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Under the Blood Red Sun Quiz


1. Keet was Tomi’s ________.

A. Friend
B. Bully
C. Role module
D. All of the above

2. Billy was Tomi’s ________.

A. Girl Friend
B. Best Friend
C. Enemy
D. Punching Bag

3. Rico got his scar from a _________.

A. Gang Fight
B. Fighting a police man
C. Getting hit by a baseball
D. None of the above

4. Tomi, Rico, Billy, and Mose are part of a Baseball

team called the ____.
A. Haoles
B. Kaka’ako Boys
C. Rats
D. Mick Sluggers

5. Rico’s 16-year-old cousin’s name is _______.

A. Gorge
B. Elaina
C. Josh
D. Esther

6. Billy’s friends are _________.

1= Rico 2= Tomi
3= Keet 4= Mose
A. 1/2/4
B. 2/3/4
C. 1/8/3/4
D. 7/3/4

7. Haole means _____.

A. White
B. Black
C. Brown
D. People

8. Tomi’s grandfather was born in _______.

A. Hawaii
B. Japan
C. Mexico
D. China
9. A ______was cherished in Tomi’s family.
A. Shrine of Tomi’s Grandma
B. Ball of rice
C. Katana
D. Big fish

10. Kimi is _____.

A. Billy’s sister
B. Keet’s brother
C. Mari’s imaginary friend
D. Tomi’s sister

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