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(19:12:16) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (19:14:24) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, hiya Willie! How are you?

Feelin' the lurve, our lit tle ChatGhost? ^^ *eyes the recently repaired nose on Fang's awesome statue and leans forward, just to touch and see if the glue has set properly...* (19:19:47) Willie: Degnne logs into the Chat. (19:21:23) Kinkyclawz: DEG! *turns quickly and accidentally knocks the nose off the statue of Eileen again* Oh blimey, erm... *picks the nose up* How are you De g? (19:21:47) Kinkyclawz: *tries not to look guilty* (19:22:16) Degnne: Hi KC. (19:22:22) Degnne: I'm good. How are you? (19:22:54) Kinkyclawz: I'm fine thanks. Been up to much, m'dear? (19:23:10) Degnne: not really (19:23:41) Kinkyclawz: How're you doing on your new place, it is feeling like ho me now? (19:23:51) Degnne: yeah (19:24:07) Kinkyclawz: great stuff! (19:24:21) Kinkyclawz: *thinks she might be overusing the :d icon a little* (19:25:14) Degnne: possibly (19:25:53) Kinkyclawz: There are worse icons to overuse, I guess. ^^ (19:27:03) Kinkyclawz: Soo, any news on the BH front? I've heard Lee Ingleby won 't be in S4... which is weird 'cause I thought Wyndham was going to be a major c haracter. :/ (19:27:19) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (19:27:38) Kinkyclawz: Other than that... EILEEN! *hugz* Hello there suesse! Wie gehts? (19:27:43) Degnne: I haven't been keeping up with any BH news (19:27:47) Degnne: Hello Eileen (19:27:57) Eileen: *sneaks into room hoping she can scare someone* (19:28:08) Eileen: Gah! They discovered meeeeeeee!!! (19:28:08) Kinkyclawz: To be honest, there's been little BH news TO keep up with . (19:28:11) Eileen: *takes cover* (19:28:48) Eileen: Hello KC and Deg (19:28:50) Kinkyclawz: *looks guilty and hides the statue's nose behind her back , hoping Eileen doesn't notice* Where'd Eileen go? She was here a minute ago. *frowns, confused* (19:29:20) Eileen: *comes out of hiding and realizes that something is wrong* (19:29:47) Eileen: I'm fine ty how are you two? (19:30:04) Eileen: *scratches head* Did something happen? It feels strange. (19:30:04) Kinkyclawz: It doesn't even seem like Russell & Sinead will be in it much. Tom and Adam seem to have some kind of larger role but it remains to be se en what. (19:30:25) Kinkyclawz: I'm great thanks. *a bead of sweat rolls down her face* (19:31:13) Eileen: but they are two main characters. would be strange for them n ot to be in it much. *goes to check what could be wrong* (19:32:20) Eileen: Oh! (19:33:03) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, I'm finding that strange but also slightly worrying too. I dunno if you know who I mean but the vampire Wyndham isn't in S4 either, apparently. I'm wondering if they're sidelining the original cast in favour of new blood (pardon the pun) so it will free Sinead, Russell and Lenora up for oth er work? (19:33:40) Kinkyclawz: OR if they might be winding the series down? *subtly throws a towel over the head of the statue so Eileen won't see the re-br oken nose* (19:33:41) Eileen: THE NOOOOOOOOOOSEEEE!!! (19:33:51) Kinkyclawz: Damn not fast enough. (19:34:00) Kinkyclawz: I mena, ooh, what happened there? (19:34:05) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (19:34:09) Eileen: ... is running! I need a tissue!

(19:34:20) Fang: Hello everbody *hands Eileen tissue for some reason* (19:34:24) Eileen: Faaaaaaaaaang!!! (19:34:24) Kinkyclawz: Tut tut not good. FANG! Hallo there! *is overly nice* Are you well? (19:34:28) Eileen: thank you, Fang!!! (19:34:44) Eileen: Why is there a towel over the statue's head? (19:34:51) Kinkyclawz: Aww, you're a good Twoyfriend to Eileen, Fang. (19:34:52) Fang: *suspicous look* I am well KC, and you? (19:35:33) Eileen: Just told KC that my nose was running. A sec before she threw a towel over the statue's head (19:35:36) Degnne: Hello Fang (19:35:38) Fang: I didn't put it there EIleen, I would never cover up such half finished beauty (19:35:51) Kinkyclawz: *overly chirpy in replying* Fine, I'm great thanks! Erm... oh I think it rained on the statue so I was drying it off. (19:36:15) Kinkyclawz: *tries not to look as guilty as Hell* (19:36:33) Fang: *confused, tired but not guilty* (19:36:39) Eileen: I see, thank you KC! I think it stopped raining now. We shoul d really repair the roof though* *pulls down the towel* (19:36:49) Kinkyclawz: *cringes* (19:37:10) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (19:37:13) Eileen: *notices that the nose is missing* Huh? (19:37:20) Fang: HI Genie! (19:37:20) Eileen: Genie! Hello!!! (19:37:25) Kinkyclawz: GENIE! Hiya!! How are you? (19:37:32) Degnne: Hello Genie (19:37:32) Aubergine: hello who is missing a nose? (19:37:59) Eileen: the statue, strange (19:38:11) Eileen: must have been cheap clue (19:38:11) Aubergine: Hi Fang, Eileen, KC and Degnne (19:38:27) Eileen: or glue (19:38:52) Aubergine: ah you've picked up from last week I see (19:38:53) Fang: that glue wasn't cheap, it can cause some sticky situations (19:39:08) Fang: shame it fell of though as it was at such a nicely jaunty angle (19:39:12) Kinkyclawz: *waves friendlyly and tries to sidle out of sight before anyone asks any awkward questions** (19:39:53) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, we're just one long storyline in here, Genie. (19:40:06) Kinkyclawz: ***** (19:40:33) Eileen: KC, are you okay? (19:40:36) Fang: we need a "Previoulsy on the being human chat" segment before w e start the chat, Willie can do the voiceover, or Kame as she's a superstar DJ (19:40:54) Fang: yeah she does seem different doesn't she Eileen (19:40:58) Aubergine: wonder what Willie sounds like (19:41:03) Eileen: yeah a tiny bit (19:41:09) Eileen: me too (19:41:21) Kinkyclawz: I'm fine! << See, overuse of happy icon means I'm fine. *blinks a lot* (19:41:30) Eileen: does he have a kiddy voice or a strict commanding voice (19:41:51) Aubergine: or maybe a high pitched voice (19:41:52) Eileen: *strokes her non-existant beard* (19:41:55) Kinkyclawz: *sniggers* I can't imagine what Willie sounds like. He's a ghost so he must moan a lot. *looks innocent* (19:41:58) Aubergine: like he's on helium (19:42:07) Kinkyclawz: *giggle* (19:42:10) Fang: I think WIllie sunds like patrick swayze (19:42:22) Kinkyclawz: A nice drawl? (19:42:33) Aubergine: Patrick Swayze? (19:42:37) Eileen: *wispers in Fang's ear* Does it look like KC is hiding someth ing behind her back? (19:42:41) Kinkyclawz: Or maybe he sound slike the movie voiceover guy?

