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Majesto el Flexible y Adaptable

Atop a lush forested hill stood a magnificent Sobre una exuberante colina boscosa se tree named Lofty. Lofty was a big, proud, and ergua un magnfico rbol llamado Majesto. strong tree. Era un rbol grande, soberbio One day the trees were basking y fuerte. in the morning sun, with their Un da, mientras los rboles branches swaying gently in the disfrutaban del sol matinal y warm breeze. Lofty looked on at sus ramas se mecan the other trees, and with a scowl, suavemente con la clida brisa, thought to himself, I do Majesto mir a los dems not like the bending and swaying rboles con el ceo fruncido, caused by the wind, or the way pensando: No me agrada que my branches go in whatever el viento me incline o me agite, direction they are blown. Id ni que empuje mis ramas en la rather show all who see me that direccin en la que sopla. Im the one in control of my Prefiero que todos los que me branches. miren vean que soy yo quien controla mis ramas.

After pondering on this point for some time, Lofty had an idea. I have decided to take full control of my branches! Lofty proudly proclaimed to the other trees. I will not allow my branches to move or be swayed by the wind. I will not follow some whim of the wind. I will not sway and dance like you, foolish trees. I will show you how much better I look through my inflexibility. That evening a steady wind began to blow. With all his might Lofty tried to keep his branches from swaying and blowing in the breeze. He stiffened his many branches, and tried with all his might to hold still. Soon the wind blew into a great storm, and still Lofty determined to not allow his branches to budge even the slightest. Im proving that we dont have to let the wind affect our every movement, Lofty proudly boasted to the other trees.

Luego de reflexionar sobre la cuestin durante un rato, se le ocurri una idea. He decidido controlar totalmente mis ramas! anunci orgulloso a los dems rboles. No permitir que el viento me las mueva. No me someter a sus caprichos. No me mecer ni bailar como ustedes, rboles tontos. Les mostrar lo bien que me sienta mi orgullosa inflexibilidad. Aquella noche comenz a soplar un viento constante. Majesto emple todas sus fuerzas para impedir que sus muchas ramas se mecieran. Las enties y procur quedarse quieto. Al poco rato el viento dio lugar a una gran tormenta. Aun as, Majesto segua empeado en no permitir que sus ramas se movieran ni un poquito. Estoy demostrando que no tenemos que dejar que el viento afecte cada uno de nuestros movimientos se jact Majesto ante los dems rboles con gran arrogancia

The other trees were enjoying the storm, dancing about with the wind. Its so exciting dancing in the wind! Dancing Birch shouted above the storm. My branches and leaves almost look as if theyre spinning! Look at my branches going up and down! said Jumping Juniper. Silly trees, allowing the wind to move them about, thought Lofty. Just then a mighty gust of wind hit Lofty so hard that he felt a tug on his roots. Suddenly struck by the fear that hed soon be uprooted and blown down, Lofty quickly relaxed his rigid stance to allow his branches to sway with the wind. The wind was so strong, I was nearly uprooted, Lofty said, as he explained to the other trees why his branches were now flowing with the wind.

Los otros rboles disfrutaban la tormenta y bailaban al comps del viento. Es tan emocionante bailar con el viento! gritaba Abedul Danzarn para que se le oyera con todo el ruido de la tormenta. Es casi como si mis ramas y mis hojas estuvieran dando vueltas! Fjate en cmo suben y bajan las mas! vocifer Enebro Saltador. Qu tontos esos rboles que permiten que el viento los mueva, pensaba Majesto. En ese momento una rfaga lo golpe con tanta fuerza que sinti un tirn en sus races. Temiendo de repente que el viento pronto lo fuera a arrancar y derribar, relaj su postura rgida y permiti que sus ramas se mecieran. Ese viento tan fuerte casi me arranca de raz dijo Majesto para explicar a los otros rboles por qu sus ramas se movan nuevamente con el viento.

A sense of joy filled Lofty, as he yielded his branches to flow with the wind. Oh, this is such fun! exclaimed Lofty. I forgot what a joy it is to dance with the wind! Im free to enjoy life again! said Lofty. I was becoming bored with life, when I was so proud and immoveable. From now on, I wish to be a humble, flexible tree, and to let my branches bend and sway with the wind. The other trees smiled, happy to have Lofty enjoying life with them again, and thankful for the reminder of the importance of being flexible.

Un sentimiento de alegra comenz a apoderarse de l cuando permiti que sus ramas se mecieran con el viento. Esto s que es divertido! exclam. Se me haba olvidado lo agradable que es bailar con el viento! Ahora me siento libre para disfrutar nuevamente de la vida! coment. Con mi actitud orgullosa e inflexible me aburr mucho. A partir de este momento deseo ser un rbol humilde y flexible y permitir que mis ramas se tuerzan y se mezan con el viento. Los dems rboles sonrieron, felices de que Majesto disfrutara nuevamente de la vida con ellos, y agradecidos por aquel recordatorio sobre la importancia de ser adaptables.

Lush exuberante Strong fuerte Swaying mecan Breeze brisa Scowl ceo fruncido Bend incline Wind - viento Branches ramas Dance bailar whim capricho

Inflexibility inflexibilidad stiffen enties Storm tormenta Leaves hojas Birch Abedul Spinning dando vueltas Juniper Enebro Roots races Bored aburrido Humble humilde

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Author unknown. Illustrations by Jan McRae. Original English version of this story published by My Wonder Studio, The Family International.

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