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10 Exercises to Unleash Your Muscles

Gain Lean Muscle Mass in No Time!
A lean body looks good. The body is firm and the muscles are well developed. The abs are chiseled, and the shoulders are round. The chest is wide, the shoulders are broad, the hard-earned quad muscles are strong your fellow bodybuilders give you a nod on the work of art you have perfected through the years, and the women by the sides give you those stares that only real men can get. A person with a lean body is confident. The lean body not only looks cool, but is associated will sweeping the opposite sex off their feet or so they say. Being lean and fit normally means being very healthy. Being healthy means you a more protected from deadly diseases like cancer and heart disease, much more so than people who are overweight or obese. So are you someone with a lean body? If you are then perhaps you know the feeling shared by many bodybuilders their confidence and their appeal. The current state of health you are in now also gives you the energy to carry out your day-to-day tasks with fervor, and gives you the liveliness to meet life head on together with your family and friends. However, if you dont have that lean and muscular body you want yet, then maybe you need to know some tips on how to get there a little faster than your pace now. 3|Page Learn how to build lean muscle the right way.

We at aim to help people get the body we want, so watch out for our reports and books like this one. In this report we provide some valuable ideas that will help you in your quest for that sculpted body.

General Guidelines
Before starting any new exercise routine or diet you must ensure that you: 1. Refer to your doctor any exercise, diet & supplementation you would like to use. 2. Always follow your doctors recommendations. 3. Ask for the guidance of a professional trainer to teach you the techniques for the proper execution of exercises. Ask advice on the appropriate load you should be lifting for your current level of conditioning.

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Eating and Supplementation for a Lean Body

The Diet for You
There are many diet fads around. They come and go. And some emerge back with a new name, but basically of the same concept than the previous one, and if there should be some difference, it would only be a minor variation. All the many diets out there claim to be the best, but you must understand that there is no one size that fits all. What may have worked for one, may not work for you. So for you, it would be an ongoing experiment, and would require that you try out variations to uncover what diet suits you best. I normally suggest a diet consisting of high protein, moderate carbohydrates, and less fat. You need more protein so that you can build muscles effectively, enough carbohydrates to give you energy, and some fats for healthy hair, nails, hormones, etc.

Supplementation for Bodybuilders

Amino acids, plus multi-vitamins and minerals will help and this is really all you need. Being a bodybuilder creates a lot more demand from your body for more nutrients especially to aid for quicker recuperation. It will also give you more energy for your workouts. Protein powders will be good for supplementing your daily protein intake from food. These powders contain high quality proteins that are easily made use of by the body to build muscles. These protein powders have also been enriched with multivitamins, specifically designed for bodybuilders like you. 5|Page Learn how to build lean muscle the right way.

Small Servings of Meals 4 to 5 times a Day

It would be very beneficial to break down your meals in small servings, 4 to 5 times in a day. This ensures your body will not be over-eating, and at the same time your muscles will be constantly fed with the necessary nutrients to make them grow. Your body will be better able to process the foods that you eat if you do so in small servings. Eating this way can also increase your bodys metabolism, which increases the amount of calories you burn during the day (even when you are asleep).

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10 Exercises to Sculpt Your Body

For Your Shoulders
Front Shoulder Press - This is considered to be the granddaddy of shoulder exercises. You can do it standing or seated, but a seated position is preferred for a stricter movement. You can use either dumbbells or a barbell. Execution (using dumbbells): 1. Sit firmly on an exercise bench and keep your back straight at all times. 2. Grasp the dumbbells using an overhand grip and hold them at your shoulder level with your thumbs pointing behind you. 3. Inhale and extend the arms vertically while rotating 90 degrees at the wrist. At the top position the thumbs will be facing each other. 4. Lower the dumbbells back to the start position and exhale.

