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to be born a woman...

When a boy is born, the Very few women are allowed family rejoices because men to go to school here. Those that bring a vote and a voice in family do only go until they are married decisions. If you have no sons off to the highest bidder. you are voiceless. Decades ago and perhaps still When a girl is born, the in the villages, girls are married family rejoices because women as soon as they menstruate. bring wealth in However here in marriage. If you town its more have no daughters A Sudanese common to wait until you better have a lot they are 16 -18 years girl is more of cows to make up old. likely to die in for it. Or else your Often they are sons will never given to grey-haired childbirth than marry and.... no men who already graduate from work will ever get have 4 other wives. done. New brides then high school. The women are become handthe workers. The servants to all the men are the talkers. other wives. But not This is the social agreement in always. Sometimes they are Sudan --at least in this area. permitted to have her own home. Women here are chatty and fun but in the presence of their husbands they are mute. They can insist on nothing; they can refuse nothing; they can do what they are told or be beaten. Ive stopped counting the number of women whove come to me after a beating, eager to see if their baby is still alive. The number of times a woman has told me she cannot come to the clinic to deliver because her husband wont allow it, burdens me. When Im told a young girl cannot be educated because who then will cook their porridge, I cringe. This is what it means to be born a woman in Sudan.
--- Stephanie

My blog is updated regularly. Check it out and enjoy!

La Deliv bor ering t o he Lo ve of J f L esus on e baby ove at a



I got to catch a footling breech baby this week. He came out with his left foot first, followed by the cutest buttock possible. His mother pushed like a pro and the family excitedly celebrated his birth with praises. They even named him after me. His new name is Doctor!

Praise & Prayer

Ive been praying a lot about how to learn the languages here more aggressively. Ive found schools in N. Sudan and heard rumors of another in the next town, Rumbeck. Im praying about when and where I might go study. Also, Im still taking courses at Liberty University in my spare time. Im enjoying this mental challenge as I pursue my degree in nursing or pre-med. Please pray for these classes to go well and for me to graduate in His timing. God has answered my prayers for a clearer vision for the work Im doing here. Each day the vision is clearer to me. Im thankful for that but would ask that youd continue to pray. I hope to share my ideas with my directors when they return and see if were on the same page. This will determine if I stay in this ministry after my 2 year term is up. Thanks. My health has been good these last few months and Im truly grateful. Please pray that this year, Ill not get malaria. Im taking special precautions, but Im seeing so much of it Im concerned.

A woman in our program delivered triplets at home. We saw them just a few hours old and have been keeping tabs on them. Please pray that they thrive. Thanks.

Birthday Celebration?
This year my birthday came and went unnoticed. I did get a lovely carrot cake in my honor and a few well wishes; but other than that it was just another day. I worked long hours at the clinic and turned in early. One significant highlight to the day was the number of emails and facebook birthday greetings sent by friends and family. To those who sent lovely cards and words of encouragements, thank you so much! Ive decided that Ill celebrate my birthday on my next R&R with friends. Ill be sure to put a candle in a cake and thank God profusely for all His blessings these many years! ~SW

Mailing Address:
Po Box 4513, 00100 Nairobi GPO Kenya AFRICA (Do NOT send packages to this address, email me for details)

Support Address:
In Deed and Truth Ministries Po Box 51253, Colorado Springs, CO 80949 (Write my name in Memo Line) Call 760/ 707-7367 or donate online:

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