(19:42:42) Fang: hmmm KC seems to be acting more like her normal self (19:42:49) Eileen: like patrick (19:42:52) Eileen: hmmmm (19:43:11) Fang: yeah, back when Swayze was a ghost, it was a movie, I forget th e name... (19:43:26) Kinkyclawz: Dirty Dancing? (19:43:28) Eileen: yeah, i remember that movie (19:43:37) Kinkyclawz: Point Break? (19:43:38) Fang: yeah it does Eileen, maybe she has a present for us? (19:43:39) Eileen: Dirty Ghost Dancing? (19:43:45) Aubergine: Ghost (19:43:50) Eileen: a present? yay! (19:43:58) Fang: floating/banging on the ceiling? (19:43:59) Aubergine: now that was a creepy movie. (19:44:09) Aubergine: from a dying point of view (19:44:17) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Sounds like one of Willie's porn films. Heehee. *suddenly looks veyr guilty again and 's to hide it* (19:44:17) Eileen: ghost are allowed to have fun (19:44:30) Aubergine: with those shadows coming out of the ground to get you. (19:44:41) Eileen: ghosts too (19:44:49) Eileen: *shivers* (19:45:01) Eileen: *looks at KC suspiciously* (19:45:22) Fang: Eileen - when the chat is finisshed do you want to make a new n ose using this handy pottery wheel EIleen? (19:45:37) Fang: hmm there was an extra Eileen in that sentance (19:45:49) Kinkyclawz: You mean Ghost, Genie? Can't recall the shadows coming to get them in that. Haven't watched t for a while. (19:46:08) Eileen: yeah, that would be a great idea. but i have to remember what the old nose looked like. (19:46:29) Eileen: was it near the end of the movie? (19:46:31) Kinkyclawz: BRB folks, Dad's got a technical emergency. *is not snea king away to avoid questions about what she's hiding behind her back, not at all * (19:46:48) Eileen: HB KC! (19:46:54) Fang: just to relate things to a bh topic h?v=f 5UlB4Yw1wQ (19:47:10) Aubergine: when bad people died...the shadows rose from the ground an d took them. Wasn't that in Ghost? (19:47:12) Eileen: cannot watch (19:47:13) Fang: yeah I don't really remember the shadows (19:47:31) Aubergine: or am I confusing it with something else (19:47:32) Eileen: I'm not sure (19:47:45) Fang: there was a train, and some poterry, and unchained melody, and Whoppe Goldberg and er... some corporate guy (19:48:30) Fang: you're probably right, we don't really seem to remember tghe mo vie very well, except Deg who is very queit so I'm guessing he's crying at the m ere memory of it (19:49:11) Fang: did the shadow people have sticks and rope? (19:49:29) Aubergine: one guy died by the train and the shadows took him under. (19:49:41) Aubergine: who knows they might have had sticks and rope. (19:50:03) Kinkyclawz: BACK! (19:50:05) Fang: nobody seems as interested in McNair Sr singing as I am (19:50:11) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, Genie, are you thinking of The Frighteners? (19:50:16) Aubergine: Robson looks very young in that video (19:50:18) Fang: yes back KC, what is behind your back (19:50:35) Aubergine: No didn't see the frighteners (19:51:02) Fang: baby got back, back to back, back in black, back in the USSR, b ack to the future (19:51:07) Kinkyclawz: Dman, busted. Um, I have a small, tiny, very unimportant confession to make.

(19:51:40) Fang: is it that you are actually Russian? (19:51:42) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, now THAT's a creepy ghost film, horror comedy, prett y much, Genie. (19:51:43) Aubergine: I love confession (19:51:51) Kinkyclawz: Da, Fang! (19:51:55) Eileen: I cannot watch the video, Fang (19:52:02) Fang: do you mnot like party rings? (19:52:02) Kinkyclawz: ahem. No, not really. I only know a few words of Russian. (19:52:17) Eileen: Confession!!!!!!! (19:52:22) Fang: are you only using us to make money? lt.asp x (19:52:25) Aubergine: You don't have to speak Russian to be Russian. (19:52:46) Kinkyclawz: I might, inadvertently and completely unintentionally, n udged the statue's nose and made it chip off again. (19:52:50) Eileen: is it related to us being nosey? (19:53:08) Eileen: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? *faints* (19:53:18) Kinkyclawz: NO WAY! Someone nicked the KinkiKini name?! (19:53:34) Fang: *sniff* how could you? (19:53:40) Aubergine: product infringement (19:53:43) Fang: ^^^to all the accusations (19:53:55) Kinkyclawz: Oops. *tries to ctach Eileen as she faints but misses AND drops the nose, smashing the rest into smaller pieces* Oops... (19:54:07) Aubergine: I'm sure it was an accident (19:54:11) Kinkyclawz: I didn't mean to. I only tapped it to make sure the glue had set and, um, it kinda hadn't... (19:54:17) Fang: there's also a women that goes by the name kinkykini on faceboo k and twitter and probably other things (19:54:22) Eileen: *thuds* (19:54:35) Eileen: they stole our naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame (19:54:39) Fang: I think KC protests too much, that is her store! (19:54:42) Kinkyclawz: *sucks air in through her teeth* Are you ok, eileen? (19:54:44) Aubergine * fans Eileen* (19:54:54) Fang: *Fangs Eileen* (19:55:09) Eileen: *wakes up* huh? (19:55:10) Aubergine: lmao (19:55:24) Eileen: *is fanged and blushes* Uhmm... (19:55:45) Eileen: Thank you Genie! (19:55:49) Kinkyclawz: You're not hurt, are you? (19:55:49) Fang: and how do you knock a statues nose of accidently? it's 15 foot up in the air! you need to bring special equipment for it (19:56:02) Fang: no I was gentle (19:56:07) Aubergine: uhhhhhh (19:56:11) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, I was sorta wondering that myself, Fang... (19:56:12) Eileen: i'm okay thanks (19:56:26) Eileen: *thinks of the nose and sobs* (19:56:44) Kinkyclawz: It wasn't on purpose, and I'll make another one, I promis e. (19:56:52) Aubergine: it's like when you're dusting and you accidently knock a f aved object off the shelf (19:57:07) Kinkyclawz: Please don't cry. Or bleed... did you bang your head, sue sse? (19:57:19) Aubergine: and then hide it so you don't get into trouble (19:57:24) Fang: plasticine noses don't count KC! (19:57:37) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, like that Genie. Only I'm a terrible liar. (19:58:01) Kinkyclawz: Oh. What about lemon cnady floss / cotton candy noses, do they count? (19:58:21) Fang: no! it must be rocks, rocks from the moon! (19:58:52) Kinkyclawz: Ah. So not like this one I found in the garden? (19:59:11) Fang: no! garden variety rocks will not do (19:59:11) Eileen: yes Fang must know

