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Carcteres especiales: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , @ Sujeto: vocabulario espaol-ingls

Las palabras espaolas con los significados ingleses_1 parte

1) tornillo screw Necesitamos un clavo, no un tornillo. We need a nail, not a screw.

2) silencioso silent, noiseless Dnde hay un sitio silencioso? Where is (Where's) there a quiet place?

3) cutis - complexion El cutis est terso, suave y ms liso. The complexion is glowing, soft and smoother.

4) cenar to dine, to eat Dnde cenaron Uds. (ustedes) anoche? Where did you dine last night?

5) observar to observe, notice Observa algn cambio en el enfermo? Do you notice any change in the patient?

6) desprendido generous Siempre ha sido muy desprendido. He's always been very generous.

7) menor minor No es apto para menores.

It isn't suitable for minors.

8) recin recently, newly Ese caf est recin hecho. That coffee is recently made.

9) conmigo with me Fueron conmigo de paseo. They went for a walk with me.

10) facultad faculty No tena completas (?) sus facultades. He didn't have all of his faculties.

11) oscurecer - to get dark En el invierno oscurece pronto. It gets dark early in winter.

12) merendar - to have a snack or refreshments in the afternoon Merendemos! Let's have a snack!

13) poco a poco - little by little, gradually Poco a poco aprender a hablar espaol. Little by little you will learn to speak Spanish.

14) atleta - athlete Los atletas estn all. The athletes are over there.

15) maravilloso - wonderful

Qu maravillosa es la Internet! The Internet is wonderful!

16) azararse - to be embarrassed Cuando se lo dije se azar mucho. When I told him he was very embarrassed.

17) de mi alma - term of affection Hijo de mi alma! My dear child!

18) ceder - to yield, give in No cedi en su empeo. He wouldn't give in.

19) contrario - contrary Esto es contrario a la ley. This is against the law.

20) inocente - innocent El juez declar inocente al estudiante. The judge declared the student innocent.

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