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Jungle Warfare Notes and Lessons

The jungle terrain provides excellent concealment and good cover. It also reduces visibility and makes movement slow and noisy.

Prosted jungle poskytuje vynikajc skryt a dobr kryt. To tak ale sniuje dohlednost a in pohyb pomal a hlun (npadn).
Be patient on the leader's reconnaissance. It will take longer due to the dense jungle foliage and the need for precise navigation.

Bhem velitelskm przkumu bute trpliv. Bude trvat dle z dvodu hustho porostu a protoe vyaduje dokonalou navigaci.
Support and assault elements will normally be combined due to a lack of suitable areas for support positions.

Podprn a ton element bude bn propojen z dvodu nedostatku vhodnch prostor pro podprn pozice.
Consider using flechette (buckshot) rounds for the M203.

Zvate pouit fleetov (brokov) munice pro M203.

The leader's reconnaissance should be small, no more than five men. A suggested composition is: platoon leader, assault team leader, weapons squad leader, and the two M60 assistant gunners. They can remain on site as a reconnaissance and surveillance element. When the M60s move forward, the AGs can point out sectors of fire.

Skupina velitelskho przkumu by mla bt mal, ne vce ne pt mu. Doporuen sestava je: plt ldr, velitel tonho tmu, velitel drustva zbran a dva pomocnci stelc z M60. Ti mohou zstat na mst jako przkumn a ?? element. Kdy se stelci z M60 pohybuj vpedu, mohou upozorovat na palebn sektory.
Be prepared to conduct a hasty attack in case of compromise.

Bute pipraveni k proveden toku bez ppravy v ppad prozrazen.

Limit your reconnaissance movement to a minimum to avoid compromise. Most leaders reconnaissances are compromised when they attempt to get too close to the objective or move too quickly.

Omezte svj pohyb bhem przkumu na minimum abyste pedeli prozrazen. Pokud dojde k prozrazen velitelskho przkumu, bv to proto, e se tento dostal pli blzko k objektu nebo byl pohyb pli rychl.
Night raids are generally not practical.

Non toky jsou veobecn nepraktick.

M60s are great for initiating raids.

M60 jsou vynikajc pro zahjen njezdu.

The security teams should leap-frog off the objective with the special teams to avoid losing contact.

Zabezpeovac tmy by mly pekonat objekt skokem spolu se specilnmi tmy, aby pedely ztrt kontaktu.
Because of the difficulty of adjusting fire quickly, use indirect fire to cover your withdrawal and high speed avenues of approach.

Z dvodu sloitho pivoln podprn palby, pouijte nepmou palbu pro kryt vaeho stahovn a pokryt cest umoujc rychl pesuny.

Ambush. Lka.
Ambushes are a favored tactic in the jungle. The dense vegetation and relatively few roads and trails make them very effective.

Lky jsou v dungli preferovanou taktikou. Hustota porostu a pomrn mal mnostv cest a stezek je in velmi efektivnmi.
Local security must be alert because the enemy can come from any direction, forcing you to re-orient your ambush.

Mstn hldky mus bt bdl, protoe neptel se me objevit z jakhokoliv smru, co vs me donutit zmnit smr lky.
Always take your camouflage from the area in which you have set up the ambush.

Vdy pouvejte maskovn z msta kde stavte lku.

Remember that the trees and foliage reduce the effective range of your weapons.

Pamatujte, e stromy a porost sniuj efektivn dostel vaich zbran.

Most of the time, your assault element will be closer to the kill zone than normal.

Povtinou bude ton element ble kill zone ne je obvykl.

Check each individual soldier's field of fire closely.

Podrobn zkontrolujte palebn pole kadho jednotlivho vojka.

Consider using flechette (buckshot) rounds for your M203s.

Zvate uit fleetov (brokov) munice pro M203.

Do not use insect repellant, scented soap, Avon Skin So Soft, and other nonorganic smelling substances when on ambush. The enemy can smell you before he hits the kill zone.