(19:59:13) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, I've got a long trip to find a replacement, I think. (19:59:51) Eileen: *hugs Fang* The noooooooose! *whines* (19:59:53) Kinkyclawz: *eats the candyfloos nose she's already made and ponders how a little she-wolf in a KinkiKini will be able to get to the moon* (19:59:56) Fang: it doesn't take that long KC, try national rail enquiries (20:00:28) Eileen: maybe a little he-wolf in a mankini can help? (20:00:36) Kinkyclawz: *scrapes the pieces of broken nose together and wraps the m in a black hankie, presents them to Eileen and Fang with a bowed head* (20:00:36) Eileen: *wonders where that came from* (20:00:47) Kinkyclawz: *faints* (20:01:04) Fang: MaWZPNVTkc (20:01:30) Eileen: *catches the black hankie before KC faints throwing a pillow on the floor to catch her fall in a matrix manner* (20:01:50) Kinkyclawz: *wakes to the strains of Shakira's She Wolf, her KinkiKin i tail twitching along to the music* (20:01:55) Eileen: Gah, cannot watch (20:02:02) Fang: wow! that was some sight, very flexible (20:02:04) Aubergine *fans KC* (20:02:06) Fang: youtube hates EIleen (20:02:25) Fang: *doesn't Fang KC in case Eileen gets jealous* (20:02:27) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, this pillow is comfy. Erm, Fang, why are you looking so stunned? (20:02:36) Eileen: *gives the black hankie a funeral* (20:02:51) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou Genie. And thankyou for not fanging me Fang. (20:02:54) Fang: or maybe she just can't stand the site of Shakira (20:03:02) Aubergine: Shakira nice outfit. (20:03:08) Eileen: Thank you Fang (20:03:10) Eileen: (20:03:26) Eileen: yes yt hates germans (20:03:30) Eileen: or rather GEMA does (20:03:43) Kinkyclawz: *is slightly jealous that Shakira would suit a KinkiKini better than herself* (20:03:43) Eileen: (20:03:49) Fang: damn Gema, she's horrible (20:03:59) Kinkyclawz: Gema? Who is she? Lemma ta her! (20:04:02) Kinkyclawz: at her also (20:04:06) Fang: she's also Willies girlfriend (20:04:09) Eileen: I'm sure it would not suit her half as good as it does you, K C (20:04:14) Fang: so I wouldn't harm her (20:04:27) Eileen: it's an organization (20:04:37) Fang: as much as I'd like to see Shakira in a kinkykini you can't bea t the original (20:04:41) Eileen: (20:04:50) Eileen: exactly Fang (20:05:13) Kinkyclawz: Oh. Ah, is she's Willie's girlfriend then we might ahve a problem with ebing upset too much. Willie might kick us out en masse in respons e. Aww, danke suesse! and I'm very sorry to you and Fang about the nose. I was only trying to help. (20:05:34) Kinkyclawz: Aww, shucks, thanks Fang! I'm feelin' the lurve..! (20:06:09) Fang: Genie did you hear that the word "mankini" made it into the dic tonairy? (20:06:09) Eileen: Let's forgive KC, Fang (20:06:24) Aubergine: No when did that happen? (20:06:26) Kinkyclawz: Psst, Deg, you okay babe? *peers up into the Insanity Tre e to make sure you're ok* (20:06:33) Kinkyclawz: *faints* (20:06:34) Fang: yeah OK Eileen

(20:06:36) Eileen: *quickly throws more pillows on the floor* (20:06:42) Aubergine: Mr Webster is probably rolling over in his grave (20:06:45) Fang: I'm sure she'll make it up to us anyway (20:06:54) Degnne is okay. (20:07:03) Eileen: She will. (20:07:17) Kinkyclawz: *gets a soft landing thanks to Eileen's quick thinking* (20:07:35) Fang: this week I think, if you don't beleive me search for "mankini dictionary" int he google news bit (20:07:45) Kinkyclawz: *pretends to still be out, but is mildly concerned as to what she'll have to do to make things up to Eileen and Fang* (20:07:55) Fang: they also took gullible out of the dictionary (20:08:14) Kinkyclawz: *wakes up* Really?! *has been caught by this before but m eh!* (20:08:58) Kinkyclawz: Has Robson And Jeroma's Unchained Melody playing in her h ead now* (20:09:00) Fang: are saying my jokes are old KC? in this case you'd be right but I didn't know how common it was outside England (20:09:09) Kinkyclawz: Jerome's, not Jeroma (20:09:23) Fang: don't complain KC, it must make a nice change from the usual vo ices (20:09:37) Kinkyclawz: Nah, I'm just that word that has been taken out of the di ctionary. LOL (20:09:38) Eileen: gullible? (20:09:40) Eileen: whay? (20:09:47) Eileen: *steals a* (20:09:51) Fang: (mankini not joke) (20:09:57) Kinkyclawz: AWWW, bless ya Eileen! (20:10:40) Fang: *resists making some kind of bless you/nose comment, stupif for givness who invented that* (20:11:00) Eileen: Fang! (20:11:02) Eileen: (20:11:26) Eileen: No Fang didn't invent it but I just love to say Fang! (20:11:29) Aubergine: Wow Fang, You were really attached to that nose (20:12:05) Kinkyclawz: *completely missed the bless you/nose reference her comme nt created and gets another twinge of guilt* (20:12:31) Fang: it was the greatest half a nose ever made Genie, but as I said I must move on (20:12:34) Kinkyclawz: He crafted it himself, I know you get pretty atatched to the things you crate yourself. (20:13:18) Eileen: we will make a better one, FAng (20:13:25) Eileen: how about one that really sneezes? (20:13:31) Eileen: like an alarm (20:13:36) Kinkyclawz: What can I do to make it up to you both? *realises sh's h appily reclining on all the cushions Eileen threw to break her fall after the me ntions of the garment which should not be named* (20:13:37) Eileen: or as an alarm? (20:13:58) Eileen: Mankini? (20:14:05) Kinkyclawz: And glows red to tell us its cold outside? (20:14:08) Eileen: oh sorry! (20:14:19) Kinkyclawz: *faints, but is already lying down so thats ok* (20:14:25) Eileen: yes blue for cold and red for hot (20:14:27) Fang: yes we'll make something that involves bodily fluids and it wil l be great (20:14:48) Eileen: bodily fluids! *blushes* (20:15:03) Eileen: *but has no idea why* (20:15:19) Kinkyclawz: *wakes up* What'd I miss? (20:15:35) Kinkyclawz: Aww, you're blushing Eileen. (20:15:42) Fang: maybe it could be a smoke alarm, if I'm cooking and it smells s moke it goes off (20:16:07) Fang: I don't know why either KC, we were just talking about statues

