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Class 8th

Math's Test

Evaluate and express in all the three number systems with base 10, 2 (and 5 (3*5=15

(1000111)-5(2343) 587

+567(4123) +2(100111)

{5(1042) 2059} {2(10010011) + 5(31214)}

Math's Test

Class 7th

Find the value of x+1/x if X=3 Evaluate (b2-2bc+c2) (b-c) if a=4, b=3, c=5 The length of a farm is 3 meters less than the twice of its width. If the .width is x meters then what will be the length in terms of x Solve the following equations 8x+3=5x+9 x+2/3=x+1/5 (x+2)-5(x+3) =9(4-x)7

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