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High Blood Pressure and Salt

We are a society of Salt Addicts. It cannot be denied. When you look at the things we do and the
places we hang out then the occurrence of Salt is almost the constant factor.

The recommended total daily intake of salt for adults is 5 grams or less. This best viewed as a slightly
heaped teaspoonful. The other factor to beware of in all of this is to take into consideration the
“hidden” salt that lies within the rest of the food that we eat in processed or packaged foods. These
hidden amounts alone leave very little room for the addition of salt at our table or within the
processes of cooking. If we are not very careful we could find ourselves consuming between 200 and
400 percent more salt as we need without trying.

The addition of salt to our food at the table is in a great many cases almost an involuntary habit and
cutting this out is not easy to start but once the process of elimination is embarked upon most people
find it hard to believe how salty the food that we consume actually is.

Leave salt off the table as a condiment and cut down by 50 percent the amount used in cooking as a
start and take it from there. The most obvious offenders in the salt intake sakes are Fast Foods such
as Hamburgers, cooked meats; savoury snacks etc but Bread, tinned soups, micro waved foods
contain more salt than you think.

The one positive side effect of all of this is the fact that more and more people are starting to
become more aware of the amount of Sodium found in foods and are now starting to consume more
and more lower Sodium alternatives. These foods are beginning to make more of an appearance on
Supermarket shelves in greater numbers than ever before and slowly the message is getting through

However, and this is a BIG however, be careful of the excess use of salt substitutes – these contain
potassium chloride (conventional table salt is Sodium Chloride). Potassium supplements are not
suitable for people with impaired Kidney function, or people receiving ACE inhibitor drugs or certain
types of diuretics (water pills).

There can be no doubt that the reduction of Salt has a beneficial effect on the blood pressure of
people with Hypertension and the impact is greater in Adults over the age of 45 and in people of
African and Caribbean origin, who in general are more “salt sensitive”. Yes Salt is tasty, yes it can
make some of our foods extremely tasty and delicious but yes………..Salt can also be deadly, Treat it
and use it with care!
How to Reduce Stress
When stress occurs, it is important to recognize and deal with it. Here are some suggestions for ways
to handle stress. As you begin to understand more about how stress affects you as an individual, you
will come up with your own ideas on how to ease the tension.

Try physical activity. When you are nervous, angry or upset, release the pressure through exercise or
physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis or working in your garden, are just some of the
activities you might try. Physical exercise will relieve that "up tight" feeling, relax you, and turn the
frowns into smiles. Remember, your body and your mind work together.

Share your stress. It helps to talk to someone about your concerns and worries. Perhaps a friend,
family member, teacher or counselor, can help you see your problem in a different light. If you feel
your problem is serious, you might seek professional help from a psychologist, psychiatrist or social
worker. Knowing when to ask for help may help to avoid more serious problems later.

Know your limits. If a problem is beyond your control and cannot be changed at the moment, don't
fight the situation. Learn to accept what is for now, until such time when you can change it.

Take care of yourself. You are special. Get enough rest and eat well. If you are irritable and tense
from lack of sleep, or if you are not eating correctly, you will have less ability to deal with stressful
situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should ask your doctor for help.

Make time for fun. Schedule time for both work and recreation. Play can be just as important to
your well-being as work; you need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun.

Be a participant. One way to keep from getting bored, sad, and lonely is to go where it's all
happening. Sitting alone can make you feel frustrated. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, get
involved. Offer your services to a neighborhood or volunteer organizations. Help yourself by helping
other people. Get involved in the world and the people around you, and you will find they will be
attracted to you. You're on your way to making new friends and enjoying new activities.

Check off your tasks. Trying to take care of everything at once can seem overwhelming, and as a
result, you may not accomplish anything. Instead, make a list of what tasks you have to do and do
them one at a time, checking them off as they're completed. Give priority to the most important
ones and do those first.

Must you always be right? Do other people upset you - particularly when they don't do things your
way? Try cooperation instead of confrontation; it's better than fighting and always being "right." A
little give and take on both sides will reduce the strain and make you both feel more comfortable.
It's OK to cry. A good cry can be a healthy way to bring relief to your anxiety, and it might even
prevent a headache or other physical consequence. Take some deep breaths; they also release

Create a quiet scene. You can't always get away, but you can "dream the impossible dream." A quiet
country scene, painted mentally or on canvas, can take you out of the turmoil of a stressful situation.
Change the scene by reading a good book or playing beautiful music to create a sense of peace and

Avoid self-medication. Although you can use drugs to relieve stress temporarily, drugs do not remove
the conditions that caused the stress in the first place. Drugs, in fact, may be habit-forming and
create more stress than they relieve. They should be taken only on the advice of your doctor.

The best strategy for avoiding stress is to learn how to relax. Unfortunately, many people try to relax
at the same pace that they lead the rest of their lives. For a while, tune out your worries about time,
productivity, and "doing it right." You will find satisfaction in just being, without striving. Find
activities that give you pleasure and that are good for your mental and physical well-being. Forget
about always winning and focus on relaxation, enjoyment, and health. Be good to yourself.

Removing Gallstones Naturally by Dr. Lai Chiu-Nan

It has worked for many.

If it works for you please pass on the good news.
Chiu Nan is not charging for it, so we should make it free for everyone. Your reward is when
someone, through your word of mouth, benefits from the regime.

Gallstones may not be everyone's concern. But they should be because we all have them. Moreover,
gallstones may lead to cancer.

"Cancer is never the first illness", Chiu Nan points out. "Usually, there are a lot of other problems
leading to cancer in my research in China, I came across some material which say that people with
cancer usually have stones. We all have gallstones. It's a matter of big or small, many or few. One of
the symptoms of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal. You feel like you can't
digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area".