(20:16:34) Eileen: *blushes because she is caught blushing* (20:16:35) Fang: it could even be a sprinkler system! (20:16:41) Kinkyclawz: Were you talking about the statue's naughty bits? (20:16:41) Eileen: great ides, Fang (20:16:44) Fang: blushing squeared (20:16:47) Fang: no! (20:16:56) Eileen: or idea (20:16:58) Fang: always taking it down a level is our KC (20:17:18) Kinkyclawz: *snortlaugh at the sprinlker system idea and crawls off t he pillows, taking some with her into the gutter* (20:17:32) Eileen: but dont forget KC, the statue only has half of them (20:17:44) Kinkyclawz: Oh yeah, always down to my favourite level. Very sorry. (20:17:55) Aubergine: squeared? (20:17:59) Fang: she's like those shadow men Genie was talking about (20:18:03) Kinkyclawz: *snortlaughs again and sinks into the gutter a bit deeper * (20:18:09) Fang: dammnit Genie I'd thought I'd got away with that (20:18:15) Eileen: rofl (20:18:22) Kinkyclawz: Love the word Squeared! (20:18:34) Eileen: did you mean squared, Fang? (20:18:57) Kinkyclawz: Its a posh way of saying Squared. (20:18:59) Fang: yes I did EIleen, I didn't want anybody to be squeared that wou ld be horrible (20:19:18) Aubergine: oh posh. NO wonder I didn't recognize it (20:19:27) Kinkyclawz: Oh heck, what does squearing involve? (20:19:27) Eileen: lol (20:19:33) Fang: yes, that's right, it's my English accent (20:19:37) Eileen: well it happens (20:19:52) Eileen: i sometimes scrame instead of scream (20:19:52) Fang: a proper English accent not a northern one (20:19:57) Eileen: makes a much better sound (20:20:11) Fang: oh I don't mind you screaming (20:20:20) Fang: scraming is good too though (20:20:28) Kinkyclawz: *cortles in the gutter and sinks even lower* (20:20:43) Eileen: KC! You okay down there? (20:20:44) Kinkyclawz: *chortles, also* (20:20:59) Fang: oh dear KC you're always going down (20:21:06) Kinkyclawz: *waves a hand over the edge of the gutter* fine! *laughs inanely to herself* (20:21:38) Fang: cortles, scrame, squered, there's many new words tonight (20:21:52) Kinkyclawz: I am. Its a curse of the KC line. Speaking of down, I thi nk I need to go downstairs and get a hot drink. anyone want one? Tea? Coffee? co coa? (20:21:57) Eileen: will they make it into the dict? (20:22:01) Kinkyclawz: Blood? Gravy? (20:22:02) Fang: we should make our own dictonairy! (20:22:06) Fang: after the nose of course (20:22:08) Fang: bovril? (20:22:26) Eileen: Coffee please and a large glass of blood for Fang (20:22:30) Eileen: Thanks, KC! (20:22:43) Fang: thanks Eileen, I don't like coffee (20:22:50) Eileen: Yes, after the nose (20:23:05) Eileen: as i thought my twoyfried (20:23:06) keepmakingtea: BOO! (20:23:11) Eileen: JD!!! (20:23:11) Fang: if I could only make one of them I'd pick the nose (20:23:16) Fang: JD! (20:23:16) Eileen: *faints from shock* (20:23:24) Aubergine: Howdy JD (20:23:26) Kinkyclawz: Bovril it is! And a Coffee, large glass of blood... anyth

ing for you two, Genie and Deg? (20:23:28) keepmakingtea: Never fear! I am here! (20:23:29) Kinkyclawz: JD!!! (20:23:38) keepmakingtea: .... (20:23:40) Fang: you just missed your twife, she'll be back with drinks and oh n vermind she's still here (20:23:41) Degnne: Hey JD (20:23:50) Kinkyclawz: Where did you come from? *pounce-hugz, not easy when you' re in the gutter** (20:23:53) keepmakingtea: Who's getting a big glass of blood? (20:24:00) Fang: me! (20:24:02) Eileen: *rubs head* JD!!!!!! (20:24:05) Aubergine: I'll have a beer (20:24:06) Kinkyclawz: *was at the door writing the shopping list of drinks. (20:24:07) Fang: Eileen insisted (20:24:18) Eileen: I did (20:24:21) Eileen: *winks* (20:24:27) Kinkyclawz: A beer! (20:24:29) keepmakingtea: I had a root beer. (20:24:35) Kinkyclawz: Deg? And JD, want a drink, hot or cold? (20:24:41) keepmakingtea: I'm good. (20:24:53) Fang: squered roots? (20:25:04) Degnne: no thanks (20:25:04) Kinkyclawz: Want another, not that I'm trying to get my Twusband squi ffy at all... (20:25:06) Aubergine: ale (20:25:07) Eileen: *continues to rub her head and sits up* How are you JD? (20:25:08) Aubergine: lager (20:25:17) Kinkyclawz: Okies, BRB! (20:25:22) keepmakingtea: I'm okay, folks. (20:25:27) Eileen: HB KC (20:26:03) Fang: oh no, sorry we never asked how you were JD (20:26:11) keepmakingtea: I'm good. (20:26:13) Eileen: *snuggles into Fang's arms* (20:26:17) keepmakingtea: We have or had a topic? (20:26:23) keepmakingtea: Did the topic die? (20:26:36) Aubergine: there was no topic (20:26:45) Aubergine: why don't you introduce one (20:26:48) Fang: ghost, robson and jerome, shakira, statues, the usual (20:26:55) Aubergine: that way we can move away from the nose (20:27:00) keepmakingtea: I don't have a topic... (20:27:07) keepmakingtea: Except... (20:27:24) Aubergine: oh dear (20:27:31) Fang: *tries to put arm around Eileen but she's already there, how di d that happen?* (20:27:33) keepmakingtea: Is it possible some filming for Series 4 could have be en done in the Series 3 shoot? (20:28:03) Eileen: Beaming, Fang (20:28:14) Fang: hmmm, makes some sense with Nina's pregnancy (20:28:24) Aubergine: anything is possible, but what do you mean (20:28:58) Fang: however I don't think they're normall recommisioned until after filming has finished, not sure on that one though (20:29:14) keepmakingtea: Well, apparently Sinead tweeted "Last day EVER!" durin g the S3 shoot. (20:29:15) Fang: with budgets being tight they may not have had the money anway (20:29:50) Aubergine: maybe she didn't think it was coming back (20:29:50) keepmakingtea: We'll see. (20:30:05) Eileen: yeah maybe (20:30:25) Aubergine: or maybe she was referring to Aidan. (20:31:09) Eileen: yeah i that could be too

