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SECONDS by Jason Weiner 646-734-5267 390 Metropolitan Ave. Backhouse Brooklyn, NY 11211

INT. WELLS INTERNATIONAL SALES OFFICES- DAY A cluster of cubicles shrinks under the cold blue glare of florescent tubes. At one desk sits NATE, a bright go getter somewhere around his mid-twenties. He works the phone and his computer like a pro with no time for idle chatter or office gossip. Opposite him is DAX, a closet pothead in his late twenties who lucked into his job and is intent on staying under the radar as long as possible. At the third cube sits CARL, a 45 year old study in meekness who lives for retirement and spends his time staying in line. Next to him is ROBERT LEWIS, a 40 year old man who has no business in this work group. His peers were promoted or left for better jobs years ago. He sits chained to his own anxiety waiting in vain for something to happen to him. In the meantime he surfs the net in search of a pretty girl or interesting article to get him through the day. His phone rings and he answers. Hello DAX (ON PHONE) Play it cool and pretend nothing is happening.(beat) Are you playing it cool? LEWIS hangs up the phone and peers over his cube at DAX. No. DAX is startled and a little annoyed. Dude! What? DAX When someone tells you to play it cool, youve got to follow their lead. If your chair was a bomb we both be dead. LEWIS God this is depressing. DAX Well if you played it cool maybe it would be inspiring. CARL peeks out from his cube. DAX What the fuck? LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS


CARL Playing it cool can get you burned. The president, CEO and spiritual leader of Wells International, ALEXANDER WELLS enters carrying a marketing proposal. He has a large salt and pepper beard and a corduroy blazer. The cube mates return to their duties. ALEXANDER WELLS Hey guys just wanted to give you a gold star in person. Weve had a record breaking quarter and you had a lot to do with it. NATE Thank you sir, We took a play right from your book. Its not about sales, its about helping people live better lives. ALEXANDER WELLS So true, so true. Im going to get lunch with a Wellness magazine reporter, you should come along. NATE Thank you sir. LEWIS What about us? ALEXANDER WELLS Sorry guys only room for one. are next in line. NATE Ill give you a full report. ALEXANDER WELLS laughs. ALEXANDER WELLS Covering every angle! Youre going places WELLS and NATE exit headed for fine food and a better tomorrow. INT. WELLS INTERNATIONAL CAFETERIA- DAY LEWIS, DAX and CARL sit at a table picking over the remains of their turkey loaf sandwiches and chips. You


LEWIS Im glad. Its where Nate belongs, right up Wells ass. DAX The Babylon system is a vampire. LEWIS You know Ive taken this shit too long. Im really going to lay into Wells. CARL throws back a mouthful of pills. Take its Ill care CARL it easy. Laying low is where at. Fifteen years from now be free and clear without a in the world.

LEWIS Fifteen years from now will be the tenth anniversary of me blowing my brains out. All I ever do is sit around watch jerks like Wells and Nate pass me bye. CARL You need a vacation. A little time to get your head straight. Youve got to work the system. CARL grabs all of the sugar packets from the caddy on the table and pockets them. DAX God knows I need one, Ive already used all my sick days and step grandparents arent redeemable for bereavement days. CARL What about your real grandparents? DAX They gave their lives two burning mans ago. LEWIS peers across the cafeteria at a table of secretaries eating. LEWIS That new temp is looking good.


DAX You should ask her out. LEWIS Ah, but if she says no it will poison the working environment. CARL Forget about the women. Interoffice romance is the surest path to despair. Follow the program take your vacation days and get the hell out of town. EXT. AMAZON JUNGLE- MORNING Sunbeams cut through the trees and illuminate the suffocating humidity that shrouds jungle floor. CESAR, the jungle guide, leads ROBERT LEWIS and a group of eight other eco-tourists down a path they cut with machetes. CESAR is an older man who has spent his life trekking in and around the Amazon. He is at home in the jungle. The group is a mix of affluent socially conscious travelers, outdoor types, and backpackers. One couple is outfitted and overequipped in the finest outdoor gear money can buy, while two attractive young french girls are dressed more appropriately. The last couple in the group, the NUSSBAUMS, are in their mid 70s and dressed for weekend in Miami Beach. The woman carries a small dog in a Louis Vuitton carrier with the lid open to give him a better view. CESAR If look up in this tree here you can see a howler monkey clinging about halfway up. The group gathers and peers into the canopy. Ms. Nussbaums dog, ROMEO, barks and scares the monkey away to the annoyance of everyone. MRS. NUSSBAUM Oh my little prince needs to tinkle. MR. NUSSBAUM You should of left that goddamn thing on the boat. MRS. NUSSBAUM You should have taken me to a respectable resort, instead of this farkakte jungle!


MS. NUSSBAUM sets ROMEO down to pee. CESAR We really should be getting back to the boat. We will be able to see a lot from the river. MR. NUSSBAUM My lifelong dream, to see the Amazon up close and that little bastard is spooking the fauna! MR. NUSSBAUM stomps at Romeo who flees into the jungle. NUSSBAUM looks in vain for her little prince. MRS. NUSSBAUM Romeo? Romeo? Are you satisfied? You hurt his feelings. Romeo where for art thou? Mr. Cesar can you find him. CESAR If everyone wants to make their way back to the boat. I will go collect Romeo. FRENCH GIRL That is so sweet. Sensing a chance to distinguish himself, LEWIS steps forward. LEWIS Ill go with you. We can find him faster together, and I love all creatures. EXT. DEEP AMAZON- DAY LEWIS and CESAR walk deeper into the jungle in search of Romeo. They hack a path through the suffocating jungle. The dark menace of nature unchecked surrounds them. CESAR walks a short distance away from the clearing towards a dense cluster of vines. Just as he reaches the undergrowth he disappears. Ahh! Cesar?!? LEWIS CESAR MRS.


LEWIS rushes over to where he last saw CESAR and realizes he has fallen down a steep gorge. He calls down to him. You ok? LEWIS climbs down to help CESAR. He stands him up and is brushing him off when he realizes they are surrounded by angry young Indians pointing spears. Uh.. The lead Indian starts shouting at them as the others brandish their spears menacingly. CESAR talks frantically, trying to reason with them. He is interrupted by the lead Indian who is in turn interrupted by another Indian. The lead Indian becomes enraged and beats the interrupting Indian mercilessly as the other Indians hoot with gleeful bloodlust. LEWIS and CESAR cringe and cower as they ponder their fate at the hands of their captors. EXT. GOBANGO VILLAGE- DAY LEWIS and CESAR are seated at the center of the Gobango Village in a state of extreme anxiety. The Indians are methodically going through their gear and throwing most of it into a large fire at the center of the village. CESAR It doesnt look good. LEWIS Well we have to do something. CESAR speaks to the Indians. They become enraged and are preparing to kill him when ROMEO wanders into the village. They are fascinated. CESAR calls to ROMEO who comes right away CESAR They like the dog. LEWIS Tell them they can have it. Wait! Tell them we want to speak to the elders, they might be a little more forgiving. CESAR speaks to the Indians. A young muscular one steps forward and pounds his chest. LEWIS LEWIS


CESAR These are the elders. called Gobado

That one is

LEWIS What? Is this a children of the corn thing? Are all the old people dead? CESAR Gobado says he is seventy years old INT. BEDROOM- EARLY MORNING The sun is just cracking the horizon outside as an alarm begins its beeping and rouses SUZANNE POWELL from an uneasy slumber. She groans and gets slowly up and shuffles towards the bathroom. INT. BATHROOM- CONTINUOS

SUZANNE gazes into the mirror. A tired old woman is staring back at her. Her fifty two year old face has seen better days. She has circles under her eyes and lines on her forehead. She straightens her posture and studies her face closely, stretching and relaxing it in hope of finding a youthful expression. None can hide her age. She looks at herself with a mixture of pity and contempt. She opens the medicine cabinet and swallows several different pills before taking refuge in the shower. INT. TV STUDIO DRESSING ROOM - DAY SUZANNE sits in a make up chair completely awake and focused. She has lost her hangdog look and is in her element and in total control. A make-up artist is working on her while she talks to her producer PENNY. PENNY We want to lead with the minivan murders. SUZANNE Oh for god sake! Who gives a shit about that? What about the PVC cancer story? PENNY We had that for the second half of the show.


SUZANNE Well switch them around then. PENNY The promos are already cut. SUZANNE PVC first. If anybody hassles you they can talk to me. INT. TELEVISION STUDIO - DAY SUZANNE is seated at one side of a long curving table. She looks ten years younger. All the age and uncertainty have been completely concealed. Behind her is a large video wall with collage of a minivan, police tape, a knife and Minivan Murders superimposed on the whole thing in old fashion typeface. The Beats legal corespondent, BRENT GILBURN, is seated at the other end of the table facing SUZANNE. BRENT So if the new evidence is deemed admissible we could get a new trial and perhaps finally see justice done. SUZANNE Thanks Brent, we will be keeping an eye on this story. If you would like to know more about the stories on tonights program visit our website Good night. Music comes up and various stage hands attend to their duties as SUZANNE takes out her earpiece and makes her way to her office. PENNY joins her and matches her quick stride through the studio. PENNY Great show Suzanne SUZANNE We build em one murder at a time. INT. SUZANNES OFFICE - CONTINUOUS SUZANNE enters her office and plops down behind her desk with PENNY close behind. Her office and desk are cluttered but semi-organized and fairly clean. The clutter that gathers at the corners is the result of too much work rather than true messiness.

9. There are no pictures or any other indications of a social life. The awards and citations she has received over her career have been shoved to a corner of the office to make more space available for work. PENNY We still havent got a comment from the State Department, but we have confirmed Sprat and a defense lobby spokesman for interviews. Also the woman that set her children on fire is up for parole and her attorney wants to give us an interview. SUZANNE dials her voicemail on speakerphone while listening to PENNY. SUZANNE Follow up with State department and the fire lady I dont know, what do you... The first message begins to play. FEMALE VOICE Suze, Its Jane! I need you to call me as soon as you get this. It is very important. Drop what you are doing and call. Great. SUZANNE deletes the message and picks up the phone to call SUZANNE (CONTD) Ive got to take this. PENNY You know where to find me INT. KITCHEN JANES HOUSE - DAY JANE is tending to several boiling liquids in her impeccably neat new age kitchen. There is an assortment of dried herbs hanging above the sink. A small window sill supports a collection of crystals. She is younger and more attractive than SUZANNE. A lifetime of excessively natural clean living and sunshine have left her looking slightly leathery. She wears no make-up. Her skin is tight, thin and marked by crows feet. The phone rings. SUZANNE


JANE (Serenely) Namaste. SUZANNE Jane, whats wrong? JANE Oh, Suze I am so glad to hear from you. I have been thinking about the past and the future and the space in between where we live and I am so glad to have you for a sister. SUZANNE Thanks, love you too. urgent matter? Was that the

JANE I hardly think my oft-professed love for you would warrant an alert of this level. No, I was calling about the Milk Crisis. I sent you an e-mail two days ago. SUZANNE Well I get about 1000 e-mails a day, Ill pass it on to the research depart... JANE NO SUZANNE, you arent listening. This is important! The dairy industry has been hiding the dangers of inter-species milk consumption for years now. We are talking about contamination on a genetic level. INT. SUZANNES OFFICE-CONTINUOS PENNY walks in and hands SUZANNE some papers. SUZANNE rolls her eyes and points at the phone. PENNY smiles and leaves. SUZANNE I just dont know if this is right for the show. JANE Well if the health of millions of children isnt important...


SUZANNE Thats what you dont get. Its not important, nothing is important. There are a million stories Id like to do, but I cant. We report on stories because they are sensational and interesting and have great visual elements. This isnt the New York Times. INT. KITCHEN JANES HOUSE- CONTINUOS JANE This doesnt sound like you Suzanne. Are you constipated? A lot of menopausal women experience constipation when their chakras fall out of alignment. That can affect mood... SUZANNE Im not constipated and Im hardly menopausal and my goddamned chakrasoh hell Im old, my ratings are down and I dont know what Im going to do... JANE picks up a large bundle of sage and lights it from a candle on her windowsill and blows it out creating a new age smoke bomb. She waves it around the kitchen and cleanses her aura. JANE Suzanne you are not a victim. You control your destiny. Ratings come and go, you cant be condemned for a few weak numbers. You built that show from the ground up and if they dont want you, you can find even greater success somewhere else. Remember that life is a journey... JANE chokes a little as the sage momentarily overcomes her.


12. SUZANNE (cont'd) This show is all I have and I am a few thousand viewers away from losing it. JANE Stop it Suzanne! You will prevail! This show is not all you have. You have me and more importantly you have your reputation. Youre Suzanne Powell, millions of people depend on you. They will never give your show away. SUZANNE Thanks, I wish I could believe you. INT. KITCHEN JANES HOUSE- CONTINOUS JANE has recovered from the smoke although her eyes are still watering. JANE You can believe me. Your sign is in ascension. All will be as it should be. I got to go. My urine is boiling. INT. WELLS INTERNATIONAL SALES OFFICES- DAY ROBERT LEWIS bursts into the office filled with excitement. DAX and CARL are sitting around admiring an origami pill bottle DAX has just completed. LEWIS I have returned! DAX Welcome home CARL How was the Amazon? LEWIS Do you really want to know? DAX Is this a trick question? CARL Did you get any cool souvenirs?