Nepouvejte repelentov odpuzovae hmyzu, parfmovan mdlo, krmy na ki a jin ltky s nepirozenou vn. Neptel vs me uctit jet pedtm, ne vstoup do kill zone.
To repel insects, take garlic pills or eat garlic for a week prior to going on an ambush in the jungle.

Pro odpuzen hmyzu pojdejte esnekov tablety nebo jezte esnek asi tden pedtm, ne pjdete do dungle provst lku.
To provide further security, try to eat indigenous rations for one week prior to going on ambush. This will keep from alerting the enemy by your smell.

Pro zven bezpenosti zkuste jst mstn (domorodou) stravu asi tden pedtm ne se vydte provst lku. Neprozradte se tak svm pachem nepteli.
Minimize movement in the ambush area, especially at night. The dense vegetation and lack of ambient light can cause you to make a lot of noise.

Omezte pohyb v prostoru lky, zejmna v noci. Hustota vegetace a nedostatek jasnho svtla me zpsobit, e budete dlet hodn hluku.
Have each soldier make field expedient aiming stakes for the ambush site. This will keep the distribution of fire even throughout the kill zone.

Kad jednotliv vojk si vytvo z mstnho materilu zamovac kolky na mst lky. Tak je zajitno pokryt palbou po cel kill zone.
Lay a "handrail" of 550 cord from the assault line to the ORP. Use it to speed movement away from the ambush site. The platoon sergeant can police it up as the platoon withdraws.

Nathnte "drhu" z padkov ry od ry toku k ORP. Pouijte ji k rychlmu odchodu z msta lky. Pod dohledem PSG ji eta me vyut jako stupovou cestu.
Reconnoiter your ambush site and, if time allows, set your troops in during daylight hours.

Prozkoumejte prostor lky a, pokud as dovol, rozestavte vojky za dennho svtla.

To avoid carrying bulky items through the jungle, have the special teams work the kill zone with empty rucksacks.

Abyste se vyhnuli noen pli objemnch nklad dungl, mjte speciln tm pracujc

na kill zone s przdnmi batohy.

Pyrotechnics, such as star clusters and parachute flares, generally do not work well in the jungle. Ground flares are better.

Pyrotechniku, kupkladu rakety nebo svtlice, v dungli obecn nefunguj dobe. Pozemn svtlice jsou vhodnj.

These techniques, unless otherwise noted, apply to both the scout platoon and regular combat patrols.

Nsledujc postupy, pokud nen eeno jinak, jsou aplikovateln jak pro przkumnou etu, tak pro obvykl bojov hldky.
Reconnaissance teams should be small, three -four men maximum.

Rekognoskan tmy by mly bt mal, maximln ti a tyi mui.

Travel light. Reconnaissance patrols should carry a "butt" pack only. Scout platoon teams will require a rucksack. However, resist the temptation to pack it with 100 pounds of lightweight gear.

Pohybujte se nalehko. Rekognoskan hldky by mly nst pouze buttpack. Tmy z przkumn ety budou vyadovat batoh. Kadopdn odolejte pokuen jej naplnit 50kg vstroje.
Do not wear helmets; they degrade your hearing and reduce your peripheral vision.

Nenoste pilby; je v nich patn slyet a zuuj vae perifern vidn.

Travel in a series of short, deliberate movements. Your maximum cross-country speed should be 200 - 300 meters per hour.

Pohybujte se v krtkch, promylench serich pesun. Maximln rychlost pi postupu terrnem by mla bt 200-300m za hodinu.
Take listening halts for at least 15 minutes every hour.

Provdjte naslouchac zastvky dlouh alespo 15min. kadou hodinu.

Patrolling more than 500 meters in front of the unit should be handled by the scouts.

Hldkovn ve vzdlenosti vt jak 500m pe elem jednotky by mlo bt provdno przkumnky.

Pattern reconnaissance techniques are difficult to execute in the jungle. Use them sparingly because they require a lot of time.