(20:31:18) Aubergine: or maybe she was trying to trick people after she got stab bed. (20:32:27) Fang: or maybe it was an honest mistake, I know none of us make typin g errors but it can happen to other people (20:33:22) Fang: KC sure is taking a long time with our drinks, I hope she's not letting her own blood, I assumed she had some stored (20:33:25) Eileen: yeah maybe she forgot the n (20:33:45) Fang: last day never? (20:33:53) Eileen: lol yeah (20:34:22) Eileen: i hope not, dont want her to faint on us (20:34:34) Fang: don't faint (20:34:57) Aubergine: maybe she can't get her dad to hold still for the blood le tting (20:35:38) Aubergine: i hope she didn't have to run to the pub for my beer (20:35:38) Fang: oh of course, she's a bit like Adam (20:35:59) Fang: especially as so many pubs have shut down, that could be miles (20:36:30) Fang: oh man I hope this isn't killing her Dad (20:36:59) Eileen: oh no (20:37:09) Aubergine: you know the guilt over the nose thing, she just wanted yo u to have some fresh blood (20:37:10) Eileen: then i would have initiated the killing (20:37:13) Eileen: my god! (20:37:22) Fang: yes Eileen? (20:37:35) Eileen: i asked her about the blood (20:37:47) Eileen: now she's prob killing her dad getting it out of guilt (20:37:50) Eileen: oh noooooooooo (20:38:01) Eileen: I'm sorry, Mr. Clawz!!! (20:38:09) Aubergine: Are you her god, Fang? (20:38:19) Fang: don't beat yourself up over it, unfortuantly it was inevetable (20:38:55) Aubergine: or are you agreeing it's her fault? (20:39:17) Fang: nah I'm just saying KC was always going to kill her parents (20:39:28) Fang: it's also up to Eileen how she worships me (20:39:37) Aubergine: lol (20:40:03) Fang: if it wasn't today KC would have pushed them off a cliff the ne xt time they went for a stroll at the beach (20:40:21) Fang: or ran them over after sendign them out for some beer (20:40:33) Aubergine: oh dear (20:40:42) Eileen: oh my (20:40:51) Eileen: she offered the blood too (20:40:56) Eileen: you all heard it! (20:40:59) Fang: you missed a word Eileen, you meant "oh my Fang" (20:41:04) Eileen: i was just taking her offer (20:41:15) Eileen: oops sorry of cours! (20:41:20) Eileen: Oh my Fang! (20:41:20) Fang: yeah I said don't blame yourself, you're a good Eileen (20:41:35) Fang: (20:41:43) Eileen: *smiles and wipes brow* so glad (20:42:48) Fang: haven't you noticed her aggression building, the statue vandali sm, her scratching me last week to get blood, her tackle hug when JD came in? (20:43:00) Fang: the clues were there (20:43:15) Aubergine: but it's not a full moon (20:43:17) keepmakingtea: Who wants to be KC is watching this chat, L-ing her A Off? (20:43:26) keepmakingtea: *Who wants to bet (20:43:44) Kinkyclawz: BAck! (20:43:53) Aubergine: oh goody (20:44:00) Aubergine: wb (20:44:12) Fang: HI KC, we were just discussing the (20:44:16) Aubergine: how are things there? (20:44:31) Aubergine: everyone okay?

(20:44:43) Eileen: wb KC!!! (20:44:46) Eileen: *whistles* (20:45:11) Fang: did you have everything you needed stored in your house alread? (20:45:54) Fang: whispers that KC seems unusually quiet (20:46:01) Kinkyclawz: *is carrying a very large tray of drinks, 2 large cups of tea and 2 of coffee (just in case anyone now wants one), 2 large glasses of blo od, 2 large glasses of beer, a root beer and some alcopops in bottles* (20:46:19) Aubergine: hope she's not reading back pages (20:46:25) Kinkyclawz: *poks he tongue out, concentrating on not spilling anythi ng. (20:46:44) Kinkyclawz: *smiles sweetly as she sets the tray down* (20:46:44) Fang: whispers again so KC can't here, two glasses of blood? no wonde r it took so long (20:46:57) keepmakingtea: Alcopops? (20:47:06) Aubergine: oh thank you for the beer. (20:47:12) Kinkyclawz: Sorry Fang, didn't know what kind of blood you'd like, so I brought regular and diet. (20:47:15) Fang: her pops? (20:47:31) Fang: ohuh-oh (20:47:31) Kinkyclawz: Alcoholic soft drinks. *frowns* Kinda weird really. (20:47:35) Aubergine: whispers wonder who was on a diet (20:47:58) Kinkyclawz: You're welcome, Genie. Hope its chilled enough for you. (20:48:02) Fang: whispers that her mum must have been slimming to fit into her s ummer beach wear (20:48:21) Fang: er... thanks KC, you REALLY sholkdn't have gone to so much effo rt (20:48:23) Eileen: *wispers to Fang* yeah 2 glasses? we should check both her pa rents later (20:48:25) Aubergine: oh dear (20:48:35) Kinkyclawz: *rubs her ears* Crikey, my ears are burning a bit. (20:48:58) Aubergine: alcoholic soft drink (20:49:00) Fang: fire? (20:49:02) Kinkyclawz: Its still warm. (20:49:03) Aubergine: Is that a wine cooler? (20:49:16) Eileen: is it hot in here? (20:49:20) Eileen: *coughs* (20:49:28) Fang: it's getting hot in here so... (20:49:30) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, I thought it would help keep the beer and root beer drinkable (20:49:51) Kinkyclawz: Maybe I should open a window, then? *is being super-helpf ul* (20:49:53) Fang: so you don't need a cool place for storage of anything else? (20:49:56) Eileen: isn't she a great host, our KC? (20:50:06) Fang: yeah she's a killer host (20:50:15) Eileen: yeah (20:50:20) Kinkyclawz: *hands Eileen her large mug of coffee and takes a large m ug of tea for herself* (20:50:29) Eileen: *glares at KC suspiciously* (20:50:34) Kinkyclawz: Like what, Fang? Oh, you mean like cream cakes and things ? (20:50:43) Eileen: Thank you, KC! *is super-friendly* (20:51:01) Fang: yeah sure, just anything that would go off in the warm weather really (20:51:05) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thanks, I'm flattered but its the least I can do. (20:51:17) Fang: you woudn't want anything to decompose would you? (20:51:34) Fang: *wonders how long he can swill his drinks* (20:51:35) Eileen: like in the garden (20:51:42) Aubergine: well not prematurely (20:51:47) Kinkyclawz: No, no, meat's not good for heat is it... oh, wait, I mea n heat's not good for meat. Thats the one.

