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Power Women Magazine

September 2010 Issue

Mrs P and Reading to Children Everywhere: School is once again starting all over our great country and children can start new adventures. Reading is just a way for children to express themselves and expand their minds expressed an enthustiastic Mrs P. Mrs P has been reading to children everywhere children gather. Imagination and reading gets kids fired up! In touch with her youth, Mrs P says reading is cool and to be yourself no matter what. Reading to children is watching their imagination take over says Mrs P to our very own Deb Bailey in a recent interview. New adventures lay waiting around every corner. When I go to a reading full of youngsters of all ages, their eyes light up. That is a reward no one can get enough of. At one event I asked the children what are you good at? As Mrs P is good at so many things. Sitting in a chair, is what Mrs P is good at, she told the children. You children pick one thing and tell your parents when you get home today. inspired Mrs P. At the end of the sessions the kids come up to me one by one and give the best hugs and they tell me what they are good at. tells Mrs P. Everyday millions of children worldwide hear Mrs P read stories by visiting her interactive website. You can listen to her as well at You can play games there too, also parents and teachers can get involved by opening their children to reading. Another wonderful way to let children express themselves is to allow them to write stories and Mrs P has the perfect solution. Your child can enter the Be a famous writer contest Be a famous writer contest is now in the 2nd year and is open to children 3-12 years of age. We receive the best stories from children everywhere. The Judges have a hard job to do, continues Mrs P. New to the site, is the free readers challenge game. It feature some of Mrs P favorite classic stories from her free magic library as well as the winning entries from last years Be a famous writer contest The games help children with their comprehension and reading-retention skills by asking them questions about what theyve just read. Mrs. P makes guest appearances in the game, helping kids find the right answers with funny audio and visual messages. Studies have shown that kids who practice their reading skills at home do much better in all of their classes at school, said actress Kathy Kinney, who portrays Mrs. P and is a co-founder of Reading is a life fundamental and what better for your child to learn than Mrs P website with her magic library. Many children today have never even stepped foot into a library. But with Mrs P and her library, your child or grandchild can open a new world by just clicking on the website and enjoying her soothing voice tell stories to all ages. Remember reading helps build a child's self esteem and what a brilliant way to reach a child. Want to take Mrs P with you everywhere? Now you can, you can purchase her stories and download them anytime at

Safety Tips For Women Who Drive at Night

When driving, keep your doors locked and keep the windows either closed or mostly closed so a potential attacker could not reach in and get to you or to the door's unlock button. When stopped at intersections, turn the radio down or off so you can hear potential warning noises such as other motorists calling out warnings to you, someone trying to enter through your back doors, or someone trying to climb on your car. When you leave the car, set the alarm if you have a security system or use an anti-theft device. A security system sticker is also a good deterrent for potential vandals, but don't rely on the sticker alone; always have some kind of security system for your car. When choosing a parking space, look for a well-lit area near the building's entrance. You want to limit your exposure to potential attacks by spending the least amount of time possible in the parking garage. Don't park next to large vehicles, windowless vans, vehicles with tinted windows, or trucks with caps (camper-like shells which cover and enclose the truck bed). You cannot see who may be lurking inside these vehicles, waiting to attack you. You also cannot be seen by people outside the vehicle should you be abducted and thrown inside. Never leave your motor running, a thief could easily steal your car before you are even a few feet away. Never leave your car unlocked, thieves rob unlocked vehicles and can easily steal them. And never ever leave children unattended in the car; not only can they be abducted, but they could also be seriously injured, both physically and emotionally, in a startling variety of ways. Don't leave valuables inside the car where thieves can see them. Lock your purchases and valuables in the trunk. Keep an emergency kit inside your car: include flares, an air horn, mace or pepper spray, a can of flat tire repair spray (i.e. Fix-a-Flat) and, if you have one, a two-way radio so you can call for help even if your cell phone battery is dead. Put a flashlight in your trunk. If an attacker locks you in your trunk, use the flashlight to see the inside of your taillights. Kick these out and then scream and stick your hand through the hole to attract attention. When driving at night, let someone know when you are leaving, what time you expect to arrive at your destination (or checkpoints for longer journeys) and check in with your trusted person every hour. Agree that at check-ins you will give your exact location and if you miss a check-in, your trusted person will notify the police of your last whereabouts and intended destination. make sure your trusted person has written identification details such as the make, models and year of your car, your license plate number, and a physical description of you including what clothing you have on. Driving at night can be a risky activity, but with some planning and careful vigilance, you can increase your chances of avoiding being the victim of a crime. Sarah V. Morris is especially concerned with personal safety. She recently discovered that she can monitor her property from anywhere; want to learn how? Visit for helpful consumer tips and information you'll need before buying an outdoor wireless camera.

