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0ino 0ohiI

O $oup operu: Eosfenders.
O enre of soup operu: reoIify.
O .tress: ocqueIine osso.
O uru.ter Nume: ouren 8ronning.
O e: I7.
O tni.ity: 8rifish.
O ReionuI Identity: EngIish.
O ostume usuuIIy in.Iudes: fypicoI feenoge sfreef foshion, such os denim jockefs,
checked shirfs, Ieggings, jeons, efc.
O ifestyIe summed up in five words: dromofic, busy, excifing, choIIenging,
O riends in.Iude: hifney Deon ond Fofboy.
O Interests: #omonce, oIcohoI, seeing friends, Iooking ouf for her fomiIy.
O otivution in most situutions: ouren comes ocross os quife o posifive person buf
deep down inside she feors fhe worsf - she's quife vuInerobIe. However, ouren
does sfond up for herseIf ond ofhers when she needs fo - she con be
O ove Iife: ouren's been in Iove fwice. She sforfed dofing Pefer 8eoIe during her
high schooI doys offer on exchonge sfudenf from Fronce sef fhem up. However,
fhey broke up due fo fhe focf fhof ouren didn'f beIieve Pefer wos os nice os he
seemed. ofer on, ouren sforfs fo hove feeIings for #yon MoIIoy ond offer o IiffIe
chosing, her chorms moke #yon foII for her buf he hos fo Ieove AIberf Squore os
he's on fhe run for kiIIing #ob 0royson, who used his sisfer hifney for sexuoI
O !robIems in Iife: ouren hos recenfIy found ouf fhof her Mum hos concer, which
hos spreod, ond hos fo deoI wifh nof being obIe fo foIk obouf if fo onyone eIse. AIso,
ouren broke up Dorren MiIIer's ond odie 0oId's reIofionship so she's been hoving
fo deoI wifh being Iooked upon negofiveIy by odie, odie's Mum Vonesso, ond
odie's besf friend Poppy Meodow. Moreover, ouren hos hod fo deoI wifh her Mum
ond Dod's (Mox 8ronning) divorce ond o recenf breok-up wifh her Mum's recenf
morrioge wifh 0reg essop, due fo her Mum hoving on offoir wifh Mox (ex-
O ey moment in soup operu: ouren's firsf mojor roIe wos when she found ouf fhof
her Dod wos hoving on offoir wifh his doughfer-in-Iow, Sfocey 8ronning, by
discovering fhof her video comero occidenfIy recorded Sfocey ond Mox kissing.
0ino 0ohiI
ouren burns o CD buf decides fo fhrow if owoy. Her Mum finds if in fhe bin
fhinking if wos o Chrisfmos presenf so pufs if under fhe free, so on Chrisfmos doy
fhe offoir wos reveoIed. In oddifion, becouse ouren feIf so biffer fowords her
Dod she ron him over so hod fo offend o frioI in courf ond wos senfenced fo fwo
yeors under supervision. Furfhermore, ouren found ouf fhof Sfocey kiIIed Archie
MifcheII ond her Dod feIIs her fo nof feII onyone. However, os o punishmenf fo her
Dod ond Sfocey, fhinking fhof her Dod sfiII hos feeIings for Sfocey, ouren gefs
Sfocey fo confess if whiIsf she's recording if undercover on her phone ond honds
fhe recording fo onine MoIIoy (#yon MoIIoy's ex-wife ond wos Archie's scheming
side-kick) who confronfed Sfocey. ouren fhen feeIs oshomed for her ocfions.
O !redi.tion for future nurrutives: ouren wiII hove fo deoI wifh her Mum hoving
severe concer.
O ow te uudien.e is supposed to reu.t to uuren: I fhink mosf of fhe viewers
wiII fhink fhof ouren is o fypicoI feenoger becouse of her sfrong offifude ond whof
she hos been fhrough in her Iife so for wifh Iove, ond being wifh fhe wrong crowd in
Americo, smoking ond drinking. Mosf feenogers ore sfereofyped os being rebeIIious
ond coreIess. On fhe ofher hond, when peopIe see ouren's coring, sensifive side I
fhink fhof fhey wiII see fhof she does hove o good heorf.

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