Just Cant Help Believing by Elvis we are at the TOP with these songs and I was given the feeling that the lyrics This time the girl is going to stay is about Karen believing with the view for us to get together and half awake I was told as new lyrics over this song wont you tell this sweet child of mine that this Lord is nothing new, which is because for weeks I have been thinking about the origin of the Source if he indeed originated from the darkness of nothing of this Universe or from a previous Universe levels above us with the Source being something completely different, to be, and the Source planting the darkness of nothing from out of which this Universe has been created and I have NOT been able to tell myself with different arguments for both and here I was told that the Source is the being above us and this may be the same as saying that I was the pearl inside of the oyster of this Universe (?) which I have been thinking about as an opportunity for a long time, which this says just may be the truth. I am at a conference about cars held by the Top Gear hosts Jeremy, Richard and James, which will last until Friday. At a break I see all attendants putting forward their glasses on the table for Jeremy to pour Orange juice into, my mother is collecting the glasses and in one of the glasses I see what may be a bivalve at the bottom of it and my mother turns the glass, which means that Jeremy becomes wet all over, but despite of this, he continues his teaching at the conference. The next morning I see TV-journalists participating, but they are lazy and dont feel like appearing on TV today. At a break I am together with the host James, I order coffee and James takes sugar, which makes me tell him that there are MANY opportunities to get different kind of

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sugar, which I order at the female waiter, which creates the biggest smile ever. o The three hosts symbolise the Trinity with Jeremy being me, they are speaking about cars I will drive ONE of them soon, which you know is an old favourite of mine too - the orange juice is still the Source, my mother will pour this Source of mine into the glasses of the world but right now she is also having darkness inside of her coming from the Universe, my other friend you know which is what the bivalve is about (my old nightmare and that is as direct as it gets) and this is truly what is making me wet all over, which you know is SUFFERING the worst for the longest time but to you Billy and all others, I cannot see how I should lose this one because NOTHING is going to be stronger than me forcing me to become evil against my wishes, and I am continuing my work as impossible as it is as Jeremy is showing here, and James who is one of the two others is giving me coffee, which still is warm feelings and sugar is a new symbol, which we have not places yet but sweet is and let us say sweet child o mine, which truly also is INCREDIBLE music . I am flying as I please in the airport, where I see Leonard Cohen arriving, I ask him if I may shake his hand, which I do even though he is busy doing a show called warmth to the world. I am together with Kim S. and others, I do somersaults, and I see my self as Superman now driving down almost vertical train rails, which is the most difficult I have ever done, the rails are sparkling and it is almost impossible to bear despite of being Superman I receive extreme pa - and I understand that this tour down is what I need to do in order to arrive on time. o I thought about the other day how sad I was that I did not get to see Leonard Cohen live in Copenhagen in 2008 I believe this is why he is here too and we know a TRUE AMBASSADOUR and GENTLEMAN. o The dream tells about what may be extreme extreme suffering (?) coming to end this phase (?), which may be when my mother and sister who returned home yesterday I believe from her holiday will start speaking about me and thinking what to do about me? o When I wrote down this dream, I was shown yellow from the Universe all over me and asked with a kind voice if I will try to go through this suffering too, which may be the worst of everything coming this was the feeling. o I was given the song video video by Brixx as another symbol of previous Universes. I am at the head office of Danske Bank, I have almost no money on my account. Something about a chance to win tickets to Slangerup inn this evening, but I return to school and play football against my old class friend Christian G. and I tell him that you know I will win even though I know he is one of the best players and I see myself winning by 5 to 0.

o I am saving again this month, dont buy anything for myself at cafes etc., not a burger, pizza, coffee, ice cream etc. and no clothes etc. and I have less than 200 DKK for the rest of the month. A customer at Danske Bank asks me to check the balance of his loan account, which I do but I cannot find it but I ask him if the account is established in a constructed social security number, and again I see that I dont have much money. My sisters husbands brother Lars receives 30,000 DKK in cash, which just makes it possible for him to make it his business is not going well, and I see that my sister is happy to see me below Finns (this is what my notes say?) while I play a beautiful but short song of unknown Greatest hits no. 2 by Eurythmics. o This may be a reference to another part of me from a previous Universe constructed number, people around me seems to have MUCH of money, but the times are not that great at the moment, Lars - wondering here we are and I have ALWAYS thought about well known bands making HIT SONGS, which have never been published and this may be the cultural inheritance coming from our previous selves symbolised by these unknown but fantastic songs by Eurythmics. I see what looks like dinosaurs of the sizes of rhinos running around the legs of big elephants, I grab the trunk of one elephant and is hoisted up to sit on the neck of it, and I feel that the elephant is female and it is trying to move its head and give me small bites in the fingers and then I see that the elephant has learned to turn around the front end making its head face towards me and when it does this, I stroke my hands around the head of it, which it likes much but it is only able to stay in this position for a short period of time and after returning to normal position, the stomach has pressured very much together making me think that this has to be potentially lethal to it. o I almost felt my mother in this elephant, which is one of the old and CLEAR symbols of the Trinity and it is probably to do with my mother being made in Gold these days, which is not easy and quite dangerous to do but we know the plan is to go through this phase too. I am sitting on the elephant because I am the elephant (!), the dinosaurs will have to be previous versions of us arriving through the Source too. o I woke up to the song nothing compares 2U by Sinead O Connor and the lyrics where did I go wrong, which I was told was about my mother believing and what she thinks, or may come to think (?), about her wrong actions in relation to me. Watch Leonard Cohen play here: Leonard Cohen on his warmth to the world tour. Ring the bells, there is light in everything - more than ever It is a NIGHTMARE to match the invoices of many sources of Falck, because this is how difficult it is to merge all Universes

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Today at Falck I worked all day going through more information of the invoices of 2010 emails from Robert to the head office asking them to invoice customers etc. and I thought this would become easy to do today but I had not expected that today also potentially could develop into a nightmare, and I received the worst negative speech and DIRTY talk about my nightmare when I STILL could not get what I believe is five different sources of information match, which was almost making me GIVE up and my situation desperate with the darkness waiting for this, but instead of giving up, I decided that I had to make my own detailed specification and go through all information of all sources as all Universes you know, this is the symbol here (!) - once more and my friends when there are errors, carelessness and poor work of the people in Lyngby asking the head office to send out invoices and when you have the same attitude of the people at the head office, I tell you that it is a NIGHTMARE to do and also because doing ACCOUNTS is not what is written as my primary competences and field of interest (!) but I decided that this was necessary to do and I like doing it when first starting and working in detail (!) - and the kind of errors I discovered during the day was SCREAMING TO HEAVEN (!) and we know another place of where the darkness tried to find a crack in order to eliminate the world and we know EVERYWHERE that is (!) and after this, I still received dirty talk the rest of the day through inspired speech of others having double meanings but less myself - but we know I did not care, I have decided to do this work, so this is what I am doing. Today I was also HAPPY to see that I am recovering Roberts old values of how to work, keep tidy etc. based on what is SIMPLE LOGIC and we know I am HAPPY to see when he is STRONG as today he has what it takes to LIFT PEOPLE and more than Jesper (!) and yes I asked him if he feels better and he told me that he is and I do understand that he decided to take a DECISION not to be sad and down and that was to LIVE instead of dying and we know this was also on the road for me to help this man doing and I do believe he is beginning to SEE THE LIGHTS also in terms of work when I talk of what is RIGHT to do, what I write of and when I energise and lift him doing this despite of being more dead than alive which is also energising and helping me when he is agreeing with and supporting me strongly , and SEE THE LIGHTS is my favourite song of the album and one of my favourites of all of your songs, Jim & Co., and I am really only awakening what is on the inside of all people, this is my job and my destiny is to do it while suffering the most in the world because the darkness is not very keen to improve and we know to see the lights, but this is where we are all headed. We will all SEE THE LIGHTS, which includes all SIMPLE MINDS of the world this is a BIG favourite of mine There were a couple of symbols too today, for example when Carsten spoke of me being in the frer trje (leader jersey), which was about my previous life as Hitler (the Fhrer) and also that I am really in the lead facing this out of league darkness these days.

During my lows today, when the darkness was at its strongest and I was the closest to giving up trying to make the numbers match, I was breaking down again wondering if this would be the end of the world this is how STRONG the darkness makes me feel and when I was on top and in control as I was between 99 to 100 percent of the time (!), I was also hearing the signature tone of the Star Wars movies and feeling myself as Luke bringing the final end to the Empire (of darkness), which was a melody I was also given during the night so this is what we are doing now not easy, but good to do my friends . So the day was a mixture of the darkness doing its worst and the weather is very cold and MUCH rain this week, which I was told is another symbol of impossible times but when Robert whistled the HAPPY song kan du f for en krone from the best CHRISTMAS CALENDARD ever Jullerup Frgeby, I could not help smiling because when going through the absolutely worst, you will find the absolutely best on the other side, so we are still on our way . Conclusion of the day: Extreme patience and deciding to work slower instead of quicker because of how I feel going against all of the desire of the darkness to do the opposite was what also saved me today. This is THE name of the game. --Ending the day with this short story: I was home at 16.15 working until 20.10 today - where I started writing this script despite of wanting to relax you know and I switched on the Tour de France on TV, which first now is starting to become exiting when starting the mountain stages and as last year it is about Contador and now TWO Schleck brothers and for days really the Danish commentators have been speaking inspired, thus also today for example when they said gold medal, cup and flowers to Jens Voigt, which was from the spirit of my mother to me (!) and you have noticed Contadors injury as Nadal at Wimbledon also had an injury both are symbols of me but despite of this, they are doing their absolutely best as I am too and when Frank Schleck drove from the field at the final stage today several times, the commentator said about Contador that he cannot drive after everything and that it is like knives in the back on him what the Schleck brothers do and this is what you see (not that much) these days when I simply have no more energy to keep on working, which gives me knives in my back as you saw the other day when I needed the power of the Source and EVERYTHING to keep away my old nightmare and they said that the summer party in France has now seriously started celebration - and more than this, really also to say to you Bryan that you are still at the top of my list too .

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16.3 15 July: The spirit of my mother, the master mind of our New Universe, confirms the merge of previous Universes
Dreaming of the spirit of my mother as the master mind of our New Universe confirming the merge of previous Universes Another night and feeling somewhat better but you know good is NOT the right word to use but better and here are ALL of the dreams once more: The U.S. Defence Minister Rumsfeld has arrived to Denmark and I ask him if he knows about who I am, which he confirms that he does. He puts his arm very uncomfortable on my neck and chest and the way he speaks to me has been prepared, which I tell him and also to remove his hurting arm from me, he understand Danish and both of our wives are working in the insurance business with a past in banking. Our conversation is broadcasted live on television, which Lars from Falck overhears, which makes him angry. His girlfriend tells Lars to send a fax for Rumsfeld to return to tell about his plans and something about reading law. o This will have to be about the official USA knowing about me but because you dont have the courage to stand forward as the first country who should be the first is a discussion, which is more important for you (?) you are making me suffer much as you can tell from the dream and I ASK YOU TO DO WHAT IS THE RIGHT HUMAN THING TO DO AND TO FORGET ALL ABOUT YOUR RULES AND OLD SCHOOL EDUCATION. Send me an email saying that WE ARE HAPPY TO BE ALIVE for example and a smile and I will send you a smile back and THIS IS ALL WHAT IT TAKES, do you want to help me and the world (?) and if this is the case, please DO WHAT IS RIGHT AND PLEASE DO IT NOW and this is an encouragement not only to USA Obama is waiting for you too (!) but ALL COUNTRIES of the world and we know SHOW SOME GUTS and dont be chickens my ladies and gentlemen! I am walking in the forest in Norway together with Marianne K. (from GEFI, Norway), I am with a male friend and she is with a female (doppelgangers) and she is telling me about her work as an Insurance Broker, which impresses me, but when I ask what she tells private and business customers when it comes to how Brokers differ from Insurance Companies, she gives a poor answer and I advise her to say that the difference is that as Broker, she is responsible for the design of the Insurance program herself, and she tells me that the forest for an eternity is mine. We are walking towards the house of my old friend Lars G., which is a nice holiday cottage, and it is like visiting an actor. o Marianne is here the spirit of my mother in disguise, Norway is suffering, the forest is my home and origin and this dream is really saying that the spirit of my mother is responsible for setting up our new world (the
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new insurance program) well done, my mother and here she is confirming that the forest is secure including our old doppelgangers and that is for an eternity. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE INVOLVED . Hans wants to remove the illegal television programs from Tobias television and together with Sanna they are disconnecting TV stations at the plug behind the television, but Tobias tells them that he is using his private laptop to watch, which makes it impossible to remove the TV stations and Hans and Sanna there have to recreate the TV stations. Sanna calls me and tells me that dreams are not given spiritually and therefore I dont receive any messages, which makes me think that it is fine for me to document this in my book, which she is not reading and she was she would easily have discovered the hundreds of connections between dreams and real life. o This dream will have to be about Tobias being in the darkness the TV - because of my sister and as long as my sister does not understand me, she cannot disconnect the darkness from Tobias, so I wonder when she will get the time to start reading and understanding. o Will it be my sisters responsibility to talk sense into me because my mother has tried in vain (?) and you are welcome, Sanna, but my recommendation will be for you to READ and UNDERSTAND the truth and LISTEN to the feelings given to you! o I woke up with the HAPPY song break my stride by Matthew Wilder and the lyrics Ain't nothin' gonna to break my stride, Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh-no I got to keep on movin', which is what I will do but I do hope that my sister, my family, friends, LTO in Kenya, governments and others will start to communicate and support me because it would really reduce my suffering. I am playing cards and after three weeks my old friend Ren returns with the darkness to me, but I also see small trees being brought up from the basement. The actor and singer Poul Bundgaard has given me two very delicious sausages to share with Camilla, whom I am driving with on my way to the beach road, and when we come close we see a cafeteria without delicacies, which at the same time is an old Eurovision Song Contest hit by Elton John (!), and Camilla says that she would have liked to receive one more sausage, and I hear Poul Bundgaard saying that he does not eat delicacies like this anymore they are very expensive and he cannot stand it because of health reasons but he still helps his friends receiving when he feels like doing it. o Poul Bundgaard one of the best actors and singers ever of Denmark is here a symbol of me and let us send this out to all of OUR FRIENDS EVERYWHERE and that is the song of Poul TAK ER KUN ET FATTIGT ORD (thank you is only a poor word), which is an OLD TIME FAVOURITE IN DENMARK known by everyone, and really FOR BEING HERE and for all the good of everyone and please watch this the most genius clip of Danish film his-

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tory (!) including Poul and his two friends, which is not only an impossible break in to the most holy of Danish theatre (the Royal Theater of Copenhagen) but ANOTHER symbol of my/our impossible journey to the inside of the most holy, which is the origin of creation itself in order to liberate the world from the bad guys of the darkness this is what this clip also shows and we know the CONDUCTOR is happy in the film and still happy in reality, he is . o Camilla and also Elton John (!) are symbols of my mother and the rest will be up to you to understand - also when I tell you that I received the song calling sister midnight by some Iggy guy and do you understand why I dont like to write about songs like this? o I also received the CLEAN spirit of my mother telling me thank you for the kind words meaning that I did not use the language of the darkness when going through the darkest of all darkness, which would not have been good to do. Olsen-Banden doing an impossible break in to the holy Royal Theatre of Copenhagen symbolising my impossible mission to the holiest of all: The origin of creation Poor work of Falck made a large fire spread as a symbol of the Hell we went through to merge previous Universes with ours At Falck today, Christoffer took over an impossible task from Robert from yesterday, which was almost driving Robert mad, which was to find fire guards for a building in Copenhagen, which the lightning recently also by chance hit putting the ABA alarm out of function making them ask for fire guards until the system is up and running again and it was a true act of Robert yesterday having difficulties controlling his temper because of the stress it gave him when it was difficult to find people to take the guards and Christoffer today was much cooler in the sense of controlling his temper and early this morning before Robert was leaving, he told Christoffer that these fire guards are true hekserei (witchcraft) and to underline it, he shouted out CHRIST (!) as he yesterday also SHOUTED out JESUS CHRIST (!) which he does not normally do and exactly as I experienced it at the Dahlberg summer party in 2008 of my colleagues when they said the same over and over again with me smiling sitting next to them (as you can probably read from book 1) or when a female assistant at the department store of Magasin du Nord in Copenhagen at the 2nd floor maybe 5 years ago received so STRONGLY the name JESUS that she could not help saying it at the same time as she looked directly at me giving me money back from a purchase, which I believe made her think where did this come from (?) and is this really JESUS standing right in front of me (?) and yes my dear it was (!) and you only received this because I was in a good spirit you know and you may remember the song Den himmelbl by Shu-bi-dua singing Jesus was born at the second floor of Magasin du Nord so this is what you experienced - and coming back to Robert, THIS IS HOW MUCH HE IS DRIVING UP because of this pressure and we know the
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lightning and the need of fire guards were truly hekserei to symbolise the danger of being burned down when going through this IMPOSSIBLE phase of merging previous universes with ours the darkness has been its worst ever doing this (!) but eventually all fire guards were possessed so no worries here, we are just going to the extreme extreme edge to do what is best for the Universe. Carsten and the new man Sren both coolies like me mainly working outdoors and both MISUSED by Falck (!) will be going to Frederissund Station to help them clean their garden, which they have not had the time to do for 1 years (!) and as Carsten told me, the firemen up there are just as sluggish as in Lyngby and I do believe Carsten is the most committed and hard working of all people outside the office and he is not even employed, but he works to become employed as his friend Jesper will do everything to help him with! I told Jesper today that he will receive my REPORT about quality/efficiency not a memo at my last day at Falck and I told him examples of what it will include I also told him about the nightmare of the invoices, which he was not surprised to hear (how have you been able to allow this happening Jesper for a very long time?) and it was fine by him and we know I told Christoffer the same, so now I have corrected my mistake of the deadline before the end of July, and Julia could not help overhearing me teaching both Jesper and later Christoffer with the examples I gave and what do you think of me, Julia and we know one of a kind, maybe? I was somewhat less tired today but still tired and received on both hands both much less suffering and speech about my nightmare at the same time as I received even more I sense that this is darkness at the absolutely top of what is PURE MAGIC if you ask me as someone here is saying but let us call it PURE LIGHT and to give you one example only of the kind of information I receive through inspired speech of others maybe 50 or 100 times per day at the moment, I can say that someone on the phone asked Christoffer hvad s (whats up) to which he said that this means wasser in German and peeing in French and wasser is water or suffering in my language and peeing is another symbol of my old nightmare and this is how it continues with references to dirty talk all day long with breaks through inspired speech of others, direct speech to myself with suggestions and visions of which ladies for the spirit of my mother to be disguised as and much more and here you have some ideas of how HELL also is, but every day which passes makes us come one day closer to the goal, do you remember John in Kenya (?) and we are CLOSE now (!) also knowing that the darkness of the world is decreasing so who will be the first officially approving me by sending me an email (?) and I am waiting to hear from you DIRECTLY my dear governments. This afternoon, Rasmus the fire manager of Falck Lyngby - arrived at the office and obviously he had a need to talk to somebody sensible because he was outraged after having controlled what was a poor effort of Falck when trying to put out and stop spreading - the fire of Lyngby Youth School the 3rd July
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and the sensible person was Christoffer, who is truly the sensible person at this station and besides from him was only me working at the office with the invoices and Julia working at the next office and as he told Christoffer over and again this will remain between you and me and of course it will and also between him and me and me and my readers and eventually the world because we LOVE open communication and dont like to keep secret what people should communicate to the public because everyone has a right to know but do not because they are embarrassed over themselves (!) just like the Atomic Bomb mentioned at the end of the script today, the journalists in the UK being revealed as the first to start with, the Swedish Intelligence service in relation to the murdered PM Palme, the secret governments/organisations of the world covering up MUCH and we know how embarrassed can you be when revealing yourselves (?) and my dear friends YOU BETTER GET STARTED because ALL OF YOUR SECRETS WILL BE REVEALED TO THE WORLD no matter what you will do so who wants to help me to help yourself by starting (?) and coming back to the story, Rasmus had obviously full confidence in all of us not bringing this confidential story out to other than a few people, who need to know (!) and in the beginning he was very diplomatic when speaking to Christoffer about the effort of Falck Lyngby and the effort manager but he decided eventually to give it tit for tat as he said - and here are some of the EXACT words he gave Christoffer, which is also included in a special report of events there is also a film (!) which you may like to share with the world, because this is why you were ordered to write it (!): The fire started at the roof and broke through the roof down to ground level. The management on the location was not proper, poor management, did not communicate or communicated poorly. You sent out two reduced engines, there were problems with water supply (only one standpipe) and it took too long to order support. The engines were wrongly placed to put out the fire. The fire was not under control, which Rasmus said he saw on pictures on the VIDEO which was inspired speech to say that this fire also was to show the difficulties of merging our Universe together with previous Universes. The first floor would have been sold under all circumstances but the fire should not have been allowed to spread down to ground level burning out class rooms. We will never do things like this ever again as he said. Nobody take decisions in relation to the need of support/assistance. Because of the lack of water, the manager only ordered ONE tank wagon with water where the standard is a minimum of two, and because of the lack of water, firemen stood watching the fire without working to put it out! Rasmus asked if his presence was necessary and told that it was not, but when he decided to go to the fire anyhow, he

saw the results of the poor management and decided to take over the management himself! He criticised that the effort manager after having set up the ladder, decided to move it, which took a long time making the fire spread more, and when assistance later arrived, they put up their ladder at the exact same place where Lyngby had removed theirs! And the water was not hitting the fire itself but the roof making most of it come back! He said that this was the firemans ABC, which quite elementary was not used, which it has to be also in large fires of this size (!) and that the effort manager would not have passed the effort management exam because of this poor performance!!! The police shares my opinion, they also believe it took far too long to get assistance, and they encouraged to get assistance many times without anything happening. When asked what should have been done, Rasmus said that the management should have asked for assistance and extra management straight away, have opened all access roads, used escape route drawings, received maps over the school etc. and as he said several times, he pushed the red button when he arrived.

So what you see here is when people have to do their best, communicate, lead people, think carefully and take the right decisions, they do not and what is the reason and can it be that fires like this only comes once a decade here, that people here on an everyday basis are used to be lazy and to act without thinking carefully (?) and yes this is indeed what it is about and what can you do to avoid this and eeehhh you can start using an action plan and follow my basic working rules and eeeehhhh how many of you are doing that in Kenya and Elijah are you keeping your agreements/appointments (?), are you on time or have you decided to go back to your POOR ATTITUDE to relax, take it easy and show a very poor behaviour because of this ALSO in relation to me and we know examples of what SLUGGISHNESS does to people!!! And I wonder which message of poor communication, thinking and decisions of people are saying in relation to merging together with other Universes and we know WE ARE ALL DOING FINE BUT WE ARE HOPING THAT NO ONE GOT HURT WHEN ARRIVING AND YES YES YES AND STIG WE ARE NOT THAT BAD BUT SOME OF US ARE STILL HURTING MUCH AND YES WE HAD TO GO THROUGH THIS FIRE OF HELL TO BE WITH YOU AGAIN and this is previous people speaking to me when I tried to understand the symbolism of this fire and this extreme Hell is made up by the world and my family, friends etc. representing mankind and just saying that if you had done even better, my friends (!), this exercise would have been easier to do for all of us, but you had your important reasons not to stand forward (?) but also still thanking some governments of what you decided to do, so when will you go to the next level? --July 2011

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I also received the feelings that this fire and the day where I decided the Source to save me and the spirit of my mother was on the expense of information of previous Universes being lost in the fire or to the darkness, and I dont know if this is the truth or a deception, all I can say is that I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY INFORMATION TO BE LOST, we are going to become 100% perfect and that includes every tiny piece of information of all times and universes, this is my attitude and I believe it should be simple logic that all information is gathered by the Source no matter what happens, so this is how I want it to be. The spirit of my mother has started cleaning the surface of me, which is making the darkness around me trying to get rid of her This evening I generally felt less suffering including the pain of my right foot/angle, which has been with me all along, also because the managers of Falck are believing in me for the work I do, but it is still there and especially the spirit of my mother being close to me to clean darkness around me, which I do believe is what is making the darkness trying to carry out the old nightmare to get rid of her, and this evening I was almost fooled by the darkness, which tried to convince me that since my mother and I are the same (!) I was made up by the spirits of my mother and father as my souls without having one myself except from my future self waiting on me (!) and if she should play an actor with a beautiful lady as the disguise, it would not harm any of us (we are the same) and this was with use of EXTREME darkness which is the same as EXTREME conviction, but eventually I decided again that NO MATTER WHAT I will NOT carry out this nightmare and when I took this decision, the spirit of my mother told me that it would have killed her if I did not (!) and the reason being that the true inner self of me is now filling the most of me and this is where she and I differ, because my mother will remain my mother and I am becoming my true self, which is another being than my mother, which however also includes my mother together with everyone else as part of me and this is what would kill my mother because she is not built to take this. This could potentially be the most difficult game of all to go through and it required my ultimate to stand against this pressure and try to imagine having a spirit approaching you feels more or less the same as a physical person approaching you and you are given so much irritation because of the pressure which this person puts on you the pressure of the old nightmare that your normal way to react would be to think negative thoughts and for this person to get away or what is worse (!) but here all doors are STILL completely open, I only have very few rules including NO SEXUAL SUFFERING (!!!!) which I sometimes have to say over and over again and my mother is at the top of the Hierarchy one of the best protected of all against the darkness, which is what I carry and decide how to use myself and do you see how it all fits together (?) and this experience made me wonder if my script of some months ago about my mother becoming the leader of the world thus not only Earth is true including for her to being built in Gold at the moment (gold is creation) or not and what was truly a difficult decision for me to confirm or reject this evening was AGAIN handled by
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saying this is what the light will decide and if this is the case, it is fine by me and if it was the darkness giving me this information about my mother, this is how it will be and we know just saying that I accepted my mother to become the leader of the entire world, which is what I believed would be my own role or am I the chairman above her (?) - and just saying that I have to accept much to come through, but if this is what it takes, this is what it takes and I will gladly accept what is the best for all of us because vores l er Gud, which is the old commercial together with Monrad . --Ending the day with these short stories: On my way home I went to the supermarket of Netto, which had SALMON on sale so cheap that I could by it (which I NEVER do otherwise) and also an extremely cheap chicken from the island of BORNHOLM and my dear friends more DIRECT SYMBOLS and receiving this FISH is to say that I am as close as 100 percent to wake up and BORNHOLM is you know my island or the same record label as Bob the man and when thinking of my favourite album of Bob, I am thinking of KAYA one of the best albums in history if you ask me (!) and what does he sing on this song (?) and only to wake up and turn me loose which is what I am doing coming through where the rain is falling and this is how we are here and could continue FOREVER, which is what we WILL do - try to imagine receiving these words together with IMMENSE joy of playful spirits, this is how the feeling is and they COULD have continue forever if I did not stop writing. I was told yesterday I believe the first time about an ATOMIC BOMB almost going off (?) and I received nothing more but only the name MILIBAND and he knows about you too and also the ATOMIC BOMB, which you would NOT like to tell the world (?) and WRONG you are (!!!) so what about telling this to the world: IT WAS GIVEN TO YOU AS ANOTHER EXERCISE FOR YOU TO SOLVE AND SADLY ANOTHER STORY NOT GOOD TO TELL THE WORLD, WE BETTER KEEP IT AS SECRET WRONG YOU ARE (!) and also here meaning that if I was not able to fight EXTREME EXTREME DARKNESS, THIS BOMB WOULD HAVE EXPLODED TAKING SOME WITH ME TO BRING ENERGY TO INCLUDE OUR PREVIOUS UNIVERSES INTO OURS, you see (?) and I am told that one day the whole world will. I worked until 19.00 today not finishing the second part of the chapter of Falck of today (about the fire) and neither the chapter of the spirit of my mother - which I will do tomorrow and publish four days of scripts too.

16.4 16 July: The Horseman in Cairo in February WAS the horseman of death, I will now arrive on my white horse
Dreaming that the Horseman in Cairo WAS the horseman of death, which will be replaced by my arrival on the white horse
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Another night and not extremely tired but maybe fresh enough to run later today we will see and after a bath until 09.30, where the spirit of my mother was feeling the pressure from the darkness giving to her herewith trying to come close to start my nightmare again which I still refuse and will use my power as being all if necessary I decided to start my work of today: I am together with Obama and 4-5 other heads of states, I understand that a part of the agenda is for us to watch a US basketball match, which I think is a poor idea considering the important work we have to do and my thought makes Obama say we will not use time on this luxury when people are dying in the world but eventually I see that he is forced to do it anyhow and when this match is played, I see him driving his Presidential car with worn out flags on the front sides of it, which is telling me that he is doing this without enthusiasm. I see him speaking normally without letting people understand the connection to me when he is speaking. Later I am flying with the procession of the President underneath me, I am smoking and flying over an area including three petrol stations, which makes one person of the procession say that 45,000 people die because of smoking and I think that I have to be careful not blowing up. o The dream says how Obama receives the words of the Source inside of me as part of his speech the same way as I do myself and you know some words here and there, whenever we think it is a good idea and that is part of us all of the time. o I woke up to the song Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder again and this time the lyrics I sailed away to China, in a little row boat to find ya, which was to say that we are working to get China all the way over to our side and we know, which is what is making me smoke receive darkness and the reason of this dangerous situation of the dream. I am in Copenhagen bicycling through much traffic, I enter a clothes shop having a sale only to discover it is for ladies, I leave a caf and see that a clothes store for men looks wrong. o Bicycling is suffering and the rest is about ? I am at a bar where I write on a large banner, which I attach to the underside of the bar I will become the CEO of Danica and I will get the lady of my life and when I see Henrik Ramlau, I decide to fold it, so he does not read it. I leave the bar and enter the bus holding outside, which is full of people. We are on our way home from camp school, I believe people are too tired to speak after these days but I am happy to see that this is not the case. My old friend Lis (from Stansted) is sitting in the bus, my old class friend Peter T. (from Espergrde) is not in the bus but he is collecting his sister and I see him doing magic with many small plastic pieces, which he is forming with his hands into the most beautiful figures, and Peter can read my mind so he

knows what I am thinking of and instead of conjuring up a green horse, he will conjure up a white horse. And later I see that Danica is searching for a new CEO, and Henrik Ramlau is seaching to become the CEO of PFA. o The bar is the home of the Source, I will become the CEO of Danica (Danica and PFA are two large life and pension companies of Denmark), i.e. the world thus not my mother as a previous script said (?) and these are the horses of the apocalypse, where I in my script of the 19th February 2011 apparently was wrong when I wrote that the man riding the horse in Cairo was Christ riding the white horse because it was indeed the pale or green horseman of death because this is where we were headed less than six months ago (!) but I will soon arrive on the white horse symbolising the world and victory. o I woke up to the song my destiny which is one of many beautiful songs by Lionel Ritchie, and the lyrics you came in and its alright, which really is to say that I entered all the way in to the origin of creation and transformed our destiny from termination to eternal life and this is indeed what was my destiny BEAUTIFUL SONG, LIONEL .

The Horseman on the green horse in Cairo in February 2011 WAS the horseman of death, which will be replaced by my arrival on the white horse symbolising victory of the world And here is the song my destiny by Lionel Ritchie saying that it was my destiny to change the verdict of termination to eternal survival to give JOY to all : --Ending the day with these short stories: I worked from 09.45 to 13.15 today on the final parts of the script of yesterday and the script of today so far. I am still receiving both less suffering on one hand and more on the other because the spirit of my mother is still close to me removing more darkness but after the incident this mornJuly 2011

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ing at the bath, I believe we are now better off because NO MATTER WHAT I dont want this nightmare to be carried out. I continued working until 14.25 producing two applications as I am forced to one of them as a REGIONAL DIRECTOR to DANICA and as I write if the SALES DIRECTOR could not use me as a regional director, maybe Danica could use me as the new CEO, hence the connection to the dream of the night (Henrik Ramlau, the previous CEO, is now Financial Manager at Danske Bank), and the other for WingManager for a position of department manager Solu-

tion Management, and you can find both applications af my library. I was hoping to run today, but I am STILL extremely tired having the greatest difficulties keeping my eyes open, so running will have to wait, and by 16.00 I managed to publish this script too, which was NOT easy to do too considering the full time work I do for Falck and how I feel and I am watching Tour de France when this is written and told that the suffering I am going through now IS the way down as desribed in the dream of the train and Superman.

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19. I am waking up for deed, almost receiving my last supper, suffering much, but still leading the world
1. SUBJECT 17th July: I am waking up for deed, almost receiving my last supper, suffering much, but still leading the world SUMMARY Dreaming of having to go through suffering and my nightmare to come all the way through, my mother thinking of her offspring with sadness because we dont see each other because of her inability to understand and control her feelings, I will arrive late to school (?), resistance and lack of income may mean that I will not be able to finalise my website (NO if you ask me!), family and others judging and hating me wrongly instead of understanding and loving me, I am communicating with UFOs spiritually which my friends dont believe, I received no joy in life when it comes to love but I am setting up a new system where this suffering will be excluded and the Source is seeing the future in a different light. At Tour de France, the Danish commentators spoke inspired about me waking up for deed as Holger Danske at Kronborg Castle in Helsingr about me almost receiving my last supper because I am STILL on the edge of survival (!) and Jens Voigt fell twice but still he led the whole field later, which is what I do to the world despite of extreme suffering. This is ALSO how a bicycle race can be if you read it. The waking up of me is prepared by the spirits of my father and mother, I have decided that I will NOT die no matter what and I was shown a king in a glasscase my previous self from a previous Universe - who have only just started to grow in order to become part of my future ONE self. I decided to send an email to my mother/John and sister/husband with the purpose once again trying to make them understand (!) by telling them the truth, asking them to READ and UNDERSTAND objectively without denials, negative and uncontrollable feelings (!) and to tell them that they may believe I have been WRONG to them, but the truth is that they have been unreasonable to me not bothering TRULY to read and understand, but instead their WRONG behaviour have been killing me and all life for years. Will they now understand??? Dreaming that it is impossible to get the Chinese over to our side, the Commune may force me to attend a job search course I dont need and cannot afford the transportation costs to attend, which may cost me my cash help (!), politicians deciding on matters they know nothing of will come to an end, bringing darkness attached to people to the light to be cleaned (both sides are inside of me from one world to another), the Trinity is protecting me from my old nightmare, the old world is protecting itself from being revealed and again I ask you to do what is right: Please start communicating with me directly and publish this to your media for them to publish to the world, my mother is now taking on darkness from me, Rugsted & Kreutzfeldt is now making new music again because of the inspiration of my arrival and Stig is a special friend too. At Falck I received very uncomfortable heart pain because of the darkness transferred to me by my mother//family after the email yesterday, Thomas is an impatient and in some respects also an intolerant man starting to lose his patience with me because I am still teaching them how to improve with the attitude do you think you are perfect yourself, which I am not because I made mistakes today to show you that I am not (!) he does not understand how he terrorises me but believes that he and Falck are helping me (!!!) - and in the afternoon he was very happy when he had finished his work and could start relaxing and also working privately during working hours, which of course is totally unacceptable to do (thank you, Lars H., 3107 in 1987/88 I still remember how your sickness haunted me telling me what was unacceptable to you all the time, which you know was a misunderstanding of yours!) As the last man still standing at the old Universe I am still made up by the spirOne God, One People Page 68 July 2011


18th July: The old world is fearing to stand forward, which I encourage you to do - and also to inform your media!


