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LABOURATORY MANUAL REPORT TITLE MAKING A SIREN PURPOSE: To set up and soldering electric component based on schematic diagram

m APPARATUS: 25 W 50 W soldering, wire stripper, side cutter pliers, long nose pliers MATERIAL : 60/40 flux solder, 2 NPN CS 9013 transistors , 2 22 F 16V

electrolytic capacitors, 2 22k 0.5W resistors, 1 270 0.5W resistor, 1 1k 0.5W resistor, 1 LED, 1 micro switch, 1 buzzer, 1 verobod, 1 9V battery, 1 battery connector, 100 mm long wire PROCEDURE: 1) The schematic diagram is read and being understood .Then it is changed to circuit drawing

2) Resistor, capacitor, transistor, micro switch, battery connector and buzzer is placed into the verobod according to the circuit drawing. 3) Make sure that the component are placed correctly especially LED, transistor and capacitor. 4) The components are soldered. 5) make sure that the solder does not flow to the wrong side to avoid short circuit. 6) When the project is done, it is tested with a 9V battery. The micro switch is pressed and the sound produced is heard. 7) The circuit is checked twice. 8) If there is any mistake, it is being corrected while the power is off.

PRECAUTION STEP: 1) Never touch the element or tip of the soldering iron. 2) Take great care to avoid touching the mains flex with the tip of the iron. 3) Always return the soldering iron to its stand when not in use. 4) Wash your hands after using solder.

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