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SWFObject Readme

5SWFObject is a small
Javascript file used for embedding Macromedia Flash content. The script can detect
the Flash plug-in in all major web browsers (on Mac and PC) and is designed to
make embedding Flash movies as easy as possible. It is also very search engine
friendly, degrades gracefully, can be used in valid HTML and XHTML 1.0 documents,
and is forward compatible, so it should work for years to come.* SWFObject is the
Flash embed script formerly known as FlashObject. The name was changed after a
request from Adobe for legal / trademark reasons.Created: 10-14-2004Last Updated:
02-28-2007By: Geoff Stearnsgeoff@deconcept.com
--------------------------Copyright (c) 2007 Geoff StearnsPermission is hereby
granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
conditions:The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS
OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.--------------------Files:readme.txt
- this fileswfobject.js - SWFObject javascript file - this will need
to be included in any html file that uses the SWFObject
embed. This file is compressed with dojo shrinksafe
( to save bandwidth. To view the
uncompressed version, look at source/swfobject_source.js
swfobject.html - sample html file showing how to use the SWFObject
embedexpressinstall.html - sample html file showing how to use SWFObject
with the ExpressInstall featurefullpage.html - sample html file
showing a full page (100% by 100% flash embed)flashversion.html - sample
page showing how to use SWFObject to determine the installed player version
so_tester.swf - sample swf used to test basic SWFObject functionality
expressinstall.swf - swf used to invoke the Express Install feature for
users that have Flash Player 6.0.65 or higher already installed
source/so_tester.fla - sample fla for SWFObject testing. Open this to see how
to use the ExpressInstall features
source/ - uncompressed swfobject.js file - only provided for
viewing, you should use the production version
(swfobject.js) on your website These files are
provided 'as is,' with no technical support provided, but if you find a problem,
please e-mail me at or send an e-mail to the SWFObject mailing
list ( so I can
update/correct the problem and provide an updated version.----------Changelog:03-
05-2007 (v1.5)[fixed] updated expressinstall.swf to fix a scaling issue after the
update was finished.02-28-2007 (v1.5)[changed] Express Install functionality was
updated to support projects that use AS3 (or Flex 2 projects). This means new
syntax when using Express Install (see expressinstall.html for an example)
[fixed/changed] adjusted cleanup code to only call cleanUpSWFs() if the user is
using IE and has Flash Player 8 or higher (because the streaming audio + out of
memory error only affects these systems)[fixed/changed] adjusted cleanup code to
only be called once - this fixes issues people had when accidentally including the
js file more than once[changed] added support for IE Mobile devices with Flash
Player installed[changed] added support for style attributes on the object/embed
tags - mainly for compatibility with swfIR ( (v1.4.4)
[fixed] The v1.4.3 introduced a new issue: When clicking links with
href="javascript:..." it would cause all the swf files on the page to disappear
(it was triggering the cleanUpSWFs function prematurely). This is now fixed, and
all users should upgrade immediately to v1.4.4.7-25-2006 (v1.4.3)[updated] added
in a fix for a bug introduced in Flash Player 9 that would cause an error in IE
"Line 56: Out of memory". This was caused by new code inserted by Flash Player 9,
and SWFObject 'fixes' this by removing the 'bad' code that fp9 inserts and
replacing it with code that does not cause the 'Out of memory' error.6-2-2006
(v1.4.2)[updated] added one more fix for a related issue to the audio streaming
bug listed below, thanks to Ben Longoria for the fix[updated] updated the
detection code for IE/ActiveX browsers to fix a crash that could occur when the
user had Flash Player 6.0.21 or 6.0.23 installed (Thanks to Michael Williams at
Adobe for the code to fix this (and the Adobe detection kit))[fixed] updated the
getQueryParamValue method to fix a bug that would return the wrong value if you
had two variables that ended with the same string (Thanks to Aran Rhee for
discovering the issue and providing a fix)[fixed] fixed a couple of strict js
warnings that crept back in sometime after the 1.4 update5-17-2006 (v1.4.1)
[updated] added code to 'clean up' Flash Player instances on window unload because
of a bug when using innerHTML and streaming media.4-21-2006 (v1.4)[changed]
