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HR Buzz News

As you know, there are three (3) unfunded holidays this year: Labor Day (9/5/11), Veterans Day (11/11/11), and the day after Thanksgiving (11/25/11). The purpose of this communication is to ensure employees understand how pay will be processed on these dates. No annual or sick leave will be paid in lieu of the holidays. Additional instructions are being provided for payroll coordinators to ensure procedural consistencies.

Employees who work less than a normal work week (due to holiday) Will get paid for the hours worked Will not get paid for holiday

Example: Regular 40-hour employee who works 32 hours and is off the holiday

Employees who work on the holiday Will get paid for the hours worked Will not receive another day off, will not bank holiday, or receive holiday pay

Example: Employee works four 10-hour days, one day is on the actual holiday

Employees not scheduled to work the holiday (but work a full work week) Will not bank holiday

Example: Employee works four 10-hour days during the week, but not the actual holiday

Employees scheduled to work the holiday (but take the day off) Will not get paid for holiday

Example: Employee regularly works four 10-hour days, one day is on the actual holiday, but only worked 30 hours instead of 40 hours

Contract employees/employees whose salaries are established legislatively In accordance with State law, salaries will remain unchanged

Questions should be directed to your payroll coordinator.

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