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Po JAPANESE AMMUNITION 5 ¥ | JULY 1945 RESTRICTED U, 8, NAVY BOMB DISPOSAL SCHOOL Washington 15, D. C. 1 July 1945 This document 18 issued to graduntes of a course in Bomb Disnosal and/or Advanced Fuze and Explosive Ordnance by the Officer in Charge, J.S, Navy Bomb Disposal School, under authority of Bureau of Ordnance letter F41-6(L) of 22 April 1944. It is for information and guidance only and is not a Bureau of Ordnance publication. Requests for additional copies of this publication should be addressed to the Officer in Charge, U. 3. Navy Bomb Dievosal School, Masoachusetts & Nebraska Aves., NW, Washington, D. C. This publication containe restricted information and should be handled in accordance with Article 76 of U. S. Navy Recula- tions, 1920. The Bomb Disposal School should be notified immediately in the event of lose or deliberate destruction of this document, on the attached form (faceimile if “en Pei eutenant Commander, USNR Officer in Charge. Date From: To: Officer in Charge, U.8. Navy Bomb Disposal School Subject: Restricted Publication ~ (Loss) (Destruction) of. 1. ‘The following Restricted document has been (ost) (destroyed): ase and Ranky NOTE: If lost, give details, Fron: To: Officer in Charge, U.8. Navy Bomb Disnosal School Subj: Restricted Document - Receint of, 1. This certifies that the above named has received copy(ies) of the U.S. Navy Bonb Disposal School publi- ‘ation entitled "JAPANESE AIMUNITION", dated 1 July 1945, It 1e to be underatood that this ts a restricted document and is to be treated in accordance with Article 76 of U. 8. Navy Regulations, 1920, Signature) Thank & Organization) Official Mailing Adare

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