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1223e OptionButton1 OptionButton2 OptionButton3 213212 OptionButton4 OptionButton5 OptionButton6 I created radio buttons using Developer>Design Mode but

I don't know how to 'grab' the radio buttons and put them in different groups so that they can be independently checked/unchecked.
Select one of the buttons and click the Properties button. In the list of properties, assign a value to the GroupName property. Use the dropdown at the top of the Properties list to select another button that should belong to the same group. Put in the same value for GroupName that you used in the first button. Repeat this for all the buttons in the first group. Now select a button that shold be in the second group. Assign a different value to its GroupName. Also put that value in the GroupName for the other buttons that belong to the second group. Each set of buttons that share the same GroupName value will behave as a group, and will be independent of all other buttons in the document.

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