19th July: EXTREME darkness almost bringing me down was lifted my mother has read and understood my email

its of my father and mother, who are the only ones still remaining at the old Universe (!), and they continue bringing darkness to me to be transformed into light using the washing machine of the New Universe made up by my new and future self also inside of me my true INNER self, the old Jesus and NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I WILL NEVE R ACCEPT ANY LOSS OF LIFE OF EVEN ONE SINGLE SPIRIT so the spirits of my father and mother will also come with us to our new paradise when your/our/my job is finished. GOOD WORK, MY PARENTS! Dreaming of my family arriving with growing faith from out of the darkness, Niklas supporting me and my mother is still being led by the darkness of John, the darkness of my family attacking me again with the most violent and disgusting means, the spirit of my mother is using Vivian and Karen as covers when approaching me as part of the nightmare, which is DISGUSTING (!) and earn the trust of the Lord by looking him directly into his eyes with the feeling as I do now. This morning and at Falck I received so strong and negative darkness giving me negative thoughts and views on everything and everybody that I was almost breaking completely down, but suddenly it lifted making my work possible again. My mother had first read my email giving me the worst suffering up to and during her reading until she started understanding my suffering being close to dying. This evening I received an email from my mothers husband John doing exactly as the dream of the night predicted, which was to lead my mother with his darkness and to fight me using the most violent and disgusting means, because they are so SAD about me, my suffering, my demons without wanting to understand that they are the ones bringing me Hell! But better late than never, and this is one step to reach understanding by my family which the spirit of my father is telling me here in comfort thank you.

19.1 17 July: I am waking up for deed, almost receiving my last supper, suffering much, but still leading the world
Dreaming of my mother thinking of her offspring with sadness because we dont see each other A sleep at the same level making me feel somewhat better this morning, which may develop into the same tiredness as yesterday later in the day, we will have to see and yes yes yes dont think I like writing this but it is done with DISCIPLINE and this is the only fuel I am driving on: Something about being in a holiday cottage next to a lake, the sofa has a special clothing and something about putting both legs on it and twist my right leg to the right to make sure that we come all around the lake. o The cottage is my home too, the lake is suffering, the sofa is a nightmare too and really another dream with other symbols saying the same that through my suffering and nightmare, I will come all around. o I woke up to the beautiful song Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac one of your best and I wonder if I will become homeless too. My mother has an apartment at a holiday resort in Spain of the absolutely best quality, I admire it. As part of the rent, you can get free coffee from cafes outside, which draws a crowd and LIFE all over. I see some apartments lying all the way down ON the beach where longer than usual waves of
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the ocean move all the way into the house and the carpet. I fly to the kiosk and see that tickets for national matches in football are sold as cigarettes. My mother did not pay the bills of the apartment and in 2002 the apartment was overtaken by a real estate broker who cheated my mother in order to benefit and take the apartment herself. We have not been there since and I get the feeling that I want to buy the absolutely best holiday resort of all in Spain. o I was reminded of a dream I had about my father in an also very nice holiday resort months ago and told that this dream is about me being a part of them, their child and the feeling of a parent not seeing its child, and as the dream says it is my mothers own fault because she did not pay the bills to keep the apartment and instead it was overtaken by the darkness making our mother/son relation almost impossible, and here I want to buy the best resort because of my wish to have completely normal relations with both my mother and father, but difficult it is for them when they cannot understand and control their feelings! I am on my way to school in Alberslund, I wear sailing shoes and glide on the snow all the way. I ask somewhere of direction and told that I have to pass four traffic lights and then a paint shop and when I look at the clock I see that I only have 50 minutes before it will be 8.00 where I am to meet and I think that I cannot make it on time. I have two whole joints of beef and a large portion of minced beef, which I have to sell and when an employee of the slaughterhouse finally is available, he tells me that I will first receive money on Monday, which means that I cannot
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afford to buy food and also not finish my website when I dont receive any salary. Later I understand that the Danish PM Lars Lkke Rasmussen does not want to lose a case about beef, which cannot be approved by politicians going against him. o My school is my life of suffering required to write these scripts, sailing shoes belong to the Devil, snow is suffering and I will arrive late maybe compared to 2012 as the expectation of millions of people out there (?) and the resistance I still meet from the system and family means that I have no income and here the dream says that I will not be able to finalise my website, which really was a message yesterday: How much longer can I continue, when will I give up and can I really continue doing my website? and my dear friends, I really just need three more weeks at Falck and then I will continue the work on my website unless the Commune has received other so called brilliant ideas, which they would like to force upon me instead of truly helping and we know how difficult should it have been for you to REALLY help me with a place to stay and an income if you really wanted to help me? o I woke up to another GEM of Bob Marley, Could you be loved and the lyrics someone else is judging you and could you be loved and my dear family and friends, when you decide NOT to listen and understand, you judge me wrongly (!) and yes I could be loved by all of you, but hate is easier to handle instead of love (?) and yes my friend this is how difficult it has been for some family members too. I am at a fishermans house, where I rent out a boat for others who makes millions on this. A lot of flatfish has been caught, and the house is looked after by two ladies. I am at Sndervig, Jutland, with Jack, who drags post into the pub for tomorrow. Camilla is sad that I am looking at another woman. I meet Jack and also Paul with his wife on the main street, Paul has been avoiding me because of his wife and I point at the sky telling them that what they see is a UFO and I show them my mobile phone where the UFO sends me text messages and now my old class friend Sren D.N. is present and when he sees the mobile phone he says find another king to communicate with. o I am communicating with UFOs spiritually which my friends dont believe in and nothing much to add here because you do know that Camilla is a cover of the spirit of my mother? I am with Camilla on our last verse. Jacob (from Acta) has invited me for a party on Friday together with couples and one single lady. He says that when people find each other, they will win a pizza, but then he shows me that all of his pizzas for this purpose have been removed. I see that he is skilled when it comes to computers and also that he cleaned up too quickly after his father, who tried to show him his model cars. He now makes a new system, where two sets of numbers are put on a piece of paper, where the numbers have to match and I sit in his bedroom with a

shoe box where water is running out of it at the same time as I try to solve this task, and I decide that there is no reason to have water inside the shoe box. o Is this the last of my old nightmare I am going through (?) and maybe for now (?), pizzas are joy and happiness and when there are no pizzas, there is no joy when it comes to true love at the house of Jacob (?) the same curse as so many others of us and is this truly about Jacob or is he a symbol of myself (?), and the reason being that he is skilled with computers, which you know is about the design/creation of the world, and the two sets of numbers may be a previous Universe which we are still working on to unite with our Universe (?) and saying that a part of this new system is to remove my suffering of love, i.e. the water in the bedroom, which may be how this dream is to be understood and it may also be as I am told that this dream is true for both Jacob and me. I woke up to one of my favourites by Paul McCartney, which is the world tonight also because it is almost as much a song by Jeff Lynne (!) and THANK YOU so much to this FORMIDDABLE site with FANTASTIC information on my favourite songs - including the lyrics I can see the world tonight, Look into the future, See it in a different light, I can see the world tonight, which of course would be nice to be able to do and I do hope you are SEEING ALL OF US IN A BETTER LIGHT and THAT IS BOTH ELECTRIC AND ACOUSTIC and WITH AND WITHOUT AN ORCHESTRA and yes you will understand - and I receive examples of this at the moment, where I am given names and information, which I later receive on the Internet or elsewhere and really just saying that my life is controlled without my conscious knowledge just like when you see magic in front of your eyes, it is really the same - and also that the main difference of what I will be able to achieve is the amount of energy and quality I decide as a physical being to put into my work.

Tour de France spoke of my waking up for deed, almost receiving my last supper and suffering but still leading the world Yesterday afternoon, the Danish commentators of Tour de France on TV2 were INSPIRED again and I have decided to give you a few examples: They spoke several times about a rider to wake up for deed, which gave me the vision of Holger Danske at Kronborg waking up for deed he is said to dwell in the castle of Kronborg, his beard grown down to the floor, to sleep there until some date when Denmark is in mortal danger, at which time he will rise up and deliver the nation (!) - which was another symbol of my inner self waking up for deed through me.

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Holger Danske is waiting to wake up for deed to deliver the nation in times of mortal danger which is about my wake up to save the world and create a new At 16.25 they said that Contador will receive the last supper as I was about to say and my dear friends, this is how close I am to dying ALSO now so who wants to stand forward to support me thus also helping me directly to feel better? Did you see Jens Voigt falling twice almost impossible to do (!) and later he was still in front of the entire field, which at 16.38 made Rolf say this is almost the best we have ever seen from him followed directly by off with the hat twice and bicycling and falling is the symbol of my suffering but I still carry on MLTR (!) to lead the world safely towards our future GOLDEN AGE. At 16.40 about the two Schleck brothers riding on both sides of Contador as a sandwhich, which they use much energy on, but Contador is cool, which is the DIRECT symbol of my mother and sister using MUCH energy to pack me into their sandwich of darkness and Contador is riding this Tour de France with knee pains, which is a HELL for him to come through, but improving it is and still we carry on, my friends! My previous selves from previous Universes have only just started to grow in order to become part of my future ONE self Also yesterday evening I felt the spirit of my father around me and he is also preparing the opening of me, which should be the hardest to do, and I was told by previous Universes that you entered the gates of Hell to save all of us, which is impossible to do at full volume without dying but what you dont know of, does not limit you and the game given to me at the moment is what will happen if I should give up, will I die or will I open my eyes as the One (?) and the other day I decided that I dont want to die as Stig no matter what I have to come through this, which is what I understood is the reason why the spirits of my father and mother are working on me to prepare my waking up, and I still receive much negative speech, which I normally block more or less automatically before it even reaches me I understand what it is about before it is spoken and I feel it coming to me from my right (!) and only sometimes, the words passes and are spoken this is how it is and when I allowed
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some words to come through because of tiredness, I was also shown a dead king lying in a glasscase one of my previous selves from a previous Universe - and told that we have first started to grow now, which apparently is what I will risk or at least delay, if I should decide to or be weak enough to let the darkness take me and we know it will apparently take some time to wake up, integrate and grow all of our previous selves into one, and the question is how long this SAGA will take to integrate really (?) and this is also a favourite of mine, and I have been wondering for some time, Fuggi, how life is when you can afford to go to all of those very nice concerts with Saga, OMD, Toto and others WHAT DO I KNOW (?), which I do believe is my favourite of yours, Saga, also sending my warm and friendly thoughts to Fuggi AGAIN and also that it makes me sad that you have become ill and I am also wondering just how sad (!) and UNFAIR Michael G. was on Facebook because TAKE THAT cancelled their concert in Copenhagen yesterday and yes Robbie, there IS a connection with your food poisoning in order for you to understand the suffering I have gone through.

The TRUE attitude of the know-all Devil working inside of people mistrusting and misunderstanding others without listening Trying once again to make my family understand the truth and CUTTING THROUGH their denials and negative feelings! After lunch I decided to write the following email to my mother and John and Sanna/Hans, which I did not intend to write but this is yet again a NEW try to make them understand (!), and when I had written it, I received the song by Queen called Dont stop me now and the Queen is a symbol of my mother and we know her feelings are indeed uncontrollable but she will not stop me now either (!) - and it was with my absolute outmost that I saved her and me because of this once again and so it is and here is the email I sent hoping that they will now start to do what I have been hoping for years that they would: LISTEN/READ and UNDERSTAND objectively without negative feelings leading them. And when I had edited and improved the email at least five times, the commentators on TV3 Puls sending the last day of the British Open in Golf was inspired to say at 17.00 ground control to major Tom and life on Mars, which you know are
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two of the biggest songs of David Bowie ever and do you know who is helping you/me to write this email and that is you/me and yes sir THE BIG MAN UPSTAIRS whom David Bowie is a symbol of - and that is NOT the Abominable Snowman because this is one of the steps included in my plan leading to me on the other side . So here is the email I decided to send again thinking that DIRECT language will some day WAKE THEM UP and when they wake up the world I will wake up too:

den grad har misforstet og terroriseret mig uden at forst mit sande forml med at hjlpe alle til et bde fortsat og bedre liv - inklusive jer! Jeg beder jeg venligst starte med at LSE og FORST denne mail for, at vi kan starte med at se hinanden igen, som jeg hber p, at vi snart kan, fordi sandheden er, at under dette lag af misforstelser og bebrejdelser er der en strk familierelation, som ingen af os vil undvre (?) og det er denne sande flelse, jeg nsker at n ind til ved at skabe forstelse, som alts forudstter, at I lser og forstr! Det handler om at lytte/lse omhyggeligt og at forst objektivt rigtigt uden at farve sine holdninger med negative og ukontrollable flelser eller en forngtelse af sandheden. En OBJEKTIV FORSTELSE er nglen til at bne vores relation for alvor, og det er blot dette, som jeg nu i flere r har bedt jer om, og det er ikke srligt svrt, hvis I gr det, der er ndvendigt! Jeg har opdateret min hjemmeside meget siden december 2010, som gr den endnu nemmere at forst, men nr I enten ikke lser (Sanna/Hans) - det troede jeg, at du ville, Sanna, for det fortalte mor, at du ville gre for flere "mneder" siden (?) - eller ikke lser omhyggeligt/objektivt (mor/John), og fordi der er en vilje til IKKE at ville forst i stedet for at forst (!), er vi nu igen kommet i samme situation: Manglende forstelse, bedreviden og forkerte bebrejdelser i forhold til mig, som igen har brudt vores relation, som gr mig mindst lige s ked af det som jer og srligt fordi, at jeg har gjort ALT for at undg dette i MEGET lang tid via mine skriverier og "forsg" p kommunikation faktisk siden jeg i 2008 fortalte jer om, hvor vigtig KOMMUNIKATION og GTE FORSTELSE af mennesker er i stedet for den forkerte adfrd og holdning vi ved bedre selv, som p trods af mine venlige advarsler desvrre er njagtig den forkerte indstilling, som I har vist mig lige siden (i forhold til mine skriverier)! Jeg ved, at I har nsket at hjlpe mig med et bent hjerte, men nr man ikke KAN eller VIL forst og forsger at trkke ens egne forkerte og urimelige holdninger ned over hovedet p n, s er det UMULIGT at hjlpe. S gr man direkte skade i stedet for at hjlpe dem man elsker. Det burde vre SIMPEL LOGIK at forst! Jeg ved, at I lider meget p grund af mig - som ogs er undvendigt skabt af jer selv (!) - og sandheden er, at jeg lider GRUFULDT direkte p grund af jeres manglende (vilje til) forstelse, som har frt til konstant manglende svn i revis, som gr mig helt usandsynlig trt ("livsfarligt"!) og giver mig umdelige smerter, som desuden gr hvert eneste sekund ulideligt - dette er den DIREKTE sammenhng p grund af jeres manglende forstelse og forkerte handlinger (!!!) - som I enkelt ville have forstet og ndret p, hvis I virkelig lste mig ordentligt. I har med andre ord sendt HELVEDE direkte til mig (!) - som jeg har modtaget spirituelt s kraftigt, at det er blevet en meget fysisk del at mit liv og dt, som har truet med at udslette mig og alt liv (!) - det er dette, jeg har mdt i revis p grund af jeres forkerte adfrd som symbol p en verdens forkerte adfrd!!! Jeg nsker som nvnt kun de bedste familierelationer, som forudstter, at I gr jeres BEDSTE for at forst, og sandheden er,
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Kre mor/John og Sanna/Hans, (Hans og John: Vil I udskrive denne mail til Sanna og mor, s de ogs kan lse den? Tak). Jeg kunne vlge at vente p, at I ville komme til jer selv og vende tilbage til mig, men jeg har i stedet valgt at skrive denne mail til jer af et bent hjerte i de allerbedste bestrbelser p at normalisere samt forbedre vores relation, fordi jeg holder af jer mere end noget andet og fordi, at jeg ved, at dette er gengldt! Jeg hber, at I vil lse og forst med samme positive INDSTILLING, som min mail er ment - og at reagere POSITIVT, fordi dette er den rette reaktion. ____________________________________________________ Indhold 1. Forstelse skaber glde, og misforstelse skaber sorg

2. Ls venligst min hjemmeside og forst hvordan jeg modtager beskeder 3. Clairvoyant readings on me: You are the Grail and fond of knowledge 4. Udenlandske regeringer er begyndt at sttte mig!

5. UFOen i Jerusalem var VIRKELIG og den vigtigste begivenhed i historien! ____________________________________________________ Forstelse skaber glde, og misforstelse skaber sorg Jeg er UTROLIGT ked af, at vi endnu engang ikke ser hinanden grundet mors "angreb" p mig (!) - som jeg ved, at I ogs er, og dette p grund af helt og aldeles undvendige misforstelser, forngtelser og bebrejdelser, som nok er dt, vi kan blive enige om, og vi kan nok ogs blive enige om, at det er helt umuligt at gre sig selv forstelig (?), hvilket frer til dette nye forsg p at skabe en forstelse for, hvem der i virkeligheden har ret, hvem der misforstr og hvem der er blevet gjort uret i flere r. Det er dt, som denne mail handler om for at f jer til at forst, at bne jer og vise jer vejen til selvindsigt og korrektion, fordi I har bebrejdet og nedbrudt mig p grund af mine urimeligheder uden at forst, at det er den omvendte verden, hvor I i
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at Sanna har nglen hertil, men i stedet for virkelig at lse og objektivt forst min hjemmeside, Sanna, s har du valgt at prioritere dit arbejde, uddannelse, familie og rejser, som tager din tid og hermed er vigtigere end mig og vores familierelation, hvor sandheden er, at alt dette i dit liv betyder absolut ingenting i forhold til en verden inklusive vores liv, som er under kraftig forandring. Sanna og meget gerne ogs Hans samt ogs mor/John: Hvis du/I beslutter at bruge nogle f timer (mske -1 dag sammenlagt) p at lse min hjemmeside ord for ord med samme kompromislse indstilling (!) om at gre dit/jeres bedste for at forst objektivt INGEN negative flelser, Sanna (!) - p samme mde som var det til en opgave eller eksamen p din uddannelse, s ER det GANSKE ENKELT at forst, at jeg taler sandheden om mig selv og en verden i forandring, s sprgsmlet er, Sanna, om du vil bruge nogle timer SERIST p at lse og forst for at hjlpe hele familien til at f det bedre, at ses igen og ogs at reducere mine lidelser for at gre mit liv tleligt (!) eller om du fortsat vil ignorere mig og prioritere andre ting som vigtigere, ogs fordi du er bange for, hvad jeg skriver (?), som der absolut ingen grund er til, fordi FORSTELSE vil BNE DIT SIND og gre dig bevidst om dine fejltagelser i forhold til mig! I ved, at der er en nd (mange faktisk inklusive GUDS nd og i virkeligheden "tilstedevrelse"), der fungerer igennem mig og meget direkte dgnet rundt siden 2006 (!) - og I ved, at jeg taler fornuft, nr jeg taler om forkert menneskelig adfrd, kommunikation, arbejde og systemer, som ogs er dt, jeg skriver, at verden skal forbedre som grundlag for vores fortsatte eksistens og for at HJLPE alle til at f et bedre liv for at bringe glde og lykke til alle. Hvorfor skulle jeg gennemg de strste lidelser i verden, leve p et eksistens minimum, insistere p at blive ved - at trodse mine smerter - og at gre et umuligt arbejde i revis uden at have krfter til at gre det, konstant at vre p kanten til at d, og at gre det alene uden opbakning fordi jeg er blevet "opgivet" af alle familie, venner, tidligere kollegaer og "systemet" hvis ikke det er fordi, at jeg skriver sandheden? Jeg har kmpet med det yderste af mit liv for at hjlpe alle - inklusive jer - til at overleve og f et bedre liv (!), samtidig med, at I er blevet ved med at prioritere jer selv, ikke har "orket" at lse og forst mig (ordentligt) men i stedet har bebrejdet og delagt mig, som hele tiden har skubbet mig - og os alle - tttere p afgrundens rand! Lad vre med at misforst og arbejde imod mig, men forst mig og stt mig! Og forst, at OGS I er blevet brugt som eksempler i mine bger som mange andre for at hjlpe hele verden, og nr I forstr dette, s vil I vre stolte af jeres indsats og som en "selvflge" acceptere jeres "offer". I kunne vlge som jeg at skrive i hvert fald nogle af jeres drmme ned - mor har liges strke drmme som jeg (!) - som jeg ville kunne hjlpe med enkelt at tyde p samme mde, som jeg tyder mine egne drmme, og s ville I have modtaget sandheden ad denne vej for lang tid siden. Og hvis I gad lse mine drmme, ville I forst, at disse ogs er en vej til at forst mig der er hundredvis af sammenhnge og forklaringer i mine
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drmme om mig selv, ogs om jer, forskellige begivenheder og den verden, vi lever i som er drmme og sammenhnge, jeg ikke selv kan producere Sanna (!), men som er direkte spirituel kommunikation som en del af den samlede kommunikation, jeg modtager dgnet rundt jeg drmmer ogs i vgen tilstand, men s hedder det visioner i stedet, som du/I ville kunne forst, hvis I stillede bne sprgsml og besluttede jer for virkelig at VILLE forst graden af mine oplevelser (!) - men hvis I forngter og ikke gider at lse/lytte, s er det, at I beslutter jer for at tro p jeres egen bedreviden i stedet, som i virkeligheden blot er baseret p gtteri og "det vi helst vil tro p" og det er som bekendt helt FORKERT! Forst sandheden objektivt, og lad den vre jeres ledesnor - ikke egoismen og lgnen! I ved, at jeg elsker jer alle overalt, og at jeg i revis har forsgt at f jer til at lse/lytte og at forst objektivt, men sandheden er, at I har vret STOKDVE, bedrevidende uden at selv at vide (!), dovne i forhold til VIRKELIG at lse og forst samt besat i den forstand, at I har FORNGTET sandheden. Jeg beder jer blot om at forst mig, forst sandheden og I vil starte med at forst sandheden om jer selv! Jeg hber, at I vil lse mine anbefalinger nedenfor om hvilke sider, I br starte med at lse og forst de er blevet MEGET opdateret det sidste halve r og nr I forstr, skulle det glde mig, om I vil bruge ca. -1 time om ugen p at lse mine i gennemsnit to nye manuskripter pr. uge (og desuden mine bger!), og lse ord for ord, som I lser en bog, og sandheden er, at hvis I vlger at gre dette, s vil mine manuskripter blive som en god bog, der bliver en del af jeres liv og som I ikke vil kunne undvre p samme mde, som det sker for trofaste lsere i Danmark, Kenya og andre steder. I havde ikke -1 time om ugen for at lse og forst mig ord for ord - det var for uoverkommeligt for jer ....? ____________________________________________________ Ls venligst min hjemmeside og forst hvordan jeg modtager beskeder LS venligst min hjemmeside omhyggeligt, som omfatter min forside og menu-punkterne, som fremgr af flgende billede fra min hjemmeside, dog kan library og scripts i starten springes over, indtil I forstr.

Dette inkluderer flgende sider:
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Page 73 Og forst venligst NGLEN som forudstning for at forst mine lbende manuskripter. DETTE ER AFGRENDE (!) - og burde vre helt enkelt at forst? I have written as a normal man I have written all scripts as a completely normal man (approx. 2/3 of all words) complemented by the voice of God and the Council of eight (approx. 1/3 of all words). Truths/deceptions of my scripts FORST VENLIGST DETTE!!! My scripts include both truths of the light and deceptions of the darkness, which have been transmitted to me because of WRONG behaviour of my family, friends and the "system" reflecting mankind of today. I have been 100% loyal to all spiritual information I have received without knowing if it was the light or darkness transmitting. I have written "the truth" as I have received it without adding to or withdrawing anything. Communication I have decided not to speak about my true self with people not having faith in me to avoid suffering. I encourage you to read and when you start receiving faith in me, I look forward to communicating with you. ____________________________________________________ Clairvoyant readings on me: You are the Grail and fond of knowledge Dette er et sammendrag af de readings, jeg har modtaget, hvor medier blot har viderebragt de informationer, som de spirituelt har modtaget om mig p samme mde som jeg selv modtager spirituelle beskeder, som gives til mig af "Gud" og af den spirituelle side af fysiske (samt historiske) personers jeg (!) vi besidder alle bde en fysisk og spirituel del! Jeg hber, at I vil synes, at disse "readings" nu er forstelige (mor og John?), og at de giver et klart billede af, at jeg taler sandheden om mig selv og hermed ogs om dig, mor! Clairvoyant reading by International Medium Janet Parker, 2006: YOU ARE MOSES, THE GRAIL AND THE FOND OF KNOWLEDGE Janet Parker predicted in February 2006 the knowledge of my future scripts and also that I am Moses (which I was at my first coming before my second coming as Jesus and third as Stig) and the Grail. Main messages of her special soul journey:
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I met God as my master as a child (which lasted until I was 10), I accepted the Master this is how it is and my destiny of life to become me as the Saviour, which would lead me to the top of the mountain in order to be schooled/disciplined through the sufferings I would be given in life led by the master self in order to develop as desired to be able to give my teachings to the world. The child had been sent for, because it has been written, it was known, which is about my rebirth and purpose of life, which man has been waiting 2,000 years for. Moses was leading the people out of Israel and I was part of that great deliverance which was said because I was Moses! Janet spoke symbolic about the opening of the Pyramid, the ancient knowledge kept in cobber jugs and great vases sealed with red cork . And she continued: Preparing papyrus, which must not be destroyed because one day these words will be taught, these words will be spoken and read to many - which are the words of my website/books. It is almost as if we go into your soul and it is a little bit looking at a Grail - because the Grail IS my soul. At this point in your life you now have the key to access the knowledge, which came with my full spiritual opening when receiving direct spiritual communication a few weeks after this reading in 2006. Conclusion: You have come into this world to be the fond of knowledge in certain ways, you are a teacher and never question, just be as you are.

Clairvoyant reading by International Medium Paul Jacobs, 2006: YOU WILL BECOME A TEACHER, OVERSHADOWED AND THE LEADER OF LTO Paul Jacobs predicted in February 2006 my future writings and work as the World Teacher: There is a teaching quality with you. Lecturing or speaking to large audiences. Philosophical interest. Writings based on part of your own mind and also the spirit world bringing understanding and knowledge, where other people can benefit and read it. He also predicted the spiritual overshadowing of me, which became true around the clock from May 2006 exactly as he said: It is not necessary to have the total unconsciousness state of trance. He foresaw the Living Testimony Organization, whom I met in Kenya in 2009: I am looking at an organization here with you being the kingpin.

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Clairvoyant readings by International Medium Billy Cook, 2005 and 2011: YOU WILL WRITE ABOUT THE DESIGN OF LIFE Billy Cook predicted in a public reading in October 2005 my future book no. 2 design of life: I am seeing you in front of a computer doing design of life. He saw Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, on Kronborg Castle as the symbol of me, because I was the answer to the existential question: To be or not to be (would we survive the Judgment?)

You are not happy, you need more laughter in your life, you spend too much time sitting and pondering, you put your self under so much pressure work, work, work. You have a very philosophical mind, a very wise mind. o You were put on this Earth plane for a reason.

____________________________________________________ Udenlandske regeringer er begyndt at sttte mig! Ls venligst og forst flgende manuskripter med dokumentation for, at Canada, USA, Rusland, Storbritannien og Frankrig er begyndt at sttte mig. I kan vlge at forngte rsagen til, at regeringer lser og sttter mig, som mor gr med henvisning til, at det er ogs fordi, at du skriver om UFOer (!!!) eller I kan vlge at BNE jer og vise jeres tro p sandheden, som er, at den officielle verden ved, hvem jeg er, formlet med mit liv og at der "snart" kommer en helt ny verden for os alle (!!!) dette er sandheden, som i vrigt br vre mere spndende at lse om end f.eks. bogen "Da Vinci Mysteriet", som I godt kan lse "uden problemer"? Jeg beder jer blot om at LSE og FORST mig lige s godt! June 23, 2011: Receiving the official acknowledgement and declaration of faith of the world community in me

Clairvoyant reading by International Medium Mike Hunter, 2005: YOU CAN GROW AND BECOME TOUCHED IN CERTAIN WAY THAT NOBODY ELSE CAN Mike Hunter gave me my first clairvoyant reading, which was more personal than the others to follow with these main messages: The truth is very important to you people can look up to you with confidence and take advice and instructions from you. He received information on both sides of me the strong side of the light and the weak side of the darkness: Whilst there is this aspect of quite a self assured man, this is not very much the aspect of who you are. You live for knowledge, you live to be fed and the spiritual aspects answers a lot of things for you that you have been searching for. Orthodox religion has not fulfilled the aspects there has been within to look for. You have to get knowledge and philosophy. Music plays a part here incredibly, there is a gift here and with music you can just be. You will have a family, you will have at least two children, of which one will be a boy. Because there is something about passing from father to son.

The official acknowledgement of me by the National Defence of Canada

And the same by the Intelligence Service of the United States June 26, 2011: Communication with governments of Russia and USA and now also the UK government June 29, 2011: France is also acknowledging me and the New World Order, which I encourage the whole world to do ____________________________________________________ UFOen i Jerusalem var VIRKELIG og den vigtigste begivenhed i historien! John synes, at science fiction er noget af det mest spndende, der er, og du kan lse mange bger om emnet, men hvor interesseret har du vret i at lse og forst virkeligheden, som langt overstiger indholdet af dine bger, John? Ls venligst flgende sider om den meget virkelige UFO i Jerusalem i Januar 2011 og se flere videoer m.v. af den - som er DIREKTE relateret med min virksomhed med at skrive, som igen ville vre til at forst, hvis I brugte -1 time om ugen p at lse mine manuskripter ord for ord:
July 2011

Clairvoyant reading by International Medium Georgie Jukes, 2006: YOU WERE PUT ON THIS EARTH PLANE FOR A REASON My good friend, Georgie, gave me my this clairvoyant reading, which includes very personal information of my dull and lonely life I have lived all of my life because of controlling parents and managers around me keeping my natural self down. Spin, spin, spin the wheel of justice other people dont do justice to you.

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Page 75 Og hvis I trykker p det flgende link, vil I kunne se mange af de UFOer, som bliver ved med at dukke frem og i stigende antal og tydelighed p grund af vores fremskridt med at bekmpe mrket (husker du John - kampen mellem lyset og mrket, som jeg forklarede dig for r siden?): f Jeg ser ogs UFO'er her hver eneste aften, nr der ikke er overskyet (!!!) - og har filmet dem, som ogs kan findes via min hjemmeside (min YouTube kanal) - og rsagen er, at reprsentanter for alle folk i Universet er samlet omkring jorden, fordi jorden er centrum i disse "sidste tider", som enten ville medfre vores tilintetgrelse eller overlevelse i en ny verden, og det bliver heldigvis det sidste p grund af min beslutning om ALDRIG at give op!!! Dette er, hvad der str i mine manuskripter og det, som I ogs kan lse om i nedenstende sammendrag og links. LAD VRE MED AT LEVE I EN ILLUSION OG LADE SOM OM, AT DETTE IKKE BETYDER NOGET FOR JER OG LAD VRE MED AT FORNGTE MIG OG VIRKELIGHEDEN! Forst mig, stt mig og hjlp mig med at f et liv igen! Sammendrag: The message: The creation of our new Universe, a Golden Age, the return of the Messiah and the materialisation of God The detailed decodings included on this page of the diagram of the Barbury Castle crop circle - the mother of all crop circles from July 17, 1991, include these main messages, which also are messages of the Jerusalem UFO of January 28, 2011, because it carried the same diagram as the crop circle on its underside: The diagram is dealing with the very creation of the universe made by the three sources of Light , also referred to as the Three In One or the Trinity (the Father, Son and Spirit or God as the Source of life, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of the Universe if you will). The sacred number of the area of the Crop circle is the Greek Gematria of Jesus Christ and the size is the dimension of the New Jerusalem meaning that the Golden Age is coming after the return of the Messiah including the material manifestation of God as the ultimate goal of God. The diagram includes the Tree of Life known from the Book of Genesis, which brings eternal life to the Universe, apotheosis, and union with the One.

of everything of everytime of the three other dimensions. The doorway to this spiritual fourth dimension goes through the ether consisting of all energies of the Universe, which is the meeting place of God and the Devil and the crossing place from one Age to another. o This meeting place was at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in 2011! This is where all energies of the Universe met after the UFO opened up a channel to God as the Source of all life and this is where the final battle of the end times was fought until the 7th May 2011 followed by the creation of our New Universe and Golden Age, which was finalised the 9th June 2011 as you can read from my continuous scripts.

The Barbury Castle crop circle July 17, 1991 and the Jerusalem UFO Jan. 28, 2011 carrying the diagram of the crop circle on its underside In other words, this famous crop circle and even more famous to come UFO tell the world of: THE CREATION OF A NEW UNIVERSE BY THE TRINITY INCLUDINGA NEW GOLDEN AGE OF AN ETERNAL NOW COMING AFTER THE RETURN OF THE MESSIAH AND THE MATERIALISATION OF GOD We are now leaving the Age of darkness, which will be replaced by a new eternal Golden Age consisting of JOY and HAPPINESS without opposites because all darkness has been or will be excluded based upon the definition of light and darkness in my scripts. As per June 2011, some darkness of the Universe remains to be coded into light by the Source, but after the successful creation of a perfect new Universe, the pipeline of darkness has now ceased to exist. The Source is now only creating light after having transformed the origin of life itself. This is the end of darkness and all evilness of the world forever and ever :-).

The earth will shift on its polar axis and we will enter into an ETERNAL NOW when time stops, which is included in a new spiritual fourth dimension as the sum
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The UFO and the instant flash of light seen from two different locations --Jeg har i flere r gldet mig til, at I skulle begynde for alvor at forst og sttte mig. Det har ikke vret nemt at gre mit arbejde alene, og det har vret umuligt at gre med jeres modstand. Mske I nu vil forst, at jeg kun mener godt, at I har behandlet mig "urimeligt" (!), og at jeg fortsat kan bruge jeres sttte og hjlp - i stedet for modstand? Jeg glder mig ogs til snart at ses igen og husk venligst, at det er jer, der bestemmer, hvornr dette vil ske. Jo hurtigere, I BESLUTTER jer for at forst, desto hurtigere vil vi se hinanden igen! Later I also decided to forward the email to Niklas and Tobias together with this text: Kre Niklas og Tobias, Jeg synes, at I "fortjener" at blive informeret omkring en sandhed, som I ellers ikke vil modtage - og hvis jeg gtter rigtigt s p grund af en "kontrollerende" mor, som p vegne af familien "bestemmer" hvad der er rigtigt og forkert (uden altid at vide hvad der er rigtigt og forkert!), og hvilke informationer, der gives og ikke gives! Jeg videresender derfor den mail, som jeg tidligere i dag har sendt til jeres forldre samt min mor og John for forhbentligt n gang for alle at f dem til at forst mig fuldt ud. Dt, som synes "helt umuligt" at tro p, er dt, der er rigtigt, og dt, som jeres mor er begyndt at "overveje" som en mulighed, som nedenstende mail hjlper til med. Jeg er den samme Stig, som jeg altid har vret - og ogs den Stig, som I kan lse om nedenfor. Det eneste jeg beder jer om, er at I gr jeres egen selvstndige vurdering og at I gr jeres bedste ved at lse omhyggeligt, uden at lade Sanna pvirke jer til at trffe forkerte beslutninger. Niklas, du er vant til at lse og forst objektivt. Du br have den rigtige tilgang til at kunne forst min mail, og om forndent hjlpe hele familien med at forst - det br ikke vre svrt herfra! Det handler om at lse og forst professionelt, som vi har talt om i andre sammenhnge, husker du? Jeg hber, I har det godt - jeg glder mig meget til at se jer igen, vi har helt undvendigt vret adskilt i lange perioder p grund af jeres "bekymrede" mor, og jeg beder jer hilse jeres krester mange gange. Take care :-). Krlig hilsen Stig --Ending the day with this short story:

I worked from 09.30 to 12.20 today on the script and until 18.10 to write and edit my email to the family and edit it in order to include it in this script, so what I thought would be a short day became a long day, however with less suffering today and more energy, which I was really thinking of using through a new run, but now it is too late and will have to wait.