(20:52:07) Fang: meat? oh my it gets worse (20:52:09) Eileen: uhmmmm... (20:52:28) Eileen: meat and heat? (20:52:28) Kinkyclawz: *smiles sunnily and drinks some of her tea* SLURP (20:52:30) Fang: yeah true KC, all kinds of meat need good storage space (20:52:41) keepmakingtea: So................... (20:52:44) Eileen: do you like cooking meat, KC? (20:52:58) Aubergine *gulps down the first beer* (20:53:15) Eileen: *drinks her coffee* (20:53:39) Kinkyclawz: Oh yes, over a roaring fire. But it has to be good and th awed first. (20:53:54) Fang: what wine do you think is best with your favourite meat KC? chi anti? (20:54:01) Eileen: thawed! *gulps* (20:54:09) Aubergine: lmao (20:54:26) Kinkyclawz: Sure you don't want a drink Jd? And Deg? Aww, you're not ready for that blood just yet are you Fang? (20:54:44) Fang: nah it's a bit early in the day for that, sorry KC (20:54:52) Fang: after you went to SO much effor to (20:54:52) keepmakingtea: Fang needs to know where it came from. (20:54:55) Kinkyclawz: Oh no, I never drink... wine. (20:54:56) Eileen: *looks at Fang in a panic* (20:55:03) Fang: shhh JD (20:55:21) Eileen: *looks at JD in a panic* (20:55:37) Eileen: *looks at Genie in a panic* (20:55:52) Eileen: *smiles sweetly at KC* (20:56:07) Aubergine *suppresses a hysterical laugh* (20:56:30) Fang: *takes bovril* (20:56:36) Eileen: *rubs Genie's back* there there (20:56:56) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, you're a connoiseur (sp?) of blood? I see! Well, may be a sip will tell you where it came from? the bouquet and such. *has no bloody clue what she's on about... geddit?* (20:57:18) Aubergine: thank you Eileen. I don't know what cam over me. (20:57:25) Aubergine: came to (20:57:34) Fang: this bovril is lovely, it has an exra kick to normal though but that improves the taste (20:57:38) Kinkyclawz: It must be the beer, it makes you a happy drunk, huh? (20:58:04) Kinkyclawz: Aww, glad you like it. I've added a secret ingredient. (20:58:08) Aubergine: maybe I should drink this one slower (20:58:13) Eileen: it happens to the best of us, Genie. Don't worry about it. *c ontinues to looks at her in panic* (20:58:15) Aubergine: it's going straight to my head (20:58:21) Fang: (20:58:34) Kinkyclawz: Ah, yeah, sometimes the beer can go to your head, can't i t? (20:58:41) Eileen: secret ingredient? what could that be, KC? (20:58:50) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, I'm IN your head! (20:59:08) Fang: can you tell us KC or is it a FAMILY secvret (20:59:12) Kinkyclawz: *winks* Its a family secret. But c'mere, I'll whisper it. (20:59:13) Eileen: *continues to smile sweetly then turns to Fang asking him wit h her eyes what to do* (20:59:57) Eileen: *tries to eavesdrop* (21:00:04) Fang: in my 1134 years I've never known a situation like this (21:00:24) Fang: oh its OK KC, no need to come anywhere near my ear (21:00:29) Kinkyclawz: *whispers "its sherbert lemon" * (21:00:31) Fang: thinks of Tyson (21:01:08) Kinkyclawz: Tyson, the werewolf in my story... oh wait. Wrong Tyson. Sorry. *giggles girlyly* (21:01:16) Eileen: *hears* Shephard...

(21:01:23) Fang: well it doesn't exactly taste lemony, more jacob creeky but uh thanks KC (21:01:35) Eileen: or shepherd (21:01:58) Kinkyclawz: *wonders where she got sudden hunger for sheep from* (21:02:17) Eileen: *checks Fang's ear and gives him a thumps up* (21:02:21) Kinkyclawz: Aww, so many compliments. I'm touched. (21:02:31) Aubergine: are there many sheep where you live, KC? (21:02:34) Fang: that's what most of the Welsh characther in bh thought too KC (21:02:35) Eileen: with her thumb (21:02:51) Kinkyclawz: (Psst, don't thump Fang too hard, hes's still got his Bov ril to drink) (21:03:30) Kinkyclawz: No, no. There used to be quite a lot fo sheep but they've suddenly dwindled in number. Its a local mystery. (21:03:51) Fang: oh no... my bovril has been spilt...what a shame (21:04:05) Aubergine: Have you seen the shepherd lately? (21:04:30) Kinkyclawz: LOL Indeed... wait, they thought I was touched or were yo u replying to the sheep comment? A thumb thump, Eileen? (21:04:41) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, clumsy Fang! (21:04:59) Fang: KCs local 37243.5.flat,550x550,075 ,f.the-sl aughtered-lamb.jpg (21:05:06) Kinkyclawz: You know, come to think of it, I've not Genie. I wonder w here he took his sheep to? (21:05:27) Fang: yeah, nevermind though my first is quenced (21:05:41) Kinkyclawz: SQUEE! The Slaughtered Lamb! They do a good line in bante r, the locals. Beware The moon! Oh how we laughed! (21:05:49) keepmakingtea: m/mf/web/cce8w2/TheSandma nisNearC horus.mp3 (21:05:55) Fang: first quenched and fist clenched, just in case (21:06:18) Kinkyclawz: Are you sure, Fang? I can get more bovril if you like? (21:06:26) Fang: So Eilen how are the parents after they saw you LYAO (21:06:33) Fang: no, no, that's fine thanks KC (21:06:50) Kinkyclawz: Oh, okay then. *[uts her lemon sherbert away* (21:07:05) Willie: Eileen has been logged out (Timeout). (21:07:09) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, is this your latest, my Twusband?! (21:07:12) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (21:07:17) Aubergine: Eileen? (21:07:20) Fang: yes, very nice of you though, the "Lemon sherbert* was very nic e (21:07:20) Kinkyclawz: EILEEEEEN! NOOOOOO! (21:07:23) Aubergine: Are you knay? (21:07:25) Fang: in out, in out, shake it all about (21:07:27) Kinkyclawz: WB suesse! *hugz* (21:07:38) Aubergine: I mean okay (21:07:52) Eileen: Sorry, got my lappy crashed (21:07:55) Fang: *intercepts hug* sorry KC but I want to hug her more (21:07:56) Kinkyclawz: Did you write this JD? (21:08:12) Fang: phew that was a close one, stay close Eileen don't go like that again (21:08:16) keepmakingtea: Nope. (21:08:19) Eileen: What did i miss? (21:08:26) keepmakingtea: I just got it together. (21:08:33) Fang: ah she's gone all like me in colour (21:08:37) Kinkyclawz: *is moved aside by Fang* Oh. Well. Of course, a Twoyfrien d hug comes first. (21:08:55) Kinkyclawz: Awesome! Well done. (21:09:01) Fang: KC tried to hug you put I inercepted (21:09:18) Fang: I er... think I may have to go in a minute (21:09:18) Eileen: Im okay lol