So if you think you have gallstones, Chiu Nan offers the following method to remove them naturally.
The treatment is also good for those with a weak liver, because the liver and gallbladder are closely

1. For the first five days, take four glasses of apple juice every day. Or eat four or five apples,
whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During the five days, eat normally.
2. On the sixth day, take no dinner.

3. At 6 pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.

4. At 8 pm, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.

5. At 10 pm, take half cup olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and
drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage.

The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. "Usually they float", Chiu Nan notes. "You
might want to count them. I have had people who passes 40, 50 or up to 100 stones . Very many".
Even if you don't have any symptoms of gallstones, you still might have some. It's always good to give
your gall bladder clean up now and then.

9 Major Hemorrhoid Causes

What is the main cause of hemorrhoids? We can blame our modern life style as the main cause. Today
we know that lack of foods high in fiber, insufficient water intake and lack of movement are the main
causes. One other likely cause is genetics, it is quite possible to inherit a predisposition to develop

Hemorrhoids causes can be divided in 9 major groups:

1. Improper diet - Shortage of high fiber food in our every day diet and insufficient water intake,
too much coffle, sodas and alcohol causes dehydration.
2. Wrong bowel movement habits - Delaying and straining during bowel movement and
reading during bowel movement.
3. Everyday activities - Too much sitting or standing, causing pressure on veins in the rectum
area, driving to work instead taking a public transport, bike or walking lack of exercise.
4. Lack of personal hygiene - Not washing up after the bowel movements, excessive wiping,
using paper instead of washing up or using moist vipes
5. Pregnancy - Changes caused by hormones along with amplified pressure of fetus on the veins in
anal canal.
6. Obesity - Excess weight causes pressure on veins in anal canal.
7. Health conditions - Anal infection, liver or heart disease, or even tumors in the pelvic area.
8. Excessive rubbing and cleaning around anus- Do not use toilet paper, wash up after
bowel movements or use moist towels.
9. Ageing - Not your fault, just make sure to eat plenty of foods high in fiber, fruits, vegetables
and drink lots of water.

Anything of the above can be the cause of hemorrhoids, usually it is several of these causes
combined that are the problem.
Examine what you might be doing wrong:

-Analyze your diet. -Do you exercise enough? -Do you drink enough water? -Do you have a job that
requires lots of sitting or standing in place?

It is not simple admitting to yourself that you are doing something wrong. I know that some of this
causes are hard for you to hear and I know that most of us have jobs were you can not set aside time
for a good meal.

In addition, drinking lots of water will cause more frequent urination, and not all of us have access to
decent bathrooms while working or commuting.

It takes little effort to remove hemorrhoid causes in our modern everyday lifes, even if we think that
some factors are out of our control, when actually they are not.

What are the Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a largely unknown disease until today, despite the fact that it affects almost ten
percent of the women above the age of forty years all over the world. The causes of this killer cancer
are not known even after decades of research into it. Similarly it is unknown why some women have
higher chances of getting breast cancers than others.

Though the causative factors are not known, some risk factors have been identified. There is no
medical proof why these factors make the disease more probable, but this is a study of observation.
In a vast cross-section of women with the observed risk factors, it has been found that the chances of
getting breast cancers are very high.

The various risk factors for breast cancer are as follows:-

(1) Family History of Breast Cancer

If a near relative like a mother or a sister has had breast cancer, then there is a very high chance that
the cancer will occur sometime in life. This propensity is observed even if far relatives such as
cousins and aunts have had breast cancer, though the chances are lesser as the relatives are more
removed. Even if a male relative has had breast cancer or prostate cancer, then there is a chance of
getting breast cancer. This clearly indicates that breast cancer runs through family lines through
inheritance. Certainly the chances are very high if more than one family member has had breast

(2) Personal History of Breast Cancer

If a woman has had breast cancer in the past, then there is a great chance that the breast cancer
may recur. This is true even if the cancer had been removed in its benign stage itself. Sometimes the
cancer cells spread into the nearby lymph. This makes a possibility that the cancer will occur in the
opposite breast. In fact, women who have had cancer in one breast have 50 to 75% more chances of
developing the cancer in the other breast.

(3) Diseases of the Breast

Several breast diseases can increase the chances of having breast cancer. Changes in the cells of the
breasts can lead to atypical hyperplasia. This condition can cause a three to fourfold increase in the
possibility of getting breast cancer in the later years. This risk also exists if the atypical hyperplasia
has occurred in other women of the family. Another such condition is the benign breast tumor
condition known as fibro adenoma. However, women with fibrocystic breasts generally do not have
any added vulnerability to breast cancer. Yet, such conditions could make the breasts lumpy and hide
the real tumors (if any) during mammography.

(4) Lifestyle
In today’s world, lifestyle is the single largest contributing factor for the proliferation of breast
cancer among women. Several elements of the lifestyle have been found to be directly accordant
with the prevalence of breast cancer. Smoking and alcoholism in women are among the chief factors.
Even diet has been pointed out as an important risk factor. Women who consume a diet with more
high-cholesterol fats in them have higher chances of breast cancer. At the same time leading a
sedentary lifestyle without indulging much in physical activity are also potentially dangerous.

(5) Radiation
It has been found that women who undergo radiation therapies in their chest region at a young age
have an increased risk of developing breast cancer in their later lives. Radiation therapy is generally
prescribed for women with conditions like Hodgkin’s disease or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. So women
who have undergone such treatments may get breast cancer in their later years.

(6) Hormonal Imbalances

There are several factors that can change the hormone balance of the body. Some of them are:- a)
Beginning the menstrual cycle early, i.e. before the age of twelve years, b) Having the first
pregnancy after the age of thirty years, c) Having no pregnancy at all, d) Having a late menopause.
All these conditions can increase the level of estrogen in the body. This increases the risk of getting
breast cancer to a mild extent. Apart from that women who take regular birth control pills, breast
enhancement supplements, antidepressants and antihistamines and hormone modifying supplements
stand at a higher risk to get breast cancers.