LEWIS I did one better. LEWIS pulls a jar of mossy black fungus from his briefcase and holds it aloft for all to see. Coffee? LEWIS No, its a fungus actually. fungus that cures aging. CARL Is it made from coffee? LEWIS Forget about the coffee. This is world changing news! The Indians we got it from dont look a day over thirty and their goddamn chief says hes eighty! DAX Why do you still look old? LEWIS I look old? DAX You dont look like the cure for aging. LEWIS I had a bit of a reaction. EXT. GOBANGO VILLAGE- DAY LEWIS and CESAR sit in the middle of the village. CESAR looks years younger. LEWIS head and neck are extremely swollen. LEWIS You really look a lot younger. INT. WELLS INTERNATIONAL SALES OFFICES- MORNING DAX and CARL shoot each other a glance, neither knowing how to react. The only thing for sure is that they dont believe the world has changed. A DAX


CARL I hear the sun is really strong down there. The jungle plays tricks on you. LEWIS Suns got nothing to do with it, the Gobango dont get old! They dont age! They mix this up in a potion and it keeps them young! ITS THE GODDAMN FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH! DAX Wells is going to love this. CARL Seriously, this will knock Nate right off the fast track LEWIS Fuck that! Guys this isnt the kind of thing you give away. When Im done Wells is going to be begging me for a job. Honestly, The only reason I even came back here was to get you guys. As far as Im concerned Wells can kiss my future millionaire ass. WELLS and NATE enter as LEWIS utters this last line. ALEXANDER WELLS Something you need to say Lewis? LEWIS is temporarily flummoxed. He looks to DAX and CARL and finds no support. He catches a condescending look from NATE and regains his composure. LEWIS I quit! Im sitting on the biggest thing in the history of mankind. ALEXANDER WELLS You? Unless youre talking about your ass I dont believe you. Perhaps it is best you go. Weve been looking to streamline our operations and youre exactly the kind of dead weight that has been holding us back.


LEWIS Im sure youd say the same about Dax and Carl! ALEXANDER WELLS No actually they do pretty good work. LEWIS Well from now on they are doing pretty good work for me. What do you say guys? DAX You had me at fuck Wells. CARL Mr. Wells I am personally very happy in my position. ALEXANDER WELLS Good to know Carl. Dax, Im disappointed in you. You can have a solid career here. DAX Which is my greatest fear. choose blind adventure. I

ALEXANDER WELLS I want both you out of here by noon or security will throw you out. Nate looks like youve been promoted. EXT. WELLS INTERNATIONAL PARKING LOT- LATER LEWIS, DAX, and CARL are gathered at LEWIS beat up old Saab. LEWIS Seriously this isnt the kind of thing that happens twice. CARL Thanks, but no thanks. Were not big time people. You cant even get a date, let alone start a company. LEWIS Thats the old me. the jungle. I left that in


A group of temps including CONSUELA,the object of LEWIS affection, walks across the parking lot. Prove it. LEWIS collects himself and walks over to CONSUELA the temp as DAX and CARL watch. LEWIS speaks to her for a moment and they shake hands. He returns with a big smile on his face. DAX Did you get a date? LEWIS No, but I got a secretary. CARL You hired her? LEWIS It seemed to forward to ask for a date outright. The important thing is that I took action. Are you willing to do the same? INT. DINER- EVENING LEWIS and DAX finish their dinner as they plan their next move. DAX I still dont believe he didnt come. LEWIS Forget it. Weve got to focus on promotion. Weve got limited funds so I say we sink everything into Holisticon. Well get a celebrity endorsement. Itll make a big splash. The media will eat it up. DAX My cousin knows Tony Mitchell. Who? DAX Big action star. He was in the Dangerous Justice movies. Im sure I could get you a meeting with him. LEWIS CARL


INT. RESTAURANT- DAY LEWIS is sitting at a table waiting for his guest. He is a little early and chews ice as he casually scans the restaurant for signs of his guest. At the hostess stand he sees his lunch companion TONY MITCHELL. TONY is a tall handsome TV/movie action star run a little ragged by years of lively living. He sees LEWIS and approaches the table with a pained stiff legged walk. LEWIS Tony Mitchell, how are you? Lewis. TONY Good to know you. TONY sits down gingerly. LEWIS Are you OK? TONY (CONTD) Never better. LEWIS Whats wrong? TONY Its not a question of wrong, more the degree of right. TONY begins to cross his legs, pauses with a grimace and abandons the whole operation. TONY If you want to have a twenty-two year old girlfriend, youre going to need an erection and I dont know if I messed up the dosage or have some kind of preexisting condition, but we are in hour 12 of the stiffening and I cannot say if I will ever be truly at ease again. LEWIS I think I can help. I have developed and incredible new product that totally reverses the aging process. A few weeks on it and you wont need any chemicals. (MORE) Robert

18. LEWIS (cont'd) Youll look younger and feel younger. The best part is its totally pure and natural. TONY signals the WAITRESS as she walks by. TONY Natural purity isnt really what Im going for. I need a gin martini on the rocks. Todays Tony Mitchell is all about vulnerable virility. LEWIS signals that he is fine with his water. TONY ogles the WAITRESS as she walks away. LEWIS Todays Tony Mitchell can barely walk hes so virile. TONY Just got to dial it back a little bit. What kind of deal are we talking about here? LEWIS Better than you can imagine. TONY Ive got a good imagination. LEWIS Im offering you the chance to be the face of Vivelan, the first comprehensive solution to the ravages of aging TONY Is this some kind of pyramid scheme or cult? LEWIS No, Its literally the fountain of youth. Itll take 20 years off of you and give you dependable hardons to boot. TONY Does the 20 years come off the front end or the back? Dont fuck with me here because I am feeling very tender right now.


LEWIS Hand to God, It will change your life. TONY And you pay me how much? LEWIS produces a bottle of Vivelan and puts it on the table. Tony picks it up and examines it. LEWIS Nothing up front, but I can give you 1% of our profits and all you have to do is take the product and make a couple of appearances. TONY Im going to need 5% and some money up front. A thousand dollars per appearance and that is rock bottom because I like you. If this stuff works and you can come up with that, Im your man. TONY reaches to shake LEWIS hand. LEWIS responds in kind inadvertently knocking over his water. TONY momentarily forgets his condition and jumps to avoid getting wet. He catches his erection on the table and falls to the ground in considerable pain. INT. HOLISTICON TRADE SHOW: HERBALANCE BOOTH- MORNING LEWIS is overseeing CONSUELA and another employee as they work on the Vivelan booth. They have spared no expense, but the booth retains a second rate feel. The entire space is framed by large pictures of the rainforest with stacked bottles of Vivelan on pedestals in front of them. In the middle there is a raised platform with a flat panel display behind it. The display has the Vivelan logo floating around on it. LEWIS Has anyone heard from Dax? CONSUELA He called a while ago to say they were running late. LEWIS Late? The doors open in an hour! What are we going to show people?


DAX, CESAR and GOBADO the Indian chief arrive. CESAR is much younger looking and benefitting greatly from Vivelan LEWIS Dax! You made it. How are you Cesar? Good flight? CESAR So so boss, Gobado didnt like the plane so much, but he seems calm now. GOBADO, the Indian has taken an interest in CONSUELA and is standing very close to her. CONSUELA Get away Indian man! LEWIS Consuela dont be afraid. Gobado comes from a very different culture. Amongst the Gobango people that is a great display of respect. GOBADO grabs CONSUELA and starts to fondle her. DAX steps forward to protect her and GOBADO freaks out and punches him out. CONSUELA runs to hide behind LEWIS. LEWIS All right everybody lets calm down and focus here. Cesar , explain to Gobado about not touching and punching please. CESAR begins speaking to GOBADO in his own language. GOBADO protests and looks dejected but nods and seems like he understands. LEWIS tends to DAX who is recovering from the attack. LEWIS Dax! Are you OK? Uh.. LEWIS Consuela, get him some water CONSUELA I not coming anywhere near that maniac! DAX


Hey. CONSUELA Not you, Gobado the grabber! LEWIS Its all a big misunderstanding. Gobado comes from a very different culture. His ways are not ours, but with some effort we can come together and change the world! Right Cesar? CESAR speaks to GOBADO for a moment. Yes! LEWIS Good, Lets get to work! EXT. TONYS CAR-DAY TONY drives along Sunset Boulevard in his convertible. He wears a baseball cap and sunglasses, but it is clear that he feeling the positive effects of Vivelan. At a red light he pulls up next to what appear to be two hot girls. He smiles. Ladies. The girl in the passenger seat smiles and laughs, The girl in the driver seat is in fact the passengers boyfriend. Aside from his well kept and somewhat delicate long hair he is an intimidating combination of testosterone, stupidity and violence. DRIVER Whatd you say motherfucker? TONY Oh, uh, Nothing, I thought you were someone else. DRIVER Im not someone else. Im the one and only and I am going to shake your foundations! Keep your comments off my lady. TONY CESAR



PASSENGER Hes not worth it Nate. DRIVER This close to painful humiliating devastation. The DRIVER holds his thumb and forefinger up. TONY Im not, un The light changes and The DRIVER peels away in a cloud of tire smoke TONYs cell phone starts to ring. Hello? LEWIS TONY, where are you? TONY Im on my way, Traffic is crazy. INT. HOLISTICON TRADE SHOW- DAY LEWIS strolls the aisles looking at the wide array of different booths. He approaches a very big one with professional displays and several attractive young staffers in matching red golf shirts. The displays and the staffers bear the WELLS INTERNATIONAL logo and are first rate all the way. LEWIS notices ALEXANDER WELLS. Alexander. Yes? WELLS recognizes LEWIS ALEXANDER WELLS (CONTD) Lewis? How are you? LEWIS Im doing well. ALEXANDER WELLS What are you doing here? ALEXANDER WELLS LEWIS TONY (CONTD)


LEWIS I am exhibiting. ALEXANDER WELLS Well good for you. Glad to see all your dreams are coming true. Please keep away from our booth if you dont mind. LEWIS Nothing I havent seen before. You should come check out... LEWIS notices GOBADO walking among the other convention goers. LEWIS (CONTD) Mine, excuse me. LEWIS intercepts GOBADO to escort him back to the booth. INT. HOLISTICON TRADE SHOW: HERBALANCE BOOTH- DAY LEWIS has succeeded in leading GOBADO back to the vicinity of their booth. CESAR sees them and rushes up. CESAR Ah there you are! got away from me. Sorry boss he

LEWIS No problem, hes not a prisoner. Just make sure he has an escort if he wants to walk around. LEWIS leaves CESAR and goes to check on their preparations. He notices CESAR struggling to keep GOBADOs attention. Consuela. Yes? LEWIS Go help Cesar with Gobado. CONSUELA I am not going near that pervert! CONSUELA LEWIS


LEWIS He is not a pervert, he just has different customs. Now get some peace, love, and understanding and walk him back here. CONSUELA goes and catches GOBADOs eye and leads him back to the booth. DAX All right boss, I think we are ready to go. TONY approaches the booth. Without his hat and sunglasses, the true extent of Vivelans effect are on display. He looks at least 10 years younger. Roberto! LEWIS Tony, Fantastic! Alright everybody lets get together. TONY, DAX, CONSUELA, CESAR, and GOBADO gather around LEWIS. LEWIS Alright everybody, We are about to make history. For the rest of your life you will be able to tell people you were there when the world stopped aging. So lets give em everything weve got! LEWIS waits for his speech to inspire cheering and enthusiasm in his troops. They look back at him, waiting for him to say something inspirational. ALRIGHT! TONY Quite a set up my man. real Indian? Is that a LEWIS (CONTD) TONY

LEWIS Yeah, the chief of the tribe, passionate about Chihuahuas. Im going to lead with him to generate interest then introduce you. TONY Sounds good.