Hemorrhoid banding Now here's a topic you usually don't discuss over the dinner table...even if you are having trouble just sitting down to eat! Hemorrhoids! And if you have had a baby or two...or six....these little guys can be, well, a HUGE pain in the butt! If the creams and gels and 'medicated' wipes don't seem to be working for you, you might consider Hemorrhoid Banding (Hemorrhoid Ligation). Sounds like fun doesn't it?! Well if you have never heard of this procedure read on and perhaps ask your doctor if it might be something to consider if you have horrible trouble with your hemorrhoids. Your health insurance may even cover it! Definition of Hemorrhoid Banding This is a procedure to remove hemorrhoids, which are enlarged and bulging blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum. Banding cuts off the blood circulation to hemorrhoids, causing them to shrink and fall off. Parts of the Body Involved Hemorrhoid banding is done at the rectum and anus. Reasons for Procedure Hemorrhoid banding is used to treat painful, swollen hemorrhoids. More than one hemorrhoid can be banded at the same time. The procedure is most often performed for the following reasons: Severely bleeding hemorrhoids Severely painful hemorrhoids Hemorrhoid containing a blood clot (called thrombosed hemorrhoid) Hemorrhoids that protrude through the anus (called prolapsed hemorrhoids) Risk Factors for Complications During the Procedure Banding is not recommended for hemorrhoids that protrude and remain outside of the body. Please visit the resource link to learn more regarding Hemorrhoid Banding. %22

Sharon LaMothe Infertility Answers, Inc. LaMothe Services, LLC 727-458-8333


In June of 2010, The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that: although it may have edged down slightly from previous months, the U.S economy is still faced with the number of unemployed persons at 14.6 million, with an unemployment rate of 9.5%. In June alone, the number of longterm unemployed (those individuals unemployed for 27 weeks and over) went unchanged at 6.8 million. These specific group made up 45.5% of the unemployed persons. It is difficult not to do a double take as you read these staggering numbers. The fact remains, longer-term unemployment is one of the biggest problems American tax payers are facing, as it is getting harder and harder to find jobs. Although statistical data can change as it relates to the different market categories (ex: Healthcare, Construction, Government), it is clear as the nose on our Nations face, this country is in trouble with no easy fix in site. If you find yourself in that un-employed life- boat, you may be asking yourself the question, what do we do now? How can I compete with someone that carries greater experience and expertise, as well as a higher degree status for the same job? Have you ever considered the possibility of beginning an online business? LEADING ECONOMISTS PREDICT THAT SMALL ONLINE BUSINESSES WILL CONTINUE TO GROW AND PROFIT BY AT LEAST 20% IN 2010. Leading forecasters are predicting a further double-digit growth this year in online advertising. So why has this growth in online advertising come about? The answer is as simple. As consumers shop online for products and services, targeted advertising reaches these consumers when they are most receptive to an advertising message. If a business does not have a website, it is in significant peril of failing. For a small business to compete effectively in todays market place, it must have a significant online presence. In a recessive market, research and statistical analysis has shown that one key reason Internet and home based businesses are thriving, is the fact that they are so affordable. Start up cost and outlays are minimal when compared to the typical brick and mortar company. The well-informed beginner can join the ranks of online entrepreneurs and Mom-preneurscurrently benefiting from the upward swing in Internet business. Everything indicates that new online ventures will succeed in the next decade. The wonderful thing about creating an online business, is not only do you have the chance to be self employed, but there are simple, free, ways to sell other peoples products and services even if you don't have one of your own. The possibilities are endless, once you discover a personal passion that can become a niche product or service." With millions of people in the predicament of draining their unemployment well dry, why not think about beginning an online business that would not only create comfort for you and your family, but offers flexibility, stable income, and from the comfort of home. One idea can change the world, and your life. Go ahead, take a chance! What do you have to lose? The bottom line is, the internet is here to stay.