The above are the major risk factors for breast cancers. But since the study on breast cancers is not
yet complete, the above is by no means a complete list. There are several other indications of breast
cancers, like breast implant operations; but these have not yet been confirmed. The implants used in
the earlier days were made of silicone gels. These were riskier in terms of breast cancer. However,
nowadays the silicone gel implants have been replaced by saline implants. This has reduced the risk
to a great extent.

It must be also noted that women have much higher chances of getting breast cancer than men. In
fact, most people think that breast cancer is a disease that affects only women. This is not true. Men
also get breast cancers, but to a much lesser degree than women. Also, age is a very important
factor. The chances of getting breast cancer are much higher when the woman has crossed

Prostate Cancer Life Expentancy

Men, how long are you going to live with or without prostate cancer? If you're being honest, you
really don't know. We all have a life expectancy based upon general statistical probabilities but none
of us know how or when we're going to die.

No matter what the illness or disease that may inflict us including prostate cancer, we still can't be
certain when we're going to die. We know at some point our own mortality will become evident. Just
because you may have prostate cancer however, doesn't mean you've been given a death sentence.

Here are some facts about prostate cancer

1. Prostate cancer is generally considered a slow growing carcinoma. This means you may have many
high quality of life years ahead of you... that is if you're not hit by a truck on the way to work on the

2. Prostate cancer typically advances through four major stages. At what stage you're diagnosed with
prostate cancer, will determine your probable chances of dying due to complications of the cancer.

3. As you get older, your risk of contracting prostate cancer rises. Men have a lifetime risk or chance
of contracting a prostate malignancy of about one in 10 that increases as we get older. Good news!
You've survived into your 70s. Bad news... your risk of prostate cancer is one in three.

4. Prostate cancer is considered basically a geriatric disease. That is, the great majority of men,
under the age of 60 will not be diagnosed with a cancerous prostate. Remember fact number three
above though as your risk increases greatly after age 60.

According to such well known cancer societies and cancer associations as the American Cancer
Society, about 92 percent of all the men diagnosed with prostate cancer survive at least five years
after the initial diagnosis. Although such a prognosis may seem like less time than you expected,
remember that prostate cancer is considered a disease of the aged and many men who contract the
disease are well into their 60s and 70s.

So your life expectancy after a diagnosis of prostate cancer, will depend on what stage the cancerous
tumor has progressed to, your age and willingness to consider all treatment options. In the end,
prostate cancer survivability rests with early diagnosis and effective treatment

Treatment for Impotence

If you suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED), don't let embarrassment keep you from
sexual health and happiness. Try the self-help home remedies below, but if the problem doesn't
resolve, don't hesitate to seek professional help.

Check your prescriptions. A variety of medications can cause ED, including blood pressure
drugs, antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizers, appetite suppressants, and cimetidine, an ulcer
drug. Ask your doctor or pharmacist whether any of the drugs you take could be contributing to ED. If
one of the medications you take has ED as a side effect, your doctor may be able to prescribe a
different one.

Remove the performance demand. It's not unusual for a man to have an occasional episode
of ED -- after drinking alcohol or after a particularly stressful day, for example. However, if he places
too much emphasis on the incident and harbors fear that it may happen again, the anxiety itself may
become a cause of erectile difficulties.Behavior modification can help with this, though. One
strategy that sex therapists often use is to have couples abstain from intercourse altogether, telling
them instead to engage in cuddling and nonsexual touch. Gradually, over a period of weeks or
months, depending on the couple, the partners work toward more sexual touching, then intercourse.
The idea is to make sex a less-threatening experience.
Break out of a rut. Add some spice to your lovemaking: Go to a hotel or a different setting. Vary
the routine. Try new positions. Buy your partner some new lingerie.

Learn to relax. Stress, arising either from performance anxiety or from other life situations, can
exacerbate ED. Regardless of the cause, it's difficult to enjoy yourself when you've got too much on
your mind. Try relaxation exercises such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, where
you consciously tense and relax each part of the body in sequence.

Express your feelings. Marital or relationship difficulties are notorious contributors to sexual
problems. Anger, resentment, and hurt feelings often spill into a couple's sex life, turning the
bedroom into a battlefield. This situation is especially likely to develop if partners don't
communicate. Work to share your feelings with your partner. Use "I" statements, and keep the focus
on your feelings, instead of your partner's actions. Doing a thorough housecleaning of the
relationship, instead of storing up emotional debris, may very well clear the way for a healthier
sexual union.

Talk about sex. Sometimes, erectile problems occur because you simply don't feel aroused. In
these cases, sex therapists often work to help patients communicate more openly about their sexual
relationship -- what they like, what they don't like, whether they'd like to do some experimenting.
Again, to avoid defensiveness and hurt feelings, "I" statements are key. Choose to make assertive,
rather than aggressive, comments.

Don't drink before sex. Drinking alcohol or being drunk can significantly impair your sexual

Remember your successful experiences. If performance anxiety has undermined your

confidence, thinking about positive sexual relationships or experiences you have had in the past may
help boost your self-esteem. It may also convince you that you can have a fulfilling sex life in the

Involve your partner. Although erectile difficulties originate with the man, they are a couple's
problem and have couple solutions. If the problem is not a medical one, there are many strategies,
such as the ones discussed in this chapter, which can help. However, your chances for improvement
are much better if your sexual partner is involved in the solution.

Know that you are not abnormal. It can never be stated enough: Having problems with
erection does not mean that you are physiologically or psychologically abnormal in any way. It is not
your fault and you shouldn't feel guilty or allow your self-esteem to suffer.

Read, then talk. Take advantage of the many sources of information about sex -- books that can
help you and your mate solve your problems and work towards a more mutually satisfying sex life, as
well as sex manuals and even videos.

