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Before I was born, my mom told me they had a dog named Pochay.

Pochay was allowe d inside the house until mom gave birth to me. And since my birth, Pochay had to be put up in a cage. My mom kind of joked me around before about it, telling me that the dog hated me because it had to be put in a cage when I arrived and I f elt really bad about it. But that was a long time ago. Eventually Pochay died, f or some reason that I did not know. Then came Beauty, our first ever Shih-Tzu puppy. She was the cutest, in my opini on. I mean, any dog can be really cute, but judging from the dogs that I see in our neighbor, Beauty was the one. We had her for about 5 years, and during the s pan of those years came another shih-tzu, Joey. Joey was a birthday gift for my grandpa, and I think he was actually bought so that Beauty would get preggy and produce really adorb puppies. Unlike Pochay, Beauty and Joey are small dogs so t hey were allowed to stay in the house. Unfortunately they died. Joey ate a piece of charcoal that he found on the floor, so he vomited blood. He was brought to the vet but no luck. And after a year or so, Beauty had a heart attack.

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