19.2 18 July: The old world is fearing to stand forward, which I encourage you to do - and also to inform your media!
Dreaming of the old world fearing to stand forward, which I encourage you to do once again and to inform your media! I slept somewhat poorer making me somewhat more tired than yesterday, which is what may be the beginning of darkness coming mostly from my mother and sister and their reactions to my email from yesterday the harder they come, i.e. react, the harder I will suffer but the more darkness is converted to light and this darkness may simply be ignorance of the world because we have created the new world, transferred the previous Universes and I have not been told anything else so going back to cleaning up in the attitude and mindset of all people we are and we know here it comes: YOU CAN GET IT IF YOU REALLY WANT of course, which is simply one of the happiest songs ever of the world and to me the version of JIMMY CLIFF is the best (!) and by the way Jimmy I dont believe I received a hear damage in Malm, Sweden, at your concert but it was close and we know many rivers to cross, we had (!) and here are some dreams too: An old Russian insurance company has been merged into our company, I drive my wheel barrow up to the office of J. Prip and someone else, where I find the door open and when I look inside I see that they dont do much work. Inside the office I show them that I can stand on my feet and bend so much over without bending my knees that I can touch the floor with my nose touching the floor and something about a Chinese car and an interview with an Austrian, who does not speak our language and he puts his mouth to a moustache attached to my breast, which translates his words and he tells me that this is how funny it is and I tell him that I dont find this funny at all, more ackward. o What is this about (?), the old Russian Insurance company may be a part of a previous Universe too, Prip is STILL employed with Danske Bank (we were collegues in the 1980s), so NORMAL LIFE is what we speak of here and is the impossible body position to say how impossible it is to make the Chinese start to listen to, understand and follow me (?) almost the same as my family and there might be a connection you know because when my family will start to give up their mental resistance to me, this may be what the Chinese will do too and I dont know what the crazy Austrian is about, which my dream maker myself as I am told (!) may

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like to share with you someday when we are better integrated. o I woke up to the song 80ernes Boheme by Sebastian. I am working for Fair Insurance and have moved to Snekkersten after having lived one year another place, I simply cannot afford to live in Snekkersten and pay the transport fees to come to Copenhagen every day. When I arrive at Snekkersten Station, I see that the bridge on the left side is out of order and I use the right bridge instead, which is where the actuary of Fair Insurance is living. Peter A. shows me around in Fair and I learn that the 4% index bonds has not increased last year because of political instability, a MP from the Danish Peoples Party gives an explanation to the new law on an internal video aimed for the party and he really does not if the law has any effect and now he is dead. I pay my bills at PFA Pension and I notice that not all of the bills are mine but I also pay some of Sren F-Js bills, which includes default interest and a warning against making more. I see Bev Bevan from Electric Light Orchestra being interviewed and he has chosen a playlist of a number of classical Electric Light Orchestra songs taken from remastered albums and he says that when playing these, you have a row of pearls. o The start of the dream is to say that if the Commune will force me to a new completely unnecessary job search course when I am finished with Falck, it may be with A2B in Buddinge if they want me again (!) and that I cannot afford to pay for the bus transport there and it is too long to walk and really saying that if they follow their old policy not to pay for my transport, I will not be able to go there and since I am forced to go there, they may decide to remove my cash help on this foundation (?) and until now this may or may not be what I will meet in some weeks from now, but we will see and we know maybe an example to show how it is to look into the future and also to say that after my second thoughts of becoming a member of the housing association in Helsingr offering the Borupgaard, I have decided to NOT become a member and really because it should be possible to find something else I had a look at the options from private to private people and because of this and because I did not want to pay the fee of 195 DKK, I decided to exclude this option at the end. o The bonds may be about the economical situation of the world because of political instability and the attitude of people deciding on matters, which they know nothing of as the example of the Danish politician shows is coming to an end and replaced by the best music imaginable, WARM FEELINGS. o The left side of the bridge is closed the old symbol of the light and I am coming through the darkness at the right once again and paying my bills at PFA Pension may simply be the same, that I bring darkness attached to people here Sren F-J not believing in me yet (?) to the light of PFA to be cleaned.

I have found two extra pairs of trousers, which makes me happy so I dont have to wear the same trousers at work every day, I am in a football club, where the coach Michael Laudrup is forced to call the manager every morning at 10.00, which he only will do because the manager requires him to do so, outside on the field Michaels players are protected by a machine gun. I see people of Japan protecting their homes by taking the law into one's own hands I see them hurt/kill people and I tell them that this is like in Kenya, which I dont like to see and that I prefer a system like Denmark and of course completely without crime. I have been smoking my mothers cigarettes by the brand of Prince, which she asks me to return, which I do and I think that I also prefer Marlboro, which I decide to buy at a caf, however there is a very long line at the caf, which I decide that I dont want to stand in. o The trousers are to protect me from my old nightmare and when I have three it is to say that I am using the Trinity to protect me if the darkness should become too strong. I dont like to see players being protected by a machine gun, which may be about how impossible it is to convert people of the darkness into light. I dont like people deciding to become criminals and especially when they hurt other people and I dont like people taking the law into their own hands, which is to say that very many times on a daily basis I am met with the question what would I do in this or that situation where it is impossible to chose between one or the other solutions take the new border control of Denmark to protect people from East Eastern criminals as an example and really saying that when you try to build more and more on top of a BAD system, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get what you really want and therefore you have to change your mind and start by forgetting the existing system completely and start all over the right mindset is to say WHAT WOULD I DO IF I SHOULD MAKE THIS FROM SCRATCH and this is what I have done for you because the world was NOT strong enough to do it yourself and what are you left with today: A SYSTEM WHICH IS BREAKING DOWN THE WORLD, so my dear friends YOU BETTER GET STARTED BUILDING THE NEW WORLD ORDER and instead of TALK TALK TALK you should really start by giving me your support all of you get out into the open and when the world has declared its support, it should be quite easy for you to tell the world about me and your recommendations and if you cannot decide on doing this, we can also do it the other way around where your populations will tell you that they want a new world and to throw down all governments and all countries of the world and there is really NOTHING you can do about it, so my dear friends START DOING WHAT IS RIGHT TO DO, which is to COMMUNICATE and I have asked for your direct communication and support but this is too difficult for you to do (?) and WRONG it is because you really need to change your mind from the old school to the new world so common my ladies and gentlemen of the world: START SENDING ME SOME NICE EMAILS AND WHILE YOU DO IT, YOU MIGHT AS WELL
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SEND COPIES TO YOUR MEDIA AND ASK THEM TO PUBLISH IT or are you afraid of what will happen (?) and my dear friends: DONT BE AFRAID OR EMBARRASSED FOR THAT MATTER EVERYTHING WILL COME OUT ANYHOW so I look forward to who will be brave enough. Maybe Canada again (?), Australia or the Baltic countries as examples or maybe even DENMARK as my hosting country if you have the courage, Lars Lkke (???) - and WHO WANTS TO SHOW THE WORLD THAT YOU CAN DO WHAT IS RIGHT? o The cigarettes is to say that my mother now again takes on the darkness because of my email from yesterday, and that I dont get any darkness myself (?) and also to say that I send all of my strength to my mother because as always I want only good for her, my father and everyone else, which I tell the darkness maybe 100 times each day! I see Rugsted from Rugsted & Kreutzfeldt, and he tells me that people ask them directly if they can make new music and he shows me that a single of theirs has almost 25 years anniversary. Bent Fabricius-Bjerre (who made the Alley Cat song) looks inside my cupboard and uses my drawers to call Kreutfeldt and I add his mobile phone number in my directory, and clean up some crumbs and cheap jewellery from the drawers. o Rugsted & Kreutzfeldt was one of the most successive acts in Denmark around 1980 and has not produced new music for many years, and this is to say that a new album is on the way and we know they were very successive and fell down to almost nothing and this is how you also build up people spiritually and really saying that Stig is now coming back and also Kreutzfeldt of course with this new album which is INSPIRED by your return, my Son and more than this. Here is one of the new songs indtil jeg s dig, which is of the same standard as the good old ones and here is one of these too tilfldigvis forbi. o The Alley Cat song is WARM FEELINGS and a CAT is one of the good guys, the cupboard is the toolbox of God from where I will call Stig K. which you know is to create a spiritual connection to him too and the crumbs and cheap jewellery inside of my toolbox is to say that the old nightmare was planned by the man upstairs or should we say me because he is now me you know and even though I only today have very little accesss because I am still waiting on the faith of the world to wake up the wonder inside of me. And here is JIMMY CLIFF with YOU CAN GET IT IF YOU REALLY WANT and really because I SIMPLY LOVE THIS SONG and artist too and here to say that we want to change the mindset of the world, which is was we will get : ated

The last man standing in the old Universe is me made up by the spirits of my father and mother bringing darkness to be transformed into light through the New Universe inside of me Yesterday evening I was giving new thoughts about who I am and really about the last man standing in the old Universe and who I am at the old Universe and we know no doubt because my old self is made up by the spirits of my father and mother they led me and the world to my true old self inside of the origin of everything at the centre of darkness (!) - and how can I be sure about that and really because after the Easter of 2011, all spirits of the old Universe with the exception of the two spirits of my self were transferred into the pot of all light and darkness of the Universe for the last battle you know leading to destruction or survival and we survived - and first some days later, all spirits started living again now being transferred to the beginning of a New Universe as you may remember my dear reader (?) and I was wondering if the spirits of my father and mother are doppelgangers both appearing in the old and new Universe and NO they say so this is what I believe in and we know NO MATTER WHAT happens these spirits of my mother and father are to survive and that is NO MATTER WHAT you know and we know we are the best protected and I will NEVER accept anything else and that goes really to myself both as the Source the being above both nothing and everything and my self as the New Universe and I am all of this so this is my promise to the spirits of my father and mother, you will NEVER be left to die and we know my own soul and that is my new one and really my original old, which is being close to being awakened as my physical self too is everything of the New Universe and I can only say that I want our New Universe to be 100 percent perfect this is what we locked the 7th may, you remember (?), so this is what we will do (!) and that includes NO LOSS OF LIFE OF EVEN ONE SINGLE SPIRIT (!!!) so this is what we will also do and during the evening I felt how the spirits of my father and mother transferred new blocks of darkness they are searching for it in blindness (!) to me and instantly these blocks are made to light through my internal washing machine or light if you will I feel the darkness coming and instantly how it becomes light - and what is this light doing this (?) and that is of course our New Universe, so we are making the New Universe stronger and stronger with what remains of darkness from the old and we know the process of doing this has not become easier because the darkness also tries to hit me at the same time but I have decided that it is not allowed to do this no matter what happens and we know STRENGTH is what is keeping this up too, Stig, as both of my souls of the old world is saying and when I started feeling less tired this evening, it was light of the New Universe given to me because I needed it and because I have allowed to give this to me and this is really to cut a long story short without giving me any spandauers (did you get that one?) and thats life really and we know he was MORE THAN FANTASTIC, blue eyes that is and this is how he will become again - and again not my future self speaking but my present and we know I am a little bit of both today as you may understand? The opposite golden rule with people believing they are helping me and I am annoying them with the truth being the opposite!

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Today at Falck I received more darkness through some negative speech, which however was not the worst today because the worst was a new experience where I was given very unpleasant pains to my heart radiating to the right of my body and I had to say this is violating my rules my 3-4 short rules which I have often said also in connection with my nightmare, but this was how I had to work today receiving this many times and I carried on with what is coming to an end checking the old invoices of 2010 and 2011 and I have now controlled each of them and all information many times and I have the feeling that this has taken too long to do because of how I feel making it quite difficult to control anything when your head is almost disconnected, but instead of rushing myself, I have decided that I will focus on quality and take the time needed, so this is what I do and I can now see an end to this, but also more work coming when I will start the work together with Christoffer on how to build a new solution for the future and we should really do this according to Six Sigma or Lean quality processes but I dont have the detailed knowhow of these, so we will have to do it our way and that is using simple logic. There was nothing much to tell today other than inspired speech as usual about fish and gold as examples of me and creation except from the fact that Thomas received the brilliant idea for me to update all of their telephone lists and I told him that I have much to do and that he is not to expect me doing this work for them (!), which he then accepted and Julia had no more tape, and Thomas was run out of tape too and instead of asking Thomas, she thought it was natural to ask the office clerk thats me of where to find more tape and this is really showing that I am still appointed the coolie by ignorant people misusing me instead of using my true competences and it really made me very sad to experience. Thomas is a man of not much patience and when I have given him examples of what to improve on and told him that that this is also included in my memo it is becoming big and of course mentally totally impossible to do (!) - I have experienced a growing annoyance with him even though he on the other side is also happy about what I do (!) which came all the way forward today because he has really started becoming somewhat tired of me teaching them what to do (impatience and also intolerance you know) and also thinking that who do you believe you are and this is how we planted some examples for him to see that I am not perfect for example I did not discover more tape inside the closet, which Thomas then decided to find, which he did and I could only tell you that I should have looked after more carefully and I also made a mistake on how to fill out and handle the form of return goods when a customer returned some goods (I was not trained) and I could only tell him the truth, which is that I am not perfect, I make mistakes too I am only human (!) but I try to do my best to keep down the number of mistakes and to keep up the quality to my best (!) and the story is really that Thomas is annoyed with me helping them and he believe I should be happy for you helping me because of your social responsibility without understanding how you misuse and terrorise me (?) and this is how

the monkey is placed really and one day Thomas you will know and understand your self. Thomas is also a man not always speaking a nice language, and when he did this again today, I was thinking speak nicely but I did not want to take up new things to learn him because of his attitude and I could only smile when he one second after said himself speak nicely (!) speaking to yourself, Thomas (?) as I asked you - and we know I gave him my own thought and this is indeed what you and everybody should do speak nicely - and let me say that people in Denmark saying hey instead of hej when leaving are the people who often have a flat and not nice or even n ugly language and listen to Brian Igen Igen from Falck and you will find an example of MANY THOUSANDS and we know MILLIONS OF PEOPLE speaking a flat and not nice language including swearing. SPEAK A NICE LANGUAGE!!! At approx. 15.00, Thomas had finished his work today, which was really SO NICE for him because now he could start to RELAX (!) this is exactly what he said and what he did (!!!) which was followed by work on his own private matters (!) and we know receiving salary from Falck at the same time (!) and I tried to give him things to do speaking as he does to me (!), which is as a manager handing out tasks to do speaking in a way which they would not accept themselves taking it for granted to order other people, which basically is wrong to do unless people need to be disciplined (!) - and how did you think this sounded, Thomas (?) and you did not think about offering me your help (?) or to start working on my action plan or what may be hundreds of other tasks you could find at Lyngby if only you wanted to? The darkness was also strong today because of my mother (!) which made Thomas ask me about my surname and I replied Dragholm and said that only five people bear this name, which made him tell me that only seven people bears his surname, which made him say you are just as crazy as I am - because we are so few bearing this name, which was also to say that he does not even think of me being crazy as an opportunity and this is how people close to me are and just for your information of course, Tine and yes that is her from the Commune suffering because of her inner voice misleading her to believe I am crazy because she does not know me well enough apparently (?) and because she works and understands poorly (!) - and then he spoke about his family tree, which I understood included a message in relation to me and only if I decided to go to my extreme edge today writing this story too and yes you are and her Karen are too and we know both of you are directly descending from Jesus and Mary Magdalena and yes now the world knows too and not easy both still not difficult to do too and yes a part of a RING transferring and transforming and yes STIG YOU HAVE TO REACH A HIGHER LEVEL BEFORE I CAN TELL you as the spirit of my father here rises up from his way down under leading more darkness to me to tell me and this is also life is here and the story was that Thomas asked me have you tried to enter your name on Google to see all information coming and yes I have indeed and I thought that now you wanted to enter my name as example to find my website and to start reading the stories about Falck, which I write, which
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you would probably not be very happy TODAY to read, but a time will come too, Thomas, where you will be happy about what you did at my time here and instead of using my name as example, he used his own and this is how close the darkness came to give me away (!) - and we know it is now 19.15, I have had dinner, and continues writing my script and it is really not difficult doing, in fact I felt how I was made more fresh one hour ago, it is only to say that I am given energy to reach the other side coming from the other side because I have allowed the other side to give me energy on this side to make it through and my dear friends if only I knew, but I learned from practice and we know the day I saved my self from dying because of my old nightmare and so it is .! --Ending the day with these short stories: I kept on working until 20.20 today, I understood that it was a good idea to do extra today also because I did not want to come behind - because of the darkness coming to me from my mother/family, so this is what I did and we know EXTREME PATIENCE while working is what it still takes also to brush off the extreme feelings of impatience given to me by the darkness! I received the clear feeling of the spirit of my father now to my left and the spirit of my mother to my right as a symbol saying that our world is turning around to bring our spiritual and physical worlds on the same plane. Yesterday was one of the few times where I have been shown a UFO flying underneath the clouds there are not that many UFO stories at the moment because of the very bright Scandinavian summer and because recently I have often gone to bed at 22.00 or 22.30 before the darkness. This evening I was only shown one starlight on the sky, which was my light at its fixed position the UFO light you know and deliberately no other lights at all and that is NO VISIBLE STARS AT ALL (!) when will people ever learn (?) and when I was going to bed, I receive the feeling here that I was not to be cheated and that was both in relation to seeing one of the special UFOs and here also the feeling of Tobias in relation to his mother for him to receive my information, which his mother is NOT to cheat him from (!) - this is how strong her two sons also are feeling about their controlling but loving mother, and I was told that the very bright UFO-light I was shown flying towards me this evening it was as bright as the light of my mother when it is flying towards me on the sky (!) was the light of Tobias and we know his uncle is NOT crazy (!) and was that the feeling you received when reading my email too (?) and we know this UFO showed itself with two white lights in the middle, one red light on the left and one green light on the right and as usual it was a big experience to see but also here UFOs are somewhat hidden so you almost have to know that it is a UFO and we know at least to look at it directly to discover that it is NOT a plane.

This evening I was given another piece of small information about an old story, which I have not written down before now and that is that governments have been conducting investigations about me and here I was told in relation to my living in Malm, Sweden, where I lived from 1994-96, and I have been told that you have also received my medical journals and what did it tell you (?), have you REALLY discovered the truth about me this way (?) and if not because I am not told her I can only suggest that you LOOK CAREFULLY AT THE SAMPLES/MEDICAL REPORTS once again to see what they really include (!) and let me say that BY DOING THIS WRONG ACTION BEHIND MY BACK, YOU ARE ALSO GIVING ME PHYSICAL PAIN so PLEASE STOP HAUNTING ME, step forward and support me also helping me to receive a life without or at least with less pain .

19.3 19 July: EXTREME darkness almost bringing me down was lifted my mother has read and understood my email
Dreaming of my family arriving with growing faith from out of the darkness Yet another night as the previous and more dreams as usual and we know bring them on no problem! Something about being shot with a Winchester riffle, people are looking after us inside of this riffle my family and I - which they begin to see the outline of materialising from out of nothing, but people wrongly keep on hitting the riffle when it shows briefly, which makes it disappear again and it becomes totally impossible when two people starts hitting at the same time until a third person interferes, which makes us say inside of the riffle thank you, this was just what we needed, which makes us visible, and I see a wagon with my family and I inside with a table set up and I tell the family that I will serve them the most delicious pizzas, which exist in stead of the junk food they want to serve me, I see the drawer of my CD is open and that Niklas has placed two physical things on top of a CD, which is almost as if he has done magic, which however makes my mother sceptical, I feel that it is again about win or disappear depending on our actions, and I see my mother lying down next to the table, she is drunk and says something very unpleasant about me, which makes me say without wanting it we would also much rather send you at an oldage home, which is the most unpleasant I can say. o I got the feeling that this is the spiritual selves of my family arriving to our physical selves with the faith of my family growing in me. The riffle is a clear symbol of darkness, this is from where we are arriving. The pizzas are about the love I have for my family, the junk food is how they eat me off because of their sceptical attitude and also saying that my small food budget really gives me the cheapest food available, which I have realised is not always very nutritious (chicken mcnuggets and rarely vegetables etc.) the add-ons to my nice music by Niklas is because he noticed that the email I sent to him
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and Tobias was to Tobias old email-address, which made Tobias to give me his new address through Facebook and just maybe they totally understand the truth I write about their controlling mother, and here the dream says that my mother is sceptical and drunk because she is led by darkness John as I am told . and she says something very unpleasant which in the dream makes me say something I would never say in real life sending her to an old-age home which may be what my mother fears almost more than anything else and we know losing the connection to her children too, which she of course will never do after we once again will find each other with the understanding coming from my family and we know will they decide to be lazy not reading again and still listening to their know-all voice even though they know nothing? o When I woke up from this dream, I was again fearing for the life of my mother and ALL and as usual this is NOT a nice feeling, but we know some darkness, which had to be let out here too. I speak to the counsels for both the defender and the prosecution, and the witness of the latter is a Croat, who accepts to wage a war on me in Copenhagen using the most violent and disgusting means. I have received the word to speak and this Croat shows a very poor behaviour because he keeps on talking despite of this, and by accident I push him, which makes him fall down. In Copenhagen I now see a very fat man and woman inside a supermarket with hoops of barrels around their waist, which makes them trapped as if in a prison, they try to break lose first without success but later when I return, I see them breaking free, and we are now 4-5 people running out of the backdoor of the supermarket I grab two Danish pastries on my way out and we are at a back yard where we need to have a code to enter the door of the neighbour, we enter the door and outside I hear people who are after us coming close and Julia is among these together with the owner of the supermarket, I tell the others that we will be revealed unless we try to move down the stairs of an incredible narrow basement, which is the only option we have. o I wonder who will be attacking me next in real life (?) is it Falck again because of the effects, my memo will have? Who is the fat man and woman at the supermarket me and my mother in prison because of the influence of others, i.e. Sanna/Hans/John, on us ? the pastries is my old nightmare, which is now returning and we know different messages of different dreams as you can tell and I can only say: COME ON SHOW ME THE BEST and I will defeat you once again, I am NOT afraid of you, but I will lead you all the way until you understand me and understand just how much you have made me suffered and this is about the family because I am here again given the same heart pain, which here is coming every other second, so Sanna/Hans/John, you will realise just how much pain you have given my mother and I and of course you only wanted the best for us ..!

Vivian is visiting me at my apartment in Hrsholm, I am playing perfect music, which I would like to copy for her, she is at bath and she is returning home today, she is not interested in me but I in her but I accept that this is how it is, and I am surprised when she comes out after her bath because now she is Karen. I am playing a game, and I have no money and can hardly afford to drive her home. o You may remember that my old friend Vivian is another part of my mother and here it is about my nightmare again and also saying that the spirit of my mother because of the darkness these days are trying to tempt me giving me the vision and Karen when she approaches me spiritually and how this feels, and MORE THAN DISGUSTING my friends because I know that the potential consequences are NOT nice, but this is part of cleaning up of the old Universe to bring us our new perfect Universe and we know 99.9% is not adequate, we have to go all the way even if it takes us one year or longer from here and this is my command so this is what we do!

Just before waking up in the morning, I heard a voice saying earn the trust of the Lord by looking him directly into his eyes and the feeling as I do now.

EXTREME darkness almost bringing me down was lifted my mother has read and understood my email From I woke up this morning, I was given invisible darkness, which simply made my thinking and view on everything and everybody incredible negative or at least I had to fight this with everything I had, and when I arrived at Falck, I was first disappointed that Robert, who should have been on guard today, had decided that he needed some day off in his holiday cottage as Christoffer taking over from him explained and I was disappointed because I had planned to ask Robert questions about invoices why he had not done as he should and what he really had done because I could not tell in some situations after going through all material I had and I was thinking that people can plan better in the future to avoid people from becoming disappointed. When I started working, it was again on my memo, which is still a VERY BIG job and STEEP UPHILL because of the amount of work needed, which is you know almost impossible to do and that is again because of how I feel and today it became very apparent, because this negativity was so immensely strong that it was breaking me down completely and totally disabling me, this is how I felt and when I was just about giving up only just about of course (!) suddenly most of this extreme negativity and pain was removed from me and from here, the job had not changed but now it was suddenly much easier to do and we know we decided to focus on one chapter at a time and really using the same strategy as in Brede Park taking one tree or row of shrubs at the time because if I was focusing on all of it, it would be too much and this is how we get through here and later I received the understanding that my mother has now read my email (the extreme negativity has to be before and during her reading and I was told that the reason why I started
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feeling better is because this is BIG news for my mother making her suffer) and understanding how close I have been to dying and this was for me as coming from burning fire and out into the great wide open the brilliant company of Jeff & Tom here - where it is still not normal temperature because I am still hurting but let us say a trillion times less than the extremity this morning, and I wonder what my mother will say when she will understand that one half of me is and soon will be was her own self (!) and when she is suffering, thinking negatively about me or speaking behind my back etc., she is directly killing me (!) and we know better late than never for her to understand, but it sure would have been nice to have someone in this very slowly understanding family understanding me quicker in order to start living a tolerable life as I also wrote in the email - and yes my mother YOU ARE THE DEVIL HAUNTING ME DESPITE OF YOUR LOVE TO ME, AND THIS IS EXACTLY HOW THE DEVIL WORKS AND SOON WORKED when ALL darkness will have been identified and converted! I was also told that my mother still has cancer, which she and John does not want to tell me and I dont know if this is the light or darkness telling me it could be true in order to save me from receiving more than what they believe I can take and if it is true, it is VERY wrong, and I can only say START HEALING MY MOTHER AGAIN; I DONT WANT HER TO BE SICK and we know I decided earlier that the rule is that my special friends can take on sicknesses when needed but they are not to die and not to receive any permanent injuries and we know START HEALING is the name of the game in relation to my mother! For days I have told customers coming to Falck to receive first aid boxes that it is much better if they dont cut/hurt themselves, which they agree in, and this is really to say that we will go through this my mother and I and not to forget my father without cutting/hurting ourselves. --After some shopping this afternoon, writing the script of today and after dinner, finally at 19.40 I published the last three days of scripts and we know still doing better than expected and ok I also received STRONG repeats of gastric acid today, which were not nice. My mothers husband leading my mother with darkness and fighting me using the most disgusting means! In my dreams this morning I both received information that my family will come to me with growing faith from out of the darkness and also that my mother is still being led by the darkness of John and the darkness of my family attacking me again with the most violent and disgusting means and this evening I received an email from my mothers husband John and we know HE TRULY DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT ME (?) and let us say DONT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT ME and CANNOT GET INTO HIS MIND THAT HE IS THE DEVIL FEEDING THE DEMONS GIVEN TO ME (!) and this truly hurts you very much, John, and yes you are right I am bringing information on my website, which I do believe is important to bring for the world and also because of hisOne God, One People

tory to come and let me say that if you believe I made you sad, it is NOTHING compared to what you are doing to me and my mother in terms of hurting us because of your disbelief WHY DONT YOU DO WHAT I ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO (?) and we know Stig because they are not strong enough and this leaves Sanna/Hans and my nephews to read and understand me and that is if you truly bother and isnt this exciting and you bet you havent heard the last from me yet. Here is the email from John recommending me to seek help so I can receive a better life, and this is what I did when writing to you and Sanna/Hans, but you dont have the capacity to read and understand, John (?) and SAD is what you make me and yes SAD it is and was and will continue to be - and now I better understand why I was given some suffering of the darkness this afternoon and given the vision of John and also my sister because this email gave the answer. The darkness of these two of my family once again decided against me being STONE DEAF and DUM-STUBBORN (!!!) making my mother and I suffer much as the result! And the interesting part is really for you to see that John is compelled by the thought that "we don't know who speaks out of your mouth, is it Stig or the Council" (?) and to this I can say that you are the only one (s) having this "problem" and that is because you know that the Council is speaking through me and everybody else, who does not know, "strangely" enough does not have this "problem" at all, John (!) - can you see just how "bad" this looks to you (?) - and let me tell you that everything you speak and everything you think of yourself is also given to you spiritually, which may make you wonder (?) but if you understood, you would find it "easier" to understand me - and finally this really tells that you do believe in my spiritual connection and communication (!), but still it is "totally impossible" for you to believe that I speak to God and that God is now inside of me speaking out to you and the world as "he" says now when I write his words? DENIAL is what we call it here. Kre Stig Vi har ikke din tro og forstr ikke det du skriver, og vil ikke tvinges til at lse hvad dine dmoner dikterer dig til at skrive. Det vi nsker er, at du ville sge hjlp s du kunne blive befriet for dine stemmer og blive af med din smerte. Vi vil gerne have en Stig der ikke er styret af indre dmoner. Nr vi er sammen med dig s ved vi ikke hvem der taler ud af din mund, er det Stig eller rdet?. Dette giver en kunstig og utryg samtale. Nr s alt hvad vi siger, bliver refereret i dit script, s lgger den viden en dmper p samtalelysten. Vi har bedt om dig om at lade vre at referere vore samtaler, men det respekterer du ikke. Som du sikker har bemrket, lser vi ikke script/dagbog mere da det pfrer os stor sorg og smerte.
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Du ved at vi holder af Stig og vil ham alt godt, men hvor er Stig?

De krligste hilsner til Stig fra Mor & John

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22. People of other civilizations were refused to take over the management of Earth to save our old Universe
1. SUBJECT 20th July: People of other civilizations were refused to take over the management of Earth to save our old Universe SUMMARY Dreaming that the old Universe could have killed me, which it however did not and we are now all being overtaken by the New Universe, the Russian Government is on my side but their surroundings are still belonging to the darkness, I dont have to wait being a part of the world scene, because this is what I have been for a long time, my inner self is speaking to my physical self through the darkness I made the goal of my life finding, reconnecting and waking up my true self, people of other civilizations have repeatedly offered to take over the management of Earth to teach mankind how to improve to save our old Universe but we were dismissed both in ancient Egypt and in modern times, which was the reason why the old Universe unnecessary went under with the need for a New Universe, which was not very easy to create, you understand (?), the old Universe was eliminated also because of an unacceptable and uncontrollable sexual behaviour and because of unlimited speculation in securities, which are incomparable with life itself and despite of this, people of darkness are still fighting to keep this old world order, which they may like to rethink if they want to keep on living, that is? At Falck I was very sad because of the new refusal of my family and denial even to try to understand me what can you do with WILL DEAF people? I had the worst day ever in relation to extreme MINUSES as well as extreme PLUSSES given to me being closer than ever before to give up with the consequence of my nightmare and the killing of my mother to be carried out, and on the other hand I had two employees signing key receipts, one having locker no. 68 with key no. 21 and the other locker no. 21 with key no. 68 (!!!), which at the same time meant that I received the keys for both worlds the physical and spiritual which now COME TOGETHER, and an employee cleaned up a cupboard with MANY batteries symbolising the strength of the light as well as my access to God inside of me. My family on the surface say that they dont believe in me, but underneath the surface, they have taken me in they only have to combine information inside of them - otherwise we would never have made it to here. At Tour de France, the INSPIRED commentators called Contador - the symbol of me - a Spaniard with the desire for attack, there is NO dear mother (!) with the small Spaniard (no nightmare will be carried out, I am only taken to the extreme edge, which is what I feel every time when hitting my ULTIMATE edge when I have no more to give), he is a hard sneezer (I have been sneezing for days as a warning of a potential sickness HITTING me and told that this is to say that my mother and I cannot be killed anymore). The NORWEGIANS have been very successful at this years Tour winning several stages including this one, and NORWAY is symbolising the darkness of my family. Dreaming that I will continue my journey alone without the support of my mother and that I have to go through more suffering until the day when all darkness has become light, more of the nightmare and the Devil in disguise, Obama suffering extremely because of his strong roots to Kenya and because the world is doing nothing to help the victims suffering and dying at the disaster, choosing my own clothes for the future i.e. how I want to be, my sister is not suffering much compared to me but she and her husband are living superficial lives with lack of deep feelings of joy, love and happiness. I had a better day but not good (!) with Falck with sufferings but much less than yesterday. I told Christoffer that it is possible to hold meetings exactly on time without disturbances, which made his automatic voice tell me is completely impossible with us (!) because it was impossible for him to OPEN UP to understand that all it takes is to PLAN CAREFULLY, which was also a message
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21st July: The automatic voice makes it impossible to understand, but it is turning around together with the world

about my family: It is impossible for them to understand that I am Jesus and more than this as the GOOD OLD MAN inside of me says, but underneath the surface they do understand and only have to connect the pieces of information they have received the same way as Christoffer has to do, and this is what I will bring them when completing the turning around of the world. At the KING STAGE of Tour de France today, Andy Schleck, who symbolises my mother (!), was allowed to win because of her STRONG reactions to my email but it was also to say that we are reaching HEAVEN of our new paradise, everybody gave everything they had today including the commentators, which made this KING STAGE the most spectacular stage for years according to the GRAND OLD MAN. This race brought the gift of our New Universe, which is to turn around the world as the last piece of work of the creation of the New Universe, and this is bringing tears of happiness to all of us. I was told that the growing faith of people at the U.S. Base Area 51 is bringing energy to switch on old UFOs at the base, which have a propulsion system running on FAITH, and FAITH IN ME IS WHAT IS BRINGING ENERGY TO THE WORLD, so I do look forward to the world helping all of us to spread knowledge about and FAITH IN ME bringing ENERGY TO ALL OF THE WORLD . Dreaming of the potentially worst Hell surrounding me, the computer program called Stig, which is the Universe, is now being disturbed by darkness, I am returning to life from the old burial place of Kings and the ending of the old world order and the beginning of my New World Order, which the old world however still needs to accept. After receiving the refusal to understand reply from my mothers husband the other day showing you demons, obsessions, deafness, stubbornness and weakness from my not very bright family members, which I am sorry to say (!), I have received STRONG feelings to send a reply trying once more to get them to OPEN up to start understanding what should be easy for them (!), but to save my family, I have decided that I will not, and instead I bring you notes of ideas of what I could have included in my reply, which may help you to understand me even better? At Falck I continued writing my memo, and I am surprised that I seem to be able to restore myself from day to day. I said goodbye to Jesper and Julia going on holiday today, and Jesper promised to call me after his holiday and after receiving my memo, and I wonder if you really will do that, Jesper, or if you will turn your back wrongly to me as the people of Farum Commune did to their previous hero, Mayor Brixtofte , when he was revealed years ago. The riders at the Tour de France have emptied themselves completely and Contador as my symbol is driving only on his will power as I am too, which is about my mother/family and I being completely empty, which is needed in order to turn around the world. The immensely strong feelings of my mother has released a MONSTER, which is the darkness I am both fighting and using to create enough energy doing this impossible job. Elijah made me VERY happy by saying that he has learned to trust in you and wait patiently for normal life to come and that he once gave up and wouldn't like any of us to go through what i went on. This is about PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE as Elijah writes, and also FAITH in me, which was the name of the game for Elijah because with faith, you are much stronger, Elijah, which is exactly what your faith also means to me. I was as APPALLED as the rest of the world to see what looks like the MAD WORK of one man in Oslo, Norway, when he blew up a bomb in the centre of town and decided to kill almost 100 young people at a political youth camp. People all over the world are in shock over this SUDDEN disaster, but you dont understand and care about the much worse disaster of East Africa and Dadaab where people are living in Hell and dying all of the time with a WILL DEAF world not reacting!
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22nd July: The ending of the old world order and the beginning of my New World Order

22.1 20 July: People of other civilizations were refused to take over the management of Earth to save our old Universe
Dreaming that people of other civilizations were refused to take over the management of Earth to save our old Universe I had a somewhat better sleep with somewhat less dreams, which is really a good message in relation to my mothers thoughts about me. Sren H. is coming to Copenhagen, his small company in Stockholm is being overtaken by the company in Copenhagen I am working for, he has three colleagues up there, I did now know if I would become dismissed myself in this process, but we are now being overtaken by a new company. I have taken out a list of 8,200 Russian customers they are belonging to the darkness and I go through the list with Sren, who says that the number has to decrease to half and he points at a large and wide Russian building and tells me that as an example only the middle of this building is belonging to us and the rest is a part of another association. Sren wants to send me to Switzerland on business, I think that I dont have a credit card and cannot afford to pay for a hotel, which puts me in an awkward position, but I understand that I will arrive and leave the same day not needing to stay at and pay for a hotel room, which makes me relieved. I listen to a Dane working for a bank in Switzerland and one from Jyske Bank on the radio and I hear the words Jesus to Stig radio transmission. At lunch in Fair Insurance I receive a free Coca Cola, I am told that two UFOs were willing to overtake the company, they were given what they wanted but still the company went down because of facts, which led to no turn-over, which was despite the fact that Sren H. and the management group wanted to travel to the Canary Islands. o Srens company is first being overtaken by Fair symbolising our old Universe, which could have killed me i.e. dismissed me but I survived and this is why we are now all being overtaken by a new company, which you know is our New Universe. The centre of the Russian building is the Russian government with Putin and Medvedev in the lead on my side, and all around them is the darkness of Russia especially the new-rich and poorly behaved people. I am not going to a hotel from here meaning that I will not stay at a waiting hall before starting and that is because we have started a long time ago on the world scene! The two bankers are belonging to the darkness and my inner self is speaking to my physical self through the darkness, which is to say that I am me I have fulfilled the goal of my life to find and become myself after having been nothing or nobody all of my life receiving my life flame through the spirits of my father and mother (!). And I understand the last part of the dream means as people of other civilisations received the authorisation of the Universe to overtake the management of Earth with the goal to teach the world to improve in order to save our old Universe,
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which was another way out of the darkness also leading to you, i.e. me, as I am told and we know the UFOs have been here for MANY years but we have NEVER been allowed to HELP EARTH BACK ON TRACK and here I also receive feelings going all the way back to ancient Egypt (!!!) and I do understand that this offer was also given to mankind in modern times, but you did not need any interference and could handle yourself and by now I do believe you have understood that you could not (?) and we know we had to take the long way home instead, which means that you made the old Universe disrupt risking the survival of the entire Universe, which was totally unnecessary and also what you really did not want, i.e. going to the Canary Islands, and we therefore had to create a New Univers, but dont worry, be happy and that goes to you too, Elijah . Sren F.-J. (my old collegue from Fair) and Simon E. Ammitzbll (a Danish MP for New Alliance) are working together at a small company. They visit a prospective client proposing the client to offer expensive consumer loan facilities for their private customers in order for these to invest in securities, which the company did not believe in before now, but before they accept this business proposition, they call Peter A. the CEO of Fair Insurance who tells them that he is closing Fair as a company today, which has the consequence that the young men are not supported by Fair, however they have started working from a rented apartment in Kolding, which they have received very cheaply by an optician renting out the apartment for a student not having an income, but they only have one month left before the rent will be increased, which will force them to move. o This will have to be people working for the darkness against me with the attitude of let us keep the system of today, because this is what we believe in, but let me tell both of you that the old world went under, i.e. the closure of Fair Insurance, also because the old world order was incomparable with life itself (!), so you may like to change your view on this if you would like to keep on living that is (?) and also saying that more darkness will still come my way. I am a bus driver in Sweden without knowing the bus line and I ask passengers if they will show me the direction to drive, which they say they will, but I dont feel confident that they will show the right direction, I turn the bus in a completely impossible way there is no room, but I still turn it and when I drive out, I am surprised to see that I drive directly into a very big elevator at an office building, and we are three who are pressured out of the bus at the 7th floor while the bus is at the 3rd floor and we try our best to connect with the bus again but it is impossible to do and the next I see is people driving out through a very large open hole of the wall of the building from where the bus was inside, people are as programmed robots and they drive directly into the sea and die. o The bus is the old symbol of making love, and as the creator, I am driving the bus of mankind this is the gift
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I gave everyone (my inner self speaking) but because people could not take care of this gift herewith violating the natural feelings given to all to be faithful, this is what also eliminated our old Universe. A poor sexual behaviour of lustful people who could not stop, and the management of the old world knew where this was headed but they did nothing to stop it, this is the kind of responsibility you have had at the top management of your UNCONTROLLABLE world, a shame it is! o I woke up with a song including the lyrics ordinary people and this dream is showing my mothers John as an example of programmed robots where it apparently is impossible to understand what should be pretty easy to understand. I also had a short dream where I was at my last day at Danske Bank, Freeport, saying goodbye to the employees Henning W. and Lars H. before closing time (one of my favourites, Leonard ). o This will have to be the end of my preparations for normal life?