Skip the aphrodisiacs. Spanish fly and other so-called aphrodisiacs are usually little more than
placebos -- sugar pills that do nothing but boost your confidence. What's more, Spanish fly can be
very dangerous to use and can even be fatal. Avoid alternative or herbal remedies.

Employ fantasy. Many men with erectile problems engage in "spectatoring," or constantly
observing their own sexual performance. This takes the individual out of the moment and leads to
being overly critical. Instead of judging yourself, focus on the pleasures of being with your partner.
Fantasizing about and with your partner can take the focus off you.

Try masturbation. Performance anxiety is just that -- anxiety over performing for your partner.
But don't forget that while it's important to please your partner, you're also there to please yourself.
Masturbation -- bringing yourself to orgasm while you are alone -- may be helpful by re-teaching you
how to achieve your own pleasure (as long as it's not overdone). The next step is to bring that ability
into a sexual situation with your partner. In this way, you can change the focus from performance to
mutually pleasurable interaction.

Don't be afraid to seek help. If your ED has no medical cause, psychological issues may be
involved. Guilt, shame, anger, fear, sadness, and other emotions can impair your ability to perform
sexually. Help is available from therapists who specialize in sexual issues. Ask your doctor or urologist
for a referral.

Symptoms of Diabetes
Most people exhibit few or no noticeable symptoms of diabetes, and tend to be shocked when high
sugar is detected in routine blood or urine tests. In most people who develop diabetes two typical
symptoms are present-frequent need to urinate and increased thirst.

Frequent Urination
A patient of diabetes passes large quantities of urine several times a day. There is a frequent urge at
night to empty the bladder. When glucose cannot enter the body cells, it accumulates in the blood
and starts appearing in the urine. Diabetics are prone to excessive urination because the glucose in
the urine draws water with in than is normal.

Increased Thirst
The loss of water from excessive urination generates excessive thirst. A patient of diabetes
frequently fells thirsty and drinks larges quantities of water at short intervals.

Extreme Hunger
Diabetics tend to feel hungry most of the time and eat large meals. They eat and too much, but
despite this, they continue to experience hunger pangs.

Loss of Weight
Continual loss of weight despite the intake of frequent and large meals is another symptom of the
disease. The body is starved of energy, as glucose cannot enter the cells. In a desperate effort to get
energy, the starved cells use up fat and protein. This causes loss of weight.

Weakness and Fatigue

Diabetics fatigue quickly even after little exertion. They also feel out of breath easily. The sugar in
the blood does not get into the cells where it is converted into energy. This lowers the stamina and
resistance levels.

Inertia and lethargy are also seen in people suffering from diabetes. They avoid doing work and are
often feel rundown. Not only there body bit also their moods show a state of depression.
9 Ways to Help You Stop Snoring

Snoring is a fairly common affliction, affecting 40 percent of men and 25 percent of women. If you
snore, you make a raspy, rattling, snorting sound while you breathe during sleep. Older people are
particularly prone to snoring: About one-third of people ages 55 to 84 snore. Despite its frequency,
however, snoring is a sleep disorder that can have serious medical and social consequences. The tips
that follow may help you sleep more peacefully.

1. Sleep on your side. Snoring is more likely if you're lying on your back.
2. Lose weight. Excess body weight, especially around the neck, puts pressure on the airway, causing
it to partially collapse.
3. Avoid alcohol and tranquilizers. Alcohol and sleeping pills can depress your central nervous system
and relax the muscles of your throat and jaw, making snoring more likely. These substances are also
known to contribute to sleep apnea, a dangerous condition that has been linked with cardiovascular
4. Get your allergies treated. Chronic respiratory allergies may cause snoring by forcing sufferers to
breathe through their mouths while they sleep. Taking a decongestant or antihistamine before
bedtime may help. If your nose is blocked, try using over-the-counter saline spray or a humidifier to
prevent snoring.
5. Buy a mouth guard. Your dentist or doctor may be able to prescribe an anti-snoring mouth guard
that holds the teeth together and keeps the lower jaw muscles from becoming too lax.
6. Stop smoking. Smoke damages the respiratory system.
7. Keep a regular schedule. Get plenty of sleep. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day.
8. See a doctor if you are pregnant and snoring. Women who are pregnant will sometimes begin to
snore. The snoring may rob the baby of oxygen, so pregnant women who snore should talk to the
doctor about it.
9. Elevate your head. Sleeping with your head raised may take some of the pressure off the airway,
making breathing easier and reducing snoring. Raise the head of the bed by putting blocks under the
bed posts, or prop yourself up with pillows.

How Much Sleep Do You Need ?

The need for sleep varies widely from individual to individual. If you are sleeping “only” 5 hours a
night but waking up feeling alert, oriented and energetic, that is probably all the sleep you need.
Other people need 8 to 10 hours to feel well rested. Your need for sleep may decrease if you are
exercising regularly and doing things you enjoy. Conversely, if you are under a lot of stress or have
become less active, your need for sleep may increase. Experiment to find the right amount of sleep
for you.

Strategies for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Setting your body clock
• Keep a regular schedule for sleeping. Go to bed at about the same time and get up at the same
time, every day. If you get to bed late or haven’t slept well, don’t oversleep to try to make up for
the lost time. Sleeping late for even a couple of days can reset your body clock to a different cycle.
• Go to bed later when you are having trouble falling asleep, not earlier. If you are only managing 5
hours of sleep a night, don’t go to bed until 5 hours before you have to get up. When all your time in
bed is good sleep time, then begin moving your going-to-bed time back 15 to 30 minutes a night,
until gradually you work your way up to a full night’s sleep.
• Light helps restart you body clock to its active, daytime phase. In the mornings, open the curtains,
go outside and get some sunlight, if possible, or turn on all the lights in the room.
• Try not to nap, especially on the day after you haven’t slept well. If you must nap, limit it to 20
minutes or so. Any longer and it will interfere with your ability to sleep that night.

