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General Principles Behavioral Science Learing and Behavior Therapy Candoning. 4 Dienst Somaotorm Dsaders om FecicausDsrdess Types Renlocenen. A and Malngeng 8 Rercermert Schedules 4 ermal Disord. 2 Leaming Based Terie, 5 Drum Versus Denertn % Child Development Carman Abramalies on Nerleg Barintion 2s infer Deopren. 5 Sexual Disorders Figues Copied and Arpoxnat aes 5 Perlis 26 ey Deebrentl ems 6 ender enya Prefered Sena Pare of Blog le 26 Che's Concepon fess and Death 7 Sens Dore oe 2» Cid Deveopet Milsons ooo ccc 7=8—Physiden-Patient Relationships ‘Tyescf Abuse and Inport ses, a Gove ies, 2-28 Sleep: Physiology and Disorders ical and Lega sues Slee Psilny 9 Gera es. nes Changes Dg he Fist Tee Hous of Sep. 9 Biostatistics Stes Disrdors wo Incidence and Preece 2 ght eos Vsus Nighi D “ypesof Marat aes 2 Deferse Mechanisms Screening Resisina 22 table 2 Commo FreuanDelense Mechanisms " Healy and Diseased Popdaions Monga Sceerng Dimension... 32 Substance Abuse “Wpesof Basin Reseach and mporat Assciaions 3 cota a 0 Diferertixng Osenatona utes, 8 Drugs Abuse tel Making Decsons Using Vb. 3B Psychopathology Conenc ites 34 Five Majo grt us, 15 Tes Soles in Stasis a ent Retardation 6 “Wpesol Soe and Bas Sats Tess a Fervsve Deveopmera sade: tim 5 Atenton DefictyperadiyDsxde @DMD) 16 Sehinepuei 6 Anpythsc Medco An Oven . v Side ect ofp Anipsyehoe Meats. v raya Side is fa Aypolaniorat ta aod Dasrdes Oven ta Mood Disorder Subtypes 8 onal Ge Versus Depression n Anidepressns 20 Ecracave Therap (ECT) 20 tithiam » aig Ds, foe 2a Anwey Disorder. 2 Sedatveyprasc Orgs, n Inporam Bzoinepines. 2 Semaafom Disncers a LEARNING AND BEHAVIOR THERAPY Classic (Respondent or Pavlovian) Conditioning ues: vcr 1. Learning occurs when an eld response Urconionad Siren > UnconoedRatonsa ‘occurs to a new siimulus. example: A (sgh ol ace (asian) dog salivates to a bell, when proviousiy on salvation occurred only in response to Condsoned Respenoe mest. cs (eaivaen Condcnes Stmuie 2, Key stimulus (belt) must occur before (oon the response, Operant or instrumental Conditioning a 4. Learning occurs when a new response ‘cours f0 an old slimulus. Example: In a ‘Skinner box, the rat now presses the bar ™ ‘no 10 oblain reinforcement. 2, Key stimulus reinforcement must occur Aelnforeament after the response, Mhio--soe ah ieee | wa [Rane Bohavinr(R}. | Stops Punishment Extinction Increases | Past rinorcoment Negative reinforcement UST) oh Ao mei a hoy Schedule Constant Fixed interval (FI) Fixed ratla (FR) hanging ‘Variable interval (V1) Variable ratio (VR) kau, 4 medical ‘Systematic desensitization (Often used to treat anxiety and phobias Step 1: hierarchy of stimuli (least to most feared) Stop 2: technique of muscle relaxation taught Stop 8: pationt relaxes in presence of each stimulus on the hierarchy ‘Works by replacing anxiety wth relaxation, an incompatible response Exposure (also flooding or implosion) ‘Simple phobias treated by forced exposure to the feared object Exposuro maintained untl fear response is entinguished ‘Avorsive conditioning Properties ofthe original stimulus are changed to produce an aversive rosponso Can help reduce deviant behaviors Shaping [Achieves farget behavior by reinforcing successive approximations ofthe desired response Reinforcement gradually modified to move behaviors from general responses to specific responses desired Extinction Discontinuing the reinfercement maintaining an undesired behavior "Time out” with children oor test anxiety Stimulus control ‘Sometimes sfimul inadvertent acquire control aver behavier, when this is true, removal of that stimulus can extinguish the response Example: an insomniac only permitted in bed when he/she isso tired that sleep comes ‘almost al once Biofoodback Using extemal feedback to modify internal ;iysilogic states; often uses electronic devices to present physiologic information, e.g, heart manitor to show heart rate ‘Works by means of trialand-error learning and requires repoated practice to be effective Fading {Gradually removing the reinforcement while: 1) witheut the subject discerning the