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Project Outline: Taking a Stand Description: In this project, you will identify and investigate a real-world problem affecting

our community. Driving Question: Driving questions is a question you will be able to answer at the end of this project. It is: How do we as young people solve a real-world problem that affects our local community through social action or activism? Products: Materials:

News Story Summaries Report/ Proposal Oral Presentation

Digital Camera Photographs Newspapers Computer Programs used: Keynote, Dropbox, Word (to write invitation business letters & reflections), iPhoto, Prezi, Internet

Directions: News Story Summaries o You will research articles on local/ community issues that indicate that action is necessary. Select one article that resonates with you. o Write a summary including the 5 Ws + H to inform your fellow classmates on the issue that is affecting our community. o The class will participate in a Gallery Walk to share the issues affecting our community. Report/ Proposal o Research the local or community issue that interests you. Find information that better helps you understand the

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following: What causes the issue? Whom does this issue affect? How long has this issue been problematic? What action has been taken, and by whom, to address this issue? What were the outcomes/ results of their actions? Who should be contacted to resolve this issue? Who has the authority over this issue? Identify why this issue resonates with you. Write a summary about this issue taking into consideration the questions above. Create a proposal for a campaign to raise awareness and propose solutions to this community issue. Include pictures or visuals that may support your ideas.

Oral Presentation o Using the platform of your choice, you will present to a mock committee of donors and activists who are considering donating and/or supporting a cause affecting the needs of our community. It will be your job to communicate effectively, clearly, and persuasively. Presentation product options include: Prezi Keynote Power Point Other (teacher approval required) Reflection o Write a reflection that answers all of the essential questions. Include a personal reflection on what this project, and the products you produced, means to you. This reflection will be typed on a Word document.

Due Dates
News Story Summaries: o o Rough Draft: September 21st, 2011 Final Draft: September 28, 2011

Report/ Proposal: o o o o o Report Rough Draft: October 7, 2011 Report Final: October 19, 2011 Campaign Outline: October 7, 2011 Proposal Draft: October 12, 2011 Proposal Final: October 19, 2011

Presentation: o o Presentation Rough Draft: October 26, 2011 Presentation Final: November 2, 2011

Reflection: o Final: November 2, 2011 Full reflections will be written & submitted via email. Highlights from the reflection are to be included on the Keynote Presentation on a separate slide.


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