Exercise and diet

• Exercise regularly. Keeping physically active during the day is one of the best things you can do to
promote restful sleep. Be cautious of exercising in the evenings; however, as this tends to keep many
people awake.

• Avoid caffeine after 12 noon. This includes coffee, tea, and caffeinated soda! Also be wary of
chocolate, which contains a fair amount of caffeine as well.
• Avoid late, high-fat, or spice-laden dinners, which are harder to digest. For an evening snack
choose carbohydrates and milk, both of which contain tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin, the
neurotransmitter believed to be associated with triggering sleep onset.
• Avoid or cut down on alcohol when you are having trouble sleeping. Alcohol may make you sleepy
initially, but it results in shallow, disturbed sleep, abnormal dream periods, and frequent early
morning awakening.

Getting ready for bed

• Develop a bedtime routine. Stop doing anything that is stimulating (such as physical activity,
listening to loud music, or watching a violent or dramatic TV show) 30 minutes before going to bed.
Do something relaxing, such as reading light material or listening to quiet music.
• Take a long, hot bath before going to bed. Baths are soothing and help relax your muscles. Avoid
showers, on the other hand, as they seem to wake people up.
• Pay attention to your environment. Most people sleep much better in a cool room (60 degrees or
so). Some people sleep better if there is some “white noise” in the background, such as a fan, while
others need absolute quiet. Determine what’s best for you and try to arrange your bedroom
• Bed should be for sleeping. Don’t get into a pattern of reading, watching TV, eating, arguing or
talking on the phone from bed. When you get into bed you want your body to assume you are doing
so to go to sleep, not to continue the day’s activities.
• If you are in bed and unable to sleep, get up and do some quiet activity for a time. Read, play
solitaire, or write letters until you start to feel sleepy again. Then go back to bed. Turn your clock
away from you so you are not focusing on how late it is getting. Doing so will only leave you feeling
more frustrated and make it harder to relax and go to sleep.
• If you wake up during the night, relax in bed for a short while. If you can’t go back to sleep, get up
and do some quiet activity until you are sleepy again. Repeat this if necessary.
• Sleep medications may provide some short-term relief if your insomnia is transitory. They are not
good for chronic insomnia, however, as over the long term they can cause significant changes in the
sleep cycle. See your physician if you would like to know more about sleep medication.

Other things you can do:

• Insomnia is almost always a symptom of something else, such as stress, relationship problems,
worry about grades or money, and so forth. One trick many find effective is keep a pencil and paper
handy, and when you can’t sleep write down what’s bothering you. If you are feeling overwhelmed by
all the things you have to get done, make a “to-do” list. Tell yourself you’ll deal with these things in
the morning, and try to put them out of your mind.

• Relaxation and stress reduction techniques can help a great deal when you are having problems
sleeping. Counseling Services offers individual counseling for stress management and stress
management workshops fall and winter semesters. Many health insurance plans also offer classes
through local hospitals (check your medical insurance). Yoga, tai chi, biofeedback or meditation can
also help you sleep better. There are also audio tapes available for purchase from most bookstores
with relaxation instructions and soothing music.

How to Stop Thumb Sucking

It was cute when she was a baby, but now that your child has reached kindergarten age, you're
starting to worry about her having her thumb in her mouth all the time. You feel embarrassed when
you're out in public with her (What will the neighbors think?) and are concerned about what her peers
will say in school.

You're not alone: Pediatricians estimate that somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 percent of
children between the ages of two and six suck their thumbs. Why do they start? Various explanations
have been suggested, but most experts agree that thumb sucking calms and comforts the child.

About 18 percent of children between two and six years of age are thumb-suckers.

Pediatricians have observed that the phenomena only occurs in western culture, within industrialized
societies where children generally begin to spend their time physically separate from their mothers
at a very early age. Thumb sucking is uncommon in cultures where mothers tend to hold their babies
for long periods or otherwise keep them in physical contact with their bodies throughout their early

As you'll read in the tips that follow, most experts discourage parents from trying to stop a child's
thumb sucking before the child demonstrates that he or she is ready to stop. If your child has
reached that point, read on.
If not, try to talk out your frustration with a friend or your spouse and wait a year or two before
Let the child decide it's a problem.
If there's one message that pediatricians have about thumb sucking, it's this: The best way to get a
child to continue thumb sucking is to tell him or her to stop. A better strategy is to wait until the
child finds an incentive to quit the behavior, such as being teased at school about thumb sucking, and
let him or her bring it up. Experts say that addressing the problem when the child is ready is more
likely to be successful than attacking it head on and forcing him or her to quit.

Use a reward system.

Pediatricians sometimes recommend a game-playing, reward-based system for helping kids stop
sucking their thumbs. Try buying a calendar and placing it on the refrigerator. For each day you don't
see the child sucking his or her thumb, you can put a smiley-face sticker on the day. At the end of a
set period of time, say a month, you can offer a modest reward, such as a toy or dinner at the child's
favorite restaurant.

Try ordeal therapy.

How about trying a little reverse psychology? Point out to a thumb-sucking child that he or she isn't
being fair to the other fingers -- so why not suck them, too? Give the child a timer and explain that
it's important to suck all fingers for the same duration. Often, the child will grow so tired of the
process that they quit thumb sucking altogether. The only problem with this type of approach is that
kids are likely to see through it when it comes from a parent (they know the parent really wants
them to stop altogether). If you suspect that this will be the case, a pediatrician or close friend of
the family may be able to help.

Offer the child the option of thumb sucking in private.

Consider your efforts a success if the child quits thumb sucking in front of you or in public. Don't
worry, the relatively brief time a child can spend sucking on a thumb in private won't be long enough
to cause other problems.

Never use negative reinforcement.