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For Your Biceps

Bicep Curls - This will develop the biceps through its complete range of motion. To reduced the stress on your wrists an EZ-Bar can be used instead of a straight bar. Dumbbells can also be used if preferred. Execution: 1. While standing, hold the bar with an underhand grip and shoulder-width apart. 2. Inhale and curl the bar upward by bending your elbows 3. Pause at the top and squeeze your bicep muscle for an extra burn. 4. Lower back the bar slowly to starting position and exhale. Tip: Dont swing your arms to lift the weight as this is cheating. To get the most benefit from this exercise you must keep your arms at your side and keep your body straight.

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For Your Triceps

Seated Triceps Press - This will target all three triceps heads. Execution: 1. In a seating position, grasp the barbell using an overhand grip, and hands closer. 2. Bring the barbell overhead. 3. Lower the weight down in an arc behind the head until the triceps are stretched. 4. Then, using your triceps, bring the barbell back to full extension. Tip: Instead of a barbell I sometimes use a single dumbbell using the palms of my hand to hold the end of dumbbell (rather than the bar).

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For Your Chest

Barbell Incline Bench Press - This will develop the mass and strength of your pectoral muscles.

Execution: 1. Lie on your back on an incline exercise bench. 2. Grasp the barbell with a medium-wide grip and lift it off the rack. 3. Hold it straight up, and then inhale before lowering the barbell down to the upper chest. 4. Pause for a moment, and then press it back up again. Make sure you dont drift too far forward. Exhale at the end of the movement. Tip: Ensure the bench is angled at a 45-60 degree incline. 10 | P a g e Learn how to build lean muscle the right way.

For Your Abs

Crunches - This will target the lower and upper abdominals.

Execution: 1. Lie with your back on the floor with your legs resting on a bench. 2. Your legs should be together, with your arms behind your heads. 3. Inhale and lift your shoulders off the floor, bringing your head towards your knees into the crunching position. 4. Exhale at the end of the movement as you return the starting position. Tip: To perform a more intense version of crunches, bring the right elbow to the left knee and then left elbow to the right knee on each alternate crunch rep.

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For Your Back

Seated Cable Rows - This exercise will develop the thickness of the back. It will also work your lower lats.

Execution: 1. Hold the handles firmly, with your knees slightly bent and with your feet braced on the crossbar. 2. Extend your arms and slightly bend forward. With this beginning

position, inhale and pull the handles back toward your abdomen using the muscles of your back. Feel your back arch and your chest sticking out. 3. You should find yourself sitting upright as the handles are touching your abdomen. 4. Exhale and release the handles back in a controlled manner to the original position. Tip: Avoid back injuries by never rounding the back when performing this exercise. 12 | P a g e Learn how to build lean muscle the right way.

Bent Rows - This is one of the best all-round back development exercise, that also works the deltoids and forearms. Execution: 1. With your legs slightly apart, hold the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width apart. 2. With the back straight and arms outstretched, bend forward at the waist 45 degrees so that the barbell is at knee level. 3. Inhale and pull the barbell up towards the chest. 4. Exhale and return the barbell back to the starting position in a controlled manner. Tip: To prevent injury you must never round your back during this exercise.

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For Your Thighs

Squats - This exercise will develop your legs, especially the thighs. All four heads of the quadriceps will be targeted. This exercise is the best all-round bodybuilding movement as it affects nearly the entire muscular system! Execution: 1. Step under the barbell (placed on a rack), making sure that it rests evenly across the back of your shoulders. 2. Hold on to the barbell to balance it, and then raise it up to lift it off the rack and then step backwards. 3. While keeping your head up and your back straight, inhale deeply and bend your knees, lowering down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. 4. From this position, straighten your knees back up to the starting position and exhale at the end of the movement. Tip: This is also one of the best exercises for shaping the buttocks.

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For Your Hamstrings

Lying Leg Curls - This exercise will develop the hamstrings.

Execution: 1. Lie facing down on the leg curl machine. Hold on to the handles of the bench. Hook your heels under the lever mechanism of the exercise equipment. Your legs should be straight. 2. Inhale and curl your legs up until the leg biceps are fully contracted. 3. Slowly lower the weight back to the initial position and exhale at the end of the movement.

