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He Loved Me [ONESHOT] That day was cold but beautiful.

The snow was as soft as sugar, and the sunshine peeked through the clouds. As wonderful as it sounded, Yoona just wasn't feeling so wonderful at the moment. "He just doesn't love me," Yoona muttered under her breath. She and Donghae had been going out for a few years already. It was surreal. Everyday it was like a dream that she couldn't wake up from. She just couldn't believe that she could be in love with the sweetest boy on earth, and that he could love her back. Or so she thought. She didn't know when she started to doubt him Was it when he refused her offer to go on a date a few weeks earlier? Saying that he had to work instead? It was petty, but Yoona was hurt. She tried to understand him. It was his dream to be a top executive at Kim Corp. and now he was. She didn't want to ruin it. But she couldn't help but wonder. Wasn't she more important? She had always put him first. Why couldn't he do that for her? Yoona decided to break up with him. If he couldn't be as sincere as she was, he wasn't the right one for her. "I need to talk to you," she said curtly into the phone. "Err... I'm at work right now..." Donghae's voice met her ears through the phone. She rolled her eyes and replied, "Fine, I'll meet you there." The secretary glanced up at Yoona and smiled. "Why, it's Mrs. Lee herself," she joked. "How may I help you?" Yoona giggled but sighed. Though she was used to the secretary call her that, this time, she was just uncomfortable. "I would like to see Mr. Lee, ma'm." "Yah, cut that formal talk. Just go right into his office. He isn't busy right now." Yoona smiled politely and went in. The cair behind the desk in the office swiveled around, revealing a tired looking man with dark cirles under his eyes. Most likely form working long hours at night, Yoona thought bitterly. "Donghae..."

"Pleas make it quick. I need to get back to work soon," "Exactly... you need to get back to work. Do you care about me at all anymore? You don't pay attention to me anymore. We don't spend time toghether at all because all you do is: work, work, and more work. DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME?!" Yoona's desperate, hysterical voice rose. Donghae's eyes widened. "Yoona... of course I-" "NO YOU DON'T!" Yoona abruptly cut him off, sobbing as she ran out the door. He was in a shock. She denied his love? His heart just broke at the thought of it. Are we over? Yoona ran past the stunned secretary, not caring that tears were running down her face. Minutes later, Donghae woke up from his reverie. I have to go after her, was all that he thought, and started to run after her. She wiped her tears countless times, but they kept coming. She loved him. It pained her to break up with him. It took her a long time to reach this decision and at the end, it hurt. But her hope was lost. But perhaps there was still a tiny piece left that still clung to the fact that maybe, just maybe, he would come running after her. No, she shook her head, and proceeded to walk down the crosswalk. As she walked down the crosswalk, the light changed into green, and the cars started to go... "YOONA! NO!" An all too familiar voice stopped her in her tracks and a pair of strong, warm arms pushed her back to the safety of the sidewalk and whispered a work for only her to hear. Saranghae. It was only just above a whisper, but he said it with such conviction and feeling that Yoona could feel it deep inside of her heart that he meant it. But it was too late. Yoona looked on in horror ast the first car ran over the the said man. And it wasn't over. The cars just kept coming. "Stop, STOP!" Yoona cried out in desperation. But they never stopped until they stopped coming. Blood sprayed. But Yoon'as eyes were only focused on the dead, limp body of her former lover. She cupped his face. It seemed so calm and peaceful. So angelic. Despite his state, Yoona leaned in for a final kiss. But cold reality hit her, and it was like she finally worke up from her dream. When you love someone, you would lay down your life for that someone.

If she was a tear machine when they broke up, Yoona was worse now. One day, she was missing, yearning for Donghae immensely, that she ended up sorting through his stuff. she spent the whole evening looking through every box, every file, and every drawer. As she lied down on his bed, exhausted, Yoona's eyes caught the sight of a little black box with a stray lined piece of paper. Why didn't I see this before? Curiosity taking the best of her, she picked up the piece of paper. In the right hand corner, the date was written down neatly. "It must be one of his 'diary entries,'" Yoona smiled, while talking to no one in particular. "He always thought he was too masculine for a formal notebook." December 5th The day before he died.

I really love her. Yoona is like my life. I really want to spend the rest of my love with this girl. She's like an angel sent from heaven just for me. Which is why I plan to propose to her tomorrow.

I didn't want to marry her without stable finances, so I decided to work extra hard and save money. I hope she doesn't mind.

Anyways, wish me luck! She's going to say "YES!" Saranghae Yoona~

-Donghae Tears blurred Yoona's vision as her eyes reached the end of the note. He actually loved me. Mianhae, oppa, for thinking that you didn't. Please forgive me. Fingers trembling, Yoona reached over to where the black box was sitting. Inside was the most beautiful silver ring, with an elegant diamond resting on top.

Should I put it on? Yoona thought. Gingerly, she took the ring out of its box and slid it onto her left ring finger. Perfect. It looked perfect. And from that day on, she never took it off.

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