If the child has a slip, it may be destructive to use a negative reward, such as placing a sad-faced
sticker on a calendar date. Failure has a nasty way of perpetuating itself.

Try "reminder fluid."

Although some doctors see it as cruel, others recommend the use of bad-tasting fluids that are put on
the thumb to keep the child from putting it in his or her mouth. However, don't use this method as a
punishment. Rather, stress the positive by telling the child that the fluid will help by serving as a
reminder of his or her goal. As an alternative, parents can place a glove or mitten on the child's hand
as a reminder to keep the thumb out of the mouth.

Start with the easy stuff, then move on.

First, you might suggest that the child stop thumb sucking while in public, or some other time when
he or she is most likely to comply. Then you can move on to the times when the habit is most
ingrained, such as bedtime. You may want to double rewards if the child doesn't suck his or her
thumb during the more challenging times.

Don't yell.
Although you may feel frustrated when your child slides back into his or her thumb-sucking behavior,
don't punish or yell at the child. You will only make him or her nervous and upset, which will probably
lead to more thumb sucking.
Wait it out.
You know what happens to most kids who suck their thumbs at four, five, or even six years of age?
They stop. Parents often notice that children engage in the habit a bit less with each passing year, or
perhaps only suck their thumbs at certain times, such as when they're tired or watching television.
Pediatricians say that many children give up thumb sucking altogether by age six or seven because of
peer pressure -- ribbing from friends and schoolmates shames them into stopping.

10 Ways to Increase Sperm Count

1. Have sex & masturbate less often - the more times you ejaculate, the less dense your semen will
be. Maintain a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations.
2. Refrain from habits like smoking, alcohol consumption etc. - Alcohol affects your liver function,
which, in turn, causes a dramatic rise in estrogen levels. Even two drinks a day will have long-term
effects on sperm production.
3. Exercise regularly.Exercising your PC muscle can help you shoot further than ever before.
4. Eat Nutritious Food - Diet that's low in fat, and high in protein, vegetables, and whole grains is
good for your health and for your sperm. Avoid bitter, astringent and spicy foods.Reduce caffeine
5. Avoid heating of testicles - Wear loose, cotton boxer shorts, Avoid hot baths and saunas
6. Lose any excess weight, which tends to cause testosterone/oestrogen imbalances.
7. Reduce stress levels by learning relaxation techniques - Keep your mind and body healthy by
regular practice of YOGA and MEDITATION.
8. Massage body with herbal oil, which improves blood circulation.
9. Try supplements - Certain natural supplements promise to increase sperm production.
10. Make love in the early morning or afternoon. Sperm levels are often highest in the mornings.
Stopping Body Odor

If you'd prefer that your body odor didn't announce your presence to
those far and near, here's what you can do:

Keep it clean. The strength of the odor a person produces depends on how much their glands
secrete as well as the number of bacteria on their skin. People with strong underarm odors carry two
to three times as many underarm bacteria as others. The best way to prevent body odor is to wash
away sweat and bacteria. Clean the underarm and groin area with water and soap, preferably a
deodorant soap, at least once a day, and more often, if necessary.

Bathe your britches. Sweat that seeps into your clothing may remind you of its presence at very
inopportune times. What's more, once it has dried, bacteria-containing sweat can damage the fibers
of your clothing. Wear clean clothing, socks, and underwear every day. If you sweat a lot, wear
clothing made of cotton, linen, or other natural material, which helps absorb sweat and facilitate

Try a deodorant. For milder cases of body odor, a deodorant may help. Deodorants are
considered cosmetics. Most contain a substance that helps kill the bacteria that are waiting to feed
on your sweat. They may also help mask body odor by substituting a more acceptable scent.

Get tough with an antiperspirant. Since body odor begins with sweat, one of the best ways to
control it is to reduce the amount of sweat. That's what antiperspirants are for.

Beat irritation and odor. If you've tried antiperspirants and deodorants and found that they
irritate your skin, you might instead try washing with an antibacterial soap or applying an over-the-
counter antibiotic ointment. Other options for sensitive skin include using talcum powder or baking
soda in place of an antiperspirant or deodorant.

Quiet your diet. Certain foods, such as hot peppers, can affect the amount of sweat an individual
produces. And the aroma of other pungent foods, such as garlic, onions, spices, and alcohol, can be
carried in your sweat. Certain foods, such as hot peppers, can affect the amount and aroma of sweat
an individual produces.

Tone down that temper. Anger, anxiety, and excitement also increase production of sweat.
Consider learning and practicing a technique, such as meditation or visualization, that can help you
maintain your calm under stressful circumstances. By following these simple steps, anybody can take
in the sweet smell of success when it comes to defeating body odor.

Why do feet stink?

Everybody is familiar with this phenomenon. Most of us have a friend or relative who can clear out a
room when they kick off their shoes. And even the sweetest smelling person can do a decent job
stinking up a pair of shoes by running a few miles in them. So what's going on here? Why do your
feet have a stronger odor than the rest of you does?

The main thing that feeds foot smell is sweat. With more than 250,000 sweat glands each, your feet
are among the most perspiring parts of the body. In one day, each foot can produce more than a pint
of sweat! Sweat is basically just salt and water, though, so it doesn't have a distinctive smell of its
own. The smell is actually caused by bacteria on our skin that eats the sweat and excretes waste that
has a strong odor. It's perfectly normal to have bacteria on your skin, and it doesn't ordinarily
produce a noticeable smell, but sweat attracts bacteria and gives them a whole lot to feed on.

Of course we sweat all over -- our hands have a comparable number of sweat glands, for example --
and most of the rest of our body doesn't particularly stink So what's different about our feet? The
answer is our socks and shoes. The sweat our feet excrete can't easily escape into the air like the
sweat our hands excretes -- it all collects on our skin and in our socks. The bacteria love this dark,
damp feast and have a sort of feeding frenzy. When you take off your shoes, the smell that hits you is
all the bacteria excretion that's collected on your feet and in your socks and shoes.