(21:09:23) Kinkyclawz: *hands Fang a T* (21:09:27) Fang: oh Eileen have you started the new job? (21:09:30) Fang: how is it? (21:09:42) Fang: any jobs in Berlin for a guy that can't speak German? (21:09:54) Eileen: All body parts are still attached. (21:09:58) Kinkyclawz: Oh crieky, how could I forget! Sorry, hos IS your new job ? thanks for the reminder Fang. (21:10:09) Aubergine: You can learn German. I hear it's an easy language. (21:10:17) Fang: that's always a plus Eileen (21:10:35) Fang: (as we know from statues) (21:10:44) Kinkyclawz: Wow, tough job if you ahve to check all body parts are st ill attached! (21:11:12) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:11:12) Aubergine: Is it a good days work to come home with all your body par ts? (21:11:18) Willie: Eileen has been logged out (Timeout). (21:11:27) Fang: EILEEN! (21:11:28) Kinkyclawz: Nooo, eileeen!! (21:11:33) Aubergine *gasp* (21:11:37) Kinkyclawz: Come baaaaack! (21:11:38) Aubergine: Eileen (21:11:41) Fang: *nervosly stand by door waiting* (21:11:52) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:11:54) Aubergine: bring her back Willie! (21:11:58) Fang: oh and the other thing KC, did you know that Jason Watkins is i n that Trollied thing in Sky one? (21:12:23) Kinkyclawz: I do! I wtached part one and can't say I was impressed, b ut Jason was ace, as always. (21:12:41) keepmakingtea: Jason Watkins is the MAN! (21:12:48) Kinkyclawz: I've got the other bits recorded, though, I'll give 'em a watch. ahev you seen it? Liked/disliked/duno yet? (21:12:48) Fang: yeah I didn't like it much either, I think the main women dragg ed it down (21:13:00) Kinkyclawz: Too true my Twusband! (21:13:19) Kinkyclawz: Yeah. There was the odd giggle but nothing laugh out loud funny. (21:13:22) Fang: it just proves that Jason is a great actor if he could fake aff ection for her (21:13:30) Kinkyclawz: Might be a grower, though? (21:13:50) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, catty! But I like it! (21:13:55) Fang: possibly but I doubt it (21:14:03) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (21:14:06) Kinkyclawz: For anyone outside the UK, Trollied is a new "comedy" sho ws set in a supermarket. (21:14:08) Eileen: back (21:14:12) Eileen: sorry crashed again (21:14:13) Kinkyclawz: WB Eileen!!!! (21:14:13) Fang: EILEEN! gets hug in first (21:14:18) Fang: you're blue too (21:14:19) Eileen: what was it about jobs in Berlin? (21:14:21) Eileen: lol (21:14:24) Kinkyclawz: *stands back to let Fang hug Eileen in greeting first* (21:14:26) Aubergine: comedy in a supermarket (21:14:39) Aubergine: Great WB Eileen (21:14:43) keepmakingtea: Ooooh... (21:14:44) Eileen: i was on my tablet before (21:14:53) Eileen: *is hugged* (21:14:56) Eileen: awwww... (21:15:09) Kinkyclawz: Aye, thats about the size of it, Genie. Jason Watkins pla ys the somewhat harrassed manager.

(21:15:18) Fang: I have a blue house with a blue window. Blue is the colour of all that I wear. Blue are the streets and all the trees are too. I have a twirlfriend and she is so blue. Blue are the people here that walk around, Blue like my corvette, it's standing outside. Blue are the words I say and what I think. Blue are the feelings that live inside me. I'm blue da ba dee da ba die... (21:15:22) Kinkyclawz: Oooooh JD? (21:15:54) Eileen: looool (21:15:55) Eileen: awwwwwwww (21:15:58) Aubergine: I bet your favorite group is the Blue man group (21:16:00) Fang: oooh what was the ooooh for? (21:16:02) Eileen: i don't feel blue at all (21:16:10) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, I thought JD did the random quotes... but awesomene ss Fang! Where/when did you learn that? (21:16:11) Eileen: lol (21:16:14) Fang: how did you guess? (21:16:30) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Genie & Fang! (21:16:36) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:17:23) Fang: it's not the offical vid so hopefully Eileen can see ithttp://w =w1kTNXeBdNc (21:17:26) Fang: 1kTNXeBdNc (21:17:29) Fang: that's better (21:17:42) Kinkyclawz: ahem, yes, Fang asked about how your new job is going, ei leen. Are you enjoying it? (21:17:54) keepmakingtea: (Looks up "Trollied" on a certain site that should not be mentioned on the chat log. (21:18:07) Eileen: lol i know this one! (21:18:25) Eileen: yeah, I'm enjoying my new/old job (21:18:26) Kinkyclawz: ( *winks at JD* ) (21:18:26) Eileen: (21:18:30) Fang: of course yhou do EIleen (21:18:42) Eileen: trollied? (21:18:44) Eileen: looooool (21:18:51) Kinkyclawz: YAYNESS! Glad its going well, suesse! (21:19:14) Fang: that's a lot of ooooooooo in you're lol (21:19:17) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, indeed, Trollied has two or three meanings. (21:19:39) Kinkyclawz: *eats the extra ' and e in Fang's sentence* (21:20:00) Eileen: yeah i had some to spare (21:20:03) Fang: ah she's eating things again (21:20:19) Eileen: so i thought why not insert them into an answer to my beloved twoyfriend (21:20:39) Fang: awww, if you want anything inserted in return just let me know (21:20:50) Kinkyclawz: Awwwwww, how sweet are you two? *smiles warmly at Fang an d Eileen* (21:21:07) Eileen: *does not know why she suddenly blushes* (21:21:15) Eileen: dabe debedai (21:21:20) Kinkyclawz: *crawls into the gutter to join the pillows she left ther e earlier* (21:21:23) Eileen: dabedeedabedai (21:21:28) Fang: aww not again, at least you look cute when you blush even if th ere is no reason (21:21:43) Fang: sorry you're gonna be doing that all night now aren't you? (21:21:52) Eileen: im blue dabedeedabedai (21:22:06) Eileen: im blue dabedeedabedai (21:22:14) Eileen: dabedeedabedai (21:22:28) Eileen: *coughs* oops