Receiving EXTREME MINUSSES close to give up and EXTREME PLUSSES receiving keys for both worlds This morning at Falck I felt just how sad I was over the new refusal of my family even to read my website carefully none of them have yet opened the pages I recommended them to read, which they probably have not plans on doing either and I could only conclude that they are completely STONE DEAF, I cannot shout them up to TRY HELPING ME (!), and instead of trying to understand, their stubbornness just make them close even more like an oyster (!) - and on top of this I started thinking that I cannot afford to pay the deposit myself to a new apartment because Falck will surely not offer me a project management job after receiving my memo even though this would be right of them to do (!), which may put me on the street the 1st November unless the world will save me before that (?) and I was more sad to see that people here at 08.30 have a breakfast meeting and that none other than Jesper has been kind enough to offer me breakfast (now that it is here, and you know I do believe it is a good idea to have breakfast together for example at a co-ordination meeting or in private once a week but I prefer people to pay for their own food you know!). I received the feeling of being very sad and told that it was because of the feelings of my mother and that she is reacting on my email because I am living on a minimum and suffering much she is thinking about neglect of care and is it really true about who I am. The day developed into the most extreme MINUS and PLUS experience I have ever gone through because I thought I was in control, but then I received maybe 50 copies of invoices, which Falcks other head office in rhus have send out on behalf of Lyngby and I thought that it would be a matter of routine to go through these as the last part of this job of controlling all in-

voices and BIG was my surprise when I saw that most of these invoices were not included in the specifications of Lyngby but I concluded that they have to be sent out according to quarterly fees in client contracts and that most of the invoices, which Lyngby had asked rhus to send, was either not included here or were on other amounts than requested and because of how I felt with much sadness inside of me and because of disappointment with these invoices giving me much extra work trying to figure it out which by now is hanging out of my mouth (!) I was losing it more and more receiving more and more darkness with my nightmare coming very close at least the threat and indications STRONGER than ever and almost as much that I was this close to accept the darkness to do with my mother as it pleased; to kill her, but we know I did not give my final accept and do believe I would keep saying no, but the darkness kept on putting words of acceptance in my mouth and I was driven more down than ever before almost losing the absolutely last of my resistance and will power almost accepting (as VICTIMS OF TORTURE can be forced to do when they are broken down) and it was a NIGHTMARE because again I was thinking, will this lead to both her and my death now (?) and at the same time I did not have the dreams of the night in recollection, because I had only written the notes of them without writing the script and truly understanding them myself before after work BUT I also received the most positive symbols of the light coming to me during the day, which I really first understood at the end of the day, which kept me inside this prison most of the day as the dream with the hoop of the wine barrel said the other day - to convert as much darkness as possible into light and as the dream said, I was liberated, which my mother will be too, which I was shown through the fireman Lars (another Lars) his surname is white in Danish because he was inspired to come to the office to sign a new key receipt after Carsten the other day had had a store to make a new key cylinder and three new keys, and I knew that the keys had no. 68 and normally the number of the locker this is where the key is fitting is the same as the key, so I wrote on the receipt that Lars had received one key (the others are reserves) with the number of 68 and that it fitted with closet number 68, which I was to redo later in the day, see later. But before this, Lars also had a look inside one of the big cupboards at the old meeting room Julias new office and I heard him say what a mess and how can you live with this and when I looked in, I saw that he was looking in the one cupboard I had not cleaned up, which included hundreds of batteries etc., and I had decided not to clean this up, because I dont know much about technical equipment and he told me that it was very easy to sort the batteries according to volts and I could only tell him that I agreed and smile because I was taken myself in a situation where I showed a wrong attitude without thinking; I did not do what I should have done because I thought I would not be able to do it, and the truth is that this would have been easy for me to do too Im not perfect you know and I encouraged him to clean up the cupboard himself or to have colleagues doing it, and because he was inspired, he decided to start cleaning up right away, and when he told Thomas (on guard) and me that there were more than 150 batteries of 9 volts alone in the cupboard far too many compared to the
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need I understood that this was a positive symbol of the power of the light, which we have built up inside of me. When Lars was working, he started speaking in the same combined Danish/English language as the old and VERY INSPIRED The Julekalender on Danish television which is how I write when I take notes for my scripts (!) and now I even use an English-Danish dictionary too when I have the right English words but problems finding the right Danish words (!) and furthermore he was ALSO inspired to whistle the same CHRISTMAS CALENDAR SONG as Robert did the other day, which of course is kan du f for en krone and how often do you see two grown up men whistling the same many years old Christmas song for children within a few days and here you did (!) - and we know CHRISTMAS is birth so yet another birth of me these days. Here are De Nattergale with the most brilliant Christmas Calendar song available - Glem the trouble - and the bvl! These days and also today we have had a visit from old vehicles from the Falck museum, which have been decorated for the yearly Santa Claus Congress at the amusement park of Bakken and we know even though it is summer, the Christmas Man as Santa is called in Denmark, is close .

with his old expression and then he said I think you are very skilled, which was nice of you to say, Thomas, and my reply was that I am not better than others, I have only decided many years ago to work my best and I am truly not better, Thomas, because I also forget things and you have seen me borrowing your computer forgetting to close down programs after use etc., which truly is a MESS and that is because I dont like more than you to become stressed with disturbances from many sources colleagues, the phone and customers coming in person etc. - at the same time, which is also making me do errors, so this is really what you have to ORGANISE yourself to keep down!. I was also told that my family and others say on the surface that they dont believe in me, but underneath the surface, they have taken me in, otherwise we would never have made it to here, and I feel that my mothers reaction to me these days after the email is what is pushing me the last step directly towards my inner self, so it did have a purpose and effect, my email. Later in the afternoon when I was completely down, on the verge of tears and with an urge just to lie down on my table to give up, the ambulance man tyssen came to sign his key receipt I have now decided myself to go out and bring people inside the office to sign the key receipt since people and the managers are not capable of doing this and he told me that he had locker no. 68, which Lars still next to me now helping Thomas on his private business with material for a festival he will work on as a private security guard (!) told me could not be because locker no. 68 was his locker, and therefore I first had to convince tyssen to walk with me to the locker to look at his locker and the key, and he did indeed have locker room no. 68 but the key had no. 21 which it should not have and then we had to return to the office, where I asked Lars to walk back with us to the locker rooms because Lars could really not remember the number of his locker other than his new key had no. 68 (!) and Lars is a man of his own not liking people to command with him (!) but somehow he decided both to clean up the before mentioned cupboard and also to go with us to the lockers and we know it was directly opposite to what tyssen had, because the number of his locker room was no. 21, and when I had this knowledge, I now had both opposite worlds inside of me (!) this is the symbol and therefore I could write, print out and have these two gentlemen sign the correct key receipts, which was no. 68/21 for tyssen and 21/68 for Lars and when they had signed, it meant that I received the keys myself for both worlds and the cleaning up of the cupboard of Lars meant that I now have access to God inside of me, and from this moment on, my extreme suffering was released by a new sense of relief and again a world in difference and we know meaning that the physical and spiritual worlds now come together (the best by the Beatles) on the same plane, which is adequate in order for my mother to believe enough in me in order for this event to happen and we know not easy is the best way to put it and this is part of the dream of Superman riding down the almost vertical railways. Lars signed the receipt twice today and together with one signature in 2010 too, he is the only one who has signed three
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Old vehicles of Falck participating in the yearly Santa Claus Congress meaning that the Christman Man is close Thomas was working at his computer and speaking to him self when concentrating on what to do, and when I asked him is it nice to speak to yourself he told me yes, I am my own best friend and then I understood that this was a message from my own AWAKENED inner self speaking to my physical self I HAVE BECOME MY TRUE SELF AND ONE REALLY and I was given the old Danish song snakker med mig selv, taler med mit bedre jeg (talking to my self, speaking to my better self), which I have received the last 1-2 days really and just saying that WE ARE OPENING UP THE NEW WORLD and isnt it apparent that the old world is collapsing look at the economy almost breaking down also in the U.S. at the moment. When I worked on my memo for Falck writing at my usual page, Thomas told me you write very quickly and he looked at me
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times as a sign of the Trinity now communicating inside of me and his name white is to symbolise the strength of the light of course and just when he signed, he and Thomas was invited out by the very nice and friendly firemen, who had made pancakes and it was really so nice for both these gentlemen to walk out (on me) once again, which made me believe that I was still out in the cold, but to my surprise, the nice firemen outside we are truly friends, you know shouted through the window also you, Stig (!), which made me VERY HAPPY and this is how I came in from the cold to become part of the community of Falck and here I hear the voice of Obama telling me that THIS IS WHERE YOU BELONG TOO and I CAN HARDLY WAIT to tell you that not only Russia but also China has accepted you and thank you my friends and we know EXTREME FEELINGS of happiness but still suppressed is what I receive here . Together with Thomas and the firemen also Sren, the other coolie I then had pancakes with ice cream and we joked about the pancakes of Bornholm everybody was now saying that they come from Bornholm (!), which they obviously do not, but the master chef of the pancakes today did, and when I told him with a big smile that I loved his pancakes because they truly tasted as exotic pancakes of Bornholm, he smiled and told me that I played up to him which I did not (!) but I recommended him to add Grand Marnier the next time which includes ORANGE, which is the symbol of the Source inside of me you know and then they told me that they dont drink alcohol here right, boys (!) which made me tell them that they of course belong not to AA (anonymous alcoholics) but here I said AAA, which they understood the meaning of (the same), but the true meaning was to say that the Trinity is in TOP FORM (!) and also that the true creditworthiness of the world is in TOP FORM somehow - and I dont know how (new agreements of the future?), when and why because this is belonging to the department of Obama and I only write what I receive and you know some is from the light and some is from the darkness and so it was and is and probably less and less the darkness. I decided to take this break of 15 minutes and instead I stayed working for 15 minutes longer, which you know is NOT how they do here, because after Thomas had worked most of the day on his private projects must be nice for you, Thomas (!) he decided to stay outside for 45 minutes speaking to the very nice firemen and when Thomas returned to work or to Tour de France, because he decided to go to a room to switch on the TV when I continued working (!) - the firemen continued to sit down and talk outside for maybe 30 more minutes more and you may understand what I talk about when people here are sluggish and we know customers have now some times said I hope you will get a good day with not too much work, which Thomas today could only agree in when he said especially the last part of course only as a joke or what, Thomas (?) - and when Lars was here with another colleague helping Thomas on his private projects, they started singing a song about doing as little work as possible, and this is when I told them that the song they should sing is LETS WORK by Mick Jagger and when they did not know the song by the name of the title, I decided to play it for them through the Internet and I told them that the next time I meet them in the yard, I look forward to hearing
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them sing this song instead, so here it is my boys, and dont you think it is a FANTASTIC song? And just before I mentioned the title of this song, Lars came to think of a song he knows in the performance of Jimi Hendrix, which I know from the original by Bob Dylan, and it was All Along the Watchtower and I knew that this was inspired too with a message, which I am FAR TOO TIRED to go in detail with now but just maybe we have prepared a plan to reach the New World Order and we know to prepare for my entrance to the world scene too, which to be very honest with you is nothing I have neither the energy nor the nerve to do also because shyness and nervousness of the darkness has followed me always and eeeehhhh together with the opposite feelings too and we know my constant battle with the light and darkness inside of me but Bob is Bob and a watchtower is a watchtower so we are still looking for you is what I hear John and my mother say in sadness here and just for your information of course: At the end of the day, as often before, I was asked if I can forgive myself pushing me all the way to my extreme edge and usual I reply of course, I would do it myself if necessary and this is how we/me and me agree at the same time as the darkness as usual tries to convince me to answer this question by a no! Tour de France said that I am taken to my ULTIMATE edge; my nightmare will not be carried out and my mother/I will not die When I returned home from Falck, I switched on the Tour de France too at the same time as I started writing the script of today writing these lines now at 21.05 is at my EXTREME EXTREME not feeling very good to say the least but throwing up because of exhaustion is the closest I get and at 16.34 exactly when the favourites were to start the last climb of the mountain today, Contador thats me in this race you know who felt good legs coming to him yesterday taking time on the other favourites (!) was so unlucky that he was caught at a crash putting him at the behind of the field, but ten minutes later at 16.44, he was now at the front of the field attacking, which made the inspired commentators say a Spaniard with the desire for attack, his light thread has returned and he simply could not help himself, Contador and all of it is true about me too and the reason why Contador is capable of attacking at all! At 16.48 a French rider first crashed on his way down and shortly thereafter he went off the road by mistake into the entrance of a house, which made the bright commentator say I dont know if he thought they wanted to give coffee, which you know was to say warm feelings of the French to me this is what coffee as a symbol means and I was given the feeling that this is about Sarkozy being outside of influence on the world scene herewith manifesting himself (through his message
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to me a few weeks ago) and it was confirmed when the next Frenchman not long after drove off the road exactly at the same place and we know I did not see anyone else doing the same, so two French driving off the road at the same house is what it took to tell you about this message. And the commentators continued being inspired: No matter what, I will take my hat off for this and it is uncomplicated from here to the goal, which I was happy to hear after going through much pain. At 16.55, Contador was still attacking and they said ah, he is driving hot tempered, it is all wild, ALL wild (!), it is a mark of him, he WANTS to win and also there is NO dear mother (!) with the small Spaniard, he is a hard sneezer (I have been sneezing for days as a warning of a potential sickness HITTING me and told that this is to say that my mother and I cannot be killed anymore) and the HARDEST, which is and you know symbols all the way. At 16.58 they said the table is set for tomorrow, which was the symbol of normal life coming in here too, and at 17.03 they spoke of Contador first being at the back of the field, then having to ride all the way up to the front and from here he was the first man attacking, which they said it underlines his performance, put it in relief and it is rather wild. A Norwegian won the stage today and they sure have had a lot of success this year with Thor Hushovd as the most prominent and I understood that this was the old symbol of darkness too and here it was underlined by the fact that Thor had shingles (hell fire in Danish!) just before the Tour, which almost made him cancel the Tour but he decided o participate anyhow and he won and of course he is a symbol of my father, who also received hell fire some time ago, also have been in danger of dying and still winning this stage because of the darkness he has given me because of his total ignorance of me, which of course goes against his true wish and if only he knew .! The Jerusalem UFO forum: YOU WILL SEE AND HEAR MUCH MORE OF THIS UFO In Eligaels the man filming video 1 of the Jerusalem UFO Facebook group, a member the other day asked:

I also thought that the members of the forum could simply check me out and find my website, but NO they did not or at least they did not write about it, but it is quite interesting to see how people here believe in me for now at least which you know is not always my experience with family, friends, the system etc. --Finally, I decided to call it a day at 21.30 without writing the last chapter of today and without doing the edit of the two previous chapters before this, but I have decided to take a short break before continuing tomorrow and really because I have to be careful that I dont break down, which is the edge I am balancing on very much right now, but NOW I KNOW and that is that I will survive and thank you for this, which also goes to you Gloria.

22.2 21 July: The automatic voice makes it impossible to understand, but it is turning around together with the world
I have been thinking many times to communicating with this forum but I have decided to keep back until I would be ready with my Signs IV page including the decoding of the UFO, and today I thought that it would be alright to give this comment: Dreaming that Obama is suffering much because the world is not helping the disaster in Kenya much Another night at the same level with these dreams: I am reading a Swedish newspaper, Camilla and I need a loan to get our economy in order, and it is possible to get a loan through the newspaper online, we have tried it beJuly 2011


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fore, and I send an application for both of us, but I am the only one to be approved for a loan of 12.000 DKK, Camilla is rejected because for the years she should have contacted her doctor for something which is not important, which she however has postponed without doing it again and again. After the approval of my application I know that I have to visit a clothes store in Malm, Sweden, from where the loan will be paid out and I know it will take time to do and that I have to sail from Copenhagen on Saturday to do it, which I almost dont feel like doing, but after doing this, I see that I will finally receive a ticket for the final concert tour of Electric Light Orchestra playing in London. o Sweden is still good, the newspaper bad, so the way to good is going through bad not a news story really my dream maker(s) ! and I cannot remember what money is about but here it says that my mother, who in the dream is Camilla, is not approved and therefore I will have to continue my journey alone without support from the one person having the greatest importance to me, and it will take more suffering, i.e. sailing, before I will reach the final goal with the best music of all playing inside of my home at London and thatll be the day when the Devil will die and we know when everything of nothing has become everything of everything so to speak . Karen and I are sweethearts and I tell her that I dont want to play a game, which she says too, but I dont feel sure that this is exciting enough for her or if she will cheat me. o More of the nightmare and the Devil in disguise. I am at a meeting at a large table together with Obama and many country leaders of the world, Obama looks completely destroyed in his face and his left arm is shaking, which makes him look sick and because of this, he does not say anything. Something about sharing homemade chocolate of poor quality and rough people, who blows my face. The very kind Italian Prime Minister here very different to Berlusconi asks me a question and I tell him that difficult times makes people feel difficult, I have not been with you for long, but I look forward to be with you from now and I see the country leader sitting next to the Italian, who has bought a gift in Kenya for Obama, which is an extremely cheap boiler. o I am not the only one suffering going through this impossible time turning our world around as you can tell from Obama, but when you look at Obama at the television, you can probably not tell his extreme suffering the same way as no one at Falck can tell my extreme suffering (?) and that is except from Thomas, who has noticed a couple of my sighs when starting a new impossible day and also yesterday when I physically had to shake my head to shake off the darkness and just small examples shown for you Thomas as other people may have noticed small examples of the suffering of Obama? And Obama has strong roots to Kenya and is clearly not happy about the world doing nothing to help the disaster unfolding right in front of the eyes of helpers of

NGOs, which many of them are closing their eyes in despair too about the careless world we live in and one day not long from now, Obama, the whole world will shake their heads not understanding the brainwash they received and that they were not strong enough to do what is simple logic to do to help saving people from dying and to give everyone a decent life! I am at a store of mens clothes store in Hrsholm where I was first hospitalised at the back room of the store, but I left this room and went into the store to choose clothes and I end up choosing Bermuda short and T-shirts, and I see people almost stealing my place in the line to pay, but I decide to stand in line and I notice the beautiful weather. o Here I am thinking of my family accidently first hospitalising me in 2008, which I walked away from and here I am at the store again still with the knowledge of my family and the world and now I am choosing my clothes for the future, which you know is my self and the kind of person I chose to be. I am at the home of Sanna and Hans, my sister asks me to feed the dog in the kitchen and I see porridge, which smells nasty, and she asks me to bath it, and I see a very modern shower placed directly in the hall next to their coats etc., and the shower is so well designed that it is not supposed to spray water on the clothes, but I notice that it is not completely close, because some water not much runs down on some of the clothes. o This is to say that my sister and her husband is thinking of me, but they are misusing me to do work for them, and they only receive little water, i.e. suffering, because of the situation we go through now, and that will have to be compared to the water I take in here. Hans brother Lars and his wife Kirsten has the finest and most expensive bed at the back of a Volvo estate car, which has curtains on all windows, but still the bed is not good enough, they want to complain. I enter the car and now it is a Mercedes and it has two rows of seats in front besides the bed at the back. I take on the seat belt, which is almost impossible to get on. Later Sanna and Hans invite the family for dinner at Nrregade in Copenhagen, which has been transformed into a street of Restaurants, however almost all of them look very commercial with a plastic look, and finally we see a restaurant which looks somewhat more authentic, but we see that it includes boring food with no colours. I see Allan and Grete (Hans God mother and husband) shortly, I have not seen them for 12 years (in the dream, which may be approx. 3 years in real life). o I dont know what the bed is about, this is a new symbol and we know Lars and Kirsten could not reproduce themselves and are driving around with this on the shoulders of their lives, and here the car is changed into even better quality and we know I cannot explain this dream really but the last part is to say that my sister

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and husband are living a superficial life with lack of deep feelings of joy, love and happiness. At work I see a man playing guitar and I see a bus in the distance and wonder if I can reach it and if people are on their way out of or into the bus, but I believe that it is too far away from me. o Guitar is still CREATING, so this process has apparently not finished yet so this is why things are quite tough at the moment. The automatic voice makes it impossible to understand me, but it is turning around together with the world This morning at Falck, I was tired but I was happy to have silence at the office and I continued writing my memo, which went reasonable alright. I received some heartburn, negativity, direct indications of my old nightmare, feelings of sadness of not only my mother but also my father, but I did not experience the same EXTREME variations as I did yesterday, which in this respect is the most extreme day I have ever had. Christoffer was on guard today and we had agreed to have a meeting at 11.00 because I needed his help and knowledge of contracts with clients in order to decode the invoices, which almost killed me yesterday, and when he was out of the office first returning at 11.05 speaking on a telephone and first at 11.10 ready for the meeting, I told him that in my memo I write about the importance of keeping agreements exactly on time, which you can do when you plan carefully, but in the automatic mind of Christoffer, this was completely impossible to do because the officer on guard OF COURSE (!) has to answer the telephone when it rings, and service customers when they come and what if a client should ring with an urgent request here and now and we know MANY POOR EXCUSES because his mind is completely locked on the present system, and once again I had to tell you that you need to PLAN and to have people taking over this job while you hold the meeting as I have told him about before - and we know, his reaction (?) and only that this is completely impossible with us (!) at the same time as I could see his beginning turning out the whites of his eyes because he was starting to lose it (!), and Christoffer WHY DONT YOU LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY (?) instead of your own automatic voice telling you what is possible and what is not you need to OPEN up and let me say it again, you need to OPEN UP, OPEN UP AND OPEN UP and that means we know to OPEN UP (!!!) and that is THINK OUT OF YOUR BOX AND COMFORT ZONE AND THEN DO IT (!!!) and when I said this, I was told that underneath the surface, Christoffer knows that I am right and this was also the key in relation to my family because they automatically do the same as Christoffer because it is completely impossible that I am Jesus, but underneath the surface, they do know that I am right and this is how it is. At our meeting, Christoffer saw how the head office of rhus in several instances did not follow the right amounts to collect from clients according to his instructions and client contracts which was the first time he saw this, which almost made him speechless and we know TERRYFYING is what he said it was
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and this is also the feeling of my sister in relation to me and yes TERRYFYING to have such a crazy brother and we know with the addition that I am really not crazy as you do know is the case, Sanna (!) and when this is the case, the TERRYFYING is really that I am right and all you have to do is to connect the loose ends inside of your head and yes Stig this is where we are headed and this is what will happen when we have completed the turn around of the world, which also will be the case for your mother . My meeting with Christoffer ended up with him taking over this job with the invoices and rhus, which he will discuss with them at a meeting the 17th August, and this gave me much relief, so now I expect that he and I will take a new meeting next week to talk about options for him to carry on this project to build a new solution for the future, and this is really the basic idea, for me to help Falck understand the magnitude of poor work because of a wrong work attitude of Falck in general and for them to carry out the work themselves, and we know I told Jesper about this today with the recommendation for them to do a LEAN PROJECT and to put in the best resources and identify the right stake holders, so this is really what I was looking for. I cannot and will not do this work for them, but I can help motivate them doing it themselves. Julia overheard some of my teachings of Christoffer and later she asked me have you considered MANAGEMENT as a competence of yours and I replied that I have and that it is included on my CV, and this made for her nicely give me some idea of what I could do to implement my memo as I told her the key messages about (DECIDE FOR THE RIGTH ATTITUDE!) for example holding seminars to introduce the memo this way, and I thanked her for her ideas and told her that this would probably be the normal way of working, but I like people to be PREPARED and to start meetings/seminars at a much higher level and they therefore has to read and understand my memo first (!) and we know if Falck would like me to come back to help implementing the memo, I should be happy to do so if I have the time and also the priority to do it at the time they may ask, and if I do not- which just may be the situation because I may have moved on, you know - I am sure that other people will help? Afterwards I was happy that Julia had identified this competence of me, which was nice instead of being treated as a coolie, and we know which is an attitude which is changing with everyone here really . At the end of the day, Christoffer was invited by a colleague to play table tennis and when I left, I saw them playing on my way and Christoffer holding the bat upside down as the Chinese do and I thought it was about China now accepting me, that was the feeling, but we know table tennis is the old symbol of the battle between the light and darkness where China was belonging to the darkness and we know and now I dont know for sure what this is about has China really given in or are we still playing table tennis with them and no voices here, and again I will have to use the first feeling coming to me, which is that China has given in.

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Turning around the world is the last piece of the creation of our New Universe, which is bringing us tears of happiness Today at Tour de France, Andy Schleck was allowed to win to show you the effect my mothers reactions has on me and it was as the commentator said at 16.45 because of her despondency; she is paralysed because it is impossible to imagine and you know that thing with me. There was a beautiful picture of the last piece of the mountain stage, with the road leading up to the clouds, which made me feel my sister and the commentators said this is completely wild picture and sport does not get any more beautiful than this , which is where we are headed and that is directly towards HEAVEN, and that goes to U2, Bryan and here in one of your most beautiful songs . Later they spoke about Evans that he is all he way out on the border of what he can, they all are today and people are completely emptied today, which is you know what my family and I are because difficult times makes people feel difficult I am working on my extreme edge this month also in relation to me memo to Falck whether or not I will be strong enough to finish it on time at a high ambition level - and we know turning the world around requires quite some energy as you will understand? The commentators also spoke about this race give gifts every day and about the MIRACLE of Voeckler - still driving in the yellow jersey the commentators said tears of happiness and happy pills at the same time, this is too overwhelming and we know he has done what nobody thought he would be able to do and I could have written more about him yesterday and before that but I dont have enough energy to write ALL OF THE STORIES I receive at the moment, so I have to find the right balance. Rolf said who told you that the aggregate result would be turned around today, which you know was about the turn around of the world, which is what the gift above also was about and he continued by saying that I have no words for how great this is, this is one of the greatest stages, the commentators are as exhausted as the riders to underline that WE HAVE GIVEN EVERYTHING WE HAVE to do this not very easy work turning around the world. Later the GRAND OLD MAN, Jrgen Leth (!), said that this is the best stage I have seen for years it was the KING STAGE after all - and he repeated what he also said earlier: THIS STAGE IS MAKING THE WHOLE RACE WORTH WHILE and really saying that we are about to finish what we have dreamt about for many years, which is TO TURN THE WORLD AROUND AFTER THE CREATION OF A NEW UNIVERSE , which is making all of the tears of your life worthwhile and by now you will understand that this originally was part of the SECRET MESSAGES too (?) and do I have to say that this song is still sounding new to me and we know A HIT SONG it is if you ask me, which is what ALL OF THE SECRET MESSAGE album is and if you should be in doubt of what I speak of I can only say that this was my friend Jeff together with his friends of Electric Light Orchestra in 1983 (!)
One God, One People The final part of the CREATION of the New Universe is to turn around the world, which is making all of the tears of your life worth while. HAPPINESS IS COMING TO ALL . --I continued working to approx. 19.30 today making sure that I did not cross my edge but coming pretty close to it . FAITH IN ME IS WHAT IS GENERATING THE ENERGY OF THE WORLD Later in the evening I was told and also shown that the U.S. military base known as Area 51 is much bigger than what you should expect, and I was told that inside of this area, they have seen my coming to life through the awakening of old UFOs, which they had given up to find out who worked and yes my friends THE PROPULSION SYSTEM IS FAITH and it is the growing faith of you in me, which is switching on these vehicles and I was also told that people of other civilisations are helping to bring energy too for this difficult phase and the energy is called FAITH IN ME.

22.3 22 July: The ending of the old world order and the beginning of my New World Order
Dreaming of the ending of the old world order and the beginning of my New World Order Another night at the same level with these dreams: I am sleeping together with polar bears at my home an even one in my bed with its mouth very close to mine, which makes me anxious, however nothing happens. o This is to say hello to EXTREME HELL times xx and that is of course only potentially, because I have decided to never give up, and extreme work is what this month is about. I see a giant computer being created from scratch and the programmer has called it Stig and is now working to remove something, which is disturbing the Source code of the program. And I am shown this entire program as a physical object, which is moving when new life is entered. I see that some have put the secrets of the Universe inside a plastic box of cookies. My old school friend Allan arrives at a very big warehouse with big shelves full of large boxes on each side of the gangway and he throws a spear down the gangway, and when I see him, I tell him to come an give me a hug. o The computer program is simply the Universe, which is being disturbed by the remaining darkness. And my old friend Allan decided to read my previous published script, so this is really to welcome him back and maybe because of a growing understanding, Allan?


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I am in Paris, France, with only half a tank of petrol left on my car and no money, which means that I will not be able to drive all the way home to Denmark without lending money from someone on the way or by calling home. On my way I see two decorated busses, which are more worth now as used compared to the price as new and I see a sign of DR (tv) on one of them. o France is apparently close to me and the dream is saying that I dont have the energy required to do my work on the memo for Falck, which is the same as saying that my inner self does not have the energy required to turn the world around and the busses and television is still about my nightmare potentially stronger now than ever before and I had more dreams and also more explicit dreams tempting me with my nightmare.

world is not following my request to SPEAK OPENLY ABOUT ME (!) Saying goodbye to Jesper and Julia at Falck, who will not turn their back to me, or will they when reading my memo? Today at Falck I was almost happy to realise that I was not as tired as before and even though I am pushing myself to the extreme at the moment my memo for Falck is killing me (!) I feel myself inside of me becoming stronger almost day by day and this is extreme minus and positive at the same time and yes I am killing myself and living up myself at the same time (!). It was still requiring my extreme just to go to Falck and to keep on writing that memo, and I still received threats of my nightmare, and I still have to take in much air before starting each new chapter of the memo, but I did it again today. Today Robert was on guard and we are speaking the same language and in some respects he is following me entirely learning new habits to do his best cleaning up the office, controlling his work etc. and in some respects I see Robert as my new best friend, I really like that man much and not least because of his strength, which is fully back, and his humour. I went through some of my last questions with Robert on the invoice control, and he is now becoming more concentrated when we speak, but still he has a long way to go to focus on one thing at the time, and I am soon finished with what I have decided to do on this job. I decided that I will also have to write on my memo to Falck during the weekend and we know I am surprised myself that I can restore myself from one day to the next, which is almost the same as what the riders of Tour de France do. Today Jesper and Julia went on holiday, and this was therefore my last working day together with them I have two weeks left at Falck and Jesper was nice to buy cake for us, which however was paid by the company wasnt it (?) and WRONG it is (!) and I do believe Jesper is satisfied to have received confirmation that the invoice process of Falck is in disorder and I told him that he is welcome to contact me after receiving my memo, and he told me that he will call me (!) and we will see about that, Jesper (!), and I told him, Robert and Julia about the people of Farum Commune years ago supporting their mayor Brixtofte as their hero and when he was revealed, almost all people turned their back to him and both Jesper, Robert and Julia thought that this is the worst people can do, and of course you could not dream about doing the same to me, could you (?) and now I have given you a friendly warning of what NOT to do after receiving and reading my memo and that is if you dare to read all of my memo! Notes of ideas of what I COULD have written to John/my family to TRY once again to make them LISTEN and UNDERSTAND!!! This morning I received extreme feelings again about the answer of my mothers husband John to my email, which I also did
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I am in Sweden driving back to Roskilde in Denmark, where a train will take me to Copenhagen, where my car is parked. On my way I meet a frivolous travel organizer, who wants to sell me a travel, which I turn down. o I received the feeling of Roskilde as ros and kilde (praise and source), which was the Source inside of me praising me for my continuous work and we know I am going through suffering of the bus, i.e. my nightmare, to come to Roskilde, which is the old town of buried Kings in Denmark, and it is from here I am coming back to life, which you know is from out of nothing.