Sheryl Ashton CEO No. America Institute of Online Business 559-681-5241

Whose Fault Is It Anyway? Raising children has never been easy. But guiding them through adolescence in our unsteady and chaotic modern world, especially given the challenges of the current US economy, is the most difficult task that life could throw at us. Young adults are a force to be reckoned with! As an ex-teacher and the mother of an ex-teenager, I had numerous opportunities to observe and handle teenagers. Theres something they all have in common: an attitude problem. Its gigantic! Its scary! And no matter what we try, we cant fight it. Have you ever noticed how miserable all young adults look? Theyre never happy, never pleased. Some of them are depressed, and some are just plain angry. Theyre angry at their parents, at life, at the whole wide world! And how rude are they? Every time we try to talk to our teens we hear, Leave me alone! I hate you! And the way they say it, the way they look at us, the way they act everything spells A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E, with capital letters. Their attitude is all over the place! So how do we fight this beast? And whose fault is it anyway that it even exists? Lets go back in time when our teens were little and cute? We loved them to pieces! We gave them everything they ever asked for. The word no was not in our vocabulary when it came to our little darlings. (How do you say no to those adorable faces?) And thats when and how that whole attitude thing started. We just didnt know it then; we were covered with little hugs and kisses, swimming in a pool of love, adoration and worship. And now were leaping back to the present time. Our little darlings are all grown-up. Theyre accustomed to that good lifestyle. But life happens, and suddenly we cant afford to buy them everything they want, and we absolutely have to say no (oops!), and we start feeling guilty about it because weve never said no to our offspring (we still love them to pieces; and in our eyes, those faces are still adorable). Sadly, teenagers are selfish, self-centered and materialistic, especially young girls. They want everything, and they want it all at once! If they dont get it, they start blaming us for everything, including bad weather. The next thing we know, our teens look at us as if were the enemies of the State! Love and worship are being replaced by resentment and hate. And that wild animal, called attitude, emerges full force at its worst, showing its true colors. Im sure you know how much it hurts when your friend tells you, I told you so. You spoiled her rotten. And you think, Wait a moment! My daughter should be grateful to me instead of hating me. So how is it my fault? You cant help but think how unfair it is that youre paying for being generous to your kid. So heres the point: Its not enough to give your children things. You have to teach them to appreciate those things, and to make sure they dont take what they get for granted. Being a parent is extremely hard, but its not that easy to be a teenager, either. Try talking to your kids as much as possible. I know, its a long shot, but keep trying. And try to put yourself in their shoes so you can better understand them. Be patient with your teenagers and consider their feelings. Even though they say they hate you, they dont mean it; theyre just angry at the moment. Love is a given. Respect is a must! But remember that respect, just like love, is a two-way street. So respect your teens just as much as you want them to respect you. Help each other to earn that respect from one another. If all of us remember these four wordsrespect, communication, patience and consideration, perhaps then we wont have to ask that burning question: Whose Fault Is It Anyway? By Mila Bernadkin

