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McArthur Introduction to Communication Studies


This journal exercise is an exercise in listening and interviewing, as well as an exercise in the study of a particular field that interests you. For this journal assignment, you will interview a professor on campus. You may select a professor based on one of the following criteria: A professor with whom you are currently taking a class; A professor in a department that interests you as a potential major; You must interview this professor in person. How to find a professor: Look on your course syllabus to see when his/her office hours are; stop by his/her office and see what his/her office hours are and visit during those times; email your professor to set up an appointment. For you: Professors Name ___________________________________________________________________________________ Department:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Why did you choose this professor to interview? ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

First, Introduce yourself.: My name is _______________________________ and I am a _______________________ here at Queens. Dr. McArthur, my communication studies professor, has given me the assignment to interview a professor who is teaching one of my classes or a professor who teaches a subject that I might choose as a major. Im hoping to learn about you and the field that you study. So, thank you for letting me interview you today. Question One: How long have you been teaching at Queens? ____________ years. What brought you here?

Question Two: Who were the founding thinkers in your field of study or where did it originate?

Question Three: What are the major divisions or areas of study in your field?

Question Four: What is your specific area of interest or research and how does it fit into your field?

Question Five: What classes do you teach here at Queens?

Follow up, if you are taking one of this professors classes: As a student in your class, what extra steps can I take to excel in your class?

Question Six: If I were to become a major in your department, what kind of courses would I be able to take?

Question Seven: What kind of careers can I seek out as a graduate of Queens with a degree in this field?

Question Eight: Write your own: _____________________________________________________________________________?

Final Statement: I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me and answer my questions about your field and yourself. Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me today.

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