Sren Hs telemarketing company in Sweden has gone bankrupt, managers stole television from the islands, which has now been switched on revealing Srens company, which makes Sren drive away by train, and he is giving me 1,000 DKK when leaving because he knows that I dont have any money. A new company replacing Srens company have now started selling insurance, but it lacks an approval of the insurance schemes, which it sells, which first one airport is to give, but this airport refers to another airport abroad, which really does not know about the schemes of the new company. o Srens company is here also the old world order, the television of the islands is the light, which has revealed the old world and the money of Sren gives me the understanding that money is also a symbol of ENERGY so please keep on closing down the old world order to be replaced by the New World Order, which is what the new insurance company is about, and the dream here says that the airport, which is the darkness of the old world, has not yet approved my New World Order and if this is the case, I can only encourage you to communicate with me directly to give me your support and to spread the word of me to the media and to your people and if you are not wise enough as governments and country leaders to support a New World Order, the world will (!) and this is what the meaning of turning around the world is also about. o I woke up to the song theres a kind of hush - all over the world, which is really what this is about when the

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right after receiving it I simply dont understand how people can be so blind, deaf and stubborn refusing to do what it takes to understand (!) and right after receiving the email, I was planning to send a reply back, which I however have decided that I will not do to save my family from more extreme pain and please remember that what is extreme to them is what I bear the sum of my self and instead of writing to John/the family, I have decided to bring notes I have taken, which are ideas about what I could write and really because this may have historical interest in the future and when reading the notes you can see different roads I could have chosen, but first of all it tells you about my sadness that people REFUSE to understand me: Beder om jeres hjlp i princippet til at overleve. Beder jer blot forst sandheden. Dum-stdig uvilje. Overlader mig i princippet til at d p grund af misforstet uvilje og sorg uden at se klart. Hvordan tror du det fles at blive stemplet forkert og sindssyg? John, har du overvejet, hvad nu hvis du tager fejl. Har du overvejet, at du taler direkte imod Gud, hvor du tillader dine flelser jeg kan ikke holde det ud at overdve sandheden og enhver logisk tilgang til det, jeg fortller jer. Har du overvejet, hvordan man designer et skib, hvis ikke man laver en tegning frst? Har du overvejet, at dette er det samme som stivnakket at fastholde at bl er rd, hvor du er farveblind uden at ane, hvad du taler om, hvor jeg er selve den bl farve? JOHN: VGN OP (!) jeg er ikke et uhyre eller et monster, men stadig den gode gamle Stig, som jeg altid har vret. Det eneste monster, der er her, er inde i jeres hoved, der fr jer til at reagere bde voldsomt, forkert og negativt og alt dette har I kastet direkte i hovedet p mig uden at ane at dette er brndstof for helvede selv eller med andre ord, I har elsket mig, men jeres kraftige flelser har bedraget jer, og dette er hvad der har vret ved at sl mig ihjel i revis. Jeg fortller jer sandheden, men p grund af dum-stdig uvilje og en nagelfast forkert holdning har I hjernevasket jer selv til at bedrage jer selv. I har i princippet givet mig en ny ddsdom p grund af uvilje og negative flelser, der fr jer til at fle s stor en sorg, at I ikke evner at bruge nogle f timer p objektivt at forst sandheden. Det er beklageligt, men sandt. Jeg har blot skrevet sandheden til jer, og jeg kan ikke fortlle jer prcis hvor ondt, I gr mig og dette helt undvendigt p grund af jeres egne forkerte tvangstanker. Er det bedre at give mig en ddsdom og stoppe al kontakt end at forst, og gre os alle glade? I har vist, at dt, der er mere enkelt at forst end Sannas lederopgaver, er umuligt for jer at forst, fordi I ikke VIL gre den beskedne indsats, der er ndvendig for at forst. I har slet hrelsen fra og betragter som givet, at jeg er blevet frt bag lyset af mine stemmer (levende personer!), uden at forst, at det er jer selv, der frer jer bag lyset ved at ngte at forst. Er det virkeligt umuligt at f min nrmeste familie til at bruge nogle timer objektivt p at lse og forst, uden at I
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skal skabe jer tossede og ngte med henvisning til alle jeres misforstelser? I burde vide, at det ganske enkelt er umuligt at sge hjlp s du kunne blive befriet for dine stemmer og blive af med din smerte og jeg kan ikke fortlle, hvor ondt denne banale misforstelse/forngtelse efter flere r stadig fles, og hvor ondt det gr, at I ikke er i "stand" til at forst selv helt SIMPLE ting. I HAR BLOKERET JER SELV FULDSTNDIG P GRUND AF UKONTROLABLE FLELSER SE DOG AT VR STRK, GR HVAD DER ER RIGTIGT OG VGN OP!!! I KAN IKKE VIDE UDEN AT VIDE HVAD DET ER I BR VIDE og DEN ENESTE MDE er at I LSER OG FORSTR! Jeg gr til jer for at I kan hjlpe mig af med mine ulidelige smerter det er jer, der bringer mig dette helvede og jer, der er lsningen til at fjerne det blot ved at lse og forst (!!!) - men det har I ikke overskud til, fordi I beslutter, at I er for svage til det! Jeg beder jer blot gre det, der er rigtigt. Tour de France: The riders are emptying themselves as never before as my family and I are too to turn around the world This afternoon after returning home from Falck I worked 15 minutes extra because of the break with cake I switched on the famous Alpe dHuez stage of Tour de France, and this is some of what was said with inspired voices: When Contador drove away from Andy Schleck, the commentators said he is doing great damage to him/them, he is also digging deep inside of himself which is about the damage of myself and my mother - and I felt the TRUE spirit of my mother when one commentator said this is a fantastic race, I have said it many times before and I gladly say it again, and this was simply the spirit of my mother telling me that we are on right track doing what is IMPOSSIBLE to do, and this is what I have been told all day long too, which is that I/we are doing what is TRULY IMPOSSIBLE to do and we know turning the world is NOT easy to do, and this is why these riders of Tour de France have simply given EVERYTHING they have as a symbol of us, which made the commentators say they are completely emptied they dont drive up with the speech they normally ride up with at Alpe dHuez. And Contador kept on driving making them say at 17.22 that an inner fire is burning inside of this Spaniard and about Andy Schleck they said that he is marked by his 62 kilometres MONSTER eruption yesterday, and you know MONSTER is a word I have been given too, and this is what my physical mother has released because of her EXTREME reaction to my email. About Contador they said that it is a big work he is doing, which is true both about Contador and my work on the memo to Falck, and they continued saying that this is too wild and incredible (after Contador was written off yesterday) and to defeat each other, they have emptied themselves completely and they also said that he was so far down inside a deep hole in the ground and now he is about do dig himself up followed buy he
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does not look like dying right now, he is very much alive, which is about my inner self waking up using myself as Stig as my human shelf and that I am NOT dying right now, my friends and they said that this is a master worthy, all honours worth and it is PURE will, he does not have the form to do what he does today, which is the same as me you know and also an approval of what I do even though I may not win the aggregate Tour de France through my symbol of Contador the same way as I did not win the Wimbledon tournament through Nadal, but we did our absolutely best despite of injuries. When driving up, the leader in yellow, Voeckler, was booed at by spectators and later the commentator said I dont understand the scene from before where Voeckler was booed at, and he does not understand it himself, he became VERY angry and this was a symbol of my family booing at me, which made me angry or really sad more than anything else as you can see from my comments in the previous chapter of today. At the end, the winner of the stage today was a FRENCH rider, Pierre Rolland, and the commentator said that his name will become gilt-edged in this country, and we know another symbol of the support I receive from the government of France, which will make my name well known . Elijah once gave up but has now learned to trust in you and wait patiently for normal life to come I cannot tell you just how happy you made me, Elijah, for sending me your FANTASTIC POSITIVE AND ENCOURAGING EMAIL this is what UNDERSTANDING and FRIENDSHIPS do to people as I have said all along, it makes people HAPPY and misunderstandings make people sad and in my case misunderstandings of my family and friends including you, Elijah - could have terminated the world with all life, but we are still here and better late than never. WELCOME BACK as a believer the dream about Elijah and his wife the other day may have been from the darkness and you are perfectly right: PATIENCE AND PERSISTENCE are key words and I may include FAITH in me, which was the name of the game for you, my friend (!) - and when keeping these, one day the LIGHT will spread all over you, your family, village, country, region and the whole world, Elijah, and not least because you have decided to trust in me. Thank you very much and please give all my best to your entire family, and I am thinking here how your children must have grown since I saw them now two years ago. Tell them that I WILL BE BACK, which are the words I am given her and I dont know when, but I still have a promise to fulfil and that goes to your rural village as the first including your family to receive NORMAL LIFE and this is what I will keep! And here is his email: PATIENCE ! YES NAME OF THE GAME! Dear Stig, Patience and Persistence are the key words to share with you

today. I have not been able to write to you, i truly apologize stig. But alas, here i im today. Im fine and so is my family !. It takes some time for me to be in a cyber, but i have constantly been reading your scripts and following each event as it happens. I would like to thank you for your continued support at this difficult times. I have learned to trust in you and wait patiently for normal life to come. My very encouraging words is to ask you to keep your spirits up and not give up. I once gave up and wouldn't like any of us to go through what i went on. Soon i will be up in my spirits and taking my leadership roles to move to the next level! Trust in me and our support in general. Warm Regards, Elijah. David is also passing through troubled waters Today I received this short message from David in Kenya through Skype on the Internet: Hallo stig, i have been unwell and passing through troubled waters. And I was DEAD BEAT too but also the contrary just underneath my shelf and I decided to give him this short reply: Hallo David, I am sad to hear this, and I can only tell you that it is difficult times also here but NEVER GIVE UP and that is NO MATTER WHAT!!! YOU WILL BE GIVEN A LIFE TOO; DAVID, IS WHAT I AM TOLD HERE. Please carry on, my good friend. We are defeating sickness and poverty, and you are a chosen servant of God, who will have to go through severe sufferings before you will experience HAPINESS too . The importance of the symbol of the kitchen of the cultural yard in Helsingr On TV2 Lorry I saw this evening that the politicians of Hesingr Commune now wants to do what it takes to get the kitchen of the Cultural Yard approved even to build a new if needed and this is the ultimate symbol of bringing normal life to the world and when I watched this clip, I received SEVERE PHYSICAL PAIN and told that the reason why this kitchen is not up and running is because of the risk of my mother and I dying and we know we just have to go through some difficulties here at the end before this kitchen will be set up and work and when it does, it is the symbol saying that normal life has now been cleared, which is to be implemented for the world. People all of the world are in shock over the SUDDEN disaster of Norway, but are WILL DEAF and careless about East Africa!!! Today I was as APPALLED as the rest of the world to see what looks like the MAD WORK of one man in Oslo, Norway, when he blew up a bomb in the centre of town and decided to kill almost
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100 young people at a political youth camp, and I can only send my thoughts and goodwill to all victims and thinking that THINGS WILL IMPROVE FOR EVERYONE and that we will have to go through HELL to REACH THE SUNSHINE ON THE OTHER SIDE and this was part of the EXTREME HELL we once again are going through and we know which is released by the MONSTER reaction of my mother and you do remember the Norwegians winning in the Tour de France and the symbol of Norway as darkness, and this is where we directed the surplus of it this time, and I was told that Norway was chosen as target in stead of Denmark because of a replacement of thoughts and also that this is also to save my mother.

and of course it has to be, because the camps are run by the world community and we know READ OUR LTO MEMO about Dadaab - A Living Hell on Earth and also LISTEN TO MIMI JACOBSEN and others reporting about the conditions at the camp and UNDERSTAND AND REACT TO HELP PEOPLE FROM DYING, and we know they keep living in an even worse Hell with the WILL DEAF world not reacting exactly the same as my family in relation to me, and what can you do about that when people refuse and wrongly block up (?) and what about this: CREATING A NEW WORLD AND BRING NEW MINDS TO ALL PEOPLE this is what we are doing and will wake all of you up and we know step by step you know. When I posted my script on Facebook, I also wrote the following comment: Vi tnder naturligvis et lys for Norge, men samtidig er vi ligeglade med den langt strre katastrofe i st Afrika, hvor verden tillader millioner at sulte, trste og ogs at d en grufuld dd, fordi vi har mere travlt med at feste, spise p SKNNE restauranter, holde dyre ferier, g p udsalg og spille mere golf! Kan du se det, og hvad gr du ved det? Ingenting ...?

People all over the world are in shock over the SUDDEN disaster of Norway today, but you dont understand and care about the much worse disaster of East Africa and Dadaab? And as the text to the picture above says, this is yet again an example of the SMALL MINDS of people of the world NOT understanding that even though the disaster of Norway is terrible and the worst, it is still NOTHING compared to the situation of East Africa and the refugee camp of Dadaab, where children and people are buried every single day all of the time with the world almost not reacting how many are supporting Dadaab on Facebook because of your shock and compassion (?) - and the reason is that they dont want to understand (!) and we know because they are LAZY and IGNORANT and just look at the Danish TV hosts speaking about the situation, where their IGNORANE stink far away (!) for example believing that it would be much better for starving people of Somalia to come to well-regulated conditions at the refugee camps in Kenya (!)

--Ending the day with saying that I receive the expected rejections on the applications I have sent over the last weeks, and I will not mention every one but only if there should be a story worth telling. Today I kept on working until 20.00 using EVERYTHING I HAD and I am not done with all of the last three days of scripts, but almost I need maybe 1-2 hour more, which I will do tomorrow morning before publishing these three days of scripts and we know Stig, they should clearly be the most difficult of all to write and publish, which they were on one hand, but on the other, it was still piece of cake to do . And finally at 10.00 the 23rd July, I managed to publish the scripts, and we know MUCH WORK to do but not impossible.

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25. The Trinity: We have reached the end of creation bringing eternal life as a wonderful gift to my children
1. SUBJECT 23rd July: The victory of normal life, transforming into my TRUE self and I ask Australia to publish my arrival SUMMARY Dreaming of Elijah carrying my bag keeping me alive (!) because of his faith when going through new troubles, Pia and Peter as examples of people who simply cannot take understanding me, which is removing my energy and killing me, a GIANT Nazi, whom I could not keep out of my house on his way to a school class to kill them, which is what killed the Norwegians yesterday - uncontrollable darkness and four identical men and four identical men with three of them being the Trinity including me and the fourth is Obama as my mirror image, who proves to the world that even though the physical world was turned around, it is still possible to do what is simple logic to do! Yesterday evening I received a call through Skype from whom I thought was David from Kenya, but it was from a bad guy, who apparently still tries to steal Davids identity to steal money from me as they also did yesterday MORE EXTREME DARKNESS. I was happy receiving an email the other day from my old colleague and friend Pedro in Portugal. He is now out of a job, is making money on investments without working (!), and I wrote that this is an unsustainable system of the world and gave him an appetizer of my scripts including some of the same information as to my family the other day clairvoyant readings on me and the Jerusalem UFO which I hope will start waking him up too . The individual time trial of Tour de France was the decisive battle to win the entire race between no. 1 and 2 of the race, Andy Schleck and Cadel Evans symbolising my mother and my new self and the question was if the darkness sent out from my mother should defeat me/us or if Cadel Evans from Australia, symbolising our New Universe, should be victorious, and the answer was given because I continued doing my work all along: Evans won, which is to say that this is the proof that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE when you have not been born on a country road cycle, but first changes over later, which is what Evans did when changing from a mountain to a road bike and what I am doing when changing from a life of being no one (!) to a life of being my re-awakened and TRUE inner self, do you see? An Australian won the race, and I said half a year ago that I would market my self in Australia. I therefore kindly ask the Australian PM and Government to inform the media and world about my arrival, will you please? I have gone through a fairytale transforming into a swan . Dreaming of using a secret entrance to exit the darkness, the attacks of the nightmare on me is destroying information of my previous self of a previous Universe, making love to a beautiful woman as part of my nightmare, a micro SD card costing less than 1 DKK to manufacture (?) is sold for 300 DKK, which is an example of the old world order, which is coming to an end, South Korea is an example of a free nation censoring its media to exclude stories of UFOs and me STOP this immediately (!), I am busy doing much work in a short time feeling that I dont have enough energy to do this - but I do, receiving a bigger car because of growing faith of the world in me and this is Genesis followed by an impossible new beginning. In continuation of the tragedy of the killings of Norway, I ask the world to understand that God is NOT killing people; this is deflection of the darkness - generated by the darkness/evilness of mankind self (!) - to help all reaching eternal life at our New Universe of light only, and the road leading there could have meant the deaths of many millions of people and sufferings of even more or what could be even worse (!) - if God had NOT taken on as much darkness as possible on himself inside of me.

This is page 99 of this month still including a HYDRA: On our way to party like its 1999 out of time :


24th July: The tragedy of Norway: God is NOT killing people, but saving millions of people from the same tragedy!

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The tragic death of the MEGA-STAR Amy Winehouse because of her addiction to drugs, makes me tell you once again: Stop all use of drugs including cigarettes (!), remove the freedom of people temporarily if needed (!) and STOP ALL PRODUCTION OF DRUGS EFFECTIVELY! The inspired commentators of Tour de France gave me the stories of faith of people is awakening my true self, which will change all people alive to bring normal life for all, they spoke of starting this tour, the symbol of my entire journey, at a completely different world, which is TRUE because we have now created a New Universe replacing the old (!), the song quiet before storm (stille fr storm) is about the reactions of the world, which will occur when the world will understand about my return, my worst nightmare was to fight the Devil all of the time having to be stronger than it knowing that if I was not which I truly was not (!) the world would cease to exist (!), in case I could not continue fighting the darkness as my old self, I would be awakened as my new self, which however would mean that we would lose information of previous Universes, which is the reason why I continue working as my old self to finalise this work doing my absolutely best despite of being COMPLETELY SMASHED today as one of the worst days. The slaughter of Norway has written in a diary that I will be labelled as the biggest (Nazi-) monster ever witnessed since WW2, which are the EXACT same words I received in my dream of the unstoppable Nazi on his way to kill people and the MONSTER, which the darkness generated because of the wrong feelings of my mother. This was part of the plan as World War II was too in order to deflect darkness and to save the world (!), which is what we expect will cause the biggest storm of the world when they will be told. How will you receive me when you will understand that I was Adolf Hitler in my previous life (?) will you understand and be happy to be alive or accuse God as a killer (?), this is your test. Dreaming of going through an impossible obstacle course of the darkness, which requires all of my discipline to go through (continuing to doing my work), we are still receiving more information of previous Universes through the darkness, Kenyans slandering of me, sending light to the spirits of my mother and father working at the old Universe when needed, a previous version of myself is now part of me helping to convert more darkness to light, I did wrong in the 1990s when I used a WRONG system of Denmark/Sweden to move to Sweden to save on taxes, Jack has helped bringing faith of the world in me, but he and military organizations do not have the attitude to give up means of power and destruction, which may lead to a war for or against me, which will destruct parts of the Universe as the consequence, and do you really want to hurt me and the Universe because of the BAD HABITS of your culture or do you want to join the club to help me bring a new beginning to the world? This morning, a small wonder took place when my computer by it self opened up the website of Google books, which had chosen three books for me: 1) Frankenstein, 2) Pride and prejudice (an IMMORAL love story), and 3) Wonderful Stories for Children by the world famous Danish author of fairytales H.C. Andersen. This was the Trinity saying that we have reached the end of re-creation with life created from out of nothing (book 1), based upon the greatest love in the world which will bring us ETERNAL life (book 2), which is a WONDERFUL GIFT for all of my children just as in the best fairytales . At Falck my sneezes of the last couple of weeks continued and I was told that these are the characteristic sneezes of my mother, which she has always had, which have always shaken the world and which I have taken on as much as possible myself to spare the world from destruction! I continued WRITING WRITING and WRITING my memo, which is now 84 pages and growing, and together with my script of July, so far I have written approx. 200 pages this month the longest ever showing you the strongest darkness ever.


25th July: The Trinity: We have reached the end of creation bringing eternal life as a wonderful gift to my children

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25.1 23 July: The victory of normal life, transforming into my TRUE self and I ask Australia to publish my arrival
Dreaming that Elijahs faith is keeping me alive when I am going through new troubles, which otherwise could kill me I had a night at the same level with these dreams: Unfortunately I had poor notes of this one: Something about not walking around in mud, Elijah carrying my bag, we are going and new troubles at land where people wants to kill me and Elijah receives my heavy bag. I tell people to know me is to love me. o This is the importance of Elijah, he is carrying my bag, i.e. creating the road for my return to life and when Elijah did not believe in me, he was killing me and the entire Universe, so we are all happy to have you back, Elijah . My friends Pia and Peter from Hrsholm have invited me for dinner with the most delicious smoked ham. When I explain about myself, Pia simply refuse to listen and she tells me it is not true what you say, which hurts me incredible to hear and she continues it is the same as your neighbours not believing in you, whom you owe money and I know that there is nothing to do, she has decided not to listen. o This dream is about another example of friends I lost because of their inability to listen/read and understand convinced that their guessing is the truth as so many others, which is what is removing my energy and we know killing me. People dont like to read, they feel disgusted and become weak, which is preventing them. o I woke up to one of the most beautiful Danish songs of all time, which is Stille fr storm (quiet before storm) sung by Lis Srensen and the lyrics S vidt vi ved, Er himlen bl, Og kursen kap det gode hb (as far as we know, the heaven is BLUE, and the course is the Cape of Good Hope), which is saying that we are still sailing on the water, which may become ROUGH when a new storm is coming (?) but still the heaven is BLUE, which is to say that this is still the road of ME/GOD on our way to GOOD HOPE for everyone. Inside of my house I am using a cutting torch to keep all attacking German soldiers of World War II from entering my house through the ceiling, but suddenly I see a giant Nazi coming through the wall, he is unstoppable and now on his way to the class room full of people, whom he wants to kill. o These soldiers are killing people to deflect the darkness, which I am not able to deflect myself which is what World War II ALSO was all about and here the giant NAZI is the MONSTER who was sent to Norway to kill all of these people yesterday I was also briefly given the strong thoughts this murderer received, which he could not control and now I cannot remember it precisely but it was THE STRONGEST DARKNESS OF HATE where peoOne God, One People


ple simply had to pay this is what led him (!) - and the reason why they were killed was because I have decided to protect my self, my mother (and father) and special friends the most (before the Universe), and if I had not, my mother would have been killed in stead (!), and it is also connected to my scripts and work, because the more and the better I do my impossible work, the less of this GIANT MONSTER will be released to the world, and this morning I had quite strong darkness to fight myself, which became easier after I published the last three days of scripts because of governments/organizations reading my script in disguise (!) and the relief (because he is still here) and support of these is what made the darkness reduce noticeable not long thereafter. I had a short dream I dont remember much of other than seeing four men in a living room, they were all brothers and said that they were identical, but when looking at them, they all had the same slim shape of the face and three had the same type of beard, but the fourth man had the complete opposite beard of the three others. o I dont believe I have written it, but for a long time, I have thought about and felt that I was made opposite compared to people of the world, which is the simple reason why I could see things straight when writing my teachings in a physical world turned opposite to the spiritual world. The tree identical men are the Trinity including me, and the fourth man with the opposite beard has to be Obama as my mirror image, who was put on Earth with the view of the opposite world and still it should be possible to see things straight, which is what Obama is proving to the world and we know we are now all turning around, so we will be on the same plane making it easy to understand me and impossible to understand why it was so impossible to understand what is simple logic (my teachings) and we know because we had turned the world around to come through the impossible judgment . I also had quite strong sexual dreams still part of the old nightmare.

More darkness of the MONSTER coming through bad guys misusing Davids identity Yesterday evening I received a call through Skype from whom I thought was David from Kenya, because it was his account, which was used to call me, but when I could not recognise his voice, I stopped speaking I was tired (!) which made the man hang up after saying hello several times and it made me write this to David thinking that it could have been him if he was VERY cold maybe: Hi David. I could not hear if it was you calling yesterday evening, it did not sound as you, and because I was very tired, I simply became speechless, but you are very welcome to call back, and let us hope everything works out fine this time.

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This morning, David wrote this: Hallo. It was not me calling. I just sent a line yesterday. Am weak and stressed up. But I thank the Lord I have managed to see another day. And I send this reply: Thank you, David - then I don't know who called me before he hung up. But Skype clearly said that he called using your Skype account, so you may still be "monitored" by some "bad guys" as you also did last year, so please take your precautions. David wrote back: I have changed my password. I hope that no one shall be able to log into account now. And I ended by saying: Thanks, and have a good day, I am sure you will be CURED soon, my friend. Which made David write: Thanks. I have not been able to see most of the team. I saw Elijah yesterday and hope to see John today and Meshack early next week. Good day too and bye. So it looks like David is still monitored by some bad guys, who are trying to steal his identity to steal money from me as they also tried last year, which is more darkness from this MONSTER you know. Pedro in Portugal is now without a job and surviving on unsustainable investments. It is time to wake up, Pedro The other day I was happy to receive an email from my old colleague and friend Pedro from Portugal after he saw that I had visited his linked-in page, and among others he wrote this to me: As you should know from the news the economy in Portugal is very fragile at the moment. There are a lot of companies closing doors and a lot of young people with qualifications but without jobs moving to others countries. The official unemployment rate is around 12%, but the real should be around 14%. And the expectations are to be worse. We should be in recession this year until 2013 at least. We begin to talk in restructure public debt (defaulting) and in leaving Euro zone. The future from the West coast of Europe is sunny and dark!! I spend a lot of time trading and thanks god, at least I make some money on that. But it is a very stressful and solitaire life. Spending to much time on the computer...... I would like to do others things, but not sure if that will be possible in a near future.

When reading his email, I received the thought that it is now time to start waking up Pedro too, so I sent him an email based on what I also sent to the family recently - a combination of clairvoyant readings on me and the Jerusalem UFO also including the following introduction, so we will see how he will react to this and hopefully he will start reading more carefully compared to what he did after my previous email months ago, where I noticed that he only read a few of my pages and only for one day, and I dont believe he has visited my site since but I am not totally sure about this because I do receive some visits from Portugal from time to time. Hi Pedro, I am always happy to hearing from you, but sad to hear that you are now out of a job as so many others are too, which simply is because of a WRONG order of the world, and you may like to read the New World Order included on my website at, which should be simple logic for people to understand is much better and sustainable for the world. When millions of people today do like you trying to make profits on "investments", which is totally without production, it should be easy to understand that this cannot continue keeping up the world, some day the "bubble" had to crack, and this is what you are seeing, Pedro. I am continuing my work, which is to write about how to improve as human beings - behaviour, communication and work moral - together with this New system of the world, how to share all wealth to remove poverty - give everyone a "normal life", to improve the moral of the media (take News of the World in UK as example) and I do hope you some day will find it "interesting" enough to become one of my loyal readers, which is what it takes to understand that our world is now changing for the better. This is what is happening, Pedro, and most people like you (?) - are totally unaware of it. I include some information below as an "appetizer" for you, which I hope will OPEN UP YOUR MIND? Take care and say hello to your family. I hope everyone is doing fine. The victory of normal life, transforming into my TRUE self and I ask Australia to publish my arrival Today an individual time trial made up the decisive stage of Tour de France the second last which included the following stories about the final fight of the victory of the entire race between no. 1 before the stage today, Andy Schleck, and no. 2, Cadel Evans, given through comments of the inspired Danish commentators: 16.12: The time has stopped in Australia, people are following, which was not only about Australians following the Australian rider Cadel Evans but I received the feeling that it was also about the Australian government following me, and you know I would be happy receiving an email from you for you to send to your media too - which could make my old friends Vivian and
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Sren in Australia as symbols of the world - starting to believe in me. Later at 16.40 they spoke about Andy Schleck freezing time our New Universe is out of time - these comments came after I wrote my reference to Princes 1999 and the lyrics out of time earlier in the beginning of the script of today and this is really a song to also be used as CELEBRATON OF ETERNAL LIFE COMING - and it has become worse since, which was about my mother freezing, which is suffering because of me and when he was losing time to Cadel Evans, they said that it must be like knives in the back to receive these reports, which again was about my mother feeling very bad because of me. About Evans, they said among other things that it looks fantastic, the work is connecting, which was both about his and my work really, and it became clear that it would only be a matter of time before Cadel Evans would take over the aggregate lead from Andy Schleck, which is then what he did you could see the seconds counting down on TV and when it happened, the commentator said what madness (!) after 3,300 kilometres it is now equal and here the lead changed and at 17.00 they said about Evans now he is flying out over, which is what he literally did, and flying is the symbol of my work and because I continued working without being stopped all the way to the end, I succeeded to overtake the lead and yes I now write that Cadel Evans is the symbol of me, which became clear to me during this stage, when I received the feeling and understanding that Contador is the symbol of my old self my life including the spirits of my mother and father inside of me being no one really (!) and that of course it had to be a rider from AUSTRALIA, who was to be my new self because I wrote maybe half a year ago that Australia to me is the best symbol of normal life combining the human face of the poor world and the material life of the rich world our New Universe - and this was why Dennis, I believe, said at 17.06 that this is the proof that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE when you have not been born on a country road cycle, but first changes over later and this is because Evans used to ride a mountain bike and as you can tell what he really said was that I have now changed over from my old life as no one to become my own self; I am now Stig both as my TRUE inner self and my physical self and the spirits of my mother and father will of course always continue to be part of me, but now I am myself and we know THANK YOU TO THE WORLD TO COME AND GET ME and IF IT WAS NOT FOR YOU, I would not be alive and that goes to the world too . Later they spoke of Andy Schelck again after he did so well during previous days and I felt my sister when they said I have to say again that it is merciless and brutal, which is you know telling you about the feelings of my sister including my mothers husband John and that is because they believe I am so merciless and brutal being responsible to make my mother almost bleed again and since this is the name of the game of the Devil, I have to say that they are wrongly blaming me for how my mother is feeling without understanding that they are the ones making both my mother and I almost bleed, but some day soon they will know.

They spoke of Contador leaving the race in a beautiful way he did a fantastic race today and that is because he NEVER GIVES UP and that is NO MATTER WHAT and in their words it became he did not win but he fought much resistance and he shows great humanity and character to fight like this and this is really what I ask the world to show too. And they concluded that it is Evans self winning this, through an individual time trial, which is to say that I completed my journey as an INDIVIDUAL abandoned by the world (except from LTO!) the journey to reach the other side going through Hell bringing the Universe with me and on the other side, I am connected with my true self, my re-awakened old self meaning that the man I used to be the man giving us this victory is not anymore, I have become my old self but I am still the man I have always been because I take with me all of myself, which includes my past. So Contator was my old self, Evans is my new self symbolising the New Universe and what could be more appropriate than Australia sending out information about my arrival to the world (?) and yes I am asking Julia Gillard, the Australian Prime Minister, and her government if you would be so kind to do this (?) and I am feeling Obama much here so is this in coherence with what Obama may have told you already (?) and we know I SAID HALF A YEAR AGO THAT I WOULD MARKET MY SELF IN AUSTRALIA, SO THIS IS WHAT I DID . And I know now why I was encouraged to listen to the radio station of Siouxsie & the Banshees at when writing this chapter and that is because the BRILLIANT song into a swan by Siouxsie was played and ISNT THIS A STRONG AND POWERFULL SONG and we know I cannot think of any STRONGER (!) this is how I feel at the inside of me underneath my shell - and this is where the fairytale comes through, this is where I transformed from the ugly duckling and we know into a swan as the Danish author H.C. Andersen writes so beautifully about. Here is the amazing song into a swan by Siouxsie: Today's a jubilee, don't be surprised this change is my design: I feel a force I've never felt before, I burst out, I'm transformed: FROM THE UGLY DUCKLING OF NO ONE INTO A SWAN AS MY OLD AND TRUE SELF --Today I worked from 07.35 to 10.00 to finish writing and publishing the three days of scripts before this one, and I continued after a long bath and lunch until 16.00 to write the script of today, to write two new job applications and also to send my email to Pedro above, and later I also wrote the chapter on Tour de France until 18.30. I was still much less tired today so I am feeling people believing in me, but I am still receiving more negative speech and a little nightmare too, which I would like to be without, but better is what I am feeling.

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25.2 24 July: The tragedy of Norway: God is NOT killing people, but saving millions of people from the same tragedy!
Dreaming of South Korea as an example of a free nation censoring its media to exclude stories of UFOs and me Another night at the same level and surprisingly some more dreams: I am standing at the stairs at the train platform level at Copenhagen central station. There are two pairs of stairs, people use those in front and I am standing at the back stairs, which are my secret entrance to the ground level of the central station. Something about who will arrive first, I see my previous girlfriends son from rhus coming, turning into a gun, which flies over my head, I bend down and seek shelter behind a half-wall, he shoots at me and I throw a stapler at him, which knocks him down and makes him fall. We are now at a record company and I see the Son who should have brought a CD with three rare recordings, which however were not of the best audio quality. o This may be a dream one of many which I and the world will first fully discover the meaning of later, but today it is to say that after my journey I use a secret entrance to come out of the darkness, and as far as I understand the previous Son is here my old self from a previous Universe inside the darkness, who is attacking me and the dream says that I shoot him down using a stapler, which is a reference to Julia at Falck because she used to come to me to borrow a stapler often until I gave her a stapler of her own one day and therefore to the nightmare of my mother, so in other words, the attacks of the darkness seems to destroy information, but I can only repeat that my goal is to become 100% perfect, so when the Source is above nothing and everything, you may be able to recreate this information later through me as part of you. And I do fear that the death of Amy WINEHOUSE see the chapter later today - is a symbol of loss of life and information from THE HOUSE OF WINE, which is the symbol of everything, as the prize we are paying going through the impossible turn around of the world. o A couple of hours later I was told by this other part of me from a previous Universe coming to me from my right the same place as the spirit of my mother that HE IS ALIVE AND KICKING now through me so the message is about loss of information and NOT life! I am at a party where I see a young couple finding each other. I find a young beautiful lady, but she is not interested in me, but I am an expert in telephones and when I explain her about her telephone, she becomes very interested in me and we make love. o My old nightmare, which I have NOT accepted for you to do!


I am driving in the southern part of Sweden, where I would like to buy a new house, but I cannot find a site to build on. I am going home to Denmark, where I would like to buy a television by the brand of Samsung, there is a sale at Tape Connection and I have seen an advertisement with a 21 TV at a good price of 4,500 DKK, and when I arrive at the store, first of all I see that it is not tidy, which gives me a very poor impression, and the sales man tells me that Friday last week they had a special offer for a Samsung TV below 3,000 DKK, which he now can offer to me to a new special price of 3,300 DKK, but this model is not the model I would like and when I see the model from the add, the sales man tells me that it automatically adjust the picture, so it does not include the lines/names, which for example the news brings, which I might find annoying, and when I ask of the option to have the TV delivered, they tell me that all of their delivery cars are stuck but I can of course bring one of my own, and they tell me that such a delivery car will cost 1,300 DKK and the total price including the TV will be 5,500 DKK, which surprises me because it is more than my budget and expectation of 4,500 DKK as the add said. o Sweden is still my land of not confusion, Phil & Co. (!) but joy and happiness, so just saying that we are not home yet, and this dream is inspired by Robert the other day asking me to check a price for a 8 GB SD-micro card with the supplier Lyreco, which I was going to call anyhow, and it was 300 DKK, which made me tell Robert and a colleague that the production price may be below 1 DKK, so what you see here is EXPLOITATION of the worst kind, and these cards are normally made in nations such as Japan, China or Korea and here the dream includes one of the larges electronic manufacturers of the world, Samsung from South Korea, and the television is to say that this is DARKNESS of profit hunting Devils (!) and the special prices changing from day to day will also become history a part of the old world because in our New Universe, prices will be based upon the true production price without profits as you can read from my page of the New World Order, and I received the feeling that the strange picture of the news on this TV was to say that the FREE nation of South Korea is CENSORING the media of the country and we know DONT BRING NEWS OF WHAT MAY DISGRACE THE GOVERNMENT including UFOs and a man called Stig - so my dear people STOP CENSORING OF THE WORLD IMMEDIATELY (!), do what is right to do!!! o The delivery cars of this store are stuck meaning that the old world order is coming to an end.