Best Friends Forever or Not Writer and diarist, born in Paris, Anais Nin says it best when it comes to friends. "Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." All of us have been a girlfriend at one time or another; girlfriends have come and gone in our lives, but we continue to seek each other. There is nothing more refreshing than when we find new, "gal pals." Each one of us has had that experience. We are invigorated and can be refreshed by a chance encounter with a complete stranger. These moments of finding new friendships are so much fun. You make plans; you discover your similarities, your differences. It's equivalent to finding a new love. At times, just like a new love affair, our girlfriend relationships start to evaporate and lose its luster. This can happen for many reasons, it can be because your girlfriend does not agree with your new love relationship,or the decision you made about something going on in your life. This is why it's so important to stay open to change and non-judgment with our girlfriends. I know for myself, I like girlfriends that are there to support me. To listen and hear me out when I'm experiencing a situation causing me pain or frustration. The unfortunate thing, its not always like that. There is nothing like the pain of when a girlfriend does you wrong. It can be a betrayal, a deception, a gossip to someone else. She promised you she won't tell, but then you find out she did tell. Ouch, that hurts and the TRUST has been broken. Those are the "bitches" that our out to get us; they appear wonderful when you first meet then something happens. I sometimes wonder, what happened. I can speculate that it can be jealousy - jealousy of what you have, of who you are, the way you look. So I ask myself, why can't girlfriends be there to help each other instead of compete with each other? Before I forget, this is very important - I personally make it a point that when I see a beautiful woman (may it be inside or out) - I make sure to go up to her and tell her that! I ask that each one of you reading this make it a point to practice this. Okay, now back to my question, why can't girlfriends be there to help each other instead of compete with each other. We live in a very self centered world - we don't feel good about ourselves, we don't have the best self-esteem, we don't feel smart - whatever the reasons for our own inadequacies - it spreads like wildfire onto others. If we felt good about ourselves, and we were secure about our place in life, then we could start feeling the joy for others, and we'd want to be there for our "girlfriends". We wouldnt feel jealous if they bought themselves a brand new car or a brand new pair of fancy shoes. We would be happy for their success. They worked hard to get themselves these things share in their joy and happiness. No competition here, but pure glee! Again, let me restate the obvious - "if we are happy with our lives and the way we live, then there would be no room for jealousy! There are 2 different type of girlfriends out there the basement friends and the balcony friends, you know who those ladies are, the basement friends are there to bring you down, to spoil your fun - to have you second guess yourself. Then there are the balcony friends, they are your cheerleaders, they encourage you, bring you up when youre down, and experience the joys of life with you. I choose to surround myself with the balcony friends and then basement friends I stay clear of. You know how these basement friends are, weve all have had at least one in our lives. They are the ones that after you leave their presence you feel about 50 pounds heavier. How many times have you phoned a friend and you only want their ear, but instead they give you "what you should do "speech.They lecture you and want to make it all better, when in reality you just need an ear to vent to. I'm sure they want to help, but ladies, it's about time you realized that saying nothing and just listening is the best thing a great friend can do. You may want to try to ask questions in order for them to come up with a different plan, or allow them to think things through on "THEIR" timeline and not "YOURS."So ladies, let's start complimenting each other instead of competing with each other. Let's start reaching out to other women and raise their self awareness. Let's encourage and inspire one another with the way we choose to live and not tear each other down. We must make a conscious effort in extending a hand to other women and really listening and helping I will end with this quote by Roy Kroft, I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. Remember, may the possibilities of today excite us ALL! Nancy Shields

