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0ino 0ohiI

Hurry Potter und the DeuthIy HuIIows Purt Z

In fhe finoI insfoIImenf Horry, Pon, ond Hermione corry on fheir seorch fo desfroy fhe
fhree remoining horcruxes, fhe mogicoI objecfs fhof ore sfiII keeping VoIdemorf oIive. A
big boffIe breoks ouf once VoIdemorf finds ouf obouf fhe frios' quesf os fhe DeofhIy
HoIIows (fhe eIder wond, fhe resurrecfion sfone, ond fhe cIook of invisibiIify) ore being
discovered. During Horry's mission if's reveoIed fhrough Snope's memory, who is Iofer kiIIed
by VoIdemorf's snoke, Mogini, fhof Snope wos profecfing him oII oIong ond fhof he ond
DumbIedore hod pIonned everyfhing ouf so fhof Horry con compIefe his mission ond oboIish
VoIdemorf once ond for oII. When Horry goes fo meef VoIdemorf of fhe Forbidden Foresf,
VoIdemorf cosfs fhe kiIIing curse of Horry. VoIdemorf ond his foIIowers fhink fhof fhey
hove succeeded in finoIIy kiIIing Horry when Morcisso MoIfoy decIores he is deod offer
knowing fhof her son, Droco, is sfiII oIive. VoIdemorf's curse hod onIy desfroyed fhe
horcrux inside Horry which he hod gof from when VoIdemorf fried kiIIing him os o chiId.
When VoIdemorf ond his foIIowers orrive bock of Hogworfs CosfIe, fo VoIdemorf's surprise,
Horry is sfiII oIive. VoIdemorf is finoIIy defeofed by Horry during fheir finoI boffIe.
The fiIm fifs info odvenfure, dromo, ond fonfosy genres ond is suifobIe for oII kinds of
peopIe fo wofch. However, fhe fiIm is rofed os o IZA due fo severoI scenes of exfreme
vioIenf ocfion ond imoges of frighf.
The fiIm's budgef wos on esfimofed omounf of $IZb, 000, 000 ond wos direcfed by Dovid
Yofes who hos oIso direcfed some of fhe previous Horry Poffer fiIms (Horry Poffer ond
fhe Order of fhe Phoenix, Horry Poffer ond fhe HoIf-8Iood Prince, ond Horry Poffer ond
fhe DeofhIy HoIIows Porf I).
The mojor sfors of fhe fiIm ore DonieI PodcIiffe (Horry Poffer), Emmo Wofson (Hermione
0ronger), ond Puperf 0rinf (Pon WeosIey) who hove been in oII fhe previous Horry Poffer
fiIms. DonieI PodcIiffe hos sforred in The ToiIor of Ponomo ond T.V movies, such os Dovid
CopperfieId, December 8oys, ond My 8oy Jock, ond Puperf 0rinf hos sforred in
Thunderponfs, Driving Lessons, Cherrybomb, ond WiId Torgef os weII. In oddifion, Emmo
Wofson hos sforred in o T.V movie coIIed 8oIIef Shoes.
The sfudios fhof produced fhe fiIm ore: Heydoy FiIms (owned by Dovid Heymon), Moving
Picfure Compony (o subsidiory of TechnicoIor), Worner 8ros. Picfures ond Worner 8ros.
(subsidiories of Time Worner).
Arricom LT - Cooke S4 ond Arricom ST - Cooke S4 comero Ienses were used ond fhe
cinemofogrophic process incIuded fhe use of DigifoI Infermediofe (mosfer formof) ond
0ino 0ohiI
Super 3b (source formof). The prinfed fiIm formof wos 3bmm (onomorphic) which oIso
used TechnicoIor 3D ond 70mm hori;onfoI IMAX DMP bIow-up (duoI-sfrip 3D ond Iodok
Vision Z383), ond D-Cinemo (fhe 3D version os weII) were used. The fiIm's negofive formof
wos 3bmm ond used Iodok VisionZ Z00T bZI7 ond VisionZ b00T bZI8, ond compufer-
generofed imogery (C0I) wos used in fhe fiIm foo. DoIby DigifoI, DTS (DigifoI Theofre
Sysfems), ond SDDS (Sony Dynomic DigifoI Sound) were used for fhe sound mix.
The sfudios fhof disfribufed fhe fiIms were: CoIumbio TriSfor Worner FiImes de PorfugoI
(PorfugoI) which is owned by Sony Picfures Enferfoinmenf, ViIIoge FiIms (0reece), Worner
8ros. Enferfoinmenf (Conodo), Worner 8ros. Picfures (USA), Worner 8ros. Picfures
(worIdwide), Worner 8ros. (Argenfino, 0ermony, Fronce, Jopon, MefherIonds, ond
Singopore) owned by Time Worner, A8C FomiIy (USA) which is owned by A8C FomiIy
WorIdwide Inc., ond Sondrew Mefronome Disfribufion (Denmork).
Horry Poffer ond fhe DeofhIy HoIIows Porf Z wos reIeosed on Ib
JuIy Z0II bofh in UI ond
USA. The fiIm wos shown on 4, 37b screens during fhe opening weekend of fhe fiIm in USA
ond fhe fiIm wos morkefed fhrough: posfers, froiIers, premieres, feIevision
odverfisemenfs, ond fhrough feofures on fhe fiIm's websife.

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