The main reason some people's feet (or more precisely, some people's socks and shoes) smell worse
than other people's is that some people sweat more than other people. This is just one of the many
variable physiological qualities of human beings. This is also why sometimes your feet smell much
worse than at other times -- it all has to do with how much you sweat.

So, since foot odor is caused by bacteria digesting sweat, there are two main ways to reduce the
stink. You can:

decrease the amount of bacteria on your feet

decrease the amount of sweat that collects on your feet and in your shoes
Reducing the level of bacteria is really a matter of cleanliness.
To control the bacteria population on you feet, you should:
wash your feet with strong anti-bacterial soap
wear clean socks
don't wear the same shoes everyday - give a pair of shoes 24 hours or more to air out before wearing
them again
To reduce the amount of sweat that collects in your shoes, you should:
wear well-ventilated shoes instead of very constrictive shoes, such as boots
always wear socks, preferably made of cotton or other absorbent materials that absorb a lot of the
sweat so the bacteria can't feed on it
change your socks a few times a day
buy some absorbent Odor-Eater type shoe inserts
apply an antiperspirant to your feet
If your foot odor is really bad and these solutions don't help much, then you should see a doctor.
There are a number of prescription drugs that can treat serious foot odor, some by killing bacteria
and some by reducing foot sweat.

6 Refreshing Tips To Cure Bad Breath

Fixing bad breath depends on what's causing it. In 80 to 90 percent of cases, it's due to something in
the mouth. Most often, it's nothing more serious than a dirty mouth. Plaque, the nearly invisible film
of bacteria that's constantly forming in your mouth, is often responsible for bad breath. Other dental
culprits include cavities and gum disease.

Occasionally, bad breath is due to something in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract or to a systemic
(bodywide) infection. However, eating a garlicky meal is one of the most common causes. The strong
odors of foods such as garlic, onions, and alcohol are carried through the bloodstream and exhaled by
the lungs. Another big loser when it comes to bad breath is tobacco.

In addition, some health problems, such as sinus infections or diabetes (which may give the breath a
chemical smell) can cause bad breath.

Here's what you can do to keep your breath as fresh as possible:

1. Keep your mouth clean. That means a thorough brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. Food
and bacteria trapped between teeth and at the gum line can only be removed with floss. If they're
left to linger, bad breath is imminent.
2. Clean your tongue, too. Bacteria left on your tongue can contribute to less-than-fresh breath. Be
sure to brush your tongue after you brush your teeth.
3. Wet your whistle. A dry mouth can quickly cause bad breath. Saliva helps clean your mouth; it has
a natural antibacterial action, and it washes away food particles. That awful morning breath is the
result of reduced saliva flow at night.
4. Rinse. If nothing else, at least rinse your mouth with plain water after eating. Swishing the water
around may help to remove some of the food particles left in the mouth after a meal and prevent
bad breath from setting in.
5. Munch on parsley. Munching on parsley or spearmint won't cure bad breath, but the scent of the
herb itself can help to temporarily cover up offending oral odor.
6. Eat to smell sweet. Foods that help fight plaque may also help fight bad breath. Opt for celery,
carrots, peanuts, or a bit of low-fat cheese if you want something to snack on.
All of the tips above will help your breath smell better, but figuring out the cause of bad breath is
the best way to lick it for the long term.

Dealing with Dandruff

Although the cause of dandruff is not completely understood, it is currently theorized that one of the
main causes is a breakdown of the scalps natural lipid barrier, leaving it more exposed to infection by
the microscopic yeast that is commonly found in the scalp. When the yeast overgrows, it leads to an
inflammatory response that kills off scalp cells at a high rate, which in turn slough off in sticky
patches and flakes. The condition is identified by:

- White or clear flakes on the scalp, through the hair, and on clothing. - Itchy scalp which may be red
and inflamed.

Some young teens find they develop dandruff when they hit puberty because their hygiene habits
haven’t changed to meet the challenges of newly accelerated sebum production.

Stress, poor hygiene and poor diet can make the scalp more susceptible to dandruff. High sugar foods
in particular are known to exacerbate yeast infections.

The hair should be brushed regularly to loosen flakes and stimulate blood supply to the scalp, which
will accelerate the natural immune response to infection.

There are few habits you can develop and natural treatments you can use to treat dandruff.
Nutrition: An excess of sugar in the diet can exacerbate any yeast infection. Try reducing your intake
of all sugars and refined starches while treating for dandruff.

Cleansing: Massage your scalp thoroughly with your fingertips when shampooing. This will help
loosen and remove any dead skin flakes and help prevent the infection from continuing. Wash your
hair daily until the infection is cleared up.

Conditioning: Use a protective hair condition on the ends of hair only. Avoid getting conditioner
on your scalp where it can clog pores and interfere with healing of the skin.

Other Treatments:
- Massage: Massaging your scalp several times a day with the pads of the fingers only will stimulate
blood supply to the hair follicles and help loosen the dead skin flakes.
- Brushing: Brushing your hair thoroughly on a daily basis will help loosen and remove dead skin
flakes, increase the smooth flow of sebum along the hair shaft, and increase blood supply to the hair
- Wash Hands After Brushing and Grooming Hair: Fungal infections of the skin are highly
contagious, and it is easy to reinfect and spread to other areas of the body. This is why it’s important
to wash your hair daily and to brush out any loose dandruff flakes – so that healthy areas of the scalp
will not be infected. Washing your hands after brushing, massaging and grooming your hair will also
help prevent reinfection or cross infection.

The following herbs and nutrients have been shown to reduce dandruff infections:

Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Vanadyl Sulfate, Gynema Sylvestre and Chromium are all natural regulators of
blood sugar levels. The can help prevent feeding the infection by keeping blood sugar levels

Olive Leaf and Oregano Leaf are both natural systemic antifungal agents.