INT. HOLISTICON TRADE SHOW- DAY JANE walks the aisles of Holisticon. She passes the giant Wells International booth, and comes upon a display espousing a new purification process that eliminates the dangers of cross species milk consumption compete with pictures of purported genetic cow/child mutants. A commotion a few booths over catches her attention and she goes to investigate it. She finds LEWIS gathering a crowd and preparing to present his new product. LEWIS Ladies and gentleman if you can please just gather around, gather round. I know there are a lot of great products here that do a lot of great things, but I assure you that nothing you see here will even approach what I am about to show you. Cesar if you please. CESAR ushers GOBADO up next to LEWIS. LEWIS This is Gobado, the chief of the Gobango tribe from the Amazon rain forest. He and his people have lived in complete harmony with nature for millennia. Im sure you can all imagine the advantages living in such harmony has. That said, I am also sure you would never guess that Gobado is over seventy years old. A murmur of disbelief ripples through the crowd and LEWIS pauses to let it sink in. GOBADO is the center of attention and he enjoys the palpable reverence of the crowd. Mistaking the reverence for supplication, he moves forward towards a pretty young lady. CESAR gets his attention and he steps back as LEWIS continues his presentation. LEWIS Now its not just clean living that gives Gobado his youth. Over hundreds of generations his ancestors have perfected an elixir that slows and demonstrably reverses the aging process. (MORE)

26. LEWIS (cont'd) Ladies and Gentleman, after months of effort we have isolated the active ingredient and are proud to offer you VIVELAN an all-natural solution to the ravages of time. A chance to drink from the fountain of youth. The crowd shifts and murmurs and ALEXANDER WELLS steps forward. ALEXANDER WELLS (Gesturing dramatically) You mean to tell us you went tromping around the Amazon and found the fountain of youth? I for one believe this kind of silver bullet, pie in the sky boasting gives us all a bad name. Our industry is fighting for legitimacy and every time someone makes these fantastic claims... ALEXANDER WELLS gestures and loud talking are upsetting to GOBADO who eventually attacks. CESAR and LEWIS struggle to free WELLS who has collapsed to floor. As they tussle LEWIS is punched in the eye and the whole Herbalance Vivelan display collapses to the screams of convention goers. EXT. HOLISTICON CONFERENCE- DAY LEWIS, CESAR , CONSUELA, TONY, and GOBADO collect themselves on the curb outside the conference as they wait for DAX to arrive with transportation. LEWIS Goddamn followers. A fight is never the rich guys fault. No cultural sensitivity whatsoever! A man has traveled thousands of miles to be here and the fight is his fault. It boggles the mind! TONY Youre ahead of your time. This is just a bump in the road. Speaking of which Ive got to hit it. LEWIS Thanks for coming by, I will try to arrange a better appearance if you wouldnt mind.


TONY Keep me young and I will follow you to the ends of the earth. TONY departs as JANE POWELL approaches. JANE Excuse me, Mr. Lewis? LEWIS Yes, Hello. LEWIS perks up at the sight of JANE. JANE Jane Powell. I saw your presentation and I must say I was impressed. I would have never thought an old man could fight like that. LEWIS Well, in his culture, fighting and physical feats are the only avenues for conflict resolution so hes got to be good. JANE I am fascinated by native cultures. I always feel that if people only took the time to understand each other so many of our problems would go away. LEWIS I couldnt agree more. an exhibitor or... So are you

JANE Im an author more than anything, but Im here giving a seminar on the restorative powers of urine.(BEAT) Before I saw your friend here, I was convinced it was the key to everlasting youth. Now I realize how much I have to learn from the people of the forest. LEWIS Well we like to think they are primitive, but in many ways they are far more advanced.


DAX appears with the van. LEWIS I would love to talk about this some more. Would you want to get together sometime? JANE No time like the present! LEWIS and JANE depart as DAX gets the remains of the display into the van. GOBADO has a visual lock on JANEs rear and begins to follow it until he is corralled by CESAR whom he promptly takes swing at. INT. RESTAURANT- DAY LEWIS and JANE sit at a table drinking tea. They have pushed the remains of their lunch to the side of the table and are deeply engaged in conversation. JANE Holisticon is the wrong place to launch something like this, you need to think bigger. LEWIS I thought it was going pretty well. The audience seemed receptive and there was a lot of good media there. JANE It was a disaster, it cost you a fortune and you got kicked out the first day. Lewis, I can help you. Youve got the product but you need some real marketing. I have been promoting my own books and different causes for most of my adult life. LEWIS Promoting books is very different... JANE It isnt. If you give me the chance I can make this product a hit, get you some real press.


LEWIS I dont know.. JANE I am talking about a one hour special on The Beat Really? JANE Suzanne Powell is my sister. She calls me constantly looking for story ideas, its a sure thing. LEWIS That could really get this going... JANE And I will handle all the other marketing and PR for you. All I want is 30%. LEWIS 30% outright? JANE Tie it to performance. Give me a year and Vivelan will be flying out the door. Right now you have 100% of nothing and more importantly the world doesnt know the good news. This is going to be about way more than money. You are going to be the next Jonas Salk. Assholes like Alexander Wells will be lining up to kiss your ass. LEWIS The people do need to know, but I cant see ... JANE Lewis, Im not interested in this as a business opportunity. To me its an opportunity to be part of the positive. I am on this planet to help people become themselves. Your product can be a big part of that. Together we can help them get closer to who they really are. If we can do that the rewards will be far beyond our wildest dreams. LEWIS


LEWIS Let me think about it. INT. LEWIS HOUSE- EVENING LEWIS is sitting in his chair flipping around when he comes to a cable news channel. Scenes from Holisticon are shown eventually focusing on the melee that ensued between ALEXANDER WELLS and GOBADO. GAIL (V.O.) And finally it looks like someone hasnt been taking his melatonin. It seems Vitamin Guru Alexander Wells and what we are told is the Chief of the Gobango Tribe of the Amazon dont see eye to eye when it comes to herbal suppliments. The scenes of the melee shrink to the upper left corner of the screen, which is now filled with cable newscaster GAIL POWERS, a punchy attractive cable news reader in her early thirties. GAIL Organizers of the Holisticon conference, where the melee ensued, called it a misunderstanding brought on by differences in language and culture. No charges were filed and the conference continues through Friday. And that is all for this hour. Sports desk is coming up. LEWIS sighs and picks up the phone to call JANE. INT. SUZANNES OFFICE- DAY SUZANNE is reading her computer. Her web browser is open to an entertainment news gossip site called PressCafe which is running a headline about a rumored shake-up at the Beat. She is reading a paragraph that says, The buzz at THE BEAT is that SUZANNE POWELL is on her way to the great beyond. With ratings down and a new head of the news division she is not long for this world. Shit. SUZANNE


SUZANNE picks up the phone and begins to dial. Her other line rings and she picks it up. Hello. INT. JANES OFFICE AT HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL-DAY JANE sits at desk surrounded by boxes. She has just moved into her office at LEWIS new headquarters. and is unpacking various items to personalize her office. JANE Suz! How are you my dear! SUZANNE Im really busy. JANE Youre never too busy to change the world sister, and Ive got the world changing story of the century. SUZANNE I dont give a shit about Cow babies or piss cocktails! JANE Oh all that stuff is old news. I have a line on a genuine panacea. An answer to the cruelest of fates queries. Why do I have to die? SUZANNE Because your roots are growing out? JANE You make jokes while I sit on the greatest health story since penicillin. The Fountain of youth. Its called Vivelan. Ive been on it for a week and I already look and feel younger! You have to try it. Its incredible! INT. SUZANNES OFFICE- CONTIUOS SUZANNE opens a Word file named JANE on her computer. It is a list of all JANEs story ideas and notes concerning them. SUZANNE

32. SUZANNE scrolls past Van Allen Radiation Belt interference with lunar menstrual cycle, Pickled Ginger increases ESP and Dangers of Intraspecies Milk Consumption and makes a new entry titled, Fountain of Youth SUZANNE What? Some kind of amazing natural potion? Makes my whites whiter? I am not putting any of that shit in my body. JANE Why not? You pollute your body with all kinds of creams and elixirs all day long and you got a face-lift. SUZANNE Hey! My face is part of my job. I have to keep it in shape. Are you selling this stuff? JANE I am directing the marketing effort as a full partner in the company. SUZANNE Well congratulations, I dont know where this came from but it sounds better than the pee thing. JANE And not just for me. This could be the story youve been looking for. SUZANNE Thanks Jane, but I have plenty of stories to report. JANE Oh come on! At least check it out. Come and see my new office? Ill take you to lunch. Please. INT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- DAY SUZANNE enters and approaches CONSUELA who sits at a desk in a reception area.. SUZANNE Hello, Im...


CONSUELA Oh yes! Ms. Powell. They are expecting you. Follow me. SUZANNE and CONSUELA make their way to the breakroom/boardroom. While the office is clean it is obvious it has just gotten off of the ground. There are reams of paper in the corner and a new dry erase board with fresh pens sitting ready for use. A full display of Vivelan sits on the table. She is greeted by ROBERT LEWIS. LEWIS Hello Im Robert Lewis. Jane will be here in a second. SUZANNE Nice to meet you Robert. LEWIS Oh just call me Lewis everyone does. LEWIS smiles nervously. JANE enters; she is visibly younger and more vibrant. LEWIS relaxes as JANE takes control of the room. SUZANNE! SUZANNE JANE! Jesus, look at you... Christ! JANE Can you believe it! SUZANNE No, I...I..I am stunned. JANE Isnt it amazing? And its all natural and totally organic. Lewis has been exploring the deepest jungles of the Amazon for years. LEWIS I wouldnt say explor... JANE Every problem has a natural solution and this isnt just any problem. It is the eternal problem and we have solved it. Now you can tell the world. JANE


SUZANNE Its amazing. JANE And I have only been on it for a week. A month from now youll think Im in my thirties. It works equally well for both men and women. Remember Tony Mitchell? No. JANE Hes an actor. Did the Dangerous Justice movies in the 90s, hes been using it looks absolutely fabulous. He is a great humaninterest story and would be glad to talk to you and you could go on it too. Im telling you this is going to be huge! Its like your hemorrhoid exam times a hundred and you got a Emmy for that! SUZANNE Well lets not get ahead of ourselves. Why dont we get some lunch? INT. TONYS BATHROOM- EVENING Several months have passed and TONY is reveling in the full effects of Vivelan. He is admiring his more youthful body in the mirror. His once sagging skin is tighter and many of his freckles and moles have disappeared. His 22 year old girlfriend, SUNSHINE, comes in and wraps her arms around him. SUNSHINE You look fantastic. TONY I dont go in for that kind of superficial thing. SUNSHINE Me neither. Looks are nothing without performance. TONY smiles and throws a giggling SUNSHINE on the bed. SUZANNE


INT. TONYS BEDROOM- EVENING TONY and SUNSHINE lay on the bed making out. Ooh, oh SUNSHINE notices the clock is a few minutes past eight SUNSHINE Oh! Its time for the Beat! TONY The Tivo will catch it. SUNSHINE Come on this is your big moment. All right. TONY rolls off of SUNSHINE and turns on the TV as the opening graphics of the Beat give way to SUZANNE POWELL. INT. TELEVISION SCREEN SUZANNE POWELL cuts a commanding figure at the center of the BEAT set as she begins her introduction. SUZANNE Tonight on the Beat, A remarkable new discovery that could change every aspect of modern life. Its champions say it is the key to immortality, a future without aging or death. The medical community remains skeptical. Tonight we investigate Vivelan, an organic supplement that claims to stop and even reverse the aging process. The next hour will take us through the looking glass as we look at every aspect of this amazing and potentially world altering discovery. Perhaps the most incredible aspect of this incredible story is its origin. Not in a high tech company or government lab, but in the cradle of the Amazon rain forest. Geryln Campo reports. TONY SUNSHINE


The show goes to a taped report about the origins of Vivelan featuring footage of GOBADO. INT. RESTAURANT -NIGHT LEWIS, JANE, DAX and CONSUELA are gathered at the bar watching the show. Footage of the rain forest gives way to LEWIS talking about the discovery of Vivelan. CONSUELA Oh you look so handsome! LEWIS blushes and briefly casts a tender glance at CONSUELA. JANE Goddamn I hope people are watching this. LEWIS It does look good, doesnt it? DAX At the very least we can be glad they highlighted the power of traditional medicines. Amen. INT. TONYS HOUSE- NIGHT TONY and SUNSHINE sit lay in bed watching The BEAT. squeals with glee when she and TONY appear. SUNSHINE To be honest, his looks are the least of the benefit. He was always beautiful, but now that he is young again its like his soul matches his body. His great love of life and amazing spirit just flow from his tiny perfect pores. SUZANNE Tony, youve been a top action star and youve seen that fade away. Does this newfound youth mean we will be seeing you back on top? SUNSHINE LEWIS


TONY Personally I am always on top. In my mind nothing has changed. Now that my body can keep up its side of the bargain I dont know what I will do. All I can do is walk the path. If it leads back to Dangerous Justice then I wont question it. SUZANNE So we havent seen the last of Tony Mitchell? TONY Honestly, these days I feel like you havent seen the first. The show returns to the studio. As the focus shifts back to TONY and SUNSHINE. SUZANNE (ON TV) When we return, my own remarkable journey. Oh you are SUNSHINE such a hottie.