Self-Indulgence for Health To accept ourselves where we are right now without judgment or regret is to know the true meaning of self-compassion. White,2008 How are you regarding self care? Im talking about taking care of you from the inside. Not just your appearance and the outside you, but how you feel. They compliment one another: the internal and external. Is everybody else on the top of your list? When you finally get around to something enjoyable just for you, are you too tired or find theres not enough time? We bypass ourselves often and dont give us the concern that we minister to others. Is it because we value ourselves any less? Maybe, we believe self-care is selfish and ungodly. Not! Heres the real scoop. Some self-indulgence is not only healthy; its fun and has an overall effect on all the other generous times you cater to everyone else. It can boost your performance and your energy. Self care also attracts people to you because your mood is on the upswing and youre irresistible. When you feel good, you know youre a dynamo! Do unto you with the same kindness that you dole out to others. Reward yourself for your efforts at home and in the world. You can afford to be generous with yourself and it doesnt need to be costly or over the top. Think of ministering to yourself as an act of service to you that you deserve. Decide that its okay to appreciate you and build it into your busy lifestyle. You can do simple acts of kindness for yourself. Maybe its rearranging something in your bedroom or introducing a new candle scent. A fragrant bubble bath or a walk in nature can do the trick. Taking in twenty minutes of a juicy book or a cat nap to ease your mind. You decide what will benefit you. Be consistent about care-giving to yourself. With all the tugs and demands on you, it has to be planned to succeed. Although, spontaneity can be fun when possible. Just imagine: Everyone is out of the house with friends and sports and work and you have thirty minutes of uninterrupted time. Abandon yourself in luxury and pampering just becauseand see how good you feel after. It wont take much to lift your spirits and change your perspective to the upbeat register. Recently, I created a getaway ambiance in my backyard with some inexpensive solar lighting. The effect was like being in a vacation spot and lifted my mood and renewed me. A vacation haven for two glorious hours, without the hustle and expense of traveling. And, it can be shared with the people I care about. You can be creative with your self care and even a little wild if you dare and dont step on any toes. Put on soulful or blasting music, don an outfit and dance to your hearts content. Or, treat yourself to a clay facemask. Lie down with cucumbers around your eyes to draw out the fatigue and relax to the swell of soft classical sounds. All can be done in less than one hour. You choose, but really choose, and make time for you. Youre worth it! Jo Anne White, The Success Doc, is an internationally recognized author and speaker and certified life, leadership and business coach & energy intuitive, who guides others to overcome adversity, access their inner power and turn challenges into opportunities to create more personal and professional success and empowerment.

Dear Inquisitive Canine, I really want to be able to invite our dog onto the sofa, but we dont want him jumping around on our furniture or other peoples furniture whenever he wants to. My husband says You cant give him mixed signals, like sometimes up and sometimes not. My friend has a Vizsla who is so cuddly, and I also yearn for the same connection and some snuggle time with my dog. However, Im afraid my husband may be right, - even though I dont want him to be.Please help. Thanks,The Cuddler Dear Cuddler, Good news! Although your husband is correct in that giving mixed signals to a dog is not the best idea, you certainly can teach a dog to discriminate. For one example of how dogs can learn to discriminate, check out our inquisitive canine dog training blog. A human example I like to use is the traffic signal: Green light means GO Red light means STOP Yellow light means SLOW DOWN (or for some people, speed up depending on whether a cop is around). In your case, you can teach your pup when it's okay to be on the couch, and when it's not. Of course just like with all dog training plans, consistency and timing is of the utmost importance. And when youre not training, management is key. First off, management: If you dont want your pup running willy nilly around your house or a friends house, keep your dog confined to specific legal areas. Or, keep him on leash, tethered to you. This way he is set up for success, and not at risk of making undesired choices.As for educating your dog on making the better choice, I recommend the training exercise I teach in my own dog training classes called: Go to Your Place. It teaches the dog to target a blanket, bed, or mat - their designated area to sit or lie down. This way you can take whatever object theyre lying on to other areas to perform the same behavior. This is pretty much the canine equivalent to a portable chair. For your request, you can use a specific, couch allowed blanket, for your dog to lie on. If the blanket is on the couch, the dog is allowed up. No blanket, not allowed. If the blanket isnt on the couch, you can then place it on the floor nearby or elsewhere altogether. If he jumps up on the couch uninvited, you can remove him from the room for a very brief time-out (15 seconds). The choices your dog will have are: Blanket on couch, I get to be on the couch and some cuddle time. Blanket on floor I get petting, praise, chew bone, food treats! Jump on the couch uninvited: I dont get anything, plus I get thrown out of the room. With consistency and precise timing, your dog will most likely make the better choice by learning to discriminate, plus youll get your cuddle time! And trust me, I totally agree, there is nothing like the healing power of cuddling with your dog. Its not called animal assisted therapy for nothing! Dear Inquisitive Canine is written by Certified Professional Dog Trainer Joan Mayer and her trusty sidekick Poncho the dog. Joan is also the founder of The Inquisitive Canine and developer of the Out of the Box Dog Training Game. If you or your dog have questions about behavior, training or life with each other, please email advice @