(21:22:29) Eileen: sorry (21:22:39) keepmakingtea: There are pillows in the gutter now? (21:22:58) Aubergine: just a few creature comforts I think (21:23:34) Fang: right time to go as we're back in the gutter (21:23:51) Kinkyclawz: Aye, Eileen threw some down to catch me when I fainted af ter the item of clothing which shall not be named was named. so I kept a few and took them to the gutter with me. (21:24:01) Fang: nothing to do with your singingE Eileen as that was great (21:24:09) Fang: oh another extra e (21:24:14) Kinkyclawz: encore Eileen! (21:24:19) Eileen: yay! (21:24:25) Eileen: you inserted something for me (21:24:32) Aubergine: oh dear (21:24:32) Eileen: thank you, Fang! (21:24:35) Kinkyclawz: Aww, but I also ahve to go so i can't enjoy more singing. (21:24:56) Kinkyclawz: LMAO! *rolls over in the gutter* (21:24:58) Eileen: awwwwwww (21:25:08) Fang: anyime Eileen, anytime (21:25:10) Aubergine: such a shame (21:25:21) Kinkyclawz: And I can't enjoy more drinks with friends. (21:25:27) Eileen: *inserts a t* (21:25:45) Eileen: I will leave then, too (21:25:51) Kinkyclawz: Oh, you two are just inseting all over the place, bless y a! (21:26:06) keepmakingtea: KC is going? (21:26:08) Eileen: all over and in public (21:26:13) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, we've started a mass exodus... (21:26:14) Aubergine: might as well call it a day then (21:26:32) keepmakingtea: Glad I made it in this week! (21:26:36) Eileen: *blushes* (21:26:37) Kinkyclawz: I'm afraid so Jd, I ahve work tomorrow. Its a pain being up at 4.30am. (21:26:51) Eileen: yeah let's all exit in a mass (21:26:58) Kinkyclawz: Aww, I'm glad you made it too, JD! *cuddle sher Twusband* (21:26:58) Eileen: wow (21:27:07) Fang: well at least there's saftey in numbers (21:27:10) keepmakingtea: KC gets cuddlezbak (21:27:14) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Too right Eileen! Go for it, you two! (21:27:20) Fang: in public! (21:27:26) Eileen: *hugs Fang* (21:27:32) Eileen: in public (21:27:50) Fang: *Fangs Eileen* in public (21:27:56) Kinkyclawz: Why would we need safety in numbers? *looks all innocent and confused* (21:28:08) Fang: aheam, as I said time to go (21:28:09) Aubergine: see ya out in the world (21:28:14) keepmakingtea: You're in the UK! (21:28:21) Eileen: see yaaaaaaaaa (21:28:24) keepmakingtea: They got scary riots! (21:28:36) Fang: goodnight all, hope to see you all next week (21:28:37) Eileen: oh right! (21:28:45) Aubergine: aren't all riots scary (21:28:53) Fang: not quiet riots (21:28:54) Eileen: do you need me to keep you company, Fang? (21:28:58) Kinkyclawz: Ah, the riots have burned themselves out (no pun intended ), we're back to normal again now. Twas only scary last week. (21:29:07) Kinkyclawz: Seeyaaaaa Eileen! Gute nacht! (21:29:16) Eileen: Gute Nacht, KC! (21:29:19) Fang: yeah I even went to London this week, I saw a pelican

(21:29:28) Aubergine: night Eileen, Fang (21:29:29) Eileen: Good night, Fang, JD, Genie, Deg!!! (21:29:38) Aubergine: night KC, JD (21:29:41) Fang: yes I'd like your company Eileen (21:29:43) Aubergine: night Deg (21:29:43) Eileen: a pelican? (21:29:44) Fang: lets go (21:29:47) Eileen: was he dangerous? (21:29:48) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight Fang! Sleep tight! Good point, Genie. I dunno of any non-scary riots. Unles you're the one that sta rted it perhaps? :/ (21:29:50) keepmakingtea: Good night, UK folks! (21:29:53) Eileen: let's go! (21:29:58) Fang: yes a real life pelican (21:29:59) Kinkyclawz: You sw a pelican Fang?! (21:30:05) keepmakingtea: Degnne, rock your evening doing whatcha do. (21:30:08) Fang: I may explain next week (21:30:09) Eileen: Good night john-boy (21:30:15) Fang: it wasn't at a zoo though (21:30:16) Eileen: please do, Fang (21:30:17) Eileen: (21:30:20) Eileen: bye y'all (21:30:39) Fang: this is a loooooooong goodbye (21:30:48) Aubergine: aren't pelican usually around large bodies of water (21:30:52) Fang: some last minute inserting there (21:30:58) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight Deg!! JD, would you like ot walk me home, its a lovely moonlit night here... paradoxically it'll be bright sunshine (I hope) fo r you and Genie and Deg. (21:31:13) Kinkyclawz: Please do explain next week, Fang! Its fascinating! (21:31:18) Aubergine: nope overcast her (21:31:24) Fang: final goodnight (21:31:32) Fang: *tardis noise* (21:31:35) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (21:31:42) Kinkyclawz: Genie, tis probably swimming in the puddles left by the f ire brigade saving London! LOL (21:31:45) Aubergine: byyeeeee (21:31:57) Aubergine: lol (21:32:02) keepmakingtea: I'll walk you home KC. (21:32:02) Kinkyclawz: Bye Fang!! Ohhh, he's gone! (21:32:19) Aubergine: hey I liked that show. London's burning (21:32:20) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thanks JD! Eileen, Genie, Deg? Wanna walk with us, m 'dears? (21:32:25) Eileen: byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye (21:32:29) Kinkyclawz: Twas a good one, wasn't it? (21:32:31) keepmakingtea: Walk with us! (21:32:37) keepmakingtea: Through Manchester town! (21:32:40) Eileen: *walks with you* (21:32:49) keepmakingtea: When you walk... (21:32:51) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, Manchester. A lovely city despite it all. (21:32:52) keepmakingtea: Down the road... (21:33:04) keepmakingtea: Heavy burden... (21:33:07) keepmakingtea: Heavy load... (21:33:11) keepmakingtea: I will rise... (21:33:17) keepmakingtea: And I will walk with you... (21:33:53) keepmakingtea: I'll be outside. (21:33:54) Willie: keepmakingtea logs out of the Chat. (21:34:00) Aubergine: adios (21:34:13) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat. (21:34:16) Eileen: adios amigos (21:34:29) Kinkyclawz: Night night Genie! Night night Deg! Schlaf gut, liebe!

(21:34:49) Kinkyclawz: LOL And now you go speaking spanish! LOL (21:36:04) Kinkyclawz: *disappears through the door, but holds it open so everyo ne else can join the walk home*

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