TONY What? You only get hot for me on television? TONY tickles SUNSHINE playfully and they embrace. INT. TELEVISION SCREEN The report goes to footage of old and young people, SUZANNE meeting doctors and walking through the Herbalance offices with LEWIS. LEWIS OK Suzanne, you need to take one pill a day. You should start noticing results within 48 hours. SUZANNE What about side effects? LEWIS Well, this is an all-natural herbal supplement derived from a fungus, a tiny mushroom actually. (MORE)

38. LEWIS (cont'd) We have heard of some people being a little distracted, but I think that is mostly the result of the added energy that comes with the rejuvenation of the body. SUZANNE You look like a mature man. A little salt and pepper on your temples. Are you taking Vivelan? LEWIS No actually Im not. I am extremely allergic to fungi. It I even catch a whiff of them I start feeling weird and swell up. Anyone who can eat mushrooms can use this product with no fear of side effects. Footage of SUZANNE going about her everyday activities is shown as she recounts her experience. SUZANNE I spoke with my doctor before beginning the treatment. INT. DOCTORS OFFICE- DAY SUZANNE and her DOCTOR sit comfortable in his office. DOCTOR This is an unknown and untested substance and you should be very wary of putting it in your body. SUZANNE But it has been tested for hundreds of years in natures greatest laboratory, the Amazon. DOCTOR Just be aware of the risks. SUZANNE What are the risks? DOCTOR Who knows? Without a proper round of scientific testing there is no way to determine the dangers or benefits of these pills.


SUZANNE goes through a check up with her doctor. A nurse takes blood a lab receives it. SUZANNE takes a dose of Vivelan. SHE runs on a tread mill with a host of wires attached to her. Technicians record the results. SUZANNE (V.O.) Aware of the risks, I took the plunge. Within a few days I could feel the difference. Six weeks on and I feel years younger and more energetic. Pains in my joints that had been with me for years disappeared, my posture improved. Crows feet, varicose veins, stretch marks all began to fade. When I slept, I slept sounder. When I was awake, I had more energy. The report continues. INT. SUZANNES HOUSE- NIGHT The Beat is on the television but SUZANNE is transfixed by her own reflection. She studies newly tight skin as she works the muscles of her face. She notices a small line when she squints. The phone rings. She ignores it and takes another pill. MONTAGE: INT. HIGH END BOUTIQUE- DAY Music plays as Vivelan is stocked in exclusive high end boutiques. An extremely made-up OLDER WOMAN grabs a bottle before it even hits the shelf. INT. THE BEAT- DAY SUZANNE reads PressCafe with delight. The headline, SUZANNE POWELL beats them all, Reinvigorated anchor carries show to #1 for the first time since 2001


EXT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- DAY LEWIS and JANE looks on with glee as a new Herbalance sign is installed outside of their recently renovated offices. NEWSPAPER HEADLINE Vivelan craze destabilizing Columbia: Government threatens nationalizing raw materials used in aging cure INT. HIGH END BOUTIQUE- DAY The OLDER WOMAN returns looking much younger and grabs as many bottles of Vivelan as she can carry. NEWSPAPER HEADLINE Herbalance having trouble meeting demand for miracle product. INT. TRENDY RESTAURANT- NIGHT TONY and SUNSHINE enter and walk towards their table. A movie producer sees them and intercepts them to say hello PRODUCER Tony Mitchum, Artie Dundees. Ive got a script with your name on it. MAGAZINE COVER A young rich person smiles next to a frowning old poor person. The headline reads, Age warfare: The rich get younger, the poor get older. INT. HIGH END BOUTIQUE- DAY The OLDER WOMAN now looks no more that 30. She hustles to the counter and grabs the last bottle of Vivelan at the same time as another young woman. Both women are used to getting what they want and abandon any pretense of civility as they fight for the pills. Shelves topple and glass breaks as the women wrestle on the floor. The bottle pops its cap and sprays pills over the floor as both women scramble to grab as many as they can. FADE OUT


INT. SUZANNES OFFICE-DAY SUZANNE works steadily at her desk. She looks fantastic. Her skin glows and her mind is sharp. A delivery man brings her some flowers. She reads the card: Congratulations on your nomination, FROM Everyone at the NBS News Department SUZANNE smiles to herself as the phone rings she answers. Hello JANE Congratulations! SUZANNE I could say the same to you. JANE Ive had a few good months, but I am not a major award nominee. SUZANNE Well you are in my book. I am really proud of you and all your doing. JANE Always happy to give my sister a good lead. SUZANNE You have grown so much. JANE I really feel I have found my place. Ive tried so many things, I would have never thought plain old work could be so rewarding. SUZANNE Ive been trying to tell you. do you want to get lunch? So SUZANNE

JANE Always, but I am so busy I dont know if I can.


SUZANNE Well dont be a stranger.

INT. LUXURY CAR DEALERSHIP- DAY LEWIS strolls through a showroom filled with exotic high end cars. Maseratis and Bentleys surround him. He has acquired a new wardrobe of expensive leisure clothes that dont quite sit right on him. The sudden introduction of money cant erase years of wanting. He leans in to inspect a Maserati Quattroporte more closely. SALESWOMAN Its a lovely automobile LEWIS jumps and turns to see a lovely sales woman standing next to him. He remembers this is where he belongs and regains his composure. LEWIS Yes, it really makes a statement. SALESWOMAN I agree. A lot of flashy big shots come in for the Bentleys but the Maserati is for the true connoisseur. Someone who favors style as much as elegance. LEWIS Why shout when you can whisper. SALESWOMAN Or Purr? Would you like to take it for a spin. LEWIS is flush with excitement and ready to drive when... Lewis? A much younger and more vigorous ALEXANDER WELLS approaches. He is not the old man from Holisticon. His has shaved off his beard and has a spring in his step. WELLS (CONTD) How are you? Silly question. LEWIS is annoyed at the interruption, but he relishes being annoyed while shopping for luxury cars. WELLS


LEWIS Things are good. younger.

Youre looking

WELLS Id be a fool not to. Looking at the Maserati? I remember my first. Do you have a minute to talk. Excuse us. WELLS escorts LEWIS away from the saleswoman over to the Bentleys. WELLS Youve really hit the big time Lewis. Changed the game, the world. LEWIS I would have appreciated that kind of praise at Holisticon. WELLS The past is passed. craftsmanship. Look at the

WELLS opens the door of a top of the line convertible Bentley and settles into the drivers seat LEWIS Are you buying? WELLS Bought, picking up my new baby. Its a hybrid, 20 miles per gallon drives like it gets 17. Weve all got to do our part. WELLS pats the passenger seat and beckons LEWIS to sit. LEWIS gets in the car. WELLS (CONTD) Hows business? LEWIS Well we have as much as we can handle, but we are expanding so you know. WELLS Believe me I do. Taking it to the next level is never easy. (MORE)

44. WELLS (cont'd) Have you thought of partnering with a bigger distributor? LEWIS Who did you have in mind? WELLS Listen Lewis, I know we havent always seen eye to eye in the past. Just set that aside for the moment and think about what I can offer. State of the art manufacturing, distribution and logistical support. Things that take years to build up. LEWIS Well manage I know little people people it are WELLS you will, but what about the guy? There are millions of who need this and the only that can get their hands on Beverly Hills housewives.

LEWIS I am trying to boost my supplies but Columbia is getting crazier by the day. WELLS I can take care of that. LEWIS I dont know. WELLS Hey you shouldnt, just think about it. WELLS gets out of the car and walks away. LEWIS remains in the car for a moment. He fiddles with the sun visor and seems impressed. EXT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- LATE AFTERNOON A new top of the line Bentley eases into the parking lot at a stately pace. LEWIS gets out carefully and admires the fruits of his success. He locks it and heads for the office when he is intercepted by a lone protester.


PROTESTOR Rainforest rapist! Indian Molester! Vitamin Nazi! LEWIS What is this about? PROTESTOR Its about Herbalance and its callous disregard for indigenous peoples and the rainforest. LEWIS I am the president of Herbalance and I can assure you that the health of the planet and its people are... PROTESTOR Fascist Double talk! Greenwash! Imperialist Dildo vernacular! LEWIS I know where you are coming from and I sympathize Im happy to talk to you about all of your... PROTESTOR Talking time is done. action now! Direct

The PROTESTOR throws a balloon filled with paint at the front door of Herbalance. It explodes, leaving a bright pink smudge on the door. LEWIS realizes there is nothing left to say and goes inside. INT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- LATE AFTERNOON The past few months have been good to Herbalance. LEWIS walks past CONSUELA who picks up his trail and follows him into their new offices. The lobby walls are hung with magazine covers about Vivelan and its discoverer, The business offices are still being renovated. CONSUELA I talked to Cesar and he said the shipment is on the way, but he had to double his bribes and he thinks the government might be gearing up to seize the whole area.


LEWIS Fantastic! And may I say you are looking lovely! CONSUELA is flattered and blushes. LEWIS is caught off guard by his candor and immediately loses his cool. LEWIS (CONTD) I mean your work, is uh... lovely. Good. Wheres Jane? LEWIS walks to JANEs office and pokes his head in. She is standing at her window looking out at LEWIS new car New car. LEWIS Its a hybrid. JANE Sleek and responsible. LEWIS We all have to do our part. Did you see the protestor? JANE Protestors. LEWIS joins JANE at the window and sees that five other protestors have arrived and are hard at work setting up tents on the lawn. Shit. LEWIS Should we call the police? JANE

JANE What did they say to you? LEWIS I only met one. He called me a fascist and complained about our impact on the rainforest. JANE Well let them stay. They have to go back to college sometime. Have you solved our supply problems? Come see. LEWIS


LEWIS and JANE walk through the offices. LEWIS (CONTD) I really think we are zeroing in on this. Brace yourself, Its humid LEWIS and JANE enter a room filled with pots and irrigation equipment. DAX is tending to the pots. LEWIS brings JANE to a small group covered in plastic wrap. LEWIS (CONTD) How we doing? DAX Not terrible. If you look closely here I think we might be seeing some growth. JANE This is it? Lewis you have got to be kidding me. What the fuck does Dax know about this anyway? DAX I have always had a strong interest in indoor horticulture. JANE We cant afford to keep wasting time like this. Solve this problem or Ill find someone who will! JANE storms out. LEWIS is at a loss.

EXT. SUNSET BOULEVARD- DAY A tan and youthful TONY and SUNSHINE drive down Sunset in TONYS convertible. Music plays and the wind flows through their hair. TONY talks to his agent on his cell, ignoring both SUNSHINE and the road. TONY Yeah, well I am not going in for some second rate knock off of Dangerous Justice. Im a fucking serious actor and I expect... TONYs nearly hits a car that cuts in front of him. TONY Motherfucker! That fucker did that on purpose!


TONY accelerates to catch up to him. SUNSHINE Tony! Let it go Jesus. Youre going to get us killed. TONY Nobody cuts me off! SUNSHINE This is so juvenile. It was your fault! You should be paying more attention to the road. TONY What? Now youre taking his side! Unbelievable. SUNSHINE (Becoming emotional) No Tony... TONY catches the other car at a light and pulls up next to him. TONY Hang on baby. Hey buddy, you cut me off. DRIVER I didnt cut shit bub! You weren't paying any attention and now you want to blame this man! TONY You did cut me off! Goddamn it! You know you did. You dont know anything about the road! You need to go to driving school. DRIVER Well you need to go to bird school. Heres your first lesson. The driver flips TONY the bird at which point TONY flies into a rage and jumps out of his car to attack the DRIVER. The DRIVER is more than happy to oblige and gets out of his car and knocks TONY out with one punch.


INT. GYM- DAY SUZANNE lifts weights while her trainer, HEATHER looks on. HEATHER is not huge but has clearly taken her fitness a few steps too far. SUZANNES focus, usually required to get her old body moving, lies instead on the menagerie of hot young men who populate the gym. HEATHER Good set, you are knocking them out today. SUZANNE Id like to knock him out. Good Luck. SUZANNE Do you think hes out of my league? HEATHER Hes gayer than my hall decking apparel. SUZANNE What about that one? HEATHER Oh Ms. Powell you have been out of the game for too long. Anything you want in here is not swinging your way. SUZANNE Surely there must be somebody. HEATHER scans the gym and spots a balding man wearing supertight Under Armor and a heart rate strap on the treadmill sweating profusely and wheezing. HEATHER There you go. He looks sophisticated. Youve got to move quick though he could pop any second. SUZANNE I dont need sophistication, I need to get laid! What good is all this effort if I never have any fun? HEATHER


HEATHER Come hit the clubs with me. times guaranteed. INT. TELEVISION SCREEN


GAIL POWERS talking head is visible next to a graphic that says Vivelan Nation? GAIL The Vivelan craze continues, but is it a good thing? While elites now have youth on demand, the little guy goes without. It that right? Is Vivelan even safe? Joining me to discuss these questions and others are former Heavyweight Champion Jack Evans and Congressman Jim McLusky. The scene shifts to roundtable format. GAIL is joined in the studio by CONGRESSMAN JIM MCLUSKY, an old firebrand slumping through his tenth term in the house, and via video former heavyweight Champion JACK EVANS. GAIL Welcome Gentleman. First, Jack. You stepped out of the ring 15 years ago and havent really missed a step since. Why are you talking about another title shot? JACK EVANS Well, Gail I tell ya. Sure, I was happy sitting by the pool and hanging out with my kids, but nothing ever can replace being in the ring, and with the punks they got out there today I couldnt say no. GAIL But you did say no until Vivelan. JACK EVANS Hey, you cant box without legs. Im too damn old to get out there getting hit in the head with no damn legs. Now I got a supplements. Loosens up my joints. Puts some pop back in me. (MORE)

51. JACK EVANS (cont'd) And I am going to put some pop on the pretenders who have been calling themselves champion since I left. GAIL Congressman, your take on this? CONGRESSMAN MCLUSKY Well, not to take anything away from that champ, who I think is a great competitor and an inspiration to all of us who are maybe on the wrong side of 50, but I do think it is time we take a more serious look at Vivelan and frankly at the whole supplement industry. GAIL What about some peoples worries that Vivelan is not regulated at all. CONGRESSMAN MCLUSKY That is absolutely a point of interest for me Gail. To think that a substance with such a dramatic effect on the body has no checks or safeguards boggles the mind. JACK EVANS Hey, I am here to tell you this stuff works. My mind is sharp, and my body, well you will get to see it come November. CONGRESSMAN MCLUSKY In your case things look good, but I cant stand by and let Americas children get the message that they can put any old thing they want in their body. And I will be calling for hearings into this when we get back to Washington. INT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- DAY LEWIS stands in his factory talking on his phone and watching his old second hand machines strain as they turn out batch after batch of Vivelan.