Communicating with Your Teenager The teenage years can be very difficult for both the parents and the teens themselves. Once our children reach puberty, they begin to deal with physical and emotional changes that can make it hard for us to relate to them, and even harder for them to relate to us. Many parents express that their children became different people almost overnight, and parents can easily become frustrated and overwhelmed at the changes in their children's attitude and behavior. As children get older, its natural for them to begin to withdraw from their parents, as they begin to rely more on their own decision making and move toward independence. During this time, they will also begin to confide more in their friends, and turn to their friends for answers in stressful situations. As parents, we know that this can be a dangerous practice, and we want to make sure our children feel comfortable discussing important matters with us, and turn to us first for information and advice. The key to forming that bond is communication. Communicating with our children means listening to them, and caring about the things that are important to them. It requires patience and understanding, without constant judgment and harsh criticism. Communicating also includes active listening, which involves us being fully present when talking with our teens, and exchanging both verbal and non verbal cues that show our interest in what is being said. Our teens need to feel that they are being listened to and understood, or they will take their concerns and feelings elsewhere. For some parents, communicating with their teens is a lot easier said than done. If youre not sure where to begin, you can start quickly by: Finding out what is important to your teen, and actively listening when they talk. Ask them about their hobbies and interests, career goals and plans for the future. Teens appreciate it when their parents take an interest in their lives and respond well when parents support their endeavors. Knowing their friends and playing an active role in their social lives. This will give you the opportunity to discuss the issues they are discussing with their friends, and provide them with your more experienced viewpoint. Adjusting our parenting style to fit their age and level of maturity. Teens like to feel that their parents trust their decision making and can handle themselves in some situations. Avoid treating them like children and begin to gradually increase their level of freedom and responsibility. Allowing them to express themselves fully and avoid trivializing their concerns. The things that are important to teenagers often seem insignificant to adults, however, we should always respect their feelings enough to show compassion when they experience pain, and help them come to responsible, informed decisions. As a parent, your goal should be to keep the lines of communication open and always be available if your teenager needs your support. Although adolescence can be tough, it is possible to strengthen the bond with your teenager, and create the foundation for a healthy lifelong relationship. Communication is the key! Courtney Franklin