I am at a business travel lasting for days at the island of Funen in Denmark, where I am holding pension seminars, Kim S. calls me and tells me that FC Copenhagen won by 2 to 0 against Aalborg in a close match, and he asks me if I am ready to do a seminar for self employed tomorrow evening in Copenhagen, which I accept to do also knowing that I will have to prepare the presentation first tomorrow morning and after this I will have to drive back to Funen. I beJuly 2011

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lieve I cannot afford to pay for the ferry from Funen back to Zealand, but I am surprised to see that my debit card is working. o The work I am doing is to teach people about our New Universe and how to enter it I am still winning in this on-going football match against the darkness and the dream also says that I have much work to do in a short time with the feeling that I dont have enough energy to do it but to my surprise I have now filled my tank of energy enabling me to go all the way. I am driving a fine Toyota Avensis to the car dealer, I have received a new job and am now entitled to get the largest model of Opel or Toyota, and I decide to look at the latter, which is a model called Atlanta, and at the dealer I also notice an Alfa Romeo 156, which has a dashboard completely made by wood, I notice another visitor backing the car into a wall, and on my way to see the Toyota car, I think that I may settle for a smaller car, and just before waking up I hear this is Genesis followed by an impossible new beginning. o A bigger car is to say that more people are believing in me, I am becoming stronger. The Alfa Romeo is also about joy and happiness coming and the dashboard entirely made of wood is to say that this is how far we have come creating the New Universe, which is now WOOD ALL OVER as a symbol of LIGHT ALL OVER, the other car backing into the wall is the car of my mother and the car is called Atlanta, which may be to fight the darkness represented by Coca Cola, which headquarter is in Atlanta. So inspired of the dream, here is Genesis with a HAPPY song called Jesus he knows me - and yes Phil & Co., I do know you as I know every single soul of the world . If you promise to be good, try to be nice, God will take good care of you and then everything's gonna be alright (please dont misuse my name and works as in the song). The tragedy of Norway: God is NOT killing people, but saving millions of people from the same tragedy! My old school friend Sren looking like a nurse in his disguise on the picture below decided to write the following comment on Facebook, and Sren I remember you as a very likeable person, but here I have to say that the answer to your question is right in front of your nose because you could simply have decided to READ my previous script to understand WHY God allowed these people of Norway to be killed and instead of focusing on negativity, I kindly ask you to understand that millions of people and even worse scenarios could have been killed and suffering the worst unless God decided to HELP the world by taking as much pain on him as he could endure through me as his living human being (!) - and this is to tell you how much I love all human beings, so please UNDERSTAND instead of MISUNDERSTANDING, this is really what will make the world feel much better.

And will you please remember that when you look at the eyes of evil, which you saw through this massacre, you look directly into the eyes of mankind self because this tragedy together with World War II and many others are created by the evilness of mankind who freely chose the road of the Devil because of your wrong behaviour, so when you judge God, will you please remember that mankind IS God and your actions forced me to carry out actions against my wish with the absolutely worst distaste doing everything I could to protect you by taking on myself as much of the darkness generated by you to protect and save you. And here I can tell you that yesterday, the sexual torments of my nightmare were almost as explicit as it gets through visions given to me, and I was asked how much I will accept of this in order to save the Universe from suffering, and my dear friends I WILL DO ANYTHING TO SAVE THE UNIVERSE, BUT I WILL NEVER ACCEPT THIS (!) and this is how this trade of the Devil was handled and we know I have learned that I will NEVER give up on my 3-4 old rules including that I will NOT accept this nightmare to be carried out under NO CIRCUMSTANCES (!) and if it is carried out partly, it will have to be because this is the only thing the spiritual world is able to do but my message is clear: I DONT WANT THIS NIGHTMARE TO BE CARRIED OUT and you will have to seek deflection of the darkness through the Universe first (!) and we know I am protecting the Universe through all of the pain I take on myself, but it is my TRUE understanding that by doing what I do here, it is the best/only way to come through this TURN AROUND OF THE WORLD (!), so this is really why I do it, and again another story for you to understand and not misunderstand.

The death of Amy Winehouse: STOP ADDICTION TO ALL DRUGS AND STOP EFFECTIVELY THE PRODUCTION OF THESE!!! From the picture above you can also see my sympathy given and that is almost for the Devil being responsible for the FAR TOO PREVIOUS death of potentially one of the brightest shining stars on the MUSIC HEAVEN, Amy Winehose, who decided to die yesterday because of her addiction to drugs, which she was not strong enough to handle and we know this makes me sad too and let me say that instead of the attitude they tried to make me go to rehab but I said 'no, no, no', the right attitude is to say YES YES YES until you will become clean, and if you cannot become clean yourself, a part of the transition to the New World Order is to have people helping drug addicts by imposing disciplinary actions on them and remove their freedom for a peJuly 2011

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riod of time until they become TRULY CLEAN and how difficult can it be (?) - because I did it myself in 2009, where I became clean after being an addict of the same magnitude most of my life (!), which is another story for you to understand and NOT misunderstand. And we know: STOP ALL PRODUCTION OF DRUGS EFFECTIVELY!! Instead of choosing one of the fantastic songs of Amy with questionable lyrics, however I have decided to bring her BEAUTIFUL cover of Will you still love me tomorrow? listen to her AMAZING talent when singing this beautiful song - as my memory of Amy and when writing this, I feel Amy inside of me and the tears coming from her, which I cannot stop falling down from my eyes because of my difficult life, which are the words spoken to me: Yes Amy: I will still love you tomorrow and this IS a lasting treasure. The GUITAR of the video means CREATION and the ROSE is ETERNAL LOVE, which is what I give to you too . If I was not strong enough fighting the darkness, I would be killed as my old self and opening up the eyes of my new self The final stage of Tour de France was a parade with a spurt at the end at the centre of Paris with Evans as the given aggregate winner after the stage yesterday, and the commentators referred to Australians when they cheer Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi, and they spoke of Contador and Evans as two who really have sacrificed themselves this year symbols of my old and new self and they mentioned again (I have not written it before) that Contador has won the last six previous cycling tours, which he has attended and again a symbol of me having to continuously WIN, and they said that in the Schleck camp there is also recognition of Evans behind their disappointment, which is about my mother recognising the work I have done behind the faade. And the commentator at the studio in Copenhagen said that Evans put money in the bank at the team trial, which for the first time (!) fully made me understand the now several years old symbol of Danske Bank in dreams, which I have known for a long time is about building up normal life and when you put money in the bank, you are truly building up energy, because I learned the other day that he symbol of money means ENERGY, and I receive energy from the faith of people in me, and with faith I will wake up and bring energy to the world for everyone to change, which will bring normal life to all, so this is how it is . The three Danish commentators here symbolising the Trinity received Champagne by someone who wants us to feel good as they said, which was our celebration for coming through my journey from our old to our New Universe, which is what Tour de France itself is a symbol of also when the commentators said we began three weeks ago, it feels like years, as in a completely different world and this is exactly what it did. I started my mission in another Universe and I am ending in a New Universe, which we had to create during the journey.
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They spoke of piece and quiet, quiet before storm (stilhed fr storm), which was to use the title of the same song I received the other night, and here I was given the feeling that the storm this is not about you this time, Pernille, and I hope you dont mind - is about the publication of my arrival to the world, and I have been thinking for days that this is how my family finally will understand the truth about me! First when the newspapers will write about me/us, they will understand themselves about their misunderstandings of me, because it was simply impossible for John and especially my sister to show the right attitude to read and understand! Dennis told the story about what is the worst nightmare in Tour de France and gave the answer that it is to be alone on your way towards goal with Thor Hushovd chasing you from behind as the God of Thunder and I dont mind about you at all, Thor, you have done a truly memorable race, but as a Norwegian you are another symbol of the darkness sent out from my mother fed by my family and this is the darkness I have had chasing me all of the time during my race, or journey, and I knew that if I did not drive even faster, if the darkness caught me, it would mean the termination of all of us, and this is really what was one of my worst sufferings of all; it was another nightmare to go through and especially to fight it alone with no one really understanding and TRULY supporting - that this is what I was fighting, or did you my dear LTO friends TRULY believe in me that we were immensely close to be terminated all of us (?) and if you had, you would probably have given me even more support instead of finding it difficult to write to me much of the time? At the final stage of the race today, it was planned that the Danish rider Lars Bak should feel good and have strong legs to prepare for this story thank you, voice for writing this (!) which is that he was alone in front on Champs Elysees until 2 kilometres before the final goal line, and he is riding on the HTC team including the rider Cavendish, who is the best sprinter of all, who at this stage was approx. 10 seconds behind Lars Bak together with the main field, which made the commentators say HTC has two agendas, which was to say that we will win both ways both when using the old Stig all the way to the end or when using the other option of my new self, which we have NOT told you about before now, which is that we COULD have opened up your eyes of your new self, which would include enough energy to carry us all through but the reason why we have not is because we TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU STIG THAT IT IS IMPORTANT TO GET ALL INFORMATION FROM ALL OUR PREVIOUS UNIVERSES WITH US and this is what we will continue doing after this Tour too and we know the next goal is of course the WORLD CYCLING CHAMPIONSHIPS in Denmark just around the corner from here, really in September (unless the world has revealed me beforehand), so we will see what happens until then , and finally at the end Lars Bak was caught and what happened (?) and only that Cavendish of course won and he did the HISTORIC result to be the first ever winning this final stage for THREE SUCCESSIVE YEARS and we know just to say the Trinity is not only alive and kicking, but the master chef of this plan and we know not only this edition of
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the Tour de France but the plan of the world which was put well by a commentator just after Cavendish won when he said it is smiles, which can spread the sunshine all over France and all over the world really - and when he said this, I was receiving the yellow colour of the Holy Spirit, who was the one speaking through the commentator - and the speech about the poisonous Norwegian coming second chasing me all the way to the end - was also inspired. Afterwards at the victory celebration with Evans on top of the Podium, the grand old man this is easy really, isnt it Leth (?) said about Evans that he is a perfect example of a complete rider (as they also did during the race) and this was you know the one who is waiting to wake up inside of me . Later I was told that the stories recently of killing me would be to kill my old self, which would mean that my new self would wake up, and this gave me much extra confidence this evening, which the darkness however tried to disturb by saying that my nightmare will become worse and worse the longer we continue, which will put the life of my mother at risk, and I felt for a short moment that this could be very difficult indeed and you should FEEL how I feel when I am practically not living as today with NO ENERGY, warm all over and the darkness putting an enormous pressure on me and you would understand my feeling better but I decided that I dont believe in this because I have set up reserve plans if I should lose it and really saying that my mother and father - together with me are the ones being protected the most in the Universe, which I have seen examples of, and this took away any anxiety from me, but I know the potential strength of the darkness, which easily can make me feel concerned again if the darkness is strong enough it cannot be stronger than today (!) and if I dont play this game of chess to my best, and I do believe I made the move this evening almost making it the best music ever of Electric Light Orchestra and yes you will understand this one too and not only you, Jeff, but LET THE VIOLINS PLAY, PLEASE including MIK too . The slaughter of Norway: I will be labelled as the biggest (Nazi-) monster ever since WW2, the EXACT words I received! Today I heard the news that the slaughter of Norway, Anders Behring Breivik, has published a 1,500-page diary in which he details his Islamophobia, attacks on Marxism and his initiation as a Knight Templar and then he writes that I will be labelled as the biggest (Nazi-) monster ever witnessed since WW2 and you may remember my dream of the unstoppable Nazi on his way to kill people (?) and also the MONSTER, which the darkness generated because of the wrong feelings of my mother (?) and this is what you saw and here what you received confirmation of through the use of the exact same words of this slaughter himself, and slaughtering of people is what we did at the World War II and slaughtering of people is what we did again here and you know because we were forced to deflect the darkness and with the purpose to save the world, and this is what we expect will cause the loudest STORM of the world because will you be able to understand that we planned and carried out World War II including the killings of millions of people (?) because of
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the pressure of the darkness of nothing caused by THE EVIL ACTIONS OF MAN SELF (!) and that we did it in order to save the world to create eternal life for all, including all of these victims. I dont know what the slaughter has written about the same way as I dont know what Mein Kampf by my previous self, Adolf Hitler (!), contains, but I do believe that behind the madness and evil you will find at least some interesting stories too, which probably will be labelled simple logic with time and as a matter of good sake: Please understand that I am all about love, that I received the warm feelings of the victims of Norway after being WELCOMED WITH OPEN ARMS AT HEAVEN together with an explanation of whats going on and the ONLY reason why darkness exists is because this is from where all life originated, and the last remaining part of this darkness is what we are now converting to LIGHT only, which will result in a future where ALL IS FULL OF LOVE, which by the way is one of my absolute favourite songs by one of my favourites, who of course is BJRK, but this you already know, Camilla? So here is ALL IS FULL OF LOVE - in a very good and special recording which our New Universe will bring to the entire world: --Ending the day with these short stories: I started working at 08.10 today with great difficulties because of extreme mental tiredness of doing this work and NO motivation at all and I kept on working on my memo to Falck even though this is truly IMPOSSIBLE to continue working on and that is mentally and physically giving me new throw up feelings but when I first got started, it was not as bad after all, which I have experienced quite some times and this is how I know it is, so this is why I decide to break this barrier every time. I had decided that I had to focus doing this work in order to finish on time in two weeks and I would do this even over the service of Den Gyldne Cirkel, which I thought would start again today through the web-radio of Selvet, but when I checked, I saw that it first starts next week, where I may decide to do the same, we will have to see. o I continued working until 13.25 where I decided to stop because of tiredness on the surface and my hands hurting me I also need to work tomorrow and the rest of the week (!) and later I became so INCREDIBLE TIRED again as recently, which made it completely impossible to keep my eyes open and stay awake, but I decided to stay awake (!) not easy and I received the absolutely worst pressure of the darkness coming through the spirit of my mother fed by my mother which for hours was THE WORST almost overtaking me again and we know still with the nightmare very close AWFUL is what it is, but thank you for the message about my inner self, who is ready, which motivates me to continue using the energy of my old self, which is not much to say the least.
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A few obstacles of the darkness given to me at Falck the last couple of weeks as a bonus I had not intended to write: I use my USB stick to keep the memo on to be sure that no Falck employees will be tempted to open and read my memo before it is finished. My USB stick is connected to my key ring so I always have it on me, but one day when coming home, I only had the shell of the USB stick with the stick itself missing I thought I had lost it on the street and I decided that I would NOT restart writing the memo, if I could not find the USB, but luckily it was still connected to the laptop at Falck the next morning; somehow it had stuck to the laptop and NO ONE at Falck decided to see and remove it, if they had, this memo would NOT have been done. Another day the back of my office chair suddenly became flexible making me move backwards when I leaned backwards to receive support from the back, and this in itself was almost also killing me because it was impossible to find a good writing position or another chair for what I believe was 1-2 days and it was apparently impossible to get the stiff back working again, but suddenly I found the right handle and how to use it, which made the back come back in order and just examples given on how the darkness during this phase has tried to stop me.

compared to old days and I see an old-fashioned family by the name of Borg (castle), which is the finest of 60 families called Borg. o The TV and smoking are still symbols of the darkness, which I am fighting, but they bring a cat through this darkness, which is to say that hidden inside this darkness, is the information we are looking for, and the old family by the name of Borg is to say that we are still receiving more information from our previous Universes. I see Kenyans working for Reuters, and they are standing at Snekkersten Station. Kim S. has prepared food for them. o Some Kenyans are gossiping about me without understanding who I am, and Evans and the Pastors of Elijahs church may be some of them, and maybe Elijah could be STRONG enough to convince them that they are wrong? I am at Kim S apartment in Copenhagen, I receive a VERY SMALL key, which is one of three keys, which can open the door. The two other keys are of normal size. A boy is coming home late at 22.30 every evening, and he turns down the volume of the TV and walk the same tour with the two dogs belonging to the man watching the TV in the living room, and he sees people speaking about the insurance cover criticizing it to be a poor cover, but the boy explains to an older man that it is a good all insurance cover, and the old man is almost falling, and I see the boy pointing at the sky to show the people there lights of flying UFOs, which they however dont see, and I see myself walking back together with Preben. o This apartment looks like it is the apartment of the Trinity and I have received some weak symbols for weeks saying that I am not connected to the Trinity when working in the old Universe, but I have decided to be able to transfer light from the New Universe to the old when there is a need and of course without the darkness to be able to enter the New Universe and the idea is really that darkness is converted to light before more of everything becomes part of the New Universe and the reason for having light transferred to the old Universe is to save the spirits of my mother and father from the darkness when they are working and when there is a need of course and also because I dont want to experience my nightmare being carried out under any circumstances and we know a security system it is, and I wonder if the boy is one of my old selves from previous Universes helping as part of my new self to transfer darkness to light, and yes my boys the future will show if I was right about this one and I am not totally sure, and we know the criticism of the insurance cover may be to say that in the beginning with only little faith of me, the New Universe may not look that advanced and when everyone will have faith it will develop into something spectacular and this is what I believe is the case without knowing for sure! I have agreed with Camille to move to Malm, Sweden, in order to save on taxes, but I would much rather live at a small and inexpensive apartment for example in EsperJuly 2011

25.3 25 July: The Trinity: We have reached the end of creation bringing eternal life as a wonderful gift to my children
Dreaming that military organisations dont want to give up the old world order, which may result in war and destruction! Once again a night at the same level, which is the feeling in the morning, but you know I was cheated yesterday when I became EXREMELY tired again during the day, and here are the dreams: I see that completely impossible training courts have been laid out by military people, where they show you a title on a board and then you have to guess the precise content of what the board says below the title, I see Kasper (from Excellent) receiving two errors and one without any errors. I see a man eating ecological next to a cow, and I have to remove the stools of the cow using newspaper, and it smells so I am getting throw up feeling. o Military people may simply here mean that I have to work very disciplined these days going through an obstacle course, which is impossible to go through, and I know that human stools are about my nightmare, but I dont know what it is when coming from cow, but I am using the darkness of the newspaper to remove darkness and we know my old self is still in the old Universe doing what we can easily call nasty but necessary work, so this is what we do. Something about guests and watching TV3 and a daughter inviting her parents to watch. They are smoking and I am smoking too but would like to stop. They bring a cat, which does not pee. I look out the window, and I see the changes

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grde and also because I dont like to take the ferry to Denmark again. o I dont know why I am not allowed to live in Sweden at the moment, which may be the force of the darkness but of course it was wrong of me to do as I did in 199496 to move to Malm to save on taxes but I did it because the wrong system of two countries made it possible for me to do (!). My old friend Jack has imported clothes for many thousands of DKK, but he has not taken out insurance, which he believes is too expensive. We have been on the beach together with his small child and something about tennis balls, which we now throw up against the wall of his apartment, and they hit the carport and jump back in a wrong direction, which makes us laugh and say that we are like the people of pubs. Inside he says that he has a war game, and I see the old favourite game of mine, Stragego, on his shelf, and I tell him that it is alright to play if you want to lose again. o The clothes Jack has imported is about FAITH in me, but when he has NOT taken out insurance, it means that the system has not given up the idea of the old world order and in other words have not accepted my New World Order, and the beach is SUFFERING, the tennis balls is the fight between Jack and I and when the balls hit the carport jumping wrongly back, it is to say that he has not accepted that the world is changing and the game of Stratego is to say to Jack and MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS OF THE WORLD AND THE LIKE THAT YOUR POWER STATUS IS COMING TO AN END and there is NOTHING you can do about it, and if you want to fight me on this, you are bound to lose as the Stratego game of the dream shows and we know I was always good when playing this as a boy! o When I woke up I was told directly that He takes away my energy because of this (his resistance to the New World Order), it is not enough to know who I am, you are also to give up the old world, this is why the world is still at risk to go to war between those for and against me and the three outer fingers of my left hand was sleeping when I received these words and wrote down the notes, which gave me a feeling that they could curl and fall off, which is the Trinity saying that if you do have plans for war and will fight me and my supporters, you will risk the destruction of parts of the Universe and is this truly what you want (???), so my best advice for you is to CALM DOWN and do your best to READ and UNDERSTAND and when you understand, you will know that I mean nothing bad to any of you, that all of us and that includes all of you will get a much better life than today and also that IT INCLUDES A FUTURE WORLD WITHOUT MILITARY ORGANISATIONS AND OPERATIONS, which some of you have become used to being part of your life, and REHAB is what you have to go on to. DO WHAT IS SIMPLE LOGIC TO DO, PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS AND HELP ME BUILD A MUCH BETTER WORLD!!!
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o I woke up to the song when will I see you again by The Three Degrees and the lyrics is this my beginning or is this the end? and the question is really if you want to kill me through the means of war taking part of the Universe with you, which could include yourself too (!) or if you will help my beginning to bring a better world for everyone? The Trinity: We have reached the end of creation bringing eternal life as a wonderful gift to my children This morning when opening my computer and Firefox Internet browser, the browser as usual opened the two tabs, which I left open when I shut down the browser yesterday evening (my Wordpress and TIP websites), but this morning the browser had apparently by chance also decided to open up a third tab, which included the website of Google books as you can see from the picture below, and it had been so kind to choose three books for me (!) and let me say that I have not visited the website of Google books for a long time and CERTAINLY NOT yesterday evening, that I only rarely visit this site and that I have NOT selected these three books, which have been saved for me as My Google eBooks and which books were then chosen for me (?), and as you can see, the first one is Frankenstein, which you know is about creating life from out of nothing, the next is a book I did not know of, which is a book called Pride and prejudice, which a user by chance described this way: There wont be a love story greater than this one. Its immortal, surpasses the boundaries of time and age , which you know is to say that we managed to recreate life from out of nothing based on the greatest love, which brings immortality surpassing the boundaries of time and age, which appropriately is to say that we are entering a new Golden Age of an eternal now (without time) as you can read from my website and the last book of three because this is a message from the Trinity symbolising the end of Creation (!) is a book called Wonderful Stories for Children by the world famous Danish author of fairytales, H.C. Andersen, which is to say that LIFE and CREATION is a wonderful gift for all of my children, which is bringing JOY and HAPPINESS for everyone .

The Trinity giving me a small miracle with Three Books, I have never "ordered" or "saved", which symbolise CREATION FROM OUT OF NOTHING FOR AN ETERNITY OF LOVE AS OUR WONDERFUL PRESENT TO MANKIND AND ALL CIVILISATIONS

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My sneezes - of my mother (!) - symbolise shaking the world, which vanished today after weeks of EXTREME darkness/work This morning at Falck I am still meeting at 08.00 I sneezed again and again and again, which I have done for days in a way that I normally do not, and today I was told that the reason why my mother ALWAYS has had a peculiar sneeze sneezing 7-8 times in a row, is because this is a symbol of her feelings making the world shaking (!) for me to take on as much darkness as possible to spare the world (!) - and my sneezes at the moment are given to me to say that we are facing this situation again and here VERY MUCH, but a few hours later, the sneezing completely vanished for the first time since our quarrel on the phone a few weeks ago a good sign - and this gave me the understanding that I have saved the world for MEGA LOSSES by taking on as much darkness as possible myself. I kept on working at my memo today, and it was a FIGHT on whether or not I would DECIDE to have the energy and perseverance to continue writing the script and we know I have so far written approx. 200 pages in July when gathering my script of July and this memo, which by today is on 84 pages and growing, and it feels like having to continue running a marathon after just having completed 100, but you know when you decided to take one chapter after the other instead of looking at all at once, you will just keep on writing and we know turning on the autopilot and this is unfortunately the only way I can finish this memo in time, and even though you will probably think it looks fine when you will see it, the truth is that it is inferior work compared to how I would have liked to work with much better planning and structure, but this is UNFORTUNATELY how I have to work in this phase too, which is to do my best under the circumstances. My first hour today was difficult with some of the same negativity as yesterday, which was unbearable to come through and I was given the feeling of John in this connection and do you think that my scripts are as crazy as the diary of the slaughter of Norway (?) and just maybe you dont know what I could be up to (?) and we know John this is how far out you can come when you totally block up to read and understand what should be easy to do and that is even for you because the truth John is that you simply LOVE to read, but you cannot overcome your strong and wrong inner voice keeping you away from UNDERSTANDING, and when you force yourself to believe that my scripts are uncomfortable, it becomes uncomfortable and a suffering instead of seeing it as it is teachings to the world and JOY and HAPPINESS coming. And after this hour the darkness decreased making my day only difficult instead of totally unbearable to come through. It was an extreme load to continue writing the whole day also because some times during the day, my inspiration was completely removed making me blank inside of my head, where I had to force myself to come back to my flowing inspiration, and I was told that this is the spirit of lazy Lars hanging over this place and yes this is how it works and because Lars has been here for a long time and is a strong character, this is the invisible influence he has on people here including me (!) and
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we know especially at the office, but NOT me, Lars, I have decided to be even stronger than you and all of your colleagues also saying that you are NOT to bring me down, but MY SPIRIT will bring all of you up and have you noticed how everyone has started to focus more and improve because of my influence and yes I like seeing that but YOU STILL HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO MY FRIENDS. Receiving a visit from the Mayor to my website, and STILL the Commune and Falck have not discovered my stories on Falck! When I was working at Falck I was told that it was good that you decided not to include Falck in the headlines of your scripts and also not in pictures when I publish scripts through my Facebook profile, and I understood the reason why I received this message because when I came home, I was on my TIP-counter that I had a visitor from the Commune looking at my website as you can see here:

When I saw this visit, I once again thought about what would happen if only one single person from Falck or the Commune should have started reading my chapters on Falck inside one of my scripts and would Falck dismiss me immediately, the Commune warn me and if I again refused for them to remove my freedom of speech, would they remove my cash help once again (?) and the darkness just may be as strong now as last year making this the result, but so far not even one single has apparently thought it worth while to have a look inside of my scripts but here you can see the Commune checking the my front page together with the headlines and a short introduction to all of my scripts, which you get when you click the link scripts on my website which is what the man, I was told is the MAYOR of the Commune after Jesper of Falck the other day said he would meet him, and just maybe you had a good story to tell the Mayor that I am doing a memo on leadership etc. for you, Jesper (and this is what I am told and again not knowing if this is light or darkness speaking through me) and because none of the headlines of my scripts include the name Falck, I am still free (!) and by the way at my last meeting with the Commune, they told me that they have also seen my Facebook profile it is OPEN for anyone and also my YouTube channel.

Finally at 20.05 I had ALSO finished writing the script of today and published the last three days of scripts and we know I am only able to do this because I am used to go to extreme and that is compared to how I feel because if I did not suffer, this would be piece of cake to do, which is eeeehhhh almost what it is anyhow .
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28. The Danish Government is helping the process of publishing my arrival to the world
1. SUBJECT 26th July: Elijah is desperately appealing to help children from dying, and I am desperately asking the world to help AGAIN! SUMMARY Dreaming of my sister and her husband suffering, which is leading them directly towards me, I am lacking resources against the darkness, rich people here live a good life not yet realising that they do so at the expense of others, Buddhism is unsuccessful selling their message of a better world to the world - BE SALES AND MARKETING EXPERTS and SPEAK OPEN, DIRECTLY AND HONEST TO PEOPLE (!!!), my road is coming to a complete halt and replaced by a vertical fall down, which may be the same for the world, but when there is more darkness to transform to light, the message to the world is to CONTINUE WORKING YOUR BEST until our task is COMPLETELY DONE (!), the darkness wants to shut down my light but I have decided that it is NOT allowed to do so when we still have more work to do, the remaining darkness of the world is activated through my closest family herewith activating the MONSTER of the slaughter of Norway and THIS IS TO HELP THE WORLD BECAUSE WHAT THE UNIVERSE GAINS FROM GOING THROUGH THIS PAIN IS IMMENSELY MUCH MORE WORTH ON LONG TERM COMPARED TO THE SUFFERINGS ON SHORT TERM (!), the world is changing into our New Universe and still the media continues to bring news of the old world STOP TELLING LIES and START TELLING THE TRUTH STRAIGTH OUT TO THE WORLD!!! At Falck I decided to do some of the final work on the invoice control, which I understood just how impossible it has been doing because of just how poorly I have been this work is connected to bringing kings of previous Universes back to life. Symbols told me about happiness of the Trinity and that I am STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE. Jesper has been on national TV and radio and has also received a visit by the Employment Minister all being impressed by Jesper helping ex-soldiers to return to the labour market at a place with good fellowship and what they dont understand is that Jesper is ALSO teaching them to a life of laziness and ignorance because of just how poorly he works as a manager, and instead he should have promoted me to the press and Minister, because I am truly the news here helping him and Falck to get back on track, which is to WORK AT WORK (!), but Jesper will become too embarrassed to promote me to the world when receiving my memo, and this is to show you the darkness of people around me and just how WRONG they are! A fire alarm sounded at the Eremitage Castle twice today a wire error which made me concerned because this is a symbol of my inner self of the Trinity, but the Source appeared to me visibly inside a customer (!) telling me that there is nothing to fear; we are turning the world as much these days that it is now becoming easier for people to understand than to misunderstand me when using simple logic. The spirit of my mother gave the slaughter of Norway the impulse to carry out his actions because of darkness of mankind forcing her against her will because the world did not react to LTOs and my outcry to the world in February 2010 to help the people suffering the most in the world the people at Dadaab, Kenya. Your darkness brought darkness to you, which soon will be no more when all remaining darkness has transformed into our New Universe of light only. Elijah wrote strongly and heartfelt to me asking me to ask the world for help URGENTLY to Kenya and the region NOW because children are dying and also for me to start as a fund raiser, and my answer is that I am doing my best to wake up the world ALSO to react to this disaster this is the best way I can help the world has heard me, but is still waiting to come forward publishing my arrival. When this happens, this region of Africa will start receiving much more help until that the SLOW world will continue receiving more killings on their conscience when more children of Africa will continue dying every day because of
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27th July: Part of the New Universe has blown up because my old friend Paul has decided not to believe in me

your ignorance of the most suffering people of the world! Dreaming of Paul changing from a believer to a non-believer because of the negative influence of the darkness through Sren F.-J., which to my extreme discomfort blew up part of what had been prepared of the New Universe, my rescue car is removed (because of Paul removing part of the New Universe) and I feared being thrown out of my apartment (would I survive this?), the darkness is working at this part of the harbour and the fine property of our New Universe is located at the other end of the harbour meaning that we are continuing our work and plan, I can choose three different roads and I have decided NEVER TO GIVE up so I will take the straight road there and more examples of friends leading Hell to me without understanding my messages of love. At Falck it was IMPOSSIBLE to work today because of how I felt, but I started and found my rhythm with great difficulties again now finalising the first draft of my memo to Falck (84 pages per today), which I now have 1 week to edit. The leaders staring in my coming memo telling you of how to work and NOT to work are placed highly in the Hierarchy being born with strong feelings of how to work rightly, but the culture has brought them down. Today I received praise from two firemen and from Jesper on holiday for doing good work, and Jesper ALSO gave me a bottle of wine to show just how much he appreciates what I do, which however may change when you will read my memo about the poor work you and your leaders do at this place? Elijah wrote me a new email today even more desperate than his email of yesterday to MAKE THE CRY OF HIS PEOPLE HEARD to the world (!) it is a DESPERATE SITUATION OF NOW OR NEVER (!) and still a careless world is SLEEPING and truly not caring, which includes my own family, who are entertaining themselves while children are dying every single day in Africa! Again I ask the world to stand forward and publically declare your faith in me and to appeal to all individuals of the world to help Africa NOW if they can, please? Dreaming of my friend Paul releasing darkness, which is making my Jobcentre consider if I am crazy and should be hospitalised, the chairman Lars Barfoed and the previous chairman Lene Espersen from the Danish Conservative Party are helping on the process of the world, which will lead to the publish of my arrival, which together with friends of mine believing in me is bringing me energy from previous Universes, which are opening up because of this, the faith of man is bringing God to life and God is bringing life to man! I received so much darkness and suffering today still because of Paul becoming a non-believer that I was almost breaking down several times and start accepting the darkness to make me think to Hell with it (!), which would make me the NAZI MONSTER myself (!) potentially killing millions to bring enough energy to finalise the impossible turn around of the world. The symbol of Lars hurting his foot yesterday was brought up through another symbol today of people having their humming feet, which means that my inner self is hurting because I am now living without the faith of Paul running in my veins.


28th July: The Danish Government is helping the process of publishing my arrival to the world

28.1 26 July: Elijah is desperately appealing to help children from dying, and I am desperately asking the world to help!
Dreaming of Buddhism being unsuccessful selling their message of a better world to the world Before falling asleep I was shown an old King from a previous Universe entering me, and the kind of suffering through the PRESSURE of the darkness including my old nightmare ALL OVER AND INSIDE OF ME surpassed what I believe was truly impossible to go through but I could only decide that I will not go down because of this, so this is what I did and I was told that
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we told you that the last Universe would be the most difficult and also that we thought it would be impossible to do this and when I looked to my left, I was shown a vision walking on a bridge and I received the feeling that this is darkness itself, which is closing down and I heard the Starwars Theme again as a confirmation of this. Afterwards I had a night at the same or worse level with these dreams: It is the birthday of my old friend Thomas H., I arrive without saying hello and his father wants to go again. I see

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Sanna and Hans gliding on their skies down a gravel road, which is leading into the forest. o Thomas H. may be thinking of me without understanding when you have decided to stop reading, Thomas (?) and the skies of my sister and her husband is to say that the suffering they feel now, i.e. the snow, is leading them directly into the forest, which you know is my home and origin. I see badminton centres at one city after the next leading out of Copenhagen, and I see fiery souls at Lyngby, however they market themselves poorly and need players for he next day, and I see that they serve a mountain of food, which my old two dogs throw themselves over before they understand that the food is not theirs. o Sport is generally the old play or game against the darkness and here we need players on our side to match the darkness at the moment (?) and the food is all of the money of people here living a very good life until they will realise that they do so at the expense of others. I am at a Thai restaurant at the inner Copenhagen, and I have decided for the lady working there to fill up their containers with six different kind of courses, which makes me feel bad because later I see that they have almost not sold anything. She tells me that she is a Buddhist too, and she talks about the largest centre in town, and asks me what I think about this and I tell her that I dont know it. o Is this to say that Buddhists simply have difficulties to spread their messages of a better world to the world almost no food is sold and I gave you the reason why months ago with Erik from Lama Yntens place and we know have you stopped teaching again, Erik, because people dont encourage themselves for you to do so and are you wondering whether I was right when we argued and when you became mad at me because of my rabid attitude and we know SIMPLE LOGIC it was. I am in New York at the good old days, where I see black people kill all over, and a Jazz musician is giving me four CDs and sending me to a bar to talk to other Jazz musicians, and I am speaking to some of the stars of this music genre, and I understand that it is custom to be submissive because I am new and young myself, but I decide to be DIRECT and I see the reaction of the musicians, who much better like to be treated as equals instead of having people behaving far too humble. o New York is STRONG DARKNESS as the killing says, I am here coming in from this darkness to the bar of the Source inside of myself and I speak with highly placed musicians, which are spiritual people of the Universe placed highly in the Hierarchy, and it is to say CLEARLY to ALL BUDDHISTS that it is the Devil self who made you both far too humble, submissive and CRAWLING instead of telling people OPEN, DIRECT AND HONEST THE TRUTH ABOUT HOW TO BEHAVE and I mean this well: Please understand that you are a victim yourself of the Devil doing anything he could to stop you from being

successful to change the world into the better and this is how he did it making you NOT BEHAVE NORMAL! Start learning from me, BE SALES AND MARKETING EXPERTS (IN A GOOD WAY!), SPEAK THE TRUTH TO PEOPLE LOUD AND DIRECTLY when it is needed to change people (!) and dont be afraid of conflicts, this is NEEDED to change people and so it is AND THIS GOES WAY UP TO THE TOP and we know I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL MEETING YOU TOO, DALAI LAMA and we dont spit here because Lamas dont spit or do they if they cannot control their temper (?) and we know many good stories to be told and feeling you here too Obama with BIG SMILES and also suffering of DALAI LAMA too and THIS IS WHY, my friend, this is your road and we know NOT EASY TO UNDERSTAND AND TO CHANGE after having taught a world lessons, which at least to some degree are WRONG? I am driving on a motorway and see a car at the other lane, which looks like mine having only one arm of an octopus left, which makes me wonder where the other arms are and when we drive, I suddenly see that the asphalt on the road right in front of us is stopping, which the whole road is because it is almost leading vertical downhill from here. o This is my road towards the other side and what happens when this road runs out (?) and I can only say that I have decided as the new Stig that the old Stig including the spirits of my father and mother are not to die, but I have absolutely no idea about how to get out of this and I can only say that when there is more darkness to convert into light including more information of our previous Universes to be transferred to the new, this is the task to do and FIRST when this task is COMPLETELY done, we can shut down the old Universe and open up the eyes of the New Universe and yes my ladies and gentlemen, this may be what we are waiting at too and yes Stig, I am NOT done with my work yet at Falck and my website, so I can only say KEEP ON MOVING and if there is NO ROAD in front of us, the message is: CREATE MORE ROAD because we are NOT done with the work and this goes to you my friend Obama too and we know you are struggling with the economy of USA and I dont want to interfere other than saying that I have full confidence in you, and THERE IS ALWAYS A ROAD OF GOD AND WHEN YOU FIND IT, IT IS SIMPLY TO FOLLOW IT, this is what I do here thinking that things also increasingly look darker and darker for my self with no income and soon no apartment and how will Falck and maybe the Commune react to my memo and we know DONT WORRY, BE HAPPY, I know there IS a road of God when we dont give up, so the message is: CONTINUE and CONTINUE TO DOING YOUR BEST and yes this goes to Obama and the entire world! o And the reason why Asphalt is included in the dream is because I received a small revelation when I listened to especially the early works including The asphalt world of Suede yesterday because some of these songs are among the absolutely best in music history (!)