diference and 2) maintaining the desired response Example: gradually replacing postoperative painkiller witha placebo arian medical 5 CHILD DEVELOPMENT NZ a Rela Evidenced at | + Reaching and grasping behavior birth + Abiity to imitate facial expressions + Ablity o synehvoniza lim’ movements with speach of athers + Attachment behaviors, such as crying and ellaging Newborn + Profers: characteristics | ~ Large. bright objects with lots of contrast = Moving objects: = Curves versus fines ~ Complex versus simple designs = Facial stimuh (gits more than boys) + Can discriminate between ianguage and nonlanguage stim + AV week old, the infant responds differently tothe smell of mother compared with fthor ‘Smiling + The smile develops from an innate reflex present at birth (endogenous smile) + Shows exogenous emiling intesponse to a face at 8 weeks * A praferential social sil, e.g. (0 the mother's rather than anothers face, appears about 12 to 16 weeks bate ete di NPE aeons) See Jala ciauls niente Brain-growth spurt | + “Criical peri’ of groal vulnerabily to environmental influence + Ertends from last timester of pregnancy through first 14 postnatal months + Size of catica cols and complexity of cellinterconnections undergo their most rapid increase + Distress in the presence of unfamilar people + Appears at § months, reaches peak al 8 months, then disappears after 12 months Disiress of infant after separation rom caretaker ‘Appears at 8 to 12 months: begins to disappear at 20 to 24 months ‘Separation anxlety disorder (school phobia) is failure to resolve separation anxioty ‘Treatment focuses on child's interaction with perents, not on activities in school Ailes LUA) (os aren tela Mi I-Sy 1). ‘Separation trom parents, punishment, mutation (Freud's castration anxity) mor lkely fo fear: ‘When they become ‘May interpret ness or trestment as punishment (ten have all sets of misconceptions about what is wrong with therm Uni ago S: Children usualy have no conception af death as an ineversile process Only atter age 8 or (Chis realy understands that death i universl, Mevitabla, and inaversibi (oie yeFavstel a Ma Wieeiceh is} Physical and Motor Cognitive, Language Development Social Bevélopment Development Development + Puts evenzhing in mouti |» Parental igure central | + Sensationimovement | + Laughs aloud + Sits with support (4 mo} + Issues of rust are key | + Schemas m0) + Stands with help (6 mo) + Stronger anvisty (6 mo) | + Assimilation and | * Ropettve + Craw, fear of faling (9 mo) | + Play's solitary and accommodation responding (8 mo) + Pincer grasp (12.m0) exploratory : + Fallows abjcts to midine | * Pat-e-cke, peoleaboo (wn) (1070) + One-handed spproachigraep oftoy + Feat in mouth (5 me + Bang and rate stage ‘Changes hands with toy (sme), Year 1 ~ Walk alone (13 me) ~ Separation andely(12mo) | + Achieves obec | » Great venation + Gime sas alone (18.0) | + Dependency on paren’ | permanence in timing of + Emergence of hand figure (rapprochement) language peferenca (18 mo} + Onloakes and paral pay development + Uses 10 words + Kicks bal, throws ball + Stacks theo cubes (18 mo) Year? * igh acy eve ~ Solish end sel-centered | Aworld of objects | ~ Use of pronouns + Walks backward + Iitates mannerisms and | + Can use symbols | = Parents + Cantum doorknob, unsere | actives + Transtion objets | understand most laler + May be aggressive + Strong egocentism | words + Scribbles with rayon + No" fs avodte word + Conerote use of | * Telegraphic + Able to aim to throw bal objects sentences + Stands on iptoos (39 ma) + Twoword + Stacks sb cubes (24 ma} sentences + Uses 250 words + Names body pars Rides treyele * Fixed gender Wentiy - + Completes + Stacks 8 cubes (38 mo) + Soxepecie play sentences + Aterates fet going upstas | + Understands “Yeking turns? + Uses 800 words + Bowel and bledder centro! | + Knows sex and ful names + Undersinds 4 {oe waning) tat + Draws recognizable figures + Strangers oan + Catches ball with arms understand + Cuts paper with seisors + Recognizes common objects * Unbutions butions cermon oo (Continued) médical = 7

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