Obrazcov techniky przkumu je v dungli sloit provdt. Uvejte je pouze s rozmyslem, protoe si vydaj hodn asu.
Each four-man team should have two radios. One should be pre-set to the fire control net's frequency. Always have a precut jungle antenna.

Kad tylenn tm by ml mt dv radia. Jedno by mlo bt nastaveno na frekvenci st zen palby. Vdy mjte pedpipravenou antnu do dungle.
Always have a contingency plan in the event of the loss of communications.

Mjte vdy zlon pln pro ppad ztrty spojen.

Do not use insect repellant, scented soap, Avon Skin So Soft, and other nonorganic smelling substances when on reconnaissance. The enemy can smell you before you reach the objective.

Nepouvejte na przkumu chemick odpuzovae hmyzu, perfmovan mdlo, krmy a jin nepirozen vn. Neptel vs me uctit jet ped tm, ne doshnete objektu (zjmu).
To repel insects, take garlic pills or eat garlic for a week prior to going on a reconnaissance in the jungle.

K odpuzen hmyzu pojdejte esnekov pilulky nebo jezte esnek asi tden ped odchodem na hldku v dungli.
To provide further security, try to eat indigenous rations for one week prior to going on reconnaissance. This will keep from alerting the enemy by your smell.

Pro zven bezpenosti se pokuste jst mstn pokrmy po dobu asi tdne ped odchodem na przkum. Neprozradte se tak svm pachem nepteli.
Avoid trails and natural lines of drift whenever possible. If you must move on a trail, travel slowly.

Kdykoliv je to mon, vyhnte se stezkm a pirozenm linim pro pesun. Pokud jste nuceni se pohybovat po stezce, postupujte pomalu.
Do not carry maps marked with graphics and complete SOIs. Employ minimal graphics and use SOI extracts.

Nenoste pi sob mapy s doplnnmi poznmkami a vekermi SOI (?=sites of interests=body zjmu?). Pouvejte minimum poznmek a pouvejte pouze vatky ze SOI.
Carry at least four quarts of water and two bottles of iodine tablets. Check the iodine tablets before you move out.

Noste alespo 4Qt vody a dv lahviky tablet na tn vody. Pedtm ne vyrazte, pekontrolujte tablety na itn vody. Carry more than your basic load of ammunition. Expend it liberally to break contact. Use a mix of tracers and ball to alert you when your magazine is almost empty. Noste vce ne zkladn dotaci munice. Pouijete j volnji pro peruen kontaktu. Pouvejte dohromady stely se stopovkou a s normln stelou, abyste byl informovn, e zsobnk je skoro przdn. Use a simple near and far identification system. Pouvejte jednoduch systm identifikace pro blzk a vzdlen piblen. Always remember that you are the "Indians," not the "cavalry." Vdy pamatujte, e jste "indini", nikoliv "kavalerie". Hasty Attack/React to Contact. tok z chodu/reakce pi kontaktu. Due to the limited visibility of the jungle, the hasty attack is the most likely scenario. Z dvodu omezen viditelnosti v dungli je tok z chodu nejpravdpodobnj scn. React quickly with every weapon that you can bring to bear as soon as you contact the enemy. Gain immediate fire superiority and keep it. Reagujte rychle kadou zbran kterou mete vzt ?to bear? jakmile sedostanete do kontaktu s neptelem. ?Gain? okamitou palebnou pevahu a udrujte ji. Do not wait for a clear visual target to open fire. Fire at smoke, muzzle flashes, or by sound. Otherwise, the enemy will gain fire superiority. Neekejte na pm vhled na cl pro zahjen palby. Stlejte na kou, zblesky od hlavn nebo na zvuk. V opanm ppad neptel zsk palebnou pevahu. Use grenades immediately, both smoke and fragmentation. Pouijte bez vhn granty, jak kouov, tak ttiv. Develop a battle drill for the hasty attack. It should be simple, well rehearsed, and tailored to the jungle. If you can only rehearse one battle drill, this is it. The key element for a hasty attack in the jungle is the fire team. Vymaslete bojov postup pro tok z chodu. Ml by bt jednoduch, ?well reheased? a uit na mru pro dungli. Pokud mete "rehearse" jen jeden bojov postup, ??. Klov element pro tok z chodu v dungli je fire team.

