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SIN CITY (Frank Miller) (2005)

Product Research: Analysis of a teaser trailer for Sin City

The teaser trailer begins with an image which says dimension films shortly after this appears a sound of a gun being handled can be heard then a loud explosion and the words Troublemaker studios appears in fire. This altogether lasts no more then 8 seconds.

The next shot Is an image of a character named Marv but it is an image from the comic, it shows Marv lighting a cigarette the image begins to fade into a close up of the character Marv smoking which looks similar to the comic image shown before.
There is no sound track at this point in the trailer but a continuous gust of wind can be heard.

We then see a close up of a woman lying motionless and a voice heard saying Goldies dead. In this shot the woman's hair and background is not in colour but her skin is grey although this is the theme for the film this could represent the fact she is dead.
The gust of wind continues during this shot but closer to the end

it police sirens can be heard vaguely in the background

The close up of the woman cuts to a dark road with what looks like an ordinary car speeding down it but the sirens from the last scene gives an impression its a police car as it gets closer the word Police becomes visible on the front of the vehicle. Moments after the car begins to flash red and white indicating its a police car speeding because of a crime possibly because of the dead woman shown before.

Police sirens begin to get louder the closer the car gets to the camera (viewer) also the sound of screeching tires can be heard as the car rips through the streets.

A high angle shot of the woman laying in her bed dead is shown but this time Marv is at the side of her bed clutching her bed sheets, the man seems to be sad which is why the high angle shot is used due to the woman being dead and her death negatively affecting Marv. Then another high angle shot but this time it seems to be of police running into the room that the woman is laying dead in
There is a continuous sound which sets a dark/dim atmosphere the footsteps of the police is audible.

When Marv was introduced he was shown smoking it seems like thats something that Marv is known for throughout the film because 20 seconds a close up of Marv closing his lighter is shown.

Another character is introduced Hartigan the same way Marv was. Hartigan is shown walking into a room which looks like a bar he's also dressed like a detective so he could be looking for answers, a long shot is used to show both Hartigan entering and his surroundings.
The soundtrack begins to get more upbeat but still creates a dark/dim atmosphere

A shot of Hartigan asking for someone is shown and a short while after a woman shown dancing who it seems like he is looking for a close up of her dancing is then shown. A close up of Hartigans angered face is shown and over his shoulder is the dancer who is not completely in focus

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