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Importance of Adaptat|on
As chooslng rlghL words ls baslc of clear communlcaLlon
basls of Lask of arranglng Lhose words lnLo clear senLences
and Lhe senLences lnLo clear senLences and Lhe senLences
lnLo clear paragraphs
ConsLrucLlng such clear senLences and paragraphs lnvolves
adapLaLlon Lo Lhe mlnds of Lhe lnLended readers
W JrlLlng should flL Lhe readers ln words senLences
and paragraphs
W 1hls procedures lnvolves Lhe use of slmpler
senLences Lo reach wlLh Lhe lower communlcaLlon
ablllLles and people noL knowledgeable abouL Lhe
W Je should use complex senLences wlLh more
verbal knowledgeable people
W 1he wrlLlng should noL Lax Lhe comprehenslon
skllls of Lhe readers
W Such wrlLlng requlres managlng Lhe emphasls ln
Lhe senLences maklng each senLence express a
maln ldea and orderlng Lhe senLences elemenLs
accordlng Lhe grammar
I Us|ng Shorter Sentences
a L|m|t|ng Sentence Content
b Lconom|z|ng on Words
II Determ|n|ng Lmphas|s |n Sentence Des|gn
III G|v|ng the Sentence Un|ty
IV Arrang|ng the Sentence L|ements for C|ar|ty
l Us|ng Shorter Sentences (Lmphas|s on short
W Je should adapL our senLences Lo Lhe readers for
whlch we need Lo arrange Lhe carefullyselecLed
words lnLo shorLer senLences wlLh clear meanlngs
W Clear senLences resulL from orderly Lhlnklng
because consLrucLlng clear senLences ls a producL
of Lhe Lhlnklng mlnd
W Clear senLences have clear quallLles ln Lhem and
Lhey communlcaLe beLLer because of mlnd
W LengLh ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL quallLy where long
senLences are hard Lo read and resulL ln less
W So we need Lo keep shorL senLences for
W ShorL means abouL 1618 words for mlddle
readers who have average readablllLy And for
more advanced readers Lhey can be made longer
W ln Lhe nuLshell Lhe lengLh of Lhe senLences should
be kepL wlLh Lhe reader's readablllLy level
W Je can shorLen and slmpllfy Lhe senLences ln Lwo
baslc ways by
a L|m|t|ng Sentence Content
b Lconom|z|ng on Words
a L|m|t|ng Sentence Content
W lL ls relaLed Lo Lhe maLLer of menLally selecLlng
thought un|ts and maklng separaLe senLences of
mosL of Lhem
W or Lhls we should comblne LhoughLs lnLo one
W Je should more emphasls Lo conLenL and Lo
organlzaLlon of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer
W Long and hard to understand Lhe memorandum
ls belng dlsLrlbuLed wlLh Lhe flrsLsemesLer class
cards whlch are Lo serve as a flnal check on Lhe
correcLness of Lhe reglsLraLlon of Lhe sLudenLs and
are Lo be used laLer as Lhe mldsemesLer grade
cards whlch are Lo be submlLLed prlor Lo
november 16
W Short and C|ear Lhls memorandum ls belng
dlsLrlbuLed wlLh Lhe flrsLsemesLer class cards
1hese cards wlll serve now as a flnal check on
sLudenL reglsLraLlon LaLer Lhey wlll be used for
mldsemesLer grades whlch are due before
november 16
W noLe Loo many shorL senLences make Lhe wrlLlng
choppy so we need Lo avold Lhe overuse
b Lconom|z|ng on Words
W lL ls Lhe second Lechnlque of shorLenlng senLences
whlch ls relaLed Lo Lhe use of words economlcally
W lL ls Lhe use of shorLer and lesser words Lo express
Lhe conLenL
W lL ls worklng for shorLer ways of saylng Lhlngs
whlch can be done by
C|utter|ng hrases
Surp|us phrases
koundabout Construct|ons
Avo|d|ng unnecessary words and |deas
C|utter|ng hrases
W CluLLerlng phrases ls Lhe use of uneconomlcal
wordlng whlch should be avoldlng Such phrases
are phrases whlch can be replaced by shorLer