JANE (on Phone) Have you seen this McLusky guy? No. INT. CLOTHING BOUTIQUE- DAY JANE talks to LEWIS while buying several sharp new outfits. They have a modern businesswoman feel and are a definite departure from her typical clothing choices. JANE Some Congressman talking about regulation. LEWIS Well I doubt anything will happen. JANE I just got off the phone with Alexander Wells and he is worried. LEWIS walks away from the machines, towards his office LEWIS You spoke to Wells? JANE Yeah he called me about putting together a trade group to oppose any regulation. LEWIS Whatever he wants to put together is bullshit, the guy is a snake. JANE That may be true, but it might not be a bad idea. We are stretched thin as it is and with this whole regulation thing, he might come in handy. LEWIS Honestly, Id rather close than work with him. I cant stand him. JANE He knows the source is in Columbia. Its only a matter of time before finds a way to knock us off. (MORE) LEWIS

53. JANE (cont'd) If we make him an ally we eliminate him as a competitor and can use his resources to defend ourselves against other challenges. LEWIS looks out of his office window and notices that a tv crew is interviewing several people in front of the tent city that has grown outside of Herbalance. LEWIS I dont know. JANE Well you better figure it out! With the way Columbias going, if you cant figure out a way to grow it in house we are going to lose our shirts pretty soon. The line goes silent and LEWIS rubs his forehead, takes a breath and surveys his surroundings. His office is a collection of boxes filled with mementos from his years at Wells International. They remind LEWIS of his life before Vivelan. He taps a bobble head bee from an old bee pollen promotion. This seems to cheer him a little. INT. DANCE CLUB-NIGHT SUZANNE approaches HEATHER and her friends who are gathered at the bar about to take a shot. They are all in their mid twenties and dressed ridiculously slutty. HEATHER SUZANNE! Oh my god I never thought youd come. SUZANNE Whoo, whats that tequila? Patron! Powell. HEATHER Only the best for Ms. This is Anna and Amy.

HEATHER hands SUZANNE a shot. They all throw back their shot. SUZANNE coughs a little, but is determined to let her hair down. SUZANNE Burns, but good. Nice to meet you.


HEATHER Girls, Suzanne is on a mission. Shes letting her hair down and we are... SUZANNE Enough talk! Bartender! Tequila for my girls. Another round of drinks arrive and SUZANNE and the girls throw them back. INT. DANCE CLUB- LATER HEATHER is now completely drunk. Her slutty shirt has gone crooked and her lipstick is smeared. She weaves crosseyed though the thick crowd on the dance floor where she finds SUZANNE dirty dancing with a big bohunk. Suz! HEATHER I got to go.

SUZANNE Come on! I thought we were here to party? Where are the girls? HEATHER Long gone and I should be too. One shot! Laird. SUZANNE You havent even met

HEATHER I would if I could. SUZANNE Alright, I guess Ill have to catch a ride from my man. HEATHER stumbles off as SUZANNE returns to her dirty dancing with renewed vigor. She kissed her partner sloppily as he fondles her. She lets out a primal scream. INT. TELEVISION STUDIO- DAY PENNY is pacing by the elevator clearly agitated. cell phone pressed to her ear. She has a


PENNY Suzanne, its Penny, No idea where you are, Im at the studio... The elevator opens and SUZANNE shuffles in with her head held low. She wears sunglasses and has a sickly hungover complexion. SUZANNE Oh Pen, thank god. PENNY Where have you been? You were supposed to be in make up a half hour ago. SUZANNE I know, and I am sorry. I got caught out late last night. I was just dancing and everything went sideways, couldnt find my keys or car this morning. SUZANNE swoons and giggles. A confused and frustrated PENNY ushers her towards make-up. PENNY Im glad you let off a little steam, but youve got to save that for the weekends. Now get ready! You are due in the studio in twenty minuets. Suzanne takes off her jacket and sunglasses and plops in the make-up chair. SUZANNE Oh Penny youre such a pooper. Everything is under control. PENNY If you say so. SUZANNE Penn, I can handle it. Ive got a new lease on life and I am not letting it go. And why shouldnt I, my joints dont hurt, my knees not sore. Im young. Ive got needs and there is a city full of strapping young men interested in fulfilling them. Its practically my duty.


MAKE-UP LADY Suzanne can you close your eyes. SUZANNE strains to close her eyes. He youthful skin has tightened considerably and previous eye lifts will not yield. PENNY Jesus, you can barely close your eyes. SUZANNE Penny, I appreciate your concern, but your opinions are best kept to yourself. Go organize my notes. INT. FANCY RESTAURANT- DAY JANE POWELL, ALEXANDER WELLS and several other leading lights of the organic supplement industry are finishing lunch with CONGRESSMAN MCLUSKY. The mood is genial. WELLS The marketplace is the regulator. If our products dont work the public doesnt buy them. Its a lot more efficient than a government agency investigating every little thing. MCLUSKY Ive never been a big government guy and I appreciate all of you taking the time to discuss this with me. Now I must be on my way. Everyone stands and exchanges pleasantries. JANE I gave your aid samples of Vivelan and all the relevant literature regarding safety. Thank you. Everyone moves towards the door. WELLS and JANE lag behind. WELLS Thanks for participating. Im frankly surprised you showed up. MCLUSKY


Oh? WELLS Lewis and I dont have the best relationship. JANE He would flip if he knew I was talking to you, but I cant think what else to do. WELLS He can be very short-sighted. JANE Still, I wouldnt be here without him. WELLS The question you need to ask yourself is where could you be without him. JANE Well I wont be anywhere if we cant get our supply problems taken care of. WELLS Id be glad to help. Well see JANE smiles at WELLS. Both glow with their newfound youth. Their attraction is palpable. WELLS Cagey and beautiful. Ms. Powell your talent is being wasted. INT. SOUNDSTAGE- DAY The stage is set for a scene in TONYs comeback movie, The Preternatural. The DIRECTOR, production crew and other cast members are all waiting on a set made to look like a police detectives office. DIRECTOR Where the fuck is Tony? JANE



PA He is in his dressing room. He said he needed to find his muse. DIRECTOR Oh for fuck sake! Get him out here now! EXT. TONYS DRESSING ROOM- DAY The PA knocks on the door. A sexual racket can be heard inside. The PA knocks louder. PA Mr. Mitchell? Hello?

TONY (O.S.) What?!? Godamnit! PA Youre needed on the set. TONY I am on my way. PA Youre needed immediately. TONY bursts from his dressing room agitated and half dressed. A woman does her best to stay out of sight, but catches the PAs eye as TONY storms toward the set. TONY Im here! Im here. DIRECTOR Great. OK every body lets get set. Danni are you ready? DANNI, a ten-year-old girl with an otherworldly quality. Yes. DIRECTOR I just want you to walk slowly towards TONY like youre walking on ice. Put your arms out and focus on his eyes. OK. DANNI DANNI


Tony? Im ready. DIRECTOR Everyone set. OK. The scene starts. TONY stirs his coffee and turns to walk back to his desk. He is confronted by DANNI and freezes. She shuffles towards him and he drops his coffee. Some of it splashes on DANNI, who immediately breaks character. Cut. TONY What the fuck was that?!? DANNI whimpers and runs toward her MOTHER who stares daggers at TONY. DIRECTOR Jesus, Tony calm down. TONY You calm down! Im digging deep here and if I cant get a fucking professional to work with... STAGE MOTHER At least she shows up on time. DIRECTOR Shes ten years old Tony. to take a step back here. You need DIRECTOR TONY


TONY You take a step back. I was making movies when your mama was wiping your face! DIRECTOR I appreciate that. I think we are all aware of your past work. What is important now... TONY Past work? I am the past present and future asshole.


DIRECTOR OK, This isnt going to work. TONY Oh its going to work, its going to work all over your pansy film school ass! TONY launches himself onto the DIRECTOR and a general melee ensues as people try to break up the fight. The DIRECTOR escapes his grasp and moves behind some crew members who try to restrain TONY. TONY punches one of them and is promptly throttled and thrown on the ground. DIRECTOR Call security! Get this asshole out of here. TONY stumbles to his feet and his senses and leaves red-faced with anger and shame. EXT. STUDIO PARKING LOT- DAY TONY finds his car and gets in as SECURITY approaches. SECURITY Mr. Mitchell can we talk to you for a moment. TONY No thats all right. hurry. Thank you. I am in a

TONY starts his car and peels out only to smash right into another car. INT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL GROW ROOM- AFTERNOON LEWIS and DAX crouch over an array of pots and tubes filled with the Vivelan fungus. None of it is thriving. They measures each pot carefully, hoping for some encouraging results. Come on. DAX Maybe we should use more fertilizer. LEWIS


LEWIS completes a graph for his last set of specimens. lines all the way across. No growth. He throws his clipboard down and kicks a pot. EXT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- LATE AFTERNOON


LEWIS exits Herbalance and is surrounded by a crowd of protesters, disgruntled clients and media as he walks to his car. A couple protestors holding a large picture of a clear cut forest littered with dead monkeys step forward PROTESTOR #1 Your hands are stained with monkey blood! PROTESTOR #2 How can you drive around in your Bentley while the rainforest burns to line your pockets. FASCIST! LEWIS Im not a fascist and its a hybrid, and we donate 1% of net profits to rainforest preservation. PROTESTOR #1 Greenwasher! LEWIS pushes past the protesters only to be intercepted by a young man. YOUNG MAN You ruined my life! Your dirty drug took away my dignity! A reporter muscles his way into the throng and shoves a microphone in LEWIS face. REPORTER How do you respond to allegations that Herbalance International is funding right wing death squads in an effort to secure natural resources in Columbia LEWIS Thats absurd. REPORTER So you dont deny it?


LEWIS Deny! Deny! We are doing no such thing. LEWIS makes it to his Bentley and drives away. INT. POLICE STATION- EVENING LEWIS enters and approaches the POLICEMAN in charge. LEWIS Hello, I am here to bail out Tony Mitchell. POLICEMAN Oh Dangerous Justice? Yeah hes here. You his lawyer? LEWIS No I am just of friend of his. POLICEMAN Third floor. EXT. POLICE STATION- EVENING TONY and LEWIS leave the station and walk toward their car. LEWIS What is going on with you? Every time I hear from you its some fucked up thing. You are the face of Vivelan! TONY I dont know what to say Lewis. just flew off the handle. I

LEWIS Youre screaming at ten year olds and punching directors! Theres no handle there its just basic selfcontrol. TONY I know that. Right now I know that. LEWIS You didnt know it then?


TONY Its not that I didnt know it, its just more that it didnt come to mind. I wasnt thinking consequences. LEWIS Well you should start thinking about them. We have a business... TONY notices an attractive young woman walking past. TONY Hey baby, How you doing? looking fine from here. YOUNG WOMAN I have a boyfriend. TONY Well maybe you need a manfriend! The woman walks on without responding. TONY (CONTD) I said maybe you need a man! man! Probably a dyke. Im a Oh youre

LEWIS Are you listening to yourself? TONY I know, I know. Im the bad guy.

TONY and LEWIS get in the car and drive towards TONYs house. TONY (CONTD) So what, you want to go grab a drink? A little jailbreak toast? LEWIS Why dont I just take you home? TONY Yeah I want to talk to you about that. Things havent been so hot between me and Sunshine lately and this isnt going to help. So I might rather go to a hotel. LEWIS How could she not love a man like you?


