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Lifes curveballs lead to Missouri, chaplaincy

This past year in Washington has been full of exciting adventures and unexpected changes. Theres a line in a cheesy movie that says, When God throws a curveball, dont duck. You just might miss something. That has certainly been true in our life. In a series of twists and turns, our journey is now leading us back to the Midwest area, speciEically to SpringEield, Missouri. There Marcus plans to attend the Assembly of God Theological Seminary (AGTS) with a focus on becoming a military chaplain. He has always been interested in the chaplaincy, whether serving full-time or in cooperation with a second ministry, Mommy and Judah at the park with a new little one on the way! and has recently felt a stronger calling in this area. Over the past several hes had little time to pursue Elying. Adequate months, we have been discussing our options, funding has also been unavailable for Elight training. praying, talking with mentors and researching the steps necessary to proceed with the chaplaincy. Most recently, Marcus received news that made our decision to move Einal. To receive a commercial Meanwhile, Trinity Aviation Academy continues to certiEicate to Ely and work in aviation ministry, a grow and expects at least four new students in the pilot is required to have a current medical next few months. Classes will begin this month. certiEicate. Due to past medical issues, Marcus certiEicate was revoked and the most recent Despite the success of Trinity overall, our part in the requirements from the FAA make it nearly work there seems to have stalled, at least for a impossible for these issues to be resolved. season. With Marcus working full-time this summer,

Trinitys rst classroom wall is installed.

The boys have fun at a playground.

Jordan brings Mommy a ower.

Much has happened since we Eirst joined the ministry at Trinity Aviation Academy: 1. A professional logo 2. A working website 3. A successful fundraiser 4. A completed catalog and semester schedule 5. Membership in the missionary pilot organization, IAMA 6. A classroom in progress, expected to be done soon 7. Increased awareness and interest in the school 8. Incoming students arriving in the next few months 9. Scheduled school start date of September 2011

At left, Marcus and Judah enjoy a rare sunny day.

At right, Jordan shows off a crab claw he found on the beach near the Pacic Ocean.

So whats next? Once accepted into the chaplaincy candidate program, Marcus plans on becoming a chaplain candidate with the Air Force Reserve. When he graduates from seminary, he will have the opportunity to become a reserve chaplain or apply for active duty. The entire program should take approximately three years, including Air Force chaplain training during the summers. AGTS is widely known as one of the premier seminaries for chaplaincy training in the U.S. The school is also located within a days drive of both our families and in the same city as Marcus sister, Amy. We plan to move Oct. 31. Marcus will start school in early January. We are sincerely grateful to all of you who have faithfully prayed for us and given Einancially to us and to Trinity Aviation Academy. This past year has certainly not been a waste. We are pleased to see what has been accomplished at Trinity already, and we are excited

to see what God has planned for the future of the school. At this point, we are no longer seeking Einancial support, as Marcus will be attending a traditional school rather than focusing on ministry work. Some of you have asked if you could help us speciEically with moving expenses. That would be very helpful. However, since we are moving away from Trinity, we ask that you send any additional support directly to our Washington address through October. (We do not yet have a Missouri address.) The next several months will be full of transition, but we are excited to see what God has in store for us next. If theres one thing weve learned this past year, its that His plan is always better than we think.

As we transition to Missouri, we ask you to pray for: 1. Safe travels to SpringEield. 2. Moving expenses. 3. A house to rent in Missouri. 4. Favor with the Air Force for entrance into the chaplain candidacy program. 5. Part-time work for Marcus and/ or more work for Katie. 6. Continued health for Katie and baby No. 3, due Feb. 14.

Phone: 651-278-7024 (M arcus) or 651-431-1548 (Katie) Email: marcuslisboa@gm or kathleen.r.erickson@


In Other News We are happy to announce that we are expecting a third child! Katie is due Feb. 14. We are hoping for a girl but will be happy with a healthy child either way.

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