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SCRIPT NOTES: most of the script names describe what the script does or analyzes.

Most of the ioapi scripts that I used can be found on rainforest /Volumes/temperate/littelfield/scripts/Jami_other/m3tools

Early NCL scripts and more of the spatial or transect NCL scripts can be found on rainforest /Volumes/temperate/littelfield/scripts/NCL/

Later NCL scripts that I used more for my thesis analysis can be found on rainforest /Volumes/temperate/morton/NCL I have files under the NCL folder for scripts for Scatter plots, timeseries, NARR_scirpts, and correlation. Most of the plots I made are under the morton directory or on an external

I only ran CMAQ from the littlefield directory and CHEMMECH /Volume/temperate/littlefield/CMAQ46

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