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Using Tachyons to bypass the space-time curvature – speeding

thousand times faster than light – the ultimate space-time

propulsion system

The Tachyons exist in complex planes of higher dimensions. They speed many times faster than
light. In the complex planes of the higher dimensions, these Tachyons can be accelerated to bypass
the space-time curvature – speeding thousand times faster than light. The propulsion system in the
complex plane consists of boosting the Tachyon speed. The mass of everything in the complex
planes is imaginary. The higher dimensions is conjugate of what we see in our 3D universe. The
real axis becomes imaginary and the imaginary axis of the complex plane become real.

So whatever you see in the physical universe of our, in higher dimension, they are non-existent, like
imaginary. All imaginary components become real. Mass changes to imaginary entity. 3D space is
also imaginary.

The ultimate space-time propulsion system consists of using the imaginary planes for tachyon
acceleration and deceleration. The mode of travel becomes a method of getting attached to tachyon
transport media and then accelerating the tachyon to bypass the space-time curvature

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