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Creative Photography 1 Syllabus 2011-2012

Welcome! This is a semester ne-arts course that explores digital photography through composition, technical skill of dSLR cameras, editing in Photoshop and the development of a portfolio. We want you to change the way you use a camera for the rest of your life, whether as just a hobby, or to prepare you for a career or further study in photographic arts.

Mrs. Hanks
QUARTER I CURRICULUM FOCUS: PHOTOJOURNALISM y y y Functions of the SLR: white balance, ISO, shutter speed, aperture & depth of field, lighting& lenses Composition: elements of art, principles of design, language of the image History & Law FOCUS: PORTRAITS

QUARTER 2 CURRICULUM RULES 1. When the bell rings, you should be in your seat and checking the assignment blog. 2. Be respectful of others, both inside and outside of the classroom. 3. Treat all equipment as if it were your own. y MATERIALS y y y SD card Folder for notes & handouts y y

Post Processing: Photoshop Portfolio: Various techniques to enhance creativity in photography

PROCEDURES y Entering Class: Immediately check the class website and begin your work for the day. Talking: Talking is permitted when working independently. Please do not talk while we are lecturing. Camera Checkout: You must have a signed permission slip to check out a camera. Sign up in the binder near the photo cabinet. Check out is after school and return is before school the next morning. Late check in without an excused absence will cause your privileges to be revoked. Submitting Assignments: Pictures are to be uploaded to the class Picasa account. This is a paperless class, and all assignments are done via the website with suf cient time given in class.

GRADING y The weighting of each category is as follows: y y y 33.3% - Quizzes (3-4 per quarter) 33.3% - Photography Project 33.3% - Classwork & Homework

A rubric will be assigned to assist student photographers in the objective qualities of a subjective aesthetic. Grades will be updated on a weekly basis and available on Edline for viewing.

CONTACT Heather Hanks heather.hanks@sdhc.k12. .us 813-699-YRBK (9725)

CONSEQUENCES Your mature choices and attitude are essential to our success. The following interventions are available if necessary, in order: 1. Warning 2. Student conference 3. Call to parent 4. Parent conference 5. Referral to administrator

I have read the syllabus, understood what is expected of me, and agree to be successful in Creative Photography by following these guidelines. X_________________________________________________ Student Signature X_________________________________________________ Parent Signature

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