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and certainly the best band in my taste to appear in the last 25 years and we know I dont believe any other tops them and that includes Oasis, Blur and later Muse, Kaiser Chiefs, Editors, Franz F, Arcade Fire etc. and this is JUST how much I LOVE their music and we know the true heirs to David Bowie is my feeling and I am only sad that you lost your inspiration but hopefully will get it back (?) and when I woke up it was with a later but still VERY BEAUTIFUL (!) song of Suede, namely Beautiful ones and the lyrics High on diesel and gasoline and here they come, the beautiful ones, the beautiful ones, which just may be THE LIGHT OF ALL OF THE SPIRITUAL ONES from our New Universe - after we have finished killing the world with all of the darkness forced upon us. I have set up a projector at a German apartment, which makes everyone of the complex watch a good movie, but a dum-stubborn German at the apartment wants to remove the projector because he wants to turn on this television instead and I tell him something about having to give a notice. o The projector is my TRUE light shining out over the world, the movie is showing our future world and the TV is belonging to the darkness wanting to shut down the light, and all I can say is that the darkness is strong here, and I dont want to stop fighting the darkness before we have done our absolutely best work and so it is. I see Niklas and Tobias is a house, where three babies come down through the ceiling of the house, they are almost like dolls and for Niklas it is impossible to move them correctly, but I see that Tobias with some difficulties move one of the dolls to his cupboard. I hear Niklas playing the song 99 from Totos Hydra album, he is at the first floor at what feels like Sannas old room in Snekkersten, and I see that I have old LPs including Billy Joels the Stranger, which I have played recently. o The three babies are the Trinity, which is too much for Niklas to handle after Sanna has given you a lesson of the darkness again Niklas and why dont you do what I encouraged you to do, which is to OBJECTLY read and understand my website and we know IT HURTS YOU TOO MUCH and it is simply impossible for you to control your feelings (!) and this is what is making you a HYDRA/MONSTER too and do you see the connection, my friends, that the darkness of my closest family is what made the slaughter of Norway to commit what he was planning to do for years and because THIS IS TO HELP THE WORLD BECAUSE WHAT THE UNIVERSE GAINS FROM GOING THROUGH THIS PAIN IS IMMENSELY MUCH MORE WORTH ON LONG TERM COMPARED TO THE SUFFERINGS ON SHORT TERM (!), so this is therefore what we do, and also saying that Tobias is closer to his uncle than you can imagine and we know because he does not like to have a CONTROLLING mother ! o The old LPs is to say that my previous selves of previous Universes are helping here too, and I have become

a stranger again to my family because of their wrong actions, which is the TRUE explanation to why we are now apart again and while we are at it, let us here play what may be Billys finest song of all and of course it is scenes from an Italian restaurant and we know, which easily can be used as THE SYMBOL OF SHARING NORMAL LIFE with the world and we know I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU, BILLY, PLAYING THIS SONG FOR THE WORLD WITH EXACTLY THIS MEANING AND THAT IS IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP BRINGING JOY AND HAPPINESS TO EVERYONE, which is what Italian means to me and restaurant being normal life. I have received a new large and cheap television hanging at the top of the wall facing the floor, it shows Kim Larsen singing English songs in wide format, which is looking fantastic, and when the TV shows news programmes, it is in the old 4/3 format, which is not better than the old ordinary televisions. o Just saying that we are about to introduce our CINEMA another symbol of our New Universe - to the world, which is what the WIDE FORMAT is showing here together with exceptional music of Kim Larsen to show our love to the world, and this is happening at the same time as the media is still working as they do/did in the old world and WHEN WILL YOU EVER LEARN (?) and that is to SPEAK THE TRUTH ABOUT ME TO THE WORLD and I have encouraged you to do so for some time, so this is what I continue doing and we know Stig there is NO reason to keep this story back at the same time as we are still converting darkness from the old to the New Universe so COME ON, how difficult can it be (?) and what will the Australian government decide to do about it (?) and we know listen, do you want to know a secret (?) and alright I will tell you: TELL THE TRUTH TO THE WORLD STRAIGHT OUT and STOP THINKING ABOUT YOURSELVES and what if this and that and shouldnt we do this instead and let us talk, hold meetings, ask someone, and wait for others to think and we know TELL IT LIKE IT IS and this is ALL YOU NEED TO DO! Media and a Minister wrongly being impressed by Falck educating people for laziness missing the TRUE news about me At Falck I decided to do some of the last work on the invoice control, which was to send an email to the head office of Falck in Copenhagen to correct errors made, and I realised just how impossible this work was to do up to now when my head was almost disconnected feeling like a zombie, which I also did today, which was very difficult to go through even though today was not at its worst and on top of this I continued receiving sexual offers and negative pressure, which is still as difficult to go through as always - and it made me tell Robert that I am almost done with what has been the biggest hell of a work I have ever done in my professional career of more than 25 years, which made him smile and almost laugh and we know funny, funny is what it was to you but it sure would be nice if you understood that I REALLY went through HELL because of your laziness and ignorance and I understood that this work
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was connected to the last king showing before I went to bed last night and receiving here a dj vue feeling of doing this work bringing previous kings back to life. I also received more signatures on more key receipts and we are coming to the end of this list and impossible task too because of the slow page and poor work moral of people here. I continued receiving positive symbols for example when I asked an employee to sign a key receipt with his best looking signature, which made him ask me if I wanted him to write down three signatures first for him to choose the best looking the Trinity working again and then he really gave me his finest signature with extra curves - and Robert gave me a password starting with Viccar a sign of confidence in me - and when he asked me what I thought it meant, I could only look at it and say that vi means we (in Danish), car is a car and the middle is cc, which is A LOT OF CUBIC CENTIMETERS (!), which of course was the symbol of my new self the car is me with the Trinity and the whole world, and a large motor means STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE and he told me that it is truly a contraction of the names of his two sons, Victor and OSCAR, and this was the ANSWER of this small riddle, because of course OSCAR is a Danish car from the 1980s looking like a traditional English sport car and Robert looked at me and told me that I am impressed that you know about this and of course I do, Robert, because I saw it at a car exhibition at the Bella Center in the 1980s, and we know English is MY HOME too, and EXHIBTION is really to MARKET MYSELF TO THE WORLD, which is what we are doing at the moment not least through these scripts and yes my friends THIS IS HOW THE LORD IS WORKING NOT ONLY THROUGH ME BUT ALL OF YOU TOO and the difference is that I see how it works directly as this is another example of and when I will grow with the faith of the world in me, I will come to feel what I already am and that is EVERYTHING. Robert wanted me to help him doing the cash balance sheet and again I told him that I was busy with the memo, but this time he meant it (!), so I decided to agree with him to do a maximum of one hour of work to key in all vouchers if he promised to fill out the vouchers perfectly, which he did and of course he did not have time to also key in the vouchers, because he also needed time to speak maybe 30 to 60 minutes privately on the phone today (!) and when I told him that I believe you have to work when you are at work, and to speak in private in your spare time, he told me that he is also working in evenings and I can only say as I did that I like people to work when it fits them, but you really need to make sure that you work according to the time you have agreed and that you are considerate to your colleagues. So finally I did this work for Robert, and he told me that he wanted to do this work today to help Lars, so he will be positively surprised when he comes back to work tomorrow and that is to see that he does not have to do this work himself, and this is truly a behaviour I like to see to help people - and that is really when needed because what will it mean to Lars (?) and will he just get more time to stand outside smoking as I told you, Robert, and we know we will have to see and also to see if Lars will respect my work finishing my memo, and Robert is also doing what you can to give a posiOne God, One People

tive expression of yourself because you may wonder what I write about in my memo? And when I did this work, I saw that one of the vouchers included costs for having the Minister of Employment Inger Stjberg on visit at your Gentofte Station, Jesper, and we know you must have been very proud to say YES MINISTER, when she asked to pay you a visit; to someone who really shows a perfect example of how to help people back on the job market (!) and we know this is about Danish ex-soldiers sent to Afghanistan who Jesper now offers a chance to return to the work market and here they can FIND THE SAME KIND OF FELLOWSHIP as they have in the army, which is REALLY a message of yours, which the press has understood making you appear on national television (TV news) and radio and now with the Minister visiting you and yes Jesper YOU MUST TRULY BE A BIG SUCCESS WHEN YOU ARE HELPING PEOPLE and what does this fellowship really mean (?) and we know it means to relax, be lazy and talk talk talk because WE SIMPLY LOVE doing this this is what you are bringing people to do (!!!) - and when it comes to TRULY being a manager to change your SLEEPY organisation into restaurant Noma quality, you FAIL and should be dismissed because to this, Jesper (!) as you can read MUCH more about in my coming memo . and instead of selling the story of my work for you and all employees to the media and the minister to help the world basically to understand about me and certainly about what is truly the NEWS here, you have become BLINDED by the darkness because of fame and glory waiting on you (!) and we know I WANT MORE is what you said laughing when I told you some time ago that now it is two days ago you appeared in the media and we know this is simply to say that you are WRONG, Jesper, the press is WRONG and the minister is WRONG and what you are so impressed about today is educating LAZY people (!), and when I will give you my memo, Jesper, you will not be proud of me, because I will exhibit to the world just how poorly a manager you are thus not wanting to promote this to the press because of embarrassment (!) - and let me say that you are a dog wagging its tail being tempted by the darkness all of the time instead of working at work it is as simple as that and we know Stig, despite of all, this is STILL what it is!!! And we know today was a day FULL OF DARKNESS because of the many dreams and stories at work and it continued when Robert left together with the firemen to go for an alarm, which made me quite concerned because it was an alarm at the Eremitage Castle in the Deer Haven the symbol of my inner home and we know was it on fire or would it be a small thing as most alarms are here and I really did not know, and when the fire alarm sounds, the officer rushes out the door and because he at least earlier could be the only one at the office, the alarm is set up to automatically close the door of the office, so when a customer arrived some minutes later, he was met by a closed door, which I quickly opened for him, and when he entered the office, I told him that the door was automatically closed because of a fire alarm, and he told me that he was a security expert himself and did not understand why this should be necessary and then I told him that the fire alarm is not at the station but outside and then he understood what it
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was about firemen driving out for a fire alarm and then he said then I am not concerned and when he said this, I was given the feeling of the Monk of the Jerusalem UFO inside of him, which was the Source telling myself that there is NOTHING to fear in relation to the fire of the Castle and what this could mean in relation to my home with the Trinity and this customer would like to hear about an approved first aid box before he would go on holiday with his wife to Austria in their SMART car (!), and when I showed him the box including a yellow security waist, he told me that they did not have room in the car for this box (!!!), and this made me tell him with a smile that it may be SMART to have a SMART car as a city car, but maybe not that SMART to have a SMART car as a holiday car driving in Europe and we know when people are totally brainwashed it is of course impossible to see the TRUTH and here I met a man who was not only a security expert but also the chairman of the Danish SMART CLUB (!), and I could see how the whites was almost turning out of his eyes when he clearly TOLD me that a SMART car is a fantastic holiday car because he and his wife has driven it in Europe before with great satisfaction (!) and WHAT DO I KNOW about that as I told him and we know also thinking that it is SIMPLE LOGIC that this car is not that SMART for this purpose because the car is SO SMALL that they could not find room for a small first aid box which was impossible for him to understand (!) - and here I am told that this is to say that WE ARE NOW TURNING THE WORLD AROUND SO MUCH THAT IT IS BECOMING EASIER TO UNDERSTAND YOU THAN TO MISUNDERSTAND (!) and we know when people will start using SIMPLE LOGIC and this is what this is about and we know difficult it is, because after this customer left without the box (!), Robert returned and he told me that the alarm was only about a wire error I dont know what this means but it was nothing really according to Robert, and later just before I left, a new alarm sounded and it was from the castle again, which made me a little concerned once again, but I was told that the message here is what the customer said while having the Source inside of him, which was that THERE IS NOTHING TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT and just the Trinity doing what is impossible to do.

The spirit of my mother gave the slaughter of Norway the impulse for his actions because of darkness of mankind! Today was truly a LONG day but patience kept me going all the way to the end at 20.50, and let me also here say that Virgin Mary or the spirit of my mother showed herself to me as the clean spirit she is telling me that she is the one who brought the impulse to the slaughter of Norway even though everyone will know that she is ALL FULL OF LOVE (!) and will you also understand that it is the WRONG behaviour of mankind, which forced her to do this action when she is doing the last part of the work cleaning up the old Universe of darkness, which are ingredients of our New Universe after being converted to light through my inner self, which is what all of these young people gave their PHYSICAL lives for not their souls/spiritual selves and this is accurately as disgusting as all of the murders, rapes, child misuse etc. which we have done for centuries because of the same: WRONG BEHAVIOUR OF MANKIND forcing us to use the old Universal rule because of the existence of darkness, which was that you will receive what you give! Will you please understand that God, the spirit of my mother and the spiritual world are not to blame and that the eyes of evil was belonging to mankind self because of your actions and that is what now is coming to an end when we will enter our new GOLDEN AGE OF ETERNITY WITH LIGHT ONLY and that is WITHOUT DARKNESS. This is what you are giving you sacrifices for, my people. And even though I give all of my sympathy for the victims, families and population of Norway, I cannot help from feeling REPULSIVE about the immense compassion of people all over the world really which for most people are the same who are TOTALLY IGNORANT to the much worse CATASTROPHE at the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya and all over East Africa now and here I am told the connection, which is that if you had helped me and LTO to help the poor victims of Somalis living a living Hell at Dadaab read our newsletter from January 2010 - this disaster of Norway would NOT have happened, and do you see that your own CARELESSNESS - EVILNESS (!) - is what is bringing EVILNESS back to you (?) and that is soon no more because the Source of darkness has ceased to exist earlier this year stopping the production of more darkness. Elijah is desperately appealing to help children from dying, and I am desperately asking the world to help AGAIN! Dear Elijah,

Thank you so much indeed for your very warm and heartfelt cry out to me, which is really a cry out to the world, and I can only say that I have done EVERYTHING I can to bring the attention of the world to the catastrophe of your country and region because I know what you are saying that children and people are suffering, screaming and dying, and you may have seen that I have written about this several times asking the world to act now (!) and also that I have made our LTO newsletter on A customer became upset when he did not have room for a first Dadaab even easier to access here so far 377 people have aid box in his SMALL car (!), and I told him that maybe it is not read it and I have told the world that they are now mournSMART to use as SMART car as a holiday car. He was DEAF! ing about the catastrophe of Norway not understanding or caring about the much worse catastrophe of the world, so what
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I am saying is that I HAVE GIVEN THESE MESSAGES TO THE WORLD, THE WORLD HAS RECEIVED THESE MESSAGES - governments and more and all we can do is UNFORTUNATELY to continue to wait for the world to react not only on this catastrophe but to my arrival too by publishing this to the world and you may like to tell the world that I personally ask every single individual of the world, who can afford it to start helping the poor people of Dadaab, Kenya/Somalia and the whole region of East Africa, and while we are waiting for the SLOW world to react, Elijah, we can only see with disgrace people suffering and even more people and children dying. This is ALSO about the cruel world not understanding what is right to do, and today I can only say that they will come to understand, but this does not make it easier for you, your family, country and region here and now. This is SADLY how it is. This is the best I can tell you now, my friend, and again I can only repeat that I am myself suffering myself being on my edge of dying constantly too, and the solution is not for me to contact the Commune, my family they know I love them more than anyone, but they are the ones who have abandoned me not accepting the reached out hand I have offered them because of their WRONG misunderstandings - and others to ask for help for Africa many NGOs are doing that at the moment here sadly not with very much luck because of selfish people not caring (!!!) - the solution is for us to change the world, which is what is happening these days and months, and Elijah, PATIENCE is the name of the game as you said yourself and that is even when you are witnessing people dying sadly! We can only wait for the official world to stand forward expressing their faith in me, which is when the work to bring a normal and better life for everyone will start, and my question to the official world is HOW LONG WILL YOU WAIT TO PUBLISH MY ARRIVAL (?) and how many more killings do you want to have on your conscience (?) and yes Elijah, this is how I GOD INSIDE OF ME (!) is writing because the ONLY way you can start making DEAF people hear is to make yourself HEARD cutting through their defences, and you do know who I am in person so you do know that this is NOT the way I normally talk but I can do if necessary (!) and SADLY this is also the case, because this is NOT how I am naturally because I only want to speak in a normal tone being polite, but this is not the way to approach the Devil. This is why, Elijah and I have written about this before, just for your information. And here is his email: Dear Stig, Having been following and reading your scripts continually, i believe it is the high time you changed your formula in trying to convince the world to help the poor. I believe in the power of influence and it is mostly said that if you what to change people, influence them and don't push them. Looking at what is currently happening in our country right now, im deeply touched by the many suffering due to rampart drought experienced in the entire country the worst to be ever
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witnessed. My appeal to you for now is to soothe your stand and make it like an appeal, not necessary demanding people to read the scripts for now, but trying to make them understand how importance it is for them to help a dying child. It is very simple dear stig, go the streets and talk to the people on the plight of the Kenyan children. Start with the commune, if they turn a deaf ear, go the streets, approach organizations and churches, talk to them and you will be surprised the much help you will receive, if they turn a deaf ear too approach the government. We are loosing lives here in Kenya. You have the capacity to bring the much needed help here in Kenya. This is my thought of the week! We cannot afford to see people dying in the name of help coming soon my friend! Soften your stand and appeal for urgent help, make your family understand your cause without putting restrictions and sanctions on them, charity begins at home, renew your relationship with your family and watch out as everything roles. You need all the blessings from your Mother. Try this new approach and you will see the results! Stig , it is my very humble request that you will take my independent thoughts seriously. We need to act and act URGENTLY! Warm Regards, Elijah. --Ending the day with this short story: I looked up some minutes on the dark sky from my balcony and first saw my light alone afterwards followed by light glimpses on the sky followed by a whole row of stars switching on their lights including stars at an impossible low altitude on the horizon no one noticing ? and I was told that we have now started the absolute last preparations to secure world piece.

28.2 27 July: Part of the New Universe has blown up because my old friend Paul has decided not to believe in me
Dreaming of a part of the New Universe blowing up because Paul has changed to a non-believer in me To my great surprise this night became both one of the most surprising and worst nights I have ever experienced as I am sure you will understand from the following dreams: My old friend Paul H. has a striptease bar together with Sren F.-J. It includes three sofa arrangements, which have recently been restored. They have one sofa arrangement each and Paul receives the responsibility of the third group after agreement with Sren, and he decides to change the newly restored arrangement back to its original look, which he explains through a speaker when guests sit down in the sofa and he says that it is because of commercial interests
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and according to agreement with Sren F.-J., which sounds all wrong and gives the guests a poor impression, and Paul gives the owner another impression, who becomes surprised when he sees that Paul has now changed the arrangement, so it is now an ice cube cooler inside a restaurant, which is not often used by guests, and the arrangement is not prepared to be used for this purpose, which makes it blow up and when this happens I see Paul self being blown up in the form of many trees of a forest with very great power. o I received one of the worst nightmares of my life through this dream, which is not only a nightmare but connected symbolically to the events yesterday with the two fire alarms of the Eremitage Castle, which is to say that because Paul has decided to listen to the darkness of his colleague Sren F.-J. not understanding or believing in me, it removes some of what we would gladly have installed as part of the Universe initially and when this is not possible we have decided to wait building this part until later, which meant that the preparations we had already done had to come undone through this explosion and please remember that Paul is one of the Council of eight so important is what he is. o I was told when waking up that I dont feel the power of Paul running in my veins and the dream and explosion was so POWERFUL that it gave me EXTREME feelings of discomfort and also fear because what did this mean now (?) and I was shown a piece of raw meat being eaten through an ice cube and I was told does he keep the sausages himself and given the answer yes, he does, which is about Paul deciding to keep his own good life without helping his old best friend Stig and I am the one who prepared where you are now sitting today, in a position at a business, which was first designed for me and we know the Devil has many faces, and Paul is wearing one of them, together with Sren F.-J. and many others as you will understand. o The dream gave me such a shock that I could almost not fall down again and fall a sleep again, but at one stage I forced myself to say that I have done my absolutely best, I could not do it any better and I am still living so this is from here we will have to continue and I was told that We have now moved away from the part of the restaurant belonging to Paul, and we are still building the restaurant in Hamburg and also it was more like the cross hanging askew, so we are still carrying on. I have moved into an apartment of a mansion at the centre of Copenhagen, I notice that my rescue car, which has parked outside illegally for a few days is removed by the authorities, I dont have the energy to put the apartment with all the furniture on place and because of this I also dont have the energy to pay my bills, which makes me fear to be set out of the apartment. o This is connected to the previous dream when my rescue car was removed because of Paul removing his faith in me, it meant that part of my new self/New Universe was removed too and my reactions because of the fear
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I received about survival itself (!) after the previous dream is reflected in this dream, which the symbol of being thrown out of the apartment shows and by the way, I was thrown out of two apartments in Copenhagen in 1992 and 1994 I believe, which is ALSO to give symbols of where the world WAS heading: Towards destruction. I am on holiday and walking with a dog, which a harbour worker pats and I am told that all the castles, beautiful properties and squares are located at the other end of the harbour. o I am out walking with the darkness, i.e. the dog, and the fine property of the New Universe is at the other end of the harbour saying that we are continuing our work and plan and I was told that we have now started a new sail where I see my container on top of a big ship with the container itself being a ship sending smoke out of the chimney, and this combination is sailing through pretty rough seas, and I was told thank you, Stig, we went through the most difficult of all. One morning I am to pick up a lady friend of a lady friend at 08.45 and from there to go to Espergrde to work, but I first arrive at 09.00, and I see that there are three roads leading to work from there, and the country road to Espergrde is the easiest and easier than to use one of two motorways. At work I am unhappy, because Preben receives messages about me, which makes my life a hell. I have difficulties focusing on work and start writing a top 20 list of beautiful songs on the white board including fine colours, my colleague Lars D.C. hears nothing of what I am doing and I see a woman keeping an eye on me, but I decide to stop writing and to hide the wide board before Pernille will see it, which she will not like. o I am planning on using the direct road to Espergrde, I dont know what this city is symbolising but it is part of Helsingr Commune so to me it is POSITIVE, and you see more examples of friends and people who are still leading Hell to me, which you know is quite good because it still helps us build more of the New Universe, the turn around of this and the attitude of people and we know WHEN IS OR WAS THE CREATION ENDING (?) and as so often before this is a part of the game designed by the darkness to try to make me relax before time but you know we are probably STILL not all through so we still carry on and not many have discovered my message of love to the world as the deaf Lars is symbolising. Coming to an end writing my memo for Falck, and receiving praise before they will turn around when reading! Today at Falck, Lars was back from holiday but he has been so unlucky to receive sickness to his foot making it feel like bare bone to walk on, which made him lump today and I was thinking that this is darkness given to Lars for deflection. I asked Lars about the fire alarm of the Eremitage Castle yesterday and he told me that it was an automatic fire alarm of the
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castle, which was false alarm, so glad about that one after all still thinking of the dream of the night, and also still receiving pain to my right angle and we know I feared that this was about physical destruction of a part of our Universe far away from here but since I am still whole, this should not be the case. I continued writing my memo today, and the first 1-2 hours it was impossible to do because all of my concentration was removed and instead I was given the sweating you get when you fear death, this is how it felt like my mother bringing it to me (?) and it was with great suffering that I started writing forcing myself into some kind of rhythm and I knew that I had a long chapter of maybe 10 pages on Action Plans to write, which was mentally impossible to do because of how I felt, but still we carried on and once again, it became better after one hour and after two I was working to my fullest and to my surprise I finalised not only this long chapter today but also the whole phase two of this work writing the first draft of the memo making me relieved phase 1 was preparation with ideas and now I have almost 1 week phase three to do the big work editing this memo, which I reduced to 84 pages today and we will see where it will end before the end of next week, which is the deadline I truly will do my best to reach. When writing the memo I received the same feeling under my skin it is quite a physical feeling as I have also received with the others especially with Robert and also Jesper and it is that they are placed highly at the Hierarchy and are victims of a poor culture dragging them down to work poorly, which goes against their nature STRONGLY giving them feelings of the RIGHT way to work eeehhh according to my Basic Work Rules and my new memo, and we know placed they have been to become examples to the world of what not to do. Today I received several declarations of faith for example when Lars asked me to create a ring binder for him (!!!) and we know I asked him do you remember where I told you to find the template when writing the backs (?) and no he did not because he was completely indifferent when I told him a few weeks ago (!) and once again I showed him where the file is located, and a fireman witnessing this told me when you will not be here anymore, we will close down, and I smiled and said that hereafter it is not allowed to make fires in Lyngby (when there is no fire department that is!) and the symbol is of course that my working period at Falck is where we are creating the new world and this is STILL the case and that is for 1 more weeks, and afterwards there should come no fires (?) and this is truly what I hope is the case. I told Lars that I am busy working on my memo, which he accepted also because there was probably not that much work to do, but later in the day, the darkness came to him when he was trying to find out how he could return a fire engine which Lyngby has borrowed from colleagues in Ikast, Jutland (maybe 300 kilometres from here), and he would very much have liked to send it back today because this is what Ikast asked for, but it was COMPLETELY impossible for him to find someone at Falck Lyngby or the Operations Department in Copenhagen to drive it, and it surely was difficult to do because the effective coolie
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sent out from the Commune, Carsten, could not help before on Friday, and it made Lars tell the Operations Department that maybe Lyngby should consider hiring a part time worker taking care of this job when they dont have one on activation to do this (!!!) and yes Lars maybe it would be a good idea to do what you should do instead of misusing a very WRONG arrangement of the Danish state. And he sure had good ideas (!) because he asked me to go to Jutland on Friday, which would take me all day (!) and I asked him why, and the he told me to collect Carsten (after having driven and returned the fire engine!), and I asked him wouldnt it be better for Carsten to take the train home and no it would not (!) because this would take too long because Ikast is not a main station (!) - I just checked it and it takes 4 hours by train from Ikast to Lyngby, which will take approx.3 hours by car! - and we know then I asked him if it would be wiser to send another one over there (with car) thinking about the time it would take for him to go both ways, and yes you may be right as he said, and I had to tell him once again that I am busy doing the memo but if it truly was needed I would help him out, and we know NOT GOOD TO REFUSE TAKING WORK is the name of the game here (!) and this made Lars say maybe I can send Sren instead of you the other coolie and we know I did not hear any more so just saying that this is how the darkness is trying to prevent me from doing the last part of my work, which still may be about the turn around of the world, but still carrying on and yes almost automatically finding the right road by chance and this is really how it is here. Later in the day, one of the fire men came to the office and asked me whom he had to ask to have me filling out what I heard as lists on the computer because as he said I have heard that you are a shark doing this (this is a complement in Denmark, but you know a SHARK is darkness too, which is what he represented) and I told him dont count on this, I am stopping next week and have much work to do, which he understood and I asked him if what he said is what the employees are saying of me and he replied that it sure is and also that the saying is just give the work to Stig and then he takes care of it straight away and it must be nice of you to know and of course it is, my friend, but you may understand that this is the attitude of the Devil misusing people and their competences rudely. I received less sneezing today and the colour, which followed them was white and light pink, so today is better than yesterday. Finally, Jesper, who has started his holiday this week, had called Lars after having read the email I sent to the head office with a copy to him and Christoffer - despite of his holiday - to correct the errors of the invoices of 2010 and 2011, and apparently he became so happy with it that he had decided to give me a bottle of red wine as a present, and of course I was happy to receive a present because it showed that he was happy but I was also thinking DONT GIVE GIFTS FROM EMPLOYERS TO EMPLOYEES as I have written about before because it is WRONG to do, a smile and thank you is fine (!) and this shows how happy
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Jesper is for me, which however may change after reading my memo, Jesper (?) and I told Lars that I do believe it is a good wine, which made him say that I hate it (!) and yes Lars, hating me is what you will have to go through for you to wake up and help Earth to develop as I am here told and we know this is what we will use this energy for and other energy too when converting more darkness to light and we know Lars will hate me for my memo in the beginning until the day when he as everyone else here will understand that it was indeed THE STIG, who they had on visit working for them and finally I was told that the wine is also to say that we are still here all of us and I was told that it was necessary to give me a shock this night as so often before to generate enough energy. Elijah is even more desperate in his appeal today, which I forward to the world: PLEASE HELP PEOPLE FROM DYING, NOW! Today I received a new email from Elijah about the CRITICAL situation of Kenya/Somalia and I do hope that the world will understand even better when reading the STRONG words of Elijah and seeing his TRUE HEART OF COMPASSION AND DESPERATION to help people COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY FROM dying in this the worst catastrophe of the world which NORWAY IS NOT (!) and when will the world wake up to understand that if you could mobilise the same commitment and compassion for Africa as you do for Norway, you would TRULY be able to help, but now most of the world is accepting people to die in Africa, because this is what we are used to but when a few (!) people are dying in Norway, there is NO limit to your sadness and compassion exhibiting your wrong doings and lack of exactly the same; commitment and compassion to help people dying everywhere in this region of Africa and yes Elijah I do have inner voices helping me to help the world and these are the voices writing these lines actively through me do you feel the same, have you started receiving SPIRITUAL COMMUNICATION (???) and I can only say that the words I write and the way I write them is how God together with the Holy Spirit and the Council of eight including Virgin Mary or the spirit of my mother is giving the words to me directly as a physical person would tell them, and Elijah, I can only tell the same as yesterday: I AM NOT YOUR OPPONENT, I AM THE ONE HELPING THE WORLD against the darkness and one day not long from now the help will also come to Africa, but you may witness THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE dying before this will happen, and I can only say the same as yesterday: SADLY (!) because of the wrong doings of the world, and to the world including the Australian Government: WILL YOU PLEASE STAND FORWARD AND PRESENT THE WORLD OF MY ARRIVAL, ASK FOR HELP TO AFRICA AND OPEN UP ALL OF YOUR BOOKS TOO, it is time for a change, and this is what I ask you to help me with to save as many lives as possible please? Elijah, please know as I have written about before that my family is part of the darkness of the world and I have sent out my outcry to them as well as the world, and they have decided NOT to react but to continue living a life in luxury compared to you, and I am as appalled as you are, but the truth is here that people can see maybe 1-2 minutes of superficial news about the drought of Africa and think I wish the world would do
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something about it and 10 minutes afterwards they have forgotten about it and continues to spend more money on themselves and their luxury including expensive food, drinks and holidays and Elijah, this is JUST HOW CRUEL THE WORLD IS TODAY at the same time as you are more desperate than ever before (!) and they have given me a death sentence too, Elijah (!) - and that includes my own family, and this is what I am asking ALL GOVERNMENTS TO START CHANGING BY HELPING ME TO PUBLISH YOUR FAITH IN ME, please? Please let me also say that I fully understand the desperation of Elijah to help people suffering the worst beyond description and what people of the rich world are capable of understanding (it is nothing to be shot dead in Norway (!) compared to going through and dying from this TORTURE!) - and it is perfectly alright of him to use me to bring his message to the world, but a personal remark here is that I have climbed up a ladder of growing darkness for months, which is now making me go through COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE DARKNESS/SUFFERING helping the entire world to turn around so to say without potentially millions of people dying, which is more than killing me and without realising it, Elijah is helping in this process giving me more work than I really can handle these days, attacks on my personal standings and questioning of my priorities, which you may take into your considerations, Elijah. I still understand from where you come from and I am FULLY on your side, which you really should know from the previous scripts, where I have made my stand on Dadaab and your entire region clear to everyone. Please dont oppose me wrongly, follow me! And here is the email from Elijah: Dear Stig, It is this serious my friend. We cannot afford to sit and watch as children, the sick and elderly die. It is the high time to act. God shared with me, ' THIS POWERFUL MESSAGE' last night and revealed to me to take up my position and make the cry of his people heard. LTO as an organization must act and do something to help the many suffering Kenyans and Somalis. Stig, i hope you are following the currents events of drought as been reported. Pangs of HUNGER! Who will HELP? "You and Me was the answer that God gave me"! Stig, its the high time to act, its time to listen to me now, not to listen to your inner voice my friend! but to the cries of the dying people. I call upon you and the like minded people to join hands and see how best we all can help. I have woken up to take my roles and trust me, we must do something to help. Join me and together we can help a dying child. It is not about of who takes the win, NO! It is a time of how can we help. Our ambitious plans and interests must be put aside for us to score, its not even the time to focus on our past, but focus on how much we can help!
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I need all of you to understand me clearly including you Stig! How many times have you listened to me? Will you listen to me this time around? Have you ever thought whom i am for all that time and what powers i have? Are you ready in making renewed relationships, starting with your family, without asking them to believe in You but requesting them to see how best they can help! It is the high time we put our energies together my friend! Working together as a team all through, understanding each other well and the powers that most us carry! A wake up call to all," we can't afford to sit and watch as thousands out there are crying for our help". It is now or NEVER. It is now when people should recognize us by helping them. Stig , i put you on this challenge, to put more energy in fund raising now and sensitizing your people on the need to share what they have. I will stand up and use all my available energy to see how best i can help by mobilizing our dear Kenyans. This is my message to all ! TIME TO ACT IS NOW!!!! Elijah. Arnaud from the Jobcentre is watching me! Today I also noticed that my dear friend of the jobcentre of the Commune, Arnaud that was the French manager, who decided to TELL me instead of LISTENING to me at the end of 2009 because he was a know-all (!) visited my Linked-in profile as you can see below and I do believe it must have been the darkness telling me the other day that it was the mayor visiting my website when I believe it has to be Arnaud too I could only see that it was the Commune visiting and why did you decide to do this, Arnaud, is this because you are talking of me at the Commune not knowing about my status am I belonging to group 1, 2 or prepared to receive disability pension (?) and is it that difficult for you to find out (?) and is it Tine/Jane showing you my comment on the contract, which I signed and wrote illegal but and this is not well-seen by you and have you forgotten who you are meant to help (?) and just wondering we all are here.