TONY Well she just doesnt see the big picture. LEWIS The big getting arrested, yelling at ten year olds, hitting on every piece of ass that strolls into your field of view picture? TONY Not just that, although its part of it. I am more than just an actor. I am a lifestyle. I live a fantasy life so jerks in Iowa can go to their jobs in the morning. LEWIS looks at TONY with exasperation. TONY Back in college wed go out and party and Id just get crazy and sometimes things would get out of control. Get kicked out of a bar, maybe throw a punch, whatever. Anybody will tell you thats not the way to be, but that same person will cheer you on when youre doing it. LEWIS You are living the fantasy life of guys in Iowa? TONY In some sense I am. And to truly live up to their expectations nothing can be off limits. Sunshine has trouble with that. LEWIS So youre hiding from your girlfriend because she has a problem with you acting like an asshole so the common man can live an ordinary life? TONY Well, you could say that, but I think it ignores some important...


LEWIS I tell you what. Ill take you home and you can talk to her like a man. If it doesnt work out then you can go kill a deer with your bare hands or have sex with two girls at once while you win the Super bowl or whatever Americas men need to keep their mind off of their terrible lives. But before you do that Tony, as your friend, and I may be your last friend at this point, I urge you to take a look at yourself and pull it together. You are really going off the deep end here. You should thank God that Sunshine talks to you at all the way youve been acting. Go home and beg her to take you back, and when youre done with that we should talk about your deal because... They stop at a light. TONY Thanks for the advice. TONY jumps out of the car and runs away. LEWIS Tony! Jesus. Tony! INT. LEWIS HOUSE- NIGHT LEWIS sits dazed, staring at the television. GAIL POWERS is giving a rundown of recent celebrity misbehavior. GAIL (ON TV) Heavy weight contender Jack Evans wanted tonight for what police are calling a three-day crime spree. The pain train got rolling at a gentlemans club where he and his cronies allegedly drank for hours before getting into a tussle with security. After being ejected Evans harassed passers-by and allegedly robbed a convenience store. His publicist has not returned a call for comment. (MORE) Unbelievable.

66. GAIL (ON TV) (cont'd) Jack Evans troubles are far from unique. In recent months it seems that the rich and famous have really gone off the deep end. Andrea Chong has more... LEWIS perks up and pays closer attention to the story. The television shows footage of two yachts sinking as a young man is lifted by helicopter. Lonnie Truman has always had flair for the dramatic. He built a multibillion-dollar company by taking risks and never backing down. He lived up to his hard earned reputation last spring when he rammed his yacht into a fellow yachtsmen after a perceived slight. Most of the chattering classes chalked the incident up to alcohol and a hard charging attitude. However, some have seen the incident as an indicator of a larger trend. Pop culture expert and author of Why We Love Them: the irresistible pull of powerful people Brian Paulson sees a societal problem. BRIAN PAULSON All societies have exalted individuals that live by different rules that the population at large. They can be religious leaders, politicians, or anyone with a special grasp of what the society values. The recent exploits of some celebrities are no different than the excesses of nobility in Renaissance Europe. LEWIS Where do they get these assholes? Its Vivelan you halfwits! The scene shifts back to GAIL who shifts to a panel format to discuss the issue further. LEWIS is distracted by a telephone. He answers and finds a distraught SUNSHINE on the other end. SUNSHINE Lewis, have you seen Tony?


LEWIS The last I saw of him he was running down Pico Boulevard. SUNSHINE When? Why was he running? LEWIS Sunshine, Tony got fired from the Preternatural. Actually he got arrested from it. What!?! LEWIS He freaked out over something and took it way too far. I bailed him out of jail and was taking home when he made a break for it. SUNSHINE Made a break for it? For what? What the fuck! You dont call anybody? Ive been freaking out! LEWIS Im sorry I should have. Things have been pretty crazy, besides hes an adult. I cant tell him what to do. SUNSHINE Adult? Hes a child, an asshole child. Hes worse, at least children dont know better. LEWIS I couldnt agree more. I was trying to tell him all this when he ran off. SUNSHINE Yeah you should tell him to get off your pills. The phone goes click and LEWIS is left to ponder his rapidly unraveling world. INT SUZANNES HOUSE -DAY SUNSHINE


SUZANNE is asleep in her darkened bedroom. Curtains are drawn to block out the sun, which bleeds through at the cracks and illuminated the musty funk that hangs in the room. Someone is calling her name from outside, but she refuses to stir and focuses on sleep. JANE (O.S.) Suzanne? Suz, Are you here. JANE enters SUZANNES room and throws the curtains wide. Light floods the room and exposes a strikingly young, hung over, and not altogether natural SUZANNE POWELL. Lying next to a young naked roustabout. SUZANNE Christ Jane! Can you find another way to annoy me? JANE Ive been trying to get in touch with you for three days. You dont pick up your phone? Penny said youve been MIA at the BEAT all week. SUZANNE All week? Its Tuesday. I am taking a fucking break! You know all I do is work and I never get anytime for myself. So I took control. Life is for living. Tell her Lance! LANCE Hey sexy sister! JANE Suzanne can you get this bohunk out of our business. SUZANNE Lance is not a bohunk, He is a poet and a mechanic and I find his com... JANE Suzanne, Please. SUZANNE Lance hon, why dont you go get some coffee.


LANCE Im a little light. SUZANNE Theres money in my purse. LANCE leaves, making no effort to cover his naked body. JANE Suzanne what is going on? SUZANNE Whats going on with you? living my life. SUZANNE lights a cigarette. JANE What you smoke now? Youre trashing your reputation. SUZANNE Youre trashing your face! JANE For God sakes you, dont be such a child. SUZANNE A child? Well Ms. Powell I apologize. I hate to interrupt your busy day with my antics. I mean there must be a shaman to see or some new kind of mushroom to hunt down. Forgive me, I beg you. JANE You know what I am busy and I dont need this shit. I had some wild years, Ill admit. SUZANNE Some?!? Youve been living in a Goddamn tent half your adult life. If youre not exploring your consciousness at a rainbow gathering, then your cultivating Blue Cohosh and telling me mutant cows are attacking Americas children. I am


JANE Well, Im not anymore. Im changing the world and youre bringing me down. Get it together! Dont forget that Vivelan saved your job. SUZANNE My job made your success possible and my constant efforts over the past 50 years have kept your head above water and endured every bullshit crisis you could manufacture. Ive got a little life left in me and I am not going to waste it living by your standards. Im going to get laid, get drunk and have a good fucking time! JANE Suzanne, please... SUZANNE Get out of my house! Get out of my life! INT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- DAY LEWIS paces in JANES office. His mind is racing and its clear he hasnt slept much. JANE enters looking fresh and beautiful as ever. LEWIS Where have you been? JANE TCB baby. How are things on the cultivation front? LEWIS We need to pull the plug. JANE And rely on Columbia? never going to get... Lewis we are

LEWIS Its not a supply issue. Vivelan is bad, its destroying people.


JANE What are you talking about? Ive never felt better in my life. Look at this. JANE turns her face towards the light and stares expectantly at LEWIS. What? JANE What? I dont have a crease or crows foot on me. Im glowing! LEWIS I just bailed Tony Mitchell out of jail. The guy is a seething mass of hormones and youthful determination. Hes gone totally nuts. And the boxer, did you see that? Every time I turn on the news someone else has gone off the deep end. I dont what it is, but in addition to making people young, Vivelan also seems to make them crazy. JANE Alexanders not crazy, Im not crazy. LEWIS Alexander? Wells? Whats he got to do... Have you been talking to him? JANE Well someone had to. You think you can just ignore a Congressman? If it wasnt for Wells youd be in testifying right now. LEWIS Fuck him, and fuck you! need this shit. LEWIS storms out. I dont LEWIS


EXT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- DAY LEWIS storms out of the building in a huff only to be confronted by the now constant throng of reporters and protestors encamped outside of the building. REPORTER Mr. Lewis what will you do now that the Columbian government has seized control of the Gobango tribe lands? What? REPORTER This morning, Columbia nationalized all lands capable of supporting the Vivelan fungus. They have imposed a moratorium on all exports. Fantastic! An angry publicity seeking PROTESTOR jumps in between LEWIS and the REPORTER. PROTESTOR Herbalance destroys the rainforest! LEWIS I agree. I am happy to report that Herbalance will no longer produce or import anything that originates in the Amazon rain forest. We are out of the Vivelan business! PROTESTOR You...He...oh. The protestor shuffles off, lost without a cause. INT. WELLS INTERNATIONAL - DAY LEWIS LEWIS

JANE and ALEXANDER WELLS stroll the state of the art halls of Wells International. JANE Hes a maniac. Crazed screaming about his loser friend and Vivelan driving people crazy. (MORE)

73. JANE (cont'd) And then he goes blabbing to the media with no regard for anyone else. WELLS Well he has always been a bit of a mess. JANE And as hes yelling at me he brings you into it, like youre the problem. WELLS Hes not the kind of guy who could handle success. Honestly, I cant say I didnt expect this. JANE Well I hope he cant do any damage. WELLS Lewis will not be a problem. Ive been working on the samples you gave me. WELLS opens a door and they step into a large grow room filled with abundant healthy trays of the Vivelan fungus. WELLS Weve got 10 rooms like this. We are bringing everything in house. six weeks from now well be in every drugstore in the country. JANE Oh Mr. Wells. INT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- DAY LEWIS sits at his desk surfing the internet. Circumstances have left him sleep deprived and haggard. The phone rings and he turns down the ringer. A news site has an article about Wells International. Lewis Reads: Wells International announced plans for a new low cost alternative to Vivelan today. Jane Powell, formerly of Vivelan creator Herbalance, will spearhead the effort in her new role as executive vice president... LEWIS is dumbfounded. CONSUELAs office. He gets up and walks over to


LEWIS Have you seen Jane recently? CONSUELA No but she faxed this. CONSUELA hand LEWIS a one line resignation letter written on Wells International letterhead. CONSUELA Is the company closing? I..maybe. LEWIS Not yet.

CONSUELA Are you OK? LEWIS smiles. LEWIS Wheres Dax? INT. DAXS APARTMENT BUILDING-DAY LEWIS tries the door to find it open. He walks inside and discovers DAX ensconced in a makeshift sensory deprivation tank which is little more than a plastic kiddie pool covered by a tarp. DAX? DAX stirs and emerges from his womb. DAX Lewis! Christ am I glad to see you. I was on the verge of transcending the astral plane and it was getting a little bumpy. LEWIS How long have you been in this thing? DAX Pretty much since you pulled the plug. LEWIS Sorry I didnt let you in on that it was kind of spur of the moment. LEWIS


DAX It was a bit of a shock but it turns out It was a blessing in disguise. DAX picks up a tube connected to a vaporizer and inhales deeply. He blows a lung full of pot smoke under the tarp. DAX (CONTD) I mean, success is a great thing, but its very high pressure. Up tight is not right. Jane quit. LEWIS Shes at Wells now.

DAX Good riddance. She was not our people. At least take comfort in the fact that shes probably a big pain in Wells ass now. Yeah. DAX offers LEWIS a hit off his pot tube. Fuck! LEWIS kicks the kiddie pool and sends a wave of water splashing into the apartment. DAX Hey come on man! Youre going to blow my security deposit. LEWIS Sorry. I just dont know how I let this get away from me. DAX Youre better off. We all are. The whole thing has been nothing but stress from day one. LEWIS Ive unleashed an evil force into the world. You try to something good and you wind up turning people into assholes. LEWIS (CONTD) LEWIS declines. LEWIS


DAX People were always assholes. Vivelan just gave the old ones a little more energy. LEWIS Ive got to stop them. If this gets into mainstream America... DAX Lewis, seriously youre overestimating people. Theres nothing to save. Anybody in this country with a brain in their head is looking inward. Society has been over for years. You should get yourself an iso tank. LEWIS I cant let this stand. Ive got to do something. DAX Good luck, but dont get your hopes up. You know where to find me. DAX pulls the tarp back over the kiddie pool as LEWIS moves to leave. INT. SUZANNES OFFICE- DAY SUZANNE sits in chair with bags under her newly young eyes. Her phone is ringing incessantly. Despite her fatigue, her face holds the surprised look that has been a fixture since she became young. Her ever more youthful face cant hide the fact that her spirit is drained. She is watching an Internet video of her making out sloppily with a young nihilistic rock star outside of a club. She is dressed in an extremely short skirt and revealing top. She stumbles and falls into the gutter, legs akimbo, She gets up, laughing and whooping hysterically and flashes her breasts. PENNY knocks and enters. SUZANNE closes the video. PENNYY Hey how are you doing? Not well. PENNY Not to pile it on, but you have messages from everyone. SUZANNE


SUZANNE Are any good? PENNY Not that I see, but Robert Lewis called again. That may be neutral. SUZANNE Well thats something. PENNY On the less than good side, your agent is probably the most friendly, after that its indignation all the way down the line. SUZANNE All this and a hangover. Why God?