Baskery : Brazen Bluegrass BASKERY, three Swedish Sister Band comprised of Greta, Stella, and Sunniva Bondesson, instantly lures their audience with the sweet sound their beautiful voices coupled with the sizzling strums of their instruments. Their twist on bluegrass or what they call, high voltage, killbilly, banjo-punk, or mud country quickly has folks moving to the dance floor. They acknowledged that their music is different and bringing a new sound to folk music isnt always easy and has often left them feeling like outsiders, because what they have learned is that some people dont want the traditional music to change. Baskery has a great sound and they are fantastic performers that were enjoyable to listen to as much as they were to watch. Baskery has been touring together for over 10 years and released their first album in 2008, Fall Among Thieves. Their 2nd album is complete and anticipated release will be this fall! According to Sunniva, this record was recorded in the opposite fashion of their first album. It was almost gypsy style-while on the road Stella continued. This 2nd album was completed in the studio, which was a process they all discussed enjoying. They are excited for this new album to come out and addressed how having a new album is allowing us to enjoy playing the old song again. Greta feels, it gives them (the older songs) another depth. The sounds you are treated to from both their albums are written and arranged exclusively by them. They find the ideas for their work from everywhere. Sunniva shared how she does find some of her thoughts for a new song come from music, but more so from other forms of art such as movies and books. I seek inspiration from other arts which inspires me to tell another form of the story. Greta said that she doesnt write songs from personal experience because I dont want to simplify my feelings about something. Stella followed that thought up by stating, a song is limiting because you have to fit your thoughts into very short amount of space. Being female performers and an all girl band, I was elated when our conversation led to issues they have encountered in a male dominated field. Greta openly addressed frustration she has felt from being told by an organization, we cant have 2 girl bands. Furthermore, I get annoyed by being limited to a girl band and not just a band. Stella backed Gretas claim, I just want to hear good music! The girls talked about how the festivals are now trying to make it more equitable, but there is still a large gap. They also addressed that as women there is often the expectation that they be lady like or always nice and pleasant. Greta claimed as women they can offend people much easier and they are expected to aim to please and sometimes find themselves doing so to avoid being called a bitch. I can tell you first hand that Baskery is bitchin! According to the girls, from day one, we have been blessed with people liking us. I think some of that can be attributed to their wondrousness as individuals and collectively. They are smart, beautiful, strong, and fun! Each has a good head on her shoulders coupled with their ability to have a sense for what they wanted and going after it. They are confident in what they are doing, themselves, and each other. Stella brazenly shared, we are extremely comfortable where we are and in our own skin. We belong on stage. Followed up by Sunniva, what we are doing we feel comfortable with. Its okay if its (the music) not perfect. We stay focused on the good. We take in all criticism and try to feel if there is bitterness or something constructive.Dont miss the opportunity of hearing the sweet sounds of these sisters! By Amy Lance 214-546-1799 Jan Maupin, Independent Scentsy Director

Kidney Stones and What to do for them.. On July 12, 2010, I had a great interview on Death by Modern Medicine and The Magnesium Miracle ( with Deb Bailey that you can listen to at Power Women Magazine. ( There were a lot of case histories and personal health storiesdiscussed during the hour. After discussing magnesium deficiency as it relates to gall stones, heel spurs and kidney stones, Deb told me about her son. At age 16 he suffered kidney stones to the point of requiring kidney surgery! She asked if I thought that indicated a magnesium deficiency. The hair on the back of my neck stood up...and I told her, absolutely. Most kidney stones have calcium as the base. They often form because there isn't enough magnesium to keep calcium in solution. Calcium and magnesium go hand-in-hand. Without enough magnesium, calcium deposits in soft tissues throughout the body. Furthermore, magnesium relaxes muscles and nerves and calcium tightens them up. After a stressful surgery, Deb's son experienced even more magnesium deficiency symptoms. But nobody recognized them for what they were. Painful muscle cramping sidelined him from further participation in sports in high school. Today at age 18, he comes home from his summer job at a local fast food restaurant complaining of constant pain and stiffness. My advice to him and to anyone else who has suffered kidney stones and muscle cramps is to give magnesium a try. It's inexpensive, it has no side effects and it does much more than prevent kidney stones and muscle cramps. You can find my magnesium recommendations on my resources page at Briefly they are: 1. Magnesium Citrate Powder from Natural Calm. The powdered form allows better absorption. The best places to purchase are health food stores or 2. Magnesium dimalate is the preferred form if you just want to pop a tablet. offers a sustained release form, which can improve absorption if you get the laxative effect from magnesium citrate powder. 3. Magnesium Oil is a non-laxative form of magnesium. It's supersaturated magnesium chloride in distilled water. You can apply to tsp a day on your body. It will absorb through the skin into your tissues. A good source is 4. Angstrom Liquid Ionic Magnesium: This is the form I personally use to avoid the laxative effect entirely. This non-laxative magnesium is absorbed 100% at the cellular level. My current angstrom mineral recommendation is this site Carolyn Dean MD ND

Focus on Prosperity Why is it that when you need money the most, it seems the hardest to get your hands on it? The answer is because, most likely, you've got most of your attention on the fact that you don't have enough money. It's an instant log jam in the money-attraction process and it'll make anyone a nervous wreck. I've written dozens of articles on creating money and abundance. But I'll be honest; this article won't change your money vibe. The best I can do is put a spark of inspiration into your decision-making process and have you get serious about attracting money. Are you up for it? Here are the facts about making a significant increase in your bank account:

You have to commit to something beyond a quick fix. Trust that you do have the ability to make the change. Forget your history of any failures or slow-growth periods regarding wealth. Unless the people around you are empowering, tune them out. Trust your own guidance. Changing your habitual thinking about money needs daily and, sometimes, hourly attention. People who have support in this quest have better results. Decide that this change is permanent.

