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EXTERNALS: Most externals are housed on a bookshelf in room 287 Biogeochem Some of Caitlins analysis with CMAQ files

s (documents, excel files, graphics). Original CMAQ runs for year 2003 and .nc analysis files for CONUS Documents that are on the desktop Everything that is on clittlefield (all emission data) For_jami (under rainforest) scripts from Meiyun to cancel out Hg species in emissions 12km and 36km grids Jami folder on the desktop (all my CMAQ analysis) MDN observations, mainly text files and excel files Meteorological data, text files All Andy Rutter data Littlefield_rainforest CMAQ4.6, data text files, Scripts (NCL, other, m3tools 208.71 GB remain on external jmorton (8KB available space) CMAQ runs that I did o No_Hg0_BC_GL_2003 no Hg0 in the background for 04 and 07 o No_PHg_BC_GL_2003 no PHg in the background for 04 and 07 o No_RgHg_BC_GL_2003 no RgHg in the background for 04 07 (all of these are the original runs- still need to be analyzed! Need to extract variables and sum, ave, total them) EMIS_No_HgBCs_GL_2003 (Cailtins) o No mercury species in emission boundary conditions at all! This run was Caitlins import run for months 04 and 07 in thesis- looking at how import plays a role in CMAQ Clitle.basecase.GL.q1 Caitlins original CMAQ output files for GL q1 run Wrfoutput2003 o Wrf output that Caitlin did q1-q4 jamorton Backups o Analysis_backup thesis analysis

o Desktop_backup most current desktop backup o Mercury_obs mercury obs in text files for DL and MKE (from Jamie S.) GL_basecase_caitlin for Aug, Dec, Feb, Jan, July, June used to extract nitrate and sulfate variables for Nitrate and Sulfate correlation comparison with WRF.

Mercury (91.05 GB space left mostly original CMAQ output files for runs that I did) Caitlin_basecase_CONUS.0407.output extracted mercury files CONUS_2003 o Analysis july basecase that I ran o Basecase.ros3 ran with different chemical solver CONUS_2003_noHgO3 has july_2003 run with analysis GL_2003 has july_2003 run with noHgO3 analysis along with Caitlins daily and hour processed concentration files for the GL region Jami_CMAQ_runs all BC, EMIS modified cmaq runs ones I did really early on. Smoke_output_from_nox back up for emissions

Meteo2 (Available space 407.08 GB) Caitlin_smoke_outputs_from_nox this was the backup of SMOKE emissions from NOX. Steve Plachinski used these,, grid files can be used in NCL scripts. Hg_VD deposition velocity for several variables (O3, H2O2, CL2, HG, HgIIGAS) for January and July 2004 these were not really used much mcip_backup o CONUS_36km 2003 quarterly original files and some analysis that Caitlin did o GL_12KM 2003 quarterly original files and some analysis that Caitlin did No_Hg_BCs_ICs_GL_0407_2003.tar.gz A run that I did that did not include mercury in the default boundary wrfoutput2003 quarterly WRF 2003 output Caitlin ran. ReactiveHg2 Has Caitlins GL 2003 quarterly runs original CMAQ output files Has some of Steves P. post masters work

** This external is very full and acts up a bit** gzip some CMAQ files before you unzip some of then first.

ElementalHg (Available space 1.17 TB -having problems sshing into this external, but works if it is attached to the machine you are using- probably needs new formatting contact Mary if you need to) BASE_GL_2003.tar.gz I think this is only the first quarter of Caitlins CMAQ files, but I am not completely sure CONUS_36km_analysis some CONUS CMAQ processing done by Caitlin. I used some of the files for some of my plot comparison. MCIP some analysis that I did using MCIP output files for relative humidity did not do much work on this external. pretty sure this Caitlins q1 GL CMAQ run the reason why this is backup so much was because we had problems with the original external (ReactiveHg) and I had to back up that quarter several times Stuff for China poster figures and plots I used for the poster that I took to China ParticulateHg (Available space 527.08 GB a good portion of my MS analysis was done on this external) Analysis - processing CMAQ output and MCIP output for Jamis runs with noHgO3 and for basecase with ros3 processor o Aqueous txt files can be found under the Analysis Folder (under run3_12km_basecase) AQS aqs files for nitrate and sulfate original monthly files that were processes and used for correlation plots. o Scripts used to create txt files to netcdf narr gridded formatted files can be found under the create folder o Correlation figures and files are found under AQS CONUS_2003 - two files I used when I was doing percent difference plots CONUS_2003_noHgO3 has the January run with NoHgO3 the July run can be found on the mercury external. GL_2003 has nitrate_sulfate analysis for correlation comparison o Has CMAQ-WRF plots and correlation figures GL_2003_noHgO3 several files used for percent difference plots and timeseries January original CMAQ January CONUS and GL runs for my run3 (basecase with ros3) July original CMAQ July CONUS and GL run for my thesis runs Mercury_obs daily average mercury observations for July and

January txt files (from Jamie Schauer) NARR original NARR files downloaded off the NARR website for quite a few months and years narr_variables extracted narr variables - processed by scripts that are found under mortons NCL scripts on rainforest. Phil files for Phil Weather_obs observations at MKE for jan 2005 and july 2004 taken from the NCDC website

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