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Materials Needed:

Red & Green felt Fiberfill White, Red and Green Thread (I used DMC Thread) Needle Strawberry container (optional) Use the pattern from page 2 to begin cutting out your strawberry. Cut the stem out of green felt and the body out of red felt. With the tip of your finger, make an indentation by press down in the center of the red felt you just cut. Roll fiberfill into a ball, about the size of a marble, and stuff that into the indentation you made. Continue to generously fill the rest of the strawberry with fiberfill. Thread your needle with red thread. Use a running stitch around the edge of the strawberry, pulling the threadtaunt as you go to gather the felt into folds. When you have stitched around the entire strawberry, continuepullingtightly on the thread making a tightly gathered circle.Sew the opening of the circle closed. Work your needle from one side to the opposite sideto close the opening. It does not need to lookperfect, this will be covered up by the stem. Re-knot the end of your red thread.Push your needle in, just above where you placed the marble sized fiberfill ball in the bottom of the strawberry, and pull it straight through to the other side. Pull the thread tight so that both sides pucker in. Continue this step, stitching back and forth in the same spots, a few times until the pucker holds in place. The result should look like dimple on both sides of the strawberry. Knot and detach. Thread your needle with green thread. Using a running stitch attach the stem to the top of the strawberry. Make sure the stem covers the stitches made to close the top of the strawberry. Felt is a wonderfully forgiving material, if need be, stretch it to make sure the stitches from the top of the strawberry are not exposed. To add strawberry seeds, thread your needle with white thread. Start with a thick knot at the end of your thread. Select a spot on your strawberry you want to start, pull your needle through the strawberry, leaving the knot exposed. Where your needle has come out of the strawberry, make a French knot. I wrapped the needle 4 or 5 times to make my French knots. Continue to use the same thread, making no cuts, making French knots over the body of the strawberry. I ended my French knots where I made my dimples, covering my red knots with white French knots. Optional: if you have the stamina to make enough strawberries, fill up a plastic strawberry container. Imade12 strawberries to fill mine.

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