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Assembly of God. 27th May 1979. "THE PRAYER SANOTUARY" BULLETIN. No. 34a Dear Prayer Partners, "Men Ought elvays to pray and not to faint” Bvery one has a place in the prayer-life of the Church. The moment we are born into the Body of Ohrist we have a place to function for the benefit of the whole. If we fail to take time to prey, we not only lose out ourselves, but evade our responsibility to the whole Body. The most important obligation that devolves upon a Christian is to pray. (1 Tess 5.17; Bph 6.18; Luke 18.1) “Bray one for another"(James 5.16-18) Do we ever realise that there imay be men and women (even in our own Assemblies) who are defeated, broken down in their spiritual lives(or may be in their hone or business life) - just because ve haven't sustained them in our prayers? Sadly, many children are growing up without the restraining power of God in their lives just because the parents have failed in their prayer-life responsibilities. ; Do you know thet the prayers of God's people set DIVINE POWER free among men? Is then, a prayerless Church partiy to blame for the crime and lawlessness that eweeps the world today? Have we failed to provide God with the prayer-chanels through which the Holy Ghost con flow? Is humanity corrupting itself because the "salt has lost it's savour"? Eriends, NOTHING can take the place of prayer! How desperately Australie neede it! How desperately the Church needs it! Cone on, Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. Let us take up our prayer resp- onsibilities. Leam the art, the secret of the greatest privilege a Christian can know. Yet u throw ourselves open that He may pour His Spirit trough us, until our loved-ones, neighbours, associates, and the world at large, may feel the mighty’ throb of His life, and the lift of His love! SHE MORNING WaTOH. Prayer links us with God! Tt looks us into Divine Government with the Father, Son ond Holy Spirit! It is an excursion into the super natural. We have access to the Throne Room! We enter the Presence of Divine Love, Peace and Joy. No man can spend time in prayer without being affected by it. ‘The Word and the mind are illumined; The body is refreshed and healed. The glory and the quietness that pervades the Godhead flows over the heart and life. We carry avay the lingering fragrance of the "Rose of Sharon and the Lily of te Valley". Are you under stress or nervous strain? Spend just a little tine, unhurried, in the presence of the Source of all strength (Ie.40.31) (Isaiah 26.5; John 14.27; Jon 16.33) A fow minutes with God’ each day will "re-charge the batteries, adjust the carburettor and tune the engine". You will find it’mch easier, then, to speed along life's highway - and arrive! ‘HB WORD OF Gop. The Word is part of God Himself - Tt is a LIVING thing! Just as God was with end within Jesus, the LIVING WORD, 80 His vAIDIEN WORD is inpremated with Himself. The Word of God is the source of faith (Rom 10.17)- mut it will not bulld faith until it becomes part of ue (John'15.7). There can be no real prayer-life unless it is built upon the Word. We mist feed upon it, build it into our consciousness, breathe it into our spirit (Jer 15.16; Rev 10.9; John 6.53-63; ‘Matt 4.3-4). We mist let its truthe - ite unfailing, eternal, unshakeable truths, saturate our very being! His Word, like Himself, can never lose ite freshness, ite pover, or ite ability to create, strengthen and encourage (1 Pet 1.3) "BY the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of lis mouth...He spake and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast" (Pe 35.6,9) “anata!

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