Basic Skin Care

To look beautiful and young is a hidden desire of every woman. Body and beauty care is a critical
issue because it boosts self-confidence, enhances personality and promotes prospects in life. Natural
beauty is a gift but has been showered only on a very few. For most of us the art of makeup is
neccesary to hide our flaws and blemishes. It adds to highlighting beauty spots and good features.

However, we should remember that a beautiful face is possible only when a woman takes care of her
health. Women’s health including a proper diet, exercise, and managing stress is responsible for
beautiful skin. Face is the index of mind and beauty too is more than skin deep. A healthy individual
who follows a proper diet, manages stress and is critical about skin cleansing habits is bound to have
a glowing complexion. The result is a wonderful skin, which defies age and the pressures of a hectic

A very common skin problem among women is that of Acne and Pimples. Acne is basically a skin
disease typical to youth. Acne produces unsightly spots on the face, neck, chest, back and upper
arms. The skin gets blotchy and these blotches on the face do never vanish. Even a beautiful face
and the skin, if affected by acne, loses its charm. Although traditionally a teenage problem, acne can
affect people even in their forties.

It is believed that improper diet aggravates the problem. Hence for years, chocolates, spices and
fatty foods were considered a taboo for acne patients.
Recent studies, however, have scientifically exploded this myth. So, dietary restrictions are no longer
necessary to combat the onslaught of acne scars. Other factors that affect acne are menstruation,
stressful conditions, hot humid climates and genetic factors. It is better not to neglect pimples. Be
alert as soon as they start appearing. Use of sulphur soap is effective in getting rid of this skin
problem. Cleaning of day's make-up at night, before going to bed, is very important because make-up
particles block the pores and prevent them from breathing freely. Steaming once a week keeps the
pores open.

Though it is a matter of common knowledge that pimples appear during the transitional years of
adolescence and youth due to over-activity of glands, their appearance should not be taken lightly
because these may leave their permanent marks on your face, showing your carelessness and
damaging your looks.

Stop Your Hair Loss Now

In todays world, hair loss is one of the most common problems in peoples life, first of all we need to
try to understand what the root causes of hair loss are and then, get the appropriate treatment for

Lets take a look at some of the different baldness causes:

a) Genetics - one of the main causes (more common in men than in women), that is, the dominant
gene responsible for the hair to fall (baldness), is inherited from father to son.
b) Therapies like Chemotherapy, some medications or illness. In these cases, the hair loss sometimes,
its only temporary. When the patient stop taking the medication or the treatment, the hair will
eventually start growing again.
c) Diet and lifestyle defiantly one of the most overlooked causes ,people who have a unbalanced diet
and a sedentary way of life are more likely to get the illness (so, its very important to have a good
diet and practicing exercise on a daily basis)

With many products in the market today, specially produced for hair loss treatment, it may be not
that easy to choose the right for you. Here are some tips that you may follow to choose to get the
right treatment for you.
1) Always use products that are scientifically proven.
2) Ask around, sometimes people we know may be using an effective product.
3) Be careful trying homemade recipes, sometimes they will only make the situation worse.
4) Be patient. Most of the treatments today take at least six months to get the first results (some of
them you will see real results after two years of use).
5) Be sure to keep track of the results using photographs (before and after photos).

There are other options out there like hair restoration, laser treatments, implants etc. these
treatments tend to be effective but the downside is they tend to be a little expensive.

You only need to take the right steps to stop the falling of the hair and sometimes to induce the
growth of new hair, with the right treatment and a little patience.

Perfect White Teeth

Who does not want perfect white teeth? Discoloration of teeth occurs due to ageing. But the main
reason for discoloration is excess intake of caffeine products such as coffee, tea and cola. Even, the
consumption of tobacco can cause problem. But, everyone is realizing this fact and thus have become
health conscious. Perfect teeth whitening procedures are best for treating these problems. After all,
smile is the biggest social asset and nobody wants to lose that. Perfection in appearance is something
that one would wish for.

There are a variety of teeth whitening treatments that help you to get that perfect smile. A beautiful
smile makes your day. Teeth whitening toothpastes are a source of getting the desired perfect teeth
whitening. These toothpastes have to be applied continuously for sometime, till you get the desired
color. This process can take longer time as you may have to apply the teeth whitening toothpastes for
few months. Before applying perfect teeth whitening toothpastes, you should take care that these
toothpastes should be approved by any Dental Association.
Undergoing teeth whitening bleach treatment under the guidance of a dentist helps you to get rid off
the problem in a very less time. The bleach used to get perfect teeth whitening has certain amount
of peroxide components in it. These peroxide components play a vital role in whitening your teeth.
The amount of peroxide used in the treatment depends on the level of stain that has to be whitened.
Some of the dentists use higher amounts of peroxide to give a better and faster healing to the teeth
stain; while others might use lesser amount of peroxide. Whatever the reason might be, main aim of
the perfect teeth whitening procedure is to give you a healthy smile.

Perfect and healthy teeth act as a gateway of perfect health. It is quite obvious that you cannot eat
and chew food if you have any kind of defect.
Attractive smile is something that calls for praises and attention. It is for this reason that people
have started paying visits to dentists, so that they can correct their teeth. Before paying a visit to
the dentist, you should check that he is qualified and experienced enough to handle your case. It is
because slightest mistake can cause problems.

In-house bleaching is another perfect teeth whitening procedure that involves the use of specially
made plastic tray that fits entirely on the teeth. Whitening agents like bleach containing carbamide
peroxide are placed in the tray to give your teeth the perfect whitening that you want to have. You
are required to wear the tray on your teeth for certain period of time depending on the amount of
stain that you have on your teeth. It is your teeth and you have to take care of them completely.
Moreover, regular check ups with dentist can save you from having further dental defects.

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