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Andrew Langford, Group Chief Executive FBD Insurance Bluebell, Dublin 12 Ireland Dear Mr Langford, I am writing to appeal to FBD Insurance to stop offering cover to those involved in animal cruelty activities. I was dismayed to learn from an FBD Liability Insurance booklet that your company "provides cover for damage caused to property or injuries caused to third parties while you are hunting on horseback" and that "you are covered under your public liability insurance for any injury or damage that these animals may cause to members of the public or their property [at hunts]." I call on FBD to end this pro-hunt policy. By offering coverage to hunters, your company is facilitating the continuation of foxhunting - an extremely cruel and barbaric activity that a majority of Irish people want made illegal. Hunting involves the terrorisation of foxes - a pack of hounds and a group of hunters chase the defenceless animals to exhaustion. When caught by the hounds, foxes are ripped apart. Those that try to find refuge underground are dug out with spades and killed. It is extremely surprising that a modern insurance company would in any way seek to associate with those involved in this deplorable, internationally condemned cruelty. Furthermore, for a company with its roots in the agricultural sector, it is ironic that FBD is facilitating an activity which Poses a threat to biosecurity - hunt hounds can spread serious disease as the hunts passes from farm to farm. Causes stress and inconvenience to farmers trying to keep hunts off their land. Results in damage to pastures and farm boundaries. Causes disturbance and death to livestock.

FBD Insurance please show compassion for the foxes, and the farmers plagued by hunts, and immediately scrap this hunt cover. Thank you. I look forward to your response. Yours sincerely,


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