Again a night of poor sleep, which is what it is, with these dreams: I am in the city watching the vehicles of the police, and I see the Vice Police Commissioner driving followed by a row of military vehicles driving around on icy roads. I have had my help taken from me and hospitalised and am now queuing at the welfare office to get my help back, but I am told to meet personally at the office of Helsingr to receive payment. At this office I am told that they will make deductions in my help, which I cannot afford them doing. I see that the last time I was wrongly hospitalised, I was wrongly given an injection, which was meant to be given to a Pole, which should do good, but now I have shrunk to nothing I am the size of a fat baby and I am going to be put under administration and will only be given a minimum pay. o The police is still the darkness and this is about my dear friend Arnaud at the Jobcentre, who according to the dream is estimating if I am CRAZY or not and the reason of this development is because of a POLE (!) and the Pole here is of course the late Pope John Paul II and who is the soul of the Pope and we know the same as my good old friend Paul, and because of Pauls decision to desert me and become an unbeliever, the darkness he is releasing, is working this way through the Commune and we know Arnaud, do you think that you are qualified to do this evaluation and we know DO YOUR BEST and I dont really care because even if you should try and also succeed to lock me up, I know the law so well that I will be locked out again immediately and should this happen, I will promise you one thing and that is that I will write about it and your ignorance, so COME ON and get me . o I woke up to the song beautiful ones by Suede and the line High on diesel and gasoline, psycho for drum machine, and diesel and gasoline is my engine, which I am high on my will power really and psycho is a reference to what Arnaud just may be thinking and difficult it is, Arnaud, to evaluate others when you dont know people and are full of negative and wrongs thoughts? o Half asleep I received a red voice of my inner self telling me that now I will come and save you from the Devil and I was given the same Suede song again and now with these special lyrics: And is you are crazy, somehow you made me, which is to say that I am coming to life from out of nothing/darkness, which is what is also making people do what is wrong, where it should be easy to do what is right! o And the game continued when I was told that we just have to drink our Carlsberg beer first, but then we will come for sure, and this will have to be both darkness but also light because our beer is about COMMUNITY instead of selfishness, and I do look forward to the day when all darkness has been converted to darkness, because to tell you the truth, it is NOT funny to live a life where every single second is unbearable to come
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--I continued working until 20.45 today, which again seemed more than impossible to do this morning, but it is all about taking a decision .!

28.3 28 July: The Danish Government is helping the process of publishing my arrival to the world
Dreaming of the Danish Government helping the process of publishing my arrival to the world
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through because of the darkness constantly pressuring me, but still carrying on is what we DECIDE to do. o I also received one of Mauro Scoccos many FINE songs, which is the song blind and the lyrics man mste vara blind, fr att inte se, vad som hnder hr (you have to be blind not to see what is happening here) and BLIND, is that what you are Arnaud (?) and that goes out to many others too. I am working for Kim S. company, and I see that many from the Conservative Party has not been working there for years, but I see that they are taking out clothes and Lars Barfoed and Lene Espersen are packing policy certificates in very fine packages also including a gold printing on the package, which I however would not have done myself. My old friend Lisbeth and colleague Michael P.N. are also there first laughing and then receiving a task, which makes them become serious and tell that they know about who I am, which I see is what lifts out a stone from a stone wall just outside a very fine building on a pedestrian street, and I see 1,750 DKK behind the stone and a world map, which is not 100% clear but it belongs to an old association of the UK, and when I see this, I notice an open door just to the right of me leading inside the fine building, from where I hear very nice live classical music playing and the noise of many people. Back at Kims company, I am told by colleagues that they chose me to do presentations together with them because I am serious and look people directly into their eyes, and they want to show this to Kim. Something about speaking seriously about others, which was not to speak behind the back and they got me up driving. I see a nice cake at the department, which I also take a piece of and something about a delicious cake including blackcurrant, which I would like to do for people. o Kim S., my old manager of DFM and Aon from 1991 to 1997 and friend since (also one of those who abandoned me in 2010!), has appeared in COUNTLESS dreams and first now I understand that he has to be a symbol of GOD SELF now inside of me (!) and his company is everything which is, and what is happening here is that the Conservative Party of Denmark is helping me forward, because my clothes my confidence, which FAITH of people in me is helping much with is being brought out and the chairman Lars and former chairman Lene of the party are packing policy certificates meant to be given to many people, which are APPROVALS GIVEN TO PEOPLE TO ENTER OUR NEW UNIVERSE when they will show a clean heart, and this is what their actions at the moment will help all people to do when you will help Australia to formulate a letter to me (?) and these are words given to me so this may be the truth according to the light or deception of the darkness, which I dont know as usual, but I do believe in this dream and also that my stories on the Conservative politicians Lene and Henriette on my website helped the Conservative Party to open your eyes and receive faith in me as I am told here - and we know they were PLANTED BY THE GARDENER inside of me you know and he is the one

with the gold on the package, because gold is creation and this is to say that I bring life to you and you bring life to me and we know from both sides of Hell the physical and the spiritual worlds, which were formed on both sides of nothing/darkness - and this is how it was meant to be and we know lifting all of us up step by step until the day when there will be no darkness left, and I dont know precisely what you do but I will still THANK YOU for what you are doing - and you are doing this as the dream in order to show Kim, i.e. God and this is to where you are also now returning home. o And what the Conservative Party is doing together with friends apparently having faith in me without my knowledge is what is opening up previous Universes too as the stonewall behind the present shows, and here the money is energy, which is released and given to me because of growing faith of people and the symbol of 1750 is also old but very beautiful music playing the same way as LPs etc. have been symbols of previous Universes. The most extreme darkness this month could have made me the NAZI MONSTER myself killing millions of people! At Falck I received extreme darkness especially the first couple of hours but really most of the day and also afterwards which again was of the usual kind of negative and also sexual offers and talk going right to my ultimate edge almost breaking me down several times, which almost made me give up and to give in thinking to Hell with it etc., and if this is what I should decide to do, to give in for the darkness of the world pressuring me, it would make my self THE NAZI MONSTER not only the Norwegian slaughter in small scale (!) - which would potentially kill millions of people to bring the energy required going through this last impossible phase of turning around the world, but because I decide to go through this TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE month too when working full time at Falck with everything else on top, this is what I am saving the world from going through, which may be what you will decide to focus on instead of believing that God or the spirit of my mother - is a killer! The game given to me was what would happen if I would break down to the darkness this month; would it open up the eyes of my inner self as I was told or would I become this NAZI MONSTER (again and here thinking of Hitler!), and all I could think of today is that no matter what happens and no matter how much EXTREME TORTURE I go through because of the sins and lack of faith of mankind, I will NEVER decide to be evil against man and that is you know on condition that my will power is strong enough because the darkness is/was so much stronger than I! And I was told that the darkness was immensely strong today because of my knowledge (!) of Arnaud of the Commune watching me and also to do the final part of the redo because of what Pauls decision to become an unbeliever meant. The day today became even more difficult to go through because my laptop had suddenly received the idea that it did

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not want to write the Danish special characters , and , which is what my old keyboard in private did some months ago a few days before it stopped working because of darkness (!), and when I as a consequence restarted the laptop, it meant that it also re-installed the McAfee virus programme, which I have switched off before - including a VERY ANNOYING updating service running for hours, which COMPLETELY removes all energy of the laptop making it impossible to work on a symbol of how I am feeling myself as a person still having to do my best work with only little energy, this is how impossible it is and when the services of this programme started to run, it was testing my patience to some of the most extreme ever because I could only watch the laptop for maybe a total of 2 hours doing NOTHING while I was given more and more direct suffering of the darkness and doing my best to control my extreme feelings of irritation of this happening because I still have MUCH work to do on my memo (!) but after a couple of hours, I finally found a way to close down these services and from this moment on, the laptop became normal again when I could continue working and this also meant a decrease of MUCH of the negativity I was given, but not all you know! From the morning I received a shock when I saw that one of the officers of Gentofte was sent to replace Christoffer today and why is that (?) and only because I had agreed to have a meeting with Christoffer this morning, which he did not even call me to re-schedule (!) and we know THIS IS THE WORST ATTITUDE THINKABLE IN MY BOOK and I thought how can this be and how can Christoffer of all people do this and is this how low the culture of this place has made him and also that maybe he just FORGOT (NEVER FORGET!) and no matter what, I react STRONGLY to these kind of failures as you will understand, and Johnny was certainly a nice man, but not very bright, Johnny (?) and they have coolies too at Gentofte so he knows that we are some kind of second rang citizens, whom he can misuse as he please and after doing NOTHING approx. 95% of the day playing on his computer and speaking in private with the colleagues around the station (!), he thought it would be SO NICE for him to update his fine HTC smart phone and therefore he asked me to drive to the head office in Copenhagen to do this because he was leaving for holiday today and could not leave the station himself, and NO was the answer I gave clearly (!) because I am doing an important memo for Jesper etc. and not his servant for private pleasures and Jesper is his manager too at Gentofte (!) and we know I explained shortly what the memo

is about and this made him say I am sorry, I did not realise and we know Johnny, you are not alone! And finally, I met three of the very nice firemen because this is what they are as people, I like them very much ! outside in the yard on my way to find an employee on work today so he could sign a key receipt (!) and I noticed how they were scratching their feet on some gravel on the ground, and I asked them why are you doing this and one of them told me that it is because if hums so nicely on the feet, and this made me think about the hurting foot of Lars and I received confirmation from the voice that these are symbols of my inner self hurting because of Paul becoming an unbeliever and also here giving me another answer of one of these old symbols: Taking on a shoe is to take on my true inner self, which you know is ME and also ME and ME too as the other two here are saying and really that I am wearing the shoe now! --Ending the day with these short stories: A part of the requirements of me is to continue writing my scripts to make myself and my experiences understandable to the world, which is not always easy to do because of what I go through, and yes I have been encouraged many times to write this, so this is what I here decided to do and we know not that important to tell, therefore. The darkness IS EXTREME these days and also in the U.S. when Obama is facing his worst opponent yet disguised as the Republicans playing a game on not only the U.S. but the world economy after the debt ceiling talks between Obama and Republican Congressional leaders broke down, throwing the US into economic uncertainty if an agreement is not reached before Tuesday next week, and we know when you face the Devil there is only one thing to do and that is to STAND TALL and NOT TO GIVE IN and this is what Obama is also facing through this crisis. And yes Obama, YES YOU CAN . Finally at 19.40 I could call it a day one of the VERY TOUGH ones finalising the writing and publishing of the last three days of scripts and we know extremely difficult and easy at the same time is what it was .

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31. The Source is the father and my mother is the mother of my new self and the entire New Universe
1. SUBJECT 29th July: The Source is the father and my mother is the mother of my new self and the entire New Universe SUMMARY I had one of the worst nights ever which also was a blessing because I managed to come through it when I was given EXTREME PRESSURE and instant nervousness of almost the worst kind again to solve a new riddle in order for me to continue and to bring enough energy for the spirit of my mother to start her transferral from the old to our New Universe. I was told STRONGLY that the Source is consisting of what I have been telling myself is the spirits of both my mother and father feeling both of them inside of me for years, which made me think about the Source being in a Universe above us, but eventually the logic answer stood clear to me. I AM THE SON OF GOD, my mother was fertilised by the Source self and the Source has played a game in recent years showing himself when giving me the feeling of the spirit of my father inside of me. This is the ONLY logical answer also saying that THIS IS IT this Universe is our Universe and there is no Universe above us, the Source created life and the Universe from out of nothing. God as the Source is my father, I will feel the faith of the world coming to me as light spreading inside of me and as the Son I am part of the Trinity including the Source as my father and the Universe, and when we are uniting to One, I will become the Source myself with everything of the Universe and all life being part of me. This is the end of the CREATION of my inner self consisting of everything of our New Universe, which started many Universes ago. The father of our New Universe is the Source with my mother being not only the mother of me, but the mother of all life, which is now being part of me. The spirit of my mother brings me the keys to open up our New Universe, this is the GOLD itself. The sooner the world will recognise me, the sooner the broken down old world will be replaced with the New World Order. I thought it would be impossible to both do a full day working at Falck and to write the script after such a night but eventually I came through doing my best again helping the spirit of my mother on her road towards me on this side. After going through one of the most difficult nights making me nervous, I received symbols telling me that no matter what happens now, we will live forever my suffering now is to take on the suffering of man and that the spirit of my mother is on her way with the gold to switch on the New Universe inside of me. Dreaming of meeting my old friend Jan G. from Danske Bank, Obama working to uncover a part of the debt first, clairvoyants receiving spiritual communication from people of other civilizations making them interested in the end times, my old class friend Christian starting to receive spiritual communication, waiting on politicians/media to publish my arrival, which will make us start market ourselves even more, waiting to bring freedom to all people of the world, turning the world around without help and cleaning my sister and Tobias from darkness. I received the answer that it is both the spirit of my mother and the Source standing as the last man of the old Universe, and I thought that it is logic that people not having faith in me will still be at the old Universe including their old self and when they have shown a clean heart, they will enter our New Universe, where they will open up their eyes as their new self, which is telling me to keep both Universes open as long as it takes up to 5 years to receive the faith of all mankind, and to have gold inside both Universes with the volume necessary to keep life going SAFELY at both places. Dreaming that it is impossible to close down the old Universe and reach Victory Island because we first need to receive the faith of the whole world. Working all day overcoming much darkness and tiredness a Hell (!) and ending the month with 132 pages of scripts and approx. 95-100 pages of my soon


30th July: Keeping both the old and the New Universe open for people before respectively after receiving faith in me


31st July: I am waiting on politicians/media to publish my arrival, which will make us start market ourselves more

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finished memo for Falck and we know I have NEVER written more and I have NEVER received more pressure by the darkness, which is CREATION at its high, but still carrying on we are and COME ON (and receiving a BIG smile from Obama here) and NEVER GIVE UP and this is what is making us come through .

31.1 29 July: The Source is the father and my mother is the mother of my new self and the entire New Universe
The Source is the father and my mother is the mother of my new self and the entire New Universe This night came as a surprise to me because it was yet another of these impossible milestones to reach and to pass, which as normal took me completely by surprise. First I had this dream: We are being divided into pairs, I am now in 2027, which is an important year and my tail as another part of me is in 1945. Later I see that we are 10-12 people inside an apartment, which are put together in groups of 2 and 3, and when we walk it requires UNBELIEVABLE amounts of force not to fall because we represent giant masses of people, and I see that my old friend Ren is one of the people at the apartment. o I have nothing to add. After this dream at approx. 00.30, I was first told that it is becoming increasingly difficult not to lose lives, who oppose us when we move forward which is about the importance of faith of people, and I know nothing more than this, but I am thinking of having given all people 5 years to show a clean heart from 2011, so this has to be part of the plan and the goal is to save EVERYONE - and from here I was NOT allowed to sleep again before at 03.00 (!) because I had to solve another riddle urgently before I was allowed to continue, which already started yesterday really, and it was about the INSANELY STRONG sexual attacks on me in recent weeks, to explain this and also more on the Source, and when I am given riddles like this, it is ALWAYS at the absolutely WORST time with the absolutely WORST pressure put on me here including almost diarrhoea making me so nervous that I fear the worst, which you know is to get the maximum amount of energy out of me (!), and again I have learned to handle anything going up to my ultimate edge, so I had no problems handling my patience despite of knowing that I had to sleep because I had a full working day to do from the morning, and I was shown a baking sheet with SALT and EGGS all over with the salt symbolising EVERYTHING and EGGS is CREATION - and I have been told the last couple of days that when the PRESSURE WAS AT THE MOST ENOURMOUS EVER the last couple of weeks where I was this close to accept some sexual torment when being broken down by the immensely strong voice given to me and when I still decided to say NO, I DONT CARE, I WILL NEVER ACCEPT THIS AND THAT MEANS NO SEXUAL TORMENTS AT ALL my old rules remain in force (!!!) - this was the absolutely BEST decision I could take (and also the most difficult to take, but this is ALWAYS how it is, also therefore!) and eventually I understood after VERY nervous minutes believing that it would be impossible for me to reach an answer during the night fearing what
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would happen then, would anyone be killed, my mother (?) and would I become disabled myself or even worse (?), this is how it was that if I had accepted some sexual torments, it was to accept the game of the Devil, which would NOT be good in relation to CREATION it would have woken the NAZI MONSTER and killed MANY people (!) and I have been told for some time that CREATION was finished and yes yes yes another part of the game because it was not but this is not different to the game all along, which therefore cannot surprise me. And then I was told that I am now receiving the Source inside of me and that the Source is the spirits of my mother and father, and in order to understand my feelings these minutes, you have to IMAGINE the STRONGEST PRESSURE ever put on me with the feeling that if I did not accept this, a holocaust could break out (!), and I was shown the spirit of my mother squeeze her self through an entrance from the old to the New Universe this is why EXTREME energy is needed - and I was thinking that this then also had to include the spirit of my father, and again when you receive ENORMOUS stress as I did here it can be difficult to think straight, but I decided to think about this and I thought about the Source of this Universe and the Source in another Universe above us creating everything including nothing one of my two old alternatives to chose from - and that my old inner self is consisting of the spirits of my father and mother, who were on the journey to find the origin of the Source, which they did and this answer gave me some kind of satisfaction thinking that there is one Source above us and that my parents are the new Source, but somehow this was NOT good enough, and then I decided to use my SIMPLE LOGIC again thinking that I know and believe that God as the Source fertilized my mother it was not my father as I have written about months ago and I thought about recent weeks where I really only have felt the spirit of my mother and not the spirit of my father giving me darkness from the old Universe to convert to light, and suddenly I understood that the ONLY logical answer is that when I have felt the spirit of my father so many times inside of me for years, it has been a game by the Source acting as my human father and it also fitted well with CREATION because all of these extremely strong sexual attempts given to me the last weeks are simply because of an on-going fertilisation of my inner self and everything (or what I understand as the last part of it, which has lasted for years) and when this has been ongoing, the darkness, which brought the energy, has tried its STRONGEST to diverse this CREATION between God and the spirit of my mother to the completion of my old nightmare, which would be BAD for the world, and this is the ONLY way I can see it and this is also giving me the answer that the Source IS my father at the same time as the Source is part of the Trinity, which I am too as the Son - together with the spirit of the Universe giving me access to him and everything and with my decision to unite the Trinity into one, I am becoming the Source myself together with all people of the Universe being part of me too. And it also gave me the answer that the Source
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is not a being at a Universe above us, but what was originally the foreign body inside of the oyster of nothing, which evolved into life, and what we are going through now is the finalisation of the creation process, which really started many Universes ago. I was told that this is the reason why there is not yet gold on the package of the dream of yesterday the gift of eternal life to mankind - with Lars and Lene from the Conservative Party because gold is the symbol of Creation, which first now is finishing. And I was told that this is how I am coming into life and that when the light will spread, you will feel it inside all of your body, but now you only feel it on the surface of it, which is because of the limited faith in me today, but a few minutes afterwards, I was feeling different people of other civilizations inside of me bringing up an orange colour of the Source at different places of my body (different places of the Universe), and they told me that with this knowledge (of our faith) you have come pretty far. After this I was shown a now empty cake dish only having crumbs left on it hopefully meaning that all of this sexual torment will stop when my birth finally will be complete and I could not help thinking for the first time that I have been the Son of God all of my life with God being a completely normal human being through me however with plenty of suffering through all of my life and that I will only become the Son and God self in all glory with the faith of the world coming to me, and how do you achieve this in a selfish and deaf world misunderstanding people and we know this is not very easy, but we are almost there (!) and before I was allowed some more sleep, I was shown a completely ramshackle of a house consisting of a wooden frame, which could break down at any time, and I was shown the spirit of my mother handing over the keys to me from this place, which is the old Universe, which she is now leaving as the last woman standing (!) on her way over to the New Universe becoming a part of me - the creation of her and the Source - and this also means that my mother is the mother of all life of the Universe, which includes her best values (!) and that after this well carried out task, she will now continue her life as my mother, who is a part of me together will all other life. A few hours before this experience I was shown her standing in water to her waist saying that doing what she has done, is not EASY but making her suffer much, and WE know here because we are reflecting each other you know. I received these few dreams during the rest of the night: I am waking up inside of the house, my mother is leaving and I look out the window and see the forest to the right and a road to the left. My mother returns home, she did not do any shopping anyhow, and our old dog Cas comes over to sit on my lap, I feel just how much it loves me, that it is shaking all over and that it feels old and is afraid of dying. o This is about my inner self as the Son including everything - waking up, my home of the forest is to the right and I have come from the road to the left, I strongly felt
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that the dog in this dream is a symbol of my mother, with the dog being the darkness she has brought herself because of my family negatively influencing her in relation to me, how much she loves me and that she is thinking of and is afraid of dying and my tears are running down my cheeks writing down this dream because I LOVE MY MOTHER AND MISS HER VERY MUCH and also because this night too was also both emotionally and physically the WORST to go through all alone again and at the same time a BLESSING as I am told here because we know NOTHING IS GOING TO HURT MY MOTHER, and this is also why I take on so much suffering, to save my mother from dying! I received also two short dreams, which I was far too tired, exhausted and touched to remember, but they both said something about just how impossible this experience was to go through and how impossible it was to keep the Devil away from giving me these sexual attacks to disturb creation.

The sooner the world will recognise me, the sooner the broken down old world will be replaced with the New World Order In the night I was also given the thought actively you know that the sooner the world will recognise me, the sooner the world will receive faith in me, the sooner it will transform the thoughts of people this is my power coming with faith - leading the way to our New World Order to replace the broken down economy of the world and stopping all poverty, hunger and crime, and the world will decide itself how soon you want this to happen. Despite of a DIFFICULT night, I did a full day at Falck who wants to keep me for an eternity When I stood up at 07.00 I was thinking of taking one more hour of sleep, but I thought that this would delay my day one hour and I would like to send money to Kenya ASAP after work, and I was NOT feeling very good from the morning with the view to work a full day feeling as I did, but I thought that I have had days like this before, which are the worst but still the absolutely best too for LIFE, which this music of Van the man here is about UNIQUE is the word of my feelings of your music, George - and therefore I decided to meet at Falck at 08.00 again this morning thinking how will I be able to go through a whole day continuing the work to edit my memo (?), but this is eventually what I did with a few crisis on the way, but when taking one hour after the next, I came through the full day and my suffering of extreme darkness decreased after 1-2 hours because this work is doing the spirit of my mother good on her journey towards me on the other side bringing the gold with her, which really is what the keys of the night are about: To start up the New Universe or in other words my/our waking up. Today Lars was back at the office, and despite of what I write about his work, I like him very much as a person this is how it is for all people and he told me that his foot is not good, but
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better he received Plantar fasciitis and he is also in pain because of pressured ribs. When I reminded Lars that I am stopping work at Falck Friday next week, he told me you have to stay here for all eternity, which you know is both to say that he is happy for me to be here both as work power and as a person and just maybe they would like me to continue working here if some kind of arrangement can be established which you may look differently at IN THE BEGINNING after receiving my memo, and his saying was also a symbol given to me that no matter what will happen from here, we will live for an eternity and the suffering I am going through these days is still to save the world from receiving more suffering than necessary. Lars also asked me to prepare a key receipt for a new female rescue trainee starting on Monday, and when I asked him if it isnt rare to have females working as rescuers, he said that there are not that many, but Princess Gold hair is here today (!) and this was both a pet name for an employee by the name of Lea but also the symbol that the spirit of my mother is now bringing the gold to me to start the New Universe, and I was told that what we do is to bring the last part of the old Universe and put it together with the New Universe so it will not be felt and I was told that this is what will take approx. 1 week to do fitting with the finalisation of my memo and my work period for Falck and I still have to do my absolute outmost to be able to do both (!), and I was given the understanding that my sexual suffering will now decrease, and this is what I do hope will be the case logic with the end of Creation (!) - understanding what I am told and also thinking that I still have much work to do on my website, which may be about suffering coming from people of the world who will find it difficult to understand and believe in me in the beginning (?) and we will see. --Finally at 15.20 today earlier on Fridays I could leave the office to go to the post office, where I transferred the same amount as for month to my LTO friends in Kenya, DKK 2,800 gross or approx. 42,0000 Kenyan Shillings and I did a little shopping and continue to work until 19.00 today, and I had really told my self that I would NOT be able to write the script of today already today but first tomorrow, but today is what I decided to do anyhow and we know still suffering much with the darkness surrounding the spirit of my mother, which I feel, see and is helping her to decrease on her way inside our New Universe as the last person of the old Universe. Before the end of the day, David was very kind to send this email to me, thank you, David. Dear Stig, I am fine today. I feel stronger thanI was last week. I take this opportunity to thankyou for the cash support. Thanks a lot and may God bless you. I will write more over the weekend. Bye for now and have a good evening.


31.2 30 July: I am waiting on politicians/media to publish my arrival, which will make us start market ourselves more
Dreaming of waiting on politicians/media to publish my arrival, which will make us start market ourselves even more I went to bed at 21.30 yesterday because I was immensely tired and I thought this would wake me up at maybe 05.00 or 06.00 to take a long bath, but with a few disturbances I was allowed to sleep until 08.00, which surprised me much and a few dreams: I have met my old friend Jan G. on the Internet, he tells me that he does not have time to see me, however I visit him at a local discothque in Vedbk where he plays as a DJ using two different turntables, and I tell him that I just wanted to say hallo after all of these years. I see young people having causal partners and I am told it is about uncovering a part of the debt first. o Already yesterday I was given the inspiration of Jan, who worked in Danske Bank, Nordhavn Branch, where I worked in Frihavn Branch from 1986-88, and I left the bank in 1991 and I remember Jan both leaving the bank and all of his friends from the bank, which surprised me much, to start a completely new life as a school teacher, and because of this dream, I decided to add Jan as a friend of mine on Facebook this has to be the meaning so he will see who his old friend truly is in order to develop himself into a special friend too. o The discothque is with young people having partners in all directions, which is very wrong to sustain life itself ONE PARTNER AT A TIME AND FIRST A NEW PARTNER WHEN YOU HAVE CLEARLY BROKEN WITH YOUR OLD and in the dream I missed much to go on discothque, to have a partner myself. o The last part about the debts gave me the feeling of Obama working to decrease the debts of the world. I am attending a class of clairvoyants and I tell them that there are hundreds of UFOs flying out every night and that they represent all civilisations of the Universe at the end times, which makes them very interested. o I am thinking of schools of clairvoyants under education who receive spiritual communication from people of other civilizations flying around Earth and that this has increased together with the interest of clairvoyants in the end times. Together with my old class friend Christian and others, I have started working for a new company with the feeling that it is located at the pedestrian street of Copenhagen, and I see how we voluntarily prepare medical supplies, which we will have to pack and send the first of tomorrow, and I think we are doing an even better job than expected. I am driving in the car with Christian and he starts answerJuly 2011


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ing a question, which I did not ask, and he tells me I thought you were asking, which I tell him that I was not and I tell him that I receive a constant spiritual voice myself and also spiritual feelings, which are feelings of people, events etc. given to me in such a way that I can feel it underneath my skin, that I dont do anything myself to cause thes because they are given to me from the spiritual world and also visions, which are like dreaming but being awake, and I tell him that soon our name will be visible to people when real estate brokers will start selling some of our estates the preparations have be done, and the brokers just have to start - which will make us start market ourselves even more too. o I am here together with Christian in his car, i.e. him, with spiritual experiences now starting for Christian and I tell him how these work. Real Estate Brokers will sell our home, which is us/me, which is to tell people of the world of my arrival so let us say that Real Estate Brokers are politicians/media helping to do this, and when they take this step, I will be able to take the next step myself to market us even more.

ents until the day when they arrive to the amusement park of Bakken, which to me has the same meaning as Tivoli, which is our new paradise. --After writing the script so far after standing up, I decided to take my weekly at the moment long bath followed by writing two applications before lunch, today to Boutique Fisk (!) and Hvidovre Hospital, which you can also find at my library. Plan to finish my memo to Falck on Friday And I decided to think about how much more work I have to do on my memo to Falck I have done approx. half of the first edit of the memo and I decided to structure the rest of my work like this to make the deadline on Friday next week: 1st edit 2nd half: Finish Sunday evening. Write a few additional paragraphs here and there: Monday 2nd edit, 1st half including summary: Wednesday 2nd edit, 2nd half including summary: Friday And we know this plan may be quite ambitious, but I will do my best to make it realistic too, and if needed I might postpone the delivery to Sunday, but I prefer to finish on Friday. Keeping both the old and the New Universe open for people before respectively after receiving faith in me When I continued working today impossible to do because it was impossible for me to concentrate today, the ability was removed/decreased the same way as my vision was blurred, but I did my plan and it took one hour to edit 5 pages (!) - I received the secret message or reward that it is not only the spirit of my mother standing as the last in the old Universe but also the Source, which really is logic because I consisting of both am the last man of the old world and throughout the evening I was pressured to answer a riddle, and what I came up with is that I have had sexual torments all of my life with the nightmare this close to be carried out since 2006, which I can only conclude by saying that when I was born, I was the shell of the New Universe and we know empty to start with and then to put over ALL OF THE GOOD I have experienced throughout my life together with all spirits of the world and previous Universes following here in 2011 with a growing faith in me, and the Source is still inside of me having the gold to switch on this New Universe and I do believe this will be a balanced act too because I have given people five years to show a clean heart to enter our New Universe and when they do they will wake up their new selves and yes Stig, I do believe that the spirit of my mother and the Source are on their way from the old to the New Universe with the speed of faith of people and that I am the light of the New Universe and just saying that we will keep life for all people not believing in me and we will open up their new selves when showing a clean heart and if this means that the Source inside of me partly will be in the old as well as in the New Universe, this is what it has to be and I dont want you to take any chances risking the lives of any people, so what I am
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I am walking in the forest, and I see birds sleeping and I think of bringing one with me back to the house. I smell grill smoke and fatty substance and see Mr. Bean moving around large outdoor tables, which I ask if I can help with but I dont have to because to my surprise he is much stronger than what I expect and I see him lifting these tables without problems by himself. I come to Jacks mothers house in Espergrde, but it is Sanna and Tobias living there. Sanna and Tobias are having cake, and I tell Sanna that it is us our telemarketing company who sent the cake as an appetizer and I ask if she has not been called up it is normal to follow up with a sales call and she tells me that she has not such a call, and I tell her that it is possible to subscribe in order to receive a new cake every week, and afterwards I realize that I made a mistake because it was not a cake, but the newspaper of Politiken, which she could subscribe too. I am now home alone still in Jacks mothers house and I decide to start washing up the dishes in the kitchen before Sanna will return home and I start by pulling the curtains aside to make the light shine in, a small boy is arriving on his cycle asking for Tobias and then Tobias arrives on his cycle himself and he says that I will be going with Sanna and Hans to Tenerife and afterwards to Bakken. o The forest is my home, the birds are freedom waiting to be given to the world and here to my sister and her family. Mr. Bean is myself turning the world around. Cake is making love and the love they receive is coming from the newspaper, which is darkness and of the kind, which was destroying our world, which is to say that what they do, do not keep my basic rule on being faithful to your partner. Washing up her kitchen and I dont know why we are at Evys house, but telling me that I am also on the mind of Jacks mother is to CLEAN my sister and Tobias so they will stop acting according to the darkness they receive, and Tobias will follow his par-

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asking you to do is to share the gold to it can sustain life at both Universes for a period of time until the day when every single one is believing in me, and I do that before this happens, we will not be able to close down the old Universe and we know most of this riddle was answered when writing it the 29th July also after receiving the dreams of the night as you can read below. The spirit of my mother showed me a short bridge leading over a small stream inside a beautiful park this is the road from the old to the New Universe and she gave me the biggest bouquet of beautiful flowers in all kind of colours enhancing the blue and we know as her off-spring. --Ending the day with these short stories: Today and yesterday I felt how parts of the spirit of my mother is coming inside of me and it is like a pipeline where she is transferred gradually to me and we know from my old to my new self, this is how it is. I am not that tired and could have run today if I had the time, which I did not and this is how I have felt mostly the last 1-2 weeks. I watched the singer Semino Rossi on Danish DK4 television yesterday where he was travelling in his home country Argentina, and I do like this man very much, his incredible beautiful voice and his behaviour, and I LOVED to see how much he embraced his mother inside the church with TRUE WARMTH AND LOVE without holding back, which unfortunately is what I have learned in this cold culture of Denmark, and just saying that today I am not as liberated from this cold daring to show my inner warmth the same way as Semino here does and THIS BEAUTIFUL SONG was one of many on the programme and it was so beautiful, that it almost made me cry also thinking of not seeing my own mother at the moment and I was thinking what you are seeing in this video, is LIFE as I am thinking of it in the future.

I shortly saw that I am feeding my old two dogs Cas and Don and they are VERY hungry, and I got the feeling that this is darkness of people not believing in me, which is taking away energy of me, and I have been thinking that the reason why I have not been really tired for some time may be connected to the faith of my mother in me and at least below her surface. I have a large television with four big screens, which I am looking at together with my two nephews, and we see Manchester United scoring the most fantastic goal on one of them, and it is impossible for me to close down the television the same way as I also have an open computer with four screens, which also is impossible to close down and something about being at page 691 at an insanely large book. o This dream is telling me that it is impossible to close down the old world because of the darkness scoring i.e. Manchester United, and the page 691 is to say that the strength of the darkness now is completely crazy. o I woke up to the beautiful song you are the wind beneath my wings by Bette Midler and the same lyrics.

Instead of relaxing as I feel like, I am out on a very long walk, which makes me feel good, I come to a bathing jetty where I take off my cap, it is after all too hot to have a cap on, and I put down my two plastic bags and understand from other people that the ferry to Sejer (victory island) is not sailing at the moment making it impossible to get over there, and underneath the jetty, I see the actor Over Sproge standing in the water, and I start saying it is genious (det er genialt) and the two people standing next to me continue the sentence by saying what you see (det dr). I think that recently I dreamt about Poul Bundgaard of the Olsen Brothers, and here Over Sproge, and now I only need the third and last one, Morten Grunwald. On my walk back I think of buying a map, but I believe I dont need it, I remember the road. At a museum I see Over sproge now dressed out, he is hanging up pictures on the wall with spectators watching him act what the pictures say, which is difficult to do because he is not accustomed to act like this, but he does a great job. o Again a dream saying that it is impossible to get to Victory Island before all people will have faith in me, but we know the road there!

31.3 31 July: Keeping both the old and the New Universe open for people before respectively after receiving faith in me
--Dreaming that it is impossible to close down the old Universe and reach Victory Island Apparently I had a pretty good night of sleep but I am tired today and I dont believe I wrote it, but lately I have really not been that tired my pain has been as described but almost without tiredness, and tiredness is what is back today, which is NOT nice to have on top of the other suffering, and I feel so slack and exhausted on my physical edge of breaking down that work seems impossible to do today but work is on the plan, so this is what I am trying to do from 08.40 today and let us see if I will make my plan also today:

THE DAY: WORKING! --Ending the day with these short stories: The service of Den Gyldne Cirkel did not start today after the summer holiday. I have now seen information given that it will start next Sunday. I was COMPLETELY destroyed all day when working against what I could and also shopping, washing and cleaning
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until 18.00 (because of both negativity on my edge AND tiredness) and I decided to use a detailed table of contents in three levels as the resume of my memo, which is as good as a resume or better (!) because of good headlines all around the memo, which saves me time to do a resume later this week, and we know I became 10 pages behind the last part of the first editing of the memo today because it took longer than expected and only saying that I almost gave everything I had to do this work and almost is only because I did not want to break down myself when working.

For the record: 1-2 weeks ago I was told for days just how close my mother the spirit of my mother was to bleed through, which would not be good and we know the old nightmare but NO NO NO I will NOT allow it, that is why! Ending the month with 130 pages of scripts and approx. 95100 pages, which is the length of my soon finished memo for Falck and we know I have NEVER written more and I have NEVER received more pressure by the darkness, which is CREATION at its high, but still carrying on we are and COME ON (and receiving a BIG smile from Obama here) and NEVER GIVE UP and this is what is making us come through .

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