PENNY Looks like you might have a hickey there too. SUZANNE sinks in her chair. PENNY Chin up! Everyone loves a comeback. This is a two week story tops. The sooner you start taking calls the sooner it will be over. Im here if you need anything. Thanks. PENNY leaves and SUZANNE picks up a mirror to examine her potential hickey. While scrutinizing her neck she makes eye contact with her reflected self at an odd angle. Her glow from the early days of Vivelan has dimmed, replaced by the wan pallor of youth misspent. She doesnt recognize the person looking at her. SUZANNE is overcome with emotion. Her phone begins ringing. She composes herself, braces for the worst and picks up. Hello. LEWIS (ON PHONE) Suzanne, Its Robert Lewis. Ive been trying to reach you. SUZANNE SUZANNE


SUZANNE Oh hello Lewis, I just got your message. LEWIS We need to talk, can you meet me? SUZANNE Im sorry but I am really overscheduled right now. LEWIS Vivelan is bad. Tony Mitchell freaked out and it seems everyone who is taking it is turning into a complete asshole. SUZANNE So youre calling me an asshole too? LEWIS No, OK. Uh, poor choice of words, its more complicated than that. It has a hold of your sister and ... SUZANNE Listen Lewis I really have a lot on my plate right now. I will give you a call when I get a moment. OK? LEWIS OK, but youve got.. SUZANNE All right, thanks. SUZANNE hangs up and resumes looking at her hickey. INT. HOTEL CONFERENCE ROOM- MORNING CONGRESSMAN JIM MCLUSKY is the key note speaker at a fund raising event. He stands before the audience transformed, a politician in his prime. His deep tan and thick hair give him the air of a golden boy which he carries off with aplomb. MCLUSKY ...I want to thank you very much for listening to me prattle on here this morning. (MORE)

79. MCLUSKY (cont'd) Now if any one has any questions I would be happy to answer them. The first person in line is LEWIS. He does not carry the stress of the past few weeks well. He looks tired and drawn, but his eyes are intense and focused. A countenance that veers a little too close to deranged. He seizes the microphone, which gives off a squeal of feedback. LEWIS Congressman Mclusky some time ago you said you would call for hearings on the safety of herbal supplements, specifically Vivelan. Why havent you taken action. MCLUSKY Thank you. That is a good question and I think it is a great example of what Ive been talking about today. My staff did a careful investigation of the issues and I myself met with industry leaders and made my concerns known. They were receptive and we have seen how successful Vivelan and other products are in the marketplace and that is really the kind of innovation I try to encourage. LEWIS But, if I may follow up. MCLUSKY Weve got a lot of people who want to ask questions if you stick around we can speak afterwards. Next question you sir. The next person reaches for the mic, but LEWIS refuses to give it up. LEWIS You are in the back pocket of Alexander Wells... A SECURITY PERSON grabs the mic from LEWIS and they begin to tussle. MCLUSKY Now calm down out there. Ive known Alexander Wells for a long time and I call him a friend. (MORE)

80. MCLUSKY (cont'd) And I think he has the kind of entrepreneurial spirit and patriotism that this country needs more of. This moves the audience to applause. LEWIS has lost the room and is hustled out by security. MCLUSKY points to the woman behind LEWIS MCLUSKY Your question? INT. NETWORK EXECUTIVE OFFICES- DAY SUZANNE and her AGENT sit at along table with the EXECUTIVES responsible for the Beat. The mood is sober and business like. EXECUTIVE Suzanne we are your biggest fans, but your behavior of late is making it impossible to support you. AGENT May I say something? Suzanne is the Beat. Without her you have another news magazine clone. She built it from nothing and has put all her energy into it. EXECUTIVE All that is true and it is also irrelevant if she keeps flashing her tits at nightclubs! SUZANNE Hey, hello? First lets talk about me like I am in the room. Suz... SUZANNE Can it Marty! I sat here four years ago during my contract negotiations and was told I was too old. I am not attracting the young viewers. I have integrity but no zip, no spice. Well, Ive got spice now! Ratings are high and people talk about the show. AGENT


EXECUTIVE People laugh about the show. They are watching it because its a train wreck! SUZANNE So what? Who gives a shit? Eyes are on me. Thats what matters. Ive made nothing but sacrifices to keep these eyes on me and if I have a little fun once in a while then thats my business. EXECUTIVE Do you even believe what youre saying? Come on Suzanne, Its a news show. Your behavior taints the whole news department. SUZANNE News? Its a fucking tabloid! EXECUTIVE The content is tabloid, the image is respectable. Its a balance lots of people can strike. SUZANNE Listen to you. Sounds like youve been on TV all your life. Please give me more wisdom. EXECUTIVE Im not on TV. I decide who is. You are in danger of losing support of the network. Act accordingly. SUZANNE storms out of the office followed by her AGENT. Goddamnit! Calm down. SUZANNE You calm down! As a matter of fact, dont calm down. Youre fired! AGENT You dont mean that. Just breathe and think for a second. (MORE) AGENT SUZANNE

82. AGENT (cont'd) We are in the middle of a tenuous situation here. Youve got to address your behavior if you hope to get out from under this. SUZANNE How can I address it? AGENT Perhaps address is the wrong word. Im thinking more blame. What about this Lewis guy? SUZANNE The Vivelan guy? What, I should blame him? AGENT Not him so much as Vivelan itself. He thinks its hurting people, you acted crazy. Put the two together and you got yourself a great human interest story that exonerates you and puts The Beat on top of the most compelling story of recent times. SUZANNE I dont know. AGENT Think about it. INT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL LEWIS OFFICE- LATE AFTERNOON LEWIS desk is covered with newspapers and tabloids containing articles on strange Vivelan related behaviors. He is focused on an internet news site featuring a front-page story are on a sex scandal involving CONGRESSMAN MCLUSKY. A video link is playing. NEWSCASTER (ON COMPUTER) Congressman Jim McLusky was literally caught with his pants down in the elevator at the Capital building on Monday night. The tenterm Congressman and his longtime aide were engaged in behavior more recently restricted to the oval office. His office has not released a statement, although calls for his resignation have been issued by many of his colleagues. (MORE)

83. NEWSCASTER (ON COMPUTER) (cont'd) Joining me to discuss the all the implications are Washington Watch editor, Dana Bick, and sex columnist, Louise Blue. Dana what are the implications for McLusky and the Congress as a whole? DANA Well that remains to be seen. The first question is what happens to McLusky. The obvious answer is resignation, but he is a good operator and may not go quietly. As for the effect this has on the Congress as a whole? I guess the public can find a way to respect them less than they already do, but theyre already scraping the bottom of the barrel. The phone rings. Hello. SUZANNE Lewis, Its Suzanne Powell. LEWIS Suzanne! How are you? Have you seen this Congressman? Hes exactly what I was talking about and I think hes in cahoots with Alexander Wells and your sister. Theyre off the deep end. They stole Vivelan and are going to unleash... SUZANNE Calm down Lewis. I have been thinking about the issues you raised and want to explore them further. LEWIS First you have to get off Vivelan. I have a dozen stories here about perfectly normal people behaving like total jackasses. It warps your mind, makes you behave like an idiot. LEWIS


SUZANNE I am well aware of the downsides. Im off it and trying to repair the damage its done. LEWIS How do you feel? Are you aging?

SUZANNE Its like the end of spring break. I feel like shit and regret most of what Ive done. Im aging at an accelerated pace but doctors are monitoring me. That is all part of the story I am doing. INT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- LATER LEWIS walks through the now empty halls of Herbalance and comes to his last employee, CONSUELA. LEWIS It looks like this is it. CONSUELA has already packed up all of her belongings in anticipation of this moment and takes it with the best cheer she can muster. CONSUELA It has been a pleasure. LEWIS Hopefully, I wasnt too bad of a boss. CONSUELA smiles sheepishly. LEWIS (CONTD) Anyway, Ive got a month severance for you... Did you want to go out to dinner? A date? LEWIS Well...more of a...actually yes a date. Did you want to go out on a date with a recently unemployed CEO? And dont let the severance sway you. CONSUELA


CONSUELA Id like that. EXT. HERBALANCE INTERNATIONAL- LATER LEWIS walks toward his car with a spring in his step. Hes grown a little backbone and he wears it well. He slows his pace as he approaches his car. A grimy bohemian in his early twenties who looks like he hasnt slept for several days stands nearby, tagging the side of Herbalance headquarters. LEWIS Hey! What do you think youre doing? BOHEMIAN Taking it to the streets! LEWIS Listen we are shut down. Youll have to protest TONY What dont you recognize me? LEWIS looks closely and recognizes that the bohemian is actually TONY MITCHELL Tony? TONY Glad to see my youthful good looks havent obscured my true self. LEWIS What the fuck are you writing on my building? TONY Def maCHine, Its my tag man. Keep an eye out, its all over the place. LEWIS What is the point? TONY Fame baby. Everyone who sees that says my name. Spreads my seed. LEWIS


LEWIS notices a band of tribal looking skulls tattooed around TONYs neck. LEWIS Youre an actor, youre already fam... What is that? A tattoo? TONY Yeah, pretty sweet huh? Its a Pacific Islander charm. Protects me against bad voodoo. LEWIS Has there been a lot of pacific island voodoo directed at you? TONY Lost my job, girlfriend. Got arrested. Then I got this bad boy and I havent had a lick of trouble since. Plus it doesnt hurt with the ladies. LEWIS Tony, seriously. We have to talk. Vivelan is bad. The youth is going to your head. I think you might be in the midst of a major psychological breakdown. TONY Its more of a rebirth than a breakdown. I am changing, growing. The impossible is possible. I am creating order from chaos. LEWIS Jesus, listen to yourself, when was the last time you slept? TONY The last time I slept was the last time you looked in the mirror and admitted the promise of your youth was broken. LEWIS Promise? Does this have something to do with the people in Iowa? TONY You promised yourself action and now youre old and slow. (MORE)

87. TONY (cont'd) Well not me. I need action. That is what gets people out of bed in the morning. Hell I made a career as a pretender to action. Now Im going to do it for real. TONY does some Capoeria moves to prove his point. LEWIS Tony youre ranting. Come on, come get a cup of coffee with me. TONY No. Man. I didnt come for coffee, I came for action. I came to rescue you from this bullshit. How? Chiapas! LEWIS Mexico? Tony, Vivelan is clouding your judgment. You must stop taking it... TONY One step ahead of you my man. Vivelan only really works in concert with Mescaline. After the whole blow up with the movie I went out to Joshua Tree and pitched a tent. Met some cool people out there. We hung out and they woke me up to the plight of Subcomandante Marcos and the Zapatistas. Taught me this. TONYS attempts a spinning kick which goes awry and dents LEWIS car door. Come on! TONY You dont own this car, it owns you! Set yourself free LEWIS It doesnt sound unappealing. I tell you what. I will think about it. (MORE) LEWIS TONY LEWIS

88. LEWIS (cont'd) In the meantime, you can stay here and we figure out our next move... TONY Fuck that I am in the best shape of my life. The longer I sit the weaker I become. What ever doesnt kill me. LEWIS Can you come by tomorrow? TONY Adventure Lewis! This isnt something you sit on your ass and think about. Youve got to seize it! LEWIS This is a huge mistake. professional help. You need

TONY Thats what they said about the Wright Brothers. LEWIS Yes, but the Wright Brothers werent strung out on some acid bender. TONY Thats your judgment. Good luck with the imperialists. EXT. JANES APARTMENT- EVENING A slightly older SUZANNE knocks on JANEs door. It is answered by an amazingly vibrant and fresh-faced JANE. JANE Suzanne! Ive been missing you come in! JANE opens the door and she and SUZANNE step inside and settle on the couch. SUZANNE First, I want to apologize. I got way out of control and lashed out at you. Im sorry.


JANE All is forgiven. God knows Ive been on the other end. So how have you been? SUZANNE Havent seen the papers lately? JANE Honestly Ive been so deep into work I havent thought about anything else for weeks. SUZANNE Well, I got crazier and things got a little out of control. Nothing that cant be fixed, but given another chance I would have kept my top on. JANE Wow, well at least your boobs are young. SUZANNE A silver lining I suppose. JANE Do you want some tea? You look tired. SUZANNE Bad publicity is a lot more resilient than good. Cleaning things up takes a lot of work. JANE Youre beloved. People love redemption. I see it with Alexander. SUZANNE Are you happy with him? JANE I really am. He genuinely appreciates me and the work we are doing is going to change the world. Edenex is light years ahead of Vivelan. Like the name? Its mine. With the release of this product I really believe we are on the cusp of returning to Eden.


SUZANNE I dont know Jane. I dont feel like Ive been to paradise. After my incident I stopped taking it completely and I feel better for it. JANE Youre not going to blame your troubles on Vivelan. It saved your career and your looks. You told me you had never felt better. SUZANNE My body felt great but my brain was another story. I didnt come here to fight or anything. People handle things differently. I havent seen a lot of good things come out of it. JANE Im glad youre not here to fight. A little less excited that youre here to judge. SUZANNE This isnt a personal attack. just what... Its

JANE This is so personal Suzanne. This is deeply personal. My success, my relationship, my future and you havent seen a lot of good things. SUZANNE Oh come on. JANE You cant stand that I dont need you. You know every time I needed your help, I had to endure your responsible lady act. You would step out of your busy and important life and help your goofball sister. I cant be a success in your world. SUZANNE Youre being ridiculous...