FlashObject is now known as SWFObject because of legal reasons. For more info,
that using the code 'new FlashObject()' will still work because I've added a link
from FlashObject to deconcept.SWFObject, but you should update your code to
reflect the new name as soon as possible to avoid future complications[updated]
SWFObject.write() now returns true or false depending on whether the SWF content
was written to the page or not (true if it is, false if it is not)[changed] the
'com' namespace has been removed, now everything lives in the 'deconcept'
namespace only, instead of 'com.deconcept' namespace.[updated] made a couple very
small changes to get rid of warnings in the mozilla script debugger when the
debugger was in strict mode[updated] added 'the mark of the web' to the examples
pages to (hopefully) prevent the ActiveX bar from appearing at the top of the page
when viewing these files locally in IE on Windows.3-26-06[fixed] bug found in the
location.hash handling in the getQueryParamValue() call. Changed
document.location.href.hash to document.location.hash.2-14-06[fixed] bug found in
the custom ExpressInstall message. When publishing the fla as a Flash 8 swf, the
upgrade message would not show up. This is due to the way the Flash 7 player
displays text and outlines (among other things). To avoid issues with custom
upgrade messages, you should use device fonts, and either remove outlines from
objects, or set them to 'hairline'. There may be other issues to avoid, so if you
have issues with items not showing up in older Flash player versions, try
simplifying the objects.2-09-2006[fixed] bug in the getHTML method - the closing
<object> tag wasn't being appended unless you passed in at least 1 flashvar, and
fixed some closing slashes on the param tags.1-25-2006[fixed] Found a small bug in
this latest version that caused the Flash movie to not load on IE 5.01 on PC. The
bug has been fixed and the zip/source has been updated. Please update to the
latest version if you are using 1.3 and have a lot of users using IE 5.01 (does
anyone have a high number of those anymore?). The new version number is 1.3b.1-18-
2006[fixed] Bug that would keep users with Flash Player 6 installed from using
ExpressInstall1-12-2006[Changed] When calling FlashObject.write() you can now pass
an HTMLElement reference. Previously you needed to pass a string (the Id of the
element to write the Flash content to)[Changed] Made changes to the plugin
detection routine that would cause a crash in browsers running certain versions of
the Flash plugin. Read a comprehensive description of the issue and the fix.[New]
You may now specify a specific URL to redirect the user to after they complete an
ExpressInstall process. Previously the script would always redirect them to the
page the Flash movie was embedded in, but when using a popup window this is not
always the best solution. See the ExpressInstall section of the FlashObject page
for more information.[New] FlashObject now integrates seamlessly with the
Javascript Integration Kit. More information on this is forthcoming in a new blog
post.[New] I’ve used Dojo Shrinksafe to strip out the extra space in the
swfobject.js file. FlashObject now weighs in at just a hair over 6kb. Super tiny!
The FlashObject ’source code’ (un-shunken Javascript) is included in the
FlashObject zip file in the ’source’ folder. I also made a number of small syntax
changes to reduce the size even more.8-1-2005-fixed bug in detection that caused
redirection to fail and threw an error if no flash player was installed-updated IE
detection code - no more VBscript at all, and no more loop to check the version
installed.7-22-2005 -added minor version and revision detection-fixed a few small
bugs (one would have caused SWFObject
to fail once a user tries to detect a flash player version larger than 9)-rewrote
so it's all in it's own namespace (Thanks to Toby Boudreaux for the excellent code
tips *** note that FlashObject.write() now requires an
element ID - it will no longer work with no id specified- *** please note that
there is no more bypass text or altTxt variables, you should place your alternate
content in a div, and then have FlashObject write to that div, thereby replacing
the alternate content.5-17-2005 [changed] the 'id' attribute on the embed tag to
'name' instead. Thischange enables the use of features that require liveconnect or
other javascript communication in browsers that use the embed tag. (later changed
so the embed tag has both id and name)3-31-2005v1.1 update, multiple changes,
mostly some code optimization and some changes in how the script displays alt
content. see:

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