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Using laptop can damage our eyes

1. Do you like to use laptop? a. Yes (1) b. No (2) 2. How often you use laptop? a. Always (1) b. Sometime (2) c. Seldom (3) d. Never (4) 3. How bright of your laptop when your laptop when you use it? a. 100% (1) b. More than 50% (2) c. 50% (3) d. Less than 50% (4) 4. Have you ever feel different with your eyes when you use laptop? a. Yes, always (1) b. Sometime (2) c. No, never (3) 5. Do your eyes feel weird after you use laptop? a. Always (1) b. Sometime (2) c. Never (3) 6. Do you want to increase the bright when you use laptop? a. Yes (1) b. No (2)

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