wordlng wlLhouL of loss of meanlng
W Je can avold cluLLerlng phrased by subsLlLuLlng
wlLh shorLer expresslons wlLh Lhe same meanlng
W CluLLerlng phrases SubsLlLuLe
W Along Lhe llnes of llke
W AL Lhe presenL Llme now
W or Lhe reason LhaL for
W or Lhe purpose of because slnce
W ln accordance wlLh by
W ln Lhe meanLlme meanwhlle
W ln Lhe near fuLure soon
W ln Lhe nelghborhood of abouL around
W ln very few cases seldom
W Cn Lhe basls of by
W Cn Lhe occaslon of on
W JlLh regard Lo wlLh reference wlLh abouL
W JlLh a vlew Lo Lo
W 'ln splLe of Lhe facL LhaL Lhey recelved help Lhey
falled Lo exceed Lhe quoLa"even LhoughL Lhey
recelved help Lhey falled Lo exceed Lhe quoLa
Surp|us words
W Surplus words are Lhose whlch add noLhlng Lo Lhe
senLence meanlngs Such words are meanlngless
exLra words
W Je need Lo ellmlnaLe such words from Lhe
W uropplng such words from Lhe senLences sLronger
wlLhouL loslng Lhe senLencemeanlngs
W Je musL selecL words and bulld senLences LhaL
form preclse meanlngs ln Lhe mlnd of Lhe readers
Some examp|es
W e ordered desks LhaL are of Lhe execuLlveLype
he ordered execuLlveLype desks
W 1here are four rules LhaL should be observed four
rules should be observed
W ln addlLlon Lo Lhese effecLs numerous oLher
defecLs mar Lhe operaLlng procedure numerous
oLher defecLs mar Lhe operaLlng procedure
W ln Lhe perlod beLween !an and eb we deLecLed
Lhe problem beLween !an and eb we deLecLed
Lhe problem
W ls performance was good enough Lo enable hlm
Lo quallfy for Lhe promoLlon
koundabout Construct|on
W Je need Lo avold roundabouL ways of saylng
Lhlng and say Lhem ln dlrecL way Lo Lhe polnL
W Longer and unnecessary ways of expresslng Lhe
messages should be ellmlnaLed and should be sald
Lhem ln more clear and dlrecL way for Lhe
effecLlve communlcaLlon
W Some examples
W 'Lhe deparLmenL budgeL can be observed Lo be
decreaslng each year 1he deparLmenL budgeL
decreases each year
W e crlLlclzed everyone he came ln conLacL wlLh
he crlLlclzed everyone he meL
W 1he presldenL ls of Lhe oplnlon LhaL Lhe Lax was
paldLhe presldenL belleves Lhe Lax was pald
W lL ls essenLlal LhaL Lhe lncome be used Lo be reLlre
Lhe debL Lhe lncome musL be used Lo reLlre Lhe
Unnecessary kepet|t|ons
W Je need Lo avold repeLlLlon of Lhe words and
LhoughLs whlch are noL necessary because Lhey
[usL overburden Lhe conLenL and creaLes dlfflculLy
for Lhe readers Lo undersLand by creaLlng
confuslon and complexlon
W 8uL we can some Llme do so lf we have Lo creaLe
some speclal effecL as ln muslc (malle Lehl bahera
maan paroko) and do some emphasls
Some examp|es
W 1he provlslon of secLlon 3 provldes for a unlon
shop SecLlon 3 provldes for a unlon shop
W Je should plan ln advance for Lhe fuLure we
should plan
W 1he consensus of Lhe oplnlon ls LhaL Lhe Lax ls
unfalr Lhe consensus ls LhaL Lhe Lax ls unfalr
W Modern upLodaLe equlpmenL wlll be used
Modern equlpmenL wlll be used
W ln my oplnlon l Lhlnk Lhe plan ls sound
W AL Lhe presenL Llme we are conducLlng Lwo
II Determ|n|ng Lmphas|s |n Sentence Des|gn
W Jhlle wrlLlng we need Lo glve due emphasls Lo
Lhe senLence deslgn
W ln buslness wrlLlng some parLs of lnformaLlon are
very lmporLanL and some are noL so
W So our Lask ls Lo deLermlne Lhe lmporLance of each
lLem and from Lhe senLence Lo communlcaLe lL
W SenLence lengLh affecL such emphasls where
slmple and shorL senLence carrles more emphasls
Lhan longer ones
W ShorLer senLences drag more aLLenLlon

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