JANE See, you reduce to me to a child every time. It distracts you from the fact that you are alone. SUZANNE Im not alone. I have an asshole sister! SUZANNE gets up to leave, visibly angry and upset. JANE Wait. Im sorry that was completely shitty. I dont mean that. I just want you to respect me. Im sorry. SUZANNE Youre half right anyway. I do respect you. These pills Im less certain about. Im doing a story on it or off it. Im doing a story on getting off it and the effect it has on me. Like it or not, there have been a lot of newly young people freaking out lately. It doesnt reflect on you... JANE Stop. You dont have to explain. I understand. All I ask is that you report it evenly and give us a chance to respond. SUZANNE Absolutely, I am devoting an hour to it and was hoping to close with a panel featuring Wells and Lewis. JANE Is that where all this is coming from? From personal experience I can tell you that guy is selling nothing but sour grapes. He didnt have a problem with anything until I started dealing with Alexander. He is a creepy, frustrated guy. SUZANNE I promise you will be able to address all of his claims.


JANE Thats all I ask. INT. SUZANNES OFFICE-DAY SUZANNE sits at her desk going over notes for her show. PENNY Suzanne, your sister and Alexander Wells are in the green room. SUZANNE Ill be right there SUZANNE stands to go and rubs her sore neck. again. She composes herself INT. BEAT TELVISION STUDIO GREEN ROOM- DAY Old pains back

JANE and WELLS sit on the couch waiting for their appearance. SUZANNE enters. Hello. JANE jumps up and hugs SUZANNE. JANE May I present Alexander Wells. WELLS Hello Suzanne. Its nice to meet you. SUZANNE A pleasure. Jane sings your praises. WELLS And she does so with the voice of an angel. She is an extraordinary woman and her work is going to change millions of lives. SUZANNE Im sure she has told you I am less sure of the benefits. WELLS I think you will change your mind. SUZANNE


SUZANNE Ive got to get back. anything. INT. STUDIO- MAKE UP- DAY

If you need

LEWIS sits anxiously alone in the make-up chair, he looks pale and a little haggard. A make up artist works on the considerable bags under his eyes. A tan, fit and youthful ALEXANDER WELLS enters. WELLS Lewis, good to see you. Hi. WELLS Quite a ride huh? I tell you, Ive done a lot of television appearances but I still get nervous every time. Oh. WELLS Listen, I know weve had our differences in the past. I think moving forward you are going to see that were not so far apart. LEWIS make up is complete Excuse me. INT. TELEVISION SCREEN LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS

The screen is filled with the image of an older SUZANNE POWELL on the set of the Beat. She is still younger looking than before she started treatment, but the affects are clearly wearing off. SUZANNE Its been hailed as a blessing and scorned as a curse. Its implications are so fundamental and far ranging it will be years before its true impact is known. I am talking about Vivelan. (MORE)

94. SUZANNE (cont'd) Tonight on the verge of a nation wide roll out of another age reversing pill we look back at its impact for good and ill on individuals and society at large. For some, myself included, Vivelan has had a direct and dramatic impact on every aspect of life. When we ran our first story I was a woman on the cusp of her fifties. Today, doctors estimate the age of my body at 38. A miracle? Maybe, but not a free lunch. My newfound physical youth was accompanied by an emotional break down. A second adolescence that saw me make the kind of judgment calls more often associated with wayward teens than responsible adults. Some including Vivelans discoverer, Robert Lewis, now believe that this kind of behavior is a direct result of Vivelan. We will investigate these issues and sit down with Dr. Lewis and renowned holistic health expert Alexander Wells to talk about the new low cost version he is producing that will be available nationwide next month. All tonight on the Beat. INT. STUDIO- DAY SUZANNE collects her notes as LEWIS and WELLS are led in. A tape of her doctor segment plays in the background as they prepare. Good. SUZANNE (ON MONITOR) How has Vivelan affected my body? DOCTOR (ON MONITOR) Where to start? Well you were a perfectly healthy 49 year-old-woman when you started on it. From pretty much the first day everything changed. Your bone mass increased, skin became firmer and tighter, your whole system went into reverse. STUDIO TECH


SUZANNE (ON MONITOR) I felt great but also a little unhinged. SUZANNE A quick introduction and we will get right into the questions. Try not to talk over each other. DOCTOR (ON MONITOR) Yes, it certainly affected your hormones. You essentially went back into puberty and behaved accordingly. WELLS Absolutely, break a leg Lewis. SUZANNE (ON MONITOR) Behavior that has ceased since I went off of Vivelan. OK, thanks DOCTOR (ON MONITOR) That is probably the most interesting aspect of this whole thing. When you first went off of it, your body went into withdrawal and seemed to be aging at an accelerated pace. Now that your system is clean, the aging has slowed somewhat. Although it remains to be seen if it will return to normal or if you have permanently altered your system. SUZANNE (ON MONITOR) Will I continue to age at an accelerated pace? DOCTOR (ON MONITOR) Only time will tell. Graphics roll as the studio readies for the interview. Everyone settles and the focus shifts to SUZANNE at her anchor desk flanked by LEWIS and WELLS. LEWIS


SUZANNE As Vivelan changed me so has its success changed it. After its initial introduction and success, the Columbian Government seized all sources of its active ingredients. Robert Lewis ceased production and his partner left for Wells International. Now with only weeks to go until Wells rolls out its answer to Vivelan,Edenex, Robert Lewis has come out against all age reversing treatments. Joining me to discuss all this are Robert Lewis and Alexander Wells. Good evening gentlemen. WELLS and LEWIS are seated next to one another and the contrast is striking. WELLS tan youthful appearance makes LEWIS look pale and old by comparison. WELLS Glad to be here Suzanne. Hello. SUZANNE Mr. Lewis why have you come out against these products? LEWIS Well, as I think youve already explained this is something that looks good on the surface, but really winds up doing more harm than good. I personally have seen people go from normal and well adjusted to totally irresponsible in the course of taking it. WELLS May I just say something here? Ive known Robert for a long time. We are both in the business of bringing people natural solutions that improve their health and quality of life. Robert Lewis is a good man, but he is flat wrong. And frankly, I think he is mixing business and science on this. LEWIS


LEWIS Oh come on! I gave up millions when I shut down. WELLS Suzanne, may I continue? Please. WELLS Properly manufactured, products like Vivelan are completely safe and I for one think its quite a stretch to say that people like Jack Evans and Tony Mitchell and their behavior represent a good sample group. Hollywood and sports have been filled with bad behavior and foolishness since time began. SUZANNE Just to play devils advocate here, I never had so much as a speeding ticket before I started on Vivelan and I found myself doing things I never thought I would. WELLS I know its popular in America today to try to find a cause for everything that goes wrong and in most cases people bend over backwards to find it as far away from them as possible, but at some point you have to look in the mirror and take responsibility for the decisions you made. SUZANNE Medical doctors have documented the swings in my hormones that contributed to those decisions. WELLS That is very true, and I dont want to cast aspersions here, but Lewis comes from a marketing background and as a result Vivelan was somewhat unsophisticated. (MORE) Suzanne

98. WELLS (cont'd) I cant give him enough credit for his discovery, but my research team and me personally have worked very hard on Edenex and really refined it to a much higher standard. LEWIS The dose isnt the problem. Go down to Columbia and have a look at the Gobango. Theyre as crazy as loons. WELLS Im going to stop you right there. May I speak? Suzanne? Go ahead. WELLS The Gobango people live a very different life than us, but that doesnt mean we cant learn something from them. And it certainly doesnt mean we should mock their culture. They may appear primitive, but they have provided us with the most sophisticated weapon in the battle against infirmity the world has ever seen. Its easy to make fun of them for standing in the jungle in loin cloths, but they listen to mother nature and she told them a secret that is poised to liberate us all from the ravages of time and for that we should respect them. SUZANNE Gobangos aside, isnt there some danger that a substance with such a dramatic effect unleashed on a large scale could destabilize society? WELLS I have a great deal of respect for the American people. They are a mature, intelligent and fundamentally good people. I am sure society will adjust and be better for this. (MORE) SUZANNE

99. WELLS (cont'd) What seems to be getting lost in this whole conversation is the power for good that this represents. People suffering from the pain and debilitation of old age are going to reclaim their vitality. Just think of that. LEWIS Youre selling a fantasy. Feeling good isnt being good. The whole notion of eternal youth is flawed. A society filled with eternally young people is bound to selfdestruct. Why worry about doing something wrong when you always have more time to fix it? Dying keeps people honest. WELLS I disagree. SUZANNE And that will have to be the last word. Thank you gentlemen. WELLS Its been a pleasure. Thanks. The piece ends and WELLS and LEWIS both get up. JANE enters. WELLS Really thank you Suzanne. JANE Oh, honey you were great! SUZANNE Thank you, Lewis. I think you got through to a lot of people tonight. WELLS I hope we can be friends in the future. LEWIS Yeah, well thanks I will... uh goodbye. LEWIS


EXT. TELEVISION STUDIO- DAY LEWIS walks to his car and tries to get the door open. fumbles with the keyless entry and hits his car in frustration. Goddamnit! LEWIS gets the door open and sits in his car. has blown it. He is dejected. INT. LEWIS HOME- NIGHT A month has passed and Edenex is on the verge of its retail rollout. LEWIS and CONSUELA sit on his couch drinking and flipping through the channels on the television. He stops on the news channel. GAIL (ON TV) Just a few hours to midnight, and in many stores across the country there have been lines forming for days in the anticipation of the retail release of Edenex. Jose Campos reports. JOSE CAMPOS The excitement has been building for weeks and these intrepid souls are hoping to be among the first to sample the hotly anticipated Edenex, which before today was only available to those with a great deal of disposable income. Hello ma'am how long have you been waiting? WOMAN IN LINE I got out here last night. JOSE CAMPOS And what do you hope to get out of this? WOMAN IN LINE Well for one my figure back. And my youth. The line cheers in general agreement. As Jose moves down to the front of the line. He knows he LEWIS He


JOSE CAMPOS Now you maam cant be more than thirty, why are you in this line? YOUNG WOMAN Im flattered but I am thirty-five. JOSE CAMPOS Still pretty young. YOUNG WOMAN Pretty young is the new very old. Why wait? I liked being twenty-two and thats where I am going. The crowd cheers her own. JOSE CAMPOS There you have it Gail. We are truly entering a new age. GAIL Thank you Jose. How this will affect... LEWIS shuts off the TV, gets up and paces his apartment. He studies his wall, which is covered with pictures of him from his travels in South America. He looks into a mirror and wonders where he went wrong. LEWIS What do you say we get out of here? INT. LARGE OFFICE BUILDING-DAY LEWIS emerges from an elevator with a bounce in his step. There is not an old person in sight. He walks past a newsstand and shutters at the sight of ALEXANDER WELLS on the cover of several magazines. He browses further and sees a news magazine with a cover story about Subcomandante Marcos. TONY MITCHELL is flanking him in the background, looking every bit the revolutionary. LEWIS smiles and scans the lobby. He sees a woman and camera crew and notices it is SUZANNE. SUZANNE looks very much like she did before she started taking Vivelan. He approaches. LEWIS Suzanne! Hey what are you doing here?


SUZANNE Lewis? Hello, I might ask you the same question. LEWIS I just closed some accounts. Im moving to Costa Rica. What about you? SUZANNE Oh I am doing a segment for my new show. LEWIS What happened to the Beat? SUZANNE Gail Powers. Apparently I am only appealing to baby boomers. LEWIS Theyve been disappearing at an amazing pace. SUZANNE There are still a few of us left. And its actually been really good to get back to reporting. Less pressure more interesting. LEWIS There should be no shortage of stories. They walk outside into a transformed world. There is a great deal of graffiti and trash. All the billboards are filled with hyper sexualized ads. Many of the cars that pass are fully customized with all kinds of flashy accessories. LEWIS It looks like the end of history. SUZANNE You never know. It could be the beginning. LEWIS Either way I am not going to stick around. SUZANNE Trading it all for a patch of sand?


LEWIS I cant take this place anymore, plus my girlfriends got family down there so... SUZANNE Sounds pretty good LEWIS Couldnt be worse than this. They approach LEWIS Bentley, which has the window smashed and a young THUG leaning in trying to steal the stereo. LEWIS Hey get the hell away from there. LEWIS tried to grab the THUG, but he twists free and runs away. THUG Later grandpa! LEWIS presses his keyless entry, which sets off the car alarm. He presses it again. And opens the door to his car and brushes glass off the seat. LEWIS Do you believe this? I mean you got a little crazy, but some of these people have just gone right over the edge. SUZANNE Its a second chance. can handle it. Not everyone

LEWIS Yeah, well Ive got to get going. You dont know anyone who would want to buy a slightly damaged car do you? SUZANNE No one comes to mind. LEWIS Its a hybrid.(beat) Keep your ear to the ground. Good luck. SUZANNE


LEWIS Dont trust anyone under 30. LEWIS gets in his car and drives away. THE END

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