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Student Responsibilities Regarding the Use of the Computer Room: A Contract This contract lists the responsibilities of every

student during their IT class. This is to insure the safety of students using electronic machines and the safeguarding of irreplaceable school equipment. It also insures an appropriate educational environment. 1. 2. Students will not enter the computer lab unle their teacher is present. ss Students will go directly to their assigned stations when they enter the computer lab and wait for instructions from the teacher. Each student will be assigned to a specific computer by their teacher and must use always the same computer each day. The teacher has the option to change students' seats during the class in order to keep the class functioning properly. Students who arrive late to class may be asked to use another computer or sit at a different section of the lab. Students who do not follow teacher instructions will be asked to sit at the back of the room. The penalty for non-compliance will be a zero on the current assignment and parental notification. If the computer is not working or there is graffiti on the machine / computer table when the student begins class, he/she MUST NOTIFY THE TEACHER IMMEDIATELY! Students CANNOT use any software other than that designated by the teacher for use in the class. THIS MEANS NO PERSONAL SOFTWARE, GAMES, ETC. Students will only use the software designatedfor their specific computer. FORBIDDEN IN THE LAB: FOOD, CANDY, LIQUIDS, DRINKS, GUM AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES SUCH AS MOBILE PHONES, MEDIA PLAYERS, ETC. Books and bags should be placed in specific designated areas, away from the computers and wires. Garbage must be placed in the appropriate receptacles. ALL students of the 9 period should shut down the computers before leaving the IT lab . ALL students should have a USB stick (minimum 4Gb) - which for the IT Lab is the equivalent of a notebook - in order to save their daily lab work and to protect their future work from any accidental loss of data. Due to its small size, IT teachers will not accept any excuses for not carrying one. (SAVING PROJECT FILES ON YOUR COMPUTER DISK IS NOT ALLOWED).


4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. ALL students MUST have a personal email account which they are allowed to use in the IT Lab ONLY to send project files or digital tests to themselves or to the IT teachers. 11. Students are allowed to browse the internet ONLY if they were instructed to retrieve information for the IT class - not for personal use. Any unauthorized browsing on the internet affects the integrity of the school s IT network and reduces the overall access speed, and will be penalized with a negative effect on the student s rade. g 12. Students who copy or manipulate classmates digital work will receive a failing grade for that day.

Sign the form and return it to your IT lab teacher.

Student Grade: ________ First name:________________________

Date:_______________ Last Name:______________________________________ Signature:______________________________________

Parent/Guardian: First name: ________________________ Last Name: _____________________________________ Signature:______________________________________

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