The key leader for a hasty attack in the jungle is the squad leader. Use your initiative. The platoon leader and platoon sergeant will be busy with reporting, calling for fire support, and controlling CASEVAC. Klovm velitelem pro tok z chodu v dungli je velitel drustva. Pouijte vlastn iniciativu. Velitel ety a serant ety budou zaneprzdnni hlenm, volnm o podporu a zem CASEVAC (=CASaulty EVACuation=odsun rannch). Assault with shallow fire team wedges. They are easiest to control in the jungle while providing firepower to the front. Do toku jdte s ?shallow? fire teamy ve formaci wedge. Je to v dungli nejjednodu zpsob na kontrolu pi palb vped. Drop rucksacks by fire team on line of deployment or when decisively engaged. Odlote batohy po fire teamech na e nasazen nebo pi rozhodnut o toku. Deliberate Attack. ?Deliberate? tok Deliberate attacks have the same considerations as the raid, minus the withdrawal. Instead, you substitute consolidation and reorganization. Keep in mind that most successful counterattacks take place within 15-20 minutes of the enemy leaving the objective. ?Deliberate? tokymaj stejn ?considerations? jako njezdy, ale bez ?withdrawal?. Naproti tomu, nahrazujete? konsolidaci a reorganizaci. Pamatujte, e nejinnj protitoky se odehraj bhem 15-20min po tom, co neptel opust objekt. Deliberate attacks are difficult to synchronize. ?Deliberate? toky jsou sloit na synchronizaci. Pay special attention to land navigation. Dsledn dbejte na pesnou navigaci. Establish your limit of advance (LOA) after careful consideration of the terrain. If at all possible, establish it along a easily discernible terrain feature. Urete svoji ru maximlnho postupu po pelivm seznmen se?? s terrnem. Pokud je to mon, urete ji podl terrnho prvku, kter jde jasn oznait. Task-organize to provide 360-degree security on the objective as you sweep to the LOA. kolov organizujte pro zajitn 360 bezpenosti objektu jakmile doshete LOA. Reconnoiter the near side of the objective first. Do a far side reconnaissance of the objective after you have cleared between the LOA and the objective. This will dramatically reduce your chances of compromise during the leader's reconnaissance. ?Reconnoiter? nejdve blzkou a vzdlenou stranu objektu. Provete przkum vzdlen strany objektu jakmile vyistte prostor mezi objektem a LOA. Toto dramaticky sniuje vae ance na kompromisy bhem velitelskho przkumu. Consider using an indirect fire preparation of the objective. Ujistte se o pprav nepm podprn palby na objekt. When you arrive at the LOA, set out your LPs/OPs immediately. Make sure they have

claymores to cover their withdrawal if necessary. Jakmile se doshnete LOA, zbudujte ihned naslouchac (Listening Post) / pozorovac stanovit (Observating Post). Ujistte se, e jsou vybaveny minami Claymore pro pokryt jejich ppadn ?withdrawal?. Register your indirect fire assets as soon as you arrive at the LOA. Jakmile doshnete LOA ?? Use the engineers to emplace a hasty protective minefield as soon as you have cleared the objective. Jakmile je objekt vyitn, pouijte sly enijn jednotky pro zzen ?hasty? ochrannho minovho pole. If you use a reserve, consider tasking the reserve for your special teams. Mte-li zlohy, zvate jejich zakolovn pro vae speciln tmy. Accomplish all of the above in under 15 minutes. Vykonejte vechno zmnn ve do 15min. Be aware of stay-behind snipers as you approach the objective. Dvejte si pozor na snipery, kte mohli zstat za vaimi liniemi pi vaem pchodu na objekt. Notes Most everything here is aplicable to most terrain types Tiger Stripe and Woodland Camo are the most effective in a Jungle fight

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