The most critical part about increasing income is to give as much or more attention to changing the way you think as you do to any money-making strategies. Also, stay committed to this process even when you don't get instantaneous results. If you are feeling more positive about attracting money, then you are headed in the right direction. Trust those feelings. Many of you will feel immediate resistance when focusing on attracting money. Your brain will want to give you all the reasons it feels liking a losing battle. Your mind wants to know the exact route you will take and you've got to let that thought go. If you are not clear about specific actions you can take to increase your prosperity, the only thing you can do is get your thoughts in the right place. Frankly, if you just keep seeing that prosperity is the only outcome you will get and that you will win this game, the right and perfect actions find you without you looking too hard. 1. 2. 3. 4. What is your decision about money? What thoughts and habits must you exchange for healthier ones? Who will help you? What's going to support you in making this easier?

Play to win or don't play. Every one of you can experience more prosperity in a short period of time if you are willing to do the above. Leap out onto the leading edge of thought and you will be supported in this quest. Above all, enjoy the ride. Retrieved from "" (ArticlesBase SC #2475948) Jeanna Gabellini - About the Author: Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. Jeanna co-authored Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Eva Gregory. Get a FREE subscription to her weekly ezine to go BIG, with less effort here:

I Cant Find A Job and I Am Broke Question Dear Woobie, I am so tired of being broke and cant find a job. I am 33 years old and I am single. There are so many things I want to do, but not having a job and bringing in money, stops me from doing anything. My days consist of sitting at home and pretty much watching the clock tick. I cant seem to find a job that is willing to pay me what I am worth and I feel so stuck, I went to college and have a business degree which these days isnt worth the paper it is printed on, so I am asking you for some kind of guidance.What would you do if you were in my shoes? I keep praying for anything to come my way, but it never does. Thanks for any advice you can give me. Sincerely; Jobless and Broke in Saco, Maine Answer Dear Jobless and Broke, There is always something out there for you to be able to do to bring in some money, maybe not what you are use to or what you want to do long term, but you can find a job. Its really just a choice whether or not you are willing to do it. I have been in your shoes before and not just once but a few times and when I was, I had to put my pride aside and take some jobs that I knew I was much more qualified for, but they put food on the table. So here are a few keys points that I can suggest: 1. Get up every morning and take a shower and get dressed. (Nicely casual, make-up and hair done. You never know when the phone will ring from a place where you applied for a job and your opportunity is requesting you be there within the hour.) 2. Opportunity will not be knocking on your door, EVER, so make sure you get out everyday and open your eyes to any NOW HIRING signs. There were times I worked at a gas station, news stand, grocery store, tele-marketing room, etc (none of which I would desire to work at, but I did because it would bring in some money while I was still passing in my resume to companies I wanted to work at.) Dont be limited to your income options just because you feel they are beneath you. These times in our lives are only times of building inner-strength and they are only temporary jobs. 3. Get out of your house and stop watching the clock tick . Go places like Bookstores, malls, parks and business networking events and start meeting new people. Smile, be pleasant and start changing your thinking to. I can do anything and will - to get back on my feet. I promise you one thing, you can land back on your feet, but you have to be positive and open. Chose the right attitude and the rest will follow. I believe in you and I know you have it in you to put down your pride and step into a world that does have options. With that, in closing, while youre pondering your time away, also sit down with self and dig deep to find out what you are extremely passion about, create a dream board and have more of a direction and a path into your future. Hope this helps Love, Woobie

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