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For Your Calves

Standing Calf Raises - This exercise will affect the overall mass of the calves. Execution: 1. Stand with your toes on the block of the standing calf raise exercise equipment, and with your heels out. 2. Settle your shoulders under the pads and then straighten your legs, lifting the weight. 3. Lower your heels toward the floor with knees slightly bent throughout the movement. 4. From the bottom point, raise your toes up and then back down.

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Valuable Bodybuilding Tips

Improving Your Exercise Program
To succeed in your quest to build lean muscle and improve muscle definition you must make continuous improvements to your exercise program: Initial stage - Concentrate on proper execution; intensify exercises by increasing the load. You will want to gain muscle mass and density first, before you can improve muscle definition and separation. Next stage - Intensify your exercises by increasing the number of repetitions per set with moderate load. Assuming you already have already added muscle mass, these high-repetition exercises will give you the muscle definition you aspire for. Succeeding stage (Advanced Stage) Introduce additional means of intensifying your workouts, such as circuit training, super-sets, flushing method, stripping method, forced negatives, and so on. Frequency of exercise Workout with weights 3 to 4 times a week at one hour to 1.5 hours at most. Beginners should keep workouts to 1 hour maximum.

Introduce Aerobic Exercises to Increase Muscle Definition

The less body fat you have, the more evident your muscles will be. You will have more definition and more separation between muscles. With less fat, your hard work in the gym and strict diet will show.

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It is preferable not to combine both aerobic and weight training in one session, as you may not be able to effectively carry out the other. However, if you should decide to do both in one session, then perform the aerobic exercise last. You dont want to lift weights while you are out of breath or have been exhausted by the aerobic workout. A good way to burn calories would be by using a treadmill or with the use of a stationary bike this will take out the stress placed on your knee joints with repeated movement and bouncing. This would be a good exercise especially if you want to do it more than 30 minutes. If you believe your knees can sustain well, and you have not incurred injuries in the past, then you may opt for jogging or using a skipping rope. This will be highintensity aerobic exercises, especially with the increase in speed that can be employed.

Detox (detoxification) and Cleansing

Cleansing the system The value of detoxification is sometimes understated. It is very important that your body clears itself from the harmful substances and toxins inside. Not only will these toxins contribute to more risks for illness, it impairs the body to do its other functions well. Increased metabolism With your body free of toxins and substances, your metabolism will be given new life. Your metabolism gets fired up to effectively burn more calories, feeding efficiently on the foods that you eat. 18 | P a g e Learn how to build lean muscle the right way.

Proper absorption of nutrients in the system With detoxification and a clean system, the body will be able to absorb better the nutrients from the foods that you take. Nutrients that would have otherwise gone to waste will now be made good use of, by your body. Detox for the bodybuilder What this means for the serious bodybuilder and health buff, is that detoxification will result in the efficient functioning of the body and the reduced risk of illness.

Sculpting Your Body - Get into Your Best Shape

You need the discipline and the dedication to really reach your bodybuilding goal. If ever should miss a workout session, just make sure you go to the gym on the next scheduled date. Its the same when youve binged on one particular food, just make sure you eat right the next time. Dont let your mistakes and failures get the best of you. The power is inside you you have the power to make things right there is always a next time. The bottom line is to get back on track even if at times when you lose your way even in life this holds true, and so with your bodybuilding pursuit.

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Bodybuilding is a process - you will definitely reach milestones along the way, and at each level one usually aims for more more proportion and symmetry, bigger biceps, chiseled abs, massive chest, V-tapered torso, etc. It is best to enjoy your quest towards a healthier and muscular body dont be too hard on yourself, but reward yourself every once in a while for sticking to your strict exercise regimen. Eat right, sleep well, live clean and get a sculpted body. Unleash